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Sequences homologous to the human endogenous retrovirus (HERV) family HERV-K(HML-2) are present in all Old World primate species. A previous study showed that a central region of the HERV-K(HML-2) gag genes in Hominoidea species displays a 96-bp deletion compared to the gag genes in lower Old World primates. The more ancient HERV-K(HML-2) sequences present in lower Old World primates were apparently not conserved during hominoid evolution, as opposed to the deletion variants. To further clarify the evolutionary origin of the HERV-K(HML-2) family, we screened GenBank with the 96-bp gag-sequence characteristic of lower Old World primates and identified, to date, 10 human sequence entries harboring either full-length or partially deleted proviral structures, probably representing remnants of a more ancient HERV-K(HML-2) variant. The high degree of mutations demonstrates the long-time presence of these HERV-K(OLD) proviruses in the genome. Nevertheless, they still belong to the HML-2 family as deduced from dot matrix and phylogenetic analyses. We estimate, based on the family ages of integrated Alu elements and on long terminal repeat (LTR) divergence data, that the average age of HERV-K(OLD) proviruses is ca. 28 million years, supporting an integration time before the evolutionary split of Hominoidea from lower Old World primates. Analysis of HERV-K(OLD) LTR sequences led to the distinction of two subgroups, both of which cluster with LTRs belonging to an evolutionarily older cluster. Taken together, our data give further insight into the evolutionary history of the HERV-K(HML-2) family during primate evolution.  相似文献   

The human genome harbors numerous distinct families of so-called human endogenous retroviruses (HERV) which are remnants of exogenous retroviruses that entered the germ line millions of years ago. We describe here the hitherto little-characterized betaretrovirus HERV-K(HML-5) family (named HERVK22 in Repbase) in greater detail. Out of 139 proviruses, only a few loci represent full-length proviruses, and many lack gag protease and/or env gene regions. We generated a consensus sequence from multiple alignment of 62 HML-5 loci that displays open reading frames for the four major retroviral proteins. Four HML-5 long terminal repeat (LTR) subfamilies were identified that are associated with monophyletic proviral bodies, implying different evolution of HML-5 LTRs and genes. Sequence analysis indicated that the proviruses formed approximately 55 million years ago. Accordingly, HML-5 proviral sequences were detected in Old World and New World primates but not in prosimians. No recent activity is associated with this HERV family. We also conclude that the HML-5 consensus sequence primer binding site is identical to methionine tRNA. Therefore, the family should be designated HERV-M. Our study provides important insights into the structure and evolution of the oldest betaretrovirus in the primate genome known to date.  相似文献   

