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Summary In previous studies the differentiation of the epithelium in the human hard palate has been described stereologically using parameters expressed per unit tissue volume. Since single epithelial cells represent the true biological units of this tissue, it became necessary to estimate the absolute size of such cells in order to transform density data into absolute data. Therefore, in the present study, a stereological method (originally developed for myocyte volume determination) was tested in terms of its applicability to stratified epithelia; the absolute size of differentiating epithelial cells was determined in the epithelium of the human hard palate. The results suggest that (1) rather precise determination of epithelial cell size is possible by using the modified myocyte volume determination, and (2) the average cell volumes are 926 ± 148, 4,111 ± 1,619, 4,394 ± 551 m3 for the stratum basale, the upper stratum spinosum and the stratum granulosum, respectively. The results are discussed with respect to methodology and to differentiation phenomena in the epithelium of the human hard palate.  相似文献   

Summary The epithelium of intact guinea pig palate was subjected to stereologic analysis in a study of structural alterations in the keratinizing epithelium in response to wounding. Point counting procedures were employed to analyse electron micrographs sampled from three epithelial strata in biopsies collected from five animals. The differentiation pattern of the guinea pig palate epithelium displayed the following structural density gradients from basal to granular layers: descending gradients of metabolically active organelles, ascending gradient of bundled filaments coupled with the appearence of membrane coating granules and keratohyalin granules, and a plateau-like gradient of cytoplasmic ground substance. This pattern of epithelial differentiation is basically identical to that of human hard palate epithelium and epidermis. Regional and species variations in structure of keratinizing epithelia are suggested based on interepithelial differences in morphometric parameters.This investigation was supported in part by grant No. 512-4064 from the Danish State Medical Research Council and by a grant from the Calcin Foundation.The data recording and computation was performed on a guest visit at the Dental Institute, University of Zürich.  相似文献   

Terminal differentiation of squamous epithelia is usually characterized by the synthesis of a subset of cytokeratins (CKs) in suprabasal cell layers which become major components of the intermediate filament (IF) bundle cytoskeleton of the maturing cells. We have examined the significance, molecular nature and pattern of synthesis of the elusive human CK 2 by analyzing mRNAs from certain stratified epithelia, using in vitro translation, cDNA cloning. Northern blotting and in situ hybridization. We show that genuine polypeptides with the typical gel electrophoretic mobility of CK 2 exist but that the CK 2 present in the masticatory epithelia of hard palate and gingiva (CK 2p) differs from that found in epidermis (CK 2e) by its amino acid sequence and is encoded by a different gene. The two CKs 2 show only limited sequence homology (71% identical amino acid positions in the rod domain), and the oral CK 2p is more closely related to the corneal CK 3 (86%), as is also indicated by the cross-reaction of monoclonal antibody AE5. By in situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry, we further show that both CK 2e and CK 2p are expressed only in suprabasal cell layers of the specific epithelia where they can accumulate to represent major cytoskeletal proteins. We discuss this tissue-type specificity of CK 2 synthesis in otherwise morphologically and biochemically similar epithelia in relation to differences of IF appearance and packing in upper strata between epidermal and masticatory epithelia as well as to tissue formation and differentiation during development.  相似文献   

