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The comparative pollination biology of a population of Primula beesiana,a population of P.bulleyana,and an overlapping population of these two species in Yulong Shan,Yunnan Province,China,was studied in 2004 and 2005.The results indicate that both P.beesiana and P.bulleyana are typical heterostylous and obligate outcrossing species;the main pollinators of the two species were bees and butterflies.At the sites of all three populations,the main pollinating visitors of the two species showed preference for one...  相似文献   

Abstract The comparative pollination biology of a population of Primula beesiana, a population of P. bulleyana, and an overlapping population of these two species in Yulong Shan, Yunnan Province, China, was studied in 2004 and 2005. The results indicate that both P. beesiana and P. bulleyana are typical heterostylous and obligate outcrossing species; the main pollinators of the two species were bees and butterflies. At the sites of all three populations, the main pollinating visitors of the two species showed preference for one of the two species, resulting in the ethological isolation of the two species by the pollinators. This ethological isolation contributes to the reproductive isolation of the two species, which supports the hypothesis that P. beesiana and P. bulleyana are two distinct species. The reproductive isolation of the two species (ethological isolation) is probably an important mechanism in maintaining species boundaries in the genus and has contributed to the species diversification of Primula in the area. In addition, gene exchanges between P. beesiana and P. bulleyana has occurred to some extent in the overlapping population, but whether natural hybridization has contributed to species diversification in Primula remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Four new eastern Australian Fontainea species have beenrecently described and all have a limited distribution. F.oraria is the rarest, being restricted to 10 adult individualswithin a single site in regrowth littoral rainforest. In order todevelop adequate management strategies, this study was aimed atsurveying the genetic variability remaining within the species by usingRAPD analysis. To assist with the correct interpretation of the results,a matching study was conducted on four populations of the closelyrelated F. australis. Similar amounts of within-populationgenetic diversity were recorded for both species. The RAPD-based studysuggested that adult plants are contributing unevenly to successivegenerations. RAPD analysis also recognised a close evolutionaryrelationship between F. oraria and F. australis.Sequencing of cpDNA (trnL-F) and nrDNA (ITS2) regions,confirmed recent divergence and possibly some historical reticulationbetween these two species and two other members of the genus. Ofparticular interest was the recognition that one of the F.australis populations (Limpinwood) represented a novel genotypiccombination in need of conservation attention. The implications of theRAPD and sequencing results are discussed in reference to theirinfluence upon the development of adequate conservation strategies forall important conservation units.  相似文献   

Narita  Ayu  Nakahama  Naoyuki  Izuno  Ayako  Hayama  Kayo  Komaki  Yoshiteru  Tanaka  Takefumi  Murata  Jin  Isagi  Yuji 《Conservation Genetics》2021,22(5):717-727

Crepidiastrum grandicollum is a critically endangered insular endemic herb found only on two oceanic islands of the Bonin Islands in Japan, namely Chichijima Island and Anijima Island. It is explicitly threatened by herbivory pressure from introduced animals. In 2009, a conservation program for C. grandicollum was begun to ensure its future persistence. To provide further information for conservation planning, we investigated the genetic diversity of C. grandicollum using 13 novel microsatellite markers in 55 individuals from four wild populations and an ex situ living collection. Two closely related woody species were also included for interspecific comparison: seven individuals of Crepidiastrum ameristophyllum and 13 of Crepidiastrum linguifolium. The 13 markers were applicable to all three species and identified 129 alleles in total. We found a clear genetic differentiation between C. grandicollum from Anijima Island and Chichijima Island. Crepidiastrum grandicollum also had low expected heterozygosity and allelic richness in populations compared to the two closely related species. Reconstructed divergence history suggested that differentiation between the islands had occurred several thousand generations ago. We suggest separate conservation units for C. grandicollum on Anijima Island and Chichijima Island given the clear (and putatively historical) genetic differentiation, which may result in speciation in the future.


