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The uptake and metabolism of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) were studied in suspension cell cultures of Petunia hybrida. The initial uptake of 3H-IBA was much higher than that of 3H-IAA, and after 10 min of incubation with labeled IBA and IAA, 4.6 pM vs 0.35 (39% vs 12% of total applied radioactivity) respectively, were found in the cell extracts. The uptake of IBA reached a plateau of 6.0 pM (62%) after 2 h while that of IAA increased continuously up to 1.5 pM (46%) after 24 h. Following the addition of 40 µM of unlabeled auxin more IBA was taken in initially than IAA (39% vs 12%), but the level almost equalized after 24 h of incubation when IBA uptake reached 890 nM (55%) and IAA 840 nM (46%).IBA was metabolized very rapidly by Petunia cell suspension to new compounds. HPLC of the cell extracts demonstrated a new metabolite after only 2 min of incubation, and after 30 min 60% of the radioactivity was in the new metabolite vs 10% in the IBA. The new compound was resolved by autofluorography to two metabolites but after 24 h only one metabolite was present. The IBA metabolites were identified tentatively as IBA aspartic acid (IBAasp) and IBA glucose (IBAglu). In the medium IBA disappeared at a fast rate and after 24h most of the radioactivity was present in the new metabolite, probably IBAasp. IAA was also converted rapidly to two new metabolites and both were still present after 24 h. No attempt was made to identify the metabolites of IAA. IAA metabolism proceeded at a slower rate, and autofluorography showed that while free IBA disappeared after 0.5 h, free IAA was still present after 1 h of incubation. We postulate that Petunia cells conjugate IBA rapidly to IBAglu which in turn is converted to form IBAasp which probably acts as a slow release hormone. Only intact cells were able to metabolize IBA and the reaction was affected by low temperature and anaerobic conditions. The fast rate of IBA uptake, the need for whole cells for the metabolism to proceed, and the fast change of IBA to a new metabolite in the medium, all suggest that both uptake and metabolism of IBA in Petunia cells occur on the cell surface.  相似文献   

Axillary shoots of woody species that were easy-to-root (Forsythia × intermedia, Betula pendula and juvenile Quercus robur) and difficult-to-root (Syringa vulgaris, ‘intermediate’ phase Q. robur and Daphne cneorum), were used to obtain various explant types (Entire, Detipped, Nodal or Internodal) that differed in their rooting responses. When apices or axillary buds were removed from explants, rooting levels decreased, and the time to root and loss of synchrony of rooting increased. Exogenous indole-3-butyric acid generally overcame these trends, and was essential for root induction in ‘intermediate’ Quercus and Daphne, and in all internode explants. The interaction between explant type and indole-3-butyric acid suggests a role for endogenous factors in the initiation and development of rooting. The internode explant has potential as a tool for further physiological and biochemical studies, as it is auxin-dependent and provides rooting-permissive or non-permissive states. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) was identified by HPLC and GC-MS as an endogenous compound in plantlets of the crucifer Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. A. thaliana was cultivated under sterile conditions as shaking culture in different liquid media with and without supply of hormones. Free and total IBA and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) were determined at different stages of development during the culture period as well as in culture media of different initial pH values. The results showed that IAA was present in higher concentrations than IBA, but both hormones seemed to show the same behaviour under the different experimental conditions. Differences were found in the mode of conjugation of the two hormones. While IAA was mostly conjugated via amide bonds, the main IBA conjugates were ester bound. The ethylene concentration derived from the seedlings, when they were grown in flasks of different size, seemed not to influence the auxin content in the same cultures.  相似文献   

Transport and metabolism of radiolabeled indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) were studied in midrib sections of Cleopatra mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) and compared to that of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). Exogenous IBA was metabolized by the midribs to a polar compound, probably an ester conjugate. Ethylene pretreatment of the midribs reduced their capacity to metabolize IBA by ca. 70% as compared to air pretreatment. IBA transport capacity in the leaf midribs was ca. two times greater in the basipetal direction than the acropetal. The basipetal transport capacity of 3H-IBA was lower than that of 14C-IAA (ca. 24% and 39% of the uptake, respectively). While ethylene treatment reduced basipetal transport of IAA by ca. 70% it did not affect the transport of IBA. Most of the transported label was found as free IBA, but the reduction of IBA conjugation by ethylene treatment did not affect the transport capacity.  相似文献   

Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) was much more effective than indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) in inducing adventitious root formation in mung bean ( Vigna radiata L.) cuttings. Prolonging the duration of treatment with both auxins from 24 to 96 h significantly increased the number of roots formed. Labelled IAA and IBA applied to the basal cut surface of the cuttings were transported acropetally. With both auxins, most radioactivity was detected in the hypocotyl, where roots were formed, but relatively more IBA was found in the upper sections of the cuttings. The rate of metabolism of IAA and IBA in these cuttings was similar. Both auxins were metabolized very rapidly and 24 h after application only a small fraction of the radioactivity corresponded to the free auxins. Hydrolysis with 7 M NaOH indicates that conjugation is the major pathway of IAA and IBA metabolism in mung bean tissues. The major conjugate of IAA was identified tentatively as indole-3-acetylaspartic acid, whereas IBA formed at least two major conjugates. The data indicate that the higher root-promoting activity of IBA was not due to a different transport pattern and/or a different rate of conjugation. It is suggested that the IBA conjugates may be a better source of free auxin than those of IAA and this may explain the higher activity of IBA.  相似文献   

Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) was identified by thin layer chromatography, gas-liquid chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in kernels and leaves of corn (Zea mays) var. Hazera 224. Free and ester conjugated IBA were present in dry and germinating corn kernels and leaves. This is the first report of IBA in a monocotyledonous plant and, as far as we know, the first evidence for the presence of conjugated IBA.  相似文献   

Auxin metabolism   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Auxin metabolism encompasses transport, conjugation, deconjugation, conversion, and catabolism. The balance between auxin metabolism and biosynthesis determines the actual level of the hormone in a given cell and consequently plays an important role in many developmental processes from seed germination to fruit ripening. Mass spectrometry used in conjunction with stable isotope labeling studies has enabled comprehensive examination of auxin biosynthesis and turnover along with the identification of many auxin conjugate. It appears that the conjugate moiety may signal the metabolic fate (e.g. storage and eventual hydrolysis to free hormone, or catabolism). Recently identified auxin-metabolizing enzymes are encoded by gene families which vary in specificity for auxin metabolites. The expression patterns of these genes will reveal a great deal about the mechanics of auxin metabolism.  相似文献   

The transport of [14C]phenylacetic acid (PAA) in intact plants and stem segments of light-grown pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Alderman) plants was investigated and compared with the transport of [14C]indiol-3yl-acetic acid (IAA). Although PAA was readily taken up by apical tissues, unlike IAA it did not undergo long-distance transport in the stem. The absence of PAA export from the apex was shown not to be the consequence of its failure to be taken up or of its metabolism. Only a weak diffusive movement of PAA was observed in isolated stem segments which readily transported IAA. When [1-14C]PAA was applied to a mature foliage leaf in light, only 5.4% of the 14C recovered in ethanol extracts (89.6% of applied 14C) had been exported from the leaf after 6.0 h. When applied to the corresponding leaf, [14C]sucrose was readily exported (46.4% of the total recovered ethanol-soluble 14C after 6.0 h). [1-14C]phenylacetic acid applied to the root system was readily taken up but, after 5.0 h, 99.3% of the recovered 14C was still in the root system.When applied to the stem of intact plants (either in lanolin at 10 mg·g-1, or as a 10-4 M solution), unlabelled PAA blocked the transport through the stem of [1-14C]IAA applied to the apical bud, and caused IAA to accumulate in the PAA-treated region of the stem. Applications of PAA to the stem also inhibited the basipetal polar transport of [1-14C]IAA in isolated stem segments. These results are consistent with recent observations (C.F. Johnson and D.A. Morris, 1987, Planta 172, 400–407) that no carriers for PAA occur in the plasma membrane of the light-grown pea stem, but that PAA can inhibit the carrier-mediated efflux of IAA from cells. The possible functions of endogenous PAA are discussed and its is suggested that an important role of the compound may be to modulate the polar transport and-or accumulation by cells of IAA.Abbreviations IAA indol-3yl-acetic acid - NPA N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid - PAA phenylacetic acid - IIBA 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid  相似文献   

