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We investigated the phylogeny of the Braconidae (Insecta: Hymenoptera) with a much expanded data set compared with that of previous attempts, employing 16S and 28S rDNA gene fragments, together with a suite of morphological characters, from 74 ingroup taxa. Most notably, parsimony analyses under a range of models recovered the Aphidiinae as sister group to the cyclostomes and the Ichneutinae as sister group to the microgastroids. The cyclostomes were recovered as a natural group only if certain, putatively misplaced genera (Mesostoa, Aspilodemon) were excluded from them. Further, mapping of rearrangement characters onto this phylogeny of the Braconidae indicated parallel inversions of the mt-tRNAD gene, with the two instances of inversion distinguishable by the presence or absence of an additional tRNA gene (tRNAH). This is the first report of a parallel inversion of a mt-tRNA gene and makes the Braconidae the first metazoan family to display both parallel inversions and translocations. Received: 6 April 2001 / Accepted: 9 July 2001  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among the species belonging to the family Pectinidae are still an issue of debate. The mitochondrial DNA sequences from the large ribosomal RNA gene may be of great value for systematic and phylogenetic studies within families. Partial sequences of the 16S rRNA gene were obtained for the scallop species Adamussium colbecki, Aequipecten opercularis, Chlamys glabra, C. islandica, C. varia, and Pecten jacobeus and compared with the published sequence of Pecten maximus. The present molecular data show that Chlamys are polyphyletic and do not support the assignment of these species to the two subfamilies Chlamydinae and Pectininae. Moreover, the minimal genetic distance between P. maximus and P. jacobeus suggests that they could belong to the same species. Received: 24 May 1999 / Accepted: 1 September 1999  相似文献   

Characteristic features of tRNA such as the anticodon sequence and modified nucleotides in the anticodon loop are thought to be crucial effectors for promoting or restricting codon reassignment. Our recent findings on basepairing rules between anticodon and codon in various metazoan mitochondria suggest that the complete loss of a codon is not necessarily essential for codon reassignment to take place. We postulate that a possible competition between two tRNAs with cognate anticodon sequences towards the relevant codon to be varied has a potential role in codon reassignment. Our proposition can be viewed as an expanded version of the codon capture theory proposed by Osawa and Jukes (J Mol Evol 28: 271–278, 1989). Received: 28 December 2000 / Accepted: 12 March 2001  相似文献   

We have determined the genomic structure of an integrin β-subunit gene from the coral, Acropora millepora. The coding region of the gene contains 26 introns, spaced relatively uniformly, and this is significantly more than have been found in any integrin β-subunit genes from higher animals. Twenty-five of the 26 coral introns are also found in a β-subunit gene from at least one other phylum, indicating that the coral introns are ancestral. While there are some suggestions of intron gain or sliding, the predominant theme seen in the homologues from higher animals is extensive intron loss. The coral baseline allows one to infer that a number of introns found in only one phylum of higher animals result from frequent intron loss, as opposed to the seemingly more parsimonious alternative of isolated intron gain. The patterns of intron loss confirm results from protein sequences that most of the vertebrate genes, with the exception of β4, belong to one of two β subunit families. The similarity of the patterns within each of the β1,2,7 and β3,5,6,8 groups indicates that these gene structures have been very stable since early vertebrate evolution. Intron loss has been more extensive in the invertebrate genes, and obvious patterns have yet to emerge in this more limited data set. Received: 5 March 2001 / Accepted: 17 May 2001  相似文献   

Partial sequences of two mitochondrial genes, the 12S ribosomal gene (739 bp) and the cytochrome b gene (672 bp), were analyzed in hopes of reconstructing the evolutionary relationships of 11 leporid species, representative of seven genera. However, partial cytochrome b sequences were of little phylogenetic value in this study. A suite of pairwise comparisons between taxa revealed that at the intergeneric level, the cytochrome b gene is saturated at synonymous coding positions due to multiple substitution events. Furthermore, variation at the nonsynonymous positions is limited, rendering the cytochrome b gene of little phylogenetic value for assessing the relationships between leporid genera. If the cytochrome b data are analyzed without accounting for these two classes of nucleotides (i.e., synonymous and nonsynonymous sites), one may incorrectly conclude that signal exists in the cytochrome b data. The mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene, on the other hand, has not experienced excessive saturation at either stem or loop positions. Phylogenies reconstructed from the 12S rDNA data support hypotheses based on fossil evidence that African rock rabbits (Pronolagus) are outside of the main leporid stock and that leporids experienced a rapid radiation. However, the molecular data suggest that this radiation event occurred in the mid-Miocene several millions of years earlier than the Pleistocene dates suggested by paleontological evidence. Received: 23 April 1998 / Accepted: 14 May 1998  相似文献   

Relationships among families and suborders of scleractinian corals are poorly understood because of difficulties 1) in making inferences about the evolution of the morphological characters used in coral taxonomy and 2) in interpreting their 240-million-year fossil record. Here we describe patterns of molecular evolution in a segment of the mitochondrial (mt) 16S ribosomal gene from taxa of 14 families of corals and the use of this gene segment in a phylogenetic analysis of relationships within the order. We show that sequences obtained from scleractinians are homologous to other metazoan 16S ribosomal sequences and fall into two distinct clades defined by size of the amplified gene product. Comparisons of sequences from the two clades demonstrate that both sets of sequences are evolving under similar evolutionary constraints: they do not differ in nucleotide composition, numbers of transition and transversion substitutions, spatial patterns of substitutions, or in rates of divergence. The characteristics and patterns observed in these sequences as well as the secondary structures, are similar to those observed in mt 16S ribosomal DNA sequences from other taxa. Phylogenetic analysis of these sequences shows that they are useful for evaluating relationships within the order. The hypothesis generated from this analysis differs from traditional hypotheses for evolutionary relationships among the Scleractinia and suggests that a reevaluation of evolutionary affinities in the order is needed. Received: 4 September 1996 / Accepted: 7 April 1997  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the 18S rDNA coding gene in the ascomycetes parasitic fungus Isaria japonica contains a group I intron with a length of 379 nucleotides. The identification of the DNA sequence as a group I intron is based on its sequence homology to other fungal group I introns. Its group I intron contained the highly conserved sequence elements P, Q, R, and S found in other group I introns. Surprisingly, the intron sequence of I. japonica is more similar to that of Ustilago maydis than to the one found in Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. This is in contrast to the sequence identity found on the neighboring rDNA. This is an interesting finding and suggests a horizontal transfer of group I intron sequences. Received: 19 September 1997 / Accepted: 10 September 1998  相似文献   

The monotremes, the duck-billed platypus and the echidnas, are characterized by a number of unique morphological characteristics, which have led to the common belief that they represent the living survivors of an ancestral stock of mammals. Analysis of new data from the complete mitochondrial (mt) genomes of a second monotreme, the spiny anteater, and another marsupial, the wombat, yielded clear support for the Marsupionta hypothesis. According to this hypothesis marsupials are more closely related to monotremes than to eutherians, consistent with a basal split between eutherians and marsupials/monotremes among extant mammals. This finding was also supported by analysis of new sequences from a nuclear gene—18S rRNA. The mt genome of the wombat shares some unique features with previously described marsupial mtDNAs (tRNA rearrangement, a missing tRNALys, and evidence for RNA editing of the tRNAAsp). Molecular estimates of genetic divergence suggest that the divergence between the platypus and the spiny anteater took place ≈34 million years before present (MYBP), and that between South American and Australian marsupials ≈72 MYBP. Received: 28 October 2000 / Accepted: 23 March 2001  相似文献   

The genus Chrysolina consists of specialized phytophagous leaf-beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) with feed on several plant families. There is no explicit phylogenetic hypothesis available for this genus, which includes 65 subgenera and more than 400 species with a wide distribution. We obtained 839-bp sequence data from the 16S rDNA and cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) mitochondrial genes. Thirty Chrysolina taxa representing eight host–plant affiliations, two species of the closely related genus Oreina, and two outgroups were sampled. These data sets were used separately and combined to obtain the mitochondrial cladogram of the group using maximum-parsimony and maximum-likelihood criteria. The results were compared to current proposals for Chrysolina systematics that are based on morphological, ecological, and karyological data. The trees obtained were in the most part congruent with the proposed ancestral association of Chrysolina to Lamiaceae based on chromosome number in several lineages. A minimum of five host-plant switches from the ancestral state inferred at the family level and two at the subclass level suggests the absence of parallel evolution of beetles and their host plants. Another switch leading to oligophagy at the family level was deduced to have occurred in the lineage of the subgenus Chrysolina s.str. Received: 22 May 1998 / Accepted: 16 September 1998  相似文献   

In the past, 18S rRNA sequences have proved to be very useful for tracing ancient divergences but were rarely used for resolving more recent ones. Moreover, it was suggested that the molecule does not contain useful information to resolve divergences which took place during less than 40 Myr. The present paper takes littorinid phylogeny as a case study to reevaluate the utility of the molecule for resolving recent divergences. Two data sets for nine species of the snail family Littorinidae were analyzed, both separately and combined. One data set comprised 7 new complete 18S rRNA sequences aligned with 2 published littorinid sequences; the other comprised 12 morphological, 1 biochemical, and 2 18S rRNA secondary structure characters. On the basis of its ability to confirm generally accepted relationships and the congruence of results derived from the different data sets, it is concluded that 18S rRNA sequences do contain information to resolve ``rapid' cladogenetic events, provided that they occurred in the not too distant past. 18S rRNA sequences yielded support for (1) the branching order (L. littorea, (L. obtusata, (L. saxatilis, L. compressa))) and (2) the basal position of L. striata in the Littorina clade. Received: 6 February 1998 / Accepted: 20 March 1998  相似文献   

