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A mathematical theory applicable to the biological effects of radiations as chain processes is developed. The theory may be interpreted substantially as a “hit theory” involving the concepts of “sensitive volume” or “target area”. The variability of the sensitivity of the organism to the radiation and its capacity of recovery between single hits is taken into account. It is shown that in a continuous irradiation of a biological aggregate in which the effect of each single hit cannot be observed, recovery and variation of sensitivity are formally equivalent to each other so that a discrimination between these two phenomena is possible only by discontinuous irradiation or by using different radiation intensities. Methods for the calculation of the “number of hits” and for the determination of the kinetics of the processes from “survival curves” or similar experimental data are given. The relation between the recovery and the Bunsen-Roscoe law is discussed. The case in which the injury of the organism is dependent on the destruction of more than one “sensitive volume” is also considered.  相似文献   

Process analytical technology (PAT) has been gaining momentum in the biotech community due to the potential for continuous real‐time quality assurance resulting in improved operational control and compliance. In this two part series, we address PAT as it applies to processes that produce biotech therapeutic products. In the first part, we address evolution of the underlying concepts and applications in biopharmaceutical manufacturing. We also present a literature review of applications in the areas of upstream and downstream processing to illustrate how implementation of PAT can help realize advanced approaches to ensuring product quality in real time. In the second part, we will explore similar applications in the areas of drug product manufacturing, rapid microbiology, and chemometrics as well as evolution of PAT in biotech processing. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010; 105: 276–284. Published 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Time-series analyses in ecology usually involve the use of autoregressive modelling through direct and/or delayed difference equations, which severely restricts the ability of the modeler to structure complex causal relationships within a multivariate frame. This is especially problematic in the field of population regulation, where the proximate and ultimate causes of fluctuations in population size have been hotly debated for decades. Here it is shown that this debate can benefit from the implementation of structural modelling with latent constructs (SEM) to time-series analysis in ecology. A nonparametric bootstrap scheme illustrates how this modelling approach can circumvent some problems posed by the climate-ecology interface. Stochastic Monte Carlo simulation is further used to assess the effects of increasing time-series length and different parameter estimation methods on the performance of several model fit indexes. Throughout, the advantages and limitations of the SEM method are highlighted.  相似文献   

Radiolabeled peptides have become important tools in nuclear oncology, both as diagnostics and more recently also as therapeutics. They represent a distinct sector of the molecular targeting approach, which in many areas of therapy will implement the old “magic bullet” concept by specifically directing the therapeutic agent to the site of action. In this three-part review, we present a comprehensive overview of the literature on receptor-mediated tumor targeting with the different radiopeptides currently studied. Part I summarizes the general concepts and methods of targeting, the selection of radioisotopes, chelators, and the criteria of peptide ligand development. Then, the >400 studies on the application to somatostatin/somatostatin-release inhibiting factor receptor-mediated tumor localization and treatment will be reviewed, demonstrating that peptide radiopharmaceuticals have gained an important position in clinical medicine.  相似文献   

Pegg DE  Wusteman MC  Wang L 《Cryobiology》2006,52(3):335-346
There is increasing interest in the possibility of treating diseased or damaged areas of synovial joint surfaces by grafts of healthy allogeneic cartilage. Such grafts could be obtained from cadaver tissue donors or in the future they might be manufactured by 'tissue engineering' methods. Cartilage is an avascular tissue and hence is immunologically privileged but to take advantage of this is the graft must contain living cells. Preservation methods that achieve this are required to build up operational stocks of grafts, to provide a buffer between procurement and use, and to enable living grafts of a practical size to be provided at the right time for patient and surgeon. Review of the literature shows that it has been relatively straightforward to cryopreserve living isolated chondrocytes, but at the present time there is no satisfactory method to preserve cartilage between the time of procurement or manufacture and surgical use. In this paper, we review the relevant literature and we confirm that isolated ovine chondrocytes in suspension can be effectively cryopreserved by standard methods yet the survival of chondrocytes in situ in cartilage tissue is inadequate and extremely variable.  相似文献   

The development of methods for cell-mediated transgenesis, based on somatic cell nuclear transfer, provides a tremendous opportunity to shape the genetic make-up of livestock animals in a much more directed approach than traditional animal breeding and selection schemes. Progress in the site-directed modulation of livestock genomes is currently limited by the low efficiencies of gene targeting imposed by the low frequency of homologous recombination and limited proliferative capacity of primary somatic cells that are used to produce transgenic animals. Here we review the current state of the art in the field, discuss the crucial aspects of the methodology and provide an overview of emerging approaches to increase the efficiency of gene targeting in somatic cells.  相似文献   

