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Understanding processes that underlie ecological resistance to weed invasion is critical for sustainable restoration of invaded plant communities. Experimental studies have demonstrated that invasive nitrophilic annuals can be controlled by addition of carbon to reduce soil nitrate concentrations, sometimes leading to enhanced establishment of native plants. However, effects of carbon supplements on soil nitrate are temporary, and the longer-term value of carbon supplementation as a restoration tool is dependent on the resistance of the re-established ecosystem to repeat invasion. We investigated whether re-established swards of the tussock grass Themeda australis (R.Br.) Stapf (a natural understorey dominant in mesic grassy woodlands of SE Australia) could suppress soil nitrate concentrations, and through this or other means, could impart ongoing resistance to exotic invasion in restored woodlands. In a remnant invaded by exotic annuals, we applied three plot treatments (carbon supplements, annual spring burns and untreated control) and two seed treatments (± Themeda seed) in a replicated, factorial design. Within 3 years, successful establishment of Themeda swards on burnt and carbon-supplemented plots was associated with a reduction in soil nitrate to levels comparable with non-invaded, Themeda-dominated reference sites in the region (<3 mg/kg), and significantly reduced exotic cover compared with unseeded plots. By contrast, on plots not seeded with Themeda, soil nitrate increased after cessation of carbon addition and exotic cover returned to levels comparable with untreated control plots, despite a high cover of other native perennial grasses. Few persistent effects of carbon supplements or spring burning on soil nutrients were evident 9–19 months after cessation of these treatments. Results suggest that Themeda is a keystone species that regulates nitrate cycling, thereby imparting ecological resistance to invasion by nitrophilic annuals.  相似文献   

Restoration goals often involve the addition of new species to resident, degraded communities but in box gum woodlands such restoration is often constrained by competition from persistent exotic annuals that control critical ecological processes. Nutrient reduction (via carbon addition) and seed bank depletion are two approaches to reduce competition from exotic annuals but to be effective these treatments must allow establishment of species such as native grasses. This experiment was conducted in two degraded Austrostipa understoreys in the box gum woodlands of south‐east Australia. It compares the effects of carbon addition (sugar), seed depletion (spring burning or spring grazing) and combinations of carbon addition and seed depletion treatments on the establishment of C3 and C4 native grasses, and measured the effects of their establishment on soil nitrate concentration and exotic annuals. Treatments that reduced exotic annual abundance did not increase initial germination of the C4 native grasses, Bothriochloa or Themeda. However, sugar increased seedling survival of Themeda and Bothriochloa and grazing increased seedling survival of Bothriochloa, presumably by reducing effects of exotic annuals. Poa and Rytidosperma (C3 native grasses) failed to establish. Although we were unable to detect any reduction in soil nitrate concentration, swards with successful recruitment of C4 grasses suppressed exotic annuals more than the Austrostipa‐only swards at one site (the other was affected by wildfire). Further, AustrostipaThemeda swards were more effective than Austrostipa‐Bothriochloa for suppressing exotics, pointing to a role for both functional and species identity in the degree of resistance conferred.  相似文献   

Summary Temperate grassy ecosystems are amongst Australia's most endangered ecosystems. Most remnants are small, fragmented and highly degraded. Practical methods for restoring native understorey species are urgently required. Dominant native grasses such as Kangaroo Grass (Themeda triandra Forssk.) and Tussock‐grasses (Poa species) have been eliminated from many remnants by heavy grazing in the past. The reintroduction of these grasses is a critical step for understorey restoration. This paper (i) reviews the literature on Themeda seed biology and seedling establishment; (ii) summarizes the lessons learnt from three major attempts to establish Themeda stands in south‐east Australia; and (iii) identifies the research needed to enhance Themeda restoration. Considerable information is available on Themeda seed and establishment biology, and restoration exercises have shown that Themeda stands can be readily established by surface‐spreading awned seeds in seed‐bearing hay. However, many practical challenges remain, including the need to identify optimal sowing periods, create better seedbed conditions, develop practical mulching techniques, and improve weed control. The use of seed‐bearing hay has constrained restoration to relatively small areas in the past. Future trials may benefit by using more concentrated seed products such as seed‐bearing florets and pure seeds which permit larger areas to be restored at one time.  相似文献   

