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The annona fruit borer wasp Bephratelloides cubensis Ashmead was recorded for the first time damaging "ilama" fruits Annona diversifolia (Anonaceae) in Coatlan del rio, Morelos, Cacahuamilpa and El Ocotillo, Guerrero, Mexico. Geographical distribution, hosts and damage are mentioned.  相似文献   

Females of the almond seed wasp,Eurytoma amygdali Enderlein (Hymenoptera, Eurytomidae), responded in an olfactometer positively to odours from almond flowers and unripe fruits, but not to almond leaf odours and odours from flowers and unripe fruits of certain other nonhostPrunus species. Males responded to none of these odours. Extracts of undamaged unripe almond fruits (using ethanol, methanol, acetone, hexane, dichloromethane, or petroleum ether) stimulated female aggregation on glass surfaces treated with these extracts; in addition, certain fruit extracts (ethanol, methanol, or acetone) stimulated oviposition. Extracts of undamaged almond leaves (ethanol, methanol, or acetone) and flowers (ethanol or methanol) also stimulated female aggregation and oviposition. Aggregation and oviposition in response to an ethanol extract of almond fruits was intense in females aged 5 to 14 days and from 12∶00 to 18∶00h (photophase between 06∶00 and 20∶00). Certain almond fruit (ethanol, methanol, acetone or hexane) and flower extracts (ethanol or methanol) also provoked female response in the olfactometer. The results strongly suggest that certain chemical stimuli emanating from parts of the almond tree play a major role in host selection and oviposition. Some of the extracts tested may be a good source for the isolation, identification and synthesis of compounds stimulating attraction, aggregation and oviposition in nature. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A3414024 00003  相似文献   

梨小食心虫Grapholitha molesta(Busck)是我国重要的果树害虫,本文利用室内饲养观察、室外田间模拟、果园采集饲养等方法系统研究了梨小食心虫成虫的性比及日羽化节律;并利用性诱剂、糖醋液、黑光灯等诱集梨小食心虫成虫,研究了梨小食心虫成虫的活动规律。结果表明:1、田间采集调查表明,梨小食心虫成虫雌雄比例为1∶1.143,室内饲养雌雄比例为1∶1.708。2、梨小食心虫成虫羽化时间主要集中在4:00—10:00,其中以6:00—8:00羽化率最高;梨小食心虫在室外羽化时间比室内推迟2 h左右,室外梨小食心虫比室内普遍晚4 d羽化,这可能与室外温度和光照条件有关;雌虫羽化较雄虫早12 d;3、性诱剂和糖醋液诱集成虫高峰时间均为晚上20:00—22:00,说明梨小食心虫无论雄虫还是雌虫都在此期间活动;夜间各个时间段利用黑光灯都能诱到梨小食心虫成虫,说明梨小食心虫具有趋光性。结论:梨小食心虫雌雄比例为1∶1.12 d;3、性诱剂和糖醋液诱集成虫高峰时间均为晚上20:00—22:00,说明梨小食心虫无论雄虫还是雌虫都在此期间活动;夜间各个时间段利用黑光灯都能诱到梨小食心虫成虫,说明梨小食心虫具有趋光性。结论:梨小食心虫雌雄比例为1∶1.11.7,主要在早晨及上午羽化,雌虫较雄虫先羽化;在果园活动时间主要为晚上20:00—22:00。本结果可为梨小食心虫的田间性诱剂监测和诱捕、迷向防治提供指导。  相似文献   

Guava (Psidium guajava Linnaeus) is an important horticulture crop in tropical and subtropical regions. However, guava transportation to the fruit market is regulated due to the risk of fruit fly infestations. The oriental fruit fly [Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), Tephritidae, Diptera], which damages numerous horticulture fruits, is the primary pest in guava. For fruit export, phytosanitary treatment is necessary to prevent the potential oriental fruit fly infestations through pest-infested fruits. In this study, cold treatment was administered to eliminate oriental fruit fly infestations in guava fruits. The optimal egg inoculation density was 200 eggs per fruit, and third instar larvae displayed the highest cold treatment tolerance. On assessing the efficacy of cold treatment, none of the third instar larvae in the fruits survived at a constant fruit core temperature of 0.5–1 °C for 11 days. A confirmatory test revealed that on maintaining a fruit core temperature of 0.5–1 °C for 12 days, 100% mortality was achieved among the fruit flies. In fruit quality assessment, guava fruits exposed to cold treatment still maintained their market value. Thus, cold treatment effectively disinfested guava fruits with possible fruit fly infestations, making it a viable quarantine treatment for guava fruits prior to their export.  相似文献   

