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Seedlings ofPicea sitchensis, Thuja plicata andTsuga heterophylla were supplied N hydroponically at one of four exponentially increasing rates of addition (0.09, 0.07, 0.05, or 0.025 gN-1 day-1) for up to 3 months in a naturally illuminated glasshouse. Relative growth rates (RGR) were analyzed as a function of N uptake, the allocation of assimilated N to foliage (LNFR), foliar N concentrations (Nla) and met assimilation rates (NAR), which were combined to estimate N productivity (RGR per unit whole-plant N concentration). Nitrogen accumulation, biomass and N partitioning and RGR and its components varied with species in response to the different N regimes.T. heterophylla had the lowest maximum wholeplant N concentrations (wpN) and specific absorption rates for N and exhibited the least plasticity in root: shoot ratios as wpN increased from 11–21 mg g-1. In all species, RGR increased linearly with wpN, while LNFR increased curvilinearly. Foliar N (Nla) increased linearly with wpN and NAR increased linearly with Nla. The RGRs ofT. heterophylla were highest at wpNs up to 18 mg g-1, a result of higher foliar N use efficiencies (NAR/Nla). However, RGR increased more with wpN inT. plicata andP. sitchensis. Although LNFR increased with wpN in all species, foliar N use efficiency declined, possibly due to an increased partitioning of foliar soluble N to non-photosynthetic compounds. Thus, in each species, N productivity did not increase above intermediate levels of wpN: 14 mg g-1 inT. heterophylla, 16 mg g-1 inP. sitchensis and 17 mg g-1 inT. plicata.  相似文献   

Alkaline-saline soil is widespread in arid and semiarid regions of the world and causes severe environmental and agricultural problems. To advance our understanding of the adaptation of ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) to alkaline-saline soil, we investigated EMF communities on Mongolian willow (Salix linearistipularis) growing in alkaline-saline soil (up to pH 9.2) in northeastern China. In total, 75 root samples were collected from 25 willow individuals over 4.7 ha. To identify fungal species in ectomycorrhizal root tips, we used terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism and sequencing analyses of the internal transcribed spacer region of ribosomal DNA. We detected 11 EMF species, including species of Inocybe, Hebeloma, and Tomentella of the Basidiomycota and three Ascomycota species. The EMF richness of the study site was estimated to be 15–17 using major estimators. The most abundant species was Geopora sp. 1, while no Geopora-dominated EMF communities have been reported so far. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the phylogroup including Geopora sp. 1 has been found mostly in alkaline soil habitats, indicating its adaptation to high soil pH. Because EMF are indispensable for host plant growth, the EMF species detected in this study may be useful for restoration of alkaline-saline areas.  相似文献   

Sitka spruce stumps were inoculated with decay fungi using colonized sawdust or dowel inoculum to investigate colonization in paired combinations. Estimates of domain sizes were made in the top 15 cm of stump after 13–14 or 21–23 months with sawdust or dowel inoculations, respectively. None of the co-inoculated species prevented colonization by Heterobasidion annosum; sapwood colonization by Resinicium bicolor may limit growth of H. annosum colonies out of heartwood, reducing the incidence of disease transfer at root contacts. H. annosum colonized stumps despite the presence of competing inoculum. Reduced colonization occurred in paired inoculations with R. bicolor, but not with other fungi. Co-inoculations with Stereum sanguinolentum increased colonization by H. annosum. R. bicolor largely remained in the upper 3–4 cm of stumps and reduced colonization by Melanotus proteus; growth of S. sanguinolentum was completely prevented. The results are discussed in relation to the colonization strategies of the decay fungi, their ability to colonize stumps in the presence of competitors and factors influencing development of communities of decay fungi in stumps.  相似文献   

