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Two green macroalgae, Codium decorticatum and Udotea flabellum, differ photosynthetically. Codium had high O2-sensitive, and Udotea low O2-insensitive, CO2 compensation points; Codium showed a Warburg effect at seawater dissolved inorganic carbon levels and had photorespiratory CO2 release, whereas Udotea did not. Seawater dissolved inorganic carbon levels did not saturate photosynthesis. For Codium, but not Udotea, the Warburg effect was increased by ethoxyzolamide, a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, at high but not low pH. Isolated chloroplasts from both macroalgae showed a Warburg effect that was ethoxyzolamide-insensitive. In both macroalgae, chloroplastic and extrachloroplastic carbonic anhydrase activity was present. P-enolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) carboxylating activity in Udotea extracts was equivalent to that of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase, and enzyme activities for C4 acid metabolism and P-enolpyruvate regeneration were sufficient to operate a limited C4-like system. In Udotea, malate and aspartate were early-labeled photosynthetic products that turned over within 60 seconds. Photorespiratory compounds were much less labeled in Udotea. Low dark fixation rates ruled out Crassulacean acid metabolism. A limited C4-like system, based on PEPCK, is hypothesized to be the mechanism reducing photorespiration in Udotea. Codium showed no evidence of photosynthetic C4 acid metabolism. Marine macroalgae, like terrestrial angiosperms, seem to have diverse photosynthetic modes.  相似文献   

"Naturopathic medicine" is a recent manifestation of the field of naturopathy, a 19th-century health movement espousing "the healing power of nature." "Naturopathic physicians" now claim to be primary care physicians proficient in the practice of both "conventional" and "natural" medicine. Their training, however, amounts to a small fraction of that of medical doctors who practice primary care. An examination of their literature, moreover, reveals that it is replete with pseudoscientific, ineffective, unethical, and potentially dangerous practices. Despite this, naturopaths have achieved legal and political recognition, including licensure in 13 states and appointments to the US Medicare Coverage Advisory Committee. This dichotomy can be explained in part by erroneous representations of naturopathy offered by academic medical centers and popular medical Web sites.  相似文献   

Fucus serratus L., Fucus spiralis L., and Fucus vesiculosus L. (Fucales, Phaeophyceae) as well as Laminaria digitata (Huds.) Lamour., Laminaria hyperborea (Gunn.) Fosl., and Laminaria saccharina (L.) Lamour. (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) have been investigated for the distribution of enzymic CO2 fixation capacities via phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (EC (PEP-CK) and via ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (EC (RubP-C) in different regions of the thalli. The maximum of PEP-CK activity is found to be confined to the growing regions of the algae, while the activity of RubP-C achieves its highest values in the entirely differentiated parts of the fronds. These findings are confirmed by the results of photosynthetic and light-independent (dark) carbon assimilation as determined by in vivo 14CO2 fixation. The physiological significance of these differential patterns of carboxylation patterns is discussed with respect to the ontogenetic stage and the chemical constitution of the different thallus parts.  相似文献   

Effective dispersal is problematic for benthic organisms without planktonic larvae; rafting and vertical migrations are mechanisms that can potentially be employed by such fauna, but these strategies entail considerable predation risk as well as other disadvantages. Unattached, but non-floating, “drift” algae harbor large numbers of fauna and may serve as an alternative dispersal mechanism in some systems. This paper reports field manipulations in Florida Bay, Florida, USA designed to determine (1) if such algae can disperse benthic animals, and (2) if dispersal efficiency varies as a function of two common substrata types: seagrass and bare sediment. A live immersion stain was used to mark faunal associates of Laurencia spp. algal clumps in situ. The fidelity of molluscs, decapods, ophiuroids, and fishes to stationary algal clumps was then compared with the fidelity of these animals to clumps that were forced to tumble over a given distance with a blower apparatus; these experiments were performed over both sand and seagrass substrata. Measurements of frequency, spatial extent, and rate of algal drift were made to aid in assessing the potential importance of benthic algae as a dispersal mechanism.