枸杞瘿螨姬小蜂Cirrospilus eniophyesiYang(新种)是枸杞瘿螨Aceria pallidaKeifer的重要天敌,以幼虫在虫瘿内取食枸杞瘿螨的成虫和若虫。在(25±1)℃下,该蜂完成1个世代需16~21d。成虫寿命及产卵量与补充营养有关,取食10%蜂蜜水的雌虫寿命为(6.94±0.67)d,雄虫为(5.14±0.49)d。不进行补充营养的雌雄成虫寿命分别为(1.96±0.27)d和(1.06±0.29)d;补充10%蜂蜜水和水可显著提高产卵量,每雌平均产卵量分别为(29.13±6.12)粒和(23.14±3.16)粒,产卵高峰期在羽化后的第2天。成虫羽化时间多集中在6:00~8:00am和4:00~6:00pm,羽化当天即可交尾。枸杞瘿螨姬小蜂自然种群消长与寄主虫口密度相关,在6月底7月初寄生率达到83.3%。  相似文献   

爱玉及其传粉昆虫的共生关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
爱玉是榕属攀援灌木,其隐头花序中生活着薜荔榕小蜂,爱玉一年两次开花,雌雄株比1:2,雌花序中平均有5503朵雌花。雄花序中平均有6308朵瘿花,自然状态上结实率和成虫瘿率分别为83.52%,51.33%。薜荔榕小蜂一年两代,1只雌蜂进入花序平均可产约600个卵或使1391朵雌花受粉结实,爱玉依赖薜荔榕小蜂传粉,否则不能结实;薜荔榕小蜂是惟一能进入花序的传粉者并依靠爱玉花序得以栖息,二者在形态结构。生理功能上高度互适,生活史上完全吻合衔接。生态策略上紧密协调,构成复杂而又精细的共生体系。  相似文献   

Abstract: What the real trade-off is among fig-supported wasps and the viable seeds of figs is heatedly debated in the studies of fig/fig wasp mutualism. In the present study, we collected wasp offspring (galls) and the viable seeds of premature fruits, and determined the foundress number in receptive fruits and all the types of wasps supported by Ficus racemosa L. during both the rainy and dry seasons in Xishuangbanna, China. The data show that the galls were positively correlated with viable seeds ( n = 32; r = 0.74; P < 0.001) when the proportion of vacant female flowers (PVFF) was high, in April (68.0%), and were negatively correlated with viable seeds ( n = 48; r =−0.59; P < 0.05) when PVFF were limited (PVFF = 42.6%) during a colder month (January). The mean foundress number per fruit during the colder months is significantly lower than during the warmer months ( F 5, 603= 27.9; P < 0.001) and pollinator wasps can live longer during the colder months. During the colder months, the proportions of non-pollinators and wasp offspring are higher than those found during other months, whereas the proportion of viable seeds is not different compared with that of other months. Non-pollinator wasps tend to oviposit the female flowers that have been oviposited by pollinator wasps. The non-pollinators only negatively affect pollinator wasps and there is no obvious negative effect of non-pollinator wasps on viable seeds, so ovipositing by non-pollinator wasps will not result in the extinction of the figs during the process of evolution. The results of the present study indicate that figs can allow less foundresses to be in fruit cavities when PVFF are limited, which provides supporting evidence for the previous assumption that the plants have developed a mechanism to maintain a stable system because of the conflicts between the parties involved.
(Managing editor: Ya-Qin HAN)  相似文献   

