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We present a Monte-Carlo simulation analysis of the statistical properties of absolute genetic distance and of Nei's minimum and standard genetic distances. The estimation of distances (bias) and of their variances is analysed as well as the distributions of distance and variance estimators, taking into account both gamete and locus samplings. Both of Nei's statistics are non-linear when distances are small and consequently the distributions of their estimators are extremely asymmetrical. It is difficult to find theoretical laws that fit such asymmetrical distributions. Absolute genetic distance is linear and its distributions are better fit by a normal distribution. When distances are medium or large, minimum distance and absolute distance distributions are close to a normal distribution, but those of the standard distance can never be considered as normal. For large distances the jack-knife estimator of the standard distance variance is bad; another standard distance estimator is suggested. Absolute distance, which has the best mathematical properties, is particularly interesting for small distances if the gamete sample size is large, even when the number of loci is small. When both distance and gamete sample size are small, this statistic is biased.  相似文献   

The problem of measuring distances between discrete frequency distributions is considered. Three conditions are stated, which are believed to reflect basic, intuitive requirements to be met by a distance measure of the above kind with particular reference to genetic frequency distributions. These conditions chiefly concern aspects of maximum distance and linearity. It is shown that exactly one function meets the conditions, and this function, having all properties of a metric, is explicitly given.  相似文献   

We present methods for constructing the confidence intervals of the estimations of absolute genetic distance and Nei's minimum and standard genetic distances. Two different estimators of the standard distance are considered: jack-knife and corrected. A Monte-Carlo simulation analysis permitted to choose the best adapted confidence interval type for each distance estimator and for each size of the samples of loci and of gametes, taking into account the magnitude of the estimation value. Simulated true confidence levels showed that the best results are obtained using abolute genetic distance. We also give rules for testing the significance of the difference of two distance estimations. Monte-Carlo simulations were performed in order to obtain the distributions of the difference of two distance estimations under the null hypothesis and consequently the true type I errors of tests. Test powers, obtained by simulation under the alternative hypothesis, also showed the superiority of absolute genetic distance.  相似文献   

用DNA指纹图技术分析Wistar大鼠的遗传距离   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用JL-02多位点探针和Southern杂交对Wistar大鼠基因组进行了DNA指纹分析,并对国内最具有典型的6个地区9个Wistar大鼠群体内和群体间进行了DNA指纹分析比较。结果表明,DNA指纹图较好地反映了封闭群动物的遗传本质,具有良好的多态性。同一群体不同个体间Wistar大鼠遗传距离主要为0.2~0.6,将不同群体的Wistar大鼠DNA指纹图带进行分析表明,所有群体间的DNA指纹图的遗传距离在0.2~0.7。 Abstract:DNA fingerprinting of Wistar rat were studied with JL-02 Mulilocus probe and Southern hybridization,and comparing with different individuals of nine groups Wistar rat from six national classical area and different groups.It was indicated that DNA fingerprinting could reflect genetic material of outbred strain rat,and were more polymorphic.The genetic distances of Wistar rat were distributed for 0.2~0.6 among different individuals within same groups,and the genetic distances of Wistar rat were distributed for 0.2~0.7 among different groups.  相似文献   

作物品种间杂种优势遗传分析的新方法   总被引:95,自引:3,他引:95  
朱军  季道藩 《遗传学报》1993,20(3):262-271
本文提出了分析双列杂交试验资料的两个遗传模型。第一个模型包括加性、显性和母体效应;第二个模型只包括简单的加性和显性效应。还介绍了分析杂种优势、估算遗传方差分量以及预测遗传效应值的相应统计分析方法。用所介绍的遗传模型和分析方法以及常用的Griffing配合力分析方法,分析了棉花6个品种双列杂交的产量性状,并进一步比较了不同方法的分析结果。采用本文所介绍的遗传模型和分析方法,可以克服用Griffing的配合力模型及其方法分析杂种优势和配合力遗传表现所存在的局限性。  相似文献   

陈瑶生 《遗传学报》1991,18(3):219-227
针对混合家系遗传参数估计,本文在假定公畜方差组分和母畜方差组分相等这一理论基础上,通过对方差分析的期望均方组成分析,提出了新的遗传力估计方法,以及某些特殊情况下的近似估计方法。通过一个估测实例比较了几种遗传力估计方法,结果表明,本文方法与全同胞组分估计最为接近,而且遗传力标准误最小,本文近似估计方法的效果也较好。对各种方法而言,资料越不平衡其差异越大。本文方法可以在一定程度上弥补全同胞分析时,因实际资料的公母畜方差组分差异过大的缺陷,具有实际可行性。此外,由于本文方法是用单因方差分析解决二因方差分析问题,计算更为简便,并可免于计算混合家系平均亲缘相关系数。  相似文献   

综述了遗传距离的概念、背景,有关遗传距离的几种基本的突变模型以及和遗传距离有关的参量和几种常用统计量,指出在处理蛋白质数据、分子数据以及序列数据时,如何选择相应的统计量和可用的软件包,同时还着重指明了各种模型的假设前提,为处理实际的蛋白质或分子数据时选择合适的模型,和对数据的最终解释提供一些帮助。  相似文献   