Phenylacetic acid (PAA), a naturally-occurring acidic plant growth substance, was readily taken up by pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Alderman) stem segments from buffered external solutions by a pH-dependent, non-mediated diffusion. Net uptake from a 0.2 M solution at pH 4.5 proceeded at a constant rate for at least 60 min and, up to approx. 100 M, the rate of uptake was directly proportional to the external concentration of the compound. The net rate of uptake of PAA was not affected by the inclusion of indol-3yl-acetic acid (IAA) in the uptake medium (up to approx. 30 M) and, unlike the net uptake of IAA, was not stimulated by N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) or 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid. At an external concentration of 0.2 M and pH 4.5, the net rate of uptake of PAA was about twice that of IAA. It was concluded that the uptake of PAA did not involve the participation of carriers and that PAA was not a transported substrate for the carriers involved in the uptake and polar transport of IAA. Nevertheless, the inclusion of 3–100 M unlabelled PAA in the external medium greatly stimulated the uptake by pea stem segments of [1-14C]IAA (external concentration 0.2 M). It was concluded that whilst PAA was not a transported substrate for the NPA-sensitive IAA efflux carrier, it interacted with this carrier to inhibit IAA efflux from cells. Over the concentration range 3–100 M, PAA progressively reduced the stimulatory effect of NPA on IAA uptake, indicating that PAA also inhibited carrier-mediated uptake of IAA. The consequences of these observations for the regulation of polar auxin transport are discussed.Abbreviations IAA indol-3yl-acetic acid - DMO 5,5-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione - NPA N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid - PAA phenylacetic acid - TIBA 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid  相似文献   

Auxins are endogenous, growth-regulating compounds in plants: for decades investigators have hypothesized that plants change their growth rates and patterns in response to environmental signals by changing their transport of, metabolism of, or sensitivity to their endogenous auxins. The Cholodny-Went hypothesis, for example, postulates that plants respond to tropic signals by changing the distribution of free indoleacetic acid within their tissues. This hypothesis was based on data from experiments investigating phototropism and gravitropism in oat ( Avena sativa L.) and maize ( Zea mays L.) coleoptiles. The results of recent experiments support the Cholodny-Went hypothesis for maize coleoptile gravitropism. Recent experiments conducted on the gravitropisms of other developmental stages of grasses, and other species of plants, however, indicate that the Cholodny-Went hypothesis may not adequately describe how all plants respond to gravity.  相似文献   

Seeds from mature flowers of Heracleum laciniatum were collected locally (Tromsø, Norway). Seed coats were removed and the seeds were analyzed for their content of free, free plus ester-conjugate, and total indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) by quantitative gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Seeds contained high levels of free and amide-linked IAA relative to other dicotyledonous seeds for which values have been published. The major amide conjugate in this material was identified as indole-3-acetylaspartate by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of its bis-methyl ester.  相似文献   

Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) greatly enhanced the rooting of an early-flowering variety of protea, Leucadendron discolor, but had very little effect on a late-flowering variety. IBA transport and metabolism were studied in both varieties after incubating the cuttings in 3H-IBA. More of the radio-label was transported to the leaves of the easy-to-root variety than the difficult-to-root (35–45% and 10%, respectively). IBA was metabolized rapidly by the cuttings of both varieties and after 24 h most of the label was in the new metabolite. However, free IBA (about 10%) was present in the cuttings during the whole period up to the time of root emergence (4 weeks). More free IBA was accumulated in the base of easy-to-root cuttings, while in the difficult-to-root variety most of the IBA was found in the leaves. The metabolite was identified tentatively as an ester conjugate with a glucose. It is possible that IBA-glucose serves as a source for free IBA, and the difference between the varieties is a consequence of the free IBA which is released, transported and accumulated in the site of a root formation.  相似文献   

Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) was identified by HPLC and GC-MS as one of the reaction products after incubation of sterile cultures of Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings with labeled indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). This is the first demonstration of IBA biosynthesis in a dicotyledonous plant. After 1 h of incubation most of the IBA was found in the free form, while after longer periods of incubation most of it was detected in conjugated forms. Formation of IBA conjugates was inhibited by the addition of unlabeled IBA. The biosynthesis of IBA and its conjugates was followed throughout the development of the seedlings and at different pH values. All parts of the plant (isolated roots, leaves, shoots and flowers) were able to convert IAA to IBA to the same extent.IAA was more readily transported than IBA in mature Arabidopsis plants. Feeding of labeled phenylacetic acid (PAA) and -naphthylacetic acid (NAA) to Arabidopsis seedlings resulted in a new small peak which was hydrolyzed by 7N NaOH, but the formation of compounds with longer side chains (analogous to IBA) could not be detected.Abbreviations IAA indole-3-acetic acid - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - NAA -naphthylacetic acid - PAA phenylacetic acid  相似文献   

