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The identification of microorganisms by fluorescence in situ hybridisation   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) with rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes facilitates the rapid and specific identification of individual microbial cells in their natural environments. Over the past year there have been a number of methodological developments in this area and new applications of FISH in microbial ecology and biotechnology have been reported.  相似文献   

The city of Perth contains a number of sites that have been contaminated with hydrocarbons due to leakage from petroleum underground storage tanks. Microbial biomass in groundwater and sediment cores from above and below the water table, and from within and outside a plume of hydrocarbon contamination, was examined using phospholipid fatty acid methyl ester analysis. Microbial numbers, calculated from the phospholipid content, ranged from 0·9 × 106 to 7·8 × 106' Escherichia coli equivalent cells' g−1 dry wt of sediment. Over 96% of the microbial biomass was attached to the sediment and the proportion of attached cells did not decrease within the plume of contaminants. The amount of biomass within aquifer samples seemed to be related more to the proximity of the rhizosphere to the shallow aquifer, and other unknown urban inputs, rather than to the effects of the plume of contaminants. Fatty acids common to many bacterial groups dominated within the plume, and as such the analyses gave limited insight into microbial community structure. For site assessment of intrinsic remediation of shallow aquifers in urban areas, estimates of microbial biomass may not provide information that is readily applicable to plume management.  相似文献   

Detailed karyotypes of Lilium longiflorum and L. rubellum were constructed on the basis of chromosome arm lengths, C-banding, AgNO3 staining, and PI-DAPI banding, together with fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) with the 5S and 45S rDNA sequences as probes. The C-banding patterns that were obtained with the standard BSG technique revealed only few minor bands on heterologous positions of the L. longiflorum and L. rubellum chromosomes. FISH of the 5S and 45S rDNA probes on L. longiflorum metaphase complements showed overlapping signals at proximal positions of the short arms of chromosomes 4 and 7, a single 5S rDNA signal on the secondary constriction of chromosome 3, and one 45S rDNA signal adjacent to the 5S rDNA signal on the subdistal part of the long arm of chromosome 3. In L. rubellum, we observed co-localisation of the 5S and 45S rDNA sequences on the short arm of chromosomes 2 and 4 and on the long arms of chromosomes 2 and 3, and two adjacent bands on chromosome 12. Silver staining (Ag-NOR) of the nucleoli and NORs in L. longiflorum and L. rubellum yielded a highly variable number of signals in interphase nuclei and only a few faint silver deposits on the NORs of mitotic metaphase chromosomes. In preparations stained with PI and DAPI, we observed both red- and blue-fluorescing bands at different positions on the L. longiflorum and L. rubellum chromosomes. The red-fluorescing or so-called reverse PI-DAPI bands always coincided with rDNA sites, whereas the blue-fluorescing DAPI bands corresponded to C-bands. Based on these techniques, we could identify most of chromosomes of the L. longiflorum and L. rubellum karyotypes.  相似文献   

Summary A method is described for producing fluorescent bands on human chromosomes by staining with quinacrine after hybridisation in situ. The advantages of the method include the elimination of artefacts arising from staining before hybridisation, the fact that there is no reduction in sample number between staining and autoradiography, the ease with which autoradiographic grains can be identified and counted, and the reduction in exposure time.Offprint requests to: S.S. Lawrie  相似文献   

Biofilms were grown in annular reactors supplied with drinking water enriched with 235 microg C/L. Changes in the biofilms with ageing, disinfection, and phosphate treatment were monitored using fluorescence in situ hybridization. EUB338, BET42a, GAM42a, and ALF1b probes were used to target most bacteria and the alpha (alpha), beta (beta), and gamma (gamma) subclasses of Proteobacteria, respectively. The stability of biofilm composition was checked after the onset of colonization between T = 42 days and T = 113 days. From 56.0% to 75.9% of the cells detected through total direct counts with DAPI (4'-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) were also detected with the EUB338 probe, which targets the 16S rRNA of most bacteria. Among these cells, 16.9%-24.7% were targeted with the BET42a probe, 1.8%-18.3% with the ALF1b probe, and <2.5% with the GAM42a probe. Phosphate treatment induced a significant enhancement to the proportion of gamma-Proteobacteria (detected with the GAM42a probe), a group that contains many health-related bacteria. Disinfection with monochloramine for 1 month or chlorine for 3 days induced a reduction in the percentage of DAPI-stained cells that hybridized with the EUB338 probe (as expressed by percentages of EUB338 counts/DAPI) and with any of the ALF1b, BET42a, and GAM42a probes. The percentage of cells detected by any of the three probes (ALF1b+BET42a+GAM42a) tended to decrease, and reached in total less than 30% of the EUB338-hybridized cells. Disinfection with chlorine for 7 days induced a reverse shift; an increase in the percentage of EUB338 counts targeted by any of these three probes was noted, which reached up to 87%. However, it should be noted that the global bacterial densities (heterotrophic plate counts and total direct counts) tended to decrease over the duration of the experiment. Therefore, those bacteria that could be considered to resist 7 days of chlorination constituted a small part of the initial biofilm community, up to the point at which the other bacterial groups were destroyed by chlorination. The results suggest that there were variations in the kinetics of inactivation by disinfectant, depending on the bacterial populations involved.  相似文献   

