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The present study deals with structure and function of fourareas of Himalayan chir pine forest. Tree layer was monospecificon all sites with varied density and basal cover in the rangeof 540–1630 individuals per ha and 25·0–47·2m2ha–1, respectively. Shrubs having low density were sparselydistributed. All allometric equations relating to biomass ofdifferent components, to circumference at breast height (cbh)were significant, with the exception of that for cone biomass.Total vegetation biomass (115–236 t ha–1) was distributedas 113–283 t ha–1 in trees. 0·56–0·82t ha–1 in shrubs and 1·63–2·57 t ha–1in herbs. Total forest floor biomass including herbaceous litterranged between 9·6 and 13·6 t ha–1. Of thetotal annual litter fall (4·26–7·38 t ha–1),60·3–75·1 per cent was distributed in leaflitter and 24·9–39·7 per cent in wood litter.Turnover rate of tree litter varied from 0·45 to 0·53,whereas rates for shrubs and herbs were assumed to 1. Net primaryproduction of total vegetation ranged between 9·91 and21·2 t ha–1 year–1, of which the contributionof trees, shrubs and herbs was 76·5– 88·1per cent 0·6–1·8 per cent and 11·3–21·5per cent, respectively. A compartment model of dry matter onthe basis of mean data across sites was developed to show drymatter storage and flow of dry matter within the ecosystem. Pinus roxburghii forest, biomass, litter fall, net primary production, compartmental transfer  相似文献   

This paper elucidates nutrient dynamics in oak forests previouslyinvestigated for dry matter dynamics. The nutrient concentrationsin different life forms were of the order: herb > shrub >tree, whereas the standing state of nutrients were of the order:tree > shrub > herb. Soil, litter and vegetation, respectively,accounted for 32·4–98·0 %; 0·3–3·5%, and 10·2–66·6 % of the total nutrientsin the system. Considerable reductions (8·5–41·7%)in concentrations of nutrients in leaves occurred during senescence.The uptake of nutrients by vegetation, and also by differentcomponents with and without adjustment for internal recycling,has been calculated separately. Annual transfer of litter (above+ below ground) to the soil by vegetation was 115·9–187N, 7·5–15·6 P, 122·7–195·1Ca, 36·1–48·8 K and 2·88–5·16Na kg ha–1 yr–1. Turnover rate and turnover timefor different nutrients ranged between 0·66–0·84yr–1 and 1·19–1·56 yr–1, respectively.Compartment models for nutrient dynamics have been developedto represent the distribution of nutrient contents and net annualfluxes within the system. Quercus leucotrichophora forest, Q.floribunda forest, Q. lanuginosa forest, Nutrient concentration, standing state, uptake, internal cycling, turnover  相似文献   

This paper deals with nutrient dynamics in horse chestnut, silverfir and kharsu oak forests in a high altitude region of CentralHimalaya. In general, the nutrient concentrations in differentlife forms were of the order: herb > seedling > shrub> sapling > tree, whereas the standing state of nutrientswere of the order: tree > herb > shrub > sapling >seedling. Of the total nutrients in the system, soil litterand vegetation, respectively accounted 66·5, 0·6and 32·9% in horse chestnut, 61·4, 0·8and 37·8% in silver fir, 58·1, 0·8 and41·1% in kharsu oak forests. Considerable reductionsin concentrations of nutrients in leaves occurred during senescence.Annual transfer of litter (above-ground+below-ground) to thesoil by vegetation of all forests ranged from 68-163 for N,4-7 for P, 26-48 for K, 62-150 for Ca and 2-4 kg ha-1 year-1for Na. Turnover time for different nutrients ranged between1·41 and 1·75 years for horse chestnut, 1·33and 2·13 years for silver fir, and 1·32 and 1·75years for kharsu oak forests. The distribution of nutrient contentsand net annual fluxes within the system have been developedto represent nutrient dynamics in compartment models.Copyright1995, 1999 Academic Press Standing state, turnover, retranslocation, nutrient concentration, internal cycling, uptake  相似文献   

