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S. Matthew Drenner Stanley I. Dodson Ray W. Drenner John E. Pinder III 《Hydrobiologia》2009,632(1):225-233
Lentic community structure varies across a size gradient of ponds and lakes with physical factors, such as pond drying, and
biotic factors, such as fish predation, determining the species assemblage. We studied the effects of pond drying and fish
absence on crustacean zooplankton across a gradient of pond sizes in a Texas grassland. We determined the species compositions
and size distributions of crustacean zooplankton in 20 temporary and 18 permanent ponds in April after March rains had refilled
the ponds. The surface areas of temporary and permanent ponds ranged from <0.01 to 0.21 ha and 0.04 to 13.8 ha, respectively,
and temporary ponds were significantly smaller, on average, than permanent ponds. Fish were absent from all temporary ponds
and present in all permanent ponds. We detected a difference in the zooplankton species assemblages of the temporary and permanent
ponds. Out of 14 total zooplankton taxa that occurred in eight or more ponds, seven taxa were significantly more prevalent
in temporary ponds and four taxa were significantly more prevalent in permanent ponds. The sizes of zooplankton in the temporary
fishless ponds were greater than those in the permanent ponds with fish present. We concluded that pond size mediated susceptibility
to pond drying, and pond drying determined the presence and absence of fish and their secondary trophic-level effect on zooplankton
community structure.
Handling editor: Steven Declerck 相似文献
Marjan De Block Sofie Geenen Kurt Jordaens Thierry Backeljau Robby Stoks 《Genetica》2005,124(2):137-144
Several insect species seem to persist not only in permanent but also in temporary ponds where they face particularly harsh
conditions and frequent extinctions. Under such conditions, gene flow may prevent local adaptation to temporary ponds and
may promote phenotypic plasticity, or maintain apparent population persistence. The few empirical studies on insects suggest
the latter mechanism, but no studies so far quantified gene flow including both pond types. We investigated the effects of
pond type and temporal variation on population genetic differentiation and gene flow in the damselfly Lestes viridis in northern Belgium. We report a survey of two allozyme loci (Gpi, Pgm) with polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in 14 populations from permanent and temporary ponds, and compared these results
with similar data from the same permanent populations one year before. The data suggested that neither pond-drying regime,
nor temporal variation have a substantial effect on population genetic structuring and did not provide evidence for stable
population differentiation in L. viridis in northern Belgium. Gene flow estimates were high within permanent and temporary ponds, and between pond types. Our data
are consistent with a source-sink metapopulation system where temporary ponds act as sinks in dry years, and are quickly recolonized
after local population extinction. This may create a pattern of apparent population persistence of this species in permanent
and temporary ponds without clear local adaptation. 相似文献
Regional and local species richness of temporary pond dytiscid water beetles were compared among three regions within the Palearctic: (1) Sweden in north west Europe, (2) Primorye and (3) Sakhalin Island in the Russian Far East. Both local and regional species richness were highest in Sweden and lowest in Sakhalin. Regional species richness was calculated from literature and collecting data for each region and for nested parts of regions. Local species richness was estimated from standardized net samples from fourteen or fifteen ponds in each region. Two different rarefaction techniques applied to the net-sample data confirmed the observed interregional differences in species richness. Partial least square regression showed that pond area, depth and temperature affected local species richness positively in each region, whereas increasing shade and drought frequency had negative effects. Residuals from the regression analysis were positive in Sweden, negative in Sakhalin, and near zero in Primorye ponds. Consequently, the local species richness was related positively to regional species richness also when compensated for differences in the local pond