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A molecular phylogeny of the rodent superfamily Cavioidea was derived using two nuclear sequences (exon #10 of the growth hormone receptor gene and intron #1 of the transthyretin gene) and one mitochondrial gene (12S rRNA). A combined analysis produced a highly derived and well-supported phylogenetic hypothesis that differed from traditional taxonomy primarily in the placement of two taxa. Kerodon, traditionally included within the subfamily Caviinae with guinea pigs and its relatives, is placed sister to the family Hydrochaeridae and closely aligned with the subfamily Dolichotinae. Inclusion of Hydrochaeris within the Caviidae renders the familial classification paraphyletic. Our data further support the taxonomic separation of the families Agoutidae and Dasyproctidae. Both the molecular and traditional morphological interpretations are assessed in testing an ecological constraints hypothesis regarding social behaviors. Whereas traditional taxonomy is consistent with an environmental constraints explanation for social behavior, the molecular data suggest that phylogenetic effects may be a more important factor in the evolution of social behavior in this group. Although lineage-specific rate heterogeneity was identified in all three molecular data sets, no significant support was obtained for the metabolic rate hypothesis. However, both nuclear genes displayed patterns in accordance with the generation time hypothesis.  相似文献   

A comparative study of limb morphology indicates that the osteological and myological differences between Didelphis virginiana, the Virginia opossum, and Chironectes minimus, the water opossum, may be associated in Chironectes with decreased resistance to water and increased mechanical advantage of its muscles for increased force. Limb myology is described and a synonymy of terms is applied to the musculature of these two opossums.  相似文献   

The musculature of the shoulder, arm, and forearm was studied in 19 genera of squirrels, representing the Pteromyinae (flying squirrels) and all 7 tribes of the Sciurinae (tree and ground squirrels). The objective was to locate derived anatomical features of functional or phylogenetic significance and to determine how much morphological variation underlies the diverse locomotor behavior of squirrels, which includes terrestrial and arboreal bounding, climbing, digging, and gliding. The fossil evidence suggests that arboreality is primitive for squirrels, and in fact tree squirrels appear to represent the primitive sciurid morphology. Ground squirrels are less uniform and exhibit a few derived features, including a clavobrachialis muscle not seen in other squirrels. Pygmy tree squirrels, which have evolved independently in three tribes, exhibit convergence of forelimb anatomy, including the loss or reduction of several muscles in the shoulder and forearm. The forelimb anatomy of flying squirrels is the most derived and differs from that of tree squirrels in details of shoulder, arm, and forearm musculature. Some of these muscular differences among squirrels have phylogenetic significance, being shared by closely related genera, but none has significance above the tribal level. Many of the differences suggest a variety of changes in function that are amenable to further study. J. Morphol. 234:155–182, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Based on morphological traits, hippos have traditionally been classified with pigs and peccaries in the suborder Suiformes. However, molecular data indicate that hippos and cetaceans are sister taxa. This study analyses muscle characters of the common hippo hind limb in order to clarify the phylogenetic relationships and functional anatomy of hippos. Several muscles responsible for propelling the body through water are robust and display extensive fusions, including mm. semimembranosus, semitendinosus, biceps femoris and gluteus superficialis. In addition, common hippos retain long flexor and extensor tendons for each digit, reflecting the fact that all four toes are weight‐bearing. These flexor tendons, together with the well‐developed intrinsic muscles of the pes, serve to adduct the digits, preventing splaying of the toes when walking on soft terrain. Lastly, common hippos retain a number of primitive features, including the presence of m. articularis coxae, a well‐developed m. obturator internus, superficialis and profundus tendons to all digits, mm. flexor digitorum brevis, abductor digiti V, lumbricalis IV, adductores digitorum II and V, and two mm. interossei per digit. Pygmy hippos share these features. Thus, hippopotamids retain muscles that have been lost in the majority of artiodactyls, including other suiforms. These and previously reported findings for the forelimb support the molecular data in indicating an early divergence of the Hippopotamidae from the rest of the Artiodactyla. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 158 , 661–682.  相似文献   

Conventionally stained, C- and Ag-NOR banded karyotypes of Guenther's vole, Microtus guentheri were studied from Turkey. The species possesses a karyotype of 2n = 54, NFa = 52 and NF = 54 in specimens from Kahramanmara? and Gaziantep provinces, whereas NF = 56 in females and NF = 55 in males were found in individuals from Kirikkale and Nev?ehir provinces. The X chromosome was a large acrocentric (NF = 54) or submetacentric (NF = 55, 56) while the Y chromosome was a small telocentric in all specimens examined. Blocks of constitutive heterochromatin were located in the pericentromeric areas of autosomes including the X chromosome. Nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) were located at the telomeric regions of the short arms of five acrocentric pairs and centromeric regions of two telocentric pairs in the Nev?ehir and Kirikkale specimens.  相似文献   

