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本文介绍了~(60)Co-γ辐照对同步的和非同步的CHO细胞的DNA合成和组蛋白合成关系的影响的研究,用~3H-胸腺嘧啶核苷和~(14)C-丙氨酸双标记,未经辐照的和经4Gy~60Gy ~(60)Co-γ辐照的CHO细胞,通过~3H和~(14)C的参入来估价DNA和组蛋白的合成,并用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳鉴定辐照前后组蛋白各组分的变化情况,实验表明: 1)、在4~60Gy剂量范内,无论是同步的还是非同步的CHO细胞其DNA合成和组蛋白合成都受到不同程度的抑制。2)、在辐照后1—3小时,DNA合成和组蛋白合成都受到不同程度的抑制,但辐照后4小时,DNA合成被进一步抑制而组蛋白的合成却逐渐恢复正常,到辐照后48小时组蛋白的合成几乎接近对照水平。3)、16Gy ~(60)Co-γ辐照后8小时,非同步的CHO细胞的DNA合成被抑制的情况比G_1期CHO细胞更为严重。4)、16Gy ~(60)Co-γ辐照S期细胞,在辐照后1—24小时中DNA合成被明显抑制的同时,组蛋白的合成也受到相应的抑制。5)、从未经辐照的和经6、16和60Gy~(60)Co-γ辐照的CHO细胞分别提取全组蛋白,进行聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳,从电泳图谱的变化清楚地看到组蛋白H_1和H_3受辐照影响大于组蛋白H_4和H_(2B)+H_(2A),因此我们推测DNA合成和组蛋白H_1和H_3的关系较之组蛋白H_4和H_(2A)+H_(2B)更为密切。  相似文献   

The colony-forming efficiency of 9L rat gliosarcoma cells was unaffected by treatment with 0.1 μCi/ml of [3H]TdR. However, when cells were treated with 1 or 10 μCi/ml of [3H]Tdr, cell growth was reduced and cell survival decreased. When monolayer 9L cells were treated with 1 μCi/ml of [3H]TdR for up to 72 hr, approximately 5% survived, which is closely related to the percentage of non-cycling cells in this system. When cells were treated with 10 μCi/ml of [3H]TdR for 72 hr, less survival was observed. the additional cell kill observed may be induced by [3H]TdR released from doomed cells into petri dishes during the incubation period of the colony-formation assay.  相似文献   

The nucleolus of Chinese hamster tissue culture cells (strain Dede) was studied in each stage of mitosis with the electron microscope. Mitotic cells were selectively removed from the cultures with 0.2 per cent trypsin and fixed in either osmium tetroxide or glutaraldehyde followed by osmium tetroxide. The cells were embedded in both prepolymerized methacrylate and Epon 812. Thin sections of interphase nucleoli revealed two consistent components; dense 150-A granules and fine fibrils which measured 50 A or less in diameter. During prophase, distinct zones which were observed in some interphase nucleoli (i.e. nucleolonema and pars amorpha) were lost and the nucleoli were observed to disperse into smaller masses. By late prophase or prometaphase, the nucleoli appeared as loosely wound, predominantly fibrous structures with widely dispersed granules. Such structures persisted throughout mitosis either free in the cytoplasm or associated with the chromosomes. At telophase, those nucleolar bodies associated with the chromosomes became included in the daughter nuclei, resumed their compact granular appearance, and reorganized into an interphase-type structure.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster cell strains in the early passages in culture display wide variation in number of nucleolus-like bodies per cell, though such strains are characteristically euploid. A variety of criteria indicate that the nucleolus-like bodies are true nucleoli. Their Azure B- and fast green-staining properties indicate the presence of RNA and protein; they have typical nucleolar fine structure, including both fibrous and granular components; radioautography reveals that their patterns of uptake of uridine-3H into RNA are similar to those reported for nucleoli of other cell types; actinomycin D, at a level which selectively inhibits ribosomal RNA synthesis, greatly reduces their RNA synthesis and also causes segregation of fibrous and granular nucleolar components. Colchicine was used to experimentally fragment the nuclei of these cells into a number of separate karyomeres, each presumably containing some, or only one, of the chromosomes of the complement. Almost all the karyomeres contain nucleolus-like bodies which, by the same criteria applied to the multiple nucleolus-like bodies of uninuclear cells, appear to be true nucleoli. The nucleoli of individual karyomeres of the same cell often differ from each other in fine structure while the multiple nucleoli of a uninuclear cell generally resemble each other. The evidence presented in this study indicates that Chinese hamster cells contain many nucleolus-producing sites scattered through the genome.  相似文献   