Andropogon gayanus (gamba grass) is an introduced pasture grass that threatens Australia's tropical savannas by modifying fire regimes and species composition. To understand the establishment requirements of A. gayanus, we undertook a field experiment to determine the effect of canopy cover and ground layer disturbance on seedling emergence and survival. Seed was sown under three canopy treatments (undisturbed, artificial canopy gap, and natural canopy gap) and under three ground layer treatments (Control, Vegetation disturbed, and Soil disturbed). Results have shown that A. gayanus can establish and survive regardless of canopy cover or ground disturbance, although such site disturbances will increase establishment success. Disturbance of both the overstorey canopy and the ground layer increased A. gayanus emergence, whereas seedling survival to 12 mo after seed sowing was affected by ground layer disturbance alone. Disturbance of the canopy increased light transmission, which may have promoted germination. Ground layer disturbance may also have increased light transmission and suitable sites for establishment, and reduced competition for resources, such as water and nutrients. The ability of A. gayanus to spread along disturbed areas, establish in relatively undisturbed savannas, and resprout after fire within 6 mo after seedling emergence suggests that this species will become increasingly widespread in Australia's tropical savannas. Its control is urgently required.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic disturbances have serious impacts on ecosystems across the world. Understanding the effects of disturbance on woodlands, especially in regions where local people depend on these natural resources, is essential for sustainable natural resource management and biodiversity conservation. In this study, we evaluated the effects of anthropogenic disturbance, specifically selective logging of Brachystegia floribunda, on woodlands by comparing species composition, species diversity and functional diversity of woody plants between disturbed and undisturbed woodlands. We combined species data and functional trait data for leaves, fruits and other traits related to resource and disturbance responses to calculate functional indices (functional richness, evenness and divergence) and community‐weighted means of each trait. Shifts in taxonomic species composition were analysed using nonmetric multi‐dimensional scaling. Species composition differed significantly between disturbed and undisturbed woodlands. Tree density was greater in disturbed woodlands, whereas evenness, functional evenness and functional divergence were greater in undisturbed woodlands. In terms of forest cover, selective logging of B. floribunda appeared to have little impact on Miombo woodlands, but some shifts in functional traits, such as the shift from a deciduous to evergreen phenology, may increase the vulnerability of these ecosystems to environmental change, especially drought.  相似文献   

Many studies have shown that soil disturbance facilitates establishment of invasive, non-native plant species, and a number of mechanisms have been isolated that contribute to the process. To our knowledge no studies have isolated the role of altered soil compaction, a likely correlate of many types of soil disturbance, in facilitating invasion. To address this, we measured the response of seeded non-native and native plant species to four levels of soil compaction in mesocosms placed in an abandoned agricultural field in the Methow Valley, Washington, USA. Soil compaction levels reflected the range of resistance to penetration (0.1–3.0 kg cm−2) measured on disturbed soils throughout the study system prior to the experiment. Percent cover of non-native species, namely Bromus tectorum and Centaurea diffusa, decreased by 34% from the least to the most compacted treatments, whereas percent cover of native species, mostly Pseudoroegneria spicata and Lupinus spp., did not respond to compaction treatments. Experimental results were supported by a survey of soil penetration resistance and percent cover by species in 18 abandoned agricultural fields. Percent cover of B. tectorum was negatively related to soil compaction levels, whereas none of the native species showed any response to soil compaction. These results highlight a potentially important, though overlooked, aspect of soil disturbance that may contribute to subsequent non-native plant establishment.  相似文献   

