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In blood-fed Culex nigripalpus Theobald, proteolytic activity appeared in the ectoperitrophic fluid after 3 h, but only after 6 h in a homogenate of the blood-filled midgut. The activity continued to be higher in ectoperitrophic fluid than in whole gut homogenate until about 40 h after the meal, when most of the intact clot had disappeared. Apparently, undigested blood inhibits proteolytic activity. The blood clot lacked activity and the inhibitor could not be removed by washing. The results are compatible with a hypothesis that the peritrophic membrane separates the digestion from the ingestion compartment.  相似文献   

Esterases are enzymatic proteins known to play a role in insecticide resistance formation. To further our understanding of the development of insecticide resistance, we tested the gene expression level of a gene implicated in insecticide resistance (Temsha est‐1) from Culex nigripalpus Theobald (Diptera: Culicidae) in field mosquitoes. We found that the level of expression of TE‐1 differed depending on the frequency of exposure to organophosphate insecticide through expression studies. Temsha est‐1 cDNA is 1,808 base pairs and fully sequenced with up to 96% nucleotide sequence identity to esterase B genes of other mosquito species. The genes from five different species, including TE‐1, were closely related by genetic distance and phylogenetic analysis. Differential expression of this gene that is correlated to differences in susceptibility towards organophosphate would provide the ability to use Temsha est‐1 as an indicator of the formation of tolerance/resistance. This would greatly enhance mosquito control efforts by allowing targeted application of insecticides to mosquito populations that are most susceptible. Also, it would provide resistance information so that a rational design could be used for insecticide rotation schedules.  相似文献   

Abstract. The impact of nutritional variables on the development of host-seeking and biting behaviours after emergence by female Culex nigripalpus mosquitoes were studied using air-flow olfactometer and close-range biting assays, respectively. Unfed females failed to develop resting stage ovarian follicles. When offered a bird host in the absence of competing stimuli, sugar-fed mosquitoes were significantly more responsive in both host-seeking and biting than unfed controls. In a choice olfactometer assay using nectar odours (honey scented with artificial apple-blossom oil) versus host odours (a bird), unfed females preferred honey over bird odours except when honey odour was weak. After sucrose feeding, females switched from honey to bird preference. This change in behaviour was accompanied by significant accumulation of lipid and by follicular growth to the resting stage. Elevation of host responsiveness after sugar feeding was reversible; starvation ultimately resulted in females preferring honey over bird odours. When the larval diet was restricted by crowding, the wing-length and total lipid of resultant adult females were reduced. Although differences were subtle, unfed bird-responding females tended to have longer wings and more lipid than their honey-responding counterparts.  相似文献   

Two types of trypsin activity were detected in Anopheles albimanus, a constitutive and an inductive component, which have identical immunopatterns. The constitutive trypsin in synthesized shortly after eclosion and is retained in the midgut epithelial cells. The inductive trypsin is synthesized and released continuously after a blood meal has been ingested; maximal activities vary between 12 h and 18 h after a blood meal. Once digestion is completed, trypsin is excreted, but the constitutive trypsin level is restored within 24 h, before the next blood meal is taken. In A. gambiae, A. Stephensi, and A. quadrimaculatus, the constitutive trypsin component is also present, but at much lower levels. In A. albimanus fed multiple blood meals at 24 h intervals, trypsin oscillates at nearly maximal levels as long as blood is present in the midgut and depending on the ovarian status. Expression of the two trypsin components in A. albimanus was found to be independent of the neurosecretory system, but synthesis of the constitutive trypsin appears to require the presence of the corpora allata. In all species tested, chymotrypsin is secreted after a blood meal in a similar temporal pattern as trypsin, but it is never present before the blood meal. Reinvestigating several aedine species for the presence of chymotrypsin by using different substrates revealed measurable quantities in blood-fed females compared to earlier reports. Equally, aminopeptidase activity is present in all species tested and characterized by a constitutive component. Its activities follow different temporal patterns than the endopeptidases. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

When newly emerged females of the mosquito Culex nigripalpus Theobald (Diptera: Culicidae) take a sugar meal, they develop both a propensity to seek a host and resting-stage ovarian follicles. As follicle growth is indicative of Juvenile Hormone (JH) activity, we searched for possible roles of JH in the behavioural shift from nectar to blood-host odour preference by Cx. nigripalpus after emergence, using an olfactometer-choice assay. Topically applied or injected methoprene (a JH analogue) resulted in a behavioural shift and follicular growth in unfed females that increased with increasing dosages. Topical methoprene 500 ng and 4 microg resulted in a switch to bird-odour preference. JH III injection resulted in a lesser shift from honey responses to bird responses. Methoprene application caused no detectable changes in glycogen, total sugars or total lipid when assