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MILLER  R. H. 《Annals of botany》1983,51(6):697-709
Dewaxed thin-sectioned and dewaxed isolated mature fruit cuticlesrevealed the unequivocal presence in situ of visibly discrete,ubiquitous, cuticular pores or orifices concomitant with anticlinally-orientedtranscuticular canals in 51 varieties of fruit among 20 plantfamilies. More than 66 per cent of the fruit cuticles have poresand/or canals. No correlation exists between either fruit sizeor pore size and cuticle thickness. Dewaxed cuticles rangedfrom 1.25–22.5 µm in thickness. Canal lengths aredirectly related to cuticle thickness. Cuticular occlusionsof the epidermal cells were found in 76 per cent of the fruitsexamined. Evidence is provided by light microscopy photomicrographs. Fruit cuticles, cuticle morphology, cuticular pores, transcuticular canals  相似文献   

Apple Fruit Cuticles and the Occurrence of Pores and Transcuticular Canals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MILLER  R. H. 《Annals of botany》1982,50(3):355-371
Developmental studies were made on the dewaxed thin-sectionedapple fruit cuticles of 10 Malus sylvestris Mill, cultivarsfrom 4 weeks before anthesis through fruit maturation and harvest.Cuticular development appears to correlate well with the generalgrowth of the fruit. However, no correlation exists betweenfruit size and cuticle thickness. Cuticular pores were evidentas early as 1 week before anthesis and transcuticular canalsbecame evident by 1 week following anthesis. Dewaxed thin-sectioned,as well as isolated, mature fruit cuticles of 16 cultivars andfour crab-apples consistently revealed the distinct presenceof ubiquitous pores and canals. Evidence is provided by lightmicroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Measurementswere taken of cuticle thicknesses during development and ofcuticular pore dimensions, and calculations were made of poreand canal numbers. Fruit size alone is not directly indicativeof total pore numbers per surface area. Canal lengths are directlyrelated to the developmental thickness of the cuticle. No correlationwas found between the thickness of the mature cuticle and eitherthe number of pores present or the pore diameters. Malus sylvestris Mill, apple fruit, morphology, cuticle, cuticular flanges, cuticular pores, transcuticular canals, ultrastructure  相似文献   

MILLER  R. H. 《Annals of botany》1986,58(3):407-416
This investigation is in part an extension of previous leafcuticle observations made on 52 other taxa among 34 families.Dewaxed, chemically isolated, adaxial and abaxial cuticularmembranes and transverse leaf sections of the wax-flower plant(Hoya carnosa R. Br.) were examined using ordinary stainingtechniques and light-microscopy methods. Evidence is presentedfor the existence of ubiquitous, discrete, naturally occurringcuticular pores, concomitant with anticlinally oriented trans-cuticularcanals, distributed randomly throughout the cuticular matrix.The surface of the adaxial cuticular membrane contains approx.6540 unclustered pores per mm2, the abaxial approx. 4680 poresper mm2. Pore and canal diameters range between 0.5 and 0.75µm. The canals are often arcuate and their lengths aredirectly related to cuticle thickness. No correlations werefound between cuticle thickness and either pore numbers or poreand canal diameters. Based upon experiments with various pHindicators, solutions, and stains, the dewaxed, dry cuticularmembrane of H. carnosa appears to be both distinctly hydrophilicand selectively permeable through a myriad of microscopicallyvisible pores and canals permeating its matrix. A de novo interpretationof gross cuticle morphology based solely upon light microscopyobservations is presented by semi-diagrammatic illustrations. Hoya carnosa R. Br., wax-flower (wax-plant), cuticular membranes, cuticular pores, transcuticular canals, permeability  相似文献   

