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Petasiger islandicus n. sp. is described and figured from a demographically isolated population of the horned grebe Podiceps auritus auritus (L.) in Lake Myvatn (Iceland). This new species belongs to the group of species with 19 collar spines which possess a large elongate-oval cirrus-sac, well-developed pars prostatica and massive bulb-like cirrus. Within this group, P. islandicus appears most similar to P. oschmarini Kostadinova & Gibson, 1998, a form with similar body dimensions described from the same host, but differs in having a larger head collar, collar spines, oral sucker, pharynx, testes and sucker-width ratio, and a smaller cirrus-sac, cirrus and eggs. Two Nearctic species resemble P. islandicus in general morphology but differ as follows: P. pseudoneocomense Bravo-Hollis, 1969 has a larger body and collar width, notably shorter collar spines, smaller testes and sucker-width ratio, and a shorter but much wider cirrus-sac which is also smaller relative to the ventral sucker and almost entirely anterior to it; and P. caribbensis Nassi, 1980 has a smaller body, shorter collar spines and a seminal vesicle which is small in relation to the cirrus-sac, vitelline fields reaching anteriorly to the level of the genital pore and the intestinal bifurcation is located more anteriorly.  相似文献   

A new species of Sanguinicola Plehn, 1905 is described from the marine teleosts Notolabrus parilus (Richardson) and N. tetricus (Richardson) (Perciformes: Labridae) from Western Australian and Tasmanian waters. This host distribution is strikingly anomalous; however, the present material fulfils the morphological criteria of Sanguinicola. S. maritimus n. sp. differs from previously described species in having the combination of a body 1,432–1,701 μm long, the oesophagus 18.3–21.7% of the body length, the testis occupying 42.8–52.3% of the body length, an oviducal seminal receptacle and Mehlis’ gland present, ovoid eggs, and vitelline follicles that extend anteriorly past the nerve commissure, laterally past the lateral nerve chords and posteriorly to the anterior margin of the cirrus-sac. S. maritimus also lacks a protrusible anterior proboscis. It also differs in the combination of host and geographical location, being the first Sanguinicola species from a marine teleost and the first from Australian waters.  相似文献   

Neolebouria blatta n. sp. is described from Pristipomoides argyrogrammicus (Valenciennes) and Etelis carbunculus Cuvier in waters off New Caledonia. It differs from all other species of Neolebouria Gibson, 1976 but one, N. georgenascimentoi Bray, 2002, in the extension of the cirrus-sac to the ovary or nearly so. It differs from N. georgenascimentoi in its continuous, rather than interrupted, vitelline distribution. N. blatta belongs to a small group of similar Neolebouria species reported in deep-water lutjanids, which includes N. longisacculus (Yamaguti, 1970) n. comb., N. rooseveltiae (Yamaguti, 1970) n. comb. and N. ulaula (Yamaguti, 1970).  相似文献   

A new species of Gyrodactylus von Nordmann, 1832 and the first monogenean reported from Botswana is described from the cichlid Pseudocrenilabrus philander philander,bringing the number of gyrodactylids described from the African Continent to 18. Gyrodactylus thlapi n. sp. can be readily discriminated from the other described species almost exclusively by the shape of its hamuli, which have short roots and large, elongate ventral bar attachment points with the dorsal bar attachment point, demarcating the junction between the hamulus shaft and the root, positioned at the anterior terminus of the attachment plane. The marginal hooks of G. thlapi n. sp., which most closely resemble those of G. groschafti Ergens, 1973, are compared and discussed.  相似文献   

A new species of Notocotylus was found parasiting a freshwater pulmonate snail, Biomphalaria peregrina. Naturally infected snails were collected from two temporary ponds in the Nahuel Huapí National Park in Patagonia. The characteristics of the larval stages are presented. Experimental adults were recovered from the intestinal caeca of ducks and chicks. Adults of Notocotylus biomphalariae n. sp. exhibit an aspinose tegument, two lateral rows of 11 ventral glands and a median row of four, a uterus with 12–16 coils of which 2–4 are previtelline, a metraterm equivalent in size to 65–68% of the cirrus-sac length, a previtelline field which extends to the middle of the body, a lobed testis and a genital pore closely posterior to the intestinal bifurcation. The rediae have one to three cercariae. The cercariae, when shed, are trioculate and have a long tail; they encyst in the environment and become infective 12 days after encystment.  相似文献   

Two species of nematodes, Angiostoma coloaense n. sp. and Aulacnema monodelphis n. g., n. sp. (Angiostomatidae: Rhabditida) are described from terrestrial molluscs of Vietnam. Both species are characterised by a long bowl-shaped buccal cavity and typically angiostomatid male bursal alae, spicules and gubernaculum. The new genus, Aulacnema n. g., is erected for the first reported monodelphic angiostomatid. Angiostoma coloaense n. sp. can be distinguished from other species of Angiostoma Dujardin, 1845 by having a buccal cavity length greater than its width and the absence of tail spikes on both males and females.  相似文献   

