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In biological literature, essentialism and typological thinking are believed to be incompatible with evolutionary ideas. At present, the same considerations underlay the claims to abandon the Linnaean hierarchy, or the fundamental classificatory structure rooted in essentialism. This paper suggests to reconsider the negative views of Plato's typology and Aristotle's essentialism following the narrow interpretations that have nothing to do with the classification of living beings. Plato's theory of 'ideas' (or 'forms') is the basis of classificatory theory; it provided such concepts as 'species', 'genus', 'essence', 'dichotomous division' but the development of this theory in the framework of moral and esthetic values could not be beneficial to biology. Aristotle's essentialism is more complicated and exists in two forms; one of these, or classificatory essentialism, is a modification of Plato's typology; another one, or organismal essentialism, represents the shift of 'essence' from the world of relations between objects to the realm of particular things, where the concept of essence lost its basic meaning. It is senseless to look for unreal 'type of an organism' ('essence of a thing') but precisely this kind of essentialism is attractive for biologists and philosophers. Organismal essentialism is the underlying basis of so-called 'individuality thesis' that is used as a weapon against classificatory essentialism. The same thesis is associated with an extensional vision of taxa that also explains the criticism of Linnaean hierarchy, while the latter is the intentional structure and the first tool suggested for the rank coordination of many unequal taxa.  相似文献   

The authors consider sleep of healthy adults in terms of the theory of the integrated individuality and assume that the basic parameters of sleep architecture vary depending on gender, somatotype and psychophisiological features. Recent literature concerned with individual differences in sleep organization is reviewed, and the possible mechanisms of the distinctions are justified.  相似文献   

A concept of typological variability of physiological individuality is suggested. In order to substantiate it, typological characteristics of individual variation in habitual physical activity (HPA) have been analyzed, at the first stage of the research, in subjects of both sexes at different ontogenetic stages (the preschool, primary school, adolescent, adult, and elderly ages). With the results of longitudinal studies taken into consideration, it has been demonstrated that HPA is a stable individual character in each age group and, in general, remains so in the course of ontogeny, as a subject changes age groups. This has made it possible to distinguish three functional types (FTs): subjects with low, medium, and high HPAs (FT-1, FT-2, and FT-3). An integrated approach to HPA assessment (pedometer measurements, daily electrocardiographic monitoring, a physical activity diary, and calculation of the circadian index) has allowed standards of daily physical activity and some functional characteristics of the cardiovascular system to be established in subjects of different FTs and prospects for further research in the assessment of individual health and the physiologically normal state to be determined on the basis of the new concept.  相似文献   

Apparatus of the theory of automatic regulation and control systems is applied for explanation of typological characteristics of the higher nervous activity. On the basis of the analysis of activity of four types of automatic control systems a hypothesis is suggested that these characteristics are connected with organization of the feedback in the functional system, and analogies drawn between the types of the higher nervous activity and types of automatic systems.  相似文献   

Statistical analysis of the distribution of the mean somatometric, functional, and psychophysiological parameters in the total sample of subjects with the use of the χ2 and λ tests and low, medium, and high habitual physical activity (HPA) levels (LHPA, MHPA, and HHPA, respectively) at different ontogenetic stages (junior and senior school students and young adults of both sexes) showed wide quantitative and qualitative ranges of psychophysiological individuality in a healthy population and demonstrated that it is reasonable to distinguish three typological groups or functional constitutional types (FT-1 corresponding to LHPA; FT-2, to MHPA; and FT-3, to HHPA). Typical first- and second-order parameters, as well as the results of third-order tests characterizing the current state, were determined for each FT. In order to comprehensively assess the constitutional type (synthetic constitution) of the subjects with low, medium, and high HPAs, the integrated analysis of the set of their characteristics was performed using the principles of polythetic (multi-variate) classification. The results obtained using multivariate statistical methods confirmed the basic postulate of the concept of typological variability of physiological individuality that a healthy human population is qualitatively heterogeneous in morphological, functional, and psychophysiological traits. The integrated physiological and statistical analyses of the results provided a scientific basis for three functional constitutional types (FT-1, FT-2, and FT-3) corresponding to three synthetic constitutional types (C 0-1, C 00, and C 01). These data indicate that the systemic (constitutional) approach to the estimation of individual typological characteristics confirm a high informativeness of partial constitution (FT-1, FT-2, and FT-3) in the human biological organization, and the set of characters selected for analysis allows the synthetic constitutional types to be adequately differentiated on a formal basis.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of fish estuary association guilds was undertaken on some 190 South African estuaries. This pioneering study spanned three zoogeographic regions and included three broad estuarine types. The guild compositions of the estuaries were compared based on an importance value, incorporating taxonomic composition, numerical abundance and relative biomass. Multivariate analyses included both inter‐regional (zoogeographic) and intra‐regional (estuarine typology) comparisons. The major estuary‐associated guilds (estuarine species and marine migrant species) were important in all estuary types within all biogeographic regions. Significant differences both between regions and between estuary types within regions, however, were recorded. Cool–temperate estuaries were generally dominated by migratory species (estuarine migrants and marine migrant opportunists) while the importance of species dependent on estuaries (estuarine residents and estuarine‐dependent marine migrants) was higher in warm–temperate and subtropical regions. The significance of estuarine nursery areas, particularly in regions where estuaries are few in number, is highlighted. In terms of typology, migratory species assumed a greater importance in predominantly open systems, while freshwater and estuarine‐resident species were more important in predominantly closed systems. Predominantly closed estuaries, however, were also important for marine migrant species, which further highlights the significance of these systems as nursery areas for fishes.  相似文献   

