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In a greenhouse pot experiment, we assessed the phytoextraction potential for Cd of three amaranth cultivars (Amaranthus hypochondriacus L. Cvs. K112, R104, and K472) and the effect of application of N, NP, and NPK fertilizer on Cd uptake of the three cultivars from soil contaminated with 5 mg kg(-1) Cd. All three amaranth cultivars had high levels of Cd concentration in their tissues, which ranged from 95.1 to 179.1 mg kg(-1) in leaves, 58.9 to 95.4 mg kg(-1) in stems, and 62.4 to 107.2 mg kg(-1) in roots, resulting in average bioaccumulation factors ranging from 17.7 to 29.7. Application of N, NP, or NPK fertilizers usually increased Cd content in leaves but decreased Cd content in stem and root. Fertilizers of N or NP combined did not substantially increase dry biomass of the 3 cultivars, leading to a limited increment of Cd accumulation. NPK fertilizer greatly increased dry biomass, by a factor of 2.7-3.8, resulting in a large increment of Cd accumulation. Amaranth cultivars (K112, R104, and K472) have great potential in phytoextraction of Cd contaminated soil. They have the merits of high Cd content in tissues, high biomass, easy cultivation and little effect on Cd uptake by fertilization.  相似文献   

Blackgram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper)seeds contain two galactose-specific lectins, BGL-I and BGL-II. BGL-I was partially purified into two monomeric lectins which were designated as BGL-I-1 (94 kDa) and BGL-I-2 (89 kDa). BGL-II is a monomeric lectin of 83 kDA. The purified lectins were associated with galactosidase activities. BGL-I-1 and BGL-II were copurified with α-galactosidase activity while BGL-I-2 was largely associated with β-galactosidase activity. These lectins agglutinate trypsin treated rabbit erythrocytes, but not the human erythrocytes of A, B or O groups. They were stable between pH 3·5 and 7·5 for their agglutination. The lectins did not show any metalion requirement. They were inactivated at 50°C. The lectin activity was inhibited by D-galactose (0·1 mM). The Scatchard plots of galactose binding to these lectins are nonlinear and biphasic curves indicative of multiple binding sites. The data show that the monomeric lectins have both lectin and galactosidase activities suggestive of a bifunctional protein.  相似文献   

The effect of different external cadmium (Cd) and copper (Cu) regimes on the concentration of Cd and Cu in roots and shoots of birch (Betula pendula Roth.) seedlings was investigated. The seedlings were grown for 12 days in a weak nutrient solution (containing all essential nutrient elements including 0.025 µM Cu) at pH 4.2 with combinations of additional 0–2 µM CdCl2 and 0–2 µM CuCl2. Root and shoot concentrations of Cu were decreased by Cd in all treatments which included 0.1–2 µM of additional Cu in the treatment solution. When no extra Cu was added, only the shoot concentration of Cu was decreased by Cd whereas the root concentration was not affected. The shoot concentration of Cd was decreased by 0.5 and 2 µM of additional Cu in the treatment solution. The root concentration of Cd was decreased by Cu only when the concentration of additional Cu in the treatment solution was equal to or exceeded the concentration of Cd.  相似文献   

外源有机酸对镉胁迫下秋华柳镉积累特征的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈红纯  吴科君  李瑞  王婷  周翠  马文超  魏虹 《生态学报》2019,39(12):4510-4518
为探究外源有机酸在加强秋华柳(Salix variegata Franch.)镉积累效率中的应用潜力,采用营养液培养方法,研究了5种100μmol/L外源有机酸(草酸、柠檬酸、酒石酸、苹果酸和琥珀酸)对50μmol/L Cd胁迫下秋华柳生长适应性及Cd积累特征的影响,并通过化学平衡程序VISUAL MINTEQ v3.0计算溶液中不同化学形态Cd(游离态和螯合态Cd)的含量。结果表明:柠檬酸、酒石酸、苹果酸和琥珀酸的添加有效缓解了Cd对秋华柳的毒害,明显促进了秋华柳的生长。除草酸处理组外,其余4个有机酸处理组培养液中游离Cd~(2+)含量均得到较大提升,显著促进了秋华柳对Cd的吸收。柠檬酸、酒石酸、琥珀酸和苹果酸的添加显著提高了秋华柳植株的Cd积累量,分别是未加入有机酸Cd处理组的210%、190%、190%和178%。外源有机酸的施加提高了介质中游离Cd~(2+)的含量,并通过与重金属的络合等作用提升了植株对Cd的吸收和积累能力。但不同有机酸对秋华柳Cd积累特征的影响差异明显,柠檬酸加入后通过提高秋华柳根生物量和根中Cd含量,显著增加了根系Cd积累量;酒石酸、苹果酸和琥珀酸的应用则明显提高了秋华柳地上部分Cd积累量。因此,外源酒石酸、琥珀酸和苹果酸的应用可提高秋华柳地上部分的Cd积累效率,更有利于对Cd污染土壤的修复。  相似文献   

