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New research at Cothill Fen and examination of E. B. Ford's field note-books have revealed much evidence of great variation in the expression of the medionigra form of Panaxia dominula L. Over the years there is a high probability that individual insects have been misclassified. While this casts doubts on the accuracy of the published frequencies of the medionigra form and hence of the medionigra allele, it seems unlikely that the errors will have any serious effect on the interpretations and principles of ecological genetics that the long-term study has revealed. It is clear that both the fore-and hind wings must be examined before a judgement can be made about the phenotype of any individual moth. The new work shows that the medionigra form remains at a low frequency at Cothill. The colony is flourishing, the population size in 1991 being the largest ever recorded.  相似文献   

The survival of salmon stocked in upland trout streams in the presence of salmon parr was found to be only about half the value recorded when trout alone made up the resident stock. Changes in the trout population were also recorded following the two years of salmon stocking, and these suggested that the presence of salmon parr may also influence trout fry survival. The findings are discussed in the context of habitat competition and total stream holding capacity.  相似文献   

The distribution of food between members of a Myrmica rubra L. Society was investigated by varying the ratios of queens, workers and medium-sized larvae. Observations revealed patterns in colony behaviour which could be of importance in a polygyne system.
Queens had little effect upon the rate of food transmission, but the worker/larva ratio was of significance. Many workers effectively fed all larvae present in a colony, but a small number of workers fed only a few. If larvae and/or queens were in abundance, the workers were partly deprived of access to them. Competition between the queens and larvae for food and worker attention occurred when their numbers were high. In this situation, queens fed themselves while the workers cared for the larvae. The significance of overcrowding, not only upon the administration of food, but upon the queen effect acting on the workers to stimulate or inhibit worker egg-laying and brood-rearing, is discussed.  相似文献   

The response of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cv. KPG-59 to pre-sowing seed treatment with 28-homobrassinolide (HBR) and/or sodium chloride (NaCl) was investigated. The seeds imbibed in aqueous solution of 10−10 or 10−8 M of HBR for 8 h, resulted in an increase in the values for most of the characteristics of shoot and root at 90-day stage and seed yield, at harvest. The plants resulting from the seeds soaked in HBR (10−8 M) possessed 23% and 31% higher leaf nitrate reductase (E.C. and carbonic anhydrase (E.C. activities, 34% more dry mass, 30% higher nodule number, 31% and 18% more nodule fresh and dry mass, compared with water soaked, control. Leghaemoglobin content and nitrogenase activity (E.C. were 28% and 30% higher while nodule nitrogen and carbohydrate contents decreased by 5% and 6%, compared with the control. Moreover, seed yield increased by 26% over the control, at harvest. The values for all the above characteristics declined significantly, in the plants raised from the seeds soaked in NaCl. However, this ill effect was overcome, if NaCl treatment was given before or after HBR treatment.  相似文献   

In the Xymphalid butterfly Hypolimnas bolina (L.) H. W. Simmonds in 1921 demonstrated, by breeding experiments, the occurrence on the islands of West Fiji of all-female broods, and he compared their frequency with that of normal bisexual broods in the same localities. In two areas he found only unisexual families (14 of them in Suva and one on Vanua Levuj, in one island (Ovalau) only a single bisexual brood and in the other two islands, Taveuni and Kandavu, one bisexual and one of each type respectively. Nearly 60 years, and probably at least 150 generations later, we found that all-female broods were still present in four of the five islands re-investigated, and breeding showed that in these four (which included Suva) the proportion of the two types of female was approximately equal. In the fifth island only a bisexual family was bred. The only marked change between 1921 and 1980 was in the Suva area, where Simmonds found far more unisexual females than we did.
By carrying out spermatophore counts in many of our wild females we found that almost all of them had been mated, the majority of them on one occasion only. Though the data are scanty, they suggest that there is no wastage of females and that the population in 1980 was stable for the two types of brood.
Reasons for our findings are discussed, particularly in the light of the Heuch model, but we conclude that no entirely satisfactory explanation has yet been given for the persistence of all-female broods. Again, there is so far no explanation of the mechanism though we favour a cytoplasmic factor.
We feel that the status of H, bolina as a mimic of species of Euploea is less assured as the result of our survey.  相似文献   