Aims and Methods The relationship between genetic diversity and species diversity and the underlying mechanisms are of both fundamental and applied interest. We used amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and vegetation records to investigate the association between genetic diversity of Plantago lanceolata and plant species diversity using 15 grassland communities in central Germany. We used correlation and partial correlation analyses to examine whether relationships between genetic and species diversity were direct or mediated by environmental differences between habitats.Important findings Both within- and between-population genetic diversity of P. lanceolata were significantly positively correlated with plant species diversity within and between sites. Simple and partial correlations revealed that the positive correlations indirectly resulted from the effects of abiotic habitat characteristics on plant species diversity and, via abundance, on genetic diversity of P. lanceolata. Thus, they did not reflect a direct causal relationship between plant species diversity and genetic diversity of P. lanceolata, as would have been expected based on the hypothesis of a positive relationship between plant species diversity and niche diversity.  相似文献   

1. Several mechanisms can mediate the coexistence of species, such as the neutral dynamic, niche filtering and niche partitioning. The present study investigated which of these mechanisms mediate the coexistence of closely related spider species at the scale of one locality. 2. The coexistence of three spider species of the genus Philodromus (Philodromidae) (Philodromus albidus, Philodromus aureolus and Philodromus cespitum) was studied. The study area comprised three habitat types, including a deciduous forest, a scrub and a plum tree stand. The spatial niche properties of the Philodromus species were explored by comparing their micro/macrohabitat preferences. The natural diet of these species was analysed. Laboratory experiments involving prey acceptance were conducted to investigate the trophic niche properties. The species' phenologies were studied to compare their temporal niches. 3. The philodromids had differentiated their trophic and habitat niches. The coexistence mechanisms were therefore assessed by studying the relationships between niche overlaps and the pairwise product of relative abundances. A negative relationship was observed between functional niche overlaps and the product of relative abundances, whereas a positive relationship was observed between spatial niche overlaps and the product of relative abundances. 4. The present results suggest that different mechanisms influence different niche dimensions. Niche partitioning influenced functional niches, whereas niche filtering influenced spatial niches. The results also suggest that the filtering process in one dimension was facilitated by niche differentiation in another dimension.  相似文献   

Divergence of ecological niches in phylogenetically closely related species indicates the importance of ecology in speciation, especially for sympatric species are considered. Such ecological diversification provides an advantage of alleviating interspecies competition and promotes more efficient exploitation of environmental resources, thus being a basis for ecological speciation. We analyzed a group of closely related species from the subgenus Neritrema (genus Littorina, Caenogastropoda) from the gravel‐bouldery shores. In two distant sites at the Barents and Norwegian Sea, we examined the patterns of snail distribution during low tide (quantitative sampling stratified by intertidal level, presence of macrophytes, macrophyte species, and position on them), shell shape and its variability (geometric morphometrics), and metabolic characteristics (metabolomic profiling). The studied species diversified microbiotopes, which imply an important role of ecological specification in the recent evolution of this group. The only exception to this trend was the species pair L. arcana / L. saxatilis, which is specifically discussed. The ecological divergence was accompanied by differences in shell shape and metabolomic characteristics. Significant differences were found between L. obtusata versus L. fabalis and L. saxatilis / L. arcana versus L. compressa both in shell morphology and in metabolomes. L. saxatilis demonstrated a clear variability depending on intertidal level which corresponds to a shift in conditions within the occupied microhabitat. Interestingly, the differences between L. arcana (inhabiting the upper intertidal level) and L. compressa (inhabiting the lower one) were analogous to those between the upper and lower fractions of L. saxatilis. No significant level‐dependent changes were found between the upper and lower fractions of L. obtusata, most probably due to habitat amelioration by fucoid macroalgae. All these results are discussed in the contexts of the role of ecology in speciation, ecological niche dynamics and conservatism, and evolutionary history of the Neritrema species.  相似文献   

