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Tissue factor is an integral membrane glycoprotein that serves as an essential cofactor for the blood coagulation factor VIIa. Recent studies have attempted to localize the tissue factor recognition determinant of human factor VIIa. While several regions of factor VIIa have been implicated as important for tissue factor binding, the high affinity tissue factor recognition determinant of human factor VIIa is unknown. In order to define the determinant, we constructed a set of six chimeric proteins composed of portions of factor VII and factor IX. We then utilized the chimeras in competition experiments with 125I-labeled factor VIIa for recombinant tissue factor bound to an Immobilon-P membrane. The data indicate that the high affinity tissue factor recognition determinant of human factor VIIa is within the epidermal growth factor domains.  相似文献   

The extracellular domain of human tissue factor (TF, amino acids 1-217) was expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, using the inducible yeast acid phosphatase promoter and the yeast invertase signal sequence to direct its secretion into the culture broth. Two active soluble forms sTF alpha (high molecular weight form) and sTF beta (low molecular weight form) were purified, the yield being approximately 10 and 1 mg/liter of culture supernatant, respectively. sTF alpha had an apparent molecular mass of 150 kDa on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and contained more than 200 residues of mannose/mol of protein. sTF beta had an apparent molecular mass of 37 kDa and contained 22 residues of mannose/mol of protein. N-Glycosidase F treatments of both rTFs reduced the apparent molecular mass to 35 kDa. The amino-terminal sequences and amino acid compositions of sTF alpha and sTF beta were consistent with those deduced from the cDNA sequence, thereby indicating that the difference in molecular mass is caused by heterogeneity of oligosaccharide structures. Of these recombinant TFs, sTF beta enhanced factor VIIa-amidolytic activity 40-fold toward the chromogenic substrate and 147-fold toward the fluorogenic substrate, affecting mainly the kcat value. The enhancement was comparable with that of TF purified from human placenta. The TF-mediated enhancement of factor VIIa-amidolytic activity was inhibited by heparin-activated antithrombin III, forming a high molecular weight complex. As treatment of sTF beta with denaturants such as guanidine hydrochloride or urea led to a biphasic loss of the activity, the extracellular domain of TF probably consists of two discrete domains. This expression system provides a significant amount of the extracellular domain of TF so that studies of interactions with factor VII are feasible.  相似文献   

The 3D structure of human factor VIIa/soluble tissue factor in complex with a peptide mimetic inhibitor, propylsulfonamide-D-Thr-Met-p-aminobenzamidine, is determined by X-ray crystallography. As compared with the interactions between thrombin and thrombin inhibitors, the interactions at S2 and S3 sites characteristic of factor VIIa and factor VIIa inhibitors are revealed. The S2 site has a small pocket, which is filled by the hydrophobic methionine side chain in P2. The small S3 site fits the small size residue, D-threonine in P3. The structural data and SAR data of the peptide mimetic inhibitor show that these interactions in the S2 and S3 sites play an important role for the improvement of selectivity versus thrombin. The results will provide valuable information for the structure-based drug design of specific inhibitors for FVIIa/TF.  相似文献   