Wang KS 《Genetica》2004,122(2):105-113
Three relatively isolated stands were used to study gene flow in European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in Northern Germany. Nine allozyme loci (Got-B, Idh-A, Lap-A, Mdh-B, Mdh-C, Mnr-A, 6-pgdh-A, Pgi-B and Pgm-A) were utilized for multilocus-genotyping adult trees and seeds. Expected heterozygosity (He) ranged from 0.325 to 0.351 for the three stands. F(ST) revealed that there was small differentiation among stands (mean F(ST) = 0.013). The indirect estimates of gene flow (Nm) based on the mean F(ST) were high and the average Nm was 19.14. External gene flow by pollen ranged from 0.7 to 1.2% inferred from new alleles in seed samples. Moreover, paternity analysis was used to assess effective pollen dispersal by inferring paternity of offspring. The weighted mean distances of pollen dispersal for these three stands were 36.8 and 37.1 m based on simple exclusion procedure and most-likely method, respectively. Two of the trees in one stand had rare allozyme alleles (Lap-A1 and Idh-A4, respectively), which were used to directly measure pollen movement away from those trees. The frequency of the rare Lap and Idh alleles in seeds declines as the distance from the source tree increases. The weighted mean distance of pollen dispersal with rare allele Lap-A1 or Idh-A4 was 26.3 m.  相似文献   

The Osensjmn vendace, Coregonus albula (L.), population was founded in 1895 by introduction of about 90 000 fry from Lake Mjøsa. After 92 years, or about 46 generations of isolation, remarkable genetic changes were evident among the transplants compared to their source population. Electrophoresis of 33 enzyme loci revealed that allele frequencies differed significantly in eight of the 10 polymorphic loci. Nei's unbiased genetic distance was D = 0.012, representing the level of population differentiation usually observed among distant watercourses in vendace. Genetic variability was clearly higher among the transplants: average observed heterozygosity was 14.8% compared with 11.2% among Lake Mjøsa vendace. The high genetic variation among Osensjoen vendace shows that the divergence is not due to a small number of founders or bottlenecks in later generations. Selection by the contrasting environmental conditions between the habitats of the donor and transplanted populations is the most plausible hypothesis to explain the genetic changes in the Osensjsen vendace.  相似文献   

Chub Leuciscus cephalus (L.) is a rheophilic cyprinid which prefers lotic habitat conditions, shallow water (0.1–0.3 m) and gravel banks with moderate to high water flow (0.15–0.75m s–1) for spawning. In contrast to these spawning requirements, a self-sustaining chub population was detected in a German lowland canal, the Oder–Havel Kanal. This canal is monotonously embanked with rip rap and almost completely lacks water flow and habitats that are suitable for riverine species. In 1999 chub spawned in the absence of water flow, in depths up to 1.28 m on allochthonous gravel with a mean diameter of 39 ± 16 mm (SD). These findings indicate a substantially higher environmental plasticity and tolerance of chub than previously reported.  相似文献   

Summary. The genetic variance of queen mating frequency was studied in honeybees (Apis mellifera carnica). Worker offspring (N = 966) of 28 naturally mated half sister-queens (r = 0.25) from seven unrelated breeding lines were genotyped at four DNA microsatellites. The mating frequencies of the queens were derived from the offspring genotypes. The number of observed matings per queen ranged from 10 to 28 with an average of 17.32 ± 1.10 (number of estimated matings: 24.94 ± 2.51; number of effective matings: 20.09 ± 1.73). Half-sib analyses of the breeding lines were used to estimate heritability. Heritability was h2 = 0.449 ± 0.135 for the estimated number of matings and h2 = 0.262 ± 0.103 for the number of effective males, which are both significantly different from zero. We conclude that a high genetic variance for polyandry in honeybees can be favored by balanced selection between individual queen and colony level.Received 16 October 2003; revised 4 May 2004; accepted 4 May 2004.  相似文献   

Integrated use of inorganic fertilizer N and well decomposed cattle manure (CM) or 30-35 days old Parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus L.), a weed grown off site as green manure (GM) under repeated applications of fertilizer P and urea N for eight years in a rice (Oriza sativa L.)-wheat (Triticum estivum L.) sequence was studied on transformation of fertilizer P applied to soil at the National Research Center for Weed Science, Jabalpur, India. Based on the results, it appeared that, repeated applications of 52 kg super-phosphate P resulted in a marked increase in Olsen P linearly with time. Conjunctive use of urea fertilizer N with organic manure resulted in a larger increase in Olsen P in the Vertisol. Studies further revealed that the greater accumulation of fertilizer P applied in excess to crop removal occurred in inorganic P in the plots receiving only fertilizer N. However, plots receiving fertilizer N along with organic manures led to P accumulation predominantly in organic forms. The study suggests that these two pools of P acted as a sink when fertilizer P was applied in excess to crop removal and are bio-chemically active. The Olsen P status after 8 cycles of rice-wheat crops revealed that the average amount of fertilizer P required after adjusting for crop uptake to increase Olsen P by 1 mg kg(-1) soil was 7.2 kg Pha(-1) in the plots receiving only fertilizer N. Whereas, application of 5t FYM or 6t GM reduced it to 4.6 kg Pha(-1). The plots receiving manure always maintained a greater concentration of Olsen P. The application of CM or GM with fertilizer N enriched short-term inorganic P as well as long-term organic P fertility. After eight years, larger concentrations of organic P in the subsurface layer (16-30 cm), compared to initial values, indicates downward movement of P in organic forms.  相似文献   


Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the major agent causing chronic liver disease. The core gene is the most conserved sequence in the HCV genome and proved immunoreactive when expressed in bacteria and antigenic in humans. In order to test the ability of plants to express the core gene for the production of core antigen, transgenic tobacco plants carrying the core gene were generated. The core protein was stably synthesized in T0 and T1 generations and was found to be immunoreactive, not only with anti-core polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies, but also was able to recognize the HCV virus in infected human serum. The prospects of producing a plant based vaccine and/or a food vaccine for this important virus are discussed.  相似文献   

The greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella L.) larvae reared in constant conditions showed endogenous annual changes in the sensitivity to juvenilizing treatments, i.e. cooling and JHA administration. Also control, untreated larvae showed annual changes in normal development. The number of spontaneously appearing extra-larval molts, the number of animals entering the state of permanent larva, as well as the sex-ratio in Galleria population changed with respect to the season of the year. The possible mechanisms involved in these phenomena are discussed.  相似文献   

The greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella L.) larvae reared in constant conditions showed endogenous annual changes in the sensitivity to juvenilizing treatments, i.e. cooling and JHA administration. Also control, untreated larvae showed annual changes in normal development. The number of spontaneously appearing extra-larval molts, the number of animals entering the state of permanent larva, as well as the sex-ratio in Galleria population changed with respect to the season of the year. The possible mechanisms involved in these phenomena are discussed.  相似文献   

以不结球白菜抗小菜蛾材料508为母本(P1)、以感虫材料114为父本(P2)构建了包括P1、P2、F1、F2、BC1P1和BC1P2的6个世代群体,通过人工网室鏊定各世代群体的抗虫性,利用主基因+多基因混合遗传模型联合分析法分析了不结球白菜抗虫遗传规律.结果表明:在508×114组合中,感虫对抗虫表现部分显性,抗虫性遗传符合一对加性-显性主基因+加性-显性多基因遗传模型,在BC1P1、BC1P2和F2群体中的主基因遗传率分别为57.21%、25.87%和76.05%,为有效利用抗虫资源和挖掘抗虫基因奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Populations of the polymorphic land snail Cepaea nemoralis (L.) from Deepdale, Derbyshire, UK, sampled in 1965–67, showed a pattern of area effects, with steep clines among groups of populations differing in shell colour and banding morph frequencies. In 2010, most of these populations were resampled. In particular, a continuous transect made in 1967 of 42 quadrats (18.34 × 18.34 m) across a steep cline in several morph frequencies was completely resampled. In the dale as a whole, yellow shells had increased in frequency. In the transect, the frequencies of banding morphs showed no significant changes, although colour morphs showed some changes. Pink shells had increased in frequency in a section in which scrub had developed, and brown shells had increased in frequency in the area in which they had originally been at the highest frequency. In each case, the selection coefficients were of the order of 4%. Yellow had increased elsewhere. Nevertheless, both in the dale as a whole and in the transect, the pattern of geographical change in morph frequencies had remained essentially the same. Estimates of migration based on previous studies of marked snails and on modelling of the effect of drift and migration suggest that, regardless of whether the cline is a product of differential selection or of the gradual merging of previously separate founding populations, it has been in existence for a long time, and that migration occurs over greater distances than estimated from direct observation on marked snails. Although we can demonstrate that selection has occurred, the origin and maintenance of the cline and others similar to it remain in doubt; the development and maintenance of polymorphism in this species may require consideration of several processes operating on different time scales. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

V N Vere?skaia 《Ontogenez》1979,10(3):244-252
The orientation of bivalentss in the first meiotic metaphase was studied on the squash preparations and sections of eggs in Bombyx mori L., Antheraea pernyi Guèr and Carpocapsa pomonella L. The reduction fissure of bivalents separating the homologous chromosomes lies in the plane of spindle equator; the equation fissure separating the sister chromatids is parallel to the long spindle axis. Complicated rearrangements are observed in the nuclei of the silkworm eggs stimulated to ameiotic parthenogenesis by the high temperature dissociation of bivalents, full destruction of spindle, formation of a new spindle and metaphase plate. The latter includes univalent chromosomes involved in the equation division. As a result, two genetically identical pronuclei with the somatic set of chromosomes are formed.  相似文献   

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