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This study examined the ability of the aquatic plant Lemna minor (duckweed) to remove soluble lead under various laboratory conditions. In a batch process L. minor was exposed to different pH values (4.5–8.0) and temperature (15–35°C) in presence of different lead concentrations (0.1–10.0 mg L?1) for 168 h. The amount of biomass obtained in the study period on a dry weight basis, the concentrations of lead in tissue and in medium and net uptake of lead by Lemna all have been determined in each condition. The percentages of lead uptake ratios (PMU) and bioconcentration factors (BCF) were also calculated for these conditions. Bioaccumulated lead concentrations and the PMU were obtained at lowest pH of 4.5, and at 30°C. The highest accumulated lead concentration was found at pH 4.5 as 3.599 mg Pb g?1 in 10.0 mg L?1. It decreased to pH 6.0, but it did not change at pH 6.0–8.0 range. The maximum lead accumulation was obtained at 30°C as 8.622 mg Pb g?1 in 10 mg L?1 at pH 5.0, and the minimum was at 15°C as 0.291 mg g?1 in 0.1 mg L?1. Lead accumulation gradually increased with increasing lead in medium, but the opposite trend was observed for PMU. Lead accumulation increased up to 50 mg L?1, but did not change significantly in the 50.0–100.0 mg L?1 range. The lead uptake from water was modeled and the equation fit the experimental data very well.  相似文献   

Azolla filiculoides Lam. causes serious weed problems in Britain, but its long-term survival might be limited by winter death. The aim of this study was to establish the low temperature responses and limitations of A. filiculoides sporophytes.
In the laboratory, normal vegetative growth was shown to continue at 5°C. Reddening of plants was a response to low temperature and high light conditions which could be prevented by shading. Adult plants died after short (18 h) exposure to −4°C but survived sub-zero temperatures >−4°C. Evidence was found of seasonal changes in chill tolerance, but not in freeze tolerance.
In outdoor culture, plants survived encasement in ice and air temperatures to −5°C. Additional evidence suggested that natural populations can readily survive air temperatures much lower than this. Microclimatic effects are likely to be responsible for this discrepancy between laboratory and outdoor culture results.
Three phenotyes were identified; survival, colonizing and mat forms.  相似文献   

新疆引种蕨状满江红的生态适应性及生物学功能初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合新疆的环境特点,对蕨状满江红(Azolla filiculoides Lam.)进行了一系列引种适应性试验和生物学功能测定。结果表明:蕨状满江红在新疆有很强的适应性,在5-40℃均能生长,其生长最适温度为℃,且耐低温;在2-8g/L的盐溶液及pH4-10范围内也能生长,并且可降低水体的矿化度及pH值;具有净化养殖水体和很强的富钾能力,植株钾含量最高可达干重的9.66%;水利用率高,并能有效减少养殖水体表面的蒸发,有保水作用。在新疆的河、湖和水库适量养殖蕨状满江红,可实现其生态与经济价值。  相似文献   

Sporulation in the floating fern Azolla filiculoides Lam. is both frequent and widespread in Britain and might therefore play a greater part in the population dynamics of the species than has been suggested by earlier reports. In laboratory experiments, increasing plant density and/or phosphorus supply resulted in increased sporulation. It was estimated that a thick mat of 8 kg m2 fresh biomass can produce 380000 microsporocarps and 85000 megasporocarps per m2.
Light and temperatures >10°C were necessary for sporocarp germination. Sporocarps could survive exposure to both low temperatures (5°C for at least 3 months) and sub-zero temperatures (−10°C for at least 18 d). Sporocarps were found to survive storage in water for 3 yr and to germinate from mud samples collected in the field. In laboratory culture, sporeling growth and survival were optimal at 15°C.
There is some evidence that A. filiculoides might have adapted to the British climate since its introduction.  相似文献   


In this work, we determined the tolerance to sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) of Azolla filiculoides and of Lemna minor. The presence of the detergent in the media affected growth more than the chlorophyll content. On the basis of the effect indices, Lemna is more tolerant to SDS than Azolla. The fern had a better capacity, compared with duckweed, to remove and accumulate the pollutant.  相似文献   

北方农家屋顶养绿萍技术及生态经济效益安淑苹(中国科学院石家庄农业现代化研究所,050021)TheEcologicalandEconomicalBenefitsofCultivatingAzolafiliculoidesontheRooftopint...  相似文献   

Although Azolla species are among the most promising plants for use in phytoremediation, more studies on their growth and nitrogen (N) uptake along the N gradients of growing media are required. In this study, N concentration-dependent growth in growing media and phosphorus (P) and N accumulation by Azolla japonica were studied by estimating direct N uptake from media by molybdenum-iron proteins. The doubling time of A. japonica was less than a week, regardless of the N concentration (0, 5, and 25 mg N/L) present in the growth media, indicating that this plant is suitable for remediation. Plants showed a high uptake of P, probably via plant-bacteria symbiosis, indicating their potential for effective P remediation. A. japonica also showed more than 4% N content regardless of the treatment and accumulated more than 40 mg of N per microcosm in 3 weeks. iron and molybdenum levels in plants were strongly associated with N fixation, and N uptake from media was estimated to be more than 25 mg per microcosm in 3 weeks, indicating that A. japonica has N remediation potential. As A. japonica is a rapidly growing plant, capable of efficient P and N remediation, it has great potential for use in phytoremediation of nutrient-enriched waters such as agricultural or urban wastewater and eutrophicated aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Here we report on the analysis of two aquatic plant species, Azolla caroliniana and Lemna minor, with respect to tolerance and uptake of co-occurring arsenic, copper, and silicon for use in engineered wetlands. Plants were cultured in nutrient solution that was amended with arsenic (0 or 20 μM), copper (2 or 78 μM), and silicon (0 or 1.8 mM) either singly or in combination. We hypothesized that arsenic and copper would negatively affect the uptake of metals, growth, and pigmentation and that silicon would mitigate those stresses. Tolerance was assessed by measuring growth of biomass and concentrations of chlorophyll and anthocyanins. Both plant species accumulated arsenic, copper, and silicon; L. minor generally had higher levels on a per biomass basis. Arsenic negatively impacted A. caroliniana, causing a 30% decrease in biomass production and an increase in the concentration of anthocyanin. Copper negatively impacted L. minor, causing a 60% decrease in biomass production and a 45% decrease in chlorophyll content. Silicon augmented the impact of arsenic on biomass production in A. caroliniana but mitigated the effect of copper on L. minor. Our results suggest that mixtures of plant species may be needed to maximize uptake of multiple contaminants in engineered wetlands.  相似文献   

The duckweed Lemna minor L. clone St was used to investigate the effect of 10 heavy metals under the standardised test conditions of the ISO protocol 20079. By using growth rates derived from frond number (FN), fresh weight (FW), dry weight (DW), chlorophyll and carotenoid (Car) contents, concentration–response curves for all heavy metals and all growth parameters were classified. In addition, all data were fitted to obtain the inhibitions of growth rates (ErCx) at the level of 10%, 20% and 50% (ErC10, ErC20 and ErC50, respectively) then used to evaluate the phytotoxicity of the different heavy metals. On the basis of the ErC50 values (average ranking of all five growth parameters), the following series of phytotoxicity was detected by using molar concentrations: Ag+>Cd2+>Hg2+>Tl+>Cu2+>Ni2+>Zn2+>Co2+>Cr(VI)>As(III)>As(V).  相似文献   


Gel filtration chromatography (with Sephadex G25, G50 and G100) was used to separate the different forms of thallium (Tl) and cadmium (Cd) in the cytosol fraction of Lemna minor and to examine the influence of the duration of metal exposure on the speciation of the two elements. A major proportion of Cd in the soluble phase was found to be bound to three groups of proteinaceous and polypeptide fractions; two of these, the high molecular weight protein fraction (Mr > 150,000) and the low polypeptide sized moieties of about Mr 1,500 or less were constitutive entities, whereas the intermediate sized fraction (Mr 7,000 - 8,000) could only be detected in plants previously exposed to Cd. After 12 days of exposure to Cd this fraction accounted for the greatest part of the bound Cd in Lemna tissues. Extending the period of exposure from 18 hours to 12 days resulted in a shift in the distribution of Cd between the low and intermediate fractions. Evidence for Tl-protein binding was limited and confined to the high molecular weight fraction, and most of the Tl in the soluble phase was present in a form closely allied to the free ion. The contrasting behaviour between the two elements has been interpreted in terms of the differences in their physicochemical properties.  相似文献   