We inferred the incidence of nucleotide conversions in the COI and 16S rRNA mitochondrial genes of members of the Symphyta and basal Apocrita (Hymenoptera). Character-state reconstructions in both genes suggested that conversions between A and T (AT transversions) occurred much more frequently than any other type of change, although we cannot wholly discount an underlying transition bias. Parsimony analysis of COI nucleotide characters did not recover phylogeny; e.g., neither the Tenthredinoidea nor Apocrita were recovered as monophyletic. However, analysis of COI amino acid characters did recover these relationships, as well as others based on fossil and morphological evidence. Analysis of 16S rRNA characters also recovered these relationships providing conversions between A and T were down-weighted. Analysis of the combined data sets gave relatively strong support for various relationships, suggesting that both data sets supported similar topographies. These data sets, both separately and combined, suggested that the phytophagous Siricidae were more closely related to the predominantly parasitic Apocrita than were the ectoparasitic Orussoidea. This suggests that the wasp parasitic lifestyle did not have a single origin, unless the Siricidae have more recently reverted to phytophagy. Alternatively, parasitism evolved twice independently, once in the Orussoidea and again in the Apocrita. The latter scenario is supported by the observation that the evolution of parasitism was accompanied by a tendency for the larvae to develop inside plant tissues. Adaptations that accompanied the movement of wasps into a confined, wood-boring habitat may have preadapted them to becoming ectoparasitic. Received: 27 March 1996 / Accepted: 2 August 1996  相似文献   

A highly complex RNA world, as is sometimes presented in view of the widespread and diversified use of RNA enzymes, would have encountered many difficulties in passing to a world with catalysis mediated by proteins. These difficulties can be overcome by postulating a very early relationship between the nucleotide and the amino acid components. In particular, after asserting that some characteristics expressed by (nucleotide) coenzymes in catalysis are easier to understand if a close and early relationship between these coenzymes and amino acids is hypothesized, a model is presented for the origin of the enzyme–coenzyme complex. This model is essentially based on an intermediate formed by a tRNA-like molecule covalently linked to a polypeptide. The model attributes the majority of the catalytic role in the ribonucleoprotein world to the latter complex and thus it takes into account the birth of the key intermediate in the origin of protein synthesis—namely, peptidyl-tRNA, which would have otherwise been extremely difficult to select. The predictions of the model are discussed along with its robustness, using the data derived from the study of intermediary metabolism and those from molecular biology. Finally, the appearance of the genetic code in the late phase of the ribonucleopeptide world is discussed. Received: 13 January 1997 / Accepted: 25 July 1997  相似文献   

Drosophila willistoni was the subject of intensive allozyme studies and the locus coding for alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) was found to be virtually monomorphic. DNA sequence analysis of 18 alleles throughout the distribution of the species has revealed six replacement polymorphisms. The ratio of replacement to silent polymorphisms is higher in D. willistoni than in any other Drosophila species studied for Adh nucleotide variation. Also in contrast to other species, the variation in introns and noncoding DNA is about the same as in the coding region. We speculate that both these differences indicate D. willistoni has historically had a small population size possibly related to Pleistocene refugia in the Neotropics. Received: 5 August 1996 / Accepted: 12 April 1997  相似文献   

The complete genome of the baker's yeast S. cerevisiae was analyzed for the presence of polypurine/polypyrimidine (poly[pu/py]) repeats and their occurrences were classified on the basis of their location within and outside open reading frames (ORFs). The analysis reveals that such sequence motifs are present abundantly both in coding as well as noncoding regions. Clear positional preferences are seen when these tracts occur in noncoding regions. These motifs appear to occur predominantly at a unit nucleosomal length both upstream and downstream of ORFs. Moreover, there is a biased distribution of polypurines in the coding strands when these motifs occur within open reading frames. The significance of the biased distribution is discussed with reference to the occurrence of these motifs in other known mRNA sequences and expressed sequence tags. A model for cis regulation of gene expression is proposed based on the ability of these motifs to form an intermolecular triple helix structure when present within the coding region and/or to modulate nucleosome positioning via enhanced histone affinity when present outside coding regions. Received: 14 November 1996 / Accepted: 7 May 1997  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a cluster of ribosomal protein genes in the plastid genome of a unicellular red alga, Cyanidioschyzon merolae, which has been supposed to be the most primitive alga, was determined. The phylogenetic tree inferred from the amino acid sequence of ribosomal proteins of two rhodophytes, a chromophyte, a glaucophyte, two chlorophytes (land plants), a cyanobacterium, and three eubacteria suggested a close relationship between the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC6803 and the plastids of various species in the kingdom Plantae, which is consistent with the hypothesis of the endosymbiotic origin of plastids. In this tree, the two species of rhodophytes were grouped with the chromophyte, and the glaucophyte was grouped with the chlorophytes. Analysis of the organization of the genes encoding the ribosomal proteins suggested that the translocation of the str cluster occurred early in the lineage of rhodophytes and chromophytes after these groups had been separated from chlorophytes and glaucophytes. Received: 2 June 1997 / Accepted: 15 July 1997  相似文献   

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