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Receptor binding activities and cyclic GMP responses by alpha-human atrial natriuretic polypeptide (alpha-hANP) and its fragments were studied in a kidney epithelial cell line (LLC-PK1). Binding of 125I-alpha-hANP to the cells at 0 degrees C was saturable, time-dependent and reversible, indicating the presence of a single class of binding sites. alpha-hANP (7-23)NH2 fragment inhibited most effectively the specific binding of 125I-alpha-hANP to the LLC-PK1 cells, followed by alpha-hANP (17-28) and alpha-hANP (8-22), while alpha-hANP (1-6) and alpha-hANP (24-28) did not. alpha-hANP stimulated the formation of cyclic GMP in the LLC-PK1 cells dose-dependently. Although no fragments of alpha-hANP used were effective for cyclic GMP formation in the LLC-PK1 cells, alpha-hANP (7-23) NH2 antagonized the action of alpha-hANP on cyclic GMP formation. These data suggest that the LLC-PK1 cells retain specific receptors for atrial natriuretic polypeptide (ANP) and respond to ANP by stimulating cyclic GMP formation, and therefore this cell line may be useful for studying the mechanism of action for ANP in renal tubular cells.  相似文献   

LLC-PK1 cells were brought to a quiescent state by treatment with DL-2-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO), a specific inhibitor of L-ornithine decarboxylase (ODC). The inhibition of ODC, which is the key enzyme for polyamine synthesis, strongly reduced the cellular content of putrescine and spermidine. The cells resumed DNA-synthesis followed by mitosis when exogenous putrescine was added. DFMO treatment strongly stimulated the putrescine uptake capability. A kinetic analysis of the initial uptake rates revealed a saturable Na+-dependent and a saturable Na+-independent pathway on top of non-saturable diffusion. The stimulation by DFMO was exclusively due to an effect on the Vmax values of the saturable pathways. The Na+-dependent transporter had a higher affinity for putrescine (apparent Km = 4.7 +/- 0.7 microM) than the Na+-independent transporter (apparent Km = 29.8 +/- 3.5 microM). As a consequence, although the latter transporter had a higher Vmax, the Na+-dependent transport was more important at a physiological putrescine concentration. Putrescine uptake by both transporters was inhibited with similar relative affinities by spermidine, spermine as well as by the antileukemic agent, methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), but not by amino acids. The activity of the Na+-dependent transporter was very much dependent on SH-group reagents, whereas the Na+-independent transporter was not affected. Both transporters were inhibited by metabolic inhibitors and by ionophores but the Na+-dependent transporter was affected to a greater extent. For both transporters there was a down-regulation in response to exogenous putrescine. This suggests that the polyamine transporters in LLC-PK1 are adaptively regulated and may contribute to the regulation of the cellular polyamine level and cellular proliferation.  相似文献   

ATP-dependent calcium uptake was measured in membrane vesicles prepared from the renal epithelial LLC-PK1 established cell line. The relative contribution of the nonmitochondrial versus the mitochondrial calcium uptake is larger in LLC-PK1 cell homogenates than in homogenates from renal cortex. Two types of calcium pump, characterized by the formation of calcium-dependent phosphointermediates of 135 kDa and 115 kDa, were found in membrane fractions from LLC-PK1 cells. The 135 kDa calcium pump was also detected by 125I-labelled calmodulin overlay. Although the subcellular localization in LLC-PK1 cell membranes could not be unambiguously determined, it is conceivable that the 135 kDa and the 115 kDa molecules represent the plasma membrane calcium pump and the endoplasmic reticulum calcium pump respectively, in agreement with what was found for renal cortex preparations. Extravesicular sodium partially inhibits ATP-driven calcium uptake in a plasma-membrane-enriched fraction of the LLC-PK1 cells. The effect is potentiated by a vesicle inside-negative membrane potential. Although the effect is less pronounced than in renal cortex basal-lateral membranes, this observation suggests that an Na+-Ca2+ exchange mechanism is also present in LLC-PK1 cells. ATP-dependent calcium uptake in nonmitochondrial intracellular stores was investigated, using saponin-permeabilized cells. Permeabilized LLC-PK1 cells lowered the free calcium concentration in the medium to less than 0.4 microM. More than 60% of the accumulated calcium can be released by addition of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate. Our data indicate that the LLC-PK1 cell line can be successfully used as model system for the study of renal calcium handling.  相似文献   