Several distinct families of endogenous retroviruses exist in the genomes of primates. Most of them are remnants of ancient germ-line infections. The human endogenous retrovirus family HERV-K represents the unique known case of endogenous retrovirus that amplified in the human genome after the divergence of human and chimpanzee lineages. There are two types of HERV-K proviral genomes differing by the presence or absence of 292 bp in the pol-env boundary. Human-specific insertions exist for both types. The analyses shown in the present work reveal that several lineages of type 1 and type 2 HERV-K proviruses remained transpositionally active after the human/chimpanzee split. The data also reflect the important role of mosaic evolution (either by recombination or gene conversion) during the evolutionary history of HERV-K. Received: 5 February 2001 / Accepted: 22 March 2001  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Endogenous retroviruses contribute to the evolution of the host genome and can be associated with disease. Human endogenous retrovirus K (HERV-K) is related to the mouse mammary tumor virus and is present in the genomes of humans, apes and cercopithecoids (Old World monkeys). It is unknown how long ago in primate evolution the full-length HERV-K proviruses that are in the human genome today were formed. RESULTS: Ten full-length HERV-K proviruses were cloned from the human genome. Using provirus-specific probes, eight of the ten were found to be present in a genetically diverse set of humans but not in other extant hominoids. Intact preintegration sites for each of these eight proviruses were present in the apes. A ninth provirus was detected in the human, chimpanzee, bonobo and gorilla genomes, but not in the orang-utan genome. The tenth was found only in humans, chimpanzees and bonobos. Complete sequencing of six of the human-specific proviruses showed that full-length open reading frames for the retroviral protein precursors Gag-Pro-Pol or Env were each present in multiple proviruses. CONCLUSIONS: At least eight full-length HERV-K genomes that are in the human germline today integrated after humans diverged from chimpanzees. All of the viral open reading frames and cis-acting sequences necessary for HERV-K replication must have been intact during the recent time when these proviruses formed. Multiple full-length open reading frames for all HERV-K proteins are present in the human genome today.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that human endogenous retroviruses K family (HERV-K) has a role in disease, and solitary long terminal repeats (LTRs) of HERV-K have been potentially capable of affecting the expression of closely located genes. Using the human monochromosomes 8, 9, 17, and 18, with specific PCR primers, we identified thirty-four sequences of new HERV-K LTRs. Those LTR elements were analyzed phylogenetically with the human-specific HERV-K LTRs using neighbor-joining and maximum parsimony methods. Clones HKL8-5, HKL9-5, and HKL9-8 are related by more than 99% homology with the human-specific HERV-K LTRs. The HKL9-5 clone on chromosome 9 was 100% identical with the sequences of human-specific LTR, AC002400, on chromosome 16. The findings suggest that there has been recent proliferation, transposition, or chromosomal translocation of HERV-K LTR elements on human chromosomes.  相似文献   

The transient expression of the luciferase reporter gene helped us to detect a tissue-specific enhancer activity of the solitary extraviral long terminal repeat (LTR) of the human endogenous retrovirus K (HERV-K). The LTR was previously mapped to the 19q13.2 locus. It contains a number of potential regulatory elements including TATA box, binding sites for some nuclear factors, and a polyadenylation signal. However, an analysis of the genomic sequences close to the LTR did not reveal any known genes or the expressing marker sequences (EST), whose functioning could be regulated by this LTR. The enhancer activity can be preserved in the solitary LTR due to its involvement in a long-range control of genome functioning or by the absence of functional disruptive mutations within the human-specific LTR, because it is of a relatively young evolutionary age. The English version of the paper: Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 2002, vol. 28, no. 4; see also http://www.maik.ru.  相似文献   

One of the evolutionary mechanisms for acquisition of novel functional sequences can be domestication of exogenous retroviruses that have been integrated into the germ line. The whole genome mapping of such elements in various species could reveal differences in positions of the retroviral integration and suggest possible roles of these differences in speciation. Here, we describe the number, locations and sequence features of the human endogenous retrovirus HERV-K (HML-2) long terminal repeat (LTR) sequences on human chromosome 21. We show that their distribution along the chromosome is not only non-random but also roughly correlated with the gene density. Amplification of orthologous LTR sites from a number of primate genomes produced patterns of presence and absence for each LTR sequence and allowed determination of the phylogenetic ages and evolutionary order of appearance of individual LTRs. The identity level and phylogenetic age of the LTRs did not correlate with their map locations. Thus, despite the non-random distribution of LTRs, they have apparently been inserted randomly into the chromosome relative to each other. As evidenced in previous studies of chromosomes 19 and 22, this is a characteristic of HERV-K integration.  相似文献   



Integration of retroviral DNA into a germ cell may lead to a provirus that is transmitted vertically to that host's offspring as an endogenous retrovirus (ERV). In humans, ERVs (HERVs) comprise about 8% of the genome, the vast majority of which are truncated and/or highly mutated and no longer encode functional genes. The most recently active retroviruses that integrated into the human germ line are members of the Betaretrovirus-like HERV-K (HML-2) group, many of which contain intact open reading frames (ORFs) in some or all genes, sometimes encoding functional proteins that are expressed in various tissues. Interestingly, this expression is upregulated in many tumors ranging from breast and ovarian tissues to lymphomas and melanomas, as well as schizophrenia, rheumatoid arthritis, and other disorders.