Establishment of native plant populations on disturbed roadsides was investigated at Bryce Canyon National Park (BCNP) in relation to several revegetation and seedbed preparation techniques. In 1994, the BCNP Rim Road (2,683–2,770 m elevation) was reconstructed resulting in a 23.8‐ha roadside disturbance. Revegetation comparisons included the influence of fertilizer on plant establishment and development, the success of indigenous versus commercial seed, seedling response to microsites, methods of erosion control, and shrub transplant growth and survival. Plant density, cover, and biomass were measured 1, 2, and 4 years after revegetation implementation (1995–1998). Seeded native grass cover and density were the highest on plots fertilized with nitrogen and phosphorus, but by the fourth growing season, differences between fertilized and unfertilized plots were minimal. Fertilizers may facilitate more rapid establishment of seeded grasses following disturbance, increasing soil cover and soil stability on steep and unstable slopes. However the benefit of increased soil nutrients favored few of the desired species resulting in lower species richness over time compared to unfertilized sites. Elymus trachycaulus (slender wheatgrass) plants raised from indigenous seed had higher density and cover than those from a commercial seed source 2 and 4 years after sowing. Indigenous materials may exhibit slow establishment immediately following seeding, but they will likely persist during extreme climatic conditions such as cold temperatures and relatively short growing seasons. Seeded grasses established better near stones and logs than on adjacent open microsites, suggesting that a roughened seedbed created before seeding can significantly enhance plant establishment. After two growing seasons, total grass cover between various erosion‐control treatments was similar indicating that a variety of erosion reduction techniques can be utilized to reduce erosion. Finally shrub transplants showed minimal differential response to fertilizers, water‐absorbing gels, and soil type. Simply planting and watering transplants was sufficient for the greatest plant survival and growth.  相似文献   

Woodlands dominated by Eucalyptus salmonophloia (salmon gum) occur throughout the fragmented landscape of the southwestern Australian wheatbelt. These remnants are often degraded by livestock grazing and weed invasion and in many cases there is little or no understorey remaining and little or no regeneration of the dominant tree E. salmonophloia. There is a growing interest in developing techniques for restoring remnant woodlands. This study describes techniques for establishing seedlings of the dominant tree and perennial understorey species in E. salmonophloia (salmon gum) woodlands degraded by livestock grazing. The study tests the hypothesis that, in addition to the exclusion of livestock, management of weeds and reintroduction of plant species, restoration of plant species diversity will require techniques which mimic large‐scale disturbances, reduce soil compaction, and restore soil water infiltration to suitable rates. Five‐month‐old seedlings of the dominant tree E. salmonophloia and four commonly associated woody shrubs (Acacia hemiteles, Atriplex semibaccata, Maireana brevifolia, and Melaleuca pauperiflora) were planted into areas that differed with respect to grazing (–rabbit/ ?livestock and +rabbit/–livestock), tree canopy disturbance (+/–competition with tree canopy) and amelioration of soil compaction (+/–deep ripping). Following three growing seasons and two summers, the exclusion of rabbits had no significant effect on the survival and growth of planted species. As a consequence grazing treatments are pooled for the purposes of presenting the impacts of removing competition with adult trees and soil deep ripping. The removal of competition with adult E. salmonophloia trees significantly improved the survival of E. salmonophloia seedlings but did not improve survival of understorey species. Deep ripping the soil significantly improved the survival of both E. salmonophloia and the shrub A. hemiteles but did not improve the survival of other understorey species. In contrast to seedling survival, the removal of adult E. salmonophloia trees and deep ripping soil significantly increased the growth of all species. The results indicate that increasing levels of intervention will increase the chances of successfully restoring tree and understorey species diversity in degraded E. salmonophloia woodlands.  相似文献   

Remote island ecosystems are vulnerable to human disturbance and habitat destruction, yet they often have limited capacity to revegetate degraded habitats, especially with native species. To revegetate degraded island habitats, practitioners often rely on importing non‐native species, thereby increasing the number of introduced species on islands. In this study, we investigated the effectiveness of sowing wild collected native seeds and locally sourced treatments for revegetating different eroded soil types (clay, peat, and sand) across the Falkland Islands. A seed mixture of 15 native species was sown with different supportive treatments (sheep dung, sheep dags [woolly off‐cuts], and geotextile matting [coir]) and their combinations. After 1 year, native seeds provided up to 70% plant cover and accrued 1.98 kg/m2 in biomass. Three key native species Elymus magellanicus, Poa flabellata, and Poa alopecurus occurred in 64, 50, and 50% of all sown plots. However, supportive treatments equally facilitated the colonization and establishment of non‐native species. At the same time, there was no difference in native plant cover and biomass across different treatments or soil types, although in the absence of supportive treatments there was little to no revegetation. Thus, locally sourced treatments (i.e. sheep dung and dags) may provide an equally effective but low‐cost alternative to imported treatments (i.e. geotextiles). We further discuss challenges of integrating revegetation using native seeds and livestock grazing on the Falkland Islands. Our study demonstrates that native species and local treatments can provide a rapid approach to revegetating degraded island habitats.  相似文献   