The lizard genus Liolaemus includes numerous constituent clusters of putatively related taxa, one of which is the Liolaemus boulengeri group, which in turn includes the sand lizards (of the Liolaemus wiegmannii subgroup). Members of the sand lizard group exhibit three different modes of burying into sand. The general morphology of the forelimb muscles of those Liolaemus species is analysed. Herein, we present a study of the forelimb musculature of all species considered by Halloy et al. (1998). This study has three principal goals. First, we are seeking myological characters that will be useful in formulating phylogenetic hypothesis about the species of Liolaemus. With these characters, we also wish to compile morphological data that represent the morphological space implied in the diverse locomotor behaviours of these animals. Second, we are looking for derived features that reflect functional changes in the use of forelimb. Third, we wish to provide a cladistic analysis that can be used to test phylogenetic hypothesis derived from other sources of data. We present 48 characters in a data set and analyse it cladistically. We obtained a hypothesis of relationships of the Liolaemus species and compared this with previous hypotheses based on other characters. The trees obtained are not congruent with previously proposed phylogenies. We were unable to identify in our trees nodes that are based on structures reflecting functional changes in the use of the forelimb. The morphological similarities in the forelimb musculature of all species analysed seems to conform a very conservative general anatomical pattern with which Liolaemus sand lizards perform most of their locomotor behaviours.  相似文献   

Dependence of the sound-signal frequency on the animal body length was studied in 14 ground squirrel species (genus Spermophilus) of Eurasia. Regression analysis of the total sample yielded a low determination coefficient (R2 = 26%), because the total sample proved to be heterogeneous in terms of signal frequency within the dimension classes of animals. When the total sample was divided into two groups according to signal frequency, two statistically significant models (regression equations) were obtained in which signal frequency depended on the body size at high determination coefficients (R2 = 73 and 94% versus 26% for the total sample). Thus, the problem of correlation between animal body size and the frequency of their vocal signals does not have a unique solution.  相似文献   

To investigate the phylogenetic relationships between the New World Sciurus and the Old World Sciurus and their biogeographic history, the partial mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences (1,040 base pairs) were analyzed on six Sciurus species: S. aberti, S. carolinensis, S. lis, S. niger, S. stramineus, and S. vulgaris. Phylogenetic trees (maximum parsimony, neighbor-joining, and maximum likelihood methods) commonly showed two groups with high bootstrap values (73-100%): one consisting of the New World Sciurus and the other consisting of the Old World Sciurus. Genetic distances among the New World Sciurus species were remarkably larger than that between two Sciurus species of the Old World, suggesting the earlier radiation of the New World Sciurus than the Old World Sciurus.  相似文献   

We studied the anatomical, histological, and genetic features of the sexual tract in four European mole species of the genus Talpa (Insectivora, mammalia): T. occidentalis, T. europaea, T. romana, and T. stankovici. All XY individuals had a normal male phenotype, whereas all XX individuals in all four species had features that identified them as intersexes. These individuals were nonetheless presumed to be functionally fertile females. Intersexuality was manifested mainly as gonadal hermaphroditism, with all females possessing bilateral ovotestes. The gonads were composed of a small portion of histologically normal ovarian tissue and a variably sized, generally large mass of disgenetic testicular tissue, accompanied by a small, rudimentary epididymis. The rest of the sexual tract was typically female, including oviducts, uterus, and vagina of normal appearance. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Southern blotting analyses showed that the mammalian testis-determining gene SRY is present in males but not in females. Part of the conserved sequence of the mole SRY gene was cloned and sequenced after PCR amplification in two of the four mole species (T. occidentalis from Spain and T. romana from Italy). Sequences were identical in these two species and were very similar to those of the human and mouse SRY gene. Our findings constitute the first evidence of the existence of a genus-specific case of true hermaphroditism, probably due to a very ancient mutation that fixed in populations of the ancestral species from which contemporary moles evolved. The possible nature of this mutation is discussed with regard to the cytologic, histologic, and genetic features of the gonads in Talpa females. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Comparative morphological analysis of the female reproductive tract in macroglossine bats was undertaken to test the hypothesis that nectarivory arose at least twice within Old World fruit bats. Given that features of the female reproductive tract are not directly involved in adaptations for feeding, this data set should provide a test of the monophyly of macroglossine bats. A cladistic analysis of variation in the structure of the ovaries, oviducts, uterus, and external genitalia supports the hypothesis that Megaloglossus has developed a nectar-feeding habit independent of other macroglossine genera. Most of the variation in female reproductive organs among pteropodids is found in the development of derived external and internal features of the uterus. Fusion of uterine cornua, expansion of the common uterine body, and elaboration of the cervical region are found in a group which includes species of Pteropus, Dobsonia, Nyctimene, and the macroglossines (excluding Megaloglossus). Results of this study are concordant with independent data sets, thus providing a phylogenetic framework to evaluate critically structural and functional design in the evolution of pteropodid feeding mechanisms.  相似文献   

We studied the hindlimb myology of the monk parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus). Like all parrots, it has zygodactyl feet enabling perching, climbing, hanging, moving easily among trees, and handling food. Muscles were described and weighed, and physiological cross‐sectional area (PCSA) of four flexors and one extensor was calculated. In comparison to other muscles, the M. tibialis cranialis and the M. fibularis brevis show increased development and high PCSA values, and therefore, large potential force production. Also, a large proportion of muscle mass was involved in flexing the digits. We hypothesize that these muscle traits are associated with the arboreal locomotion and food manipulation habits. In the monk parakeet, the M. extensor digitorum longus sends a branch to the hallux, and the connection between the M. flexor digitorum longus and the M. flexor hallucis longus is type I (Gadow's classification). We reaffirm the presence of the M. ambiens as a plesiomorphic condition that disappears in most members of the order. Among Psittaciformes, the M. fibularis brevis is stronger and the M. fibularis weaker in arboreal species than in basal terrestrial ones (e.g., Strigops). J. Morphol. 275:732–744, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We describe the hindlimb myology of Milvago chimango. This member of the Falconidae: Polyborinae is a generalist and opportunist that can jump and run down prey on the ground, unlike Falconinae that hunt birds in flight and kill them by striking with its talons. Due to differences in the locomotion habits between the subfamilies, we hypothesized differences in their hindlimb myology. Gross dissections showed that the myology of M. chimango is concordant with that described of other falconids, except for the following differences: the m. flexor cruris medialis has one belly with a longitudinal division; the m. iliotibialis lateralis does not have a connection with the m. iliofibularis; the m. fibularis longus is strongly aponeurotic; the m. tibialis cranialis lacks an accessory tendons and the m. flexor hallucis longus has one place of origin, instead of two. The presence of the m. flexor cruris lateralis can be distinguished as it has been described absent for the Falconidae. We associated its presence with the predominant terrestrial habit of the M. chimango. Each muscle dissected was weighed and the relationship between flexors and extensors at each joint was assessed. The extensor muscles predominated in all joints in M. chimango. Among the flexors, the m. flexor hallucis longus was the heaviest, which could be related to the importance of the use of its talons to obtain food. J. Morphol. 274:1191–1201, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

According to F. M. Catzefliset al. (Trends Ecol. Evol. 7, 122–126, 1992), comparative dating of the oldest dichotomy in the muroid group (Spalacinae-other Muridae) by molecular and paleontological time scales produces conflicting results. For the earliest Spalacinae they refer to a date of 25–37 Ma; however, it has been demonstrated thatRhizospalax is not a muroid rodent, and a review of the record of fossil Spalacinae suggests that paleontological and molecular dating produces a comparable age (±19 Ma).  相似文献   

This paper reports on new finds and re-discovered old collections of the latest Miocene colobine Mesopithecus from Italian localities. New finds are reported from the Baccinello V3 faunal assemblage and from the Monticino gypsum quarry (Brisighella) and newly rediscovered teeth from the Casino basin are herein described. The latter two samples are attributed to the species Mesopithecus pentelicus, while the allocation of the Baccinello V3 sample is unclear and for the moment is attributed to Mesopithecus sp. indet. A fourth Italian locality that yielded Mesopithecus remains is Gravitelli. Unfortunately the latter specimens are lost, and from the literature it is impossible to furnish an accurate specific attribution. The taxonomic allocation of latest Miocene Mesopithecus species is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Barn Owls (Tytonidae) are nocturnal raptors with the largest geographical distribution among Strigiformes. Several osteological, morphometrical, and biomechanical studies of this species were performed by previous authors. Nevertheless, the myology of forelimb and tail of the Barn Owls is virtually unknown. This study is the first detailed myological study performed on the wing and tail of the American Barn Owl (Tyto furcata). A total of 11 specimens were dissected and their morphology and muscle masses were described. Although T. furcata has the wing and tail myological pattern present in other species of Strigiformes, some peculiarities were observed including a difference in the attachment of m. pectoralis propatagialis due to the lack of the os prominence, and the presence of an osseous arch in the radius that seems to widen the anchorage area of the mm. pronator profundus, extensor longus alulae, and extensor longus digiti majoris. Furthermore, the m. biceps brachii has an unusual extra belly that flexes the forearm. The interosseous muscles have a small size and lacks ossified tendons. This feature may be indicative of a lower specialization in the elevation and flexion of the digiti majoris. Forelimb and tail muscle mass account for 10.66 and 0.24% of the total body mass, respectively. Forelimb muscle mass value is similar to the nocturnal (Strigiformes) and diurnal (Falconidae and Accipitridae) raptors, while the tail value is lower than in the diurnal raptors (Falconidae and Accipitridae). The myological differences with other birds of prey are here interpreted in association with their “parachuting” hunting style. This work complements our knowledge of the axial musculature of the American Barn owls, and provides important information for future studies related to functional morphology and ecomorphology.  相似文献   