environment. This was verified when pond species richness of each region was correlated with principal component scores representing a combination of pond area, depth and temperature. The species' distributions among ponds displayed significantly nested patterns in Sweden and Sakhalin. However, species were significantly sorted along the pond area gradient only in Sweden. It is concluded that the observed interregional differences in local species richness are best explained by the accompanying gradient in regional species richness, lending support to the hypothesis of regional enrichment. Selected historical and ecological explanations for the observed differences in regional species richness are discussed. 相似文献
Rocí o Fern ndez-Zamudio Pablo Garcí a-Murillo Carmen Dí az-Paniagua 《Journal of Plant Ecology》2018,11(3):502
Aims Pond environmental conditions may differ among years with regards to the season in which ponds begin to fill. We experimentally evaluated how seedling emergence, plant growth and phenology differed among years in which filling occurred in winter, autumn or spring.Methods We collected sediments from a natural temporary pond and located them in aquariums. They were placed in a climatic chamber that simulated annual variation in field environmental temperatures and light conditions. Aquariums were assigned to one of three treatments, which differed in the date on which they were filled with water (autumn, winter and spring). We counted the number of seedlings of different species emerged and recorded data about the presence of flowers, seeds or spores every week. The experiment was finished in June, when we harvested the plants and estimated their biomass.Important findings In most species, seedling emergences were primarily related to time after filling, and thus synchronized their life cycles with the unpredictably timed wet phase of the ponds. Autumn filling resulted in the highest numbers of seeds/spores. However, winter filling promoted plant growth the most. In the spring filling treatment, more terrestrial plant seedlings emerged and fewer seeds/spores were produced. When ponds are flooded earlier, plants may produce a higher number of propagules. However, in years when inundation is delayed to spring and hydroperiods are short, seedling emergence deplete the seed bank and there is little to no seed production, while terrestrial monocots are able to colonize pond basin. 相似文献
The rotifer assemblages of 26 urban ponds have been compared with the preliminary English national classification of small water bodies. It was found that similar TWINSPAN indicator species occurred in both classifications and that the urban ponds were classified appropriately as permanent, lowland sites, with intermediate conductivity. The factors responsible for shaping these urban rotifer assemblages were associated with cadmium (p < 0.01), lead (p < 0.01), zinc (p < 0.05), phosphate (p < 0.05), pH (p < 0.01) and macrophyte richness (p < 0.01). The conservation value of these sites (in terms of species richness) was found to be similar to relatively undamaged sites upon comparable geology, indeed mean values were higher from urban sites. The size of the buffer zone around the pond was highly correlated with species richness (p < 0.01) and negatively correlated with lead (p < 0.05) and phosphate (p < 0.05). It is suggested that conservation management may be better targeted if more attention is paid to the maintenance and enhancement of the buffer zone. 相似文献
Most ponds from the Doñana National Park are shallow temporary freshwater bodies on eolian sands. The total phosphate concentration and the fractional P-composition of the sediments from two small ponds were studied before and inmediately after they were filled (autumn, 1996). Total phosphorus concentration was measured in 2 different size fractions: 2–0.1 mm (coarse) and <0.1 mm (fine). In both ponds, the total phosphorus concentration of the fine sediment increased by 20% at the beginning of the filling period, whereas 5 weeks later it did not increase further. The percentage of organic matter of the fine sediment was relatively high (between 13–18%) and did not change significantly during filling. The concentration of sediment total iron and Fe(OOH) increased significantly in both ponds during filling. The sequential P fractionation of the fine sediment included, besides the determination of two