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Although washing of sperm cells by centrifugation is a procedure in widespread use, there have been indications that centrifugation may be harmful to the cells. The objective of this study was to develop a modified swim-up technique, without centrifugation, to get a selection of highly motile and viable ram spermatozoa free of semen plasma.Semen collected from 3 rams over a period of a year was pooled into a low, medium and high motility group, and aliquots from each pool were placed beneath a dextran solution and overlaid with medium. The top layer of the medium was collected (and replenished) 4 times at 15-min intervals. Evaluated were the pre- and post-swim-up progressive individual motility, membrane integrity and resistance to a hypoosmotic swelling test (HOS). Semen samples with initial motility < 60% showed the highest relative improvement in all 3 parameters; samples with 65 to 70 and > 70% initial motility improved less but showed final absolute values similar to those in the low motility group and to each other. The first swim-up layer had the highest contamination with semen plasma (17% beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase (NAG), 13% citric acid content) and the lowest motility score. The second, third and fourth fractions were pooled and showed low plasma contamination (2% NAG and 5% citrate), 80% motility, 70% HOS, and 72% viability, up from the pre-swim-up values of 68, 66 and 59%, respectively. Our data suggest that the dextran swim-up procedure is suitable for evaluating ram spermatozoa for in vitro and in vivo procedures in assisted reproduction.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of four extenders (Sucrose (S), Galactose (G), milk-yolk (MY), and Fiser (F)) on the motility, membrane integrity, and functional integrity of ram spermatozoa during liquid storage at 15 degrees C. The use of either S or MY for the selection of high quality spermatozoa by a swim-up procedure was comparatively analyzed. Additionally, the activity of three antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione reductase (GR), and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) was evaluated in both swim-up selected samples maintained at 15 degrees C for 6h. Sperm motility was better preserved in MY and was significantly higher after 6h of incubation than in either S or F (P<0.0001) and G (P<0.0005). Likewise, the incidence of spermatozoa with integral and functional membranes was higher in samples diluted in MY, with no significant decrease after 6h of incubation. The comparative analysis of the swim-up procedure performed with either MY or S revealed that not only was total sperm recovery significantly (P<0.001) higher (67.3%+/-3.21 versus 47.6%+/-3.78), but also that the best survival rate of spermatozoa was found in the MY stored sample. Sperm motility, viability and response to a hypoosmotic swelling (HOS) test were also significantly higher in the MY extended sample, maintaining still significantly higher values after 6h of incubation. In addition, this sample showed higher activity values for the antioxidant defense enzyme system.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylserine membrane translocation (PST) is considered to be a marker of apoptosis; however, numerous studies have reported on its role in processes not related to cell death. The purpose of the study was to investigate: (1) what is the impact of PST on the motility of spermatozoa, and (2) does the swim-up isolation involve the percentage of cells presenting PST? Semen of 28 normozoospermic men (WHO criteria) was analyzed. High motility spermatozoa were isolated by the swim-up technique. The percentage of spermatozoa with PST in neat semen and after swim-up isolation was assessed with Annexin-V labeled with fluorescein, using flow cytometry technique. The spermatozoas’ motility was measured with a computer-assisted analysis system. The kinetic subpopulations of spermatozoa were identified with dedicated software and analyzed regarding PST. Vital spermatozoa with PST demonstrated progressive movement. The motion analysis system revealed a very strong positive correlation between the percentage of vital spermatozoa with PST and the percentage of spermatozoa belonging to the slow subpopulation (r = 0.83; p < 0.05), as well as a very strong negative correlation between the percentage of vital spermatozoa with PST and the percentage of spermatozoa belonging to the rapid subpopulation (r = ?0.86; p < 0.05). After the swim-up isolation, the percentage of vital spermatozoa presenting PST significantly decreased (2.4 ± 2.1% vs. 5.2 ± 2.4%; p < 0.05). Spermatozoa with PST present progressive movement; however, their motility is decreased. Isolation of spermatozoa with the swim-up technique eliminates the cells with PST.  相似文献   

