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We consider the problem of jointly modeling survival time and longitudinal data subject to measurement error. The survival times are modeled through the proportional hazards model and a random effects model is assumed for the longitudinal covariate process. Under this framework, we propose an approximate nonparametric corrected-score estimator for the parameter, which describes the association between the time-to-event and the longitudinal covariate. The term nonparametric refers to the fact that assumptions regarding the distribution of the random effects and that of the measurement error are unnecessary. The finite sample size performance of the approximate nonparametric corrected-score estimator is examined through simulation studies and its asymptotic properties are also developed. Furthermore, the proposed estimator and some existing estimators are applied to real data from an AIDS clinical trial.  相似文献   

Summary .  Longitudinal studies often generate incomplete response patterns according to a missing not at random mechanism. Shared parameter models provide an appealing framework for the joint modelling of the measurement and missingness processes, especially in the nonmonotone missingness case, and assume a set of random effects to induce the interdependence. Parametric assumptions are typically made for the random effects distribution, violation of which leads to model misspecification with a potential effect on the parameter estimates and standard errors. In this article we avoid any parametric assumption for the random effects distribution and leave it completely unspecified. The estimation of the model is then made using a semi-parametric maximum likelihood method. Our proposal is illustrated on a randomized longitudinal study on patients with rheumatoid arthritis exhibiting nonmonotone missingness.  相似文献   

Dropouts are common in longitudinal study. If the dropout probability depends on the missing observations at or after dropout, this type of dropout is called informative (or nonignorable) dropout (ID). Failure to accommodate such dropout mechanism into the model will bias the parameter estimates. We propose a conditional autoregressive model for longitudinal binary data with an ID model such that the probabilities of positive outcomes as well as the drop‐out indicator in each occasion are logit linear in some covariates and outcomes. This model adopting a marginal model for outcomes and a conditional model for dropouts is called a selection model. To allow for the heterogeneity and clustering effects, the outcome model is extended to incorporate mixture and random effects. Lastly, the model is further extended to a novel model that models the outcome and dropout jointly such that their dependency is formulated through an odds ratio function. Parameters are estimated by a Bayesian approach implemented using the user‐friendly Bayesian software WinBUGS. A methadone clinic dataset is analyzed to illustrate the proposed models. Result shows that the treatment time effect is still significant but weaker after allowing for an ID process in the data. Finally the effect of drop‐out on parameter estimates is evaluated through simulation studies.  相似文献   

We investigate a change-point approach for modeling and estimating the regression effects caused by a concomitant intervention in a longitudinal study. Since a concomitant intervention is often introduced when a patient's health status exhibits undesirable trends, statistical models without properly incorporating the intervention and its starting time may lead to biased estimates of the intervention effects. We propose a shared parameter change-point model to evaluate the pre- and postintervention time trends of the response and develop a likelihood-based method for estimating the intervention effects and other parameters. Application and statistical properties of our method are demonstrated through a longitudinal clinical trial in depression and heart disease and a simulation study.  相似文献   

In longitudinal studies investigators frequently have to assess and address potential biases introduced by missing data. New methods are proposed for modeling longitudinal categorical data with nonignorable dropout using marginalized transition models and shared random effects models. Random effects are introduced for both serial dependence of outcomes and nonignorable missingness. Fisher‐scoring and Quasi–Newton algorithms are developed for parameter estimation. Methods are illustrated with a real dataset.  相似文献   

Stratified data arise in several settings, such as longitudinal studies or multicenter clinical trials. Between-strata heterogeneity is usually addressed by random effects models, but an alternative approach is given by fixed effects models, which treat the incidental nuisance parameters as fixed unknown quantities. This approach presents several advantages, like computational simplicity and robustness to confounding by strata. However, maximum likelihood estimates of the parameter of interest are typically affected by incidental parameter bias. A remedy to this is given by the elimination of stratum-specific parameters by exact or approximate conditioning. The latter solution is afforded by the modified profile likelihood, which is the method applied in this paper. The aim is to demonstrate how the theory of modified profile likelihoods provides convenient solutions to various inferential problems in this setting. Specific procedures are available for different kinds of response variables, and they are useful both for inferential purposes and as a diagnostic method for validating random effects models. Some examples with real data illustrate these points.  相似文献   