Overstory reduction and slash mulching (ORSM) has been shown to be an effective means for increasing herbaceous cover and diversity in degraded piñon (Pinus edulis) and juniper (Juniperus monosperma) woodlands of north‐central New Mexico. Local fire history, tree age‐class structure, and grazing records suggest that many areas now occupied by dense piñon‐juniper woodlands were formerly more open, with grassy understories that supported well‐developed soils and a fire regime. At Bandelier National Monument, studies are evaluating the use of ORSM treatments as a restoration management tool. In 1999 and 2001, we evaluated the effects of an ORSM treatment implemented in 1997 upon butterfly abundance and species richness between a pair of treated and control watersheds. Butterfly abundance and species richness were significantly greater on the treated watershed in both years, and these measures were correlated with significant increases in forb and grass cover in the treated watershed. Five of the 10 most common nectar and larval host plants had significantly greater cover in the treated watershed, including the legume Lotus wrightii. Our results suggest that the increased herbaceous cover resulting from an ORSM treatment of a single watershed induced a positive, initial response by butterflies. Using butterflies as indicators of site productivity and species richness, our results suggest ORSM is a promising technique for restoring biodiversity in degraded piñon‐juniper woodlands.  相似文献   

Current invasion ecology theory predicts that disturbance will stimulate invasion by exotic plant species. Cheatgrass or Downy brome (Bromus tectorum) was surveyed in three sites near Florence, Colorado, U.S.A., immediately following Tamarisk or Saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) control and restoration activities that caused disturbance. Despite predictions to the contrary, neither mowing with heavy machinery nor tilling for seedbed preparation stimulated invasion, with a trend for the opposite pattern such that highest percent cover of B. tectorum was observed in the least disturbed transects. Aerial application of imazapyr for Tamarix spp. control caused mortality of nearly all B. tectorum and other understory plant species in all sites. Mechanical control of Tamarix spp. will not necessarily result in increased abundance of invasive species already present, possibly due to the effects of mulch usually left on‐site. Imazapyr will control B. tectorum and other herbaceous understory species when applied aerially for Tamarix spp. control. These results are encouraging for managers of riparian systems who may fear that control of woody invasives will stimulate herbaceous invasions.  相似文献   

This study investigated the impacts of livestock grazing on native plant species cover, litter cover, soil surface condition, surface soil physical and chemical properties, surface soil hydrology, and near ground and soil microclimate in remnant Eucalyptus salmonophloia F. Muell woodlands. Vegetation and soil surveys were undertaken in three woodlands with a history of regular grazing and in three woodlands with a history of little or no grazing. Livestock grazing was associated with a decline in native perennial cover and an increase in exotic annual cover, reduced litter cover, reduced soil cryptogam cover, loss of surface soil microtopography, increased erosion, changes in the concentrations of soil nutrients, degradation of surface soil structure, reduced soil water infiltration rates and changes in near ground and soil microclimate. The results suggest that livestock grazing changes woodland conditions and disrupts the resource regulatory processes that maintain the natural biological array in E. salmonophloia woodlands. Consequently the conditions and resources in many remnant woodlands may be above or below critical thresholds for many species. The implications of these findings for restoration of plant species diversity and community structure are discussed. Simply removing livestock from degraded woodlands is unlikely to result in the restoration of plant species diversity and community structure. Restoration will require strategies that capture resources, increase their retention and improve microclimate.  相似文献   

