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Hua L  Low TY  Sze SK 《Proteomics》2006,6(2):586-591
We have developed a rapid microwave-assisted protein digestion technique based on classic acid hydrolysis reaction with 2% formic acid solution. In this mild chemical environment, proteins are hydrolyzed to peptides, which can be directly analyzed by MALDI-MS or ESI-MS without prior sample purification. Dilute formic acid cleaves proteins specifically at the C-terminal of aspartyl (Asp) residues within 10 min of exposure to microwave irradiation. By adjusting the irradiation time, we found that the extent of protein fragmentation can be controlled, as shown by the single fragmentation of myoglobin at the C-terminal of any of the Asp residues. The efficacy and simplicity of this technique for protein identification are demonstrated by the peptide mass maps of in-gel digested myoglobin and BSA, as well as proteins isolated from Escherichia coli K12 cells.  相似文献   

以六倍体短柄草为研究材料,对短柄草的染色体制片方法进行了优化,建立了一种改进的短柄草染色体酶解制片方法。试验结果表明,以45%醋酸固定液固定根尖、酶解时间2h可以获得最佳的根尖染色体制片。此方法不仅可以得到分散良好的有丝分裂中期分裂相,而且还缩短了酶解的时间,提高了制片的效率。  相似文献   

Microwave-assisted enzymatic digestion (MAED) technique was applied for ginkgo protein digestion with both free and immobilized enzyme. Under the optimized conditions of MAED (0.01 g/mL substrate concentration of bromelain, 4500 U/g enzyme/ginkgo protein, 30 min, 300 W microwave power), a higher digestion rate (7.50%) and a significant increase in antioxidant activity (72.7 mg/g) were obtained in contrast with the conventional methods. With the optimized digestion conditions (0.625% glutaraldehyde (v/v), 0.4 mg/mL initial concentration of bromelain and 4 h of immobilization), the activity and effectiveness factor of immobilized bromelain were respectively 86 U and 81.6%. The results of ginkgo digestion by applying MAED indicated that the digestion rate of immobilized bromelain obtained by MAED method (6.41%) was comparable to that of free bromelain in the conventional digestion (8.13%). In both case with immobilized and free bromelain while applying MAED, a homogeneously abundant distribution of peptide fragments (from 7.863 Da to 5856 Da) and a few different peptide profiles were found. This report brings in conclusion that applying MAED with immobilized enzyme has the potential to obtain the highest number of antioxidant activity peptides.  相似文献   



The low concentration and highly hydrophobic nature of proteins in lipid raft samples present significant challenges for the sensitive and accurate proteomic analyses of lipid raft proteins. Elimination of highly enriched lipids and interfering substances from raft samples is generally required before mass spectrometric analyses can be performed, but these procedures often lead to excessive protein loss and increased sample variability. For accurate analyses of the raft proteome, simplified protocols are needed to avoid excessive sample handling and purification steps.  相似文献   

In proteome research, rapid and effective proteolysis and enrichment strategies are essential for successful protein identification. Functionalized magnetic microspheres of micro- and nano-meter size are gaining increasing attention due to their easy manipulation and recovery, great specific surface areas and high surface activity. The introduction of magnetic nanoparticles into the field of proteomics study has accelerated the development of digestion and enrichment methods. In this article, we mainly focus on recent developments of using different functionalized magnetic nanoparticles for rapid digestion and preconcentration of low-abundance peptides/proteins, including those containing post-translational modifications, such as phosphorylation and glycosylation, prior to mass spectrometric analysis.  相似文献   

In-gel peptide digestion has become a widely used technique for characterizing proteins resolved by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Peptides generated from gel pieces are frequently contaminated with detergent and salts. Prior to matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry analysis, these contaminants are removed using micro scale C18 sample preparation columns. In this paper, data are presented to demonstrate the application of a solvent resistant MultiScreen 96-well plate with a low peptide binding membrane and ZipTip micropipette based sample preparation. Recoveries of peptides (m/z of 1000 to 5000 Da) derived from standard protein protease digests, were estimated at various stages of the analytical process. An optimized protocol has been established and all the reagents and consumables have been packaged in a ready to use commercial kit. Data will be presented to show the application of this technology package to accelerate the throughput of protein characterization by protease fragmentation.  相似文献   