This paper elucidates nutrient dynamics in 5- to 8-year-oldpoplar (Populus deltoides) clone D121 plantations previouslyinvestigated for dry matter dynamics. The nutrient concentrationin different layers of the vegetation were in the order: tree> shrub > herb, whereas the standing state of nutrientswere in the order: tree > herb > shrub. Soil, litter andvegetation, respectively, accounted for 80-89, 2-3 and 9-16%of the total nutrients in the system. Considerable reductions(trees 42-54, shrubs 31-37 and herbs 15-23%) in concentrationof nutrients in leaves occurred during senescence. The uptakeof nutrients by the vegetation and also by the different components,with and without adjustment for internal recycling, has beencalculated separately. Annual transfer of litter nutrient tothe soil by vegetation was 113·7-137·6 N, 11·6-14·6P and 80·1-83·2 K kg ha-1 year-1. Turnover rateand time for different nutrients ranged between 0·72-0·89year-1 and 1·12-1·39 years, respectively. Thehigh turnover rate of litter on the forest floor indicates thegreater productivity of the stands, which was due to the higherdry matter dynamics and nutrient release for the growing vegetation.The nutrient use efficiency in poplar plantations ranged from159-175 for N, 1405-1569 for P and 295-332 for K. Compared withEucalyptus, there was a higher proportion of nutrient retranslocationin poplars largely because of higher tissue nutrient concentrations;this indicates lower nutrient use efficiency as compared tothe eucalypt plantation. Compartment models for nutrient dynamicshave been developed to represent the distribution of nutrientpools and net annual fluxes within the system.Copyright 1995,1999 Academic Press Populus deltoides plantations (Clone D121), nutrient retranslocation, net nutrient uptake, nutrient use efficiency, nutrient cycling, nutrient pool, nutrient fluxes  相似文献   

This paper deals with nutrient dynamics in 2- to 8-year-oldplantations of Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm. previously investigatedfor dry matter dynamics. The nutrient concentrations changedin the order: herb > shrub > tree. The nutrient concentrationsin the different components of these vegetation types also decreasedwith plantation age. The nutrient content in trees and shrubsincreased and in herbs it decreased with increase in plantationage. The uptake of nutrients by vegetation and also by componentswith or without adjustment for retranslocation, has been calculatedseparately. Turnover time for different nutrients ranged between1.05 and 1.35 years. Compartmental models for nutrient dynamicshave been developed to represent the distribution of nutrientcontents and net annual fluxes within the system. Eucalyptus tereticornis plantation, nutrient concentration, standing state, uptake, turnover, nutrient cycling  相似文献   

The present study deals with structure and functioning of threeareas of Himalayan oak forest. Low- and mid-altitude oaks, namelyQuercus leucotrichophora, and Quercus floribunda, form predominantevergreen forests in Central and Western Himalaya. The totaltree basal cover ranged between 33·89 m2 ha–1 (Q.floribunda site) to 36·83 m2 ha–1 (Q. leucotrichophorasite). The density ranged between 570 and 760 individuals ha–1.Allometric equations relating biomass of different tree componentsto GBH (girth at breast height) were significant with the exceptionof leaf biomass in Q. leucotrichophora and Rhododendron arboreum.Total vegetation biomass (29·40–467·0 tha–1) was distributed as 377·1 t ha–1 intrees, 5·40 t ha–1 in shrubs and 1·23 tha–1 in herbs. Total forest floor biomass ranged between4·6 and 6·2 t ha–1. Of the total annuallitter fall (4·7–4·8 t ha–1), 77·5% was contributed by leaf litter, 17·8 % by wood litterand 4·7 % by miscellaneous litter. Turnover rate of treelitter varied from 0·66 to 0·70. Net primary productionof total vegetation ranged between 15·9 and 20·6t ha–1 yr–1, of which the contribution of trees,shrubs and herbs was 81·2 %, 8·6 % and 10·2%, respectively. A compartment model of dry matter on the basisof mean data across sites was developed to show dry matter storageand flow of dry matter within the system. Quercus leucotrichophora forest, Q. floribunda forest, Q. lanuginosa forest, biomass, litter fall, net primary production, compartmental transfer  相似文献   