A method is proposed that aims at identifying clusters of individuals that show similar patterns when observed repeatedly. We consider linear‐mixed models that are widely used for the modeling of longitudinal data. In contrast to the classical assumption of a normal distribution for the random effects a finite mixture of normal distributions is assumed. Typically, the number of mixture components is unknown and has to be chosen, ideally by data driven tools. For this purpose, an EM algorithm‐based approach is considered that uses a penalized normal mixture as random effects distribution. The penalty term shrinks the pairwise distances of cluster centers based on the group lasso and the fused lasso method. The effect is that individuals with similar time trends are merged into the same cluster. The strength of regularization is determined by one penalization parameter. For finding the optimal penalization parameter a new model choice criterion is proposed.  相似文献   

Analyses of biomedical studies often necessitate modeling longitudinal causal effects. The current focus on personalized medicine and effect heterogeneity makes this task even more challenging. Toward this end, structural nested mean models (SNMMs) are fundamental tools for studying heterogeneous treatment effects in longitudinal studies. However, when outcomes are binary, current methods for estimating multiplicative and additive SNMM parameters suffer from variation dependence between the causal parameters and the noncausal nuisance parameters. This leads to a series of difficulties in interpretation, estimation, and computation. These difficulties have hindered the uptake of SNMMs in biomedical practice, where binary outcomes are very common. We solve the variation dependence problem for the binary multiplicative SNMM via a reparameterization of the noncausal nuisance parameters. Our novel nuisance parameters are variation independent of the causal parameters, and hence allow for coherent modeling of heterogeneous effects from longitudinal studies with binary outcomes. Our parameterization also provides a key building block for flexible doubly robust estimation of the causal parameters. Along the way, we prove that an additive SNMM with binary outcomes does not admit a variation independent parameterization, thereby justifying the restriction to multiplicative SNMMs.  相似文献   

With an objective to understanding arteriosclerosis, the blood flow in a cylindrical tube with local constriction is analysed. The cross-section of the tube is an ellipse, the axes of which are in an arbitrary position with respect to the axis of the tube. Blood is taken to be a Newtonian and homogeneous fluid. The cross-sectional area varies slowly with the longitudinal distance and the area change is so adjusted to take account of stenosis. The transverse velocity field and the effects of inertia on the primary velocity and pressure distribution are calculated to a first order in the relevant small parameter and effects of asymmetry on the wall shear stress and impedance are presented.  相似文献   

D. Todem  J. Fine  L. Peng 《Biometrics》2010,66(2):558-566
Summary We consider the problem of evaluating a statistical hypothesis when some model characteristics are nonidentifiable from observed data. Such a scenario is common in meta‐analysis for assessing publication bias and in longitudinal studies for evaluating a covariate effect when dropouts are likely to be nonignorable. One possible approach to this problem is to fix a minimal set of sensitivity parameters conditional upon which hypothesized parameters are identifiable. Here, we extend this idea and show how to evaluate the hypothesis of interest using an infimum statistic over the whole support of the sensitivity parameter. We characterize the limiting distribution of the statistic as a process in the sensitivity parameter, which involves a careful theoretical analysis of its behavior under model misspecification. In practice, we suggest a nonparametric bootstrap procedure to implement this infimum test as well as to construct confidence bands for simultaneous pointwise tests across all values of the sensitivity parameter, adjusting for multiple testing. The methodology's practical utility is illustrated in an analysis of a longitudinal psychiatric study.  相似文献   

Liu M  Ying Z 《Biometrics》2007,63(2):363-371
Longitudinal data arise when subjects are followed over a period of time. A commonly encountered complication in the analysis of such data is the variable length of follow-up due to right censorship. This can be further exacerbated by the possible dependency between the censoring time and the longitudinal measurements. This article proposes a combination of a semiparametric transformation model for the censoring time and a linear mixed effects model for the longitudinal measurements. The dependency is handled via latent variables which are naturally incorporated. We show that the likelihood function has an explicit form and develops a two-stage estimation procedure to avoid direct maximization over a high-dimensional parameter space. The resulting estimators are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal, with a closed form for the variance-covariance matrix that can be used to obtain a plug-in estimator. Finite sample performance of the proposed approach is assessed through extensive simulations. The method is applied to renal disease data.  相似文献   