Phenotypic variants of Pseudomonas fluorescens F113 showing a translucent and diffuse colony morphology show enhanced colonization of the alfalfa rhizosphere. We have previously shown that in the biocontrol agent P. fluorescens F113, phenotypic variation is mediated by the activity of two site-specific recombinases, Sss and XerD. By overexpressing the genes encoding either of the recombinases, we have now generated a large number of variants (mutants) after selection either by prolonged laboratory cultivation or by rhizosphere passage. All the isolated variants were more motile than the wild-type strain and appear to contain mutations in the gacA and/or gacS gene. By disrupting these genes and complementation analysis, we have observed that the Gac system regulates swimming motility by a repression pathway. Variants isolated after selection by prolonged cultivation formed a single population with a swimming motility that was equal to the motility of gac mutants, being 150% more motile than the wild type. The motility phenotype of these variants was complemented by the cloned gac genes. Variants isolated after rhizosphere selection belonged to two different populations: one identical to the population isolated after prolonged cultivation and the other comprising variants that besides a gac mutation harbored additional mutations conferring higher motility. Our results show that gac mutations are selected both in the stationary phase and during rhizosphere colonization. The enhanced motility phenotype is in turn selected during rhizosphere colonization. Several of these highly motile variants were more competitive than the wild-type strain, displacing it from the root tip within 2 weeks.  相似文献   

Flagellar movement of intact and demembranated, reactivated ram spermatozoa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The flagellar movement of intact ejaculated ram sperm, and of demembranated models reactivated with ATP, has been studied using high-speed, high-resolution video microscopy. Intact sperm attached to the coverslip by their heads had an average beat frequency of 20.9 Hz and an average wave amplitude of 20.2 micron. There was little difference in the beat frequency or waveform of these sperm and sperm swimming freely near the coverslip or captured by their heads with a micropipette and held far from the coverslip, indicating that the flagellar waveform of ram sperm is relatively resistant to distortion as a result of immobilization of the head or proximity to a surface. The beat envelope was nearly planar as determined by observations of free-swimming sperm and sperm captured by their head and oriented so they were beating either parallel or perpendicular to the plane of focus. The effect of various conditions for demembranation and reactivation of the sperm were examined. Treatment of sperm with 0.2% Triton X-100 removed most of their plasma membrane. Under optimal conditions, nearly 100% of the demembranated sperm reactivated at MgATP2- concentrations ranging from approximately 4 microM to approximately 20 mM. From approximately 1 mM to approximately 10 mM MgATP2-, their beat pattern closely resembled that of intact sperm; beat frequency depended on MgATP2- concentration. Percent motility was maximal between pH 7.5 and 8.0 and decreased sharply below pH 7.0 and above pH 8.5. The addition of 50 microM cAMP to the reactivation medium had no effect on percent motility or the beat pattern and did not accelerate the initiation of movement.  相似文献   

The comparative ultrastructure of ejaculated boar, bull and ram spermatozoa is studied by scanning electron microscopy. After washing, the spermatozoa are fixed in glutaraldehyde or im picric acid-formaldehyde-glutaraldehyde mixture. Samples are prepared either by critical point drying (Freon) on Millipore filters or by air drying on glass cover slips. In all the species studied, three regions may be distinguished in the paddle-shaped head of the sperm: an anterior segment (surrounded by the marginal thickening) and an equatorial segment constituting together the acrosome, and the postacrosomal region. Most of the feature of the postacrosomal lamina described in transmission electron microscopy are visible through the plasma membrane, particularly after air drying. The surface morphology of the neck and of the different segments of the flagellum is also evident. Some species differences are encountered, e.g. rough surface of acrosome and absence of serrations in postacrosomal lamina of boar spermatozoa only. The techniques employed result in good general morphology and fine resolution of surface detail of the sperm samples; they also permit analysis of spermatozoa treated by freezing or submitted to acrosomal extraction.  相似文献   