Previously reported results suggest that the analogue of the somatostatin des-AA1,2,5[D-Trp8,IAmp9]-somatostatin (CH-275) peptide bearing chelating agents able to coordinate radioactive metals could be used for scintigraphic imaging of tumor lesions overexpressing sstr1. An efficient synthetic procedure for the preparation of the somatostatin analogue CH-275 and its conjugate DTPAGlu-Gly-CH-275, bearing the chelating agent DTPAGlu (DTPAGlu=N,N-bis[2-[bis(carboxy-ethyl)amino]ethyl]-L-glutamic acid) on the N-terminus, by solid-phase peptide synthesis and 9-fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl (Fmoc) chemistry, is here reported. Rapid and efficient labeling of DTPAGlu-Gly-CH-275 was achieved by addition of 111In(III) to the compound. Typical yields were greater than 97% as determined by reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) at specific activities in the range 4-9 GBq/micromol (100-250 Ci/mmol). A preliminary biological assay of the binding ability of 111In-DTPAGlu-Gly-CH-275 indicates, however, that the labeled compound does not display any specific interaction with somatostatin sstr1 receptors in the tested cell lines. To confirm this unexpected negative result, competition binding experiments were carried out, in which fixed tracer amounts of the 125I-labeled somatostatin-14 were incubated with the receptor-expressing cells in the presence of DTPAGlu-Gly-CH-275 or CH-275 at concentrations ranging from 10(-10) to 10(-3) M. While CH-275 shows a IC50 of 80 nM similar to that already found in displacement experiments on CHO-K1 sstr1-transfected cells, DTPAGlu-Gly-CH-275 displays instead very low or negligible affinity towards this receptor. The NMR solution characterization indicates that the presence of DTPAGlu does not influence the conformational and chemical features of the peptide moiety, thus suggesting that the loss in binding activity should be due to steric hindrance of either the chelating agent DTPAGlu or its indium complex.  相似文献   

Novel DNA minor-groove binding ligands with a promising antibacterial profile are described. Apart from excellent in vitro potency against multiple Gram-positive bacterial strains such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis (VRE), and penicillin-intermediate Streptococcus pneumoniae (PISP), a small subset of compounds was active against Gram-negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli (E. coli).  相似文献   

Several non-Ewald methods for calculating electrostatic interactions have recently been developed, such as the Wolf method, the reaction field method, the pre-averaging method, and the zero-dipole summation method, for molecular dynamics simulations of various physical systems, including biomolecular systems. We review the theories of these approaches and their potential applications to molecular simulations, and discuss their relationships.  相似文献   

Several somatostatin analogs with recently synthesized acetylated N terminus were assayed in vivo for their effects on sodium pentobarbital-stimulated growth hormone (GH) levels in fed male rats and gastrin-releasing peptide (14-27)-stimulated gastrin levels in fasted male rats. The binding characteristics of these analogs to somatostatin receptors were also examined in various human tumors and normal tissues. The analog RC-101-I, injected at a dose of 0.1 micrograms/100 g body wt, significantly suppressed GH release (P less than 0.01) for at least 2 hr. Analog RC-160-II caused the longest inhibition of GH release, greater than that induced by nonacetylated parent analog RC-160, with GH levels showing significant suppression (P less than 0.01) for more than 3 hr. Analogs RC-160-II and RC-101-I and RC-160, injected at a dose of 1.0 micrograms/100 g body wt, significantly (P less than 0.01) suppressed gastrin-releasing peptide (14-27)-stimulated serum gastrin. Analog RC-101-I was active in this test at a dose of 0.1 micrograms/100 g body wt. RC-160-II showed significant binding to somatostatin-14 receptors in all investigated tissues (human colon, human colon cancer, breast cancer, human pancreas and pancreatic cancer, human prostate and prostate cancer, and rat cerebral cortex), but there were marked variations in binding affinities among various normal and cancerous tissues. The highest affinity was found in membranes of colon cancer (Ka = 18.4 nM-1) and breast cancer (Ka = 12.46 nM-1). The binding affinity of RC-160-II to somatostatin receptors in membranes of the breast cancer was similar to that of RC-160. RC-101-I showed higher binding affinity to somatostatin-14 receptors than RC-160 in human breast, pancreatic, and prostate cancer. With the exception of breast cancer tissue, the binding affinity of RC-101-I was significantly lower than that of RC-160-II in membranes of all investigated tissues. It can be concluded that acetylated somatostatin analogs RC-101-I and RC-160-II possess prolonged and enhanced biological activities in suppressing serum GH and gastrin in rats. Significant variations in binding affinities for these analogs in different tissues and various tumors suggest that differences may exist between somatostatin receptors in normal versus malignant tissues. This raises the possibility that some of these analogs could be used more selectively in the treatment of various neoplasms.  相似文献   

Electropulsation is one of the nonviral methods successfully used to deliver genes into living cells in vitro and in vivo. This approach shows promise in the field of gene and cellular therapies. The present review focuses on the processes supporting gene electrotransfer in vitro. In the first part, we will report the events occurring before, during, and after pulse application in the specific field of plasmid DNA electrotransfer at the cell level. A critical discussion of the present theoretical considerations about membrane electropermeabilization and the transient structures involved in the plasmid uptake follows in a second part.  相似文献   