Wang YP  Chen XX  Wu H  He JH 《ZooKeys》2010,(61):47-62
Two genera, namely Dolabraulax Quicke and Scutibracon Quicke of Braconinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) from China are studied for the first time, and four new species, namely Dolabraulax jigongshanus Wang & Chen, sp. n., Dolabraulax flavus Wang & Chen, sp. n., Dolabraulax brevivena Wang & Chen, sp. n. and Scutibracon fujianensis Wang & Chen, sp. n. are fully described and illustrated. The examined specimens are deposited in the Parasitic Hymenoptera Collection, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China (ZJUH).  相似文献   

Entoprocta is a group of mostly cryptic, benthic invertebrates with a sedentary lifestyle. Here, we investigate the morphology of the entoproct foot, which is an important structure in attachment and locomotion. We describe the foot structure of four solitary entoprocts, Loxosoma monilis, Loxosomella stomatophora, Loxocorone allax, and Loxomitra mizugamaensis, by means of light and transmission electron microscopy. Gland cells containing secretory granules were found in the foot of all the four species. In L. monilis, the gland cells densely paved the underside of the disc‐shaped foot, but no duct or groove was found. In L. stomatophora and L. allax, a foot gland was present at the frontal end of a foot groove. The foot gland was a solid cell mass in the former species but a sac‐like structure in the latter. Two types of groove accessory cells were recognized in both species; groove bulge cells (GBCs) showed large cytoplasmic bulges extending into the groove lumen, while groove microvillus cells have microvillus mats in the lateral wall of the groove. The bulges of GBCs in L. stomatophora are slender and attached to one another with desmosomes, forming appendages that extend down to the substratum, hinting at their contribution to attachment and locomotion. The bulges in L. allax form large swellings that fill the groove lumen and are connected to the surrounding cells with hemidesmosomes. In the liberated buds of L. mizugamaensis, tripartite gland cell masses were found at the basal end of the stalk, but no groove was found. A small invagination, which may be the opening of the gland, was found at the center of the foot tip, where the liberated buds attach themselves to the substratum and then metamorphose into adults. No openings were found at the lateral terminal wings, which support locomotion in Loxomitra species. J. Morphol. 271:1185–1196, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The two Iberian species of pine voles, Microtus (Terricola) duodecimcostatus and M. (T.) lusitanicus of the subfamily Arvicolinae (Cricetidae, Rodentia), were compared after G- and C-banding and chromosomal mapping of ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA), telomeric repeats, and satellite DNA Msat-160. Notwithstanding their close relationship (one sister group in phylogenetic analyses) and sharing of the diploid and fundamental chromosome numbers, the 2 species show notable differences in the sex chromosome morphology, the number and distribution of rDNA sites, constitutive heterochromatin and satDNA patterns. The only telomeric repeats showed normal, all-telomeric, distribution in karyotypes of both species. The data are discussed with regard to interspecific and intrageneric variation of the analyzed characters and the chromosomal evolution in the genus Microtus.  相似文献   

A hypothetical biogeographical history of northeastern Asiatic soricine shrews in the late Quaternary was developed by integrating their present distributions, fossil records, a hypothetical phylogeny, and geological investigations. First, a biological area cladogram of the northeastern Asiatic region was constructed by applying the vicariance hypothesis to the phylogeny of thecaecutiens/shinto group, a monophyletic group proposed by Ohdachi et al. (1997). Comparing the biological area cladogram with a geological hypothesis by Ohshima (1990,1991,1992), we hypothesized a geographical history of northeastern Asia. Species were then located on the dendrogram of the geographical history, referring to the present distributions, fossil records, and phylogeny of shrews. According to our hypothesis, higher species diversity of the northern region of northeastern Asia (Hokkaido, Sakhalin, and Eastern Siberia) was achieved by several series of colonizations and habitat expansion. On the other hand, the shrew communities of the southern region (Honshu, Sado, Shikoku, and Kyushu) were created by extinction and isolation followed by speciation.  相似文献   

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