An electro-transformation procedure was established for Bacillus cereus ATCC 14579. Using early growth-stage culture and high electric field, the ectroporation efficiency was up to 2 × 109 cfu μg 1 ml 1 with pC194 plasmid DNA. The procedure was tested with three other plasmids, of various sizes, replication mechanisms and selection markers, and the transformation efficiencies ranged between 2 × 106 and 1 × 108 cfu μg 1 ml 1. The effects of two wall-weakening agents on electroporation rates were also evaluated. The transformation rate that was reached with our procedure is 103 times higher than that previously obtained with members of the Bacillus genus with similar plasmids, and 106 times superior than that achieved with available protocols for B. cereus. The proposed method is quick, simple, efficient with small rolling circle plasmids and large theta replicating plasmids with low copy number per cell, and suitable for many genetic manipulations that are not possible without high-efficiency transformation protocols.  相似文献   

The microbial composition in a pulp and paper wastewater aerated lagoon system was analysed using fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) to gain further understanding of the effect of substrate composition on microbial diversity for improved management of wastewater treatment systems. Few experiments have been conducted to tease apart the factors influencing the composition and abundance of certain groups within these wastewaters. Specific probes were used to investigate and enumerate the different bacterial groups present at particular stages through the treatment system over an extended period. Community composition and abundance of specific groups differed through the system however temporal stability was retained despite significant variability in the wastewater. Middle stream wastewater samples were enriched to explore the impact of different carbon/nitrogen/phosphorus (C:N:P) ratios on community composition and provide functionality to groups of micro-organisms within the microbial consortia. Nitrogen and phosphorus conditions did not impact community composition of methanol-fed cultures, which exhibited a dominance of Betaproteobacteria (>75%), namely Methylotrophic bacteria. This was confirmed through 16S rRNA gene sequencing and specific FISH probing, reflecting population observations at the beginning of the treatment system. We conclude that the nutrient and carbon combinations used in the enrichments created an interactive effect, altering the community composition and mimicking the main substrate load in the different stages of the treatment system. Finally, pulp and paper wastewater microbial composition was highly variable across the treatment system but was stable within the time sampled, with the enrichments emulating the substrate loads in the full scale system.  相似文献   

The extent of chromosomal mosaicism in human preimplantation embryos was examined using an improved procedure for the preparation and spreading of interphase nuclei for use in fluorescence in situ hybridisation, allowing the analysis of every nucleus within an embryo. One cell showed no hybridisation signals in only three of the 38 embryos that were included in this study, i.e. the hybridisation efficiency per successfully spread nucleus was 99% (197/200). Double-target in situ hybridisation analyses with X- and Y-chromosome-specific probes was performed to analyse nine embryos resulting from normal fertilisation, 22 polypronucleate embryos and seven cleavage-stage embryos where no (apronucleate) or only one pronucleus (monopronucleate) was observed. We also analysed autosomes 1 and 7 by double-target in situ hybridisation in the nuclei of two apronucleate, one monopronucleate and four polypronucleate embryos. All nine embryos that resulted from normal fertilisation were uniformly XY or XX. None of the apronucleate or monopronucleate embryos was haploid: three were diploid, one was triploid and three were mosaic. Fertilisation was detected by the presence of a Y-specific signal in four of these embryos. Of the polypronucleate embryos, two were diploid, two were triploid and 18 were mosaic for the sex chromosomes and/or autosomes 1 and 7. These results demonstrate that fertilisation sometimes occurs in monopronucleate embryos and that chromosomal mosaicism can be detected with high efficiency in apronucleate, monopronucleate and polypronucleate human embryos using fluorescence in situ hybridisation.  相似文献   

