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The human oviduct is known as a functional site for gamete transportation, retention, fertilization and zygote development. Previous studies have shown that human oviductal epithelial cell cultural medium (OECCM) has a positive effect on prolongation of sperm motility for some cryopreserved human sperm without cryodamage. However, for most cryopreserved sperm, OECCM could not improve their survival prolongation. In this study, we assessed the influence of human OECCM on the motility longevity of cryopreserved human sperm with an in vitro incubation method.  相似文献   

A series of studies examined the influence and temporal interaction of energy substrate, media complexity, and tissue co-culture on the development of in vitro fertilized cat embryos and the persistence of the morula-to-blastocyst developmental block. In Study I, oocytes were fertilized and cultured for 144 hr in a simple culture medium (modified Krebs Ringer bicarbonate; mKrb), containing either glucose or glutamine, or cultured in mKrb w/ glutamine for the initial 72 hr with transfer to mKrb w/ glucose for the final 72 hr. Fertilization rate, percent development to morulae, and cell number per embryo were similar (P > 0.05) between treatments and blastocyst formation was universally low (<10%). In Study II, oocytes were fertilized and cultured in either mKrb (w/ glucose or glutamine) or in a complex medium, Ham's F10 (w/ 10% fetal bovine serum [FBS]). After 72 hr of initial culture, embryos in mKrb were transferred into Ham's F10. Fertilization rate was lower (P < 0.01) in Ham's F10 but embryo development to the morulae stage and cell number per embryo were comparable (P > 0.05) for all treatments. A higher percentage of blastocysts and morulae becoming blastocysts were observed after initial culture in mKrb w/ glutamine than after initial culture in mKrb w/ glucose. In Study III, oocytes were fertilized and cultured initially in mKrb (w/ glutamine), and then switched to either Ham's F10 or cat oviductal cell monolayers (in Ham's F10). Additional embryos were cultured exclusively in Ham's F10 or on cat oviductal cell monolayers. Fertilization rates were lower (P < 0.05) on oviductal cells but cell number per embryo was similar (P > 0.05) in all treatments. Blastocyst formation was lower (P < 0.05) on oviductal cells than in mKrb-Ham's F10 treatment and was <20% in all treatments. In summary, while in vitro fertilization-derived cat embryos develop to morulae under a variety of culture conditions, the morula-to-blastocyst developmental block was minimally responsive to alterations in energy substrate and medium complexity or fluctuations in their temporal availability. In addition, oviductal cell culture, alone or in combination with other culture variations, was ineffective in overcoming the developmental block. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Competitive inhibition of sperm to explants of the oviductal epithelium was used to study the complementary receptor system that may be involved in the establishment of the oviductal sperm reservoir in the pig. Sperm binding to the oviductal explants is expressed as Binding Index (BI = sperm cells/0.01 mm(2)). From a set of glycoproteins with known oligosaccharide structures, only asialofetuin and ovalbumin showed inhibitory activity, indicating that ovalbumin may block high affinity binding sites (IC(50) congruent with 1.3 microM) and asialofetuin low affinity sites (IC(50) congruent with 18 microM) of the complementary receptor systems, whereas fetuin carrying terminal sialic acid has no effect. Ovalbumin glycopeptides were isolated by Con A affinity chromatography and reverse-phase HPLC following tryptic digestion. Glycopeptides and enzymatically released glycans were analyzed by MS, and were shown to represent preferentially the two high mannose type glycans (Man)(5)(GlcNAc)(2) and (Man)(6)(GlcNAc)(2), and as a minor component the hybrid type glycan (Hex)(4)(GlcNAc)(5). Glycopeptides (84% inhibition) and glycans (81% inhibition) significantly reduced sperm-oviduct binding at a concentration of 3 microM, whereas the deglycosylated peptides showed no inhibitory activity. Mannopentaose (IC(50) congruent with 0.8 microM) representing the oligomannose residue of the high mannose glycans of ovalbumin was as effective as ovalbumin. These data indicate that the carbohydrate-based mechanisms underlying the formation of the oviductal sperm reservoir in the pig is the result of the concerted action of at least the high-affinity binding sites for oligomannose or nonreducing terminal mannose residues and low-affinity binding of galactose.  相似文献   