玉米自交系间遗传距离与产量杂种优势,杂种产量的关系   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
黄清阳  高之仁 《遗传学报》1991,18(3):271-276
以13个玉米自交系及其按双列杂交配制的78个单交种为材料,研究性状选择、亲本选择对遗传距离与产量杂种优势、杂种产量关系的影响,结果表明:(1)当性状数较少时,遗传距离与产量杂种优势、杂种产量的关系因性状的不同而异;当性状数较多时,遗传距离与产量杂种优势、杂种产量的关系为抛物线,受性状影响较小;(2)当所选亲本材料的遗传差异较大时,遗传距离与产量杂种优势的关系为抛物线;当所选亲本材料的遗传差异较小时,遗传距离与产量杂种优势的关系为直线或不相关。  相似文献   

以我国主要地方绵羊品种湖羊、同羊、小尾寒羊、滩羊和洼地绵羊为研究对象,检测位于不同染色体的微卫星位点的基因频率分布,进行比较分析.结果表明 1) 就本研究涉及的微卫星标记而言,湖羊处于Hardy-Weinberg极不平衡状态 (P < 0.01),而其余群体包括同羊、小尾寒羊、滩羊和洼地绵羊却处于Hardy-Weinberg平衡 (P < 0.05).2) 就本研究涉及的微卫星标记而言,平均杂合度、多型信息含量和有效等位基因数三个遗传变异指标的方差分析表明不同群体间杂合度、多型信息含量均不存在显著差异 (P > 0.05),有效等位基因数遗传变异指标在、滩羊、湖羊、同羊和洼地羊相互之间以及洼地羊与小尾寒羊之间亦差异不显著(P > 0.05),但是有效等位基因数在前3个群体与后2个群体之间存在显著差异 (0.01 < P < 0.05).5个绵羊群体的变异水平以小尾寒羊最高,其次为洼地绵羊、同羊和滩羊,最低的是湖羊.3) 本研究涉及的我国蒙古羊系统内5个绵羊群体间的系统发生关系不满足距离隔离模式,绵羊群体间的遗传分化关系的远近与其地理分布并未表现出紧密的线性相关.这与5个绵羊起源于不同时期的蒙古羊始祖群体,同时在品种间存在一定程度的基因交流,并在各自特有的生态环境中经历不同程度的自然选择和人为选择品种培育史实相符.  相似文献   

The present study is an extension of the investigations made by Grieszbach and Schack (1993) where the recursive estimators of the quantile were introduced. Attention is focused on statistical properties and on the controlling of these estimators in order to reduce their variance and to improve their capability of adaptation. Using methods of stochastic approximation, several control algorithms have been developed, where both the consistent and the adaptive estimation are considered. Due to the recursive computation formula the estimators are suitable for the analysis of large data sets and for sets whose elements are obtained sequentially. In this study, application examples from the analysis of EEG‐records are presented, where quantiles are used as threshold values.  相似文献   

小毛莨居群的遗传分化及其与空间隔离的相关性   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术,对分布于华中地区的11个小毛莨(Ranunculus ternatus)居群的遗传分化进行了检测。对8个酶系统17个酶位点上的分析结果表明,该种各居群的各项遗传多样性指标处于一个相对较低的水平:多态位点比率(P)为0-53.0%,平均每位点等位基因数(A)为1-1.647,平均预期杂合度(He)和观察杂合度(Ho)分别为0-0.108和0-0.102。居群间遗传一致度甚高(I=0.9754-0.9991)。根据Nei 's传距离所作出的聚灰分析表明,豫南信阳地区3个居群与湖北省武汉地区8个居群之间关系较远。而在武汉地区,长江以北的居群及长江以南的部分居群分别相聚在一起,用GPS定位方法得到居群间空间距离并据此聚类,该种的遗传分化与地理因素的相关性,并推测出长江的隔离作用加强了两岸居群间的遗传分化,同时发现一个生于独特生境的居群在表型和遗传结构上都已与其他邻近居群有了很大分异,由于该居群在所检测的酶位点上均无特有等位基因出现,作者认为不宜将其作为新种或新变种处理。  相似文献   

二棱大麦茎杆特性的ADAA模型的遗传研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以二棱大麦(Hordeum,distichum L.)甘木二条等7个品种进行半双列杂交,对1992年和1997年的亲本、F  相似文献   

The origin of cattle on Chirikof Island, off the coast of Alaska, is not well documented. We assessed genetic differentiation of cattle isolated on Chirikof Island from several breeds commonly used for commercial production in North America including breeds popularly believed to have contributed to the Chirikof Island population. A set of 34 microsatellite loci was used to genotype Angus, Charolais, Hereford, Highland, Limousin, Red Angus, Salers, Shorthorn, Simmental, Tarentaise and Texas Longhorn cattle sampled from North America and the Chirikof Island population. Resulting F(ST) statistics for these loci ranged from 0.06 to 0.22 and on average, 14% of total genetic variation was between breeds. Whether population structure was modelled as a bifurcating tree or genetic network, Chirikof Island cattle appeared to be unique and strongly differentiated relative to the other breeds that were sampled. Bayesian clustering for multiple-locus assignment to genetic groups indicated low levels of admixture in the Chirikof Island population. Thus, the Chirikof Island population may be a novel genetic resource of some importance for conservation and industry.  相似文献   