inorganic fractions (Ca-bound P and Fe-bound P), an organic-P fraction extracted with acid, another extracted with alkali, two organic-P fractios from the Ca-EDTA/dithionite and the Na2-EDTA extracts which contained high concentrations of humic substances. The pond sediments were rich in organic P compounds as the sum of all organic-P fractions ranged between 267 and 320 g g-1 (68% and 79% of the sum of all fractions). Significant changes (P<0.01) in the fractional P-composition of sediments were found after filling. Acid soluble organic phosphate increased about 30% in both ponds. Iron-bound phosphate increased significantly (about 40%) only in the pond where a higher concentration of Fe(OOH) was measured after filling. An adsorption experiment was carried out for each sediment to simulate P input during filling. Both the iron-bound phosphate and Ca-bound P increased significantly (P<0.01) suggesting that these two fractions were involved in the P-adsorption during the laboratory experiment. 相似文献
Water analyses from 80 small prairie ponds, 0.17 to 89.8 hectares, in Manitoba and Saskatchewan between 1967 to 1972 exhibited two basic ionic dominance patterns HCO3 > SO4 > Cl and SO4 > HCO3 > Cl. The order of SO4 and Cl were reversed in 40 percent of the bicarbonate ponds below 500 µmhos/cm. At salinities above 12,000 µmhos/cm, Cl exceeds SO4 in several wetlands. Temporary wetlands were characterised by Ca > K > Mg > Na / HCO3 > Cl > SO4, semi-permanent ponds Mg > Ca > Na > K / SO4 > HCO3 > Cl while the permanent pond structure was Ca > Mg > Na > K / HCO3 > SO4 > Cl.Conductivities of the wetlands studied ranged from 47 to 23,000 µmhos / cm.Seasonal changes in salinity varied within and between pond types as well as from year to year. The average salinity increase within season in temporary ponds was 67 percent, 63 percent in semi-permanent ponds and 20 percent for permanent ponds. These changes were affected by evaporation, transpiration, see-page and precipitation patterns. Ionic dominance patterns did not change within a season although Mg, K and HCO3 increased at higher rates than Ca, Na, CI and SO4.Temporary wetlands are slightly acidic, averaging pH 6.8 while semi-permanent and permanent ponds were alkaline, pH range 7.1 to 9.2. No stratification of pH with depth and minimal diurnal variation was recorded.At two study areas, Bradwell and St. Denis fhe following ranges (micrograms/litre) were recorded: 3 to 630 PO4-P, 10 to 650 NO3-N, 5 to 630 TDFe, 1 to 13 TDCu and 1 to 27 TDZn. Colour was 5 to 190 Hazen units at St. Denis and 10 to 110 for Bradwell.Two herbicides, 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T were detected at levels of 4 to 111 and 1.4 to 13.5 micrograms/litre, respectively, from 15 ponds at St. Denis. 相似文献
Awareness of pond conservation value is growing all over Europe. Ponds are recognized as important ecosystems supporting large numbers of species and several rare and threatened aquatic plants, macroinvertebrates and amphibians. Notwithstanding ponds, particularly temporary ones, are still neglected in Italy. There are some gaps in our understanding of the macrophyte ecology and the conservation value of Mediterranean small still waters. Therefore, this study investigated the macrophyte communities and physico-chemical characteristics of 8 permanent and 13 temporary ponds along the Tyrrhenian coast near Rome, with the aim to relate the distribution of aquatic plants to environmental variables, and to define the botanical conservation value of ponds. Throughout the study period (Spring 2002), Principal Component Analysis performed on abiotic variables clearly discriminated temporary ponds, smaller and more eutrophic, from permanent ponds, larger and with higher pH and oxygen concentration. A total of 73 macrophyte taxa were collected in the study ponds. Temporary waters hosted a smaller number of plant species than permanent ones. Besides hydroperiod length, the environmental factors related to plant richness were maximum depth, surface area, dissolved oxygen and nitrogen concentration in the water. Moreover, the Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling showed a high dissimilarity in the taxonomic composition of aquatic plants between temporary and permanent ponds. The former contained more annual fast-growing species (Callitriche sp. pl. and Ranunculus sp. pl.), while in the latter species with long life-cycles (i.e. Potamogeton sp. pl.) were more abundant. Our results highlighted that temporary and permanent ponds in central Italy have different macrophyte assemblages, with aquatic species (including some of conservation interest at regional scale) exclusively found in each pond type. This suggested that both type of ponds could give an irreplaceable contribution to the conservation of aquatic plant diversity of these freshwater ecosystems. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Guest editors: R. Céréghino, J. Biggs, B. Oertli & S. Declerck The ecology of European ponds: defining the characteristics of a neglected freshwater habitat 相似文献