Algal clumps often rolled in a manner similar to that of terrestrial tumbleweeds; mark-recapture work showed that algal clumps can move up to 0.5 km/day and that algal drift is a frequent phenomenon. The algal masses were effective transporters of benthic fauna, including mobile shrimps and fishes; dispersal was more efficient over sand than over seagrass. Dispersal of fauna via this mobile habitat should entail lower risk than other adult dispersal stratagems such as vertical migration or rafting; this mechanism would be most advantageous for brooding species or those with limited planktonic phases. Differential fidelity to clumps tumbling across seagrass versus sand suggests that the algae could facilitate exchange of fauna between isolated seagrass patches.  相似文献   

Marine macroalgae, especially the Rhodophyta, can be notoriously difficult to identify owing to their relatively simple morphology and anatomy, convergence, rampant phenotypic plasticity, and alternation of heteromorphic generations. It is thus not surprising that algal systematists have come to rely heavily on genetic tools for molecular assisted alpha taxonomy. Unfortunately the number of suitable marker systems in the three available genomes is enormous and, although most workers have settled on one of three or four models, the lack of an accepted standard hinders the comparison of results between laboratories. The advantages of a standard system are obvious for practical purposes of species discovery and identification; as well, compliance with a universal marker, such as cox1 being developed under the label 'DNA barcode', would allow algal systematists to benefit from the rapidly emerging technologies. Novel primers were developed for red algae to PCR amplify and sequence the 5' cox1 'barcode' region and were used to assess three known species-complex questions: (i) Mazzaella species in the Northeast Pacific; (ii) species of the genera Dilsea and Neodilsea in the Northeast Pacific; and (iii) Asteromenia peltata from three oceans. These models were selected because they have all caused confusion with regards to species number, distribution, and identification in the field, and because they have all been studied with molecular tools. In all cases the DNA barcode resolved accurately and unequivocally species identities and, with the enhanced sampling here, turned up a variety of novel observations in need of further taxonomic investigation.  相似文献   

Many compendia at the species, genus and family levels document the fossil record, but these are not standardized, nor usually critical in content, and few are available on the World Wide Web. The sampling of the available record is good for organisms with fossilizable parts, but preservational constraints on the entire morphology, life history and geographical distribution lead to difficulties in recognizing and naming species. We recommend abandoning some of the palaeontological species concepts such as chronospecies and stratospecies, and we advocate species recognition based on unique combinations of characters. The compilation of species lists is extremely time consuming, and given the inherent problems we suggest that compilation of generic lists is a more achievable goal because genera are recognized by definitive morphological characters. In calculating taxon duration, care must be taken to distinguish between mono-, para- and polyphyletic groups, the first being the only reliable unit for use in calculating diversity curves. We support the inclusion of fossils into classifications based on Recent organisms, but we recognize some of the problems this may pose for standard Linnaean classifications. Web-based taxonomy is the way forward, having the advantages of speed and currency of information dissemination, universal access with links to primary literature and increasingly sophisticated imagery. These advantages over conventional outlets will only be realized with careful Web design and a commitment to maintenance.  相似文献   

海洋生态系统固碳能力估算方法研究进展   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
气候变化受到全球关注,大气中CO2含量与气候变化息息相关。海洋是地球上最大的活跃碳库,在气候变化中扮演着举足轻重的作用。定量估算海洋中碳元素的吸收、转移、埋藏速率在全球碳循环及全球气候变化研究中有重要意义。目前,海洋固碳能力估算研究包括:利用海-气界面CO2分压差法估算海洋海-气界面CO2交换通量,根据海水中叶绿素含量建立的生态学数理模型法估算真光层浮游生物的初级生产力,234Th—238U不平衡法估算POC输出通量,210Pb定年法估算有机碳沉积通量。但迄今为止的研究工作尚有一定局限性,碳在大气—海水—沉积物3种介质间交换通量间相互影响的研究较少,海洋中碳垂直传输过程的主要影响因素和关键控制因子尚不明确,在海洋生态系统固碳能力估算方法方面国内外还没有统一的规范和标准。为进一步完善海洋生态系统固碳能力的估算方法,今后的工作应注重海洋固碳整套观测技术、分析和估算方法研究,并建立海洋碳汇估算指标体系、指标标准体系、以及评价标准体系,为我国的碳"减排"、"增汇"国家需求提供技术支持。  相似文献   

G R Norman  S I Shannon 《CMAJ》1998,158(2):177-181
OBJECTIVE: To examine the evidence that the teaching of critical appraisal (evidence-based medicine) skills to undergraduate medical students or residents will result in significant gains in knowledge and increased use of the literature in clinical decision-making. DATA SOURCES: Articles published from 1966 to 1995, retrieved through a MEDLINE search supplemented by manual searches; review of bibliographies maintained by individuals involved in teaching critical appraisal skills; and a previous methodological review. STUDY SELECTION: Articles were selected if the study involved some form of control group, although strict randomization was not required, and a measure of performance followed the intervention. Articles were excluded if they simply reported the process of teaching critical appraisal skills or used some form of "happiness index." DATA SYNTHESIS: There were 10 studies of the impact of teaching critical appraisal skills, 6 involving medical students and 4 involving residents. Results from 3 of the studies were nearly uninterpretable and thus were excluded; the remaining 7 were methodologically acceptable. Analysis showed that interventions implemented in undergraduate programs resulted in significant gains in knowledge, as assessed by a written test (mean gain 17.0%; standard deviation [SD] 4.0%). Conversely, studies at the residency level consistently showed a small change in knowledge (mean gain 1.3%; SD 1.7%). Two studies that examined residents'' use of the literature were unable to demonstrate any positive changes. CONCLUSIONS: Studies of the effect of teaching critical appraisal skills on gains in knowledge at the undergraduate level showed consistent improvement. By contrast, changes in knowledge at the residency level were small. Several suggestions from the educational literature are offered to increase effectiveness of critical appraisal interventions.  相似文献   