基于遗传算法的谷氨酸发酵动力学参数估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
把遗传算法应用于求解谷氨酸分批发酵动力学模型参数,取交叉概率Pc=0.8、变异概率Pm=0.06、初始种群为20、遗传世代数为200代,能进一步提高谷氨酸分批发酵过程状态变量的计算值与实验值的吻合程度。模拟值与实验值对比显示,该动力学模型能很好地反映谷氨酸分批发酵过程。  相似文献   

狄林楠  李新蓉  宋楠 《植物研究》2018,38(5):725-732
为了揭示裸果木的遗传多样性和遗传结构,采用SCoT分子标记对新疆7个裸果木自然种群201个植株进行分析。结果表明12条引物共扩增出145个位点,在物种和种群水平上裸果木多态位点百分率分别为97.24%和76.45%,Nei's遗传多样性指数分别为0.263 8和0.213 7,Shannon's信息多样性指数分别为0.408 1和0.331 6,说明裸果木具有较高的遗传多样性,且物种水平遗传多样性略高于种群水平;遗传分化系数为0.183 9,说明其遗传变异主要来自种群内,种群间存在一定程度的分化;Mantel检验结果表明裸果木种群地理距离与遗传距离不存在显著相关性;运用主坐标分析(PCoA)和STRUCTURE分析对裸果木个体间亲缘关系聚类分析的结果存在一定差异,但总体上结果是一致的。裸果木的遗传多样性和遗传结构可能与进化历史、繁育系统、地理隔离和人为干扰有关。  相似文献   

遗传距离的错误观点和病毒进化踪迹的探索   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对病毒基因序列的遗传距离(K)的演算,发现公式中的p和q应理解为转换率和颠换率;计算所得的K值是一个百分率,更适合于显示生物进化的时间概念.因此建议将遗传距离改名为进化率.并从进化率计算中的规律性变化,探索了病毒进化的信息.  相似文献   

Published gene frequency data, checked for consistency of allele definitions across laboratories and for comparability of geographically identical samples, were pooled into a data set containing frequencies at nine loci for each of 20 populations that encompassed 10 macaque species. Genetic distances were calculated by the methods of Kidd and Cavalli-Sforza (1974). These distances were used to construct phylogenetic trees and to evaluate the relationships between divergence times and effective population sizes. Inter-and intraspecific genetic distances and the groupings defined by phenetic tree analyses support Fooden’s (1976) classification of the genus Macacainto four species groups. A paleozoogeographical model of Asia including the known times of major sea-level changes allows us to explain Macacainto four species groups. A paleozoogeographical model of Asia including the known times of major sea-level changes allows us to explain qualitatively the inferred evolutionary relationships among macaque species. Many assumptions are required in order to estimate the variables necessary in the quantitative prediction of genetic differences for a comparison between any two populations. Examination of those assumptions demonstrates the need for more accurate genetic as well as paleozoogeographic information. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

本文通过10个小麦品种和按双列杂交配制的45个组合为材料,研究亲本间遗传距离预测杂种优势的可行性。结果表明:93.02%的样本实测值落在预测区间。  相似文献   

忍冬属植物的遗传多样性及其种间关系研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
应用RAPD标记技术对甘肃省境内的23种忍冬属(Lonicera Linn.)植物的遗传多样性及其种间关系进行了探讨。从34个随机引物中共选出9个多态性和重复性较好且谱带清晰的引物,这9个引物扩增出的DNA片段大多在300~3000bp之间,所形成的多态性位点数差距较大。POPGENE 1.31软件分析结果表明:甘肃省忍冬属植物具有较为丰富的遗传多样性,其多态性比率为71.93%,Shannon多样性指数与Nei指数分别为0.3230和0.2086。Nei‘s遗传距离和UPGMA分析结果显示,23种忍冬明显地聚为2大类,其下又有较多分支,即隶属于同一亚组或相近亚组的不同种基本归为一类,其种间关系与传统的形态学分类结果基本一致。但也有个别种的归属及种间关系稍有变化,如形态学上差异较大的毛药忍冬和毛花忍冬在本研究中聚在一起。这可能与不同的分类水平有关。  相似文献   

遗传距离的错误观点和病毒进化踪迹的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对病毒基因序列的遗传距离(K)的演算,发现公式中的p和q应理解为转换率和颠换率;计算所得的K值是一个百分率,更适合于显示生物进化的时间概念。因此建议将遗传距离改名为进化率。并从进化率计算中的规律性变化,探索了病毒进化的信息。  相似文献   

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