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The genus Eadmuna Schaus, 1928 is revised to include four species. Eadmuna guianensis sp. n., is described from French Guiana and Guyana. The holotype of Perophora pulverula Schaus, 1896, currently placed in Cicinnus Blanchard, 1852, is determined to be a previously unrecognized female Eadmuna, and is transferred accordingly as Eadmuna pulverula comb. n.. Eadmuna paloa Schaus, 1933, rev. status, is removed from synonymy with the type species Eadmuna esperans (Schaus, 1905). Eadmuna esperans, Eadmuna paloa, and Eadmuna pulverula may be of conservation concern due to their limited extent of occurrence and endemicity to the highly imperiled Brazilian Atlantic forest.  相似文献   

Three new genera of Mimallonidae are described. The monotypic genus Tostallo gen. n. is erected to contain “Perophoraalbescens Jones, 1912, which was previously placed in the preoccupied genus Perophora Harris, 1841 and was never formally moved to a valid genus. Perophora is a junior homonym of Cicinnus Blanchard, 1852, but the name albescens is not appropriately placed in Cicinnus due to external and genitalia characteristics entirely unique to the species albescens. The female of Tostallo albescens comb. n. is described and both sexes are figured for the first time. Auroriana gen. n. is erected to contain Auroriana florianensis (Herbin, 2012), comb. n. previously described as Cicinnus florianensis, and two new species: Auroriana colombiana sp. n. from Colombia and Auroriana gemma sp. n. from southeastern and southern Brazil. The female of Auroriana florianensis is described and figured for the first time. Finally, the monotypic genus Micrallo gen. n. is erected to include a new species, Micrallo minutus sp. n. described from northeastern Brazil.  相似文献   

Heteranassa Smith (Erebidae, Omopterini), native to the southwestern United States and Mexico, includes two recognized species, namely Heteranassa mima (Harvey) and Heteranassa fraterna Smith. These are separated mainly by subtle differences in wing color and pattern, leading to speculation about the validity of the described species. This study examines variation in external and internal morphology across the geographic range of the genus, aiming to clarify species limits, describe morphology, and provide a comprehensive assessment of variation within the genus. Results indicate that Heteranassa fraterna syn. n., is a junior synonym of Heteranassa mima.  相似文献   

Wei Guan  Houhun Li 《ZooKeys》2015,(534):85-102
Six species of the genus Hieromantis occurring in China are reviewed. Hieromantis rectangula sp. n., Hieromantis arcuata sp. n. and Hieromantis puerensis sp. n. are described as new, and Hieromantis phaeodora Meyrick, 1929 is newly recorded in China. Photographs of adults and illustrations of genitalia are provided, along with an identification key and a distribution map.  相似文献   

The genus Trachionus Haliday, 1833 (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Alysiinae, Dacnusini) is reported for the first time from China. The genus is represented by four new species from Shaanxi province (NW China), which are described and illustrated. An identification key to the species in China is presented, a key to the genera of the Trachionus group and notes on the relationships with other Palaearctic species are added.  相似文献   

In the present paper, Dialarnaca Gorochov, 2005 is recorded from China for the first time, with two new species of the genus described, Dialarnaca longicerca Shi & Bian, sp. n. and Dialarnaca zhoui Shi & Bian, sp. n. A key and a distribution map of the genus Dialarnaca, are provided.  相似文献   

The New World genus Philonome Chambers, 1874 is revised. This genus comprises twelve species, seven of which are described as new: two species, Philonome nigrescens sp. n. and Philonome wielgusi sp. n., from the United States; four species, Philonome albivittata sp. n., Philonome curvilineata sp. n., Philonome kawakitai sp. n., and Philonome lambdagrapha sp. n., from French Guiana; and one species, Philonome penerivifera sp. n., from Brazil. Lectotypes are designated for Philonome clemensella Chambers, 1874 and Philonome rivifera Meyrick, 1915. Partially on evidence of their head morphology and particularly from molecular evidence, the genus Philonome, previously associated with Bucculatricidae or Lyonetiidae, is reassigned to Tineidae. A possible systematic position of Philonome within Tineidae is discussed. Eurynome Chambers, 1875, is synonymized with Argyresthia Hübner, 1825 (Argyresthiidae). Photographs of adults and illustrations of genitalia, when available, are provided for all described species of Philonome and two species previously misplaced in Philonome, Argyresthia luteella (Chambers, 1875) and Elachista albella (Chambers, 1877). In addition, DNA barcodes were used for the delimitation of most species.  相似文献   

John W. Brown 《ZooKeys》2014,(462):125-134
Circanota, new genus, and its two new species, Circanota undulata sp. n. (type species), from Costa Rica and Panama, and Circanota simplex sp. n., from Panama and Ecuador, are described and illustrated. Although superficially similar to some species of Platynota Clemens, 1860, Circanota appears to be more closely related to members of a putative clade within Sparganothini defined by a slender crescent-shaped signum in the corpus bursae of the female genitalia. The most conspicuous autapomorphy for Circanota is the strongly undulate costa of the male and female forewing. Barcode sequence data (i.e., cytochrome oxidase I) from Circanota undulata (n = 12) form a tight cluster with exceedingly limited genetic divergence (less than 0.1%); specimens of Circanota simplex have not been sequenced. In neighbor-joining trees based on COI, Circanota is portrayed nearest Sparganothoides, which is consistent with morphological evidence.  相似文献   

The transversely-dividing flabellids consist of five genera (Truncatoflabellum, Placotrochides, Blastotrochus, Placotrochus, and Falcatoflabellum) and 45 species. A dichotomous key is provided for these five genera as well as the species of the genus Truncatoflabellum and Placotrochides, the other three genera being monotypic. A tabular key is also provided for the 38 species of Truncatoflabellum. Two new combinations are suggested (Truncatoflabellum gambierense and Truncatoflabellum sphenodeum) and two new species are described (Truncatoflabellum duncani and Truncatoflabellum mozambiquensis). All but one species are illustrated and accompanied by their known distribution and a guide to the pertinent literature for the species. New records of 19 of the 45 species are listed. The transversely-dividing flabellids range from the Middle Eocene to the Recent at depths of 2–3010 m, and constitute 60% of the 65 known extant species of transversely-dividing Scleractinia.  相似文献   

A new weevil, Pheude punctatus gen. et sp. n., of the tribe Dryotribini in Cossoninae, is described from Guangdong Province, South China. It differs from the related genera Dryotribus Horn and Microtribodes Morimoto in having antennae with seven articles and a distinct scutellum, and from Ochronanus Pascoe and Stenomimus Wollaston in having long antennae, a rostrum with a medio-longitudinal furrow beginning at the posterior margin of the eyes and extending approximately midway on the rostrum, and a moderately elevated, medio-longitudinal carina extending the full length of the pronotum. Other diagnostic characters and illustrations are provided. A key to the genera of Dryotribini known from China is given.  相似文献   

Six species of the genus Mocyta Mulsant & Rey are reported from Canada: Mocyta amblystegii (Brundin), Mocyta breviuscula (Mäklin), Mocyta discreta (Casey), Mocyta fungi (Gravenhorst), Mocyta luteola (Erichson), and Mocyta sphagnorum Klimaszewski & Webster, sp. n. New provincial and state records include: Mocyta breviuscula – Saskatchewan and Oregon; Mocyta discreta – Quebec, Ontario and Saskatchewan; Mocyta luteola – New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Massachusetts and Minnesota; and Mocyta fungi – Saskatchewan. Mocyta sphagnorum is described from eastern Canada from specimens captured in Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Quebec and Ontario. Mocyta negligens Mulsant and Rey, a native European species suspected of occurring in Canada, is excluded from the Nearctic fauna based on comparison of European types with similarly coloured Canadian specimens, which are now identified as Mocyta luteola. The European species, Mocyta gilvicollis (Scheerpeltz), is synonymized with another European nominal species, Mocyta negligens, based on examination of type material of the two species. Lectotypes are designated for Eurypronota discreta Casey, Atheta gilvicollis Scheerpeltz, Homalota luteola Erichson, Colpodota negligens Mulsant and Rey, Acrotona prudens Casey and Dolosota redundans Casey. The latter species is here synonymized with Mocyta luteola. A review of the six Nearctic species is provided, including keys to species and closely related genera, colour habitus images, images of genitalia, biological information and maps of their distributions in Canada.  相似文献   

Four new Epicephala species that feed on the seeds of Glochidion sphaerogynum (Phyllanthaceae) from Yinggeling Mountain Nature Reserves in Hainan Province of China are described: Epicephala domina sp. n., Epicephala impolliniferens sp. n., Epicephala angustisaccula sp. n. and Epicephala camurella sp. n. The latter two species are also associated with Glochidion wrightii. Photographs of adults and genital structures are provided.  相似文献   