The present study deals with the structure and functioning ofthree different forest communities, viz., horse chestnut, silverfir and kharsu oak forests, in a high altitude region of CentralHimalaya. The tree density and total basal cover of horse chestnutforest was 280 and 76, silver fir forest 355 and 106, and kharsuoak forest 480 trees ha-1 and 73 m2 ha-1, respectively. Allometricequations relating biomass of different tree components to cbh(circumference at breast height) were significant. Total vegetationbiomass was 505 t ha-1 in horse chestnut, 566 t ha-1 in silverfir and 593 t ha-1 in kharsu oak forests, of which maximum contributionwas by tree layer followed by shrub, herb, sapling and seedlinglayers. The forest floor litter biomass was 2·1, 4·7and 4·2 t ha-1 in horse chestnut, silver fir and kharsuoak forests, respectively. The total litter fall was 7·3,6·7 and 9·4 t ha-1 year-1, of which leaf littercontributed 48, 39 and 64% in horse chestnut, silver fir andkharsu oak forests, respectively. Turnover rate of tree litterwas 0·80 in horse chestnut, 0·61 in silver firand 0·71 in kharsu oak forests. Net primary productionof total vegetation was 19·6, 18·9 and 24·9t ha-1 year-1, of which tree layer contributed maximum proportionfollowed by herb, shrub, sapling and seedling layers. To showdry matter storage and flow of dry matter within the system,compartment models were developed for all forests.Copyright1995, 1999 Academic Press Total basal cover, biomass, productivity, Quercus, Aesculus, Abies, high altitude, litter, compartmental transfer  相似文献   

红松人工林枝叶分解速度及养分动态的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
修枝作为培育无节良材的重要经营措施已被广泛应用于生产,修落的枝叶能为林地提供大量的有机物,分解后提高林地土壤肥力。为了探明红松人工纯林枝叶分解过程中各种营养元素的变化规律,我们于1984年至1986年在草河  相似文献   

The biomass and net primary productivity (NPP) of 2- to 8-year-oldplantations of Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm. (= E. hybrid) growingin the tarai (a level area of superabundant water) region ofCentral Himalaya were estimated. Allometric equations for allthe above-ground and below-ground components of trees and shrubswere developed for each stand. Understorey, forest floor biomassand litter fall were also estimated from stands. Shrubs appearedfirst at 5-year-old plantation. The biomass of vegetation, forestfloor littermass, tree litter fall and net primary productivity(NPP) of trees and shrubs increased with the increase in plantationage, whereas herb biomass and NPP significantly (P < 0·01)decreased with the increase in plantation age. The total plantationbiomass increased from 7·7 t ha–1 in the 2-year-oldto 126·7 t ha–1 in the 8-year-old plantation andNPP from 8·6 t ha–1 year–1 in the 2-year-oldto 23·4 t ha–1 year–1 in the 8-year-old plantation.The biomass accumulation ratio ranged from 0·81 to 5·93. Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm, plantation, biomass, forest floor, litter fall, net primary productivity, biomass accumulation ratio  相似文献   

The biomass and net primary productivity (NPP) of 5- to 8-year-oldpoplar (Populus deltoides Marsh, Clone D121) plantations growingin the Tarai belt (low-lying plains with high water table adjacentto foothills of central Himalaya) were estimated. Allometricequations for all the above-ground and below-ground componentsof trees and shrubs were developed for each stand. Understorey,forest floor biomass, and litter fall were also estimated fromstands. The biomass of plantation, forest floor litter mass,tree litter fall and net primary productivity (NPP) of treesand shrubs increased with increase in plantation age, whereasherb biomass and NPP significantly (P < 0·01) decreasedwith increasing plantation age. The total plantation biomassincreased from 84·0 in the 5-year-old to 170·0t ha-1 in the 8-year-old plantation and NPP from 16·8t ha-1 year-1 in the 5- and 6-year-old to 21·8 t ha-1year-1 in the 8-year-old plantation. The biomass accumulationratio (biomass: net production, BAR) for different tree componentsincreased with the age of plantation increase. The BAR ratioranged from 4·9 in the 5-year-old to 7·7 in the8-year-old plantation.Copyright 1995, 1999 Academic Press Populus deltoides plantations (Clone D121), biomass, dry matter turnover, net primary productivity, Tarai belt of Central Himalaya  相似文献   

