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When guinea pig spermatozoa are preincubated for 1 hr in Ca2+?free medium containing a low concentration of lysolecithin (LC, 85 μg/ml) and then exposed to 2 mM Ca2+ by diluting the preincubation medium with an equal volume of LC?free, 4 mM Ca2+?containing medium, the majority of the spermatozoa undergo acrosome reaction promptly. On the other hand, when the preincubated spermatozoa are exposed to 2 mM Ca2+ without reducing the original concentration of LC in the medium, none of them undergo acrosome reaction. These spermatoza can acrosome?react if they are transferred to an LC?free medium. These results and those of some other experiments suggest that in the presistent presence of a high concentration of LC in the medium, exogenous Ca2+ essential for the acrosome reaction either does not penetrate the sperm plasma membrane or, if it does, it cannot alter the membrane for the acrosome reaction, at least under the experimental conditions employed. Freeze?fracture examination of the sperm plasma membrane has revealed that small areas or patches free of intramembranous paarticles (IMPs) appear in the membrance during sperm preincubation, and these IMP?free areas expand drastically in response to Ca2+ when the LC conccentration in the medium is reduced at the time Ca2+ is added to the medium. In contrast, IMP?free areas remain unchanged even after exposure of spermatozoa to Ca2+ if the concentration of LC remains at its original level of 85 μg/ml.  相似文献   

The results obtained by biochemical measurement demonstrated for the first time that significant decrease of the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase activity occurred during capacitation and acrosome reaction of guinea pig sperm. Ethaorynic acid, one kind of Ca2+-ATPase antagonists, inhibited the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase activity, but calmodulin (50μg/mL) and trifluoperazine (200- 500μmol/L) did not, suggesting that calmodulin is not involved in ATP-driven Ca2+ efflux from sperm. However, calmodulin is involved in the control of Ca2+ influx. TFP, one kind of calmodulin antagonists, accelerated the acrosome reaction and Ca2+ uptake into sperm cells significantly. Ca2+-ATPase antagonists, quercetin, sodium orthovandate, furosemide and ethacrynic acid promoted the acrosome reaction, but inhibited Ca2+ uptake, which cannot be explained by their inhibitory effects on the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase activity. It is speculated that this phenomenon might be caused by simultaneous inhibitions of the activities of C  相似文献   

The results obtained by biochemical measurement demonstrated for the first time that significant decrease of the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase activity occurred during capacitation and acrosome reaction of guinea pig sperm. Ethaorynic acid, one kind of Ca2+-ATPase antagonists, inhibited the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase activity, but calmodulin (50μg/mL) and trifluoperazine (200- 500μmol/L) did not, suggesting that calmodulin is not involved in ATP-driven Ca2+ efflux from sperm. However, calmodulin is involved in the control of Ca2+ influx. TFP, one kind of calmodulin antagonists, accelerated the acrosome reaction and Ca2+ uptake into sperm cells significantly. Ca2+-ATPase antagonists, quercetin, sodium orthovandate, furosemide and ethacrynic acid promoted the acrosome reaction, but inhibited Ca2+ uptake, which cannot be explained by their inhibitory effects on the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase activity. It is speculated that this phenomenon might be caused by simultaneous inhibitions of the activities of Ca2+-ATPase present in the plasma membrane, the outer acrosome membrane and the outer mitochondrion membrane resulting in Ca2+ accumulation in the cytoplasm, which in turn blocks further Ca2+ entry through some negative feedback mechanism(s). The inhibitory effect of Ca2+-ATPase antagonist on glycolytic activity may also be the reason for Ca2+ accumulation in cytoplasm and inhibition of Ca2+ uptake.  相似文献   

The majority of the spermatozoa precapacitated in Ca2+-free medium underwent the acrosome raction rapidly when they were transferred to Ca2+-containing medium. The presence of Na+ and Ca2+ in the medium was essential for the acrosome reaction. The vast majority of spermatozoa failed to undergo the reaction in Ca2+ medium lacking monovalent ions, although they remained motile. At the concentration of 140 mM, Na+, K+, Rb+, and Cs+ all supported the reaction at the maximum level, but at 50 mM the latter three ions were not as effective as Na+. Li+ was least effective in supporting the reaction. Virtually no acrosome reactions took place when precapacitated spermatozoa were first exposed to Na+ medium (no Ca2+) and then to Ca2+ medium (no Na+). On the other hand, a considerably higher proportion of spermatozoa acrosome reacted when they were exposed to these media in the reverse order. The most efficient acrosome reactions took place when the medium contained both a monovalent ion (Na+) and Ca2+ simultaneously. Possible mechanisms by which monovalent and divalent cations participate in the acrosome reaction are discussed.  相似文献   