The outer epidermal wall of Agave americana leaves was examinedin order to gain more information about the location and chemicalconstitution of the structural components. In middle aged leavesthe wall comprised six layers which were designated epicuticularwax, cuticle proper, exterior and interior cuticular layer,exterior and interior cellin wall. A lamellated structure, consistingof a series of electron translucent lamellae of uniform thicknessalternating with opaque ones of variable thickness, was observedin the thin cuticle proper on the outside of the cuticular membrane,even without heavy metal treatment. The cuticular layers underneathformed the bulk of the cuticular membrane and they also hadtwo components, an amorphous matrix permeated by a reticulumof fibrillae. Cutin, detected with osmium and with iodine/iodine-sulphuricacid–silver proteinate, was a major component of the opaquelamellae of the cuticle proper and the matrix of the cuticularlayer. Carbohydrates were absent from the cuticle proper butwere detected specifically in the fibrillae of the cuticularlayer and in the cellin wall. Pectic material seemed to be presenton both sides of the junction between cuticular membrane andcellin wall, but no discrete zone corresponding to light microscopicalobservations was detected in the electron microscope. Althoughthe lucent lamellae of the cuticle proper were tentatively ascribedto wax there was no structural or ultrahistochemical evidencefor the wax component of the cuticular layer. The various ultrahistochemicalreactions are discussed in relation to the known chemical compositionof the membrane. Agave americana L., epidermis wall, cuticular membrane, cuticle proper, cuticular layer, ultrahistochemistry, wax  相似文献   

Study of the pear leaf cuticle (Pyrus communis L. ‘Bartlett‘), in both intact and enzymatically isolated forms, has revealed that the cuticular membrane is separated from the underlying epidermal cell wall by a layer of pectic substances which extend into but not through the membrane. A layer of embedded birefringent waxes occurs towards the outer surface of the cuticular membrane. Platelet-like epicuticular waxes are deposited on the outer surface. The upper cuticular membrane is astomatous. The lower epidermis is stomatous, and the outer cuticular membrane is continuous with that lining the substomatal cavity. The lower cuticular membrane is also generally thicker than the upper, and both the upper and lower cuticular membranes are thicker over veinal than over mesophyll tissue. The birefringence frequently is discontinuous over anticlinal walls and over veinal tissue. The lower cuticle appears to contain fewer embedded waxes (as indexed by birefringence) than the upper. Enzymatic isolation of the cuticular membrane from the underlying tissues does not appear to cause any discernible change in structure as viewed with a light microscope. These findings are discussed in light of current knowledge concerning penetration of foliar applied substances into the leaf.  相似文献   

Patterns of root cortex cell development and ultrastructurewere analysed in Sagittaria lancifolia L., Thalia geniculataL. and Pontederia cordata L. using scanning and transmissionelectron microscopy (SEM, TEM). In all three species, cortexcells were arranged in radial columns extending from the endodermisto the hypodermis/epidermis. During gas space formation, thecortex cells elongated parallel to the root radius and shrankin the plane perpendicular to the radius leaving long and thinrows of cortex cells extending from the endodermis to the epidermis.Although the cortex cells appeared collapsed in tissue withwell-developed gas spaces, TEM revealed that the cortical cellsas well as the epidermal cells maintained intact membranes andmany normal organelles. Formation of root cortex tissue withwell-developed gas spaces does not require cell death in thesespecies. Living cortex cells in root tissue with mature gasspaces could provide a symplastic pathway for transport betweenthe root stele and the living epidermal cells. Copyright 2000Annals of Botany Company Sagittaria lancifolia, Thalia geniculata, Pontederia cordata, aerenchyma, root, wetland, development  相似文献   

SACHS  T. 《Annals of botany》1979,43(6):693-700
The development of the leaf epidermis of Vinca major L. wasfollowed in situ by epi-illumination microscopy and evidencewas sought for cellular interactions. Stomata were often foundto be initiated in adjoining cells. The epidermal cells whichseparated such stomata when they had matured were formed fromthe same cells as the stomatal complexes themselves. The presenceof developing and mature stomata may influence only the orientationof divisions in neighbouring cells, and not the initiation andmaturation of stomata. There is great variability in the relativeorientation, timing and number of divisions which intervenebetween the first unequal division and the maturation of a stomaas well as the location of stomata relative to the spongy mesophylland minor veins. The results indicate that continuous short-rangeinteractions between the future guard cells and the adjoiningcells, rather than interactions between future stomata or afixed programme of development, are essential for the formationof the pattern of functional stomata in the mature leaf. Vinca major L., cell lineage, cellular interactions, development of stomata, epi-illumination microscopy, meristemoids, patterned differentiation, stomata  相似文献   

