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Toxic Cu (II) effect on cytochrome b 559 under aerobic photoinhibitory conditions was examined in two different photosystem II (PSII) membrane preparations active in oxygen evolution. The preparations differ in the content of cytochrome b 559 redox potential forms. Difference absorption spectra showed that the presence of Cu (II) induced the oxidation of the high-potential form of cytochrome b 559 in the dark. Addition of hydroquinone reduced the total oxidized high-potential form of cytochrome b 559 present in Cu (II)-treated PSII membranes indicating that no conversion to the low-potential form took place. Spectroscopic determinations of cytochrome b 559 during photoinhibitory treatment showed slower kinetics of Cu (II) effect on cytochrome b 559 in comparison with the rapid loss of oxygen evolution activity in the same conditions. This result indicates that cytochrome b 559 is affected after PSII centres are photoinhibited. The high-potential form was more sensitive to toxic Cu (II) action than the low-potential form under illumination at pH 6.0. The content of the high-potential form of cytochrome b 559 was completely lost; however, the low-potential content was unaffected in these conditions. This loss did not involve cytochrome protein degradation. The results are discussed in terms of different binding properties of the heme iron to the protonated or unprotonated histidine ligand in the high-potential and low-potential forms of cytochrome b 559, respectively.  相似文献   

Copper and photosystem II: A controversial relationship   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Copper is an essential micronutrient for higher plants and algae and has a direct impact on photosynthesis. It is a constituent of the primary electron donor in photosystem I, the Cu-protein plastocyanin. Many authors have also described Cu as a constituent of photosystem II (PSII). However, high Cu concentrations inhibit the photosynthetic electron transport, especially in PSII. In addition, both Cu deficiency and Cu toxicity interfere with pigment and lipid biosynthesis and, consequently, with chloroplast ultrastructure thus negatively influencing the photosynthetic efficiency.
In this review, the different functions proposed for the metal in PSII are reviewed. With reference to the effect of toxic Cu on PSII, the polemic results concerning its mechanism of action and Cu-binding sites are discussed. Other effects of Cu toxicity and Cu deprivation on the thylakoid membrane are also briefly described.  相似文献   

The Photosystem II pigment-protein complex, the chlorophyll alpha-protein comprising the reaction center of Photosystem II, was prepared from EDTA-treated spinach chloroplasts by digitonin extraction, sucrose-gradient centrifugation, DEAE-cellulose column chromatography, and isoelectrofocussing on Ampholine. The dissociated pigment-protein complex exhibits two polypeptide subunits that migrate in SDS-polyacrylamide gel with electrophoretic mobilities corresponding to molecular weights of approximately 43,000 and 27,000. the chlorophyll was always found in the free pigment zone at the completion of the electrophoresis. Heat-treatment of the sample (100 degrees C, 90 s) for electrophoresis caused association of the two polypeptides into large aggregates. It is concluded that these two polypeptides, 43,000 and 27,000, are valid structural or functional components of Photosystem II pigment-protein complex.  相似文献   

We have characterized the stability and folding behavior of the isolated extrinsic PsbQ protein of photosystem II (PSII) from a higher plant, Spinacia oleracea, using intrinsic protein fluorescence emission and near- and far-UV circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy in combination with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Experimental results reveal that both chemical denaturation using guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl) and thermal unfolding of PsbQ proceed as a two-state reversible process. The denaturation free-energy changes (DeltaG(D)) at 20 degrees C extrapolated from GdnHCl (4.0 +/- 0.6 kcal mol(-1)) or thermal unfolding (4.4 +/- 0.8 kcal mol(-1)) are very close. Moreover, the far-UV CD spectra of the denatured PsbQ registered at 90 degrees C in the absence and presence of 6.0 M GdnHCl superimpose, leading us to conclude that both denatured states of PsbQ are structurally and energetically similar. The thermal unfolding of PsbQ has been also characterized by CD and DSC over a wide pH range. The stability of PsbQ is at its maximum at pH comprised between 5 and 8, being wider than the optimal pH for oxygen evolution in the lumen of thylakoid membranes. In addition, no significant structural changes were detected in PsbQ between 50 and 55 degrees C in the pH range of 3-8, suggesting that PsbQ behaves as a soluble and stable particle in the lumen when it detaches from PSII under physiological stress conditions such as high temperature (45-50 degrees C) or low pH (<5.0). Sedimentation experiments showed that, in solution at 20 degrees C, the PsbQ protein is a monomer with an elongated shape.  相似文献   