A new species of Allassogonoporus Olivier, 1938, from a naturally infected specimen of Dromiciops gliroides, is described. Adults of A. dromiciops n. sp. were recovered from the small intestine. This new species can be distinguished from all other species of the genus by having: the largest body and eggs, a lobed testes and ovary, a Y-shaped excretory vesicle and vitelline follicles beginning at the level of the posterior margin of the oral sucker. This is the first record of a species of Allassogonoporus in South America and the first record of a digenean parasitising D. gliroides.  相似文献   

Spicocleidus n. g. is proposed for S. namae n. sp., a new monogenean collected from the gills of an ambassid, Chanda nama (Ham.), in the River Sai near Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. The new genus is characterised by a pair of modified dorsal anchors (spikes), the absence of a dorsal bar, alate lateral expansion of the anterior haptor and the post-ovarian position of the testis.  相似文献   

Atactorhynchus duranguensisn. sp. (Acanthocephala: Atactorhynchinae) is described from the intestine of Cyprinodon meeki Miller, an endemic freshwater fish from a far-inland locality of Mexico. Diagnostic features include: body small, stout, ventrally curved; small cylindrical proboscis armed with 16 alternating vertical rows of four or five hooks; anterior two or three hooks conspicuous, stout and larger than other hooks, and have large, rod-shaped roots with a markedly and abruptly enlarged base; three posterior hooks of each row are smaller and rootless; single-walled proboscis receptacle; lemnisci equal in length, elongate and robust; and cement gland syncytial, larger than testis. The new species is smaller than A. verecundus Chandler, 1935, the only previously described species in the genus. The shape of the proboscis of the new species is strikingly different from that of A. verecundus, which is widest at the apex. Likewise, the greatest width of the trunk of the new species is in about the middle, differing from that of A. verecundus where the trunk is widest posteriorly. The new species also can be distinguished from A. verecundus because of its much smaller hook lengths and slightly smaller proboscis. In addition, the proportion of large apical proboscis hooks in relation to the small basal hooks is different: the basal hooks of A. verecundus are about half the size of the anterior hooks and but only about a quarter of the size in A. duranguensis. Unlike A. verecundus, the base of the roots are markedly and abruptly enlarged in the new species. Finally, the eggs of the new species are smaller (23–27 × 8–10 m) than those of A. verecundus (27–30 × 12–13 m).  相似文献   

Longidorus kheirii n. sp., a parthenogenetic species, was found in soil samples collected from the rhizosphere of Rosa sp. growing in a natural mountainous region close to Maragheh city, northwestern Iran. It is characterised by having a long body (6.7-9 mm), a 19.5-23 mum wide head continuous with the body contour, a truncate and slightly concave lip region with convex sides between the anterior end and the guide-ring, an odontostyle 113-130 mum long, an odontophore 69-97.5 mum long, a body width of 90.5-117.5 mum at the mid-body, a long, wide oesophageal bulb (149.5-193.5 x 39.5-48 mum), a tail length of 47-72 mum, a male with 11 ventromedian supplements and spicules of 85 mum in length, and four juvenile stages. The ribosomal 18S rDNA gene of L. kheirii n. sp., L. leptocephalus Hooper, 1961, L. profundorum Hooper, 1966 L. euonymus Mali & Hooper, 1973 and two unidentified species listed as Longidorus sp. 1 and Longidorus sp. 2, all recovered from northwestern Iran in the same survey, and the ITS1 of L. kheirii n. sp. and Longidorus sp. 1 were sequenced in order to investigate the phylogenetic relationships with other previously sequenced Longidorus species.  相似文献   

Gorgoderina festoni n. sp. is described from the urinary bladder of Gastrophryne usta, Leptodactylus labialis, L. melanonotus and Bufo marinus from localities at low altitude in the states of Veracruz, Oaxaca, Guerrero and Colima, Mexico. This species differs from most other species of the genus by a combination of the following characters: lobed vitelline masses, body size 3.45–4.26 (mean 3.75) mm and sucker-ratio 1:1.3–1.52 (mean 1:1.44). The new species shares these three features with G. bilobata Rankin, 1937, G. schistorchis Steelman, 1938, G. tenua Rankin, 1937, G. vitelliloba (Olsson, 1876) and G. cryptorchis Travassos, 1924, but it differs from the first four in having gonads with entire margins. G. festoni most closely resembles G. cryptorchis, but differs from this species in body width at the level of the ventral sucker and in the absence of oesophageal glands. The autapomorphy that distinguishes G. festoni from all other members of the genus is the presence of a tegumental extension (festoon) on the external margin of the ventral sucker.  相似文献   

Mycena cupulicola sp. nov. and M. adscendens var. carpophila, new to Japan, are described and illustrated. The former is characterized by having lageniform caulocystidia with a slightly thick-walled broadened base and no cheilocystidia. The latter is characterized by having a white pileus up to 1mm in diameter and narrowly conical caulocystidia. Mycena cryptomeriicola was confirmed to have inamyloid basoidiospores.  相似文献   