Silicon may play an important role in regulating the transpirationrate of rice (Oryza sativa L.), particularly cuticular transpiration.The control of cuticular transpiration is important in ricespikelets because water stress at anthesis may severely disruptfertility and grain yield. Data on the quantitative variationamong rice cultivars in the thickness of the silica layer ofthe flowering spikelet were obtained in order to assess thepotential for genetic selection for silica layer thickness asa potential means for increasing spikelet resistance to waterloss. Flowering spikelets were collected from 17 genotypes and thicknessmeasurements were made of the major anatomical layers in crosssection. The silica layer of the lemma varied from 42 to 177µm among cultivars. Similar variation was observed inthe palea. Differences among cultivars were also found in thethickness of the epidermis and sclerenchyma-parenchyma layer. The total cross-sectional thickness of the lemma and palea averagedslightly over 100 µm. Total thickness was not significantlycorrelated with the length, width or product of length width.Thickness of silica deposition was significantly correlatedwith spikelet length width suggesting that these easily measuredparameters may be useful in screening for silica thickness. Oryza sativa L., rice, panicle, silicon, lemma, palea, husk  相似文献   

The aerial organs of plants are covered with a cuticle, a continuous layer overlaying the outermost cell walls of the epidermis. The cuticle is composed of two major classes of the lipid biopolymers: cutin and waxes, collectively termed cuticular lipids. Biosynthesis and transport of cuticular lipids occur predominantly in the epidermis cells. In the transport pathway, cuticular lipids are exported from their site of biosynthesis in the ER/plastid to the extracellular space through the plasma membrane and cell wall. Growing evidence suggests that ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters are implicated in transport of cuticular lipids across the plasma membrane of epidermal cells. The Arabidopsis ABC-type transporter protein CER5 (WBC12) was reported to act as a wax monomers transporter. In recent works, our group and others showed that a CER5-related protein, DESPERADO (DSO/WBC11), is required for cutin and wax monomers transport through the plasma membrane of Arabidopsis epidermis cells. Unlike the cer5 mutant, DSO loss-of-function had a profound effect on plant growth and development, particularly dwarfism, postgenital organ fusions, and altered epidermal cell differentiation. The partially overlapping function of CER5 and DSO and the fact that these proteins are half-size ABC transporters suggest that they might form a hetero-dimeric complex while transporting wax components. An intriguing observation was the polar localization of DSO in the distal part of epidermis cells. This polar expression might be explained by DSO localization within lipid rafts, specific plasma membrane microdomains which are associated with polar protein expression. In this review we suggest possible mechanisms for cuticular lipids transport and a link between DSO function and polar expression. Furthermore, we also discuss the subsequent transport of cuticular constituents through the hydrophobic cell wall and the possible involvement of lipid transfer proteins in this process.Key words: ABC transporter, cuticular lipids, polar expression, plasma membrane, epidermis  相似文献   

MILLER  R. H. 《Annals of botany》1986,57(3):419-434
Evidence is presented for the existence of discrete, naturalcuticular pores concomitant with anticlinally-oriented transcuticularcanals found in the mature leaf surfaces of 26 out of 37 taxaamong 19 families. This investigation is an extension of earlierobservations made on 32 other taxa among 14 families. Dewaxed,chemically isolated, adaxial and abaxial cuticular membranesin conjunction with transverse leaf sections were examined usingordinary staining techniques. The ubiquitous pores occur randomlywith no evidence of clustering. Pore and canal diameters averageapprox. 1 µm. Canal lengths are directly related to cuticlethickness. No correlations were found between cuticle thicknessesand either pore frequencies or pore and canal diameters. Evidenceis provided by light microscopy photomicrographs. Leaf cuticles, cuticular membranes, cuticular pores, transcuticular canals, cuticular flanges  相似文献   