Donald T. Downing 《Proteins》1995,23(2):204-217
Mammalian epidermal keratin molecules adopt rod-shaped conformations that aggregate to form cytoplasmic intermediate filaments. To investigate these keratin conformations and the basis for their patterns of molecular association, graphical methods were developed to relate known amino acid sequences to probable spacial configurations. The results support the predominantly α-helical conformation of keratin chains, interrupted by short non-α-helical linkages. However, it was found that many of the linkages have amino acid sequences typical of β-strand conformations. Space-filling atomic models revealed that the β-strand sequences would permit the formation of 2-chain and 4-chain cylindrical β-helices, fully shielding the hydrophobic amino acid chains that alternate with hydrophilic residues in these sequences. Because of the locations of the β-helical regions in human and mouse stratum corneum keratin chains, only homodimers of the keratins could interact efficiently to form 2-chain and 4-chain β-helices. Tetramers having the directions and degrees of overlap of constituent dimers that have been identified by previous investigators are also predicted from the interactions of β-helical motifs. Heterotetramers formed from dissimilar homodimers could combine, through additional β-helical structures, to form higher oligomers having the dimensions seen in electron microscopic studies. Previous results from chemical crosslinking studies can be interpreted to support the concept of homodimers rather than heterodimers as the basis for keratin filament assembly. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The olfactory epithelium of mice after axotomy was investigated to clarify the stem cells of olfactory cells by double immunostaining using antikeratin (MA903) and anti-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) antibodies and by conventional electron microscopy. When a single dose of BrdU was given to mice 9 days after axotomy, immunostaining for BrdU was found in the globose basal cells which were negative for MA903, but not in the basal cells proper which were positive for MA903. The BrdU-immunoreactive cells increased 3-to 6-fold over the number of these cells in the controls, indicating active cell proliferation. At other postoperative days (4 and 14 days), fewer BrdU-immunoreactive cells were found. Furthermore, three pulses of BrdU resulted in numerous BrdU-immunolabelings in the globose basal cells and a few in the basal cells proper. There was no detectable difference in the number of labeled basal cells proper in operated and unoperated mice. In the electron micrographs 9 days after axotomy, the basal cells proper, flat-shaped in unoperated mice, appeared cylindrical or pyramidal in shape and the globose basal cells often lay between the basal cells proper. In unoperated controls, the globose basal cells were located above the flat-shaped basal cells proper. The results suggest that the stem cells of the olfactory cells are globose basal cells and not basal cells proper, and that the shape of basal cells proper changes in relation to the active proliferation of stem cells.  相似文献   

Summary The epithelial lining of normal human vestibular gingiva and the adjoining alveolar mucosa was subjected to a comparative stereological analysis. Five biopsies collected from 11 to 12 year-old males and females were selected from a total of 14 specimens and, under standardized conditions, processed for light- and electron microscopy. At two levels of magnification, electron micrographs were sampled from five strata in the oral-gingival, and from four strata in the alveolar-mucosal epithelium, mostly in regions of epithelial ridges. Standardized sterological point counting techniques were employed to analyze a total of 710 and 540 electron micrographs from the oralgingival and the alveolar-mucosal epithelium, respectively. The two epithelia, although of similar thickness, show different differentiation patterns. The oral-gingival epithelium consists of four cytologically different strata, the major differentiation step occurring between the lower and upper stratum spinosum of epithelial ridges. Standardized stereological point counting techniques were alveolar-mucosal epithelium, consisting of two cytologically different cell compartments, displays a broad, superficial zone of differentiated flat cells, with 60% of the cytoplasm filled with a dense network of cytoplasmic filaments. The major differentiation step occurs between basal and lower spinous layers. Differentiation phenomena in both epithelia are discussed and individual variations are interpreted in view of genetically determined factors.
Zusammenfassung Das Epithel der normalen menschlichen vestibulären Gingiva und der benachbarten Alveolarschleimhaut wurde vergleichend stereologisch analysiert. Fünf Biopsien von 11–12 Jahre alten gesunden Knaben und Mädchen, die aus insgesamt 14 Biopsien ausgewählt worden waren, wurden standardisiert für licht- und elektronenmikroskopische Studien verarbeitet. Elektronenmikroskopische Aufnahmen wurden in zwei Vergrößerungsstufen aus fünf Schichten des oralen Gingivaepithels und aus vier Schichten des Alveolarschleimhautepithels, zumeist im Bereich epithelialer Leisten, gewonnen. Insgesamt wurden 710 Bilder aus dem oralen Gingivaepithel und 540 Bilder aus dem Alveolarschleimhautepithel mit Hilfe von standardisierten stereologischen Punktzählverfahren analysiert. Die untersuchten Epithelien sind etwa gleich dick, weisen aber sehr verschiedenartige Differenzierungsmuster auf. Das orale Gingivaepithel besteht aus vier zytologisch unterschiedlichen Schichten und bildet ein parakeratinisiertes, 0,1 mm dickes Stratum corneum, wobei der Hauptdifferenzierungsschritt zwischen dem unteren und dem oberen Stratum spinosum im Bereich der epithelialen Leisten erfolgt. Das Alveolarschleimhautepithel weist zwei zytologisch unterschiedliche Zellkompartimente auf und bildet eine breite oberflächliche Lage flacher und differenzierter Zellen, deren Zytoplasma zu 60% aus einem dichten Maschenwerk zytoplasmatischer Filamente besteht. Der Hauptdifferenzierungsschritt dieses Epithels liegt zwischen dem Stratum basale und dem unteren Stratum spinosum. Die verschiedenen Differenzierungsvorgänge werden diskutiert und individuelle Variationen, die in beiden Epithelien auftreten, im Hinblick auf genetische Faktoren erklärt.