Guinea pig spermatozoa were collected from the caudae epididymides in various isotonic solutions and the intracellular sodium and potassium content was determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy. The sperm intracellular Na and K content was found to be influenced by large variations in the extracellular concentrations of these ions. Treatment of spermatozoa suspended in a saline-based solution with the monovalent ionophores monensin or nigericin caused an approximate 2-fold increase in the intracellular Na content and a 3–6 fold decrease in the intracellular K content. Incubation of the spermatozoa in a K+-free minimal culture medium (MCM-PL) at a pH of 7.6 or 8.3 for 2 hr caused an approximate 2-fold increase in the sperm intracellular Na content and a 5-fold decrease in the intracellular K content. The motile spermatozoa incubated for 2 hr at pH 7.6 showed less than 5% acrosome reactions, compared with 30–40% acrosome reactions after incubation at pH 8.3, in response to the addition of 5 mM Ca2+. Changes in the sperm intracellular elemental composition during culture in vitro, which may lead to an acrosome reaction, are discussed.  相似文献   

The presence of actin has been determined in mammalian spermatozoa. However, its function in these cells is still almost unknown. Only in boar spermatozoa has evidence for F-actin and a possible function for it been presented. In this work, actin distribution and F-actin were determined in uncapacitated, capacitated, and acrosomal-reacted guinea pig spermatozoa, by means of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies, using an indirect immunoperoxidase technique, and by the use of rhodamine-phalloidin. With the last probe we found filamentous actin in these cells. By both techniques, actin was detected in the acrosome and in the entire tail. In some cells with acrosomal reaction, actin was also detected in the equatorial and in the postacrosomal regions. SDS-PAGE and Western blots immunostained with monoclonal and polyclonal anti-actin antibodies confirmed the presence of actin in extracts of guinea pig spermatozoa. Actin was also detected in preparations of Percoll-purified spermatozoa. We have communicated that guinea pig spermatozoa show a change on calmodulin location during the acrosome reaction. They present it first in the equatorial region and later in the postacrosomal region. To determine if F-actin participates in this calmodulin translocation, we studied the effect of cytochalasin D. It was found that the number of cells with calmodulin in the equatorial region increased in the presence of cytochalasin D while the number of cells with calmodulin in the postacrosomal region decreased. We also found that after cytochalasin D treatment acrosome loss was increased and sperm motility was slightly inhibited. Our results suggest that actin participate in calmodulin translocation to the postacrosomal region during acrosome reaction, in maintaining the acrosome structure, and perhaps also in sperm motility.  相似文献   

The effects of Ca2+ channel antagonists on the motility and acrosome reaction of guinea pig spermatozoa were examined by incubating the spermatozoa continuously in Ca2+-containing capacitating media with 10?6 M to 10?4 M antagonist. Antagonists tested were four voltage-gated Ca2+ channel antagonists (verapamil, nifedipine, nimodipine, and FR–34235) and two ligand-gated channel antagonists (NaNO2 and Na-nitroprusside). None of these antagonists could block the acrosome reaction. Instead, three antagonists (verapamil, nimodipine, and FR-34235, each at 10?4 M) accelerated the onset of the acrosome reaction with a subsequent decrease in sperm motility. Nifedipine and Na-nitroprusside at the same concentration caused a complete loss of sperm motility by 4 hr of incubation with no substantial effect on the rate of acrosome reaction. The detrimental effect of antagonists on the motility of spermatozoa appears to be due to a direct, Ca2+-independent, membrane-perturbing action of the reagents. The acrosome reaction was not inhibited when guinea pig spermatozoa were precapacitated in Ca2+-free medium (with a low concentration of lysolecithin) in the continuous presence of antagonists. An acceleration of the onset of the acrosome reaction by verapamil (10?4 M) was also demonstrated in the golden hamster. These results may be interpreted as indicating that the entry of extracellular Ca2+ into spermatozoa, which triggers the acrosome reaction of guinea pig and hamster spermatozoa, is not mediated by Ca2+ channels. This is in marked contrast with the case reported in invertebrate spermatozoa. Possible mechanisms by which some of the antagonists stimulate the acrosome reaction and affect the motility of mammalian spermatozoa are discussed.  相似文献   