The post-thaw survival and fertility of ram spermatozoa frozen in pellets, 0.25- and 0.5-ml PVC straws, and 0.25-ml minitubes were examined. In 5 experiments, a freezing height of 6 cm above the level of liquid nitrogen was optimal for 0.25- and 0.5-ml straws, whereas 4 cm was best for the 0.25-ml minitubes. Post-thaw motility of spermatozoa was lower for semen frozen in straws and minitubes than in pellets (Experiment 1: 43.7 vs 53.4%, P < 0.001), but after freezing was better in 0.5-ml straws and 0.25-ml minitubes than in 0.25-ml straws (Experiment 1: 44.9 vs 41.3%, P < 0.05; Experiment 2: 49.6 vs 46.8%, P < 0.01). Sperm motility was also better for 1:8 (semen:diluent) pre-freezing dilution rate (50.5%) than for 1:4 (45.6%, P < 0.01) and 1:2 (39.8%, P < 0.001) but not the 1:16 (49.5%) dilution rate. Dry ice was a better freezing medium than liquid nitrogen vapor (49.2 vs 46.9% motile spermatozoa, P < 0.001). The post-thaw motility of spermatozoa was similar for the three freezing packages if the semen was loaded at 5 degrees C, but motility was poorer for semen loaded into 0.25-ml straws than 0.25-ml minitubes at 30 degrees C (P < 0.05). In a fertility test, pregnancy rates were influenced by rams (3 rams, P < 0.05) and freezing package (pellets vs 0.25-ml minitube vs 0.25-ml straw vs 0.5-ml straw, P < 0.05) but not freezing medium (liquid nitrogen vapor vs dry ice). More ewes were pregnant after insemination with pellet-frozen semen (106/150, 71%) than with semen frozen in 0.25-ml straws (85/150, 57%; P < 0.05) and in 0.5-ml straws (83/150, 55%; P < 0.01) but not minitubes (98/150, 65%). It was concluded that minitubes provide a useful alternative to pellets as a storage package for ram spermatozoa, allowing for individual dose identification and easier storage while maintaining a fertility rate indistinguishable from that obtained with pellet-frozen semen.  相似文献   

It was possible to demembrante and reactivate not only freshly collected testicular, cauda epididymal, and ejaculated ram sperm but also sperm that had been stored for several days at 0 degrees C and for several months at -196 degrees C in rete testis fluid or egg yolk citrate media. Sperm were usually washed free of seminal plasma before demembranation, but this was not essential for reactivation. Bovine serum albumin (1.0%) in the wash medium increased the survival of sperm, but more than 0.25% in the extraction medium decreased reactivation. A macro-molecular component of cauda epididymal fluid also inhibited the reactivation of testicular sperm. Triton X-100 concentrations between 0.01% and 1.00% in the extraction medium were satisfactory for demembranating the sperm. Rapid cooling (i.e., cold shock) mimicked the effect of detergent in making the sperm responsive to added ATP and demonstrated that damage to ram sperm in cold shock does not involve the axoneme. Ejaculated and cauda sperm were reactivated immediately on addition of ATP and activity persisted for up to 10 min. Testicular sperm, on the other hand, required about 4 min to become fully reactivated. The optimal ATP concentration for activation of sperm was 0.1-1.0 mM. Magnesium ions (0.1-1.0 mM) were important for reactivation, and testicular sperm required a higher magnesium concentration than did cauda or ejaculated sperm. Manganese ions were almost as effective as magnesium for reactivating cauda epididymal and ejaculated sperm. Cobalt and cadmium ions were much less active for cauda and ejaculated sperm and none of these ions were effective for testicular sperm. Fluoride (25-50 mM) inhibited reactivation. The presence of 50 microM cAMP in the extraction medium or preincubation of testicular sperm with theophylline or caffeine increased low levels of activation, but this was not evident with ejaculated or cauda sperm. We conclude that the motor apparatus is already functionally assembled in spermatozoa on leaving the testis, but some fine adjustment must take place during maturation in the epididymis.  相似文献   

A system has been developed for inducing a calcium-dependent acrosome reaction in ram spermatozoa in vitro using the calcium ionophore A23187. The resultant reaction is accompanied by release of the acrosomal enzymes hyaluronidase and acrosin, but there is no release of the cytoplasmic enzyme glucose 6-phosphate isomerase. In any given cell, the visible acrosome reaction apparently takes place rapidly, but there is a variable delay before the reaction occurs. Under optimum conditions, about 90% of treated spermatozoa show an acrosome reaction within one hour. Preincubation of the spermatozoa with the proteinase inhibitors p-amino-benzamidine or p-nitrophenylguanidinobenzoate allows two stages of the reaction to be distinguished ultrastructurally, a membrane fusion stage followed by a dispersal of the acrosomal matrix. In the presence of the inhibitors, the first stage is delayed but is completed within 1 hour, whereas the second remains largely incomplete. In the presence of calcium, ionophore concentrations which induce an acrosome reaction abolish sperm motility rapidly and completely. However, by adding serum albumin shortly after addition of ionophore, motility can be preserved while the acrosome reaction occurs as usual; the motility pattern observed under these conditions is of the “whip-lash” or “activated” type. Although the motile ionophore-treated spermatozoa were unsuccessful at penetrating normal mature sheep oocytes in vitro, they were able to penetrate zona-free oocytes, after which swelling and decondensation of the sperm head took place.  相似文献   

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