3beta-Hydroxy sterols occurring at a concentration of at least 0.001% of the sterol mixtures of Pseudoplexaura porosa and Plexaura homomalla have been fractionated using a series of refined techniques and subsequently analyzed using combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) in the development of a procedure for examining the minor and trace components of marine sterol mixtures. A total of 49 sterols were found which spanned a molecular weight range of 274 to 440. In addition delta4-3-keto analogs of cholesterol, 24-methylcholesterol and gorgosterol were found in the extracts of P. homomalla. Initial separation of various natural sterol-containing conjugates and free sterols was found to have a number of advantages. Fractional digitonin precipitation and alumina column chromatography were found to possess greater sterol separation abilities than previously recognized. Many of the minor sterols were found to possess novel structures including a series of short side chain sterols, 19-nor sterols, 5beta-stanols and 4-monomethyl sterols for which structure elucidation work is continuing.  相似文献   

Automated docking of ligands to antibodies: methods and applications   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many approaches to studying protein-ligand interactions by computational docking are currently available. Given the structures of a protein and a ligand, the ultimate goal of all docking methods is to predict the structure of the resulting complex. This requires a suitable representation of molecular structures and properties, search algorithms to efficiently scan the configuration space for favorable interaction geometries, and accurate scoring functions to evaluate and rank the generated orientations. For many of the available methods, tests on experimentally known antibody-antigen or antibody-hapten complexes have appeared in the literature. In addition, some of them have been used in predictive studies on antibody-ligand interactions to provide structural insights where adequate experimental information is missing. The AutoDock program is presented as example of a method for flexibly docking ligands to antibodies. Applying parameters of the second-generation AMBER force field, three antibody-hapten complexes (AN02, DB3, NC6.8) are used as new test cases to analyze the ability of the method to reproduce experimental findings. The X-ray structures could be reconstituted and the corresponding solutions were ranked with best energy score in all cases. Docking to the free instead of the complexed NC6.8 structure indicated the limits of the rigid protein treatment, although fairly good guesses about the location of the binding site and the contact residues could still be obtained if conformational flexibility was allowed at least in the ligand.  相似文献   

Somatostatin (SRIF) is a widely distributed peptide with growth-inhibiting effects in various tumors. So far, five distinct human SRIF receptor subtypes (sst1-sst5) have been identified. We investigated expression of the five ssts in various adrenal tumors and in normal adrenal gland. Tissue was obtained from ten pheochromocytomas (PHEOs), nine cortisol-secreting adenomas (CPAs), eleven aldosterone secreting adenomas (APAs) and eight non-functional adenomas (NFAs) after retroperitoneoscopic surgery, and used for RNA extraction. Adrenal tissue surrounding the tumor was available for analysis in twenty-seven cases. Receptor expression was studied by RT-PCR using sst-specific primers and subsequently confirmed by Southern blotting. Expression of all five receptor subtypes was observed in RNA obtained from normal adrenal gland. Furthermore, each receptor subtype was expressed in more than 50 % of all tumors analyzed. No sst5 expression was found in PHEOs, while sst1 was present in nearly all of these tumors. Only a few of the CPAs expressed subtypes sst1 and sst4. Expression of all five subtypes was distributed equally in APAs. No sst4 was found in any of the NFAs. Differential expression of ssts in various adrenal tumors may point to new aspects in the pathogenesis of these adenomas. Furthermore, the presence of specific ssts could expand the diagnostic and therapeutic strategies during management. New subtype specific analogues of SRIF may be used in the future depending on the type of adrenal tumor and receptor subtype expressed.  相似文献   

This article reviews the relatively short history of metabolic pathway analysis. Computer-aided algorithms for the synthesis of metabolic pathways are discussed. Important algebraic concepts used in pathway analysis, such as null space and convex cone, are explained. It is demonstrated how these concepts can be translated into meaningful metabolic concepts. For example, it is shown that the simplest vectors spanning the region of all admissible fluxes in stationary states, for which the term elementary flux modes was coined, correspond to fundamental pathways in the system. The concepts are illustrated with the help of a reaction scheme representing the glyoxylate cycle and adjacent reactions of aspartate and glutamate synthesis. The interrelations between pathway analysis and metabolic control theory are outlined. Promising applications for genome annotation and for biotechnological purposes are discussed. Armed with a better understanding of the architecture of cellular metabolism and the enormous amount of genomic data available today, biochemists and biotechnologists will be able to draw the entire metabolic map of a cell and redesign it by rational and directed metabolic engineering.  相似文献   

Many states across the U.S. use the total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) measurement as a regulatory tool for setting cleanup standards for underground storage tank sites and other petroleum‐related sites requiring cleanup. In Part I of this article, alternative techniques for developing site‐specific cleanup standards for petroleum hydrocarbons are reviewed, including the use of chemical fingerprinting, constituent analysis, and risk assessment methods that address hydrocarbons found in the environment. New developments in standard setting for petroleum hydrocarbons are described, including risk‐based standards for hydrocarbon mixtures and ecological risk‐based approaches. In Part 2 of this article, the cost‐effectiveness and accuracy of the most commonly used of these approaches will be evaluated by comparing a generic TPH cleanup standards approach with site‐specific cleanup standards approaches for two actual sites in Washington State, a neighborhood gas station and a former bulk fuel storage facility.  相似文献   

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