We investigated the genetic structure of Eryngium alpinum (Apiaceae) in an Alpine valley where the plant occurs in patches of various sizes. In a conservation perspective, our goal was to determine whether the valley consists of one or several genetic units. Habitat fragmentation and previous observations of restricted pollen/seed dispersal suggested pronounced genetic structure, but gene dispersal often follows a leptokurtic distribution, which may lead to weak genetic structure. We used nine microsatellite loci and two nested sampling designs (50 × 50 m grid throughout the valley and 2 × 2 m grid in two 50 × 10 m quadrats). Within the overall valley, F -statistics and Bayesian approaches indicated high genetic homogeneity. This result might be explained by: (1) underestimation of long-distance pollen/seed dispersal by in situ experiments and (2) too recent fragmentation events to build up genetic structure. Spatial autocorrelation revealed isolation by distance on the overall valley but this pattern was much more pronounced in the 50 × 10 m quadrats sampled with a 2-m mesh. This was probably associated with limited primary seed dispersal, leading to the spatial clustering of half-sibs around maternal plants. We emphasize the interest of nested sampling designs and of combining several statistical tools.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 667–677.  相似文献   

An electrophoretic study of genetic variation at 31 loci in each of nine closely related gobiid species was carried out in order to assess their systematic relationships. The species used were: Pomatoschistus canestrinii, P. lozanoi, P. marmoratus, P. microps, P. minutus, P. norvegkus, P. pictus, Knipowitschia caucasica, Neogobius melanostomus. Genetic distances ( D ) and identities ( I ) were calculated by Nei's method for all 36 pairwise comparisons and dendrograms were constructed.
The results show that the very similar and cross-fertile species pair, P. lozanoi and P. minutus , have the highest I value; P. norvegkus has high I values with both species. Pomatoschistus marmoratus and P. microps also display high genetic similarity with each other. The remaining Pomatoschistus species and Knipowitschia caucasica are broadly and moderately equidistant from each other and from the five species refferred to above, while Neogobius melanostomus is considerably more distant from all other species.
These findings essentially agree with the pattern of relationships established using classical taxonomic approaches. However, the observation that Knipowitschia caucasica is as similar to Pomatoschistus spp. as the latter are to each other suggests that the generic distinction of Knipowitschia could usefully be reconsidered.  相似文献   

在野外自然条件下采用开顶式生长室模拟增温的方法, 研究了增温对川西北高寒草地3种主要植物(单子叶草本植物垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)和双子叶草本植物尼泊尔酸模(Rumex acetosa)和鹅绒委陵菜(Potentilla anserina))的生长及物质分配的影响。研究结果表明, 增温对3种植物的生长产生了显著影响, 垂穗披碱草和尼泊尔酸模的比叶面积和生物量积累在增温后显著增加, 而鹅绒委陵菜在增温后显著减少。在各组分中, 增温处理使尼泊尔酸模的叶生物量显著增加, 根生物量却显著下降, 而鹅绒委陵菜叶和茎的生物量在增温后显著减少, 根生物量却显著增加。增温对尼泊尔酸模各组分的养分含量产生了显著影响, 其中, 根部碳含量在增温后显著增加, 而氮含量在增温后显著减少。增温对尼泊尔酸模和鹅绒委陵菜的生物量在各组分中的分配产生了显著影响, 增温显著增加了尼泊尔酸模的叶重比(LMR)、根重比(RMR)和地下生物量/地上生物量(R/S), 而茎重比(SMR)在增温后却显著降低; 增温显著增加了鹅绒委陵菜的RMRR/S, 而SMRLMR在增温后却显著降低。增温对尼泊尔酸模和鹅绒委陵菜各组分中的碳、氮分配产生了显著影响, 增温显著增加了碳、氮在尼泊尔酸模叶片的分配比例, 并且使尼泊尔酸模根部的碳分配比例也显著增加, 而茎部的碳、氮分配比例却显著减少; 增温显著减少了碳在鹅绒委陵菜叶片的分配比例, 而根部的碳、氮分配比例却显著增加。  相似文献   