Aim There has been considerable debate about pre‐settlement stand structures in temperate woodlands in south‐eastern Australia. Traditional histories assumed massive tree losses across the region, whereas a number of recent histories propose that woodlands were originally open and trees regenerated densely after settlement. To reconcile these conflicting models, we gathered quantitative data on pre‐settlement stand structures in EucalyptusCallitris woodlands in central New South Wales Australia, including: (1) tree density, composition, basal area and canopy cover at the time of European settlement; and (2) post‐settlement changes in these attributes. Location Woodlands dominated by Eucalyptus species and Callitris glaucophylla, which originally occupied approximately 100,000 km2 in central New South Wales, Australia. Methods We recorded all evidence of pre‐settlement trees, including stumps, stags and veteran trees, from 39 relatively undisturbed 1‐ha stands within 16 State Forests evenly distributed across the region. Current trees were recorded in a nested 900 m2 quadrat at each site. Allometric relationships were used to estimate girth over bark at breast height, tree basal area, and crown diameter from the girth of cut stumps. A post‐settlement disturbance index was developed to assess correlations between post‐settlement disturbance and attributes of pre‐settlement stands. Results The densities of all large trees (> 60 cm girth over bark at breast height) were significantly greater in current stands than at the time of European settlement (198 vs. 39 trees ha?1). Pre‐settlement and current stands did not differ in basal area. However, the proportional representation of Eucalyptus and Callitris changed completely. At the time of settlement, stands were dominated by Eucalyptus (78% of basal area), whereas current stands are dominated by Callitris (74%). On average, Eucalyptus afforded 83% of crown cover at the time of settlement. Moreover, the estimated density, basal area and crown cover of Eucalyptus at the time of settlement were significantly negatively correlated with post‐settlement disturbance, which suggests that these results underestimate pre‐settlement Eucalyptus representation in the most disturbed stands. Main conclusions These results incorporate elements of traditional and recent vegetation histories. Since European settlement, State Forests have been transformed from Eucalyptus to Callitris dominance as a result of the widespread clearance of pre‐settlement Eucalyptus and dense post‐settlement recruitment of Callitris. Tree densities did increase greatly after European settlement, but most stands were much denser at the time of settlement than recent histories suggest. The original degree of dominance by Eucalyptus was unexpected, and has been consistently underestimated in the past. This study has greatly refined our understanding of post‐settlement changes in woodland stand structures, and will strengthen the foundation for management policies that incorporate historical benchmarks of landscape vegetation changes.  相似文献   

Aim The impact of microscale frost disturbance on vegetation colonization and successionary trends was examined within patterned ground features of Little Ice Age chronosequences. The goal was to investigate and compare vegetation response to micro‐site frost disturbance with that of previous studies done at a coarser landscape scale. Location The study sites occur on Little Ice Age glacier forelands within Jotunheimen, Norway (61°–62° N). The forelands of the glaciers Slettmarkbreen, Styggedalsbreen and Vestre Memurubreen have been well studied providing chronological controls for landscape studies. Sorted patterned ground features are found within the chronosequences, typically declining with frost intensity and disturbance with increasing terrain age. Methods Micro‐plots (8.3 × 8.3 cm) were placed at the inner borders and centres of patterned ground features. Species were identified and per cent species cover and per cent cover of life‐form category were noted. Nonparametric Kruskal–Wallis and Mann–Whitney U‐tests were used to test for differences between percent cover of life‐form categories within patterned ground features as well as to identify thresholds of successional change across the chronosequences. Results Significant relationships between life‐from groups and patterned ground positions of varying ages were deduced using nonparametric statistics. Findings were then used to discuss trends of succession within patterned ground features and across the chronosequences. Vegetation establishment occurs at the border positions of young (< 30 years) patterned ground features. With time and distance from the ice margin, vegetation encroaches inwards toward the disturbed centres. Succession within patterned ground exhibits several stages: (1) bryophytes/crusts and lichens, (2) grasses/sedges and (3) woody shrubs. The occurrence of forbs was sporadic and generally non‐significant. Main conclusions Frost disturbance in patterned ground appears to delay successional trends of vegetation communities when compared with previous studies on ‘stable’ terrain, producing micro‐site lag effects. These small patches of disturbed ground are therefore important regarding vegetation assemblages across the landscape and are unlikely to be detected at the landscape scale.  相似文献   