The surfaces of the pericarps of wheat and barley grains, 15–30days after anthesis, were examined. Stomata were found in thepericarp epidermis on the ventral side at the apical end inone variety of wheat and four varieties of barley. Layers whichstained red with Sudan IV were observed on the pericarp epidermisand on either side of the testa in immature barley grains. Theultrastructure of these layers was investigated. It was concludedthat the cuticular layer inside the testa is derived from thenucellus. The significance of these cuticular layers in relationto the supply of carbon dioxide to the photosynthesizing cellsof the pericarp is discussed. The movement of photosynthateand oxygen produced in the pericarp is also considered. Hordeum vulgare L, Triticum aestivum L, barley, wheat, cereal grain, cuticle, stomata, pericarp  相似文献   

Transmission electron micrographs revealed that a substantialpart of the guard cell wall of both Quercus robur L. and Populusnigra ‘italica’ L. was either free of cuticle orcovered with a greatly reduced cuticular layer. In Quercus thestructure of the guard cell was such that the area of limitedcuticular development would be exposed to the evaporating powerof the atmosphere even when the stomata were closed. Lanthanumstaining confirmed that this area might be an important siteof evaporation. A similar evaporation site was identified inthe guard cell wall of Pinus sylvestris L. Light micrographsrevealed that this area could also be exposed on the outsideof the leaf when the stomata were closed. It appears that guardcell orientation with respect to the epidermal plane dependsupon epidermal turgor. Changes in orientation of the guard cellcoupled with the exact location of the cuticle-free area inthe guard cell wall may explain the nature of the stomatal responseof individual species to changing VPD and the effect of othervariables, e.g. water deficit, on this response. Quercus robur L, oak, Populus nigra L, poplar, stomata, guard cells, cuticle, evaporation, vapour pressure difference  相似文献   

Changes in structure, size and number of oil glands locatedin the fruit rind were assessed in developing fruit of the WashingtonNavel orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) from pre-anthesis tofruit maturity. Initiation of oil glands was found to be restrictedto early fruit development. Glands continued to develop throughoutfruit growth, until all reached maturity by a fruit size of30 to 50 mm diameter. Mature glands continued to enlarge withfruit growth. Mature fruit had between 8 000 and 12 000 oilglands. Anatomical studies of the fruit rind were carried outusing light microscopy on samples prepared by different tissueprocessing methods. Glands were found to develop from a clusterof cells adjacent to the fruit epidermis, into a structure consistingof a central cavity surrounded by several layers of epithelialcells. All glands were joined to the fruit epidermis, irrespectiveof their stage of development. Neither lignin nor suberin waspresent in the gland. Gland cavity formation appeared to involveschizogeny. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Washington Navel orange, Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck, fruit development, secretory cavity, oil gland, image analysis, light microscopy  相似文献   

The general problem was the meaning of the variability of cellulardevelopment of the stomata-bearing epidermis of Ruscus hypoglossumin which 'immature stomata' occur, i.e. cells that have gonethrough part but not the final stages of stomatal development.The development of the epidermis was followed in vivo, by makingrepeated replicas of the same developing tissues using dentalimpression material. The development of stomata occurred overthe entire surface of large phyllodes and was not synchronous.The early development of future and 'immature stomata' couldnot be distinguished, neither by the form of the cells nor bythe timing of the initial, unequal divisions. The process ofstomatal development did not stop at any one, characteristicsstage. Statistical analyses indicated that the pattern of functionalstomata would have been less orderly if all stomatal initialshad developed into mature structures. The results suggest thatin Ruscus epidermal patterning occurs during, rather than preceding,stomatal development: many stomata are initiated, but they followa labile developmental program and cellular interactions selectthose that reach the mature functional state.Copyright 1993,1999 Academic Press Cellular patterns, epigenetic selection, immature stomata, Ruscus hypoglossum, spacing patterns, stomata, subsidiary cells, unequal divisions  相似文献   