Indole-3-butyric acid in plant growth and development   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Within the last ten years it has been established by GC-MS thatindole-3-butyric acid (IBA) is an endogenous compound in a variety ofplant species. When applied exogenously, IBA has a variety of differenteffects on plant growth and development, but the compound is stillmainly used for the induction of adventitious roots. Using moleculartechniques, several genes have been isolated that are induced duringadventitious root formation by IBA. The biosynthesis of IBA in maize(Zea mays L.) involves IAA as the direct precursor. Microsomalmembranes from maize are able to convert IAA to IBA using ATP andacetyl-CoA as cofactors. The enzyme catalyzing this reaction wascharacterized from maize seedlings and partially purified. The invitro biosynthesis of IBA seems to be regulated by several externaland internal factors: i) Microsomal membranes from light-grownmaize seedlings directly synthesize IBA, whereas microsomal membranesfrom dark-grown maize plants release an as yet unknown reaction product,which is converted to IBA in a second step. ii) Drought and osmoticstress increase the biosynthesis of IBA maybe via the increaseof endogenous ABA, because application of ABA also results in elevatedlevels of IBA. iii) IBA synthesis is specifically increased byherbicides of the sethoxydim group. iv) IBA and IBA synthesizingactivity are enhanced during the colonization of maize roots with themycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices. The role of IBA forcertain developmental processes in plants is discussed and somearguments presented that IBA is per se an auxin and does notact via the conversion to IAA.  相似文献   

Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) is found in plants in both free and conjugated forms. Within the group of conjugated IAA there is a unique class of proteins and peptides where IAA is attached directly to the polypeptide structure as a prosthetic group. The first gene, IAP1, encoding for a protein with IAA as a prosthetic group, was cloned from bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). It was shown that the expression of IAP1 as a major IAA modified protein in bean seed (PvIAP1) was correlated to a developmental period of rapid growth during seed development. Moreover, this protein underwent rapid degradation during germination. Since further molecular analysis was difficult in bean, the IAP1 gene was transformed into Arabidopsis thaliana and Medicago truncatula. Expression of the bean IAP1 gene in both plant species under the control of its native promoter targeted protein expression to the seeds. In Arabidopsis no IAA was found to be attached to PvIAP1. These results show that there is specificity to protein modification by IAA and suggests that protein conjugation may be catalyzed by species specific enzymes. Furthermore, subcellular localization showed that in Arabidopsis PvIAP1 was predominantly associated with the microsomal fraction. In addition, a related protein and several smaller peptides that are conjugated to IAA were identified in Arabidopsis. Further research on this novel class of proteins from Arabidopsis will both advance our knowledge of IAA proteins and explore aspects of auxin homeostasis that were not fully revealed by studies of free IAA and lower molecular weight conjugates.  相似文献   

We present here explicit mathematical formulas for calculating the concentration, mass, and velocity of movement of the center of mass of the plant growth regulator auxin during its polar movement through a linear file of cells. The results of numerical computations for two cases, (a) the conservative, in which the mass in the system remains constant and (b) the non-conservative, in which the system acquires mass at one end and loses it at the other, are graphically presented. Our approach differs from that of Mitchison's (Mitchison 1980) in considering both initial effects of loading and end effects of substance leaving the file of cells. We find the velocity varies greatly as mass is entering or leaving the file of cells but remains constant as long as most of the mass is within the cells. This is also the time for which Mitchison's formula for the velocity, which neglects end effects, reflects the true velocity of auxin movement. Finally, the predictions of the model are compared with two sets of experimental data. Movement of a pulse of auxin through corn coleoptiles is well described by the theory. Movement of auxin through zucchini shoots, however, shows the need to take into account immobilization of auxin by this tissue during the course of transport.  相似文献   