No study to date has characterized all HML-2 elements in the genome, an essential step towards determining a possible functional role of HML-2 expression in disease. We present here the most comprehensive and accurate catalog of all full-length and partial HML-2 proviruses, as well as solo LTR elements, within the published human genome to date. Furthermore, we provide evidence for preferential maintenance of proviruses and solo LTR elements on gene-rich chromosomes of the human genome and in proximity to gene regions.


Our analysis has found and corrected several errors in the annotation of HML-2 elements in the human genome, including mislabeling of a newly identified group called HML-11. HML-elements have been implicated in a wide array of diseases, and characterization of these elements will play a fundamental role to understand the relationship between endogenous retrovirus expression and disease.  相似文献   

The distribution of the human endogenous retrovirus (HERV)-K genome was investigated by Southern-blot analyses using a HERV-K-env DNA probe. With the exception of one DNA-sample, obtained from a Chinese individual in whom an amplification of HERV-K was detected, Southern-blot analyses yielded identical hybridization patterns with DNA from peripheral blood lymphocytes of 37 normal healthy blood donors, with DNA from six tumor cell lines, or with 23 DNA samples prepared from various carcinoma tissues. To elucidate whether the integration of HERV-K genomes into the primate lineage occurred as a single event or as an integration with later expansion, we further examined the evolutionary history of HERV-K by Southern blot analyses with DNA samples from different primate species. We detected HERV-K genomes in Macaca mulatta and Macaca silenus, which represent Old World monkeys, but not in prosimians (Galago demidovii) and New World monkeys, represented by Saguinus fuscicollis, Saguinus oedipus, and Calliihrix iacchus. Thus, we assume that the infection of the primate lineage with HERV-K had occurred after the divergence of New World and Old World monkeys, but before the evolutionary expansion of large hominoids. In contrast to the apparent lack of HERV-Kenv sequences in DNA from tissue of the New World monkey Saguinus oedipus (cotton-top marmoset), we found HERV-K-DNA in the B95-8 cell-line, which is a Saguinus oedipus leukocyte cell-line, immortalized in vitro by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and cultivated in human cells. It may be speculated that HERV-K-DNA or HERV-K-particles were introduced into these cells during in vitro transformation with EBV.  相似文献   

The human polynucleotide cytidine deaminases APOBEC3G (hA3G) and APOBEC3F (hA3F) are antiviral restriction factors capable of inducing extensive plus-strand guanine-to-adenine (G-to-A) hypermutation in a variety of retroviruses and retroelements, including human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). They differ in target specificity, favoring plus-strand 5'GG and 5'GA dinucleotide motifs, respectively. To characterize their mutational preferences in detail, we analyzed single-copy, near-full-length HIV-1 proviruses which had been hypermutated in vitro by hA3G or hA3F. hA3-induced G-to-A mutation rates were significantly influenced by the wider sequence context of the target G. Moreover, hA3G, and to a lesser extent hA3F, displayed clear tetranucleotide preference hierarchies, irrespective of the genomic region examined and overall hypermutation rate. We similarly analyzed patient-derived hypermutated HIV-1 genomes using a new method for estimating reference sequences. The majority of these, regardless of subtype, carried signatures of hypermutation that strongly correlated with those induced in vitro by hA3G. Analysis of genome-wide hA3-induced mutational profiles confirmed that hypermutation levels were reduced downstream of the polypurine tracts. Additionally, while hA3G mutations were found throughout the genome, hA3F often intensely mutated shorter regions, the locations of which varied between proviruses. We extended our analysis to human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) from the HERV-K(HML2) family, finding two elements that carried clear footprints of hA3G activity. This constitutes the most direct evidence to date for hA3G activity in the context of natural HERV infections, demonstrating the involvement of this restriction factor in defense against retroviral attacks over millions of years of human evolution.  相似文献   