The characteristics of pigment composition and photosystem II (PSII) photochemistry in the flag leaf and ear parts of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in the field was compared. At the early stage of flowering, awns and the flag leaf showed the highest values in the maximal efficiency of PSII photochemistry (Fv/Fm), actual PSII efficiency (phi(PSII)), photochemical quenching (qP), and the efficiency of excitation capture by open PSII centres (Fv/F'm), followed by glumes, lemmas, and paleae, respectively except that no differences in F'v/F'm were observed among glumes, leamms, and paleae. With progressing grain filling, there was a change in the photosynthetic pigment stoichiometry. In the ear parts, neoxanthin and antheraxanthin decreased equally with chlorophyll levels. Lutein and zeaxanthin decreased less than chlorophyll levels while beta-carotene and violaxanthin decreased faster than chlorophyll levels. No big differences in pigment composition were observed among different ear parts. For the flag leaf, neoxanthin and beta-carotene decreased concomitantly with chlorophyll, whereas lutein and xanthophyll cycle pigment were less affected, leading to increases in lutein/chlorophyll and xanthophyll cycle pigment/chlorophyll ratios. Fv/Fm, phi(PSII), qP, and F'v/F'm decreased gradually in the flag leaf and ear parts but to different extents. The largest changes were observed in awns, followed by the lemmas of floret 2, the lemmas of floret 1, glumes, and the flag leaf, respectively. The results suggest that during grain filling, a down-regulation of PSII associated with an increase of the de-epoxidation state of the xanthophyll cycle carotenoids occurred in the flag leaf but not in the ear parts.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the question of whether the PsbS protein of photosystem two (PS II) is located within the LHC II PS II supercomplex for which a three-dimensional structure has been obtained by cryoelectron microscopy and single particle analysis. The PsbS protein has recently been implicated as the site for non-photochemical quenching. Based both on immunoblotting analyses and structural considerations of an improved model of the spinach LHC II PS II supercomplex, we conclude that the PsbS protein is not located within the supercomplex. Analyses of other fractions resulting from the solubilization of PS Il-enriched membranes derived from spinach suggest that the PsbS protein is located in the LHC II-rich regions that interconnect the supercomplex within the membrane.  相似文献   

Co-translational assembly of the D1 protein into photosystem II.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Assembly of multi-subunit membrane protein complexes is poorly understood. In this study, we present direct evidence that the D1 protein, a multiple membrane spanning protein, assembles co-translationally into the large membrane-bound complex, photosystem II. During pulse-chase studies in intact chloroplasts, incorporation of the D1 protein occurred without transient accumulation of free labeled protein in the thylakoid membrane, and photosystem II subcomplexes contained nascent D1 intermediates of 17, 22, and 25 kDa. These N-terminal D1 intermediates could be co-immunoprecipitated with antiserum directed against the D2 protein, suggesting co-translational assembly of the D1 protein into PS II complexes. Further evidence for a co-translational assembly of the D1 protein into photosystem II was obtained by analyzing ribosome nascent chain complexes liberated from the thylakoid membrane after a short pulse labeling. Radiolabeled D1 intermediates could be immunoprecipitated under nondenaturing conditions with antisera raised against the D1 and D2 protein as well as CP47. However, when the ribosome pellets were solubilized with SDS, the interaction of these intermediates with CP47 was completely lost, but strong interaction of a 25-kDa D1 intermediate with the D2 protein still remained. Taken together, our results indicate that during the repair of photosystem II, the assembly of the newly synthesized D1 protein into photosystem II occurs co-translationally involving direct interaction of the nascent D1 chains with the D2 protein.  相似文献   