The histology of the reproductive organs is studied in the protandric hermaphroditic Tellimya ferruginosa. In NW Europe the species reproduces from May through August. Sperm transfer takes place when mature testis follicles are transplanted to the gills or walls of the mantle cavity in recipient hermaphroditic or female bivalves. Transplantation is accompanied by histological changes and sperm cells are released when transplants perish with age. Details are given on the reproduction in Montacuta percompressa which takes place from March through October in North Carolina, USA. All shelled bivalves are females and it is postulated that spermatogenic bodies attached to gills or other surfaces in the female's mantle cavity and previously considered to be dwarf males arise from transplanted larval gonads. The ultrastructure of the euspermatozoa and/or the anucleate paraspermatozoa is described in T. ferruginosa, T. tenella, and M. percompressa. The sperm of the first two species share a number of significant apomorphies with those of another montacutid, Brachiomya stigmatica. In the simultaneous hermaphroditic M. substriata the nucleate paraspermatozoa associate with the euspermatozoa to form spherical spermatozeugmata that are stored in the testis.  相似文献   

Various growth factors and proteins produced by oviductal cells have been demonstrated to interact with developing embryos. However, little is known concerning the function of mammalian oviducts at the molecular biological level. This may be partly due to lack of efficient gene transfer to oviductal cells. In this study, we developed an efficient method for transfection of oviductal epithelium using in vivo electroporation (EP) in mice. One microliter of solution containing enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) expression plasmid (0.5 microg) and 0.05% trypan blue (TB) were directly introduced into the ampulla of the eCG-hCG-treated B6C3F1 females at embryonic day (E) 0.6 of pregnancy (corresponding to 14:00-15:00 of the day the plug was recognized). The entire oviduct was then electroporated using tweezer-type electrodes attached to a T820 electroporator (BTX Genetronics, Inc., San Diego, CA) with eight square-wave pulses, 50 V in strength and 50 msec in duration. On E 3.4, embryos at morula/early blastocyst stages were collected and their number, morphology, and EGFP-derived fluorescence recorded. Fluorescence in oviducts was also examined. In some cases, these fluorescent oviducts were subjected to cryostat sectioning. Strong fluorescence was observed in some of the oviductal epithelia, with a maximum level of 36%. Neither the number nor morphology of the collected embryos was affected by EP. Some embryos possessed fluorescence in the blastocoel, but not cytoplasm, suggesting incorporation of EGFP present in the oviductal luminal fluid. This system may enable development of new factors regulating development of preimplantation embryos and offers the prospect of a new approach to understanding oviductal function.  相似文献   

Co-culture remains a common method to support the development of bovine embryos, derived from IVM/IVF procedures. However, the mechanism by which somatic cells confer their benefit to the developing embryo remains undetermined. This study therefore analysed the changes made to the culture medium TCM-199, used in bovine embryo co-culture systems, by somatic cells and determined the effects of specific changes in medium composition on bovine embryo development in culture. Bovine oviduct epithelial (BOE), Buffalo rat liver (BRL) and fibroblast (3T3) cells were compared. The concentrations of glucose, L-lactate, pyruvate, amino acids, NH4+, H+ and the gas tensions of O2 and CO2 were measured in TCM-199 supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS) prior to and directly following 48 h incubation periods with each cell type. All three somatic cell types modified the carbohydrate composition of the media in a similar manner with the greatest changes made by the BOE cells. Notable alterations were an increase in the levels of L-lactate and pyruvate and a reduction in glucose concentration, which in the case of the BOE cells, fell from 5.55 mM to 2.67 mM. In order to determine the relevance of such changes in carbohydrate concentrations on bovine embryo development, modifications were made to carbohydrate levels in synthetic oviduct fluid (SOF) medium and their effect on blastocyst development in vitro assessed. In SOF medium supplemented with amino acids and BSA (SOFaa), significantly more zygotes developed to the blastocyst stage (64%; P < 0.01) than in SOFaa medium with the concentrations of glucose, D/L-lactate and pyruvate equivalent to those in TCM-199 (11%). Interestingly, when the levels of carbohydrates in SOFaa mimicked those present in TCM-199 following a 48 h incubation with BOE cells, 57% of zygotes reached the blastocyst stage. This improvement was ascribed to the reduction in glucose and increases in D/L-lactate and pyruvate concentrations in the culture system. Results from this study demonstrate that BOE cells create an environment favourable to embryonic development. The analysis of media samples by enzymatic methods meant that only the biologically active L-isomer of lactate was quantified. However, in SOFaa, both the L-isomer and inactive D-isomer are present in equimolar amounts. As such, culture media in which D/L-lactate syrup is used actually contain only 50% biologically active lactate meaning that all D/L-lactate concentrations are reported at twice the effective concentration. Therefore the effect of D/L-lactate concentration on blastocyst development was subsequently determined in this study. Blastocyst development was poor (24–36%) until the total D/L-lactate was present in the culture system at concentrations equal to or greater than 0.82 mM. However, blastocyst cell numbers remained low (60.1 ± 6.9 – 78.5 ± 6.6) until a total D/L-lactate concentration of 3.3 mM. This data reinforces that embryo morphological appearance is not sensitive enough to be used as the sole criterion for assessing embryo development. Mol Reprod Dev 46:146–154, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates the efficacy of using ultrasound to determine the presence of ovarian developing, preovulatory, and atretic follicular structures and oviductal eggs in the Galapagos tortoise, Geochelone elephantopus spp. Ultrasound was effective in locating both right and left ovarian structures in 92% (n = 100 ovaries) of the trials. Developing and preovulatory follicles and oviductal eggs were echogenically visualized and had measurements ranging from 18 to 44 mm (n = 93) and 55 to 68 mm (n = 9), respectively. Atretic follicles ranged in size from 10 to 38 mm (n = 10). In one trial with four G. elephantopus, ultrasound observations were validated with the use of laparoscopy. All procedures were accomplished without general anesthesia on a specifically designed restraining table. Ultrasound provides an effective, safe modality for determining the reproductive status of adult female tortoises.  相似文献   

