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Fifty-one mutants of Kluyveromyces lactis that cannot grow on lactose (Lac-) were isolated and characterized. All of the mutations are in nuclear genes, are recessive in their wild-type allele and define seven complementation groups, which we designate lac3 through lac9. Strains bearing mutations in lac3, lac5, lac7, lac8 and lac9 are also unable to grow on galactose (Gal-). Since the Gal- and Lac- phenotype co-segregate, they are probably due to a single mutation. Strains bearing mutations in any of the seven complementation groups grow normally on glucose. However, strains bearing mutations in lac3, lac5 and lac6 do not grow on glucose if lactose is also present in the medium. Likewise, strains bearing mutations in lac3 and lac5 do not grow on glucose in the presence of galactose. Complementation groups lac4 and lac5 are loosely linked and map within a cluster of auxotrophic mutations on a chromosome that we designate chromosome 2. The remaining five groups are unlinked. Thus, there is no evidence for clustering of Lac genes into an operon-like regulatory unit.——To further characterize the nature of the Lac- phenotype, the basal and inducible level of β-galactosidase activity were measured. All mutants had nearly normal basal enzyme levels, except those in lac4, which had barely detectable levels. Inducible enzyme levels varied from barely detectable levels in mutants bearing lac4 mutations up to four-fold inducible levels in strains bearing mutations in other complementation groups. In all cases, however, induction levels were below the 30-fold level obtained in wild-type cells. Three strains bearing lac5 mutations contain increased enzyme activity in the absence of inducer, indicating constitutive synthesis of β-galactosidase. In summary, these data indicate that several genes are necessary for synthesis of β-galactosidase activity.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium diphtheriae strains lyso-genic for phage β are able to produce diphtheria toxin. This article describes evidence suggesting that the toxin structural gene is part of the phage genome.  相似文献   

GM1 gangliosidosis and Morquio B disease are autosomal recessive diseases caused by the defect in the lysosomal β-galactosidase (β-Gal), frequently related to misfolding and subsequent endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation. Pharmacological chaperone (PC) therapy is a newly developed molecular therapeutic approach by using small molecule ligands of the mutant enzyme that are able to promote the correct folding and prevent endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation and promote trafficking to the lysosome. In this report, we describe the enzymological properties of purified recombinant human β-GalWT and two representative mutations in GM1 gangliosidosis Japanese patients, β-GalR201C and β-GalI51T. We have also evaluated the PC effect of two competitive inhibitors of β-Gal. Moreover, we provide a detailed atomic view of the recognition mechanism of these compounds in comparison with two structurally related analogues. All compounds bind to the active site of β-Gal with the sugar-mimicking moiety making hydrogen bonds to active site residues. Moreover, the binding affinity, the enzyme selectivity, and the PC potential are strongly affected by the mono- or bicyclic structure of the core as well as the orientation, nature, and length of the exocyclic substituent. These results provide understanding on the mechanism of action of β-Gal selective chaperoning by newly developed PC compounds.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology - The ability to ferment lactose is a characteristic peculiarity of dairy Kluyveromyces lactis yeasts; the vast majority of other yeast species are not able to assimilate this...  相似文献   

The putative β-galactosidase gene (lacZ) of Lactobacillus acidophilus has a very low degree of homology to the Escherichia coli β-galactosidase gene (lacZ) and locates in a special lac gene cluster which contains two β-galactosidase genes. No functional characteristic of the putative β-galactosidase has been described so far. In this study, the lacZ gene of L. acidophilus was hetero-expressed in E. coli and the recombinant protein was purified by a three-step procedure. The product of the lacZ gene was also extracted from L. acidophilus ATCC 4356 and active staining was carried out. The enzymatic properties of the purified recombinant LacZ were assayed. The results of hetero-expression showed the recombinant LacZ without tag had β-galactosidase activity. The purified recombinant LacZ had a specific activity of 43.2 U/mg protein. The result of active staining showed that the functional product of the lacZ gene did exist in L. acidophilus. The L. acidophilus β-galactosidase (LacZ) had an optimal pH of 6, an optimal temperature of 37°C and could hydrolyze 73% of lactose in milk in 30 h at 10°C. The L. acidophilus β-galactosidase (LacZ) was identified as cold-adapted β-galactosidase in this study for the first time, and may be useful for lactose removal from dairy products at low temperatures.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of the B2t locus has resulted in the recovery of four recessive mutations in the B2t structural gene and a deficiency that deletes the locus. Two of the mutations were recovered as suppressors of B2tD, a dominant male sterile mutation at the locus, and two were induced on wild-type chromosomes. All four mutant genes encode β2-tubulin subunits that are synthesized at normal rates but do not accumulate. All mutants are completely male sterile as homozygotes.  相似文献   

