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The hypothesis that domestication leads to a relaxation of purifying selection on mitochondrial (mt) genomes was tested by comparative analysis of mt genes from dog, pig, chicken, and silkworm. The three vertebrate species showed mt genome phylogenies in which domestic and wild isolates were intermingled, whereas the domestic silkworm (Bombyx mori) formed a distinct cluster nested within its closest wild relative (Bombyx mandarina). In spite of these differences in phylogenetic pattern, significantly greater proportions of nonsynonymous SNPs than of synonymous SNPs were unique to the domestic populations of all four species. Likewise, in all four species, significantly greater proportions of RNA-encoding SNPs than of synonymous SNPs were unique to the domestic populations. Thus, domestic populations were characterized by an excess of unique polymorphisms in two categories generally subject to purifying selection: nonsynonymous sites and RNA-encoding sites. Many of these unique polymorphisms thus seem likely to be slightly deleterious; the latter hypothesis was supported by the generally lower gene diversities of polymorphisms unique to domestic populations in comparison to those of polymorphisms shared by domestic and wild populations.  相似文献   

Several models of multiple slightly deleterious alleles are reviewed and theoretical consequences of slightly negative selection are discussed in conjunction with evolution and variation at the molecular level. Facts are organized which may be satisfactorily explained by the hypothesis of very slightly deleterious mutations. They are: (1) There appears to be an upper limit in heterozygosity for protein loci as measured by electrophoresis. (2) The excess of rare alleles is more pronounced in Drosophila than in man. (3) Correlation of heterozygosities at a locus among sibling species of the Drosophila willistoni group is too high compared to what is expected by the strict neutral theory, while it is not so among human races and between man and chimpanzee. (4) The rate of protein divergence is exceptionally high in Hawaiian Drosophila.  相似文献   

Buchnera aphidicola is the endosymbiotic bacterium of the pea aphid. Due to its small genome size, Buchnera lacks many essential genes for autogenous life but obtains nutrients from the host. Although the Buchnera cell is nonmotile, it retains clusters of flagellar genes that lack the late genes necessary for motility, including the flagellin gene. In this study, we show that the flagellar genes are actually transcribed and translated and that the Buchnera cell surface is covered with hundreds of hook-basal-body (HBB) complexes. The abundance of HBB complexes suggests a role other than motility. We discuss the possibility that the HBB complex may serve as a protein transporter not only for the flagellar proteins but also for other proteins to maintain the symbiotic system.  相似文献   

The Shigella are recently emerged clones of Escherichia coli, which have independently adopted an intracellular pathogenic lifestyle. We examined the molecular evolutionary consequences of this niche specialization by comparing the normalized, directional frequency profiles of unique polymorphisms within 2,098 orthologues representing the intersection of five E. coli and four Shigella genomes. We note a surfeit of AT-enriching changes (GC-->AT), transversions, and nonsynonymous changes in the Shigella genomes. By examining these differences within a temporal framework, we conclude that our results are consistent with relaxed or inefficient selection in Shigella owing to a reduced effective population size. Alternative interpretations, and the interesting exception of Shigella sonnei, are discussed. Finally, this analysis lends support to the view that nucleotide composition typically does not lie at mutational equilibrium but that selection plays a role in maintaining a higher GC content than would result solely from mutation bias. This argument sheds light on the enrichment of adenine and thymine in the genomes of bacterial endosymbionts where purifying selection is very weak.  相似文献   

Buchnera, the bacterial endosymbionts of aphids, undergo severe population bottlenecks during maternal transmission through their hosts. Previous studies suggest an increased effect of drift within these strictly asexual, small populations, resulting in an increased fixation of slightly deleterious mutations. This study further explores sequence evolution in Buchnera using three approaches. First, patterns of codon usage were compared across several homologous Escherichia coli and Buchnera loci, in order to test the prediction that selection for the use of optimal codons is less effective in small populations. A chi 2-based measure of codon bias was developed to adjust for the overall A + T richness of silent positions in the endosymbionts. In contrast to E. coli homologues, adaptive codon bias across Buchnera loci is markedly low, and patterns of codon usage lack a strong relationship with gene expression level. These data suggest that codon usage in Buchnera has been shaped largely by mutational pressure and drift rather than by selection for translational efficiency. One exception to the overall lack of bias is groEL, which is known to be constitutively overexpressed in Buchnera and other endosymbionts. Second, relative-rate tests show elevated rates of sequence evolution of numerous protein-coding loci across Buchnera, compared to E. coli. Finally, consistently higher ratios of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions in Buchnera loci relative to the enteric bacteria strongly suggest the accumulation of nonsynonymous substitutions in endosymbiont lineages. Combined, these results suggest a decreased effectiveness of purifying selection in purging endosymbiont populations of slightly deleterious mutations, particularly those affecting codon usage and amino acid identity.  相似文献   