In order to determine whether metabolizable sugars delayed capacitation of guinea pig spermatozoa, these cells were pre-incubated in Tyrode's pyruvate lactate glucose medium (T-PLG) or Tyrode's glucose solution (T-G). They were then transferred to minimal culture medium containing pyruvate and lactate (MCM-PL) and the occurrence of acrosomal reactions (AR) was determined by light microscopic observations of wet mount aliquots. The percentage of acrosomal reactions was quantitated in fixed samples and occurrence of a true AR was confirmed by electron microscopy. Activated acrosome-reacted spermatozoa were observed within 5 min when cells were transferred to MCM-PL solution, after preincubating them for 60–120 min either in T-PLG or T-G media. By 15 min in MCM-PL the percentage of acrosome-reacted spermatozoa reached values similar to those obtained in cells pre-incubated from the beginning in MCM-PL medium (P > 0.05 in both) but significantly different from T-PLG and T-G controls (P < 0.0005 in both). The acrosomal reaction was external calcium dependent and independent of the Tyrode's media pH ranging from 7.2 to 8.0. The results obtained suggested that capacitation occurred in T-PLG and that it was not delayed by glucose; the results also suggested that capacitation could occur within a short time with glucose as the only exogenous substrate, but that the acrosome reaction could have been arrested by a glucose metabolite. Data are presented which suggest that intracellular levels of glucose-6-phosphate (as 2-deoxyglucose-6-phosphate)could play a key role in the expression of the acrosome reaction in sperm already able to perform it. A new hypothesis is suggested for the development of the fertilizing potential of guinea pig sperm when in the female genital tract.  相似文献   

The effect of the calmodulin antagonist W-7 on the capacitation and the acrosome reaction of guinea pig spermatozoa was examined. The characteristic features of the acrosome reaction induced by W-7 were the dependence on the composition and pH of the medium and on the presence of sodium bicarbonate. The most effective concentration of W-7 for inducing the acrosome reaction was approximately 5 μM, which is far less than the Kd for calmodulin. Moreover, W-7 enhanced the ability of spermatozoa to acquire capacitation in a Ca2+-free medium. The spermatozoa induced to undergo the acrosome reaction by W-7 were capable of penetrating the zona-free hamster eggs. W-5, which has a lower affinity for calmodulin than W-7, also induced the acrosome reaction in the same manner as W-7. These results suggest that the naphthalenesulfonamide derivatives W-7 and W-5 can induce the acrosome reaction in guinea pig spermatozoa via capacitation in a pH-dependent, Ca2+-calmodulin-independent manner.  相似文献   

Capacitation of guinea pig spermatozoa in vitro was inhibited by the disulfide-reducing agent dithiothreitol (DTT). Even a brief treatment with DTT inhibited capacitation unless an oxidizing agent (glutathione disulfide) was present in the posttreatment medium. Precapacitated spermatozoa were unable to undergo the acrosome reaction in the presence of DTT, indicating that this reagent also blocks the acrosome reaction. Acrosome-reacted spermatozoa were incapable of attaching to and penetrating the zona pellucida in the presence of DTT. Even when acrosome-reacted spermatozoa were directly brought to the surface of zona-free eggs, they were unable to bind to and fuse with the egg plasma membrane so long as DTT was present in the medium. These observations suggest that the tertiary and quaternary structures of sperm surface proteins regulated by their thioldisulfide status are of critical importance in the physiology and function of spermatozoa preliminary to and in the process of fertilization.  相似文献   