The published human genome sequence contains many thousands of endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) but all are defective, containing nonsense mutations or major deletions. Only the HERV-K(HML2) family has been active since the divergence of humans and chimpanzees; it contains many members that are human specific, as well as several that are insertionally polymorphic (an inserted element present only in some human individuals). Here we perform a genomewide survey of insertional polymorphism levels in this family by using the published human genome sequence and a diverse sample of 19 humans. We find that there are 113 human-specific HERV-K(HML2) elements in the human genome sequence, 8 of which are insertionally polymorphic (11 if we extrapolate to those within regions of the genome that were not suitable for amplification). The average rate of accumulation since the divergence with chimpanzees is thus approximately 3.8 x 10(-4) per haploid genome per generation. Furthermore, we find that the number of polymorphic elements is not significantly different from that predicted by a standard population genetic model that assumes constant activity of the family until the present. This suggests to us that the HERV-K(HML2) family may be active in present-day humans. Active (replication-competent) elements are likely to have inserted very recently and to be present at low allele frequencies, and they may be causing disease in the individuals carrying them. This view of the family from a population perspective rather than a genome perspective will inform the current debate about a possible role of HERV-K(HML2) in human disease.  相似文献   

Ancestry of a human endogenous retrovirus family.   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The human endogenous retrovirus type II (HERVII) family of HERV genomes has been found by Southern blot analysis to be characteristic of humans, apes, and Old World monkeys. New World monkeys and prosimians lack HERVII proviral genomes. Cellular DNAs of humans, common chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, but not lesser ape lar gibbons, appear to contain the HERVII-related HLM-2 proviral genome integrated at the same site (HLM-2 maps to human chromosome 1). This suggests that the ancestral HERVII retrovirus(es) entered the genomes of Old World anthropoids by infection after the divergence of New World monkeys (platyrrhines) but before the evolutionary radiation of large hominoids.  相似文献   

Differentiated human teratocarcinoma cell lines produce the human teratocarcinoma-derived virus (HTDV) particles encoded by the human endogenous retrovirus sequence HERV-K. We screened almost 2,000 human sera for antibodies against this endogenous human retrovirus, HTDV/HERV-K. Specificity of the immunofluorescence reactions using particle producing teratocarcinoma cells was confirmed by immunoelectron microscopy of ultrathin frozen sections. Immunoblot analyses using lysates of HTDV-producing cells revealed a 80-kDa HERV-K Gag precursor and a 90-kDa putative viral Env protein after incubation with positive sera. No processed Gag protein could be observed. Virus-specific bands were not detected in lysates of nonproducing cells. High antibody titers were found in about 60% of male patients with germ cell tumors. Antibody reactivity declined after tumor removal. In healthy blood donors, anti-HTDV reactivity was found only at low titers in a small percentage (3.9%) of individuals. A slightly elevated but statistically significant percentage of HTDV positivity was also observed for sera of pregnant women, whereas human immunodeficiency virus-positive individuals exhibited no peculiarity compared to normal blood donors. Our results provide evidence that HTDV particles are expressed in vivo and that the immune reaction against HTDV/HERV-K is specific for defined viral proteins.  相似文献   

人内源性逆转录病毒(human endogenous retroviruses,HERV)是几百万年前整合至人类基因组并遗传至今的外源性逆转录病毒的残余物。因突变、缺失等导致大多数HERV没有完整的开放读码框,但仍有部分家族成员可编码完整的病毒蛋白,如分离自多发性硬化症患者的γ逆转录病毒相似元件家族成员HERV-W的包膜蛋白基因(HERV-W env,又称ERVWE1)编码的ENV蛋白(又称Syncytin-1),在人胎盘发育过程中起细胞融合以及免疫调节作用。在生理条件下,HERV-W受到表观遗传调控而其转录活性被抑制;但亦可被环境、遗传等因素激活,如自身免疫性疾病、精神疾病及癌症等。研究发现HERV-W可能在疾病的发生、发展中起重要的“桥梁”与“触发”作用,靶向Syncytin-1的单克隆抗体GNbAC1已用于多发性硬化症的临床研究,并且在1型糖尿病中也有良好的应用前景。对HERV-W的深入研究可为某些疾病的诊断和治疗提供重要的途径。  相似文献   

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