The coding region for theEscherichia coli groEL (chaperonin-60) polypeptide was fused downstream of a pea rubisco small subunit transit peptide coding sequence under the control of a tandem 35S CaMV promoter. Transgenic tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi) containing this modifiedgroEL gene were produced. The modified groEL polypeptide was correctly imported into chloroplasts and accumulated to high or low levels in different plants. The majority of the modified groEL polypeptide was processed correctly to the mature form within the chloroplasts. Approximately 20% of the imported polypeptides retained a portion of the N-terminal transit peptide (TPgroEL). Both groEL and TPgroEL polypeptides assembled into tetradecameric species in the chloroplasts. In plants accumulating high levels of these products, the majority of the plant chaperonin-60 polypeptides in the chloroplast were present in novel hybrid tetradecameric species containing both bacterial and plant chaperonin-60 polypeptides. In plants accumulating low levels of groEL, the predominant species present appeared to be authentic plant cpn6014 and authentic bacterial groEL14. The growth and development of transgenic and control tobacco plants were indistinguishable.Abbreviations cpn60 chaperonin-60 - cpn10 chaperonin-10 - hsp heat shock protein - rubisco ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase - ssu small subunit - spp stromal processing peptidase - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

The common bacterial toxin hypothesis of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is consistent with the epidemiological features of the condition including the age distribution, seasonal incidence, association with prone sleeping and with exposure to tobacco smoke. The hypothesis is supported by experimental evidence but there are two barriers to its acceptance: the speed of onset does not fit with conventional concepts of an infective process; furthermore, the hypothesis appears to offer a single explanation for what is regarded as a multifactorial disease. Concepts from information theory are used to explore these objections. Complex physiological systems process information and need a high level of redundancy to minimise error. Models show that deleterious mutations in such a system will interact synergistically. Environmental perturbations are most likely to cause failure (sudden death) in systems with several mutations. Models also indicate that mutation rates will pose a limit to the size of the functioning genome and, therefore, increased complexity in evolution depends on using old genes in new combinations rather than the chance appearance of new genes. The idea that we share our genes with the rest of creation (same genes but different combinations) leads to the following conjecture: for every receptor controlling the flow of information across a cell membrane there will be a bacterially coded molecule that can switch it off or on. Based on this premise, bacterial toxaemia could cause sudden death, merely the time it takes for a molecule to associate with or dissociate from its receptor. Regardless of the number of physiological systems involved in SIDS, the age distribution will have a unimodal peak corresponding to the age range during which infant serum IgG reaches its nadir. In this way, the two barriers to the common bacterial toxin hypothesis can be overcome: one explanation but multiple bacteria and toxins acting with variable speed on multiple target systems.  相似文献   

Determining the probability of fixation of beneficial mutations is critically important for building predictive models of adaptive evolution. Despite considerable theoretical work, models of fixation probability have stood untested for nearly a century. However, recent advances in experimental and theoretical techniques permit the development of models with testable predictions. We developed a new model for the probability of surviving genetic drift, a major component of fixation probability, for novel beneficial mutations in the fungus Aspergillus nidulans, based on the life-history characteristics of its colony growth on a solid surface. We tested the model by measuring the probability of surviving drift in 11 adapted strains introduced into wild-type populations of different densities. We found that the probability of surviving drift increased with mutant invasion fitness, and decreased with wild-type density, as expected. The model accurately predicted the survival probability for the majority of mutants, yielding one of the first direct tests of the extinction probability of beneficial mutations.  相似文献   