Signal transduction pathways in guinea pig sperm   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Trifluoperazine (TFP), the antagonist of calmodulin (CaM). significantly stimulated the capacitation and acrosome reaction of guinea pig spermatozoa at the concentration of 10-100μmol/L, independent of the external Ca2+. Forskolin, dbcAMP and caffeine evidently promoted the occurrence of acrosome reaction of spermatozoa at early capacitation stage (5 h) in nonsynchronous system but not in synchronous system. If the spermatozoa were capacitated for 15 h in synchronous system, the above three drugs significantly stimulated acrosome reaction in a Ca2+-independent manner. Protein kinase C activators, i.e. phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (PDB) did not influence the occurrence of acrosome reaction of spermatozoa at early capacitation stage, but significantly increased the acrosome reaction rate in capacitated spermatozoa in a Ca2+-independent manner. In contrast. PKC inhibitor staurosporine significantly inhibited the occurrence of acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

Epididymal spermatozoa of the guinea pig were incubated under conditions known to promote a rapid synchronous capacitation in a large proportion of the spermatozoa (Ca2+-free medium with lysophosphatidylcholine, LC) or in Ca 2+-free medium without LC. To study the effects of altered thiol-disulfide status and content, incubations were conducted with reagents that maintain and increase thiol groups (DTT, GSH), maintain and increase disulfide groups (diamide, GSSG), or which irreversibly block thiol groups by alkylation (NEM). The permeable DTT inhibited LC-induced capacitation and at high concentrations diminished the percentage of acrosome reactions in capacitated spermatozoa. The permeable diamide exhibited a stimulatory effect upon capacitation. The largely impermeable GSH and GSSG exhibited effects similar to their respective permeable counterparts but their effects were moderate and required extremely high concentrations. The DTT inhibition of LC-induced capacitation was reversible by washing and a further 1 hr incubation. In this final incubation after removal of DTT by washing, LC was absent too so its stimulatory effect must have been accomplished prior to washing and in the presence of DTT. NEM-alkylation of the existing thiol population did not affect LC-induced capacitation but alkylation of the increased thiol population after prior DTT treatment was inhibitory of capacitation. These results suggest that the maintenance and/or formation of disulfide groups on enzymes or structural proteins may be a component of the capacitation process. In contrast, the formation and maintenance by alkylation of increased thiol groups but not the maintenance of existing thiol groups, is inhibitory of capacitation. The relevance of these findings to a role for a thiol-sensitive proteinase in capacitation is discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of lipids on the survival, acrosome reaction, and fertilizing capacity of guinea pig spermatozoa were studied by incubating the spermatozoa in media containing various concentrations of the lipids. Lipids tested were: phosphatidyl-choline (PC), -ethanolamine (PE), -inositol (PI), -serine (PS), sphingomyelin (S), cholesterol (C), lysophosphatidyl-choline (LC), -ethanolamine (LE), -inositol (LI), -serine (LS), and glyceryl monooleate (M). When spermatozoa were incubated in a regular medium (containing 2 mM Ca2+) with M, the majority underwent the acrosome reaction within 1 hour. None of the other lipids were as effective as M, and some were totally ineffective under the same conditions. However, when spermatozoa were preincubated in Ca2+-free medium containing LC, LE, or LI, they gained the ability to undergo the acrosome reaction. One hour of preincubation in Ca2+-free medium with LC, LE, or LI was enough to render the vast majority of spermatozoa capable of undergoing the acrosome reaction in response to Ca2+. The optimum concentrations for LC, LE, and LI were approximately 85 μg/ml, 210 μg/ml, and 140 μg/ml, respectively. Spermatozoa that had undergone the acrosome reaction by pretreatment with LC, LE, or LI remained actively motile and were capable of fertilizing eggs. LS was totally ineffective in rendering the spermatozoa capable of undergoing the acrosome reaction, and in fact it inhibited the acrosome reaction by itself and also inhibited the LC-, LE-, or LI-mediated acrosome reaction. LS did not prevent acrosome-reacted spermatozoa from penetrating the zona pellucida, but did prevent sperm-egg fusion. Based on these findings, it is suggested that lysophospholipids are intricately involved in the sperm acrosome reaction and perhaps in sperm-egg fusion.  相似文献   