Summary Proventricular epithelium (PV epithelium) from 6-day chicken embryos was associated with cultured cells, derived from fetal rat small intestine, or with fetal rat or human skin fibroblasts. The cytodifferentiation of PV epithelium was investigated using antibodies to chicken pepsinogen, a marker protein of PV epithelium, and to chicken sucrase, a marker enzyme of the small-intestinal brush-border membrane. PV epithelium formed complex glands and produced pepsinogen in association with cultured gut mesenchymal cells and skin fibroblasts. Its development was comparable to that achieved under the influence of PV mesenchyme. PV epithelial development was severely inhibited, however, under the influence of intact chicken or rat intestinal mesenchyme. The data are consistent with the idea that during the first step of epithelial-mesenchymal interactions, the epithelium and not the mesenchyme may be responsible for the determination of the developmental fate.  相似文献   

Changes in the murine thymus during pregnancy were studied using immunocytochemistry with monoclonal antibodies against thymic epithelial, neuroendocrine, and thymulin-producing cells, fibroblasts, blood vessels and connective tissue components. Extensive alterations occur in mid-pregnancy. The medulla was greatly enlarged in the involuted thymus, and there were greater numbers of epithelial cells. These epithelial cells had an altered distribution forming large structures surrounding spherical masses of mononulear cells, lacked epithelial cells and often contained a central blood vessel with fibroblasts and connective tissue. We have called these structures medullary epithelial rings (MERs). To our knowledge these structures have not been described before. Late in pregnancy the loss of the central mononuclear cells leaves collapsed structures in a smaller medulla that nevertheless retains many epithelial cells. In virgins and early-pregnancy, there are cortical channels free of epithelial cells that are very infrequent later in pregnancy. This may reflect the loss of steroid-sensitive thymocytes from the cortex. The influence of sex-steroids neurological impulses and immune activity in causing the changes are discussed, as are the possible consequences in pregnancy of a reduced, thymocyte-depleted cortex and an enlarged medulla that shows great complexity and activity.  相似文献   

The epidermis is a derivative of the surface ectoderm. It forms a protective barrier and specific appendages including hair, nails, and different eccrine glands. The surface ectoderm also forms the epithelium of the oral cavity and tongue, which develop a slightly different barrier and form different appendages such as teeth, filiform papillae, taste papillae, and salivary glands. How this region-specific differentiation is genetically controlled is largely unknown. We show here that Pax9, which is expressed in the epithelium of the tongue but not in skin, regulates several aspects of tongue-specific epithelial differentiation. In Pax9-deficient mice filiform papillae lack the anterior-posterior polarity, a defect that is associated with temporal-spatial changes in Hoxc13 expression. Barrier formation is disturbed in the mutant tongue and genome-wide expression profiling revealed that the expression of specific keratins (Krt), keratin-associated proteins, and members of the epidermal differentiation complex is significantly down-regulated. In situ hybridization demonstrated that several 'hard' keratins, Krt1-5, Krt1-24, and Krt2-16, are not expressed in the absence of Pax9. Notably, specific 'soft' keratins, Krt2-1 and Krt2-17, normally weakly expressed in the tongue but present at high levels in skin and in orthokeratinized oral dysplasia are up-regulated in the mutant tongue epithelium. This result indicates a partial trans-differentiation to an epithelium with skin-specific characteristics. Together, our findings show that Pax9 regulates appendage formation in the mammalian tongue and identify Pax9 as an important factor for the region-specific differentiation of the surface ectoderm.  相似文献   

Summary The foetal and post-natal development of the mouse thymus was studied with the electron microscope paying particular attention to the differentiation of the epithelial cells. At about 13 days' gestation, the thymus was composed principally of undifferentiated epithelial cells and some lymphoblasts. The latter accumulated rapidly but did not show much evidence of mitotic activity until after the development of differentiated cortical epithelial cells which appeared during the 15th day of gestation. Further differentiation of epithelial cells did not occur until near term when medullary cystic epithelial cells appeared, and post-natally when small Hassall's corpuscles were developed. Undifferentiated and dividing epithelial cells were seen in the medulla and were present in all postnatal animals examined.This is publication number 1400 from the Walter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research.The author is grateful to Prof. G. J. V. Nossal, Dr. J. F. A. P. Miller and Dr. P. J. Russell for their interest and assistance with various aspects of this study. Special thanks are due to Miss Mary Bravington for her skilled technical assistance. This investigation was supported by grants from the Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund for Medical Research and the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia. The Electron Microscope Laboratory was equipped and supported by grants from the Australian Research Grants Committee, J. B. Were and Sons and the Potter Foundation.  相似文献   