The presence of four lysosomal storage diseases (LSDs) at increased frequency in the Ashkenazi Jewish population has suggested to many the operation of natural selection (carrier advantage) as the driving force. We compare LSDs and nonlysosomal storage diseases (NLSDs) in terms of the number of mutations, allele-frequency distributions, and estimated coalescence dates of mutations. We also provide new data on the European geographic distribution, in the Ashkenazi population, of seven LSD and seven NLSD mutations. No differences in any of the distributions were observed between LSDs and NLSDs. Furthermore, no regular pattern of geographic distribution was observed for LSD versus NLSD mutations-with some being more common in central Europe and others being more common in eastern Europe, within each group. The most striking disparate pattern was the geographic distribution of the two primary Tay-Sachs disease mutations, with the first being more common in central Europe (and likely older) and the second being exclusive to eastern Europe (primarily Lithuania and Russia) (and likely much younger). The latter demonstrates a pattern similar to two other recently arisen Lithuanian mutations, those for torsion dystonia and familial hypercholesterolemia. These observations provide compelling support for random genetic drift (chance founder effects, one approximately 11 centuries ago that affected all Ashkenazim and another approximately 5 centuries ago that affected Lithuanians), rather than selection, as the primary determinant of disease mutations in the Ashkenazi population.  相似文献   

Accumulation of deleterious mutations in the domestic yak genome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
X. Xie  Y. Yang  Q. Ren  X. Ding  P. Bao  B. Yan  X. Yan  J. Han  P. Yan  Q. Qiu 《Animal genetics》2018,49(5):384-392
Deleterious mutations play an important functional role, affecting trait phenotypes in ways that decrease the fitness of organisms. Estimating the frequency of occurrence and abundance has been a topic of much interest, especially in crops and livestock. The processes of domestication and breeding allow deleterious mutations to persist at high frequency, and identifying such deleterious mutations is particularly important for breed improvement. Here, we assessed genome‐wide patterns of deleterious variation in 59 domestic and 13 wild yaks using genome resequencing data. Based on the intersection of results given by three methods (provean , polyphen 2 and sift 4g ), we identified 3187 putative deleterious mutation sites affecting 2586 genes in domestic yaks and 2067 affecting 1701 genes in wild yaks. Multiple lines of evidence indicate a significant increase in the load of deleterious mutations in domesticated yaks compared to wild yaks. Private deleterious genes were found to be associated with the perception of smell and detection of chemical stimulus. We also identified 36 genes related to Mendelian genetic diseases involved in sensory perception, skeletal development and the nervous and immune systems. This study not only adds to the understanding of the genetic basis of yak domestication but also provides a rich catalog of variants that will facilitate future breeding‐related research on the yak genome and on other bovid species.  相似文献   

The secondary intracellular symbiotic bacterium (S-symbiont) of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum was investigated to determine its prevalence among strains, its phylogenetic position, its localization in the host insect, its ultrastructure, and the cytology of the endosymbiotic system. A total of 14 aphid strains were examined, and the S-symbiont was detected in 4 Japanese strains by diagnostic PCR. Two types of eubacterial 16S ribosomal DNA sequences were identified in disymbiotic strains; one of these types was obtained from the primary symbiont Buchnera sp., and the other was obtained from the S-symbiont. In situ hybridization and electron microscopy revealed that the S-symbiont was localized not only in the sheath cells but also in a novel type of cells, the secondary mycetocytes (S-mycetocytes), which have not been found previously in A. pisum. The size and shape of the S-symbiont cells were different when we compared the symbionts in the sheath cells and the symbionts in the S-mycetocytes, indicating that the S-symbiont is pleomorphic under different endosymbiotic conditions. Light microscopy, electron microscopy, and diagnostic PCR revealed unequivocally that the hemocoel is also a normal location for the S-symbiont. Occasional disordered localization of S-symbionts was also observed in adult aphids, suggesting that there has been imperfect host-symbiont coadaptation over the short history of coevolution of these organisms.  相似文献   

Rare, random mutations were induced in budding yeast by ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS). Clones known to bear a single non-neutral mutation were used to obtain mutant heterozygotes and mutant homozygotes that were later compared with wild-type homozygotes. The average homozygous effect of mutation was an approximately 2% decrease in the growth rate. In heterozygotes, the harmful effect of these relatively mild mutations was reduced approximately fivefold. In a test of epistasis, two heterozygous mutant loci were paired at random. Fitness of the double mutants was best explained by multiplicative action of effects at single loci, with little evidence for epistasis and essentially excluding synergism. In other experiments, the same mutations in haploid and heterozygous diploid clones were compared. Regardless of the haploid phenotypes, mildly deleterious or lethal, fitness of the heterozygotes was decreased by less than half a per cent on average. In general, the results presented here suggest that most mutations tend to exhibit small and weakly interacting effects in heterozygous loci regardless of how harmful they are in haploids or homozygotes.  相似文献   