A new species of mite is described from Iran, Laelaspisella elsae sp. n. (Acari: Laelapidae). The new species was collected from bark of elm trees in Isfahan province. A revised diagnosis for Laelaspisella, as well as a key to the world species of the genus, are presented. Two species groups of Laelaspisella are proposed: those with seta pd3 on genu I and those without pd3 on genu I. Pseudoparasitus (Gymnolaelaps) tonsilis Karg, 1989a is transferred to Laelaspisella, based on its hypertrichous holodorsal shield, metasternal setae st4 absent and genu IV with ten setae. The problems with Laelaspisella canestrinii are explained and Laelaspisella canestrinii sensu Berlese (1903), (1904) and Costa (1962) is provided with a new name, Laelaspisella berlesei Joharchi, nom. n.  相似文献   

Oleg Pekarsky 《ZooKeys》2014,(452):107-129
The taxa of the Lygephila lubrica (Freyer, 1846) species complex are revised. The genital features of all known taxa are described and illustrated, with special reference to the structure of the vesica. Genitalia of Lygephila lubrica from different places in Russia, Central Asia and China are studied, illustrated and compared with different Mongolian populations. Lygephila kazachkaratavika, described as a subspecies, is raised to a species level, stat. n. Neotypes of Lygephila lubrosa (Staudinger, 1901), Lygephila lubrosa kazachkaratavika Stshetkin YuL & Stshetkin YuYu, 1994 [1997] and Lygephila lubrosa orbonaria Stshetkin YuL & Stshetkin YuYu, 1994 [1997] are designated. The female genitalia of the type of Lygephila lupina (Graeser, 1890) is described and illustrated for the first time, and Lygephila mirabilis (Bryk, 1948) treated here as a junior subjective synonym, syn. n.  相似文献   

Chinese species in the genus Nycheuma Fennah, 1964a (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Delphacidae: Delphacinae: Delphacini) are revised to include three species: Nycheuma cognatum (Muir, 1917), Nycheuma dimorpha (Matsumura, 1910) and Nycheuma nilotica Linnavuori, 1973. Nycheuma coctum Yang, 1989 is placed in synonymy with Nycheuma nilotica Linnavuori, 1973. Nycheuma dimorpha (Matsumura, 1910) is newly recorded from China. The generic characteristics are redefined. The main morphological characters, male genitalia of 3 species are described or redescribed and illustrated. A key to Chinese species in the genus is provided.  相似文献   

Eduard Vives 《ZooKeys》2015,(502):39-60
The ten species of the genus Trypogeus Lacordaire are revised. Trypogeus apicalis Fisher, 1936, is proposed as a new synonym of Trypogeus javanicus Aurivillius, 1925. A neotype for Trypogeus sericeus (Gressitt, 1951) and lectotypes for Toxotus fuscus Nonfried, 1894 and Trypogeus javanicus are designated. Trypogeus fuscus auct. nec Nonfried is a misidentification of Philus ophthalmicus Pascoe. All the species are described and keys are given for distinguishing the species. Photographs of the types of all the Trypogeus species are published for the first time.  相似文献   

Yingdang Ren  Linlin Yang 《ZooKeys》2016,(559):125-137
Only three species belonging to the genus Ectomyelois Heinrich, 1956 are recorded from China, of which two species, Ectomyelois bipectinalis sp. n. and Ectomyelois furvivena sp. n. are described as new. We discuss the status of Ectomyelois that has been treated as a junior synonym by previous authors; we treat it as a valid genus, revised status, based on characters of the venation and female genitalia. Photographs of the adults and illustrations of the genitalia are given, along with a key to the three known Chinese species.  相似文献   

A new genus of chewing louse as Bobdalgleishia, and its type species Bobdalgleishia stephanophallus sp. n. (Phthiraptera) belonging to the Brueelia-complex (Ischnocera: Philopteridae) are described. Adults of the new species are fully described, illustrated and compared morphologically with the type species of Motmotnirmus Mey & Barker, 2014, which is its closest relative. The type host of Bobdalgleishia stephanophallus is a subspecies of the great jacamar Jacamerops aureus ridgwayi Todd, 1943, an endemic Amazonian bird distributed in northern Brazil, and the type locality is the State of Pará. Bobdalgleishia is a remarkable genus with unique morphological and chaetotaxic characters which readily separate it from other members of the Brueelia-complex, in particular by having the first two marginal temporal and ocular setae very long.  相似文献   

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