The quantity of litter-fall and the standing crop of H sublayer in the forest floor of evergreen broad-leaved forest were higher than that of Pinus yunnanensis forest. The quantity of the forest floor changed with the quantity of litter-fall, and thera was a dynamic equilibrium between the litter-fall and forest floor. The content of nutrient elements of the forest floor was higher than that of litter-fall in both types. The order of nutrient element content in the forest floor differed from that in litter-fall. In the evergreen broad-leaved forest, the order was N > Ca > Si>K>Mg>Al>P>Fe>Mn>Zn>Cu,and in Pinus yunnanensis forest it was Ca>N>Si>K>Al>Mg >Fe>P>Mn>Zn>Cu. But the order of nutrient element content in the forest floor had changed: in evergreen broad-leaved forest it was Si > N > Al > Ca > Fe > K>Mg>P>Mn>Zn>Cu, the Pinus yunnanensis forest it was Si > AI>N>Ca>Fe>K>M>P>Mn>Zn>Cu. With increase in the intensity of litter decomposition Ash, Si and Al had obviously increased, N, Fe, P and K had also increased in varying degrees, but there was some reduction in Ca, Zn and Mg. The ratio of carbon and nitrogen in litter decreased' with increase in litter decomposition.  相似文献   

Phosphorus, an essential element for life, is continuously depleting from soils and thus demands sustainable management particularly in agriculture and forestry. Inorganic P constitutes the major proportion as tricalcium phosphate in soils of lower Himalayan region of Pakistan. We sampled these soils and screened for P-solubilizing microbes. A range of culturable microbial community (bacteria and fungi) was isolated and molecularly characterized which make the P available from mineral phosphates. There was an increase in abundance of phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) at a 6-inch depth of the pine rhizosphere compared to the surface soil samples. Moreover, the isolates from lower Himalaya have higher abundance and better efficiency to solubilize the inorganic P than the ones from non-Himalaya. Most likely the P-solubilization done by our P-solubilizing microbes is via acidification as we observed the decrease in pH of the medium of microbial growth. Furthermore, the majority of isolated PSB belong to gammaproteobacterial class of Gram negative bacteria. Most interestingly, 13% of our isolated PSB were psychrotolerant (physiologically active at cold environment, i.e., 4°C) and able to solubilize inorganic P as efficiently as at ambient temperature. This study is unique in reporting the P-solubilizing microbes, particularly the psychrotolerant bacterial strains, of Lower Himalaya. Therefore the isolated bacterial and fungal strains have potential and may serve as biofertilizers in the region to increase the P availability in soils.  相似文献   

红松的种群结构与动态过程   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
一、前言种群结构的若干文献,已从不同侧面证明了红松(Pinus koraiensis)种群的随机分布格局和多世代异龄结构特征。Putman 指出:群落结构和功能的体现,很大程度上是由子那些影响其种群动态因子作用的结果。因此通过种群结构的研究,进一步探讨与之相联的过程性质,以及结构与过程的内在联系和作用形式将是可行的。正如群落和系统的结构是功能的保证一样,种群的结构也是其动态与过程的基础和保证,同时它又相应地制约着由其组成的群落或系统的特征。  相似文献   