Dogs exhibit more phenotypic variation than any other mammal and are affected by a wide variety of genetic diseases. However, the origin and genetic basis of this variation is still poorly understood. We examined the effect of domestication on the dog genome by comparison with its wild ancestor, the gray wolf. We compared variation in dog and wolf genes using whole-genome single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data. The d(N)/d(S) ratio (omega) was around 50% greater for SNPs found in dogs than in wolves, indicating that a higher proportion of nonsynonymous alleles segregate in dogs compared with nonfunctional genetic variation. We suggest that the majority of these alleles are slightly deleterious and that two main factors may have contributed to their increase. The first is a relaxation of selective constraint due to a population bottleneck and altered breeding patterns accompanying domestication. The second is a reduction of effective population size at loci linked to those under positive selection due to Hill-Robertson interference. An increase in slightly deleterious genetic variation could contribute to the prevalence of disease in modern dog breeds.  相似文献   

The restrictive assumptions associated with purely genetic and purely ecological mechanisms suggest that neither of the two forces, in isolation, can offer a general explanation for the evolutionary maintenance of sex. Consequently, attention has turned to pluralistic models (i.e. models that apply both ecological and genetic mechanisms). Existing research has shown that combining mutation accumulation and parasitism allows restrictive assumptions about genetic and parasite parameter values to be relaxed while still predicting the maintenance of sex. However, several empirical studies have shown that deleterious mutations and parasitism can reduce fitness to a greater extent than would be expected if the two acted independently. We show how interactions between these genetic and ecological forces can completely reverse predictions about the evolution of reproductive modes. Moreover, we demonstrate that synergistic interactions between infection and deleterious mutations can render sex evolutionarily stable even when there is antagonistic epistasis among deleterious mutations, thereby widening the conditions for the evolutionary maintenance of sex.  相似文献   

The shift in Ab repertoire, from Abs dominating certain primary B cell responses to genetically unrelated Abs dominating subsequent "memory" responses, challenges the accepted paradigm of affinity maturation. We used mathematical modeling and computer simulations of the dynamics of B cell responses, hypermutation, selection, and memory cell formation to test hypotheses attempting to explain repertoire shift. We show that repertoire shift can be explained within the framework of the affinity maturation paradigm, only when we recognize the destructive nature of hypermutation: B cells with a high initial affinity for the Ag are less likely to improve through random mutations.  相似文献   

Wolbachia is an endosymbiotic bacterium widely present in arthropods and animal-parasitic nematodes. Despite previous efforts, it has never been identified in plant-parasitic nematodes. Random sequencing of genes expressed by the burrowing nematode Radopholus similis resulted in several sequences with similarity to Wolbachia genes. The presence of a Wolbachia-like endosymbiont in this plant-parasitic nematode was investigated using both morphological and molecular approaches. Transmission electron microscopy, fluorescent immunolocalisation and staining with DAPI confirmed the presence of the endosymbiont within the reproductive tract of female adults.16S rDNA, ftsZ and groEL gene sequences showed that the endosymbiont of R. similis is distantly related to the known Wolbachia supergroups. Finally, based on our initial success in finding sequences of this endosymbiont by screening an expressed sequence tag (EST) dataset, all nematode ESTs were mined for Wolbachia-like sequences. Although the retained sequences belonged to six different nematode species, R. similis was the only plant-parasitic nematode with traces of Wolbachia. Based on our phylogenetic study and the current literature we designate the endosymbiont of R. similis to a new supergroup (supergroup I) rather than considering it as a new species. Although its role remains unknown, the endosymbiont was found in all individuals tested, pointing towards an essential function of the bacteria.  相似文献   

Monosomy for the X chromosome in humans creates a genetic Achilles' heel for nature to deal with. We report that the human X chromosome appears to have one-third the density of the coding sequence of the autosomes and, because of partial shielding from the high mutation rate of the male sex, that it should also have a lower mutation rate than the autosomes (i.e.,.73). Hence, the X chromosome should contribute one quarter (.33x.73=.24) of the deleterious mutations expected from its DNA content. In this way, selection has possibly moderated risks from mutation in X-linked genes that are thought to have been fixed in their syntenic state since the onset of the mammalian lineage. The unexpected difference in the density of coding sequences indicates that our recent, hemophilia B-based estimate of the rate of deleterious mutations per zygote should be increased from 1.3 to 4 (1.3x3).  相似文献   

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