Apical membrane vesicles were isolated from the confluent LLC-PK1 cells by nitrogen cavitation and Mg/EGTA precipitation methods. The specific activities of marker enzymes for apical membranes were enriched 8- to 18-fold relative to those in the homogenate. D-[3H]Glucose uptake into the vesicles was stimulated in the presence of Na+ gradient (overshoot phenomenon), and the values of apparent Km and Vmax for Na+-dependent component of D-glucose uptake were 0.3 mM and 5.8 nmol/mg protein per min, respectively.  相似文献   

LLC-PK1, an epithelial cellline derived from the kidney proximal tubule, was used to study theability of the G protein -subunit, Gq, to regulate celldifferentiation. A constitutively active mutant protein,qQ209L, was expressed using theLacSwitch-inducible mammalian expression system. Induction ofqQ209L expression with isopropyl--D-thiogalactopyranoside(IPTG) enhanced phospholipase C activity maximally by 6- to 7.5-fold.Increasing concentrations of IPTG progressively inhibited the activityof two differentiation markers,Na+-dependent hexose transport andalkaline phosphatase activity. Induction ofqQ209L expression also caused achange from an epithelial to a spindle-shaped morphology. The effectsof qQ209L expression on celldifferentiation were similar to those observed with12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate(TPA) treatment. However, protein kinase C (PKC) levels weredownregulated in TPA-treated cells but not inqQ209L-expressing cells,suggesting that the regulation of PKC byGq may be different fromregulation by TPA. Interestingly, the PKC inhibitor GF-109203X did notinhibit the effect of IPTG on the development ofNa+-dependent hexose transport inqQ209L-expressing cells. These data implicate PKC and PKC in the pathway used byGq to block the development ofNa+-dependent hexose transport inIPTG-treated cells.


Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells grown in tissue culture have the morphological properties of distal tubular epithelial cells, form tight junctions, and lack several proximal tubular enzyme markers. Adenylate cyclase in these cells was stimulated by vasopressin, oxytocin, prostaglandins E1 and E2, glucagon, and cholera toxin. Hormone-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity in isolated membrane preparations was dependent on low concentrations of GTP and had the MgCl2 and pH optima expected for the kidney enzyme. The results, as well as the demonstration of enhanced hemicyst formation induced by cyclic AMP, suggest that the MDCK cell line has retained the differentiated properties of the kidney epithelial cell of origin. When MDCK cells were injected into baby nude mice, continuous nodule growth was observed until adulthood was attained. Histological studies revealed the presence of two cell types: normal mouse fibroblasts which comprise 80--90% of the solid nodule mass, and MDCK cells, which formed epithelial sheets lining internal fluid-filled glands. Electron microscope analysis showed that the mucosal surfaces of the cells were characterized by microvilli which faced the lumen of the glands, that adjacent MDCK cells were joined by tight junctions, and that the serosal surfaces of the epithelial sheets were characterized by smooth plasma membranes which were lined by a continuous basement membrane. These observations lead to the conclusion that the MDCK cells retain regional differentiation of their plasma membranes and the ability to regenerate kidney tubule-like structures in vivo.  相似文献   

Phosphate uptake by the cultured kidney epithelial cell (LLC-PK1) was studied. The uptake was Na+ dependent, saturable with respect to phosphate and Na+, and energy dependent. The characteristics of the cell uptake system resembled the properties of phosphate transport in the kidney. Parathyroid hormone, dibutyryl cyclic AMP, and forskolin decreased Na+-dependent phosphate uptake. These agonists did not affect Na+-dependent alpha-methylglucoside uptake. Vasopressin and isoproterenol, which do not affect renal phosphate transport, did not inhibit phosphate uptake by the cell. These findings suggest that the cultured cell system may be a useful experimental model for studies of renal phosphate transport and its regulation.  相似文献   