Synchronized populations of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells in confluent culture have been examined by scanning electron microscopy and their surface changes noted as the cells progress through the cycle. During G1 it is characteristic for cells to show large numbers of microvilli, blebs, and ruffles. Except for the ruffles, these tend to diminish in prominence during S and the cells become relatively smooth as they spread thinly over the substrate. During G2 microvilli increase in number and the cells thicken in anticipation of rounding up for mitosis. It appears that the changes observed here reflect the changing capacity of CHO cells during the cycle to respond to contact with other cells in the population, because, as noted in the succeeding paper (Rubin and Everhart), CHO cells in sparse nonconfluent cultures do not show the same wide range of changes during the cell cycle. Normal, nontransformed cells of equivalent type in confluent culture are essentially devoid of microvilli, blebs, and ruffles. The relation of these surface configurations to the internal structure of the cell is discussed.  相似文献   

本文对不同年龄中国仓鼠各种组织的体外培养细胞姐妹染色单体互换(SCE)频率进行了比较研究。实验结果表明,体外培养细胞的自发SCE频率与动物年龄无关,相同组织细胞经MMC处理后,老龄仓鼠SCE频率比幼龄仓鼠SCE频率明显低。心脏和皮肤细胸的SCE频率高于肺和尾的SCE频率。  相似文献   

The initial effect of an injection of TdR-5-3H (1 μCi/g body weight; 6 Ci/mmol) in the cheek pouch epithelium of the Syrian hamster is an increase in the mitotic index. The increase is observed 1–5 hr after injection, depending upon the time of day when the injection is given, and is followed by compensatory variations in mitotic index. This deviation from the normal circadian rhythm in the mitotic index appears to depend on the fraction of G2-cells at the time of injection. The main effect is a shortening of tg2. No effect is observed after injection of non-radioactive TdR or isotonic saline. The results of the present experiment emphasize that unexpected results may be obtained when using mitotic indices from animals labelled with 3H-TdR, as well as the risks of using the PLM-method in a partially synchronized system.  相似文献   

Using Chinese hamster cells in culture, we have measured the effectiveness of actinomycin D to suppress division as a function of the position, or age, of a cell in its growth cycle. Cells were first exposed to millimolar concentrations of hydroxyurea in order to produce a synchronized population just before the onset of DNA synthesis. Thereafter, the survival response after 30 min exposures to actinomycin D was measured. Cells become resistant as they enter the S phase and then sensitive again in the latter part of S. When they reach G2 (or G2-mitosis) they are maximally resistant; at 1.0 µg/ml, for example, the survival in G2 is 30-fold greater than it is in G1. These results, plus measurements reported earlier on the interaction of damage in S cells due to actinomycin D and X-irradiation, suggest that the age-response pattern of the toxic effects of this drug probably reflects both the functional capacity of DNA-actinomycin complexes and the ability of this antibiotic to penetrate chromatin and bind to DNA.  相似文献   

α-Amanitin acts in vitro as a selective inhibitor of the nucleoplasmic form B RNA polymerases. Treatment of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells with this drug leads principally to a severe fragmentation of the nucleoli. While the ultrastructural lesions induced by α-amanitin in CHO cells and in rat or mouse liver are quite similar, the results diverge concerning the effect on RNA synthesis. It has been shown that in rat or mouse liver α-amanitin blocks both extranucleolar and nucleolar RNA synthesis. Our autoradiographic and biochemical evidence indicates that in CHO cells high molecular weight extranucleolar RNA synthesis (HnRNA) is blocked by the α-amanitin treatment, whereas nucleolar RNA (preribosomal RNA) synthesis remains unaffected even several hours after the inhibition of extranucleolar RNA synthesis. Furthermore, the processing of this RNA as well as its transport to the cytoplasm seem only slightly affected by the treatment. Finally, under these conditions, the synthesis of the low molecular RNA species (4–5S) still occurs, though less actively. The results are interpreted as evidence for a selective impairment of HnRNA synthesis by α-amanitin in CHO cells.  相似文献   