Different models of gene family evolution have been proposed to explain the mechanism whereby gene copies created by gene duplications are maintained and diverge in function. Ohta proposed a model which predicts a burst of nonsynonymous substitutions following gene duplication and the preservation of duplicates through positive selection. An alternative model, the duplication–degeneration–complementation (DDC) model, does not explicitly require the action of positive Darwinian selection for the maintenance of duplicated gene copies, although purifying selection is assumed to continue to act on both copies. A potential outcome of the DDC model is heterogeneity in purifying selection among the gene copies, due to partitioning of subfunctions which complement each other. By using the dN/dS () rate ratio to measure selection pressure, we can distinguish between these two very different evolutionary scenarios. In this study we investigated these scenarios in the -globin family of genes, a textbook example of evolution by gene duplication. We assembled a comprehensive dataset of 72 vertebrate -globin sequences. The estimated phylogeny suggested multiple gene duplication and gene conversion events. By using different programs to detect recombination, we confirmed several cases of gene conversion and detected two new cases. We tested evolutionary scenarios derived from Ohtas model and the DDC model by examining selective pressures along lineages in a phylogeny of -globin genes in eutherian mammals. We did not find significant evidence for an increase in the ratio following major duplication events in this family. However, one exception to this pattern was the duplication of -globin in simian primates, after which a few sites were identified to be under positive selection. Overall, our results suggest that following gene duplications, paralogous copies of -globin genes evolved under a nonepisodic process of functional divergence.[Reviewing Editor: Martin Kreitman]  相似文献   

We have determined the cDNA sequence of the chicken embryonic β-like ?-globin gene. Comparison with the sequences of the chicken ρ-globin and β-globin genes reveals the presence of two regions that are identical or nearly identical in ? and ρ. The first contains the 5′ untranslated sequence and exon 1, while the second region includes the second half of axon 2. Outside these regions ρ and ? are less homologous to each other than to the adult β-globin gene. The embryonic ρ and ? genes are located at opposite ends of the β-globin-gene cluster, not contiguously as are all other known pairs of simultaneously expressed globin genes. We suggest a role for gene conversion in the synchronization of expression of two highly diverged genes.  相似文献   

S. J. Free  R. T. Schimke    W. F. Loomis 《Genetics》1976,84(2):159-174
We have isolated 4 independent mutations affecting alpha-mannosidase-1, a developmentally regulated activity in Dictyrostelium discoideum. Three of these result in a thermolabile alpha-mannosidase-1 activity. One mutation also affects the substrate affinity (Km) of the activity. In diploids these mutations show a gene dosage effect and are all alleles. The structural gene for alpha-mannosidase-1, as defined by these mutations, defines a new linkage group, linkage group VI. alpha-mammosidase 1 is probably a homopolymer with subunits of 54,000 daltons. We have also mapped two temperature-sensitive-for-growth mutations onto two previously defined linkage groups.  相似文献   

A gene of β-galactosidase from Bacillus circulans ATCC 31382 was cloned and sequenced on the basis of N-terminal and internal peptide sequences isolated from a commercial enzyme preparation, Biolacta®. Using the cloned gene, recombinant β-galactosidase and its deletion mutants were overexpressed as His-tagged proteins in Escherichia coli cells and the enzymes expressed were characterized.  相似文献   

Psychrophilic enzymes play crucial roles in cold adaptation of microbes and provide useful models for studies of protein evolution, folding, and dynamic properties. We examined the crystal structure (2.2-Å resolution) of the psychrophilic β-glucosidase BglU, a member of the glycosyl hydrolase 1 (GH1) enzyme family found in the cold-adapted bacterium Micrococcus antarcticus. Structural comparison and sequence alignment between BglU and its mesophilic and thermophilic counterpart enzymes (BglB and GlyTn, respectively) revealed two notable features distinct to BglU: (i) a unique long-loop L3 (35 versus 7 amino acids in others) involved in substrate binding and (ii) a unique amino acid, His299 (Tyr in others), involved in the stabilization of an ordered water molecule chain. Shortening of loop L3 to 25 amino acids reduced low-temperature catalytic activity, substrate-binding ability, the optimal temperature, and the melting temperature (Tm). Mutation of His299 to Tyr increased the optimal temperature, the Tm, and the catalytic activity. Conversely, mutation of Tyr301 to His in BglB caused a reduction in catalytic activity, thermostability, and the optimal temperature (45 to 35°C). Loop L3 shortening and H299Y substitution jointly restored enzyme activity to the level of BglU, but at moderate temperatures. Our findings indicate that loop L3 controls the level of catalytic activity at low temperatures, residue His299 is responsible for thermolability (particularly heat lability of the active center), and long-loop L3 and His299 are jointly responsible for the psychrophilic properties. The described structural basis for the cold adaptedness of BglU will be helpful for structure-based engineering of new cold-adapted enzymes and for the production of mutants useful in a variety of industrial processes at different temperatures.  相似文献   

The β-barrel assembly machinery (BAM) complex mediates the assembly of β-barrel membrane proteins in the outer membrane. BepA, formerly known as YfgC, interacts with the BAM complex and functions as a protease/chaperone for the enhancement of the assembly and/or degradation of β-barrel membrane proteins. To elucidate the molecular mechanism underlying the dual functions of BepA, its full-length three-dimensional structure is needed. Here, we report the crystal structure of full-length BepA at 2.6-Å resolution. BepA possesses an N-terminal protease domain and a C-terminal tetratricopeptide repeat domain, which interact with each other. Domain cross-linking by structure-guided introduction of disulfide bonds did not affect the activities of BepA in vivo, suggesting that the function of this protein does not involve domain rearrangement. The full-length BepA structure is compatible with the previously proposed docking model of BAM complex and tetratricopeptide repeat domain of BepA.  相似文献   