Basal cells in the nasal epithelium (olfactory and airway epithelia) are stem/progenitor cells that are capable of dividing, renewing and differentiating into specialized cells. These stem cells can sense their biophysical microenvironment, but the underlying mechanism of this process remains unknown. Here, we demonstrate the prominent expression of the transient receptor potential vanilloid type 4 (TRPV4) channel, a Ca2+-permeable channel that is known to act as a sensor for hypo-osmotic and mechanical stresses, in the basal cells of the mouse nasal epithelium. TRPV4 mRNA was expressed in the basal portions of the prenatal mouse nasal epithelium, and this expression continued into adult mice. The TRPV4 protein was also detected in the basal layers of the nasal epithelium in wild-type but not in TRPV4-knockout (TRPV4-KO) mice. The TRPV4-positive immunoreactions largely overlapped with those of keratin 14 (K14), a marker of basal cells, in the airway epithelium, and they partially overlapped with those of K14 in the olfactory epithelium. Ca2+ imaging analysis revealed that hypo-osmotic stimulation and 4α-phorbol 12,13 didecanoate (4α-PDD), both of which are TRPV4 agonists, caused an increase in the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration in a subset of primary epithelial cells cultured from the upper parts of the nasal epithelium of the wild-type mice. This response was barely noticeable in cells from similar parts of the epithelium in TRPV4-KO mice. Finally, there was no significant difference in BrdU-labeled proliferation between the olfactory epithelia of wild-type and TRPV4-KO mice under normal conditions. Thus, TRPV4 channels are functionally expressed in basal cells throughout the nasal epithelium and may act as sensors for the development and injury-induced regeneration of basal stem cells.  相似文献   

We performed tissue recombination experiments to discover the mesenchymal influences on differentiation of epithelia in chicken digestive organs. Epithelia and mesenchymes were taken from the lung, esophagus, proventriculus, gizzard, small intestine and large intestine of 6-day chicken embryos and recombined in various associations and cultivated in vitro for 6 days. Rather unexpectedly, embryonic chicken pepsinogen (ECPg) gene, a marker of the proventricular epithelium, was induced in the gizzard epithelium, which does not express ECPg in normal development, by the proventricular and lung mesenchymes. In the second half of this study, we investigated the mode of action of mesenchymal cells on ECPg expression in gizzard epithelial cells more precisely using the cell aggregate culture system, in which gizzard epithelial cells were mixed with proventricular, gizzard or lung mesenchymal cells. We found that supporting action of lung mesenchymal cells on ECPg expression was even stronger than that of proventricular mesenchymal cells, and suggest that the action of lung mesenchyme may be due partly to the enhancement of epithelial cell proliferation. According to the results of this study, together with many facts obtained so far, we will discuss a new model for restricted expression of ECPg in the proventricular epithelium in normal development.  相似文献   

Mammary tumours in female BR6/Icrf mice and the corresponding contralateral normal mammary glands were disaggregated with collagenase and the epithelial structures released ('organoids') separated from other cellular components by filtration. The organoids were established in primary culture in a collagen matrix and the outgrowths obtained were studied by light microscopy and time-lapse cinemicroscopy. The pattern of three-dimensional outgrowths produced was found to be specific to the original tissue. Organoids from normal tissue formed a characteristic outgrowth designated Pattern A. Normal tissue from pregnant mice formed an additional characteristic outgrowth (Pattern A') which has not been described previously. Pregnancy-dependent tumours produced a distinctive phenotypic outgrowth designated Pattern D, whereas pregnancy-independent tumours gave a different distinctive Pattern B as well as a unique specific outgrowth designated Pattern C. Outgrowths of Pattern D from a pregnancy-dependent tumour were removed from culture and implanted into a syngeneic female mouse. Tumours arising in the host were found to be pregnancy-independent and showed phenotypic outgrowths in subsequent culture of pregnancy-independent Patterns B and C. The results show that the type of outgrowths in these cultures correlates with the biology of the tissue in vivo and that changes in tumour progression in vivo are accompanied by alterations in phenotypic outgrowths in culture.  相似文献   