We explore a Bayesian approach to selection of variables that represent fixed and random effects in modeling of longitudinal binary outcomes with missing data caused by dropouts. We show via analytic results for a simple example that nonignorable missing data lead to biased parameter estimates. This bias results in selection of wrong effects asymptotically, which we can confirm via simulations for more complex settings. By jointly modeling the longitudinal binary data with the dropout process that possibly leads to nonignorable missing data, we are able to correct the bias in estimation and selection. Mixture priors with a point mass at zero are used to facilitate variable selection. We illustrate the proposed approach using a clinical trial for acute ischemic stroke.  相似文献   

In a study conducted at the New York University Fertility Center, one of the scientific objectives is to investigate the relationship between the final pregnancy outcomes of participants receiving an in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment and their ??-human chorionic gonadotrophin (??-hCG) profiles. A?common joint modeling approach to this objective is to use subject-specific normal random effects in a linear mixed model for longitudinal ??-hCG data as predictors in a model (e.g., logistic model) for the final pregnancy outcome. Empirical data exploration indicates that the observation times for longitudinal ??-hCG data may be informative and the distribution of random effects for longitudinal ??-hCG data may not be normally distributed. We propose to introduce a third model in the joint model for the informative ??-hCG observation times, and relax the normality distributional assumption of random effects using the semi-nonparametric (SNP) approach of Gallant and Nychka (Econometrica 55:363?C390, 1987). An EM algorithm is developed for parameter estimation. Extensive simulation designed to evaluate the proposed method indicates that ignoring either informative observation times or distributional assumption of the random effects would lead to invalid and/or inefficient inference. Applying our new approach to the data reveals some interesting findings the traditional approach failed to discover.  相似文献   

Summary A class of nonignorable models is presented for handling nonmonotone missingness in categorical longitudinal responses. This class of models includes the traditional selection models and shared parameter models. This allows us to perform a broader than usual sensitivity analysis. In particular, instead of considering variations to a chosen nonignorable model, we study sensitivity between different missing data frameworks. An appealing feature of the developed class is that parameters with a marginal interpretation are obtained, while algebraically simple models are considered. Specifically, marginalized mixed‐effects models ( Heagerty, 1999 , Biometrics 55, 688–698) are used for the longitudinal process that model separately the marginal mean and the correlation structure. For the correlation structure, random effects are introduced and their distribution is modeled either parametrically or non‐parametrically to avoid potential misspecifications.  相似文献   

This paper presents an extension of the joint modeling strategy for the case of multiple longitudinal outcomes and repeated infections of different types over time, motivated by postkidney transplantation data. Our model comprises two parts linked by shared latent terms. On the one hand is a multivariate mixed linear model with random effects, where a low‐rank thin‐plate spline function is incorporated to collect the nonlinear behavior of the different profiles over time. On the other hand is an infection‐specific Cox model, where the dependence between different types of infections and the related times of infection is through a random effect associated with each infection type to catch the within dependence and a shared frailty parameter to capture the dependence between infection types. We implemented the parameterization used in joint models which uses the fitted longitudinal measurements as time‐dependent covariates in a relative risk model. Our proposed model was implemented in OpenBUGS using the MCMC approach.  相似文献   

Zhang D  Lin X  Sowers M 《Biometrics》2000,56(1):31-39
We consider semiparametric regression for periodic longitudinal data. Parametric fixed effects are used to model the covariate effects and a periodic nonparametric smooth function is used to model the time effect. The within-subject correlation is modeled using subject-specific random effects and a random stochastic process with a periodic variance function. We use maximum penalized likelihood to estimate the regression coefficients and the periodic nonparametric time function, whose estimator is shown to be a periodic cubic smoothing spline. We use restricted maximum likelihood to simultaneously estimate the smoothing parameter and the variance components. We show that all model parameters can be easily obtained by fitting a linear mixed model. A common problem in the analysis of longitudinal data is to compare the time profiles of two groups, e.g., between treatment and placebo. We develop a scaled chi-squared test for the equality of two nonparametric time functions. The proposed model and the test are illustrated by analyzing hormone data collected during two consecutive menstrual cycles and their performance is evaluated through simulations.  相似文献   

Zhang D  Davidian M 《Biometrics》2001,57(3):795-802
Normality of random effects is a routine assumption for the linear mixed model, but it may be unrealistic, obscuring important features of among-individual variation. We relax this assumption by approximating the random effects density by the seminonparameteric (SNP) representation of Gallant and Nychka (1987, Econometrics 55, 363-390), which includes normality as a special case and provides flexibility in capturing a broad range of nonnormal behavior, controlled by a user-chosen tuning parameter. An advantage is that the marginal likelihood may be expressed in closed form, so inference may be carried out using standard optimization techniques. We demonstrate that standard information criteria may be used to choose the tuning parameter and detect departures from normality, and we illustrate the approach via simulation and using longitudinal data from the Framingham study.  相似文献   