We have cloned and sequenced cDNAs encoding autoantigen 1 (AA1), a testis-specific protein and the major autoantigen of the guinea pig sperm acrosome. The cDNA predicts a precursor protein of 244 amino acids including a 21 amino acid hydrophobic, secretory signal sequence. The mature polypeptide is predicted to have a molecular mass of 24,891 Daltons which agrees with the experimentally determined molecular weight of 25,000. Consistent with previous studies demonstrating that AA1 is not a glycoprotein, the predicted amino acid sequence contained no canonical sites for N-linked glycosylation. Comparison with other sequences showed that AA1 is the guinea pig homologue of the testis-specific protein Tpx-1 in mice and TPX1 in humans. AA1 also showed significant amino acid sequence homology with other cysteine-rich secretory proteins (CRISP's): rat and mouse acidic epididymal glycoproteins (AEG; also known as proteins D/E in rats) and helothermine, a toxin from the Mexican beaded lizard. In addition, AA1 had a lesser degree of homology with antigen 5 (vespid wasp venom), PR-1 (a plant pathogenesis related protein), and GliPR (a protein identified in human gliomas). Northern analysis of RNA from purified guinea pig spermatogenic cells showed that a 1.5 kb message was first detected in pachytene spermatocytes, was strongest in round spermatids, and was detected at a low level in condensing spermatids. Immunoblot analysis and metabolic labeling data of AA1 in spermatogenic cells showed that the protein was synthesized as early as the pachytene spermatocyte stage of spermatogenesis. Thus, the patterns of AA1 mRNA and protein expression during spermatogenesis are similar to the expression of other acrosomal mRNAs and proteins that are first detected meiotically. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The abundance of data pertaining to the metabolism of lipids in relation to mammalian fertilization has warranted an effort to assemble a molecular membrane model for the comprehensive visualization of the biochemical events involved in sperm capacitation and the acrosome reaction. Derived both from earlier models as well as from current concepts, our membrane model depicts a lipid bilayer assembly of space-filling molecular models of sterols and phospholipids in dynamic equilibrium with peripheral and integral membrane proteins. A novel feature is the possibility of visualizing individual lipid molecules such as phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, lysophospholipids, fatty acids, and free or esterified cholesterol. The model illustrates enzymatic reactions which are believed to regulate the permeability and integrity of the plasma membrane overlying the acrosome during interactions between the male gamete and capacitation factors present in fluids of the female genital tract. The use of radioactive lipids as molecular probes for monitoring the metabolism of cholesterol and phosphatidylcholine revealed the presence of (1) steroid sulfatase in hamster cumulus cells, (2) lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase in human follicular fluid, (3) phospholipase A2, and (4) lysophospholipase in human spermatozoa. These enzymatic reactions can be integrated into a pathway that provides a link between the concepts of lysophospholipid accumulation in the sperm membranes and alteration of the cholesterol/phospholipid ratio as factors involved in the preparation of the membranes for the acrosome reaction. Capacitation is viewed as a reversible phenomenon which, upon completion, results in a decrease in negative surface charge, an efflux of membrane cholesterol, and an influx of calcium between the plasma and outer acrosomal membranes. Triggered by the entry of calcium, the acrosome reaction involves phospholipase A2 activation followed by a transient accumulation of unsaturated fatty acids and lysophospholipids implicated in membrane fusion which occurs during the formation of membrane vesicles in spermatozoa undergoing the acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

Human ejaculated spermatozoa were washed through a Percoll gradient, preincubated for 10 hr in a defined medium containing serum albumin, and then induced to undergo rapid acrosome reactions by addition of human follicular fluid or a Sephadex G-75 column fraction of the fluid. Induction by follicular fluid did not occur when the spermatozoa were preincubated for only 0 or 5 hr. The reactions were detected by indirect immunofluorescence using a monoclonal antibody directed against the human sperm acrosomal region. The percentage of acrosomal loss counted by transmission electron microscopy agreed with that counted by immunofluorescence. The apparent molecular weight of the Sephadex G-75 fraction containing the peak of acrosome reaction-inducing activity was 45,000 ± 4,200 (SD). The occurrence of physiological acrosome reactions was supported by: assessing motility (no significant loss of motility occurred during the treatment period when sperm were preincubated with bovine serum albumin), transmission electron microscopy (the ultrastructural criteria for the acrosome reaction were met), and zona-free hamster oocyte binding and penetration (spermatozoa pretreated with the active fraction of follicular fluid, then washed and incubated with oocytes, showed significantly greater binding to and penetration of oocytes). The stimulation of the acrosome reaction by follicular fluid is apparently not due to blood serum contamination; treatment of preincubated spermatozoa with sera from the follicular fluid donors had no effect on the spermatozoa. The nature of the active component(s) in that fraction is currently being investigated.  相似文献   