倪秀雅  冯永霞  李如华  尚鹤  陈展 《生态学报》2023,43(17):7203-7215
不同林型土壤的酸化缓冲能力不同,真菌在土壤系统中扮演着重要的角色,而对土壤真菌群落结构和组成与土壤酸化的关系缺乏深入研究。以重庆铁山坪林场的马尾松纯林(Pi)和经马尾松纯林改造后的香樟纯林(Ci)、木荷纯林(Sc)、马尾松-香樟混交林(Pi_Ci)以及马尾松-木荷混交林(Pi_Sc)为研究对象,每个林型分别设置4个20 m×20 m的样地,分别采集腐殖质层(O层)和淋溶层(A层)土壤进行土壤性质及真菌群落分析,以探讨酸雨区森林土壤真菌群落与缓解土壤酸化的关系。研究表明:(1)与Pi相比,Ci土壤酸化明显缓解(高pH低NH4 : NO3),且能有效提高土壤全磷(TP)含量;而Sc虽然土壤pH值与Pi没有显著差异,但显著(P<0.05)提高了NH4 : NO3,且显著降低土壤TP和全钾(TK)含量(P<0.05);(2)不同林型土壤真菌群落多样性以Ci最为丰富,且表征土壤酸化的指标pH值、阳离子交换量(CEC)与真菌多样性显著正相关(P<0.05),NH4 : NO3与多样性显著负相关(P<0.05);(3)林型和土层都对真菌群落结构有显著影响(P<0.001),且林型的影响大于土层的影响;而土壤酸化程度将五个林型的土壤真菌群落区分成两个大类:Ci和Pi_Ci;Pi,Sc以及Pi_Sc。(4) Ci中有益菌(如Mortierella)更多,Pi以外生菌根真菌占优势(Russulaceae、Russula、Tomentella以及Sebacina);Sc以及Pi_Sc则含有更多的植物病原菌(Cladophialophora,Paecilomyces,Venturiales)、嗜酸菌及产酸菌(Paecilomyces,Penicillium)。在酸雨区受损马尾松林地种植香樟促进土壤真菌多样性提高,且产酸真菌、嗜酸菌丰度降低,而有益真菌丰度增加,可有效缓解土壤酸化;而种植木荷后土壤中的病原菌、嗜酸菌和产酸菌相对丰度增加,导致土壤进一步酸化。因此,通过将受酸雨损害严重的马尾松纯林改造成香樟纯林或马尾松-香樟混交林,有助于缓解土壤的酸化,实现酸雨区森林生态系统的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Niemi K  Häggman H  Sarjala T 《Mycorrhiza》2003,13(5):283-288
Production of free and conjugated polyamines by one strain of Laccaria proxima (Boud.) Maire, three strains (H, O, K) of Paxillus involutus (Batsch) Fr., and one strain of Pisolithus tinctorius was studied in vitro. Spermidine (Spd) was the main polyamine in the 4-week-old mycelium of all the fungi. It was mainly present in the free form, but it also occurred in conjugated forms. Paxillus involutus strain H released large amounts of free putrescine (Put), and the Pisolithus tinctorius released a compound probably related to cadaverine (Cad). On the other hand, these two fungi contained less conjugated polyamines than the other fungi. In addition to the amounts, the forms (perchloric acid soluble and insoluble) of conjugated polyamines in the mycelium varied between species and strains. L. proxima contained nearly as much insoluble conjugated Spd as free Spd, whereas Paxillus involutus strains O and K contained relatively large amounts of soluble conjugated Spd. The results suggest that ectomycorrhizal fungal species and strains differ in their ability and need to produce conjugated polyamines. The small amounts of soluble conjugated polyamines found in the culture filtrates indicate that some specific conjugated polyamines may be involved in polyamine translocation across the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

以湖南省林业科学院龙伏试验基地3年生常规方法培养的马尾松苗Pinus massoniana(以下简称常规苗)和3年生马尾松根生产(root production method,RPM)苗根、根际土为研究对象,采用Illumina MiSeq测序技术研究其根系及根际土壤外生菌根真菌(ectomycorrhizal fun...  相似文献   

