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The functional response of two ladybird species, Propylea dissecta (Mulsant) and Coccinella transversalis Fabricius in combination was studied in an effort to determine the impact of two predators on the increasing density of aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover infesting leaves of bottle gourd, Lagenaria vulgaris Seringe. The ladybirds were exposed to prey density in three combinations using adult females: (i) one P. dissecta and one C. transversalis together, (ii) two P. dissecta, and (iii) two C. transversalis, for 24 h. Prey consumption increased curvilinearly with prey density in all three combinations. It was maximum when heterospecifics searched together. The prey were handled and consumed significantly faster (9.51 min) by heterospecifics in combination, followed by two C. transversalis (11.32 min) and two P. dissecta (12.52 min). The attack rate was maximum (0.00274) by heterospecifics followed by the two C. transversalis (0.00166) and two P. dissecta (0.00092). The synergistic effect on the prey consumption may possibly be due to spatial distribution of P. dissecta and C. transversalis in terms of feeding sites, with the former being negatively, and the latter being positively geotactic. Field release of two predator species in tandem is recommended for biocontrol of A. gossypii because of the potential for synergistic action by these natural enemies.  相似文献   

In different moth species, the number and spatial arrangement of olfactory glomeruli in the antennal lobe (AL) vary widely, but the spatial map within a species is thought to be invariant, making it possible to identify single glomeruli across individuals. We investigated the relationship between the physiological tuning of pheromone-selective interneurons and their association with specific, identified glomeruli in the macroglomerular complex (MGC) of the noctuid moth, Heliothis subflexa. Three odorants that are required for pheromone-source location in this species were tested individually and in blends. Recordings from 27 pheromone-specific projection neurons (PNs) indicated that the majority (48%) were selectively activated by the major pheromone component of this species, Z-11-hexadecenal (Z11-16:Ald), with 33% primarily tuned to Z-9-hexadecenal and 19% to Z-11-hexadecenol. Intracellular staining revealed that the dendrites of PNs tuned to Z11-16:Ald always branched within the largest glomerulus of the MGC, the cumulus. Similarly, each of the other two classes of PN was associated with a different 'satellite' glomerulus in the MGC. The spatial configuration of the four-glomerulus H. subflexa MGC was indistinguishable from that previously reported in the closely related species, Heliothis virescens. Hence, as these two species diverged, changes in the association of satellite MGC glomeruli with particular odorants have occurred without a measurable change in the anatomical arrangement of the glomerular array.  相似文献   

Causal evidence linking resource competition to species divergence is scarce. In this study, we coupled field observations with experiments to ask if the degree of character displacement reflects the intensity of competition between two closely related spadefoot toads (Spea bombifrons and S. multiplicata). Tadpoles of both species develop into either a small-headed omnivorous morph, which feeds mostly on detritus, or a large-headed carnivorous morph, which specializes on and whose phenotype is induced by fairy shrimp. Previously, we found that S. multiplicata are inferior competitors for fairy shrimp and are less likely to develop into carnivores in sympatry with S. bombifrons. We compared four key trophic characters in S. multiplicata across natural ponds where the frequency of S. bombifrons varied. We found that S. multiplicata became increasingly more omnivore-like as the relative abundance of S. bombifrons increased. Moreover, in controlled laboratory populations, S. multiplicata became increasingly more omnivore-like and S. bombifrons became increasingly more carnivore-like as we increased the relative abundance of the other species. Phenotypic plasticity helped mediate this divergence: S. multiplicata became increasingly less likely to eat shrimp and develop into carnivores in the presence of S. bombifrons, a superior predator on shrimp. However, divergence also reflected differences in canalized traits: When reared under common conditions, S. multiplicata tadpoles became increasingly less likely to produce carnivores as their natal pond decreased in elevation. Presumably, this pattern reflected selection against carnivores in lower-elevation ponds, because S. bombifrons became increasingly more common with decreasing elevation. Local genetic adaptation to the presence of S. bombifrons was remarkably fine grained, with differences in carnivore production detected between populations a few kilometers apart. Our results suggest that the degree of character displacement potentially reflects the intensity of competition between interacting species and that both phenotypic plasticity and fine-scale genetic differentiation can mediate this response. Moreover, these results provide causal evidence linking resource competition to species divergence.  相似文献   