What the real trade-off is among fig-supported wasps and the viable seeds of figs is heatedly debated in the studies of fig/fig wasp mutualism. In the present study, we collected wasp offspring (galls)and the viable seeds of premature fruits, and determined the foundress number in receptive fruits and all the types of wasps supported by Ficus racemosa L. during both the rainy and dry seasons in Xishuangbanna,China. The data show that the galls were positively correlated with viable seeds (n = 32; r = 0.74; P < 0.001)when the proportion of vacant female flowers (PVFF) was high, in April (68.0%), and were negatively correlated with viable seeds (n = 48; r =- 0.59; P < 0.05) when PVFF were limited (PVFF = 42.6%) during a colder month (January). The mean foundress number per fruit during the colder months is significantly lower than during the warmer months (F5, 603 = 27.9; P < 0.001) and pollinator wasps can live longer during the colder months. During the colder months, the proportions of non-pollinators and wasp offspring are higher than those found during other months, whereas the proportion of viable seeds is not different compared with that of other months. Non-pollinator wasps tend to oviposit the female flowers that have been oviposited by pollinator wasps. The non-pollinators only negatively affect pollinator wasps and there is no obvious negative effect of non-pollinator wasps on viable seeds, so ovipositing by non-pollinator wasps will not result in the extinction of the figs during the process of evolution. The results of the present study indicate that figs can allow less foundresses to be in fruit cavities when PVFF are limited, which provides supporting evidence for the previous assumption that the plants have developed a mechanism to maintain a stable system because of the conflicts between the parties involved.  相似文献   

The survival of the fungus Monilinia fructicola on fruit and inert surfaces at different temperatures (range: 0–30°C) and relative humidity (RH) (range: 60–100%) was investigated. M. fructicola conidia survived better on fruit than on inert surfaces. The viability reduction rate at 20°C and 60% RH was 1.2 and 5.8 days?1 on fruit and inert surfaces, respectively. Overall, on fruit surfaces, conidia viability was reduced at high temperatures and was longer at higher RH than at lower RH; in contrast, on inert surfaces, conidia viability was longer at only low temperatures. On fruit surfaces, at 0°C and 100% RH, conidia survived up to 35 days, and at 30°C and 60% RH, conidia survived up to 7 days. However, on inert surfaces at 20°C and 30°C, conidia lost their viability after 48 and 24 h, respectively. These results suggest that M. fructicola can remain viable in cold rooms for over 30 days on fruit surfaces or over 25 days on inert surfaces. Furthermore, under the orchard conditions during the growing season, conidia may remain viable for only 2–3 days on immature fruit surfaces before conidia will be unable to penetrate the host.  相似文献   

【目的】油茶象Curculio chinensis Chevrolat是我国特有木本油料树种——油茶Camellia spp.的专性蛀果害虫,常导致其大量落果。本文旨在揭示该虫发生危害与寄主果实大小的关系,并探讨其产卵行为策略。【方法】于油茶象产卵高峰期在小果油茶Camellia meiocarpa林随机采摘960个果实,清查油茶象刺孔数和窝卵数,并对果重、果长和果径进行了测量,用单因素方差分析比较产卵果、取食果和非受害果大小差异性,用线性回归分析果实特征对油茶象取食及产卵活动的影响。同时对油茶象雌虫进行了果实大小选择性试验,用配对样本t检验分析选择果与非选择果的大小差异性。【结果】在果重、果长、果径和果实体积方面,产卵果取食果非受害果(P0.01),刺孔数、窝卵数和寄生率与果实大小呈极显著线性正相关(P0.01),说明油茶象雌虫优先选择大果实取食和产卵。当两供试果实差异显著时,油茶象雌虫对大果实表现出明显的偏好选择性,危害12 h后,重受害果长度和直径都显著大于轻受害果(P0.01)。油茶象雌虫每次只产1粒卵,卵单产是油茶象本身的属性,与果实特征无关。【结论】油茶象优先选择大果实取食,支持最优觅食理论。油茶象优先选择大果实产卵。窝卵数越小,油茶象种内竞争越弱,幼体正常发育并成功脱果的概率越高,适合度增加。卵单产是油茶象应对寄主果实食物资源限制作用的一种"风险分散"行为适应策略。  相似文献   

利用快速叶绿素荧光诱导动力学和光谱反射测定技术,研究了晴天条件下,光、温变化对苹果绿色果皮原初光化学反应的影响.结果表明:一天内,随着光、温的增强,金冠苹果果皮在12:00-14:00存在较严重的光抑制.O-J-I-P荧光诱导曲线在300 μs处的相对可变荧光(Wk)几乎没有变化,说明果皮PSⅡ的放氧复合体(OEC)的活性在一天当中没有受到强光和高温的伤害;但是果皮捕获的激子将电子传递到电子传递链中QA-下游电子受体的概率(Ψo)从8:00-12:00逐渐下降,说明金冠果皮PSⅡ反应中心受体侧的功能受到抑制.强光降低了果皮单位面积上有活性的反应中心(RC/CS)的数量,导致单位反应中心吸收的光能(ABS/RC)增加.果皮的光化学反应(TRo/RC)不能完全利用所吸收的光能,使单位反应中心的热耗散(DIo/RC)增加.伴随着光抑制的出现,苹果果皮叶黄素库的脱环化比例增加,表明强光下,果皮启动了叶黄素循环机制,来耗散过剩光能,以减轻过剩光能对光合机构的进一步伤害;一天中,光强和温度的增加均可加重果皮的光抑制程度,但光强对果皮的影响程度显著大于温度对果皮的影响.  相似文献   