The distribution of Chinese hamster cells with respect to the compartments of the cell generation cycle was studied in cultures in the stationary phase of growth in two different media. A measure of the state of depletion of the nutrient medium was formulated by defining a quantity termed the nutritive capacity of the medium. This quantity was used to verify that the cessation of cell proliferation is due to nutrient deficiencies and not to density dependent growth inhibition. Cell cultures in stationary phase were diluted into fresh medium and as growth resumed, mitotic index, cumulative mitotic index, label index and viability were measured as a function of time. The distribution of cells with respect to compartments of the cell generation cycle in stationary phase populations was reconstructed from these data. Stationary phase populations of Chinese hamster cells that retained the capacity for renewed growth when diluted into fresh medium were found to be arrested in the G1 and G2 portions of the cycle; the relative proportion of these cells in G1 increased with time in the stationary phase, but the sequence differs in the two media. In early stationary phase, in the less rich medium, more cells are in G2 than in G1. Also in this medium a fraction of the population was observed to be synthesizing DNA during stationary phase, but this fraction was not stimulated to renewed growth by dilution into fresh medium.  相似文献   

研究了辐射增敏剂甲硝唑氨酸(CM)对受照前后坪期V_(79)细胞DNase活力的影响。结果表明CM在一定浓度范围内(1—10mmol/L)对DNase的激活作用有浓度依赖关系。细胞经6—12Gyγ线照后DNase活力亦增高,若照射合并CM处理后,则对DNase激活有相加作用。还就DNase活力升高与DNA链断裂间的可能关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Cultures of mitotic Chinese hamster cells, prepared by mechanical selection, were pulse-labeled with methionine-methyl-14C or with uridine-3H at different stages in the life cycle. The rate of 14C incorporation into 18S RNA was measured, as was the rate of uridine-3H incorporation into total RNA for both monolayer and suspension cultures. The rate of incorporation increased continuously throughout interphase in a fashion inconsistent with a gene-dosage effect upon RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Abstract— Microsomal and myelin membrane fractions were prepared from the brains of warm-adapted (room temperature) and hibernating Syrian hamsters ( Mesocricetus auratus ). Lipid extracts of these preparations were assayed for phospholipid and galactosphingolipid composition, and for cholesterol levels. In both myelin and microsomes, plasmenlethanolamine levels decreased while total ethanol-amineglycerophospholipid levels remained constant with hibernation. Cerebroside levels changed slightly, increasing in microsomes while decreasing in myelin. No changes in cholesterol levels were detectable. Fatty acid analyses of microsomal ethanolamineglycerophospholipids and phosphatidylserine showed predominantly increases in 18:1 and 20:4 (n-6), and decreases in 18:0 and 22:6 (n-3), in both lipid classes with hibernation. Myelin ethanolamineglycerophospholipids exhibited a decrease in 20:1 and an increase in 20:4 (n-6). Aldehyde analyses of plasmenylethanolamines revealed a decrease in 16:0 and an increase in 18:1 in microsomes, and an increase in 18:O in myelin. The hydroxylated fatty acids of myelin cerebrosides showed no discernible changes in composition with hibernation. It is proposed that these lipid changes aid in the maintenance of the structure and function of brain membranes at the reduced temperatures encountered during hibernation.  相似文献   

A comparative study was made of the toxic properties of actinomycin D and X-rays using synchronized populations of Chinese hamster cells cultured in vitro. X-irradiated cells are most resistant in the latter half of the DNA synthetic period (late S). While cells treated with actinomycin D appear to go through a survival maximum at the same age, they are most resistant after the completion of DNA synthesis; i.e. in G2 (or G2-mitosis). In spite of these differences, we found that actinomycin D damage in late S cells interacts with X-ray damage. Thus, a common locus for the site of actions of both agents is suggested which may be in or around the genome of a cell in view of the well-known DNA binding properties of actinomycin D.  相似文献   

The NPY Y1-receptor selective antagonist BIBP3226 exerts a dual control on the cytosolic free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) in NPY Y1 receptor- transfected Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells (CHO-Y1 cells). It is a potent inhibitor of the NPY-evoked increase in [Ca2+]i. This can be ascribed to its antagonistic properties for the NPY Y1 receptor since its less active stereoisomer, BIBP3435, is much less potent. However, when its concentration exceeds 1 μM, BIBP3226 produces a large increase in [Ca2+]i on its own. This effect is mimicked by BIBP3435 and it also occurs in wild type CHO-K1 cells. These latter cells do not contain high affinity binding sites for [3H]NPY and [3H]BIBP3226 and, hence, no endogenous NPY Y1 receptors. It is concluded that, at moderately high concentrations, the NPY Y1 receptor antagonist BIBP3226 and its entantiomer BIBP3435 are able to increase the [Ca2+]i in CHO cells either by stimulating another receptor or by directly affecting cellular mechanisms that are involved in calcium homeostasis.  相似文献   

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