Factor VIIa is a plasma glycoprotein which, when bound to the integral membrane glycoprotein tissue factor, forms an enzymatic complex that is essential for normal hemostasis. We have developed a fluorescent substrate (6-(Mes-D-Leu-Gly-Arg)amino-1-naphthalenediethylsulfamide) which can be used to directly measure the enzymatic activity of factor VIIa in the presence and absence of tissue factor and phospholipid. The sensitivity of this substrate allows for detection of factor VIIa at concentrations below 10(-9) M. The kinetics of substrate hydrolysis by factor VIIa were evaluated and it was observed that the binding of factor VIIa to tissue factor increases the catalytic efficiency (kcat/Km) of factor VIIa substrate hydrolysis greater than 100-fold. The increase in enzymatic efficiency of factor VIIa, when complexed to tissue factor, is mediated primarily by an increase in kcat. These data suggest that tissue factor induces an alteration in the catalytic site of factor VIIa, which allows for more efficient hydrolysis of the small fluorescent substrate. Measurements conducted using various phospholipids and detergents demonstrated that the increase in catalytic efficiency of factor VIIa, when complexed to tissue factor, is independent of the supporting surface. The differential rate of substrate hydrolysis when factor VIIa is complexed to tissue factor was used to estimate the binding of factor VIIa to tissue factor. From these data an apparent dissociation constant for factor VIIa binding to tissue factor was calculated to be between 1.1 and 2.1 nM with a binding stoichiometry of 1.04:1 (factor VIIa:tissue factor). When the reactivity of this small fluorescent substrate toward single-chain factor VII was investigated, both in the presence and absence of tissue factor, no substrate hydrolysis was observed.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the binding of rVIIa to cell surface tissue factor (TF) and the resultant expression of VIIa/TF activity were studied. Binding of 125I-rVIIa (10 nM) to cell surface TF required 30-60 min for saturation, whereas VIIa/TF activity was fully expressed toward factor X (F X) on intact monolayers after only 1 min of incubation. At the time only 10-20% of the total VIIa TF complexes present at saturation had formed. Freeze-thawing the monolayers before assay increased VIIa/TF activity up to 30-fold, and the time course of its expression was similar to that of TF-specific binding of VIIa to the monolayers. Equilibrium binding revealed a single high affinity binding class of TF sites on intact monolayers for rVIIa with a Kd of 1.6 nM. Experiments with active-site inhibited rVIIa yielded evidence for two populations of VIIa. TF complexes on intact monolayers: (1) a minor population (less than 20%) that formed within 1 min of incubation and accounted for all VIIa/TF activity toward F X present on the intact monolayers, and (2) a major population that was inactive toward F X on intact monolayers but which was fully active after the monolayers were lysed. Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI).F Xa complexes inhibited the VIIa/TF activity of the first population, i.e. of the complexes active on intact monolayers, half maximally at a concentration of 0.2 nM TFPI. TFPI/Xa also bound to the second population of VIIa.TF complexes on intact monolayers and inhibited their expression of VIIa/TF activity following cell lysis with a half-maximal inhibitory concentration of 2.0 nM. The potential physiologic implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Vessel wall tissue factor (TF) is exposed to blood upon vascular damage which enables association with factor VIIa (FVIIa). This leads to initiation of the blood coagulation cascade through localization and allosteric induction of FVIIa procoagulant activity. To examine the docking pathway of the FVIIa-TF complex, various residues in the extracellular part of TF (sTF) that are known to interact with FVIIa were replaced with cysteines labelled with a fluorescent probe. By using stopped-flow fluorescence kinetic measurements in combination with surface plasmon resonance analysis, we studied the association of the resulting sTF variants with FVIIa. We found the docking trajectory to be a sequence of events in which the protease domain of FVIIa initiates contact with sTF. Thereafter, the two proteins are tethered via the first epidermal growth factor-like and finally the γ-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla) domain. The two labelled sTF residues interacting with the protease domain of FVIIa bind or become eventually ordered at different rates, revealing kinetic details pertinent to the allosteric activation of FVIIa by sTF. Moreover, when the Gla domain of FVIIa is removed the difference in the rate of association for the remaining domains is much more pronounced.  相似文献   

The crystallographic structure of human coagulation factor VIIa/tissue factor complex bound with calcium ions was used to model the solution structure of the light chain of factor VIIa (residues 1-142) in the absence of tissue factor. The Amber force field in conjunction with the particle mesh Ewald summation method to accommodate long-range electrostatic interactions was used in the trajectory calculations. The estimated TF-free solution structure was then compared with the crystal structure of factor VIIa/tissue factor complex to estimate the restructuring of factor VIIa due to tissue factor binding. The solution structure of the light chain of factor VIIa in the absence of tissue factor is predicted to be an extended domain structure similar to that of the tissue factor-bound crystal. Removal of the EGF1-bound calcium ion is shown by simulation to lead to minor structural changes within the EGF1 domain, but also leads to substantial relative reorientation of the Gla and EGF1 domains.  相似文献   