Traveset  A. 《Plant Ecology》1993,107(1):191-203
Vertebrate frugivores often feed on fruits upon or within which insects also feed, yet little information exists on the potential magnitude of interactions between these consumers. The Mediterranean shrub Pistacia terebinthus, the birds that consume its fruits, and the wasps that feed upon its seeds are examined in this study. P. terebinthus produces a highly variable fraction of final-sized red fruits that never become mature (green-colored). Red fruits can be immature, parthenocarpic, aborted, or attacked by wasps, and their pulp is much less nutritious than that of mature fruits. A total of 20 bird species consumed the fruits in the study area. Legitimate dispersers accounted for 39% of the total fruit removal, while pulp eaters and seed predators accounted for the remainder. Birds strongly preferred the mature fruits (only 4% of the fruits consumed were red). The incidence of wasps in the seeds ranged from 0 to 42% of the crop in 1989 and from 0 to 24% in 1990. The influence of avian and insect frugivore guilds on each other appears to be quite low because of the narrow overlap in resource utilization by birds and wasps, and an overall low intensity of wasp seed predation. From an evolutionary perspective, the possible ability of wasps to preclude fruit maturation appears not to be attributable to the present interaction with avian frugivores.  相似文献   

The effect of different temperatures (18, 22, 28, and 32.5 C, at constant 75% RH) and relative humidities (0, 15, 42, 60, 75, 84, and 92%, at constant 28 C) on the duration of the life cycle of Ornithodoros (Pavlovskyella) erraticus is studied in the laboratory. The egg incubation period is longer at 22 C than at the other temperatures tested; the percentage of hatched eggs was markedly increased at 28 C in comparison with other temperatures (T's) and relative humidities (RH's) tested. At constant 28 C, most larvae (86.2%) are ready to feed within 7.2 days posthatching; they feed for 5-52 min and molt to N1 in 7.8 days postfeeding. Five nymphal instars are recorded. Unfed N1-N5 survived for a longer period at 18 C than at other temperatures, whereas the effect of RH's was insignificant. After feeding, nymphal premolting periods differ from one instar to another and from one T or RH to another. At 28 C, the males emerge from N3, N4, and N5 in 9-15 days postfeeding, while females emerge only from N4 and N5 in 10-16 days. The overall sex ratio (3 male:5 female) is not affected by different T's and RH's. The female and male life spans were longer (means 720 and 500 days, respectively) at 22 C than at other T's and RH's. This study shows that the duration of the life cycle of O. erraticus decreases with rising T and increases with an increase in RH. However, the 28 C and 75% RH seem to be the optimum conditions for this species.  相似文献   

Non-specific immunostimulation with Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) is of current interest in the treatment of cancer. The main objective of the series of experiments described in this paper was to evaluate the influence the host's circadian system has on a. the stimulation of the immune system with BCG and b. the subsequent efficiency of that stimulated immune system against the Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma (EAC). There was a circadian rhythm in the length of survival time in non-immunized mice challenged with the EAC. Mice receiving an EAC challenge during the middle of the light period survived significantly longer than those challenged with the EAC around the time of transition from dark to light. Mice immunized with BCG and challenged with EAC also demonstrated a circadian rhythm in the length of survival 30 days after EAC challenge with 86% survivors in the mice treated at 10(00) and 60% survivors in the mice treated at 07(00). The same relationship was also observed 70 and 80 days after EAC challenge. Eighty days after EAC challenge, a circadian rhythm was apparent in the frequency of solid tumors at the site of the initial EAC injection. The highest incidence of solid tumors occurred at 13(00). A circadian rhythm was found in the increase in body weight between the first and second BCG or saline injections. Rectal temperatures recorded on the 8th, 12th and 16th day after EAC challenge were characterized by circadian rhythmicity. In the mice without development of ascites, the peak temperature consistently occurred at 01(00). In the mice with ascites there was a phase advance in the rectal temperature rhythm of 3 h so that the peak in the rhythm consistently occurred at 22(00). In the mice with ascites a further finding was an increasing hypothermia as the ascites continued to develop; however, this hypothermia was not detectable during the time of the peak (10(00)) in the temperature rhythm. The mice which did not die by the 80th day after EAC challenge were challenged again with 5.0 x 10(6) EAC cells, and during the next 46 days circadian variations were observed in the numbers of mice which survived. Similar changes were observed during an additional 46 days after a third EAC challenge of 41.5 x 10(6) cells.  相似文献   