Temporary pond Daphnia flourish on relatively poor-quality food, suggesting adaptation to stringent temporary pond conditions. We conducted laboratory life history experiments on populations of Daphnia obtusa from a shaded woodland temporary pond (short hydroperiod, dystrophic) and an open farmland temporary pond (long hydroperiod, eutrophic), and compared a suite of physical/chemical conditions in the ponds to evaluate habitat conditions. We hypothesized that the shaded woodland pond population would be more fit in terms of life history variables for individuals (age and size at first reproduction, mean brood size, mean number of neonates) and populations (generation time, net reproductive rate R0, and intrinsic reproductive rate r) given a standard, low-quality food (trout chow and yeast). Life history traits of woodland pond animals were mixed, relative to farm pond animals, and consistent with bet-hedging for an unpredictable habitat. Values of life history traits rivaled or exceeded those of other studies using phytoplankton as food, and were influenced by the pond water used for our study. Life histories clearly differ among local and regional temporary pond Daphnia obtusa populations, and should be valuable for examining the relative influences of local selection and metapopulation dynamics on population structure. 相似文献
Alain Thiéry 《Hydrobiologia》1991,212(1):117-136
The study of the structure of communities of Crustacean branchiopods Anostraca, Notostraca and Spinicaudata of temporary ponds in Morocco revealed the existence of a geographical area with a particularly diversified number of species. Over a few hectares, 11 species, among the 18 known in Morocco, are present. While most of them are usually allopatric and belong to distinct associations, indicative of particular ecological and climatic conditions, they can coexist in Chaouia plain, either in adjoining ponds (sympatric species) or in the same pond (syntopic species). In one pond we could find up to 10 phyllopods: 6 Anostraca, 2 Notostraca and 2 Spinicaudata.This faunistic diversity may result from abiotic features (the location of the ponds at the boundary of two climatic areas) and from a heterogeneous geological substratum, creating a patchwork of temporary ponds with various mesologic conditions.Secondarily, this diversity may result from different life history characteristics of each coexisting species. As all species hatch synchronically, coexistence is only possible if their growth rates and life span are different. This implies that horizontal and vertical distribution, and exploitation of food supplies in the habitat differ for each ecophase of the syntopic species (spatial and trophic exclusion). 相似文献
J. Y. Takekawa A. K. Miles D. H. Schoellhamer N. D. Athearn M. K. Saiki W. D. Duffy S. Kleinschmidt G. G. Shellenbarger C. A. Jannusch 《Hydrobiologia》2006,567(1):307-327
Commercial salt evaporation ponds comprise a large proportion of baylands adjacent to the San Francisco Bay, a highly urbanized
estuary. In the past two centuries, more than 79% of the historic tidal wetlands in this estuary have been lost. Resource
management agencies have acquired more than 10 000 ha of commercial salt ponds with plans to undertake one of the largest
wetland restoration projects in North America. However, these plans have created debate about the ecological importance of
salt ponds for migratory bird communities in western North America. Salt ponds are unique mesohaline (5–18 g l−1) to hyperhaline (> 40 g l−1) wetlands, but little is known of their ecological structure or value. Thus, we studied decommissioned salt ponds in the
North Bay of the San Francisco Bay estuary from January 1999 through November 2001. We measured water quality parameters (salinity,