The velocity of transport and shape of a pulse of radioactive indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) applied to a section of maize (Zea mays L.) coleoptile depends strongly on the concentration of nonradioactive auxin in which the section has been incubated before, during, and after the radioactive pulse. A pulse of [3H]IAA disperses slowly in sections incubated in buffer (pH 6) alone; but when 0.5–5 M IAA is included, the pulse achieves its maximum velocity of about 2 cm h-1. At still higher IAA concentrations in the medium, a transition occurs from a discrete, downwardly migrating pulse to a slowly advancing profile. Specificity of IAA in the latter effect is indicated by the observation that benzoic acid, which is taken up to an even greater extent than IAA, does not inhibit movement of [3H]IAA. These results fully substantiate the hypothesis that auxin transport consists of a saturable flux of auxin anions (A-) in parallel with a nonsaturable flux of undissociated IAA (HA), with both fluxes operating down their respective concentration gradients. When the anion site saturates, the movement of [3H]IAA is nonpolar and dominated by the diffusion of HA. Saturating polar transport also results in greater cellular accumulation of auxin, indicating that the same site mediates the cellular efflux of A-. The transport inhibitors napthylphthalamic acid and 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid specifically block the polar A- component of auxin transport without affecting the nonsaturable component. The transport can be saturated at any point during its passage through the section, indicating that the carriers are distributed throughout the tissue, most likely in the plasmalemma of each cell.Abbreviations A- auxin anion - HA undissociated auxin - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - NPA N-1-napthylphthalamic acid - TIBA 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid  相似文献   

The transport of 14C-indole-3-acetic acid in branch terminals and stems of rooted cuttings of Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco was studied to determine if the plagiotropic growth of cuttings might result from an accumulation of basipetally transported auxin in the morphologically upper side of cuttings stems. Twenty-four h after application of 10 μl of 14C-IAA solution to the cut surface of decapitated, rooted cuttings, nearly twice as much activity was detected in extracts of tissue from the morphologically upper than from the lower halves of the stems. A similar distribution of activity was observed in horizontal branch terminals and in branch terminals which had been tied vertically for 2 weeks. The magnitude of the difference in activity between the 2 sides of the stem was greater in the horizontal than in the vertical branches.
There was no significant difference in transport through the upper and lower sides of excised stem segments from cuttings or branch terminals. In segments from rooted cutting stems, however, significantly more radioactivity from 14C-IAA donor blocks was detected in the lower than in the upper halves of segments.  相似文献   

Auxin: regulation, action, and interaction   总被引:48,自引:0,他引:48  

The transport of exogenous indol-3yl-acetic acid (IAA) from the apical tissues of intact, light-grown pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Alderman) shoots exhibited properties identical to those associated with polar transport in isolated shoot segments. Transport in the stem of apically applied [1-14C]-or [5-3H]IAA occurred at velocities (approx. 8–15 mm·h-1) characteristic of polar transport. Following pulse-labelling, IAA drained from distal tissues after passage of a pulse and the rate characteristics of a pulse were not affected by chases of unlabelled IAA. However, transport of [1-14C]IAA was inhibited through a localised region of the stem pretreated with a high concentration of unlabelled IAA or with the synthetic auxins 1-napthaleneacetic acid and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, and label accumulated in more distal tissues. Transport of [1-14C]IAA was also completely prevented through regions of the intact stem treated with N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) and 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid.Export of IAA from the apical bud into the stem increased with total concentration of IAA applied (labelled+unlabelled) but approached saturation at high concentrations (834 mmol·m-3). Transport velocity increased with concentration up to 83 mmol·m-3 IAA but fell again with further increase in concentration.Stem segments (2 mm) cut from intact plants transporting apically applied [1-14C]IAA effluxed 93% of their initial radioactivity into buffer (pH 7.0) in 90 min. The half-time for efflux increased from 32.5 to 103.9 min when 3 mmol·m-3 NPA was included in the efflux medium. Long (30 mm) stem sections cut from immediately below an apical bud 3.0 h after the apical application of [1-14C]IAA effluxed IAA when their basal ends, but not their apical ends, were immersed in buffer (pH 7.0). Addition of 3 mmol·m-3 NPA to the external medium completely prevented this basal efflux.These results support the view that the slow long-distance transport of IAA from the intact shoot apex occurs by polar cell-to-cell transport and that it is mediated by the components of IAA transmembrane transport predicted by the chemiosmotic polar diffusion theory.Abbreviations IAA indol-3yl-acetic acid - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - NAA 1-naphthaleneacetic acid - NPA N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid - TIBA 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid  相似文献   

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