1. Duckweed (Lemna minor), collected either in summer or early fall was exposed under laboratory conditions to control (photosynthetically active and UV‐A radiation) or experimental (control plus UV‐B radiation) conditions. 2. Growth and survival were determined by counting the number of green, and brown/white fronds following 1–5 or 11 days of irradiation. Growth of duckweed was impaired by exposure to UV‐B radiation in the fall experiment but not in the summer. 3. Fatty acid compositions were analysed following 5 or 11 days of irradiation and a recovery period of 0, 5, 29 or 40 h. Concentrations of the major fatty acids, palmitic, linoleic (LA) and α‐linolenic (ALA) acids were similar in the summer and fall duckweed collections, but the summer samples had higher concentrations of the desaturation products of LA and ALA. 4. UV‐B exposure had small, but significant, and contrasting effects on duckweed fatty acid concentrations. In the summer experiment, duckweed exposed to UV‐B had slightly lower concentrations of major fatty acids than control duckweed, while the reverse was true in the fall experiments. 5. These minor effects of UV‐B on concentrations of LA and ALA would be unlikely to have a major impact on the supply of these essential fatty acids from duckweed to freshwater food webs.  相似文献   


The distribution and chemical forms of thallium (Tl) and cadmium (Cd) in Lemna minor have been investigated using extractants of different polarity, enzyme digestion and ultrafiltration and chromatographic methods. Over 80% of Tl and 60% of Cd taken up by the plant was found in aqueous soluble forms. Water was more efficient than ethanol in extracting both elements; about 30% of bound Cd was released by dilute HCI treatment and Cd was mainly bound to pectins and proteins in the cell wall fractions but only a small proportion of Tl was associated with these components. In the aqueous soluble extracts a sizeable proportion of Cd was complexed with soluble moieties, including proteins; whereas Tl seems to be mainly present in the free ionic form.  相似文献   

不同浓度铜对紫背萍和青萍色素含量及抗氧化酶系统的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过水培试验研究了不同浓度的重金属Cu对紫背萍(Spirodela polyrrhiza)和青萍(Lemna minor)的色素含量和抗氧化酶系统的影响.结果表明,低浓度Cu(0.056 mg·L-1)的处理下,紫背萍和青萍的叶绿素a、叶绿素b和叶绿素(a+b)的含量均出现不同程度的增加,分别高出其对照11%、46%、22%和8%、15%、11%,而在高浓度Cu(0.18~5.60 mg·L-1)的处理下,上述色素含量均显著下降,平均下降幅度分别达63%、62%、65%和46%、44%、45%.紫背萍体内丙二醛(MDA)含量为青萍的2.57倍.两种浮萍的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和过氧化物酶(POD)的活性均随Cu浓度的增加而呈先升后降的趋势,紫背萍体内3种酶活性在Cu浓度仅为0.18 mg·L-1时即达峰值,随后则大幅下降,而青萍体内3种酶活性却在Cu浓度分别升高到0.56、1.0和1.0 mg·L-1时才达到峰值.可见,在Cu胁迫下,紫背萍受Cu毒害较青萍深,且其体内抗氧化酶系统也较青萍敏感.  相似文献   

Lemna minor L. (duckweed) forms colonies through vegetative propagation because mother fronds remain connected for some time with their daughter fronds by stipes. The colony size is controlled by abscission of stipes at a specific preformed abscission zone. Application of silver ions (Ag(+) ) enhances the rate of frond abscission, thus resulting in smaller colonies. The mechanism behind this process has not yet been identified. Silver caused an abscission response that saturated after 7 h of treatment. The half-maximal effective concentration was 0.72 μm Ag(+) for the standard clone, L. minor St. Other clones of the same species show sensitivities that differ by one order of magnitude. Transmission electron microscopy revealed: (i) large numbers of vesicles close to the plasmalemma in cells adjacent to the abscission zone, which proves a vesicular type secretory activity; and (ii) a moderately electron-dense secretion accumulated in the enlarging intercellular spaces, and seemed to flow from the adjacent cells towards the abscission zone. We assume that increasing pressure causes this material to push apart the cells, thereby causing the break in the abscission zone of the stipe. This is a novel mechanism of abscission that has not previously been described. The same mechanism occurs in stipes of both control and Ag(+) -treated samples. Silver ions only accelerate the process leading to abscission of stipes, without affecting the mechanism involved.  相似文献   