Weng J  Tan C  Shen JR  Yu Y  Zeng X  Xu C  Ruan K 《Biochemistry》2004,43(16):4855-4861
In this paper, we analyzed the pH-induced changes in the conformational states of the manganese-stabilizing protein (MSP) of photosystem II. Distinct conformational states of MSP were identified using fluorescence spectra, far-UV circular dichroism, and pressure-induced unfolding at varying suspension pH values, and four different conformational states of MSP were clearly distinguished using the center of fluorescence spectra mass when suspension pH was altered from 2 to 12. MSP was completely unfolded at a suspension pH above 11 and partly unfolded below a pH of 3. Analysis of the center of fluorescence spectral mass showed that the MSP structure appears stably folded around pH 6 and 4. The conformational state of MSP at pH 4 seems more stable than that at pH 6. Studies of peak positions of tryptophan fluorescence and MSP-bound 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonic acid fluorescence spectra supported this observation. A decrease in the suspension pH to 2 resulted in significant alterations in the MSP structure possibly because of protonation of unprotonated residues at lower pH, suggesting the existence of a large number of unprotonated amino acid residues at neutral pH possibly useful for proton transport in oxygen evolution. The acidic pH-induced conformational changes of MSP were reversible upon increase of pH to neutral pH; however, N-bromosuccinimide modification of tryptophan (Trp241) blocks the recovery of pH-induced conformational changes in MSP, implying that Trp241 is a key residue for the unfolded protein to form a functional structure. Thus, pH-induced structural changes of stable MSP (pH 6-4) may be utilized to analyze its functionality as a cofactor for oxygen evolution.  相似文献   

The effect of hydration on protein dynamics in photosystem II (PS II) membrane fragments from spinach has been investigated by using the method of quasielastic neutron scattering (QENS) at room temperature. The QENS data obtained indicate that the protein dynamics is strongly dependent on the extent of hydration. In particular, the hydration-induced activation of localized diffusive protein motions and QA reoxidation by QB in PS II appear to be correlated in their onset at a hydration value of about 45% relative humidity (r.h.). These findings underline the crucial functional relevance of localized diffusive protein motions on the picosecond-timescale for the reactions of light-induced photosynthetic water splitting under formation of plastoquinol and molecular oxygen in PS II of green plants. Advanced neutron scattering and complementary techniques to study biological systems. Contributions from the meetings, “Neutrons in Biology”, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, UK, 11–13 July and “Proteins At Work 2007”, Perugia, Italy, 28–30 May 2007.  相似文献   