Abstract: We studied the reproductive success and pollinators of Cucurbita maxima ssp. andreana in different disturbed habitats where it grows naturally. Data were obtained from three populations. One grew within a soybean crop, the other within a corn crop, and the third in an abandoned crop field. Cucurbita maxima ssp. andreana is an annual vine with a flowering period from December to April. Male flowers appear first, thereafter female and male flowers appear together. Flower lifetime (9 h) was similar in male and female flowers. The pollinator guild was comparable for the three populations but some differences in the frequency of the insect species were observed. Native bees were the main pollinators in the population in the abandoned field, while beetles pollinated the populations in crop fields. These differences were not linked with the pre-emergent reproductive success, fruit and seed set, or fruit quality. This is a self-compatible plant. Fruit and seed set and fruit traits (total mass, width and length of fruits, number of seeds per fruit, and seed mass) did not show significant differences between hand-cross and hand-self pollinated flowers. This wild cucurbit is a generalist with respect to pollinator guild, and flower visitors seem to be highly efficient in pollen transference. Cucurbita maxima ssp. andreana is well adapted to disturbed habitats because plants ripened fruits successfully, regardless of the group of insects visiting flowers.  相似文献   

The effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and drought on fruit quality was evaluated in chile ancho (Capsicum annuum L. cv San Luis). AMF treatments were (1) Glomus fasciculatum (AMFG), (2) a fungal species consortium from the forest “Los Tuxtla” in Mexico (AMFT), (3) a fungal species consortium from the Sonorian desert in Mexico (AMFD), and (4) a noninoculated control (NAMF). Plants were exposed to a 26-day drought cycle. Fruit quality was determined by measuring size (length, width, and pedicel length), color, chlorophyll, and carotenoid concentration. Under nondrought conditions, AMFG produced fruits that were 13% wider and 15% longer than the NAMF treatment. Under nondrought conditions, fruit fresh weight was 25% greater in the AMFG treatment compared to the NAMF. Under drought, fruits in the AMFT and AMFD treatments showed fresh weights similar to those in the NAMF treatment not subjected to drought. Fruits of the AMFG treatment subjected to drought showed the same color intensity and chlorophyll content as those of the nondroughted NAMF treatment and carotenoid content increased 1.4 times compared to that in the NAMF not exposed to drought. It is interesting to note that fruits in the AMFD treatment subjected to drought and the NAMF treatment not exposed to drought reached the same size. AMFD treatment increased the concentration of carotenes (1.4 times) under nondrought conditions and the concentration of xanthophylls (1.5 times) under drought when compared to the nondroughted NAMF treatment.  相似文献   

In laboratory trials an aqueous solution of Piquerol A from Piqueria trinervia, collected in several regions of Mexico, showed a molluscicide action on the adults of eight different pulmonates snails species: Fossaria (Fossaria) humilis, F. (Bakerilymnaea) sp., Pseudosuccinea columella and Stagnicola attenuata from Mexico; F. (B.) cubensis and Physa cubensis from Cuba; P. columella and Biomphalaria glabrata from Brazil; B. glabrata from Puerto Rico; and S. elodes from U.S.A. The solution was tested at 50, 25 and 5 ppm concentration, for two periods of 6 and 24 hours, at room temperature (20-22 degrees C). A 100% mortality was obtained for all species at 50 ppm concentration after 6 hours of exposure; the same percentage at 25 ppm after 24 hours; and 60 to 100% mortality at 5 ppm concentration during 24 hours of exposure. No recovery was observed among any of the treated snails. Piquerol A is a sesquiterpene with low stability in nature and has previously only been tested as an insecticide and as an inhibitor of metabolism in cell cultures: no field trails have been made on its toxicity to other aquatic fauna as yet, but it is believed Piquerol A could be an excellent molluscicide for use in areas where focal transmission of schistosomiasis and fascioliasis are taking place. This is the first time experiments on molluscicides have been carried out in Mexico.  相似文献   