The effect of Factor VII antibody and an antibody to the apoprotein of tissue factor has been tested on the product formed between Factor VII, tissue factor and calcium ions. The antibody to the apoprotein of tissue factor neutralized tissue factor but had no effect on the extrinsic Factor X activator activity when Factor VII had been allowed to react with tissue factor before the addition of the antibody. The Factor VII antibody neutralized Factor VII and it also blocked the Factor X activator activity when Factor VII had been incubated with tissue factor and calcium ions prior to the addition of Factor VII antibody.Diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP) was found to neutralize native purified Factor VII and Factor VII in human plasma. This inhibition of Factor VII was very slow and required high concentrations of DFP. However, when the Factor VII had been preincubated with tissue factor and calcium ions, the neutralization of Factor VII by DFP occurred rapidly, and at much lower concentration of DFP.  相似文献   

Reductive amination followed by acylation of polymer-linked formyl aryl amidines generate combinatorial libraries of aryl amidines 8-13. Potent small molecule naphthylamidine inhibitors 12 (Ki<100 nM) of FVIIa/TF have been discovered and their activity against other serine proteases in the coagulation cascade is reported.  相似文献   

Proof of concept experiments have shown that tissue factor/factor VIIa inhibitors have antithrombotic activity without enhancing bleeding propensity. Starting from lead compounds generated by a biased combinatorial approach, phenylglycine amide tissue factor/factor VIIa inhibitors with low nanomolar affinity and good selectivity against other serine proteases of the coagulation cascade were designed, using the guidance of X-ray structural analysis and molecular modelling.  相似文献   

Formation of the factor VIIa (FVIIa)‐tissue factor (TF) complex triggers the blood coagulation cascade. Using a structure‐based rationale, we investigated how the length of the linker region between the two epidermal growth factor (EGF)‐like domains in FVIIa influences TF binding and the allosteric activity enhancement, as well as the interplay between the γ‐carboxyglutamic acid (Gla)‐containing and protease domains. Removal of two residues from the native linker was compatible with normal cofactor binding and accompanying stimulation of the enzymatic activity, as was extension by two (Gly‐Ser) residues. In sharp contrast, truncation by three or four residues abolished the TF‐mediated stabilization of the active conformation of FVIIa and abrogated TF‐induced activity enhancement. In addition, FVIIa variants with short linkers associated 80‐fold slower with soluble TF (sTF) as compared with wild‐type FVIIa, resulting in a corresponding increase in the equilibrium dissociation constant. Molecular modeling suggested that the shortest FVIIa variants would have to be forced into a tense and energetically unfavorable conformation in order to be able to interact productively with TF, explaining our experimental observations. We also found a correlation between linker length and the residual intrinsic enzymatic activity of Ca2+‐free FVIIa; stepwise truncation resulting in gradually higher activity with des(83–86)‐FVIIa reaching the level of Gla‐domainless FVIIa. The linker appears to determine the average distance between the negatively charged Gla domain and a structural element in the protease domain, presumably of opposite charge, and proximity has a negative impact on apo‐FVIIa activity.  相似文献   

We describe the structure-based design and synthesis of highly potent, orally bioavailable tissue factor/factor VIIa inhibitors which interfere with the coagulation cascade by selective inhibition of the extrinsic pathway.  相似文献   

We have examined initial assembly of the extrinsic pathway of blood coagulation on cell surfaces with radiolabeled human factor VIIa and a human fetal lung cell line possessing abundant functional tissue factor activity. Binding of factor VIIa to these cells was observed and was time- and temperature-dependent. Binding of factor VIIa was quantitatively equivalent at 37 and 6 degrees C, although the kinetics of binding differed. The radiolabeled ligand bound by the cell was indistinguishable by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel analysis from the factor VIIa offered. Factor VIIa binding was influenced by calcium ions. The binding appears to involve at least two classes of calcium-dependent binding sites. Optimal binding occurred at 2 mM calcium for both classes of sites, and there was inhibition of binding to the high affinity sites at higher calcium. Association of factor VIIa was specific, saturable, had a Kd of 123 +/- 37 pm, and factor VIIa interacted with about 100,000 binding sites per cell. Once established, specific binding was rapidly reversible. Direct cellular binding of human factor X also was observed and was calcium, time- and temperature-dependent. Factor X binding was specific and saturable with half-maximal binding at 87.6 +/- 27.4 nM to 6.03 +/- 1.03 X 10(6) sites per cell. Specific high affinity binding of factor VIIa correlated with generation of factor Xa. A direct linear relationship was observed at low factor VIIa binding; however, at higher bound factor VIIa, the relationship was nonstoichiometric, i.e. less factor Xa was formed per mole of factor VIIa. Expression of specific binding sites for factors VIIa and X provides further substantiation for the molecular assembly hypothesized to initiate the extrinsic coagulation protease cascade on cells.  相似文献   