Optimal conditions for the microwave-assisted enzymatic synthesis of biodiesel have been developed by a full 22 factorial design leading to a set of seven runs with different combinations of molar ratio and temperature. The main goal was to reduce the reaction time preliminarily established by a process of conventional heating. Reactions yielding biodiesel, in which beef tallow and ethanol used as raw materials were catalyzed by lipase from Burkholderia cepacia immobilized on silica-PVA and microwave irradiations within the range of 8–15 W were performed to reach the reaction temperature. Under optimized conditions (1:6 molar ratio of beef tallow to ethanol molar ratio at 50°C) almost total conversion of the fatty acid presented in the original beef tallow was converted into ethyl esters in a reaction that required 8 h, i.e., a productivity of about 92 mg ethyl esters g−1 h−1. This represents an increase of sixfold for the process carried out under conventional heating. In general, the process promises low energy demand and higher biodiesel productivity. The microwave assistance speeds up the enzyme catalyzed reactions, decreases the destructive effects on the enzyme of the operational conditions such as, higher temperature, stability, and specificity to its substrate, and allows the entire reaction medium to be heated uniformly.  相似文献   

Microwave assistance was used for preparing polyethylene glycol (PEG)-Cibacron blue 3GA and Sepharose CL-4B-Cibacron blue 3GA affinity materials. The former was used as the affinity macroligand in a PEG-dextran aqueous two-phase system for purification of alcohol dehydrogenase and EcoRI. The Sepharose CL-4B-Cibacron blue 3GA was used for affinity chromatography of the above two enzymes. It was found that microwave assistance could reduce the time of PEG-dye preparation to 5 min (from 7h). Similarly, Sepharose CL-4B-Cibacron blue 3GA preparation time could be reduced to 21 min (from 3.5h). The performances of affinity macroligand PEG-dye and the affinity medium Sepharose-dye prepared by conventional methods and with microwave assistance were similar during purification of these enzymes.  相似文献   

Ensuring that proteolytic digestions are complete before submitting samples for downstream proteomic analyses is important, as failure or partial digestion can waste valuable instrument time and make results difficult to interpret. Conversely, overdigestion can also be problematic, such as when removing affinity tags from recombinant proteins or using nonspecific proteases. The techniques of HPLC, circular dichroism, SDS-PAGE, and MS have each been used to assess protein digestion. These techniques are slow, may require expensive instrumentation, can be inaccurate, and/or are unsuitable for real-time monitoring. Epicocconone is a natural fluorophore that reacts reversibly with proteins to form a highly fluorescent adduct and has previously been used to quantify proteins in 1D and 2D gels and in solution. Here, we describe a new method for the real-time monitoring of protein digestion based on epicocconone. This unique in situ fluorescent assay can tracelessly follow proteolysis of samples, at low microgram levels, destined for proteomics analysis or purification.  相似文献   

Enzymatic digestion of proteins is a key step in protein identification by mass spectrometry (MS). Traditional solution-based protein digestion methods require long incubation times and are limitations for high throughput proteomics research. Recently, solid phase digestion (e.g. trypsin immobilization on solid supports) has become a useful strategy to accelerate the speed of protein digestion and eliminate autodigestion by immobilizing and isolating the enzyme moieties on solid supports. Monolithic media is an attractive support for immobilization of enzymes due to its unique properties that include fast mass transfer, stability in most solvents, and versatility of functional groups on the surfaces of monoliths. We prepared immobilized trypsin monolithic capillaries for on-column protein digestion, analyzed the digested peptides through LC/FTICR tandem MS, and compared peptide mass fingerprinting by MALDI-TOF-MS. To further improve the digestion efficiency for low abundance proteins, we introduced C4 functional groups onto the monolith surfaces to combine on-column protein enrichment and digestion. Compared with immobilized trypsin monolithic capillaries without C4, the immobilized trypsin-C4 monolith showed improved digestion efficiency. A mechanism for increased efficiency from the combination of sample enrichment and on-column digestion is also proposed in this paper. Moreover, we investigated the effects of organic solvent on digestion and detection by comparing the observed digested peptide sequences. Our data demonstrated that all columns showed good tolerance to organic solvents and maintained reproducible enzymatic activity for at least 30 days.  相似文献   