Banksia woodlands are renowned for their flammability and prescribed fire is increasingly employed to reduce the risk of wildfire and to protect life and property, particularly where these woodlands occur on the urban interface. Prescribed fire is also employed as a tool for protecting biodiversity assets but can have adverse impacts on native plant communities. We investigated changes in species richness and cover in native and introduced flora following autumn prescribed fire in a 700‐hectare Banksia/Tuart (Eucalyptus gomphocephala) woodland that had not burnt for more than 30 years. Effectiveness of management techniques at reducing weed cover and the impacts of grazing by Western Grey Kangaroo (Macropus fuliginosus) postfire were also investigated. Thirty plots were established across a designated burn boundary immediately before a prescribed fire in May 2011, and species richness and cover were measured 3 years after the fire, in spring of 2013. Fencing treatments were established immediately following the fire, and weed management treatments were applied annually in winter over the subsequent 3 years. Our results indicate that autumn prescribed fire can facilitate increases in weed cover, but management techniques can limit the establishment of targeted weeds postfire. Postfire grazing was found to have significant adverse impacts on native species cover and vegetation structure, but it also limited establishment of some serious weeds including Pigface (Carpobrotus edulis). Manipulating herbivores in time and space following prescribed fire could be an important and cost‐effective way of maintaining biodiversity values.  相似文献   

Vast areas of forests in North‐eastern Ethiopia have been replaced by cropland, shrub land or grazing areas. Thus, information about how vegetation composition and structure varies with disturbance is fundamental to conservation of such areas. This study aimed to investigate the effects of disturbance on the population structure and regeneration potential of five dominant woody species within forest where local communities harvest wood and graze livestock. Vegetation structure and environmental variables were assessed in 50 quadrats (20 m × 20 m). In most of both disturbed and undisturbed treatments, Juniperus procera was the highest contributor to the basal area of the forest, while that of Olinia rochetiana was the lowest. Analysis of population structure showed high density at lower Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) and low density at higher DBH classes. Undisturbed forest treatments had 84% canopy cover, 22 m mean vegetation height and a density of 1320 trees of dominant species and 1024 seedlings/saplings ha?1. In disturbed habitats, canopy cover (73%), mean vegetation height (18 m) and density of dominant trees and saplings were significantly lower than in undisturbed habitats. Thus, to ensure species, survival and maintain species diversity managed use of the protected area is essential.  相似文献   

Question: Can fire be used to maintain Yellow pine (Pinus subgenus Diploxylon) stands disturbed by periodic outbreaks of southern pine beetle? Location: Southern Appalachian Mountains, USA. Methods: We used LANDIS to model vegetation disturbance and succession on four grids representative of xeric landscapes in the southern Appalachians. Forest dynamics of each landscape were simulated under three disturbance scenarios: southern pine beetle, fire, and southern pine beetle and fire, as well as a no disturbance scenario. We compared trends in the abundance of pine and hardwood functional types as well as individual species. Results: Yellow pine abundance and open woodland conditions were best maintained by a combination of fire and southern pine beetle disturbance on both low elevation sites as well as mid‐elevation ridges & peaks. On mid‐elevation SE‐W facing slopes, pine woodlands were best maintained by fire alone. Conclusions: Our simulations suggest that fire can help maintain open pine woodlands in stands affected by southern pine beetle outbreaks.  相似文献   