An efficient co-culture system, especially with oviductal or uterine epithelial cells, is important not only for the production of high quality embryos, but also for the study of the molecular dialogue between embryos and their maternal environment. Although mouse embryos have been co-cultured successfully with oviductal epithelial cells (OECs) from several species, studies on the effects of species and functionality of OECs are few. Reports concerning the necessity of direct contact between the embryo and OECs and about the culture of mouse embryos in medium conditioned with heterologous OECs have been controversial. In this study, pronuclear embryos from Kunming mice, characterized by an obvious two-cell block in vitro, were co-cultured with mouse, goat, and chick OECs. The functionality of OECs was determined by analyzing the cell cycle, apoptosis, the numbers of mitochondria and cilia, and the ability both to support embryonic development and to remove hypoxanthine from the culture medium. The necessity of direct contact between OECs and embryos was studied by repeated renewal of culture medium with fresh conditioned medium, the culture of embryos in plastic wells connected by tunnels to wells with OEC monolayers, and the co-culture of embryos separated from OECs by a filter. Both goat and chick OECs supported mouse embryonic development, but their embryotrophic lifespan was shorter than that of the mouse OECs. Whereas media conditioned with mouse OECs supported mouse embryonic development satisfactorily, medium conditioned with goat OECs supported little development. Immediate dialogue between heterologous OECs and embryos was essential for efficient co-culture, whereas direct contact between the two cell types was not; neither dialogue nor contact was needed between isologous OECs and embryos. Embryotrophic activity and the ability to remove hypoxanthine from conditioned medium declined with time after confluence and number of passages of OECs, mainly because of apoptosis and dedifferentiation. Thus, the species and functionality of OECs have profound effects on their molecular dialogue with co-cultured embryos, and efficient co-culture depends upon both positive and negative conditioning.This study was supported by grants from the China National Natural Science Foundation (nos. 30430530 and 30571337) and the “973” Project of the Chinese Science and Technology Ministry (no. G200016108).  相似文献   

In this study, we describe the female reproductive cycle of Philodryas patagoniensis in south Brazil, which was described through morpho‐anatomical and histological analyses. The peak of secondary vitellogenesis occurred during winter–spring (July–December), ovulation in spring (October–December), mating and fertilization in spring–summer (October–February), oviposition in spring–autumn (October–May) and births from late spring to autumn (December–July). The diameter of vitellogenic follicles/eggs was larger in winter–spring than in other seasons. The diameter of the shell glands was also larger in winter–spring. In spite of the clear reproductive peak, gonads only showed reduced activity in the autumn. Therefore, at the individual level, females have a discontinuous cyclical reproduction; in the populational level, the reproductive cycle is seasonal semisynchronous. We support the hypothesis that P. patagoniensis have the ability to produce multiple clutches with long‐term stored sperm. Sexual dimorphism in body size was evident, and females are significantly larger and heavier than males. Larger females were able to produce follicles and eggs in larger amount and size. The maternal body size was positively related to the reproductive effort and fecundity. To conclude, we deliberated about the proximal and distal causes that influence the reproductive traits and patterns of P. patagoniensis.  相似文献   