Fire, which is the dominant disturbance in the boreal forest, creates substantial heterogeneity in soil burn severity at patch and landscape scales. We present results from five field experiments in Yukon Territory, Canada, and Alaska, USA that document the effects of soil burn severity on the germination and establishment of four common boreal trees: Picea glauca, Picea mariana, Pinus contorta subsp. latifolia, and Populus tremuloides. Burn severity had strong positive effects on seed germination and net seedling establishment after 3 years. Growth of transplanted seedlings was also significantly higher on severely burned soils. Our data and a synthesis of the literature indicated a consistent, steep decline in conifer establishment on organic soils at depths greater than 2.5 cm. A meta-analysis of seedling responses found no difference in the magnitude of severity effects on germination versus net establishment. There were, however, significant differences in establishment but not germination responses among deciduous trees, spruce, and pine, suggesting that small-seeded species experience greater mortality on lightly burned, organic soils than large-seeded species. Together, our analyses indicate that variations in burn severity can influence multiple aspects of forest stand structure, by affecting the density and composition of tree seedlings that establish after fire. These effects are predicted to be most important in moderately-drained forest stands, where a high potential variability in soil burn severity is coupled with strong severity effects on tree recruitment.  相似文献   

To control the infections by root rot fungi Heterobasidion spp., surfaces of freshly cut Norway spruce stumps are covered either by a biological (Rotstop; spore suspension of competitive saprotrophic fungus Phlebiopsis gigantea), or by a chemical (35% aqueous solution of urea) compound. In Fennoscandia, Rotstop and urea are applied, respectively, on 47,000 ha and on 2000 ha of forestland each year. The aim of this work was to assess the impact of biological and chemical control on biodiversity in communities of non-target fungi in freshly cut (7-week-old) stumps. Isolation of fungi to pure culture was accomplished from 402 wood samples taken from 63 stumps, 21 treated with each of the compounds and 21 untreated. The isolations yielded 368 distinct fungal strains representing 47 species. Stump treatment led to decrease of species richness both in Rotstop-treated (by 15%) and in urea-treated (by 19%) stumps. Nevertheless, the stumps subjected to the biological compound were colonized mainly by the same fungi that occurred naturally in untreated stumps (Sorensen similarity indices; SS=0.69; SN=0.68). By contrast, chemical treatment strongly promoted stump colonization by Ascomycetes and Deuteromycetes, led to significant decrease of Zygomycetes, and almost completely eliminated Basidiomycetes (including Heterobasidion spp.). Thus, resemblance to a natural community was low (SS=0.45; SN=0.34). Rotstop treatment decreased significantly the extent of stump colonization by Heterobasidion spp., and increased that of P. gigantea. All strains of the latter were genetically identical among themselves and to the Rotstop strain. The mechanisms of biological and chemical control, and biodiversity aspects are discussed.  相似文献   

The lifespan of individual microbes in the soil influences nutrient cycling rates as well as population dynamics, but their responses to global change factors such as anthropogenic nitrogen deposition have been challenging to quantify in situ. We used minirhizotron images to track the abundance and turnover rate of individual fungal rhizomorphs under nitrogen fertilization in a pinyon-juniper woodland in New Mexico. We hypothesized that increases in nitrogen availability would alter rhizomorph lifespan and abundance. Sequential images were collected over eight sampling dates from November 1997 to August 1999, and a total of 278 rhizomorphs were examined. We found that neither standing stocks nor lifespans of rhizomorphs differed significantly between treatments. Lifespans of rhizomorphs lasted eleven months on average, indicating that nutrient immobilization in these structures could last for longer than a growing season in these sites.  相似文献   

Multilocus structure in Pinus contorta Dougl.   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
We studied isozyme variation at 21 loci in 66 populations from three subspecies of Pinus contorta Dougl.; 35 in spp. latifolia, 20 in spp contorta and 11 in spp. murrayana. The objectives were to assess gametic disequilibria and multilocus structure. There was considerable differentiation of allele frequencies at 19 polymorphic loci across the 66 populations and within the subspecies. Allele frequencies at many loci correlated with geographic variables. Genetic variability varied considerably among populations within subspecies but the subspecies means were similar. The mean number of polymorphic loci and the mean heterozygosity over 19 polymorphic loci were, respectively, 13 and 0.194 in latifolia, 12 and 0.196 in murrayana, and 12 and 0.180 in contorta. The mean heterozygosity correlated with longitude and altitude across the 66 populations and with latitude in latifolia. Gametic disequilibria were evident in 40 populations; 29 in latifolia, eight in murrayana and three in contorta. Gametic disequilibria correlated with latitude across the 66 populations and with longitude in latifolia. The single-locus F ST averaged 0.0339 in latifolia, 0.0567 in murrayana, and 0.0764 in contorta. The multilocus F STM was 0.1227 in latifolia, 0.2926 in murrayana, and 0.3328 in contorta. Multilocus Wahlund and founder effects, migration patterns, and natural selection, probably played significant roles in generating and maintaining the multilocus genetic structure in P. contorta in general and the subspecies latifolia in particular.  相似文献   