DO, pH, temperature), nutrient concentrations, primary productivity, zooplankton, macroinvertebrates, fish, and birds across
a range of salinities from 24 to 264 g l−1. Our studies documented how unique limnological characteristics of salt ponds were related to nutrient levels, primary productivity
rates, invertebrate biomass and taxa richness, prey fish, and avian predator numbers. Salt ponds were shown to have unique
trophic and physical attributes that supported large numbers of migratory birds. Therefore, managers should carefully weigh
the benefits of increasing habitat for native tidal marsh species with the costs of losing these unique hypersaline systems. 相似文献
Avian communities in baylands and artificial salt evaporation ponds of the San Francisco Bay estuary
San Francisco Bay wetlands, seasonal and tidal marshes between the historic low and high tide lines, are now highly fragmented because of development during the past 150 years. Artificial salt pond systems in the Bay are hypersaline and typically support simple assemblages of algae and invertebrates. In order to establish the value of salt ponds for migratory waterbirds, we used datasets to conduct a meta-analysis of avian communities in the baylands and salt ponds of San Pablo Bay. Fifty-three species of waterbirds in the salt ponds represented six foraging guilds: surface feeders, shallow probers, deep probers, dabblers, diving benthivores and piscivores. The total number of species and the Shannon-Weiner diversity index was higher in baylands than in salt ponds during all four seasons. However, overall bird density (number/ha) was higher in salt ponds compared with baylands in the winter and spring, primarily because of large concentrations of benthivores. Cessation of salt production in 1993 and subsequent reduction in water depth resulted in a decline of some diving duck populations that used the salt ponds. 相似文献
This study evaluated the biological treatability of produced water (PW), the water separated from oil at the wellhead which contains both dispersed oil and low levels of heavy metals, using waste stabilisation ponds (WSPs). We examined both chemical oxygen demand (COD) and oil and grease (O&G) removal using different process configurations (hydraulic retention time (HRT), aerobic and anaerobic conditions, oil skimming, effluent recycle) in a small (10 L) reactor being fed a synthetic PW (COD = 1050–1350 mg L−1, O&G = 400–500 μL L−1, 6 gNaCl/L). The reactor was operated for 6 months, and at a HRT of 6 days (8 with evaporation) COD removals were greater than 85%, and improved over time to >90%, while O&G removals (measured with a newly developed method) were greater than 82% and also improved with time. Operating with an anaerobic section, oil skimming and 300% recycling were all found to enhance COD removal. 相似文献
M L. Meijer E. H. R. R. Lammens A. J. P. Raat M. P. Grimm S. H. Hosper 《Hydrobiologia》1990,191(1):275-284
To study the impact of cyprinids on algae, zooplankton and physical and chemical water quality, ten drainable ponds of 0.1 ha (depth 1.3 m) were each divided into two equal parts. One half of each pond was stocked with 0 + cyprinids (bream, carp and roach of 10–15 mm), the other was free of fish. The average biomass of the 0 + fish at draining of the ponds was 466 kg ha–1, to which carp contributed about 80%.The fish and non-fish compartments showed significant differences. In the non-fish compartments the density of Daphnia hyalina was 10–30 ind. l–1 and that of Daphnia magna 2–4 ind. l-–1, whereas in the fish compartments densities were c. 1 ind. l–1. Cyclopoid copepods and Bosmina longirostris, however, showed higher densities in the fish compartments. The composition of algae in the two compartments differed only slightly, but the densities were lower in the non-fish compartments. The significant difference in turbidity was probably caused by resuspension of sediment by carp. No significant difference in nutrient concentration between the compartments was found. 相似文献
Edmundo C. Drago 《Hydrobiologia》1989,184(1-2):51-60