We describe the current state of the ruil (Nothofagus alessandrii) forest, a rare and endemic temperate forest in central Chile. Because of a long history of land-use, the ruil forest has suffered intense deforestation and fragmentation. By 1991, there remained 352.2 ha of forest in 183 fragments, most of them small and regular and a few large and irregular. From 1981 to 1991 the forest disappeared at a rate of 8.15% per year, to our knowledge, the highest value reported in forest fragmentation. Fragments are surrounded by a matrix of Pinus radiata plantations. Only 42 ha of forest (12% of the total area) are protected in a public reserve. An analysis of the composition of the forest shows that 13.8% of the total species are introduced. Pinus radiata is the only tree that has invaded this forest successfully. The 45.4% of native tree species are shade-tolerant and dependent on biotic pollinators and dispersers. These species should be the targets for future conservation efforts as they are particularly sensitive to fragmentation. We conclude that the current situation of the ruil forest is critical, and it will disappear in the next decade unless we conduct an active strategy of conservation, including integrated efforts both inside and outside protected areas and between landowners and public agencies.  相似文献   

Two new species of the orchid genus Quekettia are described. Colombian Quekettia aureliae is distinguished from similar Q. microscopica by the pandurate lip with a pair of small, flap‐like calli in the isthmus between hypo‐ and epichile, and deeply emarginated epichile apex. Quekettia senghasiana found in Guyana resembles Q. papillosa but it is characterized by the free lateral sepals, oblanceolate, obtuse petals and much larger lip which is oblong–obovate in outline and with lip disc being papillate only near the base.  相似文献   

Orchidaceae has the largest percentage of threatened genera and species in relation to other plant families. One of the largest neotropical genus in this family is Epidendrum, represented in Brazil by 130 species. In this study, we assessed the conservation status of 63 Brazilian endemic species of Epidendrum. We characterized the extinction risk following the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) assessment guide, using criterion B. We considered species with a minimum number of four samples with confirmed occurrence localities and we measured the decline in quality or absolute reduction in the geographical distribution area of the species due to vegetation suppression (conditions bi, bii and biii of criterion B) in the last 35 years, using data available in MAPBIOMAS. A total of 2,754 records belonging to 37 assessed species were gathered, other 24 species were classified as Data Deficient (DD), and two were not assessed. Among the assessed species, 10 were categorized as Endangered (EN), six as Vulnerable (VU), 10 as Near Threatened (NT) and 11 as Least Concern (LC). The results reveal that epiphytic species of the Atlantic Forest were more frequently assessed in some degree of threat (55%). E. strobilicaule Hágsater & Benelli had the largest reduction of distribution area in the last 35 years to the classes of human use that include economical activities, while E. paniculosum Barb.Rodr. showed the smallest reduction. The main threats of the last 35 years for the analyzed species were conversion of land to pastures, urbanization, and the conversion of land to a mosaic of agriculture and pasture. This study provides important information about the conservation status of Brazilian endemic species of Epidendrum, helping to fill an expressive gap of non-assessed species.  相似文献   

The purpose of his research was to describethe organization of genetic variation in thefederally endangered plant taxon Eriogonumovalifolium var. vineum using allozymes. Such information can help prioritize sites andmanagement choices for capturing andmaintaining genetic variation and can reducethe number of populations necessary to committo conservation, thus reducing costs andconflicts with competing land uses. Information on genetic diversity patterns alsoprovides insight into evolutionary anddemographic history of a taxon which canprovide means to assess future risk of erosionof diversity. Similar to other Eriogonumovalifolium varieties, E. ovalifoliumvar. vineum is diverse atboth the taxon (proportion of polymorphic loci[P] = 0.55 and alleles per locus [A] =5.45 [SD = 2.5]) and population (P = 0.56 [SD =0.11] and A = 2.68 [SD = 0.35]) levels. Gene diversity (H e) withinpopulations averaged 0.19 (SD = 0.03). Wefound some evidence for limited clonalreproduction within populations. Populationswere moderately differentiated from one another(S = 0.14) and showed moderatedeviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibriumwithin populations (f = 0.14 and F =0.19). Mean Nei's genetic distance (D)among all pairs of populations was 0.02. Populations with high levels of multiplemeasures of genetic diversity, high levels ofdifferentiation, and low levels of apparentinbreeding are suggested as conservationpriorities.  相似文献   