Pseudogenes have classically been considered inactive sequences evolving under neutrality. In recent years, however, a growing body of evidence is favoring the appearance of hypotheses attributing a functional role to pseudogenes. One of these hypotheses is that the silencing of a gene could produce a loss of function that could have been favored by natural selection. Here, we analyzed the pace of pseudogenization of arpAT, an L-DOPA transporter related to the neurotransmitter function of this amino acid in the brain. While active in rodent, dog, and chicken, arpAT has been silenced during primate evolution. Given the high number of inactivating mutations described in humans, it is possible that there have been selective pressures favoring this silencing. Through analysis of orthologous sequences in several primate species, we show that the silencing of arpAT occurred approximately 77 million to 90 million years ago, and that the observed mutation pattern is likely a consequence of its antiquity.  相似文献   

We have determined the lesions in a number of mutant alleles of βTub85D, the gene that encodes the testis-specific β2-tubulin isoform in Drosophila melanogaster. Mutations responsible for different classes of functional phenotypes are distributed throughout the β2-tubulin molecule. There is a telling correlation between the degree of phylogenetic conservation of the altered residues and the number of different microtubule categories disrupted by the lesions. The majority of lesions occur at positions that are evolutionarily highly conserved in all β-tubulins; these lesions disrupt general functions common to multiple classes of microtubules. However, a single allele B2t(6) contains an amino acid substitution within an internal cluster of variable amino acids that has been identified as an isotype-defining domain in vertebrate β-tubulins. Correspondingly, B2t(6) disrupts only a subset of microtubule functions, resulting in misspecification of the morphology of the doublet microtubules of the sperm tail axoneme. We previously demonstrated that β3, a developmentally regulated Drosophila β-tubulin isoform, confers the same restricted morphological phenotype in a dominant way when it is coexpressed in the testis with wild-type β2-tubulin. We show here by complementation analysis that β3 and the B2t(6) product disrupt a common aspect of microtubule assembly. We therefore conclude that the amino acid sequence of the β2-tubulin internal variable region is required for generation of correct axoneme morphology but not for general microtubule functions. As we have previously reported, the β2-tubulin carboxy terminal isotype-defining domain is required for suprastructural organization of the axoneme. We demonstrate here that the β2 variant lacking the carboxy terminus and the B2t(6) variant complement each other for mild-to-moderate meiotic defects but do not complement for proper axonemal morphology. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis drawn from comparisons of vertebrate β-tubulins that the two isotype-defining domains interact in a three-dimensional structure in wild-type β-tubulins. We propose that the integrity of this structure in the Drosophila testis β2-tubulin isoform is required for proper axoneme assembly but not necessarily for general microtubule functions. On the basis of our observations we present a model for regulation of axoneme microtubule morphology as a function of tubulin assembly kinetics.  相似文献   

β-Galactosidase from Aspergillus oryzae was immobilized in crosslinked polyacrylamide gel beads. The presence of the enzyme inhibitor, such as glucono-δ-lactone or galactono-γ-lactone, during polymerization procedure enhanced the residual enzymatic activity in the polymer beads, and activity yield attained up to 45%. Such enhancement effect was also observed when bovine serum albumin, dithiothreitol or glutathione was added during polymerization. Temperature and pH optima were not affected by the immobilization. The Michaelis constants for free and immobilized β-galactosidase were comparable. Lyophilized beads exhibited good stability without loss of enzymatic activity when stored at 4°C for 47 days.  相似文献   

Noncompaction of the ventricular myocardium (NVM) is the morphological hallmark of a rare familial or sporadic unclassified heart disease of heterogeneous origin. NVM results presumably from a congenital developmental error and has been traced back to single point mutations in various genes. The objective of this study was to determine the underlying genetic defect in a large German family suffering from NVM. Twenty four family members were clinically assessed using advanced imaging techniques. For molecular characterization, a genome-wide linkage analysis was undertaken and the disease locus was mapped to chromosome 14ptel-14q12. Subsequently, two genes of the disease interval, MYH6 and MYH7 (encoding the α- and β-myosin heavy chain, respectively) were sequenced, leading to the identification of a previously unknown de novo missense mutation, c.842G>C, in the gene MYH7. The mutation affects a highly conserved amino acid in the myosin subfragment-1 (R281T). In silico simulations suggest that the mutation R281T prevents the formation of a salt bridge between residues R281 and D325, thereby destabilizing the myosin head. The mutation was exclusively present in morphologically affected family members. A few members of the family displayed NVM in combination with other heart defects, such as dislocation of the tricuspid valve (Ebstein''s anomaly, EA) and atrial septal defect (ASD). A high degree of clinical variability was observed, ranging from the absence of symptoms in childhood to cardiac death in the third decade of life. The data presented in this report provide first evidence that a mutation in a sarcomeric protein can cause noncompaction of the ventricular myocardium.  相似文献   

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