Summary Recovery from winter depression of photosynthesis was studied in Pinus sylvestris, Pinus conforta and Picea abies by means of chlorophyll fluorescence and gas exchange measurements. During the winter 1986–1987 the fluorescence yield was low and no variable fluorescence was detectable before the end of March. In the field recovery of variable fluorescence/maximum fluorescence (Fv/Fm) during spring was slow for all three species studied. The temperature dependence of recovery was confirmed from measurements of the potential rate of recovery of Fv/Fm at different temperatures in the laboratory. At 20° C, Fv/Fm increased from 0.1 to 0.8 within 3 days. Recovery of Fv/Fm was paralleled by an increase in apparent photon yield. No significant differences could be demonstrated between the studied tree species in potential rate of recovery in the laboratory or in actual recovery in the field.  相似文献   

内蒙古不同气候带白桦外生菌根真菌群落结构及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李敏  吕桂芬  牛艳芳  孟兆云  杨勋爵 《生态学报》2022,42(12):4847-4860
白桦是天然次生林生态系统演替过程中的先锋树种,是典型的外生菌根树种。基于Illumina Miseq高通量测序技术及生物信息学方法,分析了白桦外生菌根真菌多样性和群落结构及其驱动因素。结果表明,白桦根围土壤中共获得261个外生菌根真菌OTUs,隶属于2门、4纲、11目、29科、50属。在门水平上,担子菌门(Basidiomycota)真菌相对丰度占93.5%;其余为子囊菌门(Ascomycota)真菌,相对丰度占6.5%。在属水平上,相对丰度≥1%的优势属共有16个,其中红菇属(Russula,32.1%)、蜡壳耳属(Sebacina,19.9%)和丝膜菌属(Cortinarius,11.8%)的相对丰度最高,分布广泛,在所有样点均有出现。采用RDA和SPSS分析了外生菌根真菌群落组成差异的驱动因素,pH值、总氮、土壤含水量和速效钾对外生菌根真菌的分布均有极显著影响,其中,pH值对外生菌根真菌多样性及群落结构变化的解释度最高,为34.3%,其次为总氮、土壤含水量和速效钾,解释度分别为25.1%、16.8%和5.4%。研究结果阐明了跨气候带白桦外生菌根真菌的群落结构和影响因素,可为深入理...  相似文献   

The endophytic fungal communities in the hemi-parasitic epiphyte Viscum album and in its phorophyte Pinus sylvestris were compared to reveal the fungal distribution patterns in their hosts. The ITS nrDNA of 208 multiple-isolated fungal strains was sequenced and a newly designed process was applied for assigning taxon names to the obtained sequences. Furthermore, the isolates were grouped as clusters, by subjecting a sequence similarity matrix to various cluster analyses, the results of which were compared and verified by data from phylogenetic reconstructions. In contrast to a previously reported dominance of Leotiomycetes among Pinus inhabiting fungi, the endophytic communities of the two host plant species studied here were dominated by Xylariaceae (Sordariomycetes). This is in accordance with the finding that host selectivity was only a minor factor in explaining the distribution patterns of the endophytic fungi in Viscum and Pinus. Organ and, probably, tissue selectivity had a more pronounced effect. The composition and condition of the woods in the surrounding, however, are concluded to be the major determinants, due to the following circumstantial evidence: The highest similarities in fungal community compositions were found for the leaves of the two host plant species, especially when considering only the older leaves. The finding that the inhabitants of matured or senescent organs are less host-selective is in accordance with decreasing defence capabilities of ageing host plant tissue and an increased nutrient supply for saprobic taxa. Therefore, the composition of the fungal communities in ageing leaves seems to be predominantly ascribed to contagious spread and to depend on the spectrum of nearby sporulating fungal taxa. We suggest that because a broad range of suitable substrates for Xylariaceae was present in immediate vicinity of the study sites, these fungi also dominated among the recorded endophytic taxa.  相似文献   