Influence of short-term water stress on plant growth and leaf gas exchange was studied simultaneously in a growth chamber experiment using two annual grass species differing in photosynthetic pathway type, plant architecture and phenology:Triticum aestivum L. cv. Katya-A-1 (C3, a drought resistant wheat cultivar of erect growth) andTragus racemosus (L.) All. (C4, a prostrate weed of warm semiarid areas). At the leaf level, gas exchange rates declined with decreasing soil water potential for both species in such a way that instantaneous photosynthetic water use efficiency (PWUE, mmol CO2 assimilated per mol H2O transpired) increased. At adequate water supply, the C4 grass showed much lower stomatal conductance and higher PWUE than the C3 species, but this difference disappeared at severe water stress when leaf gas exchange rates were similarly reduced for both species. However, by using soil water more sparingly, the C4 species was able to assimilate under non-stressful conditions for a longer time than the C3 wheat did. At the whole-plant level, decreasing water availability substantially reduced the relative growth rate (RGR) ofT. aestivum, while biomass partitioning changed in favour of root growth, so that the plant could exploit the limiting water resource more efficiently. The change in partitioning preceded the overall reduction of RGR and it was associated with increased biomass allocation to roots and less to leaves, as well as with a decrease in specific leaf area. Water saving byT. racemosus sufficiently postponed water stress effects on plant growth occurring only as a moderate reduction in leaf area enlargement. For unstressed vegetative plants, relative growth rate of the C4 T. racemosus was only slightly higher than that of the C3 T. aestivum, though it was achieved at a much lower water cost. The lack of difference in RGR was probably due to growth conditions being relatively suboptimal for the C4 plant and also to a relatively large investment in stem tissues by the C4 T. racemosus. Only 10% of the plant biomass was allocated to roots in the C4 species while this was more than 30% for the C3 wheat cultivar. These results emphasize the importance of water saving and high WUE of C4 plants in maintaining growth under moderate water stress in comparison with C3 species.  相似文献   

Experiments in semi-natural conditions were undertaken to assess hemp metal tolerance and its ability to accumulate cadmium, nickel and chromium. Cannabis sativa was grown in two soils, S1 and S2, containing 27, 74, 126 and 82, 115, 139 g g–1 of Cd, Ni and Cr, respectively. After two months from germination and at ripeness, no significant alteration in plant growth or morphology was detected. On the contrary, a high hemp reactivity to heavy metal stress with an increase in phytochelatin and DNA content was observed during development, suggesting the Cannabis sativa ability to avoid cell damage by activating different molecular mechanisms. Metals were preferentially accumulated in the roots and only partially translocated to the above-ground tissues. The mean shoot Cd content was 14 and 66 g g–1 for S1 and S2 soil, respectively. Although not negligible concentrations they were about 100 times lower than those calculated for the hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens. Similarly Ni uptake was limited if compared with that of the Ni-hyperaccumulator Alyssum murale. Chromium uptake was negligible. As expected on the base of the metal concentration detected in ripe plants, no statistically significant variation in soil metal content was detected after one crop of hemp. Nevertheless, a consistent amount (g) of Cd and Ni is expected to be extracted by 1 ha biomass of hemp (about 10 t) per year and along the time a slow restoration of deeper soil portions can be obtained by its wide root system (at least 0,5 m deep). In addition, the possibilities of growing hemp easily in different climates and using its biomass in non-food industries can make heavy metal contaminated soils productive. This means economical advantage along with a better quality of soil.  相似文献   