Cover and richness of a 5‐year revegetation effort were studied with ,respect to small‐scale disturbance and nutrient manipulations. The site, originally a relict tallgrass prairie mined for gravel, was replanted to native grasses using a seed mixture of tall‐, mixed‐, and short‐grass species. Following one wet and three relatively dry years, a community emerged, dominated by species common in saline soils not found along the Colorado Front Range. A single species, Alkali sacaton (Sporobolus airoides), composed nearly 50% of relative vegetation cover in control plots exhibiting a negative relationship between cover and richness. Seeded species composed approximately 92% of vegetation cover. The remaining 8% was composed of weeds from nearby areas, seed bank survivors, or mix contaminants. Three years of soil nutrient amendments, which lowered plant‐available nitrogen and phosphorus, significantly increased relative cover of seeded species to 97.5%. Fertilizer additions of phosphate enhanced abundance of introduced annual grasses (Bromus spp.) but did not significantly alter cover in control plots. Unmanipulated 4‐m2 plots contained an average of 4.7 planted species and 3.9 nonplanted species during the 5‐year period, whereas plots that received grass herbicide averaged 5.4 nonplanted species. Species richness ranged from an average 6.9 species in low‐nutrient, undisturbed plots to 10.9 species in the relatively high‐nutrient, disturbed plots. The use of stockpiled soils, applied sparingly, in conjunction with a native seed mix containing species uncommon to the preexisting community generated a species‐depauperate, novel plant community that appears resistant to invasion by ruderal species.  相似文献   

Weed invasion is a major threat to Australian tropical savannas, and controlling weeds is essential for successful re‐establishment of native species on disturbed sites. Gamba Grass (Andropogon gayanus) is an African grass which has invaded large areas of tropical savanna across northern Australia. Current management strategies in northern Australia focus on fire and glyphosate to effectively control mature plants; however, re‐establishment of infestations from the soil seed bank remains a major challenge to eradication efforts. This study focused on the effects of soil seed bank treatments on Gamba Grass recruitment on a mine site in northern Australia. Adult Gamba Grass plants within test plots were killed with glyphosate to exclude resource competition. Chemical, physical and biological treatments were then applied, and the treatment effects on subsequent Gamba Grass seedling emergence and survival quantified. Seedling emergence was significantly reduced by three of the four residual herbicide treatments tested. The most effective herbicide treatments, dalapon and sulfometuron, reduced emergence by 90% compared to the standard glyphosate treatment alone. This equated to a reduction in Gamba Grass seedling emergence from 1 seedling/m2 to 1 seedling 10 m?2, a major improvement for Gamba Grass management. These residual herbicide treatments significantly reduced the population density of Gamba Grass for at least 5 months after emergence. The physical and biological treatments did not have a significant effect on seedling emergence. This significant reduction in Gamba Grass seedling emergence and survival can substantially improve Gamba Grass management. Reducing re‐colonisation from the soil seed bank using residual herbicides provides a valuable management tool for land managers, integrating readily with established strategies for controlling the mature plants.  相似文献   

Degraded communities often contain a subset of the species that comprised the predisturbance community. These represent an important legacy of the predisturbance state, yet restoration treatments may be detrimental to them. This study examined the potential of leaf traits and life form to predict whether restoration treatments can maintain legacy swards of Austrostipa bigeniculata (hereafter Austrostipa) while controlling exotic annuals in temperate eucalypt woodlands. Treatments included carbon addition to reduce soil nitrate, both with and without burning or pulse grazing to deplete exotic seed pools. We compared leaf traits of Austrostipa with a native grass (Themeda triandra) known to be advantaged, and 8 exotic annual species known to be disadvantaged by these treatments. Leaf traits indicated potentially greater negative impacts of carbon addition on exotic annuals compared to Austrostipa, and on Austrostipa compared to Themeda, suggesting a net restoration benefit. Similarly, burning or pulse grazing is expected to have little negative impact on perennial resprouting grasses (hemicryptophytes; Austrostipa and Themeda) compared with annual exotics (therophytes) with short‐lived seed banks. Treatment responses were largely consistent with predictions: treatments that significantly reduced exotic annuals had no net disadvantage to Austrostipa swards despite significant reductions in Austrostipa seedling growth with carbon addition. Indeed by Year 3, Austrostipa mortality in untreated plots led to 46% lower Austrostipa abundance than in treated plots at one site, potentially due to litter build‐up or other mechanisms. We conclude that plant traits provide a useful framework for designing restoration transitions that retain native legacy species while controlling exotics.  相似文献   

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