Cells of confluent cultures of the established pig renal epithelial line, LLC-PK1, accumulate α-methyl-D-glucoside against a concentration gradient. This transport system is strongly inhibited by phlorizin and 6-deoxy-D-glucose, moderately inhibited by phloretin, and only weakly inhibited by 3-0-methyl-D-glucose, paralleling the situation in mammalian kidney. The time course for the uptake of α-methyl-D-glucoside and for the carrier-mediated but passive uptake of 3-0-methyl-D-glucose are identical to those seen in mammalian kidney. Subconfluent cultures of LLC-PK1 cells are unable to accumulate α-methyl-D-glucoside, and their transport of this glucose analog is less sensitive to phlorizin inhibition than is the transport system in confluent cultures. Transmission electron micrographs show that cells from subconfluent cultures lack the microvillous surface seen in cells from confluent cultures. Cell density is thus a factor in the occurrence of structural and functional differentiated properties related to transport in these cells.  相似文献   

Lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) has diverse biological activities through different mechanisms including its conversion into other types of lipid mediators such as lysophosphatidic acid and 2-arachidonoylglycerol. Previously, we found that a large portion of the fluorescent analog of alkyl type LPC (Bodipy-lysoPAF) on porcine kidney epithelial cells (LLC-PK1) was degraded to monoalkylglycerol by lysophospholipase C-like activity and then quickly internalized into the cells. In this study, we investigated whether exogenous fluorescently labeled LPC (NBD-LPC) itself was also metabolized and internalized by a similar mechanism. LLC-PK1 cells converted NBD-LPC to either NBD-MG, possibly due to lysophospholipase C-like activity of ecto-nucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase-6, or to free fatty acid (FA), due to lysophospholipase activity in the culture medium at both sites. The resultant NBD-MG was further degraded to NBD-FA by lipase activity before or after its uptake into the cells, and a portion of NBD-FA was finally released into the culture medium on the opposite side.  相似文献   

Summary The pig kidney cell line LLC-PK1 cultured on a collagen coated membrane filter formed a continuous sheet of oriented asymmetrical epithelial cells joined by occluding junctions. A transepithelial electrical potential (PD) and short-circuit current (SCC) were dependent on the presence of Na and sugar in the apical bathing solution. In the presence of 5.5mm d-glucose, a PD of 2.8 mV, apical surface negative, a SCC of 13 A cm–2 and transepithelial resistance of 211 ohm·cm2 were recorded. The SCC was promptly reduced by the addition of phlorizin to the apical bath but unaffected when placed in the basolateral bath. The effect on SCC of various sugars was compared by the concentrations required for half-maximal SCC: 0.13mm -methyl-d-glucoside, 0.28mm d-glucose, 0.65mm -methyl-d-glucoside, 0.77mm 6-deoxy-d-glucose, 4.8mm d-galactose, and 29mm 3-O-methyl-glucose. When [Na] was reduced, the concentration ofd-glucose required for half-maximal SCC increased. Isotopically labeled3H and14Cd-glucose were used to simultaneously determine bidirectional fluxes; a resultant net apical-to-basolateral transport was present and abolished by phlorizin. The transported isotope cochromatographed with labeledd-glucose, indicating negligible metabolism of transported glucose. The pig kidney cell line, LLC-PK1, provides a cell culture model for the investigation of mechanisms of transepithelial glucose transport.  相似文献   

The type of junctions present in the membranes of the two renal epithelial cell lines, LLC-PK1 and MDCK, and of subcultured porcine aortic endothelial (PAE) cells have been studied by freeze-fracture. No gap junctions were observed in the two renal cell lines, while they were numerous in the endothelial cells. Tight junctions were abundant in LLC-PK1 and MDCK cells and varied in numbers of ridges from one to ten. ONly a few simple tight junctions unconnected with gap junctions were observed in PAE cells. The occurrence of gap junctions in these cells correlates with their ability to form intercellular communicating channels.  相似文献   

The role of calcium in regulating the Na+ channel in an established kidney epithelial cell line has been examined. Extracellular calcium was inhibitory to Na+ uptake, and a Dixon plot of the initial Na+ uptake rate in the presence of Ca2+ was nonlinear, suggesting a mixed pattern of inhibition. Similar patterns of inhibition were also observed for other divalent cations, including Ba2+, Mg2+, and Mn2+. In contrast elevated concentrations of intracellular calcium resulted in a stimulation of Na+ entry. This intracellular effect was specific to calcium, with Mg2+ and Mn2+ appearing much less effective. Lineweaver-Burk plots of Na+ influx in calcium-loaded and unloaded cells were linear, suggesting that under both conditions a single system transported Na+. Although Na+ entry was stimulated by intracellular Ca2+, the cells did not exhibit other counter transport phenomena reported with cell types in which a Na+/Ca2+ exchange system is operative. Thus, the results indicate that calcium acts as an allosteric regulator of Na+ transport by the Na+ channel.  相似文献   