The Prevalence of Pores and Canals in Leaf Cuticular Membranes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
MILLER  R. H. 《Annals of botany》1985,55(4):459-471
Ubiquitous, visibly discrete, natural cuticular pores and transcuticularcanals were found in the dewaxed leaf (and one herbaceous stem)cuticular membranes of 27 out of 32 taxa among 14 families.Clear evidence for their existence is provided by light photomicrographs.Both adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces were investigated usingthin transections and chemically isolated cuticular membranes,in conjunction with ordinary staining techniques and light microscopymethods. No correlations were found between cuticle thicknessesand either the frequency of pore or the pore and canal diameters. Leaf cuticles, cuticle morphology, cuticular pores, transcuticular canals, cuticular flanges  相似文献   

Summary The larval integument of the midge, Chironomus riparius Mg., is unusually thin although it conforms with the normal insect pattern. The cuticle of the post-cephalic segments is about 3 m thick and overlies an epidermis which has an irregular basal plasma membrane resulting in spaces occurring between it and the basement membrane. The ventral tubuli have a similar epidermis but the cuticle is somewhat thinner. The anal papillae have the thinnest cuticular covering with a uniquely folded epicuticle of variable thickness, and their epidermis has the characteristics of a transporting epithelium. No evidence of pore canals could be found in the cuticle of any part except the head capsule which has a remarkably smooth epicuticle and a distinct layer which may represent the exocuticle. There are no spaces between the basement membrane and basal plasma membrane of the epidermis in the head. Ultrastructural evidence would suggest that gaseous exchange can occur across most of the post-cephalic integument.The author is indebted to Mrs. L. Rolph and Mr. R.L. Jones for their technical assistance  相似文献   

The cuticular membrane (CM) of Agave americana with the adheringcellin wall was isolated with ammonium oxalate-oxalic acid solution,air-dried and dry-embedded without fixation. After KMnO4 staining,electron translucent lamellae are visible in the cuticle properand cuticular layer. The fine structure of the opaque lamellaein the cuticle proper is more complex than previously observedin situ. It is more clearly observed in CM isolated at 40 °Cthan in those isolated at 100 °C, or in air-dried tissue,subsequently remoistened, fixed and dehydrated in acetone. Although extraction of CM with hot organic solvents removessubstantial quantities of wax (mainly long chain alcohols andfatty acids), not all of the electron-lucent lamellae disappearcompletely. Strong sulphuric acid dissolves the cellin wallsadhering to the CM and strongly diminishes the iodine/potassiumiodide-sulphuric acid-silver proteinate staining reactivityof the CM, probably due to the marked reduction in epoxide contentof the cutin. The acid does not completely remove the carbohydratereticulum included in the cuticular layer. In sodium methoxide solution the CM is decutinized from thecellin wall side where the carbohydrate fibrillae included inthe interior cuticular layer become completely exposed. On theoutside, the lamellate cuticle proper is also lost. Major cutinmonomers solubilized are 9, 10-epoxy-18-hydroxyoctadecanoicand 9, 10, 18-trihy-droxyoctadecanoic acids. Partial decutinizationof the CM with methanolic HC1 produces similar but less drasticeffects than methoxide apparently because the outer surfaceis protected by an artificial layer of lipids originating fromdepolymerized cutin. Agave americana, leaf, cuticular membrane, isolation of cuticular membranes, ultrahistochemistry, cutin, wax, epoxide groups in biopolymers  相似文献   