In the wet-dry tropics of northern Australia, temperatures are high and stable year-round but monsoonal rainfall is highly seasonal and variable both annually and spatially. Many features of reproduction in vertebrates of this region may be adaptations to dealing with this unpredictable variation in precipitation, notably by (i) using direct proximate (rainfall-affected) cues to synchronize the timing and extent of breeding with rainfall events, (ii) placing the eggs or offspring in conditions where they will be buffered from rainfall extremes, and (iii) evolving developmental plasticity, such that the timing and trajectory of embryonic differentiation flexibly respond to local conditions. For example, organisms as diverse as snakes (Liasis fuscus, Acrochordus arafurae), crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus), birds (Anseranas semipalmata) and wallabies (Macropus agilis) show extreme annual variation in reproductive rates, linked to stochastic variation in wet season rainfall. The seasonal timing of initiation and cessation of breeding in snakes (Tropidonophis mairii) and rats (Rattus colletti) also varies among years, depending upon precipitation. An alternative adaptive route is to buffer the effects of rainfall variability on offspring by parental care (including viviparity) or by judicious selection of nest sites in oviparous taxa without parental care. A third type of adaptive response involves flexible embryonic responses (including embryonic diapause, facultative hatching and temperature-dependent sex determination) to incubation conditions, as seen in squamates, crocodilians and turtles. Such flexibility fine-tunes developmental rates and trajectories to conditions--especially, rainfall patterns--that are not predictable at the time of oviposition.  相似文献   

In pigs the binding of sperm to oviductal epithelial cells to form a sperm reservoir involves carbohydrate interactions. In the present study, we purify a sperm binding glycoprotein (SBG) from cells from the isthmus of the oviduct using an affinity column. This protein conjugated with FITC is able to bind to the heads of pig sperm. SBG is shown to contain carbohydrates by PAS-silver staining and lectin binding assays. Enzymatic treatment and lectin affinity demonstrate that SBG exposes Galbeta1-3GalNAc disaccharide, which is bound to a serine or a threonin residue by an O-link. After enzymatic deglycosylation SBG shows an apparent molecular mass of 67.5 kDa, which changes to 85 kDa by reduction with 2-mercaptoethanol. Both SBG and enzymatically deglycosylated SBG show by isoelectrofocusing two forms of pI 3.6 and pI 3.8. SBG may be involved on sperm-oviduct interaction.  相似文献   

B.J. Crawford 《Tissue & cell》1983,15(6):993-1005
In clonal culture differentiated chick retinal pigmented epithelial (RPE) cells form a monolayer which shows little or no cellular division. The cells usually rest on a basal and reticular lamina and are polarized with their apical surface towards the medium. The apical surface is characterized by apical protrusions, an extensive apical web of microfilaments and junctional complexes which join the apical-lateral borders. A PA/S positive material with a felt-like appearance from the serum component of the medium coats the surfaces of the tissue culture plates. A similar material is found on any membrane filter which has been exposed to medium containing serum. When such a filter brought in contact with the upper surfaces of the RPE cells, the apical surface characteristics are lost, the cells often accumulate Alcian Blue positive material between the cells and the filter and secrete a reticular and a basal lamina, i.e. they establish a second basal surface. Once this has occurred, the cells appear to either detach from the plate and reverse their polarity, or undergo division forming two cell layers. In the latter case new apical surfaces are created between the cell layers but the cells appear to join to form circular structures rather than sheets. These results suggest that contact with this felt-like material initiates formation of a basal surface. They further suggest that where the apical surface has been converted to a basal one the cell attempts to restore the apical surface either by separating from the plate and reversing its polarity or by creating circular structures and developing new apices oriented toward the center of the circle.  相似文献   