Although succession may follow multiple pathways in a given environment, the causes of such variation are often elusive. This paper describes how changes in fire interval mediate successional trajectory in conifer-dominated boreal forests of northwestern Canada. Tree densities were measured 5 and 19 years after fire in permanent plots and related to pre-fire vegetation, site and fire characteristics. In stands that were greater than 75 years of age when they burned, recruitment density of conifers was significantly correlated with pre-fire species basal area, supporting the expectation of stand self-replacement as the most common successional pathway in these forests. In contrast, stands that were under 25 years of age at the time of burning had significantly reduced conifer recruitment, but showed no change in recruitment of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides). As a result, young-burned stands had a much higher probability of regenerating to deciduous dominance than mature-burned stands, despite the dominance of both groups by spruce (Picea mariana and Picea glauca) and pine (Pinus contorta) before the fire. Once initiated, deciduous-dominated stands may be maintained across subsequent fire cycles through mechanisms such as low on-site availability of conifer seed, competition with the aspen canopy, and rapid asexual regeneration of aspen after fire. We suggest that climate-related increases in fire frequency could trigger more frequent shifts from conifer to deciduous-dominated successional trajectories in the future, with consequent effects on multiple ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

红花尔基不同龄级天然樟子松外生菌根真菌群落结构特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵敏  郝龙飞  张敏  滕鹤  闫海霞  白淑兰 《菌物学报》2019,38(9):1420-1429
红花尔基被誉为樟子松Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica的故乡,樟子松是我国北方主要的造林树种之一,也是典型的菌根依赖型树种。研究樟子松根围外生菌根真菌(ectomycorrhizal fungi,ECMF)群落结构特征对红花尔基沙地樟子松生态系统的保护具有重要意义。本研究以红花尔基天然樟子松根围土壤为研究对象,采用Illumina MiSeq测序技术研究了4个龄级(<10、11-20、21-30和31-40年,分别称作Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ龄级)天然樟子松根围土壤ECMF群落结构特征。结果表明:(1)测序共获得87 516条ECMF序列,划分为177个OTUs(operational taxonomic units,OTU),隶属于2个门,4个纲,12个目,26个科,43个属。(2)Ⅳ龄级中Ace丰富度指数和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数均显著高于Ⅰ龄级(P<0.05)。(3)不同龄级根围ECMF优势属占比不同,Ⅰ龄级中占比最大的为Inocybe(42.55%);Ⅱ和Ⅲ龄级中占比最大的均为Tricholoma,分别为31.64%和27.69%;Ⅳ龄级中占比最大的为Cortinarius(28.80%)。(4)冗余分析表明,土壤pH值对ECMF的影响程度最大,其次为速效钾和碱解氮;同时,不同理化因子对群落中优势属的影响也存在差异。  相似文献   

Shifts in ectomycorrhizal (ECM) community structure were examined across an experimental hydrologic gradient on containerized seedlings of two oak species, Quercus montana and Quercus palustris, inoculated from a homogenate of roots from mature oak trees. At the end of one growing season, seedlings were harvested, roots were sorted by morphotype, and proportional colonization of each type was determined. DNA was subsequently extracted from individual root tips for polymerase chain reaction, restriction fragment length polymorphism, and rDNA sequencing of the ITS1/5.8S/ITS2 region to determine identities of fungal morphotypes. Twelve distinct molecular types were identified. Analysis of similarity showed that ECM fungal assemblages shifted significantly in composition across the soil moisture gradient. Taxa within the genus Tuber and the family Thelephoraceae were largely responsible for the changes in fungal assemblages. There were also significant differences in ECM community assemblages between the two oak host species. These results demonstrate that the structure of ECM fungal communities depends on both the abiotic and biotic environments and can shift with changes in soil moisture as well as host plant, even within the same genus.  相似文献   