Based on the results of winter route censuses of birds in Central Altai and with the help of a multidimensional factor analysis, a hierarchical classification of bird species has been made according to similarities in distribution, a classification of bird population has been made, and the spatial typological structure of birds has been described. The main environmental factors that determined the heterogeneity of bird distribution are identified. It is shown that the classification of bird population and species for Central Altai in general, for its particular provinces, and for the mountains of Southern Siberia are similar. The structure of the winter population reflects an arc line of differences in the main row, which is typical for the mountains of Southern Siberia in general, although the differences are somewhat less significant than in summer. The system of environmental factors that approximate the spatial heterogeneity of bird complexes is similar to the system identified earlier for all of Altai, as well as for its particular provinces and the mountains of Southern Siberia. First and foremost, the distribution of birds coincides with the forestation and anthropogenic territorial influence. These factors are the crucial determiners of the food and shelter capacity of habitats.  相似文献   

Effects of psycho-emotional stress on contents of steroid hormones in the blood were studied in dogs with different typological properties of the higher nervous activity. Under stress condition, a significant correlation between the cortisol and testosterone levels and the dogs' typological characteristics was found. The more obvious fluctuations in the hormones level occurred in animals with strong and excitable type of the nervous system as compared with dogs belonging to weak and inert type.  相似文献   

Coastal zone managers need to factor submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) in their integration. SGD provides a pathway for the transfer of freshwater, and its dissolved chemical burden, from the land to the coastal ocean. SGD reduces salinities and provides nutrients to specialized coastal habitats. It also can be a pollutant source, often undetected, causing eutrophication and triggering nuisance algal blooms. Despite its importance, SGD remains somewhat of a mystery in most places because it is usually unseen and difficult to measure. SGD has been directly measured at only about a hundred sites worldwide. A typology generated by the Land–Ocean Interaction in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ) Project is one of the few tools globally available to coastal resource managers for identifying areas in their jurisdiction where SGD may be a confounding process. (LOICZ is a core project of the International Geosphere/Biosphere Programme.) Of the hundreds of globally distributed parameters in the LOICZ typology, a SGD subset of potentially relevant parameters may be culled. A quantitative combination of the relevant hydrological parameters can serve as a proxy for the SGD conditions not directly measured. Web-LOICZ View, geospatial software then provides an automated approach to clustering these data into groups of locations that have similar characteristics. It permits selection of variables, of the number of clusters desired, and of the clustering criteria, and provides means of testing predictive results against independent variables. Information on the occurrence of a variety of SGD indicators can then be incorporated into regional clustering analysis. With such tools, coastal managers can focus attention on the most likely sites of SGD in their jurisdiction and design the necessary measurement and modeling programs needed for integrated management.  相似文献   

An examination of ideal and extreme type constructs indicates that ideal types do not serve as testable hypotheses in a theoretical system. Extreme types, on the other hand, can be empirically valid. In physical anthropological studies of human skeletal populations, ideal typology must be replaced with population thinking if we hope to arrive at a meaningful understanding of the biological attributes of prehistoric populations.  相似文献   

The paper is devoted to studies of interrelations between behavioural dominance of the left or right hemisphere and typological characteristics of the nervous system in rats. Rats with a strong type of nervous system are shown to possess species-specific interhemispheric asymmetry. In animals with a balanced nervous system it is greater than in animals with an unbalanced nervous system. Rats with a weak type of nervous system have no species-specific interhemispheric asymmetry.  相似文献   

Working with weakly congruent markers means that consensus genetic structuring of populations requires methods explicitly devoted to this purpose. The method, which is presented here, belongs to the multivariate analyses. This method consists of different steps. First, single-marker analyses were performed using a version of principal component analysis, which is designed for allelic frequencies (%PCA). Drawing confidence ellipses around the population positions enhances %PCA plots. Second, a multiple co-inertia analysis (MCOA) was performed, which reveals the common features of single-marker analyses, builds a reference structure and makes it possible to compare single-marker structures with this reference through graphical tools. Finally, a typological value is provided for each marker. The typological value measures the efficiency of a marker to structure populations in the same way as other markers. In this study, we evaluate the interest and the efficiency of this method applied to a European and African bovine microsatellite data set. The typological value differs among markers, indicating that some markers are more efficient in displaying a consensus typology than others. Moreover, efficient markers in one collection of populations do not remain efficient in others. The number of markers used in a study is not a sufficient criterion to judge its reliability. "Quantity is not quality".  相似文献   

In athletes with different types of physical training and various temperaments, variability of the main rhythms of the EEG (??, ??, and ??) and the parameters of the desynchronization response of the ??-rhythm, the individual extent of the decrease in the power of the ??-rhythm during eye opening under the conditions of hypoxia growing from 20.9 to 10% of O2 were studied. Twenty-four 18- to 26-year-old athletes, including 11 swimmers and 13 skiers, were involved in the study. We found that, in contrast to normoxia conditions, hypoxia was associated with the instability of the spectrum of the EEG rhythms and phasic changes during a 25-min hypoxia. The EEG response during hypoxia depended on individual typological features estimated using Strelau??s temperament questionnaire. Negative correlation between the psychological construct ??endurance?? measured using the FCB-TI questionnaire (Formal Characteristics of Behavior-Temperament Inventory) and the power of the EEG ??-rhythm was found. The parameters of training and the features of the respiration pattern that appeared as a consequence of training modulated the sensitivity of brain structures to hypoxia, which was reflected in the changes in the EEG ??-rhythm under hypoxia conditions.  相似文献   

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