Atlantoraja platana is an oviparous skate endemic to the south-west Atlantic Ocean, and is one of the skate species most exploited by local industrial bottom trawl fisheries. Oviparous elasmobranchs encapsulate their eggs in complex egg cases produced by the oviductal gland (OG). This organ is exclusively present in these fishes and comprises four distinct zones: club, baffle, papillary and terminal. The relative size and structural complexity of these zones correlate with mode of reproduction. Glycans are known to play major roles in reproduction so their distribution in each zone of the OG could explain the functional multiplicity of the gland in skates, but this topic has not been previously investigated. In this study, morphological, histochemical and lectin-histochemical analysis revealed various novel aspects of A. platana's OG. The club, papillary and terminal zones positively stained for periodic acid Schiff's reagent (PAS) and Alcian Blue (AB), indicating the presence of neutral and acid mucopolysaccharides. However, the buffle zone was negative for PAS and AB stains, but was positive for all the lectins used. Each zone of the OG had a characteristic pattern of glycan expression. Finally, we confirmed the presence of sperm but not sperm storage. This is the first lectin-histochemical study of the OG in chondrichtyan fish and it has proven to be an important tool to understand some of the mechanisms of fertility and reproductive success in economic important species such as A. platana.  相似文献   

Mammalian intestinal epithelial cells in primary culture: a mini-review   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Epithelial cells lining the digestive tract represent a highly organized system built up by multipotent stem cells. A process of asymmetric mitosis produces a population of proliferative cells that are rapidly renewed and migrate along the crypt-villus axis, differentiating into functional mature cells before dying and exfoliating into the intestinal lumen. Isolated crypts or epithelial cells retaining high viability can be prepared within a few h after tissue sampling. After cells are cultured in serum-free media, short-term studies (16-48 h) can be conducted for endocrinology, energy metabolism, or programmed cell death. However, long-term primary culture of intestinal cells (up to 10 d) is still difficult despite progress in isolation methodologies and manipulation of the cell microenvironment. The main problem in developing primary culture is the lack of structural markers specific to the stem cell compartment. The design of a microscopic multidimensional analytic system to record the expression profiles of biomarkers all along the living intestinal crypt should improve basic knowledge of the survival and growth of adult crypt stem cells, and the selection of totipotent embryonic stem cells capable of differentiating into intestinal tissues should facilitate studies of the genomic basis of endodermal tissue differentiation.  相似文献   

Osteoglossiformes are an order of “bony tongue” fish considered the most primitive living order of teleosts. This review seeks to consolidate known hypotheses and identify gaps in the literature regarding the adaptive significance of diverse reproductive traits and behaviour of osteoglossiforms within the context of sperm competition and the wider lens of sexual selection. Many of the unusual traits observed in osteoglossiforms indicate low levels of sperm competition; most species have unpaired gonads, and mormyroids are the only known vertebrate species with aflagellate sperm. Several osteoglossiform families have reproductive anatomy associated with internal fertilization but perform external fertilization, which may be representative of the evolutionary transition from external to internal fertilization and putative trade-offs between sperm competition and the environment. They also employ every type of parental care seen in vertebrates. Geographically widespread and basally situated within teleosts, osteoglossiforms present an effective study system for understanding how sperm competition and sexual selection have shaped the evolution of teleost reproductive behaviour, sperm and gonad morphology, fertilization strategies, courtship and paternal care, and sexual conflict. The authors suggest that the patterns seen in osteoglossiform reproduction are a microcosm of teleost reproductive diversity, potentially signifying the genetic plasticity that contributed to the adaptive radiation of teleost fishes.  相似文献   

Recently, we established a protocol for the cultivation of primary porcine oviduct epithelial cells (POEC), which promoted tissue-like morphology for a prolonged culture period. The present study focuses on developing this model into a comprehensive, standardized culture system, as a candidate tool for reproductive toxicity testing and basic research. We cultivated POEC isolated from 25 animals in our culture system for both 3 and 6 weeks and systematically analyzed effects of medium conditioning, supplementation with standardized sera, and culture duration in both freshly isolated and cryopreserved cells. The differentiation status was evaluated via histomorphometry, transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) measurement, and expression analyses. The culture system possessed high reproducibility, more than 95% of cultures achieved a fully differentiated phenotype. Cells recapitulated in vivo–like morphology and ultrastructure from 3 to 6 weeks. Cryopreservation of the cells prior to cultivation did not affect culture quality of POEC. Employment of conditioned medium ensured optimal promotion of POEC differentiation, and different standardized sera induced fully differentiated phenotypes. Consistent TEER establishment indicated the presence and maintenance of cell type–specific intercellular junctions. The functionality of POEC was proven by consistent mucin secretion and stable expression of selected markers over the whole culture duration. We conclude that POEC are suitable for experiments from 3 weeks up to at least 6 weeks of culture. Therefore, this culture system could be used for in vitro estrous cycle simulation and long-term investigation of toxic effects on oviduct epithelium.  相似文献   