Shearwaters are nocturnal burrowing seabirds. They return to their colony at dusk and exhibit high vocal activity, underlining the usefulness of acoustic cues to nocturnal communication. The present study aimed to test whether acoustic communication systems of two sympatric shearwater species, the Yelkouan shearwater Puffinus yelkouan and the Mediterranean Cory's shearwater Calonectris diomedea diomedea , converge to similar strategies. Inter-annual mate fidelity and incubation relays led us to focus on sex and individual acoustic signatures. We first characterized those two signatures by analysing the major call emitted by incubating birds. Second, we performed playback experiments to assess ability of birds to vocally discriminate between sexes and mate versus non-mate. The results obtained show that both species use a reliable sex vocal signature supported by frequency and energy features, enabling sex identification of the emitter. By responding only to conspecific same-sex calls, birds may ensure burrow and mate guarding. Conversely, individual vocal signature was mainly supported by temporal parameters, and was more reliable in the Cory's shearwater. Moreover, this species uses vocal exchanges to identify the mate during incubation relays, whereas Yelkouan shearwaters probably need additional cues. In conclusion, we observe an evolutionary convergence in intra-sex communication process but a divergence in mate greeting strategy.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 96 , 115–134.  相似文献   

Colonization of an archipelago sets the stage for adaptive radiation. However, some archipelagos are home to spectacular radiations, while others have much lower levels of diversification. The amount of gene flow among allopatric populations is one factor proposed to contribute to this variation. In island colonizing birds, selection for reduced dispersal ability is predicted to produce changing patterns of regional population genetic structure as gene flow-dominated systems give way to drift-mediated divergence. If this transition is important in facilitating phenotypic divergence, levels of genetic and phenotypic divergence should be associated. We consider population genetic structure and phenotypic divergence among two co-distributed, congeneric (Genus: Zosterops) bird species inhabiting the Vanuatu archipelago. The more recent colonist, Z. lateralis, exhibits genetic patterns consistent with a strong influence of distance-mediated gene flow. However, complex patterns of asymmetrical gene flow indicate variation in dispersal ability or inclination among populations. The endemic species, Z. flavifrons, shows only a partial transition towards a drift-mediated system, despite a long evolutionary history on the archipelago. We find no strong evidence that gene flow constrains phenotypic divergence in either species, suggesting that levels of inter-island gene flow do not explain the absence of a radiation across this archipelago.  相似文献   

1.?Closely related species often differ greatly in the quality and breadth of resources exploited, but the actual mechanisms causing these differences are poorly understood. Because in the laboratory specialized species often survive and perform as well or better on host species that are never utilized in nature, negative ecological interactions restricting host range must exist. Here, we focused on reproductive interference, which has been theoretically predicted to drive niche separation between closely related species with overlapping mating signals. 2.?We examined the interspecific sexual interactions in relation to ecological specialization and generalization in two sibling ladybird species, Harmonia yedoensis and Harmonia axyridis. Harmonia yedoensis is a specialist predator that preys only on pine aphids, which are highly elusive prey for ladybird hatchlings, whereas H.?axyridis is a generalist predator with a broad prey and habitat range. 3.?We experimentally showed that conspecific sperm fertilized the vast majority of eggs regardless of mating order (i.e. conspecific sperm precedence) when a female of H.?yedoensis or H.?axyridis mated with both a conspecific and a heterospecific male. Moreover, we demonstrated that mating opportunities of H.?yedoensis females strongly decreased as heterospecific density increased relative to conspecific density. In contrast, in H.?axyridis, female mating success was high regardless of conspecific or heterospecific density. 4.?Our results suggest that the generalist H.?axyridis should be dominant to the specialist H.?yedoensis in terms of reproductive interference. Our results support the hypothesis that asymmetric reproductive interference from the dominant species may force the non-dominant species to become a specialist predator that exclusively utilizes less preferred prey in nature.  相似文献   

Habitat-associated morphological divergence in two Neotropical fish species   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We examined intraspecific morphological diversification between river channel and lagoon habitats for two Neotropical fish ( Bryconops caudomaculatus , Characidae; Biotodoma wavrini , Cichlidae). We hypothesized that differences between habitats (e.g. flow regime, foraging opportunities) might create selective pressures resulting in morphological divergence between conspecific populations. We collected fish from four channel-lagoon habitat pairs in the Río Cinaruco, Venezuela, and compared body morphology using geometric morphometrics. There were two aspects of divergence in both species: (1) placement of maximum body depth and (2) orientation of the mouth. For both species, maximum body depth was positioned more anteriorly (i.e. fusiform) in the river channel than in lagoons. Both species exhibited a relatively terminal mouth in lagoons compared to the channel. The mouth of B. caudomaculatus was relatively upturned, whereas the mouth of B. wavrini was relatively subterminal, in channel habitats. Observed morphological patterns are consistent with functional morphological principles suggesting adaptive divergence. We also show that spatial distance between habitats, presumably reflecting rates of population mixing, appears to have constrained diversification. For both species, morphological divergence increased with distance between habitats. Thus morphological divergence between channel and lagoon habitats apparently reflects a balance between diversification driven by natural selection, and homogenization driven by population mixing.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 80 , 689–698.  相似文献   