Specimens of the marine fishes Siganus luridus (Siganidae) and Caesio suevica (Lutjanidae) were caught in the Red Sea off the coast of Sharm El-Sheikh, South Sinai, Egypt. Twelve (30%) and eight (17%) fish, respectively, were found to harbour intestinal trematodes. S. luridus was parasitised by Hexangium brayi n.␣sp. (Angiodictyidae) and C. suevica by Siphodera aegyptensis n. sp. (Cryptogonimidae). H. brayi n. sp. is differentiated from the other two species of the genus by the vitelline follicles which are confined to the inter-caecal field, its body shape which is distinctly pyriform, the terminations of the intestinal caeca which are distinctly saccular, the eggs which are few in number, and by the excretory vesicle which gives off a lateral arm on each side that divides into two long collecting ducts. S. aegyptensis n. sp. is most similar to S.␣cirrhiti Yamaguti, 1970, but differs in having a definite number of testes (nine), seven arranged in a ring and the other two situated symmetrically or diagonally within this ring, and vitelline follicles extending posteriorly to the level of the anterior lobes of the ovary. Both genera Hexangium Goto & Ozaki, 1929 and Siphodera Linton, 1910 are reviewed in detail and redefined.  相似文献   

Species of the genus Poromitra belonging to the P. megalops group are considered on a large collection material. These species are characterized by small sizes (up to 6 cm), oblong body, elongated caudal peduncle, large eyes, four scales on the cheek, bony crests of the anterior margin of the praeoperculum located at a right angle towards each other, and other features. Until recently it was considered that P. megalops (Lütken) has a circumtropical range. This study demonstrated that P. megalops occurs only in the Atlantic Ocean. In the Indian Ocean and the central part of the Pacific Ocean, P. macrophthalma (Gilchrist) dwells. A new species P. jucunda Kotlyar sp. nova is described from the eastern and central parts of the Pacific Ocean. A key to 22 known species of the genus Poromitra is provided at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Melanostoma Schin., 1860, closely related to M. dubium (Zetterstedt, 1838), are described, and a key to the species of this group is given. Melanostoma clausseni sp. n. and M. tschernovi sp. n. are closely related to M. dubium (Zett.), but differ in the uniformly black abdomen and legs. Melanostoma clausseni sp. n. differs from M. tschernovi sp. n. in the lustrous mesonotum and finely pruinose frons and face (in M. tschernovi, the face, frons, and mesonotum are covered with gray pruinosity). Holotypes of the new species are deposited in the collection of the Siberian Zoological Museum (Novosibirsk).  相似文献   

Adlardia novaecaledoniae n. g., n. sp. (Digenea: Cryptogonimidae) is described from the fish Nemipterus furcosus (Val.) (Perciformes: Nemipteridae) from off New Caledonia (South Pacific). Adlardia n. g. is distinguished from all other cryptogonimid genera by the combination of an elongate body, the presence of oral spines, intestinal caeca that open via ani at the posterior end of the body, a highly lobed ovary, oblique testes that are located in the mid-hindbody, vitelline follicles that extend from midway between the testes and ovary to midway between the ovary and ventral sucker, and an excretory vesicle that bifurcates dorsal to the ovary and reunites immediately anterior to the pharynx. A. novaecaledoniae n. sp. is the only cryptogonimid that has been reported with an excretory vesicle that reunites anterior to the pharynx. Siphoderina elongata (Gu &; Shen, 1979) Miller &; Cribb, 2008 is transferred to Adlardia as A. elongata (Gu &; Shen, 1979) n. comb. based on morphological and ecological (host group) agreement with A. novaecaledoniae. Bayesian inference analysis of LSU rDNA revealed that A. novaecaledoniae nested well within a clade containing cryptogonimid taxa known almost exclusively from haemulid and lutjanid fishes, suggesting that host-switching between teleosts of the Haemuloidea, Lutjanoidea and Sparoidea may have been common in the evolutionary history of this system.  相似文献   

Three new species of the copepod genus Hatschekia Poche, 1902, H. lima n. sp., H. cylindrus n. sp. and H. sunaoi n. sp., are described from the gill filaments of a triggerfish, Abalistes filamentosus Matsuura & Yoshino, caught off the Ryukyu Islands, Okinawa, Japan. These new species share an unusual morphological character, i.e. four stout posterior spines on the intercoxal sclerites of legs 1 and 2. H. lima n. sp. differs from its congeners in having a robust inner lobe on the maxillule and leg 3 with a swollen basal lobe. H. cylindrus n. sp. is distinguishable from its congeners by having a cephalothorax fused to the trunk and a double-semicircular chitinous frame. H. sunaoi n. sp. is characterised by leg 3 with a swollen basal lobe and an oval cephalothorax.  相似文献   

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