Summary The morphologic and functional properties of explant out-growth cells and epithelial cells isolated from swine trachea epithelium by proteolysis were examined. A mixed population of ciliated, serous, and basal cells, obtained from out-growths, from proteolysis of trachea epithelium, and from unattached explants in organ culture, all yielded cell cultures that were composed almost entirely of mucus-secreting cells. When the cells were grown in primary or secondary culture on a modified collagen matrix in supplemented HAM:DMEM (1:1) medium they expressed a mucus-secreting phenotype with numerous mucus granules at various stages of maturation and incorporated [3H]GlcN and35SO4 into secreted mucin glycoproteins. Results obtained in these studies suggest that extensive transdifferentiation of ciliated and serous cells to mucus-secreting cells occurs after the release and during subsequent attachment and culture. Ciliated cells containing mucus granules were seen in various stages of cilia resorption. Basal cells containing mucus granules were also frequently observed. The number of mucus-secreting cells and the synthesis of mucin glycoproteins increased dramatically with time of attachment and culture, whereas cell proliferation, population doubling time of 72 h, and incorporation of [3H]thymidine into DNA increased much more slowly. The number of mucus-secreting cells correlated closely with the level of secretion of mucin glycoproteins. Taken collectively, these studies help to elucidate the transdifferentiation process, which dramatically increases the number of mucus-secreting cells after disruption and release of epithelial cells from swine tracheobronchial epithelium. A similar mechanism involving disruption of the extracellular matrix may be involved in the stimulation of hypersecretion of mucus and mucin glycoproteins by chemical and infections irritants.  相似文献   

Male traits that correlate with fertilization success include testis size and structure, ejaculate size, ejaculation frequency, and sperm motility. Two hypotheses potentially explain interspecific differences in these traits: sperm competition and sperm limitation. We examined variation in six traits associated with fertilization success in three closely‐related species of bitterling fish; the European bitterling (Rhodeus amarus), the Chinese rose bitterling (Rhodeus ocellatus), and the Chinese bitterling (Rhodeus sinensis). Interspecific differences indicated that the three study species have evolved different sperm allocation strategies. Rhodeus amarus displayed the most developed reproductive apparatus with a number of traits associated with both high levels of sperm production and fertilization efficiency. Rhodeus ocellatus and R. sinensis appear to have more comparable sperm allocation strategies, although relative testis size and spermatozoa head : tail ratio were greater in R. sinensis, suggesting that sperm competition risk may be higher in this species. All three species possessed an unusually well developed sperm duct with evidence of mucin production, which greatly extends the longevity of sperm and, consequently, the period over which fertilization can occur. We discuss these findings in the context of differences in the mating systems of the species examined, and relate the results obtained to differences in the temporal and spatial clustering of fertilizations. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103 , 622–632.  相似文献   

Summary Biliary epithelial cells (BEC) lining the intra-hepatic biliary ducts are the site of damage in several immunologically mediated liver diseases. BEC are difficult to isolate since they represent only 5% of the total cell number in normal liver. In this communication, a novel method for their isolation from normal liver is presented using a monoclonal antibody (HEA125) with specificity for an epithelial cell surface glyco-protein reported to be expressed in liver only by biliary epithelium. By combining differential density centrifugation and immuno-magnetic separation using HEA125 pure BEC (105 cells/g fresh tissue) were prepared routinely. These cells were maintained in culture for up to 4 weeks with significant increases in cell numbers. The ability to prepare BEC from human liver offers an opportunity to develop In Vitro models to investigate the aetiology of diseases in intra-hepatic biliary epithelium. EDITOR’S STATEMENT This is a novel application to purification of specific liver cell types directly from tissue. It is well-suited for rapid communication because of its novelty and potential utility to investigators.  相似文献   

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