As an attempt to investigate the dynamic interactions between plasma serine protease, coagulation factor VIIa (VIIa) and its cofactor, tissue factor (TF), we performed normal mode analysis (NMA) of the complex of VIIa with soluble TF (the extracellular part of TF; sTF). We compared fluctuations of Calpha atoms of VIIa or sTF derived from NMA in the VIIa-sTF complex with those of VIIa or sTF in an uncomplexed condition. The atomic fluctuations of the Calpha atoms of sTF complexed with VIIa did not significantly differ from those of sTF without VIIa. In contrast, the atomic fluctuations of VIIa complexed with sTF were much smaller than those of VIIa without sTF. These results suggest that domain motions of VIIa molecule alone are markedly dampened in the VIIa-sTF complex and that the sTF molecule is relatively more rigid than the VIIa molecule. This may indicate functions of TF as a cofactor.  相似文献   

To elucidate the functions of the surface loops of VIIa, we prepared two mutants, VII-30 and VII-39. The VII-30 mutant had all of the residues in the 99 loop replaced with those of trypsin. In the VII-39 mutant, both the 99 and 170 loops were replaced with those of trypsin. The k(cat)/K(m) value for hydrolysis of the chromogenic peptidyl substrate S-2288 by VIIa-30 (103 mm(-)1s(-)1) was 3-fold higher than that of wild-type VIIa (30.3 mm(-)1 s(-)1) in the presence of soluble tissue factor (sTF). This enhancement was due to a decrease in the K(m) value but not to an increase in the k(cat) value. On the other hand, the k(cat)/K(m) value for S-2288 hydrolysis by VIIa-39 (17.9 mm(-)1 s(-)1) was 18-fold higher than that of wild-type (1.0 mm(-)1 s(-)1) in the absence of sTF, and the value was almost the same as that of wild-type measured in the presence of sTF. This enhancement was due to not only a decrease in the K(m) value but also to an increase in the k(cat) value. These results were in good agreement with their susceptibilities to a subsite 1-directed serine protease inhibitor. In our previous paper (Soejima, K., Mizuguchi, J., Yuguchi, M., Nakagaki, T., Higashi, S., and Iwanaga, S. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 17229-17235), the replacement of the 170 loop of VIIa with that of trypsin induced a 10-fold enhancement of the k(cat) value for S-2288 hydrolysis as compared with that of wild-type VIIa in the absence of sTF. These results suggested that the 99 and the 170 loop structures of VIIa independently affect the K(m) and k(cat) values, respectively. Furthermore, we studied the effect of mutations on proteolytic activity toward S-alkylated lysozyme as a macromolecular substrate and the activation of natural macromolecular substrate factor X.  相似文献   

TFPI (tissue factor pathway inhibitor) is an anticoagulant protein that prevents intravascular coagulation through inhibition of fXa (Factor Xa) and the TF (tissue factor)-fVIIa (Factor VIIa) complex. Localization of TFPI within caveolae enhances its anticoagulant activity. To define further how caveolae contribute to TFPI anticoagulant activity, CHO (Chinese-hamster ovary) cells were co-transfected with TF and membrane-associated TFPI targeted to either caveolae [TFPI-GPI (TFPI-glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor chimaera)] or to bulk plasma membrane [TFPI-TM (TFPI-transmembrane anchor chimaera)]. Stable clones had equal expression of surface TF and TFPI. TX-114 cellular lysis confirmed localization of TFPI-GPI to detergent-insoluble membrane fractions, whereas TFPI-TM localized to the aqueous phase. TFPI-GPI and TFPI-TM were equally effective direct inhibitors of fXa in amidolytic assays. However, TFPI-GPI was a significantly better inhibitor of TF-fVIIa than TFPI-TM, as measured in both amidolytic and plasma-clotting assays. Disrupting caveolae by removing membrane cholesterol from EA.hy926 cells, which make TFPIα, CHO cells transfected with TFPIβ and HUVECs (human umbilical vein endothelial cells) did not affect their fXa inhibition, but significantly decreased their inhibition of TF-fVIIa. These studies confirm and quantify the enhanced anticoagulant activity of TFPI localized within caveolae, demonstrate that caveolae enhance the inhibitory activity of both TFPI isoforms and define the effect of caveolae as specifically enhancing the anti-TF activity of TFPI.  相似文献   