Specific assays, based on gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and high-performance liquid chromatography, were used to quantify the conversion of retinol and retinal into retinoic acid by the pig kidney cell line LLC-PK1. Retinoic acid synthesis was linear for 2-4 h as well as with graded amounts of either substrate to at least 50 microM. Retinoic acid concentrations increased through 6-8 h, but decreased thereafter because of substrate depletion (t1/2 of retinol = 13 h) and product metabolism (1/2 = 2.3 h). Retinoic acid metabolism was accelerated by treating cells with 100 nM retinoic acid for 10 h (t1/2 = 1.7 h) and was inhibited by the antimycotic imidazole ketoconazole. Feedback inhibition was not indicated since retinoic acid up to 100 nM did not inhibit its own synthesis. Retinol dehydrogenation was rate-limiting. The reduction and dehydrogenation of retinal were 4-8-fold and 30-60-fold faster, respectively. Greater than 95% of retinol was converted into metabolites other than retinoic acid, whereas the major metabolite of retinal was retinoic acid. The synthetic retinoid 13-cis-N-ethylretinamide inhibited retinoic acid synthesis, but 4-hydroxylphenylretinamide did not. 4'-(9-Acridinylamino)methanesulfon-m-anisidide, an inhibitor of aldehyde oxidase, and ethanol did not inhibit retinoic acid synthesis. 4-Methylpyrazole was a weak inhibitor: disulfiram was a potent inhibitor. These data indicate that retinol dehydrogenase is a sulfhydryl group-dependent enzyme, distinct from ethanol dehydrogenase. Homogenates of LLC-PK1 cells converted retinol into retinoic acid and retinyl palmitate and hydrolyzed retinyl palmitate. This report suggests that substrate availability, relative to enzyme activity/amount, is a primary determinant of the rate of retinoic acid synthesis, identifies inhibitors of retinoic acid synthesis, and places retinoic acid synthesis into perspective with several other known pathways of retinoid metabolism.  相似文献   

We have explored the relationship between glycoprotein biosynthesis, cell proliferation and function of a differentiated polarized membrane assessed by dome formation in the MDCK epithelial cell line. At 0.1 μg/ml tunicamycin, complete inhibition of cell proliferation was observed in either serum-containing or serum-free, hormone-supplemented growth medium. By contrast, no inhibition of either spontaneous dome formation or that triggered by inducers of cell differentiation such as hexamethylene bisacetamide was observed at 0.5 μg/ml tunicamycin, although total glycosylation of cellular proteins was inhibited by 75%. Our results suggest that the polarized sorting out of epithelial membrane proteins to apical and basolateral surfaces and their functions related to vectorial transepithelial fluid transport, monitored by dome formation, can persist umimpaired despite considerable underglycosylation of cellular glycoproteins and inhibition of cell proliferation.  相似文献   