Microbial composition and structure of aerobic granular sewage biofilms   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Aerobic activated sludge granules are dense, spherical biofilms which can strongly improve purification efficiency and sludge settling in wastewater treatment processes. In this study, the structure and development of different granule types were analyzed. Biofilm samples originated from lab-scale sequencing batch reactors which were operated with malthouse, brewery, and artificial wastewater. Scanning electron microscopy, light microscopy, and confocal laser scanning microscopy together with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) allowed insights into the structure of these biofilms. Microscopic observation revealed that granules consist of bacteria, extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), protozoa and, in some cases, fungi. The biofilm development, starting from an activated sludge floc up to a mature granule, follows three phases. During phase 1, stalked ciliated protozoa of the subclass Peritrichia, e.g., Epistylis spp., settle on activated sludge flocs and build tree-like colonies. The stalks are subsequently colonized by bacteria. During phase 2, the ciliates become completely overgrown by bacteria and die. Thereby, the cellular remnants of ciliates act like a backbone for granule formation. During phase 3, smooth, compact granules are formed which serve as a new substratum for unstalked ciliate swarmers settling on granule surfaces. These mature granules comprise a dense core zone containing bacterial cells and EPS and a loosely structured fringe zone consisting of either ciliates and bacteria or fungi and bacteria. Since granules can grow to a size of up to several millimeters in diameter, we developed and applied a modified FISH protocol for the study of cryosectioned biofilms. This protocol allows the simultaneous detection of bacteria, ciliates, and fungi in and on granules.  相似文献   

A bacterial culture collection of 104 strains was obtained from an activated sludge wastewater treatment plant to pursue studies into microbial flocculation. Characterisation of the culture collection using a polyphasic approach indicated seven isolates, phylogenetically affiliated with the deep-branching Xanthomonas group of the class Gammaproteobacteria, were unable to hybridise the GAM42a fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) probe for Gammaproteobacteria. The sequence of the GAM42a probe target region in the 23S rRNA gene of these isolates was determined to have mismatches to GAM42a. Probes perfectly targeting the mismatches (GAM42a_T1038_G1031, and GAM42a_T1038 and GAM42a_A1041_A1040) were synthesised, and used in conjunction with GAM42a in FISH to study the Gammaproteobacteria community structure in one full-scale activated sludge plant. Several bacteria in the activated sludge biomass bound the modified probes demonstrating their presence and the fact that these Gammaproteobacteria have been overlooked in community structure analyses of activated sludge.  相似文献   

Gangliosides from brain of an 8 yr old boy with subacute sclerosing leukoencephalitis have been studied in terms of pattern and structure. Thin-layer chromatography showed that both gray and white matter have a highly abnormal pattern, with elevation of the relative proportion of four gangliosides corresponding to minor species in normal brain. The total level of lipid-bound sialic acid, however, was not increased, which indicated a compensating loss of other gangliosides. Two of the proliferating species were monosialogangliosides (G(5) and G(6)) (Korey nomenclature), and two were disialo types (G(2A) and G(3A)). Studies of their carbohydrate structures are described. Nine ganglioside fractions were isolated by preparative TLC in combination with column chromatography, and the fatty acid compositions were determined. Seven contained stearate as the major component, while two (G(3A) and G(6)) had relatively large proportions of oleate and palmitate. Five of the fractions contained two fatty acids of long chain-length and unknown structure.  相似文献   