Lisbeth Fries 《Planta》1982,154(5):393-396
In some marine algae cultivated axenically in the artificial medium ASP6 F2 (pH 8.3) vanadium at 1–100 g l-1 increases the fresh weight. In the multicellular brown algaFucus spiralis 10 g V I-1 enhances the fresh weight by about 400% while in the green algaEnteromorpha compressa the yield is increased by 90%. Red algae do not respond to vanadium. InFucus morphological effects are displayed in more frequent branching and/or broader blades. No significant increase in the chlorophyll content could be demonstrated at the early stage at which these morphological effects first appeared. Later the chlorophyll content increased.  相似文献   

The conservation, restoration, and improved management of terrestrial forests significantly contributes to mitigate climate change and its impacts, as well as providing numerous co-benefits. The pressing need to reduce emissions and increase carbon removal from the atmosphere is now also leading to the development of natural climate solutions in the ocean. Interest in the carbon sequestration potential of underwater macroalgal forests is growing rapidly among policy, conservation, and corporate sectors. Yet, our understanding of whether carbon sequestration from macroalgal forests can lead to tangible climate change mitigation remains severely limited, hampering their inclusion in international policy or carbon finance frameworks. Here, we examine the results of over 180 publications to synthesise evidence regarding macroalgal forest carbon sequestration potential. We show that research efforts on macroalgae carbon sequestration are heavily skewed towards particulate organic carbon (POC) pathways (77% of data publications), and that carbon fixation is the most studied flux (55%). Fluxes leading directly to carbon sequestration (e.g. carbon export or burial in marine sediments) remain poorly resolved, likely hindering regional or country-level assessments of carbon sequestration potential, which are only available from 17 of the 150 countries where macroalgal forests occur. To solve this issue, we present a framework to categorize coastlines according to their carbon sequestration potential. Finally, we review the multiple avenues through which this sequestration can translate into climate change mitigation capacity, which largely depends on whether management interventions can increase carbon removal above a natural baseline or avoid further carbon emissions. We find that conservation, restoration and afforestation interventions on macroalgal forests can potentially lead to carbon removal in the order of 10's of Tg C globally. Although this is lower than current estimates of natural sequestration value of all macroalgal habitats (61–268 Tg C year−1), it suggests that macroalgal forests could add to the total mitigation potential of coastal blue carbon ecosystems, and offer valuable mitigation opportunities in polar and temperate areas where blue carbon mitigation is currently low. Operationalizing that potential will necessitate the development of models that reliably estimate the proportion of production sequestered, improvements in macroalgae carbon fingerprinting techniques, and a rethinking of carbon accounting methodologies. The ocean provides major opportunities to mitigate and adapt to climate change, and the largest coastal vegetated habitat on Earth should not be ignored simply because it does not fit into existing frameworks.  相似文献   

Biomass production from macroalgae has been viewed as important mainly because of the need for pollution abatement. Environmental considerations will increasingly determine product and process acceptability and drive the next generation of economic opportunity. Some countries, including Japan, are actively promoting "green" technologies that will be in demand worldwide in the coming decades. Should an international agreement on CO2-reduction be ratified, its effective use for energy production would be of high priority. This report shows that macroalgae have great potential for biomass production and CO2 bioremediation. Macroalgae have high productivity, as great or greater than the most productive land plants, and do not compete with terrestrial crops for farm land. The review focuses on recent data on productivity, photosynthesis, nutrient dynamics, optimization and economics. Biomass from macroalgae promises to provide environmentally and economically feasible alternatives to fossil fuels. Nevertheless, the techniques and technologies for growing macroalgae on a large-scale and for converting feedstocks to energy carriers must be more fully developed.  相似文献   