综述了几种建立突变库的新方法,并介绍了定向进化在酶制剂改造中的具体应用。  相似文献   

Liu X  Chan K  Chu IK  Li J 《Carbohydrate research》2008,343(17):2870-2877
Nonspecific proteolytic digestion of glycoproteins is an established technique in glycomics and glycoproteomics. In the presence of pronase E, for example, glycoproteins are digested to small glycopeptides having one to six amino acids residues, which can be analyzed with excellent sensitivity using mass spectrometry. Unfortunately, the long digestion times (1-3 days) limit the analytical throughput. In this study, we used controlled microwave irradiation to accelerate the proteolytic cleavage of glycoproteins mediated by pronase E. We used ESI-MS and MALDI-MS analyses to evaluate the microwave-assisted enzymatic digestions at various digestion durations, temperatures, and enzyme-to-protein ratios. When digesting glycoproteins, pronase E produced glycopeptides within 5 min under microwave irradiation; glycopeptides having one or two amino acids were the major products. Although analysis of peptides containing multiple amino acid residues offers the opportunity for peptide sequencing and provides information regarding the sites of glycosylation, the signals of Asn-linked glycans were often suppressed by the glycopeptides containing basic amino acids (Lys or Arg) in MALDI-MS experiments. To minimize this signal-to-content dependence, we converted the glycopeptides into their sodiated forms and then methylated them using methyl iodide. This controlled methylation procedure resulted in quaternization of the amino group of the N-terminal amino acid residue. Using this approach, the mass spectrometric response of glyco-Asn was enhanced, compensating for the poorer ionization efficiency associated with the basic amino acids residues. The methylated products of glycopeptides containing two or more amino acid residues were more stable than those containing only a single Asn residue. This feature can be used to elucidate glycan structures and glycosylation sites without the need for MS/MS analysis.  相似文献   

Summary. In the postgenomic era new technologies are emerging for global analysis of protein function. The introduction of active site-directed chemical probes for enzymatic activity profiling in complex mixtures, known as activity-based proteomics has greatly accelerated functional annotation of proteins. Here we review probe design for different enzyme classes including serine hydrolases, cysteine proteases, tyrosine phosphatases, glycosidases, and others. These probes are usually detected by their fluorescent, radioactive or affinity tags and their protein targets are analyzed using established proteomics techniques. Recent developments, such as the design of probes for in vivo analysis of proteomes, as well as microarray technologies for higher throughput screenings of protein specificity and the application of activity-based probes for drug screening are highlighted. We focus on biological applications of activity-based probes for target and inhibitor discovery and discuss challenges for future development of this field.  相似文献   

The effect of chicken erythrocyte High Mobility Group protein 1 (HMG-1) on the enzymatic hydrolysis of purified double-stranded and single-stranded bacteriophage lambda DNA was studied. HMG-1 was found to inhibit the digestion of single- and double-stranded DNA by S1 nuclease and DNase I, respectively. HMG-I increased the rate of hydrolysis of double-stranded DNA by micrococcal nuclease, particularly at low HMG-1/DNA ratios, and had little effect on the hydrolysis of single-stranded DNA by micrococcal nucleases, even at high HMG-1 DNA ratios. We also present a semi-quantitative estimate that HMG-1 and HMG-2 occur in chromatin from rapidly dividing, cultured rat hepatoma cells at about 8 times the level that they occur in adult rat liver chromatin.  相似文献   

Sample preparation, typically by in‐solution or in‐gel approaches, has a strong influence on the accuracy and robustness of quantitative proteomics workflows. The major benefit of in‐gel procedures is their compatibility with detergents (such as SDS) for protein solubilization. However, SDS‐PAGE is a time‐consuming approach. Tube‐gel (TG) preparation circumvents this drawback as it involves directly trapping the sample in a polyacrylamide gel matrix without electrophoresis. We report here the first global label‐free quantitative comparison between TG, stacking gel (SG), and basic liquid digestion (LD). A series of UPS1 standard mixtures (at 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, and 25 fmol) were spiked in a complex yeast lysate background. TG preparation allowed more yeast proteins to be identified than did the SG and LD approaches, with mean numbers of 1979, 1788, and 1323 proteins identified, respectively. Furthermore, the TG method proved equivalent to SG and superior to LD in terms of the repeatability of the subsequent experiments, with mean CV for yeast protein label‐free quantifications of 7, 9, and 10%. Finally, known variant UPS1 proteins were successfully detected in the TG‐prepared sample within a complex background with high sensitivity. All the data from this study are accessible on ProteomeXchange (PXD003841).  相似文献   