Freshwater bryozoans were investigated during field studies of 601 lakes and other surface water bodies throughout Norway from 1960 to 1978. The frequency of occurrence of the two Fredericella species was evaluated in relation to 12 environmental variables. Statistically significant deviations from the frequencies expected on the basis of random distribution were described using the categories preference, avoidance and absence. The typical European Fredericella sultana (with glossy statoblasts) occurred at 72 localities, north to 70° 25 N (the northernmost record on a global scale). Its frequency dropped towards the north. Maximum elevation above sea level was 1097 m (maximum recorded for Northern Europe). Another species with pitted statoblasts, tentatively considered to be Fredericella indica, occurred at 50 localities, north to 71° 09 N (the northernmost record reported to date). The geographical distribution reflected a typical northern cold-water species. One third of the 50 records were from lakes situated north of the Arctic Circle, and rich colonies were found on the North Cape plateau, as far north as possible on the European mainland. The few records from southeastern Norway were from high mountain lakes, up to 1397 m above sea level (highest record for Europe). This species was not found in any of the numerous lowland lakes investigated in southeastern Norway where F. sultana was common. Both species tolerated a cold climate, especially Fredericella indica, and they occurred in a wide range of environments. F. sultana preferred lakes with rather low elevation above sea level, rich vegetation with plant species typical for eutrophic environments, gyttja sediments and stony "hard" shores, some wave action, high content of calcium, and slightly coloured water. This species avoided ponds and was absent from ditches and mires, avoided dystrophic lakes surrounded by Sphagnum bog, with dy sediments and strongly coloured water, avoided sites with small wave action, was indifferent to magnesium and low concentrations of calcium, and was absent from lakes with pH below 5.4. F. indica was only recorded from lakes. It preferred rather low temperatures, oligotrophic conditions with poor aquatic vegetation and stony shores, some wave action, pH above 7.0, and low water colour (below 11 mg Pt l–1). This species avoided lakes with high temperatures and was absent above 20 °C, was absent where aquatic vegetation was rich or consisted of Sphagnum bog, avoided lakes with soft sediments of dygyttja and dy, places with small wave action, acid lakes, was absent at pH below 5.9, tended to avoid water with colour above 10 mg Pt l–1 and was absent in lakes with colour above 40 mg Pt l–1. F. sultana and F. indica occurred together in only six lakes, four in the north, and two in the southern mountain areas. The opposite sensitivity and reactions of the two species towards several environmental variables were supported by a logistic regression analysis. The main ecological difference between the two species is that F. indica appears to be more strongly dependent on climatic factors.  相似文献   

The capability to reassimilate CO2 originating from intracellular decarboxylating processes connected with the photorespiratory glycolate pathway and-or decarboxylation of C4 acids during C4 photosynthesis has been investigated with four species of the genus Flaveria (Asteraceae). The C3-C4 intermediate species F. pubescens and F. anomala reassimilated CO2 much more efficiently than the C3 species F. cronquistii and, with respect to this feature, behaved similarly to the C4 species F. trinervia. Therefore, under atmospheric conditions the intermediate species photorespired with rates only between 10–20% of that measured with F. cronquistii. At low oxygen concentrations (1,5%) the reassimilation potential of F. anomala approached that of F. trinervia and was distinct from that found with F. pubescens. The data are discussed with respect to a possible sequence of events during evolution of C4 photosynthesis. If compared with related data for C3-C4 intermediate species from other genera they support the hypothesis that, during evolution of C4 photosynthesis, an efficient capacity for CO2 reassimilation evolved prior to a CO2-concentrating mechanism.Abbreviations C3, C4 assimilated CO2 initially found in 3-phosphoglycerate (C3) or malate and aspartate (C4) - D reassimilation coefficient - R n , R t net, total CO2 evolution as measured with 0.03 and 3% CO2, respectively - RuBP ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate - TPS true photosynthesis  相似文献   