MDCK kidney epithelial cell cultures exposed to the differentiation inducer hexamethylene bisacetamide (HMBA) for 24 hours exhibited a 50% decrease in transport activity per (Na+,K+)-ATPase molecule (turnover number) but an unchanged number of pump sites (Kennedy and Lever, 1984). Inhibition of protein synthesis by either 10 microM cycloheximide or 2 microM emetine blocked the inhibitory effects of HMBA on Na+/K+ pump efficiency assessed by measurements of [3H]-ouabain binding to intact cells, (Na+,K+) ATPase activity of detergent-activated cell extracts, and ouabain-sensitive Rb+ uptake. In the absence of inducer treatment, inhibition of protein synthesis increased Na+/K+ pump turnover number by twofold while maintaining Na+/K+ pump activity per cell at a constant level. Intracellular Na+ levels were decreased after cycloheximide treatment; therefore, pump stimulation was not due to substrate effects. Furthermore, cycloheximide effects of Rb+ uptake could be dissociated from effects on tight junctions. These observations suggest that the transport activity of the (Na+,K+) ATPase is tightly regulated by factors dependent on protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Apical membrane vesicles were prepared from confluent monolayers of LLC-PK1 cells grown upon microcarrier beads. The final membrane preparation, obtained by a modified divalent cation precipitation technique, was enriched in alkaline phosphatase, leucine aminopeptidase and trehalase (8-fold compared to the initial homogenate). Analysis of phosphate uptake into the vesicles identified a specific sodium-dependent pathway. Lithium and other cations were unable to replace sodium. At 100 mmol/l sodium and pH 7.4, an apparent Km for phosphate of 99 +/- 19 mumol/l and an apparent Ki for arsenate of 1.9 mmol/l were found. Analysis of the sodium activation of phosphate uptake gave an apparent Km for sodium of 32 +/- 12 mmol/l and suggested the involvement of two sodium ions in the transport mechanism. Sodium modified the apparent Km of the transport system for phosphate. The rate of sodium-dependent phosphate uptake was higher at pH 6.4 than at pH 7.4. At both pH values, an inside negative membrane potential (potassium gradient plus valinomycin) had no stimulatory effect on the rate of the sodium-dependent component of phosphate uptake. It is concluded that the apical membrane of LLC-PK1 cells contains a sodium-phosphate cotransport system with a stoichiometry of 2 sodium ions: 1 phosphate anion.  相似文献   

Junctional permeability determinations after microinjection of the fluorescent tracer, Lucifer Yellow CH, show that the cells in confluent monolayers of the renal epithelial cell lines LLC-PK1 and A6 are interconnected by intercellular junctions. This cell-to-cell communication network permits the fluorescent dye to diffuse from the microinjected cell into multiple adjacent neighboring cells. Cell-to-cell diffusion of the fluorescent dye was not observed at pH 6.0. Full recovery occurred, however, when the pH of the extracellular medium was adjusted to 7.4. To provide a sensitive index of the averaged efficacy of junctional communication, we measured the number of cells that survived ouabain treatment in a 50% mixture of wild and ouabain-resistant mutant LLC-PK1 cells. Electron probe microanalysis in uncoupled cells showed that ouabain treatment produced two populations of cells, with totally different intracellular Na+ and K+ content. Under this condition, only 50% of the population survived after 48 h of treatment. When ouabain treatment was initiated 24 h after plating, however, 100% survival was observed, and the cells contained uniform intracellular Na+ and K+ concentration. This finding is consistent with the theory that this protective effect is mediated through the presence of the functional communicating intercellular junctions. When ouabain was applied at different times after plating, full protection is reached by 2 h. The early development of cell-to-cell communication, which precedes the development of the occluding junctions and several transport systems by several hours, is consistent with the involvement of the intercellular junctions in the synchronization of the polarization process.  相似文献   

Summary Two stable epithelial-like cell lines, the pig kidney strain (LLC-PK1) and a Wilms' tumor line (TuWi), previously established in other laboratories, were found to exhibit a number of properties characteristic of kidney proximal tubular epithelium. Electron micrographs of LLC-PK1 monolayers revealed cells forming rosettes reminiscent of tubules. Numerous elongated microvilli and an amorphous basal laminar material surrounded the cell membranes. Cell junctions were located between cell membranes at regions adjacent to the patent lumens. Wilms' cells in culture were similar in appearance to the pig kidney cells; they exhibited numerous microvilli, a thin basal laminar coating on the membrane, and desmonsomes between cells. No rosette formation was evident. Neither cell line was found to produce extracellular reticulin fibers when grown in the presence ofl-ascorbic acid for 1 week. Absence of stainable reticulin in cell monolayer culture after ascorbicacid treatment has been noted only in cell lines of apparent epithelial origin. Histochemically, both lines reacted positively for activities of a number of enzymes found in high amounts in normal kidney tubular epithelium. Pig kidney cells were highly positive for γ-glutamyl transpeptidase activity and moderately active for acid phosphatase and leucine aminopeptidase activities. Wilms' tumor cells were markedly active for γ-glutamyl transpeptidase, 5′-nucleotidase, ATPase, glucose-6-phosphatase, and acid phosphatase activities. These findings in conjunction with the ultrastructural observations indicate that these two lines in culture maintain many of the properties typical of proximal kidney tubular epithelium.  相似文献   

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