An analysis of Italian herbarium specimens belonging to the genus Azolla was carried out using optical microscope and SEM techniques. According to recent international reviews, three micro-morphological characters have been considered for the specimen analysis: (i) number of leaf trichome cells, (ii) septation of glochidia and (iii) features of the macrospore perine. The analysis of the patterns concerning both vegetative and reproductive characters was complicated by the relatively low number of sporulated specimens stored in the Italian Herbaria. The analysis of the selected specimens showed the presence of two well distinct systematic groups. One group was characterized by bicellular leaf trichomes, pluriseptate glochidia and not-warty perine, traits that permitted to taxonomically attribute it to A. cristata. The second group was characterized by monocellular leaf trichomes, non-septate or uniseptate glochidia and warty perine, so that it could be taxonomically attributed to A. filiculoides Lam. This study confirmed the large use in the past of the name ‘A. caroliniana’ to indicate the species actually named A. cristata. In Italy, this species was found to be collected only in the past, while A. filiculoides was found to be present with both ancient and recent herbarium specimens.  相似文献   


This study assessed the effects of Pb (0, 200, 500, 1000?mg kg?1) and Cd (0, 5, 15, 30, 50?mg kg?1) on photosynthesis in Amaranthus spinosus (A. spinosus), as well as the potential for phytoremediation by pot-culture experiment. Exposure to Pb/Cd produced a concentration-dependent decrease in biomass and all photosynthesis parameters, except for non-photochemical quenching, which increased with the metal concentration. The metals accumulated more in roots compared to shoots. The bioconcentration factor (BCF) of Pb was <1 in shoots at all Pb levels, whereas the BCF was <1 in roots at all but the lowest concentration of Pb. Roots extracted Cd from soil at all treatments. The translocation factor of Cd was larger than that of Pb suggesting that Cd is more mobile than Pb in A. spinosus. Amaranthus spinosus displays a high tolerance for both Pb and Cd with regards to growth and photochemical efficiency, but it is more sensitive to Cd than Pb. Amaranthus spinosus accumulates Pb and Cd primarily in the roots and Cd is more bioconcentrated and translocated in comparison to Pb. This investigation shows that A. spinosus has good potential for phytoremediation of soils contaminated by low levels of Cd and Pb.  相似文献   

Metal pollution in water and soil is an environmental and public health issue. Cadmium (Cd) is included in the list of priority hazardous substances in the European Water Framework Directive. Phytoremediation system is a cost-effective, plant-based approach that takes advantage of the ability of plants to concentrate elements and compounds from the environment and to metabolize various molecules in their tissues. We studied the presence and the importance of an invasive species, such as Lemna minuta, in the environment and the effects of Cd pollution on this species. Growth, removal, and tolerance were evaluated for different Cd concentrations and different times of plant exposure. Overall, the results show that L. minuta has a good capacity of growth, metal bioconcentration, and tolerance up to 3 days of exposure at 0.5 and 1.5 mg L?1 of Cd. In particular, L. minuta was able to accumulate Cd up to 3771 mg kg?1 on dry mass basis. We can conclude that L. minuta possesses a great capability of Cd absorption and accumulation, thus supporting a potential use of this species in designing a metal bioremediation system in phytoremediation field.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins (Hsps) are known to be induced in response to short-term stress. The present study aimed to evaluate the potential of Hsp70 as a biomarker of stress produced by increased temperature, osmotic pressure, and exposure to cadmium and sodium chloride in marine macroalgae and fresh water plant species. An indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (IC-ELISA) was developed with a working range of 0.025–10 μg?ml?1 using a monoclonal antibody raised against purified Hsp70 of Phaseolus aureus (mung bean). Fucus serratus (toothed wrack), Chondrus crispus (Stackhouse or Carrageen moss), Ulva lactuca (sea lettuce) and Lemna minor (common duckweed) sample extracts were stressed for up to 24 h and then tested in the IC-ELISA. The presence of Hsp70 and cross-reactivity of the monoclonal antibody was confirmed by Western blot. The heat shock response was confirmed in each species using a 2-h 42°C treatment. Following heat shock, Hsp70 concentrations increased to a peak at 2 h (F. serratus) or 4 h (L. minor), after which concentrations decreased. Osmotic and cadmium stresses also resulted in elevated Hsp70 concentrations in samples of F. serratus and L. minor when compared with unstressed controls. In both, osmotic and metal stress, the production of Hsp70 increased to a maximum and subsequently decreased as the stressor levels increased. Results suggest that Hsp70 IC-ELISA could potentially be applied to the detection of stress in these aquatic species, although it would probably be most effective when used in conjunction with other measurements to provide a stressor-specific biomarker profile or fingerprint.  相似文献   

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