Summary All rodent oral epithelia are orthokeratinized. However, morphological, immunohistochemical and biochemical studies have shown that regional differences exist. In the present study, intraregional variations in differentiation patterns of rat oral epithelia are demonstrated using monoclonal anti-keratin antibodies AE1 and AE2 and antibodies to blood group antigens B and H. Well-defined areas of rat buccal and hard palate epithelium differed from the general staining patterns of these epithelia. These areas were associated with a papillary surface contour. These local variations were not found in the strain of mice examined. The results suggest that physiologically different vertical compartments of keratinocytes exist within one and the same region of rat oral mucosa, a phenomenon previously recognized in detail only in the epithelium of dorsal tongue. The papillary structures may have some functional significance related to the processing of food similar to that suggested for lingual filiform papillae.  相似文献   

Volatile odorous chemicals are detected by around a thousand different G protein-coupled odorant receptors in the mouse. We demonstrated that exposure of the behaving mouse to odorant for a few minutes led to induction of the immediate early gene c-fos for several hours in a fraction of the olfactory sensory neurones in the nasal cavity. Associated with this odorant-specific induction event was activation of extracellular-regulated kinase (ERK)1/2 that preceded increased c-fos expression. The distribution of odorant-activated neurones mimicked the scattered and spatially limited distribution of neurones expressing a single odorant receptor gene. A small change in odorant chemical structure caused a zonal shift in the spatial distribution of activated neurones, suggesting that the gene expression change resulted from specific receptor interaction. Repeated exposure to odorant or use of different concentrations did not change the pattern of c-fos induction. These results indicate that odorant-induced c-fos expression can be used to visualize odorant representations in the olfactory epithelium that reflect late cellular events regulated by adequate odorant receptor stimulation.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the main excretory duct epithelium of the male mouse submandibular glands was investigated by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Three principal cell-types were observed: type I and II, and basal cells. This epithelium was characterized by the presence of intercellular canaliculi. Type-I cells were the most numerous. They had an abundance of mitochondria, well-developed Golgi apparatus, a few electron-lucent lipid-containing granules and poorly developed basal infoldings. These cells were also characterized by many glycogen granules throughout the cytoplasm and abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum in the apical cytoplasm. Type-II cells were the second most numerous. Their most characteristic feature was the presence of abundant heterogeneous lipid-containing granules having acid phosphatase activity at the periphery. They were concentrated in the infra- and supranuclear cytoplasm. The granules may be derived from mitochondrial transformation and seem to be a special kind of secondary autolysosome. Type-II cells also contained abundant mitochondria throughout the cytoplasm, much smooth endoplasmic reticulum in the apical cytoplasm, a well developed Golgi apparatus adjacent to the heterogeneous lipid-containing granules and no basal infoldings. Basal cells were situated adjacent to the basal lamina. They had a large nucleus and the cytoplasm was filled with glycogen granules.  相似文献   

Using a monoclonal antibody, we have detected a high molecular weight muscle protein, co-localized and co-isolating with desmin. Searching a human cDNA database with partial amino acid sequences of the protein, we found a cDNA clone encoding a 1565-amino-acid polypeptide, identified as a mammalian (human) synemin, a member of the intermediate filament (IF) protein family. Immunoblotting showed the presence of a 180-kDa polypeptide in skeletal muscle and 180- and 200-kDa polypeptides in cardiac and smooth muscles. Interestingly, synemin was also found in myoepithelial cells, which have keratin filaments instead of desmin. Moreover, synemin was also found in astrocytes of optic nerves and non-myelin-forming Schwann cells, together with glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and vimentin. Blot overlays pointed to molecular interactions of synemin with desmin, vimentin, GFAP and keratin 5 and 6, but not with keratin 14. The experimental data also suggested a possible link with nebulin, a skeletal muscle protein. Purified synemin was coassembled with desmin in different molar ratios, and at 1:25, as typically found in vivo, IFs were formed which were comparable in length to desmin filaments. However, at molar ratios of 3:25 and 6:25, much shorter and irregular shaped filamentous polymers were generated. The fact that synemin is present in all four classes of muscle cells and a specific type of glial cells is indicative of important functions. Its incorporation may give structural and functional versatility to the IF cytoskeleton.This work was supported by grants from the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture of Japan.  相似文献   

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