Flavonoids in 19 Cyrtomium, three Cyrtogonellum and two Phanerophlebia taxa were surveyed. Major flavonoids were flavonol O-glycosides based on kaempferol, quercetin, and sometimes myricetin, and C-glycosylflavones, such as isovitexin, vitexin, isoorientin, orientin and their O-glycosides. The C-methylflavanones, farrerol and cyrtominetin, and their 7-O-glucosides were isolated from Cyrtomium devexiscapulae and Cyrtomium laetevirens. Flavanones have been reported from Cyrtomium falcatum sensu lato. Though C. falcatum sensu lato is divided into four taxa, i.e. C. falcatum subsp. falcatum, C. falcatum subsp. australe, C. falcatum subsp. littorale, and C. devexiscapulae, the occurrence of the flavanones was restricted to C. devexiscapulae, and they did not occur in C. falcatum sensu stricto.  相似文献   

Cell biology depends on the interactions of macromolecules, such as protein—DNA, protein—protein or protein—nucleotide interactions. GTP-binding proteins are no exception to the rule. They regulate cellular processes as diverse as protein biosynthesis and intracellular membrane trafficking. Recently, a large number of genes encoding GTP-binding proteins and the proteins that interact witht these molecular switches have been cloned and expressed. The 3D structures of some of these have also been elucidated  相似文献   


Contemporary research reveals an undemanding protocol for the catalytic synthesis of 1,2,4-oxadiazole-quinolinepeptide in the incidence of a cost-effective and reusable mesoporous ZrO2-supported Cu2O (Cu2ZrO3) catalyst. This paper depicts a unique system for peptide bond synthesis staying away from toxic solvents and reactants. The catalyst was reused for four cycles without noteworthy loss in the activity, and the catalyst was genuinely heterogeneous. The method followed a simple workup procedure, and no column chromatography was needed. Further, the synthesized 1,2,4-oxadiazole-quinolinepeptide ligand (L), and its complexes of type, [FeLCl2] and [CuL]Cl2 were synthesized and characterized by spectral and analytical techniques. An octahedral geometry has been projected for Fe(II) complexes, while the Cu(II) complex exhibits a square planar geometry. The binding properties of the complexes with CT-DNA were studied by absorption spectral analysis, followed by viscosity measurement and thermal denaturation studies. The photo-induced cleavage studies revealed that the complexes possess photonuclease activity against pUC19 DNA under UV–visible irradiation.  相似文献   

化肥种类对不同品种菜心吸收累积Cd的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用盆栽试验研究了不同形态N、P、K肥对菜心(Brassicachinensis)吸收Cd的影响以及华南地区多个菜心品种对Cd的吸收累积的差异.结果表明,化肥形态主要影响土壤pH、水溶性和交换性Cd含量.5个品种菜心茎叶Cd浓度高低顺序为:迟菜心2号≥四九菜心19号>迟菜心29号≥特青菜心80天>特青菜心60天.水培试验表明,特青60天单位根表面积吸Cd速率和向地上部的迁移率比迟菜心2号低.  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare growth performance and heavy metal (HM) accumulation at different cutting positions of Salix species grown in multi-metal culture. Three Salix species stems cut at different positions (apical to basal) were grown hydroponically for four weeks. The plants were then treated for three weeks with 0, 5, 10, and 20 μM Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn, resulting in total metal concentrations of 0, 20, 40, and 80 μM. The growth parameters and HM content in shoots and initial cutting were measured. Results showed that, compared with S. fragilis, S. matsudana grew more poorly in uncontaminated condition but grew better and accumulated lower metal in shoots under mixed HM treatment. In addition, cuttings from apical parent stem position exhibited poorer growth performance before and after treatment, as well as greater metal content in shoots than base parts under the HM treatment. These results suggest that S. matsudana may undergo a special mechanism to hinder metals in the initial cutting, thus mitigating growth damage. The apical portion also showed poor resistance against the invasion of mixed HMs because of the immature structure. Therefore, in the selection of phytoremediation plants, metal accumulation ability is not proportional to growth performance.  相似文献   