【目的】探索自然生态下蝉花内菌核、菌膜和环境细菌群落结构、功能及其相互关系。【方法】对细菌16S rRNA扩增片段进行高通量测序,分析贵阳市大将山和贵阳森林公园的蝉花内菌核、菌膜及其生境土壤的细菌群落组成、多样性及潜在功能。【结果】蝉花内菌核样本共检测到细菌562个属,菌膜样本521个属,菌际土样本578个属。两地的各组样本细菌群落结构相似,内菌核样本中假单胞菌属Pseudomonas、沙雷氏菌属Serratia占优势地位;菌膜样本中假单胞菌属和氨基杆菌属Aminobacter占优势;土壤样本以未分类的酸杆菌纲Acidobacteria和黄杆菌科Xanthobacteraceae为优势属。Venn图分析显示,菌际土样本包括了菌膜样本的大多数属,内菌核样本拥有较多的特有属,如沃尔巴克氏体属Wolbachia和立克次氏体Rickettsia等。PICRUSt功能预测结果显示,共计24个基因功能家族,主要与物质能量的代谢运输、细胞的行为发生及调控等功能相关。【结论】蝉花及其微生境中细菌具有丰富多样性,它们的潜在功能可能与营养物质的新陈代谢有关,对蝉花的个体生长发育有重要作用。研究结果对蝉花虫...  相似文献   

Experiments on plants are often carried out in growth chambers or greenhouses which necessitate the use of an artificial rooting environment, though this is seldom characterized in detail. Measurements were made to compare the rooting environment in large boxes (0.25 m3) with that in small pots (0.19, 0.55 and 1.90 dm3) in naturally lit chambers. Diurnal temperature fluctuations of 14.6, 11.6 and 7.7°C occurred in the post compared with only 1.9°C in the boxes. Soil drying to a matric potential of-50 kPa was approximately 25 times faster in the pots. The mean heights of 2 year old Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) seedlings grown throughout their second growing season in the three sizes of pots were 38, 62 and 92% of the mean height of those grown in the boxes. Soil solution nutrient concentrations in the boxes were considerably increased by soil drying, an aspect which seems to have received little attention in experiments involving artificially imposed drought. An alternative system of constraining the roots of individual plants within nylon fabric bags, embedded in larger volumes of soil, to facilitate harvesting of complete root systems is described. The importance of the rooting environment in determining the outcome of physiological experiments is also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The level of fruiting in four forest trees species (Picea sitchensis, P. abies, Pinus sylvestris and Fagus sylvatica) was monitored in Great Britain over the period 1989–1991. In addition, assessments of crown transparency were available for many of the trees for 1987 and 1988. The monitoring period encompassed severe summer droughts in 1989 and 1990, with wetter conditions in 1991. Variations in the level of fruiting in spruce and beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) were seen, with a marked peak in 1990. No pattern was apparent in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Coning, which was greater in trees with the least transparent crowns, had no discernible effect on the crown transparency of the conifers. Cupule production in beech was greatest in trees with the most transparent crowns, and trees with high numbers of cupules in 1990 tended to have greater crown dieback recorded in 1991.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of cold soil and snowcover on photosynthesis and conductance of Picea engelmannii and Pinus contorta was investigated early in the growing season in the Medicine Bow Mountains, Wyoming, USA. Trees of both species growing in cold soil (<1°C) associated with snowpack had 25–40% lower leaf photosynthesis than trees in warm soils (>10°C). In cold soils leaf conductance of both species was lower, but more so in Pinus, leading to lower intercellular CO2 concentrations and greater stomatal limitation of photosynthesis. Soil temperature had no effect on predawn and midday shoot water potentials of Pinus and Picea and lower photosynthesis and conductance did not appear to be a result of lower bulk shoot water potential. Predawn, as well as midday, water potentials of Pinus were consistently higher than Picea suggesting that Pinus may have deeper roots, although trenching experiments indicated young Picea trees have more extensive lateral root systems than similar sized Pinus trees. Young Picea trees (<2 m in height) in snowbanks were capable of utilizing warmer soil 4 m from their base. Under similar conditions Pinus in snowbanks had lower photosynthesis and conductance than controls and Pinus did not appear capable of utilizing warmer soils nearby. Under full sunlight, PPFD reflected from the snow surface was 400–1400 mol m-2 s-1 higher than from snow-free surfaces. This reflected light resulted in a 10%–20% increase in photosynthesis of Picea. The beneficial effect of reflected light was apparent whether or not photosynthesis was reduced by low soil temperatures.  相似文献   

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