The marine cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus marinus accumulates divinyl chlorophylls instead of monovinyl chlorophylls to harvest light energy. As well as this difference in its chromophore composition, some amino acid residues in its photosystem II D1 protein were different from the conserved amino acid residues in other photosynthetic organisms. We examined PSII complexes isolated from mutants of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, in which chromophore and D1 protein were altered (Hisashi Ito and Ayumi Tanaka, 2011) to clarify the effects of chromophores/D1 protein composition on the excitation energy distribution. We prepared the mutants accumulating divinyl chlorophyll (DV mutant). The amino acid residues of V205 and G282 in the D1 protein were substituted with M205 and C282 in the DV mutant to mimic Prochlorococcus D1 protein (DV-V205M/G282C mutant). Isolated PSII complexes were analyzed by time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. Energy transfer in CP47 was interrupted in PSII containing divinyl chlorophylls. The V205M/G282C mutation did not recover the energy transfer pathway in CP47, instead, the mutation allowed the excitation energy transfer from CP43 to CP47, which neighbors in the PSII dimer. Mutual orientation of the subcomplexes of PSII might be affected by the substitution. The changes of the energy transfer pathways would reduce energy transfer from antennae to the PSII reaction center, and allow Prochlorococcus to acquire light tolerance.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations have been performed to study photosystem II structure and function. Structural information obtained from simulations was combined with ab initio computations of chromophore excited states. In contrast to calculations based on the x-ray structure, the molecular-dynamics-based calculations accurately predicted the experimental absorbance spectrum. In addition, our calculations correctly assigned the energy levels of reaction-center (RC) chromophores, as well as the lowest-energy antenna chlorophyll. The primary and secondary quinone electron acceptors, QA and QB, exhibited independent changes in position over the duration of the simulation. QB fluctuated between two binding sites similar to the proximal and distal sites previously observed in light- and dark-adapted RC from purple bacteria. Kinetic models were used to characterize the relative influence of chromophore geometry, site energies, and electron transport rates on RC efficiency. The fluctuating energy levels of antenna chromophores had a larger impact on quantum yield than did their relative positions. Variations in electron transport rates had the most significant effect and were sufficient to explain the experimentally observed multi-component decay of excitation in photosystem II. The implications of our results are discussed in the context of competing evolutionary selection pressures for RC structure and function.  相似文献   

Croce R  Canino G  Ros F  Bassi R 《Biochemistry》2002,41(23):7334-7343
The chlorophyll a/b-xanthophyll-protein CP26 complex belongs to the Lhc protein family. It binds nine chlorophylls and two xanthophylls per 26.6 kDa polypeptide. Determination of the characteristics of each binding site is needed for the understanding of functional organization of individual proteins belonging to the photosystem II supramolecular complex. The biochemical and spectroscopic features of native CP26 are presented here together with identification of pigment binding and energy transitions in different sites. The analysis has been performed via a new approach using recombinant CP26 complexes in which the chromophore content has been experimentally modified. Data were interpreted on the basis of homology with CP29 and LHCII complexes, for which detailed knowledge is available from mutation analysis. We propose that one additional Chl b is present in CP26 as compared to CP29 and that it is located in site B2. We also found that in CP26 three chlorophyll binding sites are selective for Chl a, one of them being essential for the folding of the pigment-protein complex. Two xanthophyll binding sites were identified, one of which (L1) is essential for protein folding and specifically binds lutein. The second site (L2) has lower selectivity and can bind any of the xanthophyll species present in thylakoids.  相似文献   

Murray JW  Barber J 《Biochemistry》2006,45(13):4128-4130
Analysis of the anomalous X-diffraction data reported by Ferreira et al. (PDB entry 1S5L) for crystals of photosystem II isolated from Thermosynechococcus elongatus indicates that a calcium ion is bound to the PsbO protein. The Ca2+-binding site is located close to the lumenal exit of a putative proton channel leading from the water splitting site.  相似文献   

Ifuku K  Nakatsu T  Kato H  Sato F 《EMBO reports》2004,5(4):362-367
PsbP is a membrane-extrinsic subunit of the water-oxidizing complex photosystem II (PS II). The evolutionary origin of PsbP has long been a mystery because it specifically exists in higher plants and green algae but not in cyanobacteria. We report here the crystal structure of PsbP from Nicotiana tabacum at a resolution of 1.6 Å. Its structure is mainly composed of β-sheet, and is not similar to any structures in cyanobacterial PS II. However, the electrostatic surface potential of PsbP is similar to that of cyanobacterial PsbV (cyt c550), which has a function similar to PsbP. A structural homology search with the DALI algorithm indicated that the folding of PsbP is very similar to that of Mog1p, a regulatory protein for the nuclear transport of Ran GTPase. The structure of PsbP provides insight into its novel function in GTP-regulated metabolism in PS II.  相似文献   