Chromosomal polytypy, morphological conservatism and absence of data have frustrated the taxonomic revision of two species of southern African-endemic laminate-toothed rats ( Otomys irroratus and Otomys saundersiae s.l.). New cytogenetic (G-banding and fluorescence in situ hybridization), DNA sequence [cytochrome b (cyt b ) gene] and geometric morphometric data demonstrate the synonymy of O. saundersiae from Grahamstown (Eastern Cape, South Africa) under O. irroratus , and the validity of Otomys karoensis from the Fynbos Biome of the Western Cape. Phenotypic dimorphism in pelage colour and cranial morphology in O. irroratus from the climatically unpredictable Albany Thicket (=Savanna) Biome of the Eastern Cape results from the retention of allometric paedomorphic traits in some adults ( saundersiae morph) but not others. The same paedomorphic traits are associated with speciation and karyotypic and genetic differentiation in O. karoensis . Within O. irroratus , two phenotypically and genotypically (cyt b divergence=6.4%) divergent lineages correspond with the Fynbos/Albany Thicket and Grassland biomes. Incipient speciation in O. irroratus seems to be associated with ecology rather than karyotype.  相似文献   

Selection on morphological traits can vary across the range of species, inducing a mosaic of phenotypes across populations. Intraspecific morphological divergence had been demonstrated for many fish groups inhabiting environments with varying abiotic or biotic selective pressures. Such intraspecific phenotypic variation can have a strong influence on the ecologies of species. In the current study, we examined patterns of intraspecific morphological divergence between two populations of Sarotherodon melanotheron and Coptodon guineensis in Lake Ahémé and Porto-Novo lagoon, Benin. Using multiple morphological traits, we demonstrated intraspecific morphological divergence between Lake Ahémé and Porto-Novo lagoon for these species. However, evidence for parallel divergence was found for these two species, implying a similar response to selective pressures might have been acting on labile traits. In addition, species specific morphological changes observed in the current study might be because of differing responses to similar selective forces or taxon-specific selective forces acting on labile traits. The intraspecific trait divergence demonstrated in the current study suggests several possible selective pressures acting on these populations, yet the cause of this divergence remains unknown and additional studies are required to test these inferences.  相似文献   

Optimal number of matings in two aphidophagous ladybirds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract.  1. The present study was designed to identify the optimal number of matings required for maximum fecundity and egg viability in two aphidophagous ladybirds, Cheilomenes sexmaculata and Propylea dissecta .
2. For this purpose, ladybirds were subjected to different numbers of matings and the reproductive responses were recorded thereafter.
3. The Gompertz model was used to draw asymptotic graphs for fecundity and per cent egg viability in both ladybird species. Ninety-five per cent and 50% of maximum theoretical fecundity and per cent egg viability were predicted from the model.
4. Ninety-five per cent maximum theoretical fecundity was obtained after 13.25 and 12.95 matings in C. sexmaculata and P. dissecta , respectively; and 8.95 and 11.25 matings were required for 95% maximum theoretical per cent egg viability in C. sexmaculata and P. dissecta , respectively.
5. The results of these experiments clearly support the existence of an optimal number of matings in these two ladybird species leading to maximum adult fitness.  相似文献   

While phenotypic responses to direct species interactions are well studied, we know little about the consequences of indirect interactions for phenotypic divergence. In this study we used lakes with and without the zebra mussel to investigate effects of indirect trophic interactions on phenotypic divergence between littoral and pelagic perch. We found a greater phenotypic divergence between littoral and pelagic individuals in lakes with zebra mussels and propose a mussel-mediated increase in pelagic and benthic resource availability as a major factor underlying this divergence. Lakes with zebra mussels contained higher densities of large plankton taxa and large invertebrates. We suggest that this augmented resource availability improved perch foraging opportunities in both the littoral and pelagic zones. Perch in both habitats could hence express a more specialized foraging morphology, leading to an increased divergence of perch forms in lakes with zebra mussels. As perch do not prey on mussels directly, we conclude that the increased divergence results from indirect interactions with the mussels. Our results hence suggest that species at lower food web levels can indirectly affect phenotypic divergence in species at the top of the food chain.  相似文献   

Lysyl-tRNA can be synthesized by both a class I (LysRS-I) and a class II (LysRS-II) lysyl-tRNA synthetase. The crystal structure of LysRS-I from Pyrococcus horikoshii at 2.6 A resolution reveals extensive similarity with glutamyl-tRNA synthetase (GluRS). A comparison of the structures of LysRS-I and LysRS-II in complex with lysine shows that both enzymes use similar strategies for substrate recognition within unrelated active site topologies. A docking model based upon the GluRS-tRNA complex suggests how LysRS-I and LysRS-II can recognize the same molecular determinants in tRNALys, as shown by biochemical results, while approaching the acceptor helix of the tRNA from opposite sides.  相似文献   