Australian gum specimens from Acacia aestivalis, A. chrysella, A. jennerae and A. microbotrya (five specimens differing slightly in some morphological characters) have been studied. These species, placed within Bentham's Series 1, subseries 6F (Uninerves racemosae) are closely related, forming part of the recognized A. microbotrya group. The five specimens from A. microbotrya show minor variations, similar in extent to those established previously for gums from other species. The gums from A. chrysella and A. jennerae are similar to those from A. microbotrya in chemical composition. The gum from A. aestivalis differs from those from A. microbotrya, A. chrysella and A. jennerae in two main respects: it is more acidic and has a much higher methoxyl content. Thus significant differences in gum composition can be shown by some species that differ only slightly in morphological characters. Data for the amino acid compositions of the proteinaceous components of the gums from A. aestivalis, A. jennerae and A. microbotrya, differ considerably from those for the gums from other species belonging to the Uninerves racemosae, e.g. A. saliciformis and A. xanthina, which are much more viscous and have higher proteinaceous contents containing much higher proportions of the amino acids commonly involved in linkages with sugars. Of the closely related species studied, A. aestivalis is closer to A. microbotrya than A.jennerae in terms of the amino acid compositions of their gums, a reversal in the relative affinities shown by their polysaccharide parameters. Thus amino acid compositions are of interest chemotaxonomically and also in terms of the tertiary structures of Acacia gum exudates.  相似文献   

Catfishes of the family Pangasiidae are an important group that contributes significantly to the fisheries of the Mekong River basin. In recent times the populations of several catfish species have declined, thought to be due to overfishing and habitat changes brought about by anthropogenic influences. The Mekong giant catfish Pangasianodon gigas Chevey, 1913 is listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List. In the present study, we assessed the level of genetic diversity of nine catfish species using sequences of the large subunit of mitochondrial DNA (16S rRNA). Approximately 570 base pairs (bp) were sequenced from 672 individuals of nine species. In all species studied, haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity ranged from 0.118±0.101 to 0.667±0.141 and from 0.0002±0.0003 to 0.0016±0.0013, respectively. Four haplotypes were detected among 16 samples from natural populations of the critically endangered Mekong giant catfish. The results, in spite of the limited sample size for some species investigated, indicated that the level of genetic variation observed in wild populations of the Mekong giant catfish (haplotype diversity=0.350±0.148, nucleotide diversity=0.0009±0.0008) is commensurate with that of some other related species. This finding indicates that (1) wild populations of the Mekong giant catfish might be more robust than currently thought or (2) present wild populations of this species carry a genetic signature of the historically larger population(s). Findings from this study also have important implications for conservation of the Mekong giant catfish, especially in designing and implementing artificial breeding programme for restocking purposes.  相似文献   

Cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) are increasingly recognized as important to insects and are used for constructing taxonomies. However, multiple parameters affect the expression of CHCs besides a genetic component. We propose that selection may act differently on the expression of CHCs, depending on the evolutionary context. To explore the influence of selection, the CHCs of two closely related ant species, Lasius niger and Lasius platythorax, were studied in a multidisciplinary approach. We characterized (i) CHCs and (ii) niches (through baiting, activity observations and foraging analysis). The species were distinct in both measures, although to a varying degree. Although they showed moderate niche partitioning along diet and environmental preferences, chemical differences were unexpectedly pronounced. This may be explained by divergent selection on mate recognition cues or by other influences on CHCs. Such striking chemical differences among closely related species may not be the rule and suggest that taxonomies based on CHCs should be interpreted cautiously; though, they remain useful tools for differentiating among cryptic species.  相似文献   

Twenty‐four polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized from an AAG‐enriched genomic library of Sinojackia xylocarpa. The average allele number of these microsatellites was 3.3 per locus, ranging from two to seven. The observed and expected heterozygosities at population level were 0.10–0.83 and 0.10–1.00, respectively. In addition, successful cross‐species amplification of this set of microsatellites in three other species of Sinojackia and a closely related taxon, Changiostyrax dolichocarpa, suggested that this set of microsatellite markers should provide a useful tool for genetic and conservation studies of Sinojackia species and other closely related taxa in the Styracaceae.  相似文献   

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