Actin cytoskeleton remodeling is a critical process for the acquisition of fertilizing capacity by spermatozoa during capacitation. However, the molecular mechanism that regulates this process has not been fully elucidated. In somatic cells, Ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1 protein (Rac1) promotes the polymerization of actin by participating in the modeling of two structures: lamellipodia and adhesion complexes linked with the plasma membrane. Rac1 is expressed in mammalian spermatozoa; however, the role of Rac1 in sperm physiology is unknown. This study aimed to elucidate the participation of Rac1 in capacitation and acrosome reaction (AR). Rac1 was found to be dispersed throughout the acrosome and without changes in the middle piece. After 60 minutes of capacitation, Rac1 was found in the apical region of the acrosome only, which concurred with an increase in Rac1-GTP. Rac1 inhibition prevented such changes. In the middle piece, Rac1 localization remained unchanged. Besides, Rac1 inhibition blocked capacitation and AR. The present study demonstrates that Rac1 participates only in the actin cytoskeleton remodeling that occurs in the acrosomal apical region during capacitation, a region where a large amount of actin is polymerized and shaped in a diadem-like structure. Our data also show that this actin cytoskeleton organized by Rac1 interacts with filamin-1, and such interaction was blocked by the inhibition of Rac1, which led to a different organization of the actin cytoskeleton. All these outcomes imply that the formation of an F-actin cytoskeleton in the acrosomal apical region is a necessary event for capacitation and AR, and which is Rac1 driven.  相似文献   

Human sperm were incubated in vitro in serum or the defined medium TMPA and were periodically assessed for acrosome reactions using two new methods of assay. The first method, FITC-RCA labeling, was previously shown to be valid for estimating the percentage of normal acrosome reactions of human sperm. The second method, a triple staining technique, is shown in this study to give results comparable to those obtained with FITC-RCA labeling. The percentage of acrosome-reacted sperm was determined at 0, 2.5, 5, and 7 hr of incubation. In both media, some sperm had reacted by 2.5 hr; a maximum percentage of reactions occurred between 5 and 7 hr. The maximum percentage never exceeded 20–25%, which represents only one-third of the live sperm, ie, those potentially able to undergo normal acrosome reactions. It will be important in future studies to determine if this low-peak percentage is due to the fact that: (1) Commonly used culture media are suboptimal or (2) only about 25% of the sperm in a human ejaculate are capable of undergoing normal acrosome reactions.  相似文献   

The proteasome, a multienzymatic protease complex is present in human sperm. Here we present evidence indicating that the proteasome has an extracellular localization, on the plasma membrane of the sperm head. Motile sperm (>90%) in PBS were incubated with the proteasome inhibitors clasto-lactacystin beta-lactone or epoxomicin. Then, the substrate Suc-Leu-Leu-Val-Tyr-AMC (SLLVY-AMC) was added and the enzyme activity evaluated in a spectrofluorometer. Other aliquots were resuspended in Tyrode's medium and incubated at different concentrations for various times with or without inhibitors in the presence of 0.4% azocasein. Hydrolysis of azocasein was evaluated at 440 nm. In addition, sperm membrane proteins were obtained incubating the sperm with Triton X-114 or with 0.5 M KCl plus Triton X-100 and removing insoluble material by centrifugation at 5,000g for 40 min. Proteasomal activity was evaluated with SLLVY-AMC and its presence corroborated by Western blotting. Formaldehyde fixed, unpermeabilized sperm were incubated with anti-proteasome monoclonal antibodies and evaluated using indirect immunofluorescence. The effect of proteasome inhibitors upon the progesterone-induced acrosome reaction was also evaluated. Results indicated that (a) whole, intact sperm were able to hydrolyze the proteasome substrates SLLVY-AMC and azocasein; this activity was inhibited by proteasome inhibitors; (b) proteasomal activity was detected in soluble sperm membrane protein preparations and Western blotting revealed the presence of the proteasome in these fractions; (c) indirect immunofluorescence revealed staining of the head region, particularly of the post acrosomal region; and (d) the proteasome plays an important role during the acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

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