Pan W  Lin X  Zeng D 《Biometrics》2006,62(2):402-412
We propose a new class of models, transition measurement error models, to study the effects of covariates and the past responses on the current response in longitudinal studies when one of the covariates is measured with error. We show that the response variable conditional on the error-prone covariate follows a complex transition mixed effects model. The naive model obtained by ignoring the measurement error correctly specifies the transition part of the model, but misspecifies the covariate effect structure and ignores the random effects. We next study the asymptotic bias in naive estimator obtained by ignoring the measurement error for both continuous and discrete outcomes. We show that the naive estimator of the regression coefficient of the error-prone covariate is attenuated, while the naive estimators of the regression coefficients of the past responses are generally inflated. We then develop a structural modeling approach for parameter estimation using the maximum likelihood estimation method. In view of the multidimensional integration required by full maximum likelihood estimation, an EM algorithm is developed to calculate maximum likelihood estimators, in which Monte Carlo simulations are used to evaluate the conditional expectations in the E-step. We evaluate the performance of the proposed method through a simulation study and apply it to a longitudinal social support study for elderly women with heart disease. An additional simulation study shows that the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) performs well in choosing the correct transition orders of the models.  相似文献   

In many clinical studies that involve follow-up, it is common to observe one or more sequences of longitudinal measurements, as well as one or more time to event outcomes. A competing risks situation arises when the probability of occurrence of one event is altered/hindered by another time to event. Recently, there has been much attention paid to the joint analysis of a single longitudinal response and a single time to event outcome, when the missing data mechanism in the longitudinal process is non-ignorable. We, in this paper, propose an extension where multiple longitudinal responses are jointly modeled with competing risks (multiple time to events). Our shared parameter joint model consists of a system of multiphase non-linear mixed effects sub-models for the multiple longitudinal responses, and a system of cause-specific non-proportional hazards frailty sub-models for competing risks, with associations among multiple longitudinal responses and competing risks modeled using latent parameters. The joint model is applied to a data set of patients who are on mechanical circulatory support and are awaiting heart transplant, using readily available software. While on the mechanical circulatory support, patient liver and renal functions may worsen and these in turn may influence one of the two possible competing outcomes: (i) death before transplant; (ii) transplant. In one application, we propose a system of multiphase cause-specific non-proportional hazard sub-model where frailty can be time varying. Performance under different scenarios was assessed using simulation studies. By using the proposed joint modeling of the multiphase sub-models, one can identify: (i) non-linear trends in multiple longitudinal outcomes; (ii) time-varying hazards and cumulative incidence functions of the competing risks; (iii) identify risk factors for the both types of outcomes, where the effect may or may not change with time; and (iv) assess the association between multiple longitudinal and competing risks outcomes, where the association may or may not change with time.  相似文献   

The dynamics of Brownian motion has widespread applications extending from transport in designed micro-channels up to its prominent role for inducing transport in molecular motors and Brownian motors. Here, Brownian transport is studied in micro-sized, two-dimensional periodic channels, exhibiting periodically varying cross-sections. The particles in addition are subjected to an external force acting alongside the direction of the longitudinal channel axis. For a fixed channel geometry, the dynamics of the two-dimensional problem is characterized by a single dimensionless parameter which is proportional to the ratio of the applied force and the temperature of the particle environment. In such structures entropic effects may play a dominant role. Under certain conditions the two-dimensional dynamics can be approximated by an effective one-dimensional motion of the particle in the longitudinal direction. The Langevin equation describing this reduced, one-dimensional process is of the type of the Fick-Jacobs equation. It contains an entropic potential determined by the varying extension of the eliminated channel direction, and a correction to the diffusion constant that introduces a space dependent diffusion. Different forms of this correction term have been suggested before, which we here compare for a particular class of models. We analyze the regime of validity of the Fick-Jacobs equation, both by means of analytical estimates and the comparisons with numerical results for the full two-dimensional stochastic dynamics. For the nonlinear mobility we find a temperature dependence which is opposite to that known for particle transport in periodic potentials. The influence of entropic effects is discussed for both, the nonlinear mobility and the effective diffusion constant.  相似文献   

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