重金属胁迫对毛竹种子萌发及其富集效应的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以毛竹种子为供试材料,研究4种重金属(Pb2+、Zn2+、Cu2+、Cd2+)胁迫对毛竹种子萌发的影响,并考察重金属在毛竹幼苗各组织部分的富集情况。结果表明:(1)Pb2+和Cd2+对毛竹种子的发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数及活力指数有抑制作用,低浓度下Cu2+和Zn2+对毛竹种子的发芽势、发芽率、发芽指数等指标有促进作用,高浓度则显著抑制;当浓度达到1600μmol/L时Cd2+对种子萌发的抑制效果明显强于其他3种元素;(2)选取根尖数、根表面积、根体积、根系总长4个根系形态指标发现,低浓度处理下Pb2+、Zn2+对根系生长有促进作用,而Cu2+和Cd2+起到明显的抑制作用;(3)处理10d后,种子萌发幼苗地上部对Pb2+、Zn2+、Cu2+、Cd2+的含量最高可达6810.51、1387.77、951.77、429.33 mg/kg,转移系数Zn2+Cd2+Pb2+Cu2+。综上,系统揭示了毛竹种子在重金属胁迫下的萌发和富集情况,为今后的土培、大田试验提供了有益的参考,也为将毛竹作为植物修复材料加以研究开启了新的研究视角,具有重要的研究价值。  相似文献   

As a basis for comparative studies of mating systems, we estimated genetic diversities and inbreeding coefficients for six perennial species of Ainsliaea and two shrubby species of Pertya (Asteraceae). These related species are known to vary from frequent cleistogamy to xenogamy by bumblebee pollination, and we examined allozyme variation in these species to describe mating system variation in further detail. Significant heterozygote deficit was found in five species, while no heterozygote deficit was found in three species. A cleistogamous species showed no genetic polymorphism. Multilocus average of inbreeding coefficients among seven species ranged from –0.12 to 0.78. These findings indicated that related species can vary from predominant selfers to predominant outcrossers under perennial life cycles.  相似文献   

Polyporus phyllostachydis is described and illustrated as a new species. This species is characterized by its occurrence on bamboo roots, the small and centrally stipitate basidiocarps, the white pileus, usually becoming darker from the center at maturity, and the cylindrical stipe with a distinct crust. Morphological characters of the present species were compared with those of P. cryptopus and P. rhizophilus, other rhizophilic species of the genus. Polyporus cryptopus and P. rhizophilus are morphologically distinct by contextual texture, basidiospores, and hyphae, and possibly represent two distinct species. Contribution no. 205, Laboratory of Plant Parasitic Mycology, Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan  相似文献   

Palp morphology in two species of Prionospio (Polychaeta: Spionidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Katrine Worsaae 《Hydrobiologia》2003,496(1-3):259-267
The palp morphology of Prionospio fallax Söderström, 1920 from Sweden and Prionospio cf. saldanha Day, 1961 from Thailand was examined with a scanning electron microscope. Prionospio fallax was also studied in vivo using light-microscopy. Both species have grooved feeding palps, adorned with up to five ciliary characters: frontal cilia, transverse ciliary bands (or bandlets), latero-frontal cirri, lateral cilia and randomly distributed non-motile cirri. All, except the frontal cilia and non-motile cirri, are asymmetrically arranged relative to the long axis of the palps. Prionospio fallax possesses transverse bandlets and the other four groups, while P. cf. saldanha has transverse bands (consisting of several contiguous bandlets), frontal cilia and some randomly scattered cirri. Asymmetrical palp ciliation was previously only known in Marenzelleria viridis (Verril, 1873) and the genus Scolelepis Blainville, 1828. The newly recognised transverse ciliary bands and bandlets are considered to be homologous with the transverse ciliary rows found basally on the palps of Paraprionospio pinnata (Ehlers, 1901). This multistate character (named transverse cilia) may prove useful in elucidating the phylogeny of the Prionospio-complex of genera.  相似文献   