We examined the impact of small-scale commercial forestry on the structure and function of 6 headwater streams in the North Carolina Piedmont. During 2001–2003 terrestrial organic matter inputs, temperature, macroinvertebrate community composition and tolerance, leaf breakdown rate, and food web structure were quantified for 2 streams draining mature stands of managed loblolly pine, 2 streams draining mature hardwood forests, and 2 streams draining 3-year-old clear cuts, which had been replanted with loblolly pine. Streams in the clear-cuts and pine plantations were bordered by a 15 m hardwood buffer. Despite differences in watershed land-use, there were no significant differences in the organic matter supply or temperature between streams draining different forest types. However, algal biomass was significantly higher in clear-cut sites than forested sites, and was also higher in hardwood sites than pine sites. Streams draining the clear-cut sites contained lower macroinvertebrate richness and diversity, and fewer intolerant species, than streams draining pine and hardwood stands. Despite the differences in macroinvertebrates community composition, there was no difference among forest types in leaf-pack breakdown rates. Analysis of δ15N and δ13C natural abundance of functional feeding group indicated that the shredders and predators collected from streams draining clear-cuts had a δ15N value that was enriched relative to the macroinvertebrates of streams draining pine and hardwood forests. This difference in δ15N signature appears to be the result of the incorporation of riparian grass species in the clear-cuts, which have a higher δ15N, into the diet of shredders. Pine sites had similar food webs to natural hardwood sites. Our results suggest that clear-cutting changes both the trophic dynamics and macroinvertebrate composition of low-order Piedmont streams in North Carolina despite the presence of hardwood buffers. However, large differences were not found between older pine and hardwood stands, indicating rapid recovery following re-growth of forest vegetation, when hardwood buffer strips were present.  相似文献   

Obligate lithotrophs (e.g., ammonia oxidizers) and facultative lithotrophs (e.g., CO and hydrogen oxidizers) collectively comprise a phylogenetically diverse functional group that contributes significantly to carbon and nitrogen cycles in soils and plays important roles in trace gas dynamics (e.g., carbon monoxide and nitrous and nitric oxides) that affect tropospheric chemistry and radiative forcing. In spite of their diverse physiologies, facultative and obligate lithotrophs typically possess the Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle enzyme, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rubisCO). In an effort designed to understand the structure of lithotrophic communities in soil, genomic DNA extracts from surface (0 to 2 cm) and subsurface (5 to 7 cm) soils have been obtained from two sites in a Georgia agroecosystem (peanut and cotton plots) and an unmanaged pine stand (>50 years old). The extracts have been used in PCR amplifications of the cbbL gene for the rubisCO large subunit protein. cbbL PCR products were cloned, sequenced, and subjected to phylogenetic and statistical analyses. Numerous novel lineages affiliated with the form IC clade (one of four form I rubisCO clades), which is typified by facultative lithotrophs, comprised lithotrophic communities from all soils. One of the form IC clone sequences clustered with a form IC clade of ammonia-oxidizing Nitrosospira. Distinct assemblages were obtained from each of the sites and from surface and subsurface soils. The results suggest that lithotrophic populations respond differentially to plant type and land use, perhaps forming characteristic associations. The paucity of clone sequences attributed to ammonia-oxidizing bacteria indicates that even though ammonia oxidation occurs in the various soils, the relevant populations are small compared to those of facultative lithotrophs.  相似文献   

红松林不同演替阶段夏季鸟类群落研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
红松林不同演替阶段夏季鸟类群落研究常家传鲁长虎刘伯文许青(东北林业大学,哈尔滨150040)StudyoftheBirdsCommunityStructureinDiferentSuccesionPeriodofKoreanPineForest.Ch...  相似文献   

针对山东省大青山省级自然保护区典型植物群落,设置21个样方,分析主要乔木种群和群落特征.结果表明:1)大青山样方内共发现维管植物111种,其中乔木29种、灌木14种、草本植物68种,群落植物种类少,物种多样性低.2)29种乔木根据径级结构划分为13种扩展种、2种隐退种,5种稳定侵入种、6种随机侵入种和3种随机隐退种.主要乔木种群径级结构型为2种:黑松种群、栓皮栎种群、麻栎种群、小叶朴种群、黄檀种群、君迁子种群和槲树种群为增长型;刺槐种群和赤松种群为稳定型.大青山群落乔木整体上为增长型群落.3)大青山乔木层物种丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Simpson多样性指数从高到低依次为赤松林、黑松林、刺槐林,而Pielou均匀度指数从高到低依次为黑松林、赤松林、刺槐林,显示赤松更适合作为大青山造林树种.  相似文献   