During January and February 1981, water temperature measurements were made in lakes and ponds of Deception Island, Antarctica. The depth of these waterbodies varies between 0.88 m and 36 m, with maximum surface areas of over 290 000 m2. Some ponds freeze completely during winter, and the lakes are covered by ice for 9–10 months of each year. The maximum ice thickness measured in early summer (December), dit not exceed 0.5 m. Solar radiation and geothermal heating largely determine the thermal structure of these aquatic environments. The water temperature of tributary meltwater streams did not exceed 3 °C, but the littoral waters reached 9 °C. The bottom water temperatures of meromictic lakes 5 (Irízar) and 9, are 12.3 °C and 19.9 °C respectively. These deep waters are heated from geothermal sources and it is possible that some ponds may be also influenced by their proximity to hot soils. With the exception of the meromictic lakes, the aquatic environments studied here did not show a vertical stratification of temperature. It is not possible to establish a general thermal classification for the waterbodies of Deception Island. The interaction of the lacustrine morphology, solar radiation and vulcanism produce contrasting thermal features. Taking into account only the upper layers of meromictic lakes (mixolimnion), and emphasizing the fact of that some ponds freeze completely during winter, the waterbodies of Deception Island would be classified as ‘pleomictics’ (Paschaslki, 1964). This work was supported by an agreement between the Instituto Antártico Argentino and the Instituto Nacional de Limnología (Programa Limnoantar). This work was supported by an agreement between the Instituto Antártico Argentino and the Instituto Nacional de Limnología (Programa Limnoantar). 相似文献
虾池生态系各有机碳库的储量 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
1997年6~8月于山东省海阳市黄海集团公司养虾场,采用围隔实验生态学方法研究了虾池生态系各有机碳库的储量,结果表明:溶解有机碳(DOC)、颗粒有机碳(POC)库储量(mgC/l)平均分别为9.95±2.04及3.10±1.60,DOC/POC比值平均为3.21.POC库中,腐质颗粒碳为总浮游生物碳的2倍.浮游植物碳、浮游动物碳、浮游细菌碳平均分别占总浮游生物碳的53%、13%及34%.腐质碳、总浮游生物碳平均分别占总有机碳(TOC)的92%及8%,腐质碳为总浮游生物碳的11.08倍. 相似文献
虾塘底质的总耗氧量及其季节变化 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
虾塘底质的总耗氧量及其季节变化孙耀(中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,青岛266071)Totaloxygenconsumptionofsedimentinshrimppondsanditsseasonalvariation¥.SunYao(Yell... 相似文献
Tadpole impact on periphytic algae was estimated with an exclosure experiment in the field. Algae growth on control (exposed)
and experimental (netted-in) Perspex plates was measured in 12 ponds in 1991 and 8 in 1993.An index of snail (Lymnea and Planorbis)presence in the ponds was used to correct their effect. Grazing pressure (difference in amount of algae between control and
experimental plates)differed between ponds. The difference was correlated to amount of Rana tadpoles present in the pond. At the higher densities of tadpoles observed in the study ponds, the algae standing crop on
exposed plates was about 50–75% of that on netted-in plates. These result demonstrate that there is potential for effects
of exploitation competition in ponds with a high tadpole density.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Marília Lara Peixoto Leda Gonçalves Fernandes Matheus Araújo Cardoso Carvalho Milena Leite de Oliveira André Rodrigues dos Reis 《Biocontrol Science and Technology》2017,27(3):424-432
Agro-ecological diversification may increase natural biodiversity and decrease environmental impacts caused by the intensification of management practices, especially with respect to pest control. This study aimed to evaluate mite populations from surveys in commercial coffee (Coffea arabica) orchards managed in different ways. Four different cropping systems were compared: a conventional system (CS), non-pesticide system (NPS), organic system (OS) and organic agroforestry system (OAS). Mite samples were taken from 24 coffee plantations (n?=?6 for each management strategy). Six leaves per plant were collected from five sampling sites totalling 30 leaves from each plantation. Mites were removed from individual leaves, counted and identified to family level. Amongst the predatory mites, two families were detected; the Phytoseiidae was the most abundant family while the Stigmaeidae, generalist predatory mites, were only found in two management systems (NPS and AOS). Of the two families of phytophagous mites, the family Tenuipalpidae was the most abundant, but rarely found in AOS. The other phytophagous family, Tetranychidae, was less abundant in coffee crops than Tenuipalpidae, but the most abundant phytophagous family in CS. Understanding the relationship between mite populations and management practices can aid in choice of spraying strategies for different coffee management systems. 相似文献