Eucharis candida andE. formosa are two often sympatric species of bulbous geophytes restricted to neotropical rain forest understory. The species are most common in eastern Ecuador, and are the only two east Ecuadorean species of the genus found north of the Pastaza valley. Data from phenetic, karyotypic, and preliminary isozyme electrophoretic analyses of both species are represented. The species are distinguishable phenetically and karyologically, but isozyme-based relationships are more complex. Phenetic resolution of the isozyme phenotypes supports recognition of two species in Ecuador. A Peruvian isolate ofE. formosa, though not morphologically distinct, shows both allozyme and chromosomal divergence from Ecuadorean populations. Cladistic relationships based on overall allozyme data do not support species distinction, but a novel electrophoretic phenotype for glutathione reductase is shared only by individuals ofE. candida. An apparent geographic component within the monophyletic groups resolved in the cladogram suggests that some degree of gene flow between these two species has been maintained without the complete loss of morpholgoical species identity. This may have been mediated either by artificial population structures due to a probable long history of cultivation, or via Pleistocene refugia effects. Both species may have originated in eastern Ecuador from a common ancestral population which has since radiated outward, perhaps several times.  相似文献   

Most species of the genus Salsola (Chenopodiaceae) that have been examined exhibit C4 photosynthesis in leaves. Four Salsola species from Central Asia were investigated in this study to determine the structural and functional relationships in photosynthesis of cotyledons compared to leaves, using anatomical (Kranz versus non-Kranz anatomy, chloroplast ultrastructure) and biochemical (activities of photosynthetic enzymes of the C3 and C4 pathways, 14C labeling of primary photosynthesis products and 13C/12C carbon isotope fractionation) criteria. The species included S. paulsenii from section Salsola, S. richteri from section Coccosalsola, S. laricina from section Caroxylon, and S. gemmascens from section Malpigipila. The results show that all four species have a C4 type of photosynthesis in leaves with a Salsoloid type Kranz anatomy, whereas both C3 and C4 types of photosynthesis were found in cotyledons. S. paulsenii and S. richteri have NADP- (NADP-ME) C4 type biochemistry with Salsoloid Kranz anatomy in both leaves and cotyledons. In S. laricina, both cotyledons and leaves have NAD-malic enzyme (NAD-ME) C4 type photosynthesis; however, while the leaves have Salsoloid type Kranz anatomy, cotyledons have Atriplicoid type Kranz anatomy. In S. gemmascens, cotyledons exhibit C3 type photosynthesis, while leaves perform NAD-ME type photosynthesis. Since the four species studied belong to different Salsola sections, this suggests that differences in photosynthetic types of leaves and cotyledons may be used as a basis or studies of the origin and evolution of C4 photosynthesis in the family Chenopodiaceae.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Chromium (Cr) is a heavy metal risk to human health, and a contaminant found in agricultural soils and industrial sites. Phytoremediation, which relies on phytoextraction of Cr with biological organisms, is an important alternative to costly physical and chemical methods of treating contaminated sites. The ability of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AM),Glomus intraradices, to enhance Cr uptake and plant tolerance was tested on the growth and gas exchange of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Mycorrhizal-colonized (AM) and non-inoculated (Non-AM) sunflower plants were subjected to two Cr species [trivalent cation (Cr3+) Cr(III) , and divalent dichromate anion (Cr2O7) Cr(VI) ]. Both Cr species depressed plant growth, decreased net photosynthesis (A) and increased the vapor pressure difference; however, Cr(VI) was more toxic. Chromium accumulation was greatest in roots, intermediate in stems and leaves, and lowest in flowers. Greater Cr accumulation occurred with Cr(VI) than Cr(III). AM enhanced the ability of sunflower plants to tolerate and hyperaccumulate Cr. At higher Cr levels greater mycorrhizal dependency occurred, as indicated by proportionally greater growth, higherA and reduced visual symptoms of stress, compared to Non-AM plants. AM plants had greater Cr-accumulating ability than Non-AM plants at the highest concentrations of Cr(III) and Cr(VI), as indicated by the greater Cr phytoextraction coefficient. Mycorrhizal colonization (arbuscule, vesicle, and hyphae formation) was more adversely affected by Cr(VI) than Cr(III), however high levels of colonization still occurred at even the most toxic levels. Arbuscules, which play an important role in mineral ion exchange in root cortical cells, had the greatest sensitivity to Cr toxicity. Higher levels of both Cr species reduced leaf tissue phosphorus (P). While tissue P was higher in AM plants at the highest Cr(III) level, tissue P did not account for mycorrhizal benefits observed with Cr(VI) plants.  相似文献   

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