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本文建立了酵母中麦角固醇含量高效液相色谱测定方法。其色谱条件为,色谱柱HYPersilBDSC185u反相柱,流动相为甲醇:水(97∶3),紫外检测波长为283nm。酵母样加碱乙醇皂化、提取、洗涤、蒸干、定量测定。结果表明:标准曲线范围是002—08mg/ml线性良好,最低限量为001mg/ml;日内及日间RSD(n=4)分别在21~40%和24~48%,回收率为960~980%。本方法操作简便、准确、可靠。  相似文献   

An improved method for the preparation in high yield of anucleated Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been developed. This method is based on a two-stage centrifugation of the original protoplast mixture in linear density gradients (1–10%, w/v) of Ficoll 400. The yield of anucleated protoplasts was 5–9%, its value depended on the frequency of the nucleus-free protoplasts in the original mixture.The anucleated protoplasts were characterized by RNA, DNA and protein content, and by light and electron microscopy. The protoplasts lacking nuclei had about one third the diameter of the nucleated ones, and reduced of DNA, RNA and protein in comparison to normal protoplasts. Electron microscopy showed a typical yeast ultrastructure in anucleated protoplasts except that they lacked nuclei and exhibited a higher frequency of lipid granules and exocytotic electron-dense vesicles located close to the plasmalemma.  相似文献   

The ability of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to produce ethanol and carbon dioxide from carbohydrates has been exploited by man for thousands of years. During its brief existence protoplast fusion has already become an invaluable tool for investigating the molecular genetics of yeast, as well as an important part of the arsenal of genetic manipulations available to develop new strains. In the case of industrial strains, a mating reaction is usually lacking. Protoplast fusion overcomes this barrier and allows for the genetic analysis of commercially valuable traits. A major block toward broader applicability of fusion is that hybrids becomes more unstable as the genetic backgrounds of the parents diverge. As greater progress in overcoming this problem is made, fusion, by itself and in conjunction with classical hybridization, will become increasingly important in the development of new strains. The incorporation of cytoplasmic elements into yeast protoplasts has the potential to vastly expand the array of biochemical reactions performed by yeasts, thereby increasing the importance of this microbe to mankind.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a hierarchical approach that allows the screening of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups in populations that have essentially West Eurasian mtDNA backgrounds but that could have some non-West Eurasian contributions. To develop and validate this scheme, we used data on 18 coding region polymorphisms (17 analyzed by RFLP analysis and 1 by sequencing) and sequences of hypervariable segment I (HVSI) of the mtDNA control region from the Azores Islands (Portugal) population. The proposed scheme allows the characterization of almost all West Eurasian and African major clusters by means of RFLPs. Furthermore, the scheme includes information on situations in which sequencing is pertinent to defining a particular haplogroup. The validity of the scheme is ensured by (1) using relatively stable polymorphic positions, (2) screening more than one position to define a specific haplogroup, and (3) typing confirmatory positions. Dubious samples can be resolved by sequencing. The robustness of this approach was assessed by sequencing all samples for HVSI, taking advantage of the previously established relationships between RFLPs and control region sequence polymorphisms. The use of this hierarchical approach avoids the screening of unnecessary control region polymorphisms and therefore results in a more rapid and cost-efficient screening than one in which all polymorphic positions are analyzed. Even if this approach leads to a lower level of phylogeographic resolution than the sequencing of all samples, it allows us to define population movements on a continental level and can be applied, unlike sequencing all samples, with a low cost in any laboratory.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli beta-glucuronidase gene has been used as a marker gene to monitor a killer Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain in mixed-culture ferments. The marked killer strain was cured of its M-dsRNA genome to enable direct assessment of the efficiency of killer toxin under fermentation conditions. Killer activity was clearly evident in fermenting Rhine Riesling grape juice of pH 3.1 at 18 degrees C, but the extent of killing depended on the proportion of killer to sensitive cells at the time of inoculation. Killer activity was detected only when the ratio of killer to sensitive cells exceeded 1:2. At the highest ratio of killer to sensitive cells tested (2:1), complete elimination of sensitive cells was not achieved.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli beta-glucuronidase gene has been used as a marker gene to monitor a killer Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain in mixed-culture ferments. The marked killer strain was cured of its M-dsRNA genome to enable direct assessment of the efficiency of killer toxin under fermentation conditions. Killer activity was clearly evident in fermenting Rhine Riesling grape juice of pH 3.1 at 18 degrees C, but the extent of killing depended on the proportion of killer to sensitive cells at the time of inoculation. Killer activity was detected only when the ratio of killer to sensitive cells exceeded 1:2. At the highest ratio of killer to sensitive cells tested (2:1), complete elimination of sensitive cells was not achieved.  相似文献   

Chinese hamsters were exposed to acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, ethyl acetate and 2-methoxy ethyl acetate, known to be strong inducers of aneuploidy in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. All solvents yielded negative results in the micronucleus test, whereas the vinca alkaloid vindesine--used as a positive control substance--proved to act as a spindle poison in mammals in vivo.  相似文献   

According to the size‐efficiency hypothesis (SEH) larger bodied cladocerans are better competitors for food than small bodied species. In environments with fish, however, the higher losses of the large bodied species due to size‐selective predation may shift the balance in favor of the small bodied species. Here we present a theoretical framework for the analysis of the competitive abilities of zooplankton species that takes both competition and predation into account in one coherent analysis. By applying the conceptually well‐understood framework of physiologically structured population models we were able to predict the relative difference in predation rates necessary to cause a shift in dominance of the large‐bodied species (Daphnia pulicaria) to the small‐bodied species (D. galeata). These predictions depend only on seven easily interpretable parameters per species: size at birth, size at maturity and maximum size, age at maturity, maximal clutch size, egg development time and finally the half‐saturation constant for food. The critical equilibrium mortality of D. pulicaria was 0.16 d?1 at food concentrations close to the critical food concentration of D. galeata, i.e. D. pulicaria will win the competition as long as its mortality rate is below 0.16 d?1. At higher food concentrations the differential mortality curve (plotting equilibrium mortalities of both species against each other) approached a linear function with a slope of one and an intercept equal to the difference in maximal population birth rates. The prediction of critical predation rates was independent of the ingestion rate of the cladocerans and the algal carrying capacity and food regeneration rate of the environment although the mechanism works through competition for a shared algal food resource. We interpret these findings in terms of the relative predation risk large and small‐bodied cladocerans will face in various freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

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