Our understanding of biological processes as well as human diseases has improved greatly thanks to studies on model organisms such as yeast. The power of scientific approaches with yeast lies in its relatively simple genome, its facile classical and molecular genetics, as well as the evolutionary conservation of many basic biological mechanisms. However, even in this simple model organism, systems biology studies, especially proteomic studies had been an intimidating task. During the past decade, powerful high-throughput technologies in proteomic research have been developed for yeast including protein microarray technology. The protein microarray technology allows the interrogation of protein–protein, protein–DNA, protein–small molecule interaction networks as well as post-translational modification networks in a large-scale, high-throughput manner. With this technology, many groundbreaking findings have been established in studies with the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, most of which could have been unachievable with traditional approaches. Discovery of these networks has profound impact on explicating biological processes with a proteomic point of view, which may lead to a better understanding of normal biological phenomena as well as various human diseases.  相似文献   



Macrophages are involved in a number of key physiological processes and complex responses such as inflammatory, immunological, infectious diseases and iron homeostasis. These cells are specialised for iron storage and recycling from senescent erythrocytes so they play a central role in the fine tuning of iron balancing and distribution. The comprehension of the many physiological responses of macrophages implies the study of the related molecular events. To this regard, proteomic analysis, is one of the most powerful tools for the elucidation of the molecular mechanisms, in terms of changes in protein expression levels.  相似文献   

Quorum sensing gives rise to biofilm formation on the membrane surface, which in turn causes a loss of water permeability in membrane bioreactors (MBRs) for wastewater treatment. Enzymatic quorum quenching was reported to successfully inhibit the formation of biofilm in MBRs through the decomposition of signal molecules, N-acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs). The aim of this study was to elucidate the mechanisms of quorum quenching in more detail in terms of microbial population dynamics and proteomics. Microbial communities in MBRs with and without a quorum quenching enzyme (acylase) were analyzed using pyrosequencing and compared with each other. In the quorum quenching MBR, the rate of transmembrane pressure (TMP) rise-up was delayed substantially, and the proportion of quorum sensing bacteria with AHL-like autoinducers (such as Enterobacter, Pseudomonas, and Acinetobacter) also decreased in the entire microbial community of mature biofilm in comparison to that in the control MBR. These factors were attributed to the lower production of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), which are known to play a key role in the formation of biofilm. Proteomic analysis using the Enterobacter cancerogenus strain ATCC 35316 demonstrates the possible depression of protein expression related to microbial attachments to solid surfaces (outer membrane protein, flagellin) and the agglomeration of microorganisms (ATP synthase beta subunit) with the enzymatic quorum quenching. It has been argued that changes in the microbial population, EPS and proteins via enzymatic quorum quenching could inhibit the formation of biofilm, resulting in less biofouling in the quorum quenching MBR.  相似文献   

The enzymatic degradation of insoluble elastin has been studied at several pH values using purified pepsin and cathepsin D, and neutrophil extracts. Pepsin degraded elastin throughout the pH range of 1.2-4.0 with the optimum pH below 2.0. Molecular sieve chromatography and gel electrophoresis indicated that a spectrum of molecular weight degradation products was produced. The degradation by pepsin was inhibited by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), NaCl and pepstatin. Cathepsin D, which, like pepsin, degrades hemoglobin at acid pH and is inhibited by pepstatin, had no activity against insoluble elastin in the pH range of 3.2-7.2. Extracts of neutrophils degraded elastin above pH 4.0. The pH profile of elastin degradation by neutrophil extracts generally followed that of purified human leukocyte elastase. Our results suggest that during alimentation or pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents, extracellular elastin may be digested by gastric juice at acid pH. Inflammatory cells would not appear to be capable of contributing to such actions until local pH approaches neutrality. Cathepsin D, a major constituent of inflammatory cells, does not digest all types of connective tissue proteins.  相似文献   

A series of novel N-1, N-2 and S-5 saccharide substituted tetrazole derivatives linked at anomeric and nonanomeric positions were obtained from commercial tetrazoles under microwave irradiation. Yields are compared with conventional methodologies.  相似文献   

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