The smallest extrinsic polypeptide of the water-oxidizing complex (PsbQ) was extracted and purified from spinach (Spinacia oleracea) photosystem II (PSII) membranes. It was then crystallized in the presence of Zn2+ and its structure was determined by X-ray diffraction at 1.95-Å resolution using the multi-wavelength anomalous diffraction method, with the zinc as the anomalous scatterer. The crystal structure shows that the core of the protein is a four-helix bundle, whereas the amino-terminal portion, which possibly interacts with the photosystem core, is not visible in the crystal. The distribution of positive and negative charges on the protein surface might explain the ability of PsbQ to increase the binding of Cl and Ca2+ and make them available to PSII.  相似文献   

CP43 is a chlorophyll-protein complex that funnels excitation energy from the main light-harvesting system of photosystem II to the photochemical reaction center. We purified CP43 from spinach photosystem II membranes in the presence of the nonionic detergent n-dodecyl-beta,D-maltoside and recorded its spectroscopic properties at various temperatures between 4 and 293 K by a number of polarized absorption and fluorescence techniques, fluorescence line narrowing, and Stark spectroscopy. The results indicate two "red" states in the Q(y) absorption region of the chlorophylls. The first peaks at 682.5 nm at 4 K, has an extremely narrow bandwidth with a full width at half-maximum of approximately 2.7 nm (58 cm(-1)) at 4 K, and has the oscillator strength of a single chlorophyll. The second peaks at approximately 679 nm, has a much broader bandshape, is caused by several excitonically interacting chlorophylls, and is responsible for all 4 K absorption at wavelengths longer than 685 nm. The Stark spectrum of CP43 resembles the first derivative of the absorption spectrum and has an exceptionally small overall size, which we attribute to opposing orientations of the monomer dipole moments of the excitonically coupled pigments.  相似文献   

Photosystem II (PSII) mutants are useful experimental tools to trap potential intermediates involved in the assembly of the oxygen-evolving PSII complex. Here, we focus on the subunit composition of the RC47 assembly complex that accumulates in a psbC null mutant of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 unable to make the CP43 apopolypeptide. By using native gel electrophoresis, we showed that RC47 is heterogeneous and mainly found as a monomer of 220 kDa. RC47 complexes co-purify with small Cab-like proteins (ScpC and/or ScpD) and with Psb28 and its homologue Psb28-2. Analysis of isolated His-tagged RC47 indicated the presence of D1, D2, the CP47 apopolypeptide, plus nine of the 13 low-molecular-mass (LMM) subunits found in the PSII holoenzyme, including PsbL, PsbM and PsbT, which lie at the interface between the two momomers in the dimeric holoenzyme. Not detected were the LMM subunits (PsbK, PsbZ, Psb30 and PsbJ) located in the vicinity of CP43 in the holoenzyme. The photochemical activity of isolated RC47-His complexes, including the rate of reduction of P680+, was similar to that of PSII complexes lacking the Mn4CaO5 cluster. The implications of our results for the assembly and repair of PSII in vivo are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify the location of one of the two sources of carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity associated with the PSII complex in chloroplast membranes. We tested the hypothesis that the extrinsic 33 kDa protein, OEC33, associated with the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC), is one source of CA activity. We found that precursor OEC33 expressed in Escherichia coli exhibits CA activity, but the expressed precursors of OEC24 or OEC17 do not. The CA activity of OEC33 remained after treatment at 90 degrees C for 15 min. Additional biochemical evidence supports the hypothesis. Only those wash treatments that remove the OEC33 from PSII also remove CA activity. Both immunoblot and CA activity show that the CA tracks the OEC33, in parallel, when PSII undergoes washing at different CaCl2 concentrations. The OEC33 protein purified by HiTrap Q anion exchange chromatography has CA activity that is inhibited by an antibody against OEC33. PSII membranes washed with 1 M CaCl2 to remove OEC33 can be reconstituted either with extracted, purified, OEC33 or with the E. coli-expressed precursor OEC33. Reconstitution partially restores both oxygen evolution and CA activity. For maximal CA activity, OEC33 requires manganese as a cofactor.  相似文献   

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