梵净山黔周林的结构和动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
杨龙 《植物生态学报》1983,7(3):204-214
(一)黔椆(Cyclobalanopsis stewardiana)林主要分布于梵净山上部回香坪以上,剪刀峡及三王殿一牛尾河一带。它是贵州省所特有的群落类型。对梵净山海拔较高地区的常绿阔叶林一一黔椆林的结构和动态的分析表明,黔椆处于一种稳定的状态中,并保持着一种相对稳定的种的组成和结构。大量的幼苗和强有力的根出条的更新方式,使黔椆在群落中保持其优势地位,从而使黔椆林成为这一地区的“顶极植物群落”。(二)黔椆在海拔1150米开始出现;在1400一1700米一带成为常绿、落叶阔叶混交林内常绿树中的优势种;在1800—2100米,黔椆优势群落成为“顶极植物群落”,以及黔椆林下存在着大量的、仅在山体上部才有分布的大箭竹,说明黔椆林是对于这一高度地带的天然生境长期适应的结果。(三)在黔椆林中的大箭竹周期性成批枯死,这可能有利于黔椆的更新,因为黔椆树苗只能生长在林冠间隙的竹杆中间。大箭竹在黔椆林中大量相继枯死,这对于树的更新十分重要。  相似文献   

In 1998, we measured the effects of Hurricane Georges after it passed over long‐term research sites in Puerto Rican dry forest. Our primary objectives were to quantify hurricane effects on forest structure, to compare effects in a large tract of forest versus a series of nearby forest fragments, to evaluate short‐term response to hurricane disturbance in terms of mortality and sprouting, and to assess the ability of hurricanes to maintain forest structure. We sampled damage from 33 plots (1.3 ha) across a 3000‐ha tract of forest as well as in 19 fragments. For stems with 2.5‐cm minimum diameter, 1004 stems/ha (12.4%) suffered structural damage, while 69 percent of the undamaged stems were at least 50 percent defoliated. Basal area lost to structural damage equaled 4.0 m2/ha (22%) in south‐facing native forests. Structural damage and defoliation increased with stem diameter and were more common in certain dry forest species. South‐facing forests and those on ridgetops incurred more damage than north‐facing forests or those comprised primarily of introduced species. Stem mortality was only 2 percent of all stems after 9 mo. Structural damage did not necessarily result in stem mortality. Hurricane‐induced mortality was not associated with stem height or diameter, but was ten times greater than background mortality. Basal sprouting was proportional to the amount of structural damage incurred in a stand. Forest fragments experienced the same patterns of hurricane effects as the reference forest. The low, dense structure of Caribbean dry forest can be maintained by hurricane damage to larger stems and induction of basal sprouting to generate multistemmed trees.  相似文献   

Improper forest harvesting can potentially degrade forest ecosystem functions and services. Human-assisted regeneration (e.g., planting) is often used to increase the rate of forest recovery and thereby reduce regeneration failure. Seed dispersal is a fundamental ecological process that can also influence spatio-temporal patterns of forest regeneration. In this study, we investigated the relative contribution of planting and seed dispersal on forest regeneration at landscape scales. Because such influences can be further complicated by timber harvest intensity and seed availability within and around harvested area, we also evaluated the effects of those factors on forest landscape dynamics. We used the forest landscape model LANDIS to simulate the dynamics of Korean pine-broadleaf mixed forests in Northeast China. We considered three factors: timber harvest intensity (3 levels), seed dispersal and whether or not planting was used. The results showed that planting was more important in maintaining the abundance of Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis), a climax keystone species in this region, under the high-intensity harvesting option during early succession. In contrast, seed dispersal was more important during late succession. Korean pine can be successfully regenerated through seed dispersal under low and medium harvest intensities. Our results also indicated that effective natural regeneration will require protecting seed-production trees (seed rain). This study results provide a basis for more effectively managing Chinese temperate forests and possibly other similar ecosystems.  相似文献   

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