Our current understanding of biofilms indicates that these structures are typically composed of many different microbial species. However, the lack of reliable techniques for the discrimination of each population has meant that studies focusing on multi-species biofilms are scarce and typically generate qualitative rather than quantitative data.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We employ peptide nucleic acid fluorescence in situ hybridization (PNA FISH) methods to quantify and visualize mixed biofilm populations. As a case study, we present the characterization of Salmonella enterica/Listeria monocytogenes/Escherichia coli single, dual and tri-species biofilms in seven different support materials. Ex-situ, we were able to monitor quantitatively the populations of ∼56 mixed species biofilms up to 48 h, regardless of the support material. In situ, a correct quantification remained more elusive, but a qualitative understanding of biofilm structure and composition is clearly possible by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) at least up to 192 h. Combining the data obtained from PNA FISH/CLSM with data from other established techniques and from calculated microbial parameters, we were able to develop a model for this tri-species biofilm. The higher growth rate and exopolymer production ability of E. coli probably led this microorganism to outcompete the other two [average cell numbers (cells/cm2) for 48 h biofilm: E. coli 2,1×108 (±2,4×107); L. monocytogenes 6,8×107 (±9,4×106); and S. enterica 1,4×106 (±4,1×105)]. This overgrowth was confirmed by CSLM, with two well-defined layers being easily identified: the top one with E. coli, and the bottom one with mixed regions of L. monocytogenes and S. enterica.


While PNA FISH has been described previously for the qualitative study of biofilm populations, the present investigation demonstrates that it can also be used for the accurate quantification and spatial distribution of species in polymicrobial communities. Thus, it facilitates the understanding of interspecies interactions and how these are affected by changes in the surrounding environment.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates a simple but effective use of combinatorial probes to label plant chromosomes by multicolour fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH). Three different DNA probes were labelled with only two different fluorophores, hybridised to somatic metaphase chromosomes of Secale cereale and Triticum aestivum, simultaneously visualised, and unequivocally distinguished in a single FISH experiment. Combinatorial labelling can augment karyotypical investigations, physical mapping of chromosomes and other analyses in plants based upon FISH.  相似文献   

The physiological properties and fatty acid content of 59 strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolated from soft-drink factories, a fruit puree factory, a fuel-alcohol distillery and a winery were compared. Discriminant analysis of the results allocated the strains to four groups according to their source. Resistance to preservatives and temperature stress were correlated with differences in fatty acid composition. The fatty acid C18: 1Δ11, growth at pH 2 and in the presence of 200–600 mg 1-1 benzoate or sorbate, and maximal growth rate at 42°C were characteristics associated with yeasts from particular environments. However, tolerance of thermal stress and content of the C18: 2 fatty acid were associated with subspecies: the former species S. capensis, S. chevalieri , etc. The relative content of C10 : 0, C12 : 0 and C18 : 0 acids varied according to both isolation source and subspecies.  相似文献   

Mt. Makiling Mudspring in Laguna, Philippines is a thermophilic, acidophilic environment that previously has been shown to harbor novel microorganisms. We assessed the microbial community that exists at this volcanic mudspring using 16S rRNA-based approaches. DNA was extracted from solfataric soils and sediments taken from Mudspring. The 16S rDNA was PCR amplified using universal (519F-1392R) and archaeal-specific (23FPL-1391R) primer pairs, cloned, and sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis of the cloned 16S rDNA showed that eleven clones clustered with, and therefore related to Sulfolobus tokodaii 7 and two clones clustered with S. solfataricu, S. shibatae and S. islandicus. Three clone sequences were related to those found in thermophilic chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), a copper sulfuric ore from bioleaching reactors. One clone had low similarity (95% identity) with uncultured archaeon clone KOZ184. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis revealed that about 71% of the microbial community present in the Mudspring belong to domain Archaea of which 63% were Crenarchaeota and 8% were Euryarchaeota. Seventeen percent (17%) of the population consisted of bacteria as indicated by the positive hybridization with the BACT338 probe, and the remaining 12% are unidentified. This study is the first attempt to use molecular techniques in any environment in the Philippines.  相似文献   

Plasma FA composition, a marker of FA status and dietary intake, is associated with health outcomes on a short- and long-term basis. Detailed investigation of the relationships between plasma FA composition and health requires the analysis of large numbers of samples, but manual sample preparation is very cumbersome and time consuming. We developed a high-throughput method for the analysis of FAs in plasma glycerophospholipids (GPs) with increased sensitivity. Sample preparation requires two simple steps: protein precipitation and subsequent base catalyzed methyl ester synthesis. Analysis of GP FAs is performed by gas chromatography. Coefficients of variation for FAs contributing more than 1% to total FAs are below 4%. Compared with the established reference method, results of the new method show good agreement and very good correlations (r > 0.9). The new method reduces the manual workload to about 10% of the reference method. Only 100 µl plasma volume is needed, which allows for the analysis of samples from infants. The method is well suitable for application in large clinical trials and epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

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