The binding of factor VIIa (FVIIa) to tissue factor (TF) initiates blood coagulation. The binary complex is dependent on Ca2+ binding to several sites in FVIIa and is maintained by multiple contacts distributed throughout the various domains. Although the contributions from various residues and domains, including the Ca2+ coordination, to the global binding energy have been characterized, their importance for specific local interactions is virtually unknown. To address this aspect, we have attached four spectroscopic probes to an engineered Cys residue replacing Phe140 in soluble TF (sTF). This allows the monitoring of local changes in hydrophobicity and rigidity upon complex formation at the interface between the first epidermal growth factor-like (EGF1) domain of FVIIa and sTF. The fluorescent labels used sense a more hydrophobic environment and the spin labels are dramatically immobilized when FVIIa binds sTF. The results obtained with a 4-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla)-domainless derivative of FVIIa indicate that the Gla domain has no or minimal influence on the interaction between EGF1 and sTF. However, there is a difference in local Ca2+ dependence between Gla-domainless and full-length FVIIa.  相似文献   

Although the phospholipid requirement for tissue factor (TF) activity has been well-established, the mechanism by which the surface regulates enzymatic activity remains unclear. We added phospholipid vesicles to already relipidated TF (30/70 PS/PC) and found that added lipid can both enhance and inhibit the rate of factor X (F.X) activation. Using active-site-inhibited F.Xa we demonstrate that F.Xa is a more potent inhibitor of TF/VIIa at lower lipid concentrations, and that this inhibition is attributable to high surface occupancy by F.Xa near the enzyme. We also find that exactly twice as many F.Xa molecules are bound to a lipid surface at saturation as F.X, and that a dimer model of F.Xa binding to the lipid can account for the experimentally observed, preferential binding of F.Xa (compared to F.X) to phospholipid surfaces. We manipulated the amount of phospholipid available to each TF molecule by controlling vesicle size and the number of TF molecules per vesicle and found that, as the 2D radius of phospholipid available to each TF molecule was increased, the observed k(cat) increased hyperbolically toward a maximum or "true k(cat)". At a 2D lipid radius of approximately 37 nm, the observed k(cat) was 50% of the "true k(cat)". Thus, phospholipid surface serves as a conduit for F.X presentation and F.Xa removal, and the rate at which F.Xa leaves the vicinity of the enzyme, either by lateral diffusion or desorption from the surface, regulates the rate of F.X activation. We argue that these findings require reevaluation of existing models of coagulation.  相似文献   

Y Komiyama  A H Pedersen  W Kisiel 《Biochemistry》1990,29(40):9418-9425
Previous studies indicated that factor VIIa, in complex with tissue factor, readily activates either factor X or factor IX in the presence of calcium ions. In order to assess the relative physiological importance of the activation of factor IX versus the activation of factor X by recombinant factor VIIa, we have obtained steady-state kinetic parameters for the factor VIIa catalyzed activation of factor IX and factor X under a variety of cofactor conditions that include calcium alone, calcium and phospholipids, calcium, phospholipids, and tissue factor apoprotein, and calcium and cell-surface tissue factor. Calcium alone stimulated the activation of factors IX and X by factor VIIa maximally at 1 and 2.5 mM, respectively. In the presence of 25 microM phospholipids, maximal rates of factor IX and factor X activation were achieved at 2.5-5 mM calcium. With calcium alone, or with phospholipid and calcium, the initial rates of factor IX activation by factor VIIa were significantly higher than that observed for factor X. Kinetic studies revealed that the Km for the factor VIIa catalyzed activation of factor IX was essentially constant in the presence of 5 mM calcium and 1-500 microM phospholipid, whereas the Km for factor X activation varied with phospholipid concentration, reaching a minimum at 7-20 microM phospholipid. At all concentrations of added phospholipid, the kcat/Km ratio for the activation of factor IX by factor VIIa appeared to be considerably greater than that observed for the activation of factor X.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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