Abstract. The morphology of marine invertebrate larvae is strongly correlated with egg size and larval feeding mode. Planktotrophic larvae typically have suites of morphological traits that support a planktonic, feeding life style, while lecithotrophic larvae often have larger, yolkier bodies, and in some cases, a reduced expression of larval traits. Poecilogonous species provide interesting cases for the analysis of early morphogenesis, as two morphs of larvae are produced by a single species. We compared morphogenesis in planktotrophic and lecithotrophic morphs of the poecilogonous annelid Streblospio benedicti from the trochophore stage through metamorphosis, using observations of individuals that were observed alive, with scanning electron microscopy, or in serial sections. Offspring of alternate developmental morphs of this species are well known to have divergent morphologies in terms of size, yolk content, and the presence of larval bristles. We found that some phenotypic differences between morphs occur as traits that are present in only one morph (e.g., larval bristles, bacillary cells on the prostomium and pygidium), but that much of the phenotypic divergence is based on heterochronic changes in the differentiation of shared traits (e.g., gut and coelom). Tissue and organ development are compared in both morphs in terms of their structure and ontogenetic change throughout early development and metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Although similar patterns of phenotypic diversification are often observed in phylogenetically independent lineages, differences in the magnitude and direction of phenotypic divergence have been also observed among independent lineages, even when exposed to the same ecological gradients. The stickleback family is a good model with which to explore the ecological and genetic basis of parallel and nonparallel patterns of phenotypic evolution, because there are a variety of populations and species that are locally adapted to divergent environments. Although the patterns of phenotypic divergence as well as the genetic and ecological mechanisms have been well characterized in threespine sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus, we know little about the patterns of phenotypic diversification in other stickleback lineages. In eastern Hokkaido, Japan, there are three species of ninespine sticklebacks, Pungitius tymensis and the freshwater type and the brackish‐water type of the P. pungitiusP. sinensis species complex. They utilize divergent habitats along coast–stream gradients of rivers. Here, we investigated genetic, ecological and phenotypic divergence among three species of Japanese ninespine sticklebacks. Divergence in trophic morphology and salinity tolerance occurred in the direction predicted by the patterns observed in threespine sticklebacks. However, the patterns of divergence in armour plate were different from those previously found in threespine sticklebacks. Furthermore, the genetic basis of plate variation may differ from that in threespine sticklebacks. Because threespine sticklebacks are well‐established model for evolutionary research, the sympatric trio of ninespine sticklebacks will be an invaluable resource for ecological and genetic studies on both common and lineage‐specific patterns of phenotypic diversification.  相似文献   

Sexual selection on male coloration has been implicated in the evolution of colourful species flocks of East African cichlid fish. During adaptive radiations, animals diverge in multiple phenotypic traits, but the role of physiology has received limited attention. Here, we report how divergence in physiology may contribute to the stable coexistence of two hybridizing incipient species of cichlid fish from Lake Victoria. Males of Pundamilia nyererei (males are red) tend to defeat those of Pundamilia pundamilia (males are blue), yet the two sibling species coexist in nature. It has been suggested that red males bear a physiological cost that might offset their dominance advantage. We tested the hypothesis that the two species differ in oxidative stress levels and immune function and that this difference is correlated with differences in circulating steroid levels. We manipulated the social context and found red males experienced significantly higher oxidative stress levels than blue males, but only in a territorial context when colour and aggression are maximally expressed. Red males exhibited greater aggression levels and lower humoral immune response than blue males, but no detectable difference in steroid levels. Red males appear to trade off increased aggressiveness with physiological costs, contributing to the coexistence of the two species. Correlated divergence in colour, behaviour and physiology might be widespread in the dramatically diverse cichlid radiations in East African lakes and may play a crucial role in the remarkably rapid speciation of these fish.  相似文献   

The two sibling ant species Temnothorax nylanderi and Temnothorax crassispinus are widely distributed throughout deciduous forests in Europe. Their resemblance in morphology and similar ecological requirements suggest that they evolved from the same ancestral species in different glacial refugia and re-immigrated into Central Europe after the last ice age. Here, we show that the two species are parapatrically distributed in south-eastern Germany and hybridize along a narrow contact zone close to the continental divide. Phylogeographical data based on the mitochondrial genes cytochrome oxidase subunit I and cytochrome b suggest that the dominant haplotypes for T. nylanderi and T. crassispinus might have diverged already 1.5–2 Mya. Intraspecific variability is extremely low in both species, which might be explained by severe bottlenecks during rapid postglacial expansion into Central Europe.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 223–234.  相似文献   

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