Cuticular water permeability and its physiological significance   总被引:27,自引:12,他引:15  
Cuticles act as solution-diffusion membranes for water transport.Diffusion in pores does not contribute to cuticular transpiration.An extensive literature survey of cuticular permeances (P) andminimum leaf conductances (gmin) to water is presented. Thetwo variables cannot be distinguished with most experimentaltechniques. Results from different experiments are in good agreementwith each other for some species, for example, Fagus sytvaticaL., but not for others, such as Picea abies (L.) Karst. In adata set of 313 values of P or gmin from 200 species, distributionsof results obtained with different techniques were found todiffer significantly. Likely reasons include water loss fromincompletely closed or incompletely sealed stomata, and thedependence of P on moisture content of the cuticle and on storagetime of isolated cuticles. Contrasting evidence for an interactionbetween cuticular transpiration and stomatal sensitivity toair humidity is presented. The occurrence of unusually highgmin in trees growing at the alpine treeline and its physiologicalsignificance are discussed. It is shown that gmin is of littlevalue as a predictor for drought resistance of crops, with thepossible exception of Sorghum bicolor L. Moench. Possible wateruptake from fog or dew across cuticles is considered briefly. Key words: Epidermal conductance, VPD-response, water absorption, waxes, winter desiccation  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the nymphal integument in the ixodid tick Hyalomma (Hyalomma) dromedarii is compared for stages of development during and after feeding, and up to the first step of molting, apolysis. The integument comprises a cuticular layer and underlying epidermal cells. The body cuticle, which consists of both sclerotized and non-sclerotized parts, is divided into an outer, thin epicuticle, and an inner, thick, fibrillar procuticle. Pore canals in the procuticle are continuous with wax canals which traverse the epicuticle. As feeding progresses, the parallel, extensible epicuticular folds disappear due to the gut filling with ingested blood. The procuticular zone, however, becomes subdivided into an exocuticle, similar to the previously seen procuticle, and a lamellate endocuticle. Pore canals lose their parallel pattern and appear to have become deformed by stretching of the cuticle. The flat epidermal cells grow asynchronously during feeding; their cytoplasm becomes packed with well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), while the cell apices project long microvilli extending deep into the procuticle. The RER undergoes ultrastructural changes indicating synthetic activity. Dense material released through the microvilli may serve to lyse the endocuticle and thus cause separation of the cuticle from the epidermis during apolysis. The lysed area, the exuvial cavity, is filled with lysed components which are probably withdrawn by endocytosis into the apical coated vesicles which appear in epidermal cells. Two types of integumental glands, which may participate in wax production, are observed in this study. The ultrastructure of their previously undescribed cuticular ducts is described, in addition to other hypodermal structures including epidermis-muscle attachments and sensory receptors.  相似文献   

CLOWES  F. A. L. 《Annals of botany》1985,55(6):849-857
All three floating plants have roots bearing laterals derivedfrom both pericycle and endodermis. In Pistia and Eichhornialaterals arise within the meristem of the mother root; in Hydrocharisthey arise from mature tissue. In Pistia and Hydrocharis theepidermis becomes anatomically discrete between cortex and cap:in Pistia it is derived from the endodermis of the mother root,in Hydrocharis from the pericycle. The epidermis is not discretein Eichhornia and is derived from the pericycle of the motherroot with the cortex. Stathmokinetic data were used to construct timetables of developmentwhich show how the differences arise. In Pistia the first periclinaldivision of the endodermis-derived tissue individualizes theepidermis and occurs early, before a quiescent centre forms.In Hydrocharis the epidermis also becomes discrete before thepole of the meristem becomes quiescent, but it does so by apericlinal division of the pericycle-derived tissue. In Eichhorniapericlinal divisions occur in the outermost layer of the pericycle-derivedtissue long after quiescence has set in at the pole and afterthe fourth periclinal division in the endodermis derived cap.Its epidermis therefore never becomes anatomically discretethough it becomes functionally discrete because its polar cellsstop dividing as in the other plants. The involvement of the endodermis of mother roots in the formationof laterals is discussed in relation to the state of differentiationat sites of primordium formation, discreteness of the epidermisand subsequent fate of primordia. Pistia stratiotes L., Hydrocharis morsus-ranae L., Eichhornia crassipes Solms., primordia, lateral root, discrete epidermis, development, chimera, stathmokinetics  相似文献   

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