Optimal sexual reproduction in relation to fire effects varies in Fabaceae species. Calliandra species have a large investment in reproduction. We investigated the consequences of fire during the fruiting period of Calliandra parviflora Benth., by checking fruit exposure to fire, pre-dispersal seed predator infestation, and the effect of fruit burning on germination. We conducted this study in a floodable savanna in central Brazil, where we collected burnt and unburnt fruits. We measured the fruit and seed mass, and counted the number of damaged and undamaged seeds and live larvae per fruit. We analyzed the seed germination percentage from burnt and unburnt fruits. The burnt fruits presented greater mass than the unburnt fruits, despite their seed mass being similar. The number of damaged seeds per fruit was only slightly higher in burnt compared to unburnt fruits (p = 0.047). The number of larvae on pre-dispersal seeds per fruit varied from 0 to 4 and did not differ between burnt and unburnt fruits. The germination percentage of unburnt fruit seeds (mean = 22 ± 17%), was significantly higher than that of burnt fruit (mean = 3.0 ± 2.0%, p < 0.001). Fire during fruiting or pre-dispersion decreases seed germination from 22 to 3%, but it does not hurt vegetative regeneration or resprout capacity of C. parviflora, which is a facultative seeder. Hence, we suggest that C. parviflora has potential for post-fire restoration in floodable open grassy savannas, in the ecotone between Cerrado and Pantanal, because this species may sprout quickly after first post-fire rains.  相似文献   

A growing body of literature reports the importance of non-prey food sources in boosting fitness of arthropod natural enemies, thus further contributing to their pest control efficacy. Although resources such as nectar, pollen, or honeydew have received a fair amount of research attention, little is known about the role of fruit juices. Under natural conditions, Tephritid fruit fly parasitoids enjoy ample access to fallen or damaged fruits and their saccharide-rich juices, and wasp fitness can potentially benefit in multiple ways from access to these resources. In this study, we compared the effect of fruit juice with other food resources on multiple fitness parameters in parasitoids that commonly forage on fallen, damaged fruits: the braconid Diachasmimorpha longicaudata and figitid Aganaspis pelleranoi. Parasitoids were subject to simple or combined diets of guava juice (Psidium guajava), honey and pollen, and their effect on wasp longevity, ovarian dynamics and (body) carbohydrate levels was assessed. For both species, adult longevity proved lowest on simple diets of water, guava juice, or pollen, while greatest longevity was attained on honey or combined diets. For D. longicaudata, egg load did not differ between the various diets, while A. pelleranoi egg load was higher for individuals that had access to honey or pollen, but did not differ between newly emerged wasps and those fed guava juice. In both parasitoid species, total sugars, fructose, and glycogen levels were highest in wasps fed with honey or combined diets and lowest under (simple) guava juice, pollen, or water diets. In conclusion, D. longicaudata and A. pelleranoi attained superior longevity and body nutrient levels with access to high-sucrose sugar sources, such as honey, but benefited comparatively little from access to guava juice. Our work hints the role of high-sucrose foods such as (extra-) floral nectar or artifical sugar sprays in boosting fitness of fruit fly parasitoids. We further discuss the relevance of these findings for fruit fly biological control, in crops such as guava.  相似文献   

Diachasma alloeum (Muesebeck) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is a solitary larval endoparasitoid attacking Rhagoletis (Diptera: Tephritidae) species. Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh) mark the surface of fruit after oviposition with an oviposition marking pheromone (OMP) which deters conspecific female flies. Herein we demonstrate that female D. alloeum wasps reared from either apple or hawthorn race R. pomenella larvae also deposit an OMP that reduces oviposition by conspecific female wasps. Significantly fewer wasps accepted fruit that had received prior wasp oviposition and OMP or OMP alone without oviposition compared with control fruit for a minimum of 7 days on both fruit types. Rinsing fruit with a 50% ethanol solution appeared to remove the OMP rendering fruit more acceptable for oviposition than marked fruit that was not rinsed. Wasps of each host race were able to detect and avoid the OMP of the sister race and fruit substrate type did not affect wasp response to the pheromone. The possibility of an internal marker deposited during oviposition is also discussed.  相似文献   

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