Aqueous extracts from 42 species of Vietnamese marine macroalgae, including 17 Chlorophyta, 22 Rhodophyta, and three Phaeophyta species, were examined for hemagglutination activity using native and enzyme-treated different animal and human erythrocytes. All extracts agglutinated at least one type of erythrocytes tested. Strong activity was detected in extracts from four Chlorophyta (Caulerpa serulata var. boryana, Caulerpa sertularioides f. longipes, Halimeda velasquezii, and Halimeda discoidea) and two Rhodophyta species (Gelidiella acerosa and Titanophora pulchra) with enzyme-treated rabbit and horse erythrocytes. The hemagglutinins of some active species were examined for sugar-binding specificity, pH, temperature stability, and divalent cation independency using ammonium sulfate precipitates prepared from their extracts. In a hemagglutination–inhibition test with various monosaccharides and glycoproteins, none of the hemagglutinins had affinity for monosaccharides. The activity of the hemagglutinins was inhibited by some glycoproteins tested. The inhibition profiles with glycoproteins were different depending on hemagglutinin species, suggesting the presence of lectins specific for complex N-glycans, high mannose N-glycans or O-glycans. On the other hand, the activities of almost all algal hemagglutinins were stable over a wide range of pH and temperature, and independent of the presence of divalent cations, except Gelidiopsis scoparia hemagglutinin, its activity was dependent on the presence of divalent cations. These results suggest that Vietnamese marine macroalgae may be good sources of useful lectins for many biological applications.  相似文献   

Partnerships between animals and photosynthesizing microbes have evolved repeatedly, although their history, adaptations, and ecology remain controversial and little understood. In a critical review of 17 fossil and living clades of shell‐bearing molluscs with photosymbionts (two of them newly inferred), adaptive shell modifications and ecological aspects are discussed in the broader context of photosymbioses in other phyla. Fossil candidates have characteristics that are rare or unknown in living photosymbiotic molluscs, including cementation, porous shell microstructure, and epifaunal habits on carbonate muds. Many ancient photosymbioses may have lived in planktonically more productive environments than are typical of living tropical forms. This may be related to the late appearance (Early Eocene) of the dinoflagellate Symbiodinium, which can thrive under highly oligotrophic conditions. Living photosymbiotic molluscs represent a small and atypical sample of all the photosymbiotic clades that have evolved. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 497–511.  相似文献   

A critical comparison between Elemental Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) and molecular fluorescence, as detection techniques for CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots (QDs)-based immunoassays is presented here. Using a QDs-based progesterone immunoassay as "model" analytical system the features of both detection modes has been investigated. Minimal changes, compared to the previously developed fluorescent approach, were necessary to build the corresponding inhibition curve for the progesterone immunoassay using ICP-MS detection of cadmium (contained in the QDs core). Adequate agreement between results obtained using both elemental and molecular techniques for the determination of progesterone in cow milk has been obtained. Moreover, results from the comparison showed that fluorescence detection of the QDs is simpler, less time consuming and less expensive, but ICP-MS detection affords alternative and useful information unattainable using luminescence detection. First of all, ICP-MS allowed mass balances to be carried out (all along the sample preparation) providing an internal validation of the immunoassay procedure. Secondly, matrix-independent quantification as provided by ICP-MS enabled a direct determination of progesterone in raw milk without any further sample preparation (dilution) step. As a matter of fact, ICP-MS results showed that the quenching matrix effect suffered on bioconjugated QDs fluorescence emission (e.g. when the immunoassay was carried out directly in whole milk without any dilution) could be unequivocally attributed to nonspecific interactions between the matrix of the whole milk and the QDs surface. Finally, better sensitivity could be obtained with ICP-MS detection, IC(10)=0.028 ng/mL, versus 0.11 ng/mL using conventional fluorimetric detection, just by using lower reagents concentrations.  相似文献   

The study of the ecological and evolutionary consequences of clonal growth in vascular plants has been widely addressed; however, marine macroalgae, which are interesting modular organisms that combine simple morphologies and complex life cycles, have been almost ignored. This paper presents a review and analysis of the ecological and evolutionary consequences of clonality in marine macroalgae, including three main subjects: (1) modular construction (modules and ramets); (2) life cycle and evolutionary perspectives, and (3) ecological perspectives of clonality in marine macroalge. The biological emergent attributes of clonality are present in marine macroalgae e.g. high longevity of the genet by the continual renewal of modules, and variable morphological plasticity of ramets and modules in relation to environmental conditions. However, experimental work is still needed to solve questions such as the effect of crowding on survival rates and use of resources, as well as its effect on sexual or asexual patterns of reproduction. I expect that the study of the evolutionary consequences of the combined presence of alternation of generations and clonal growth in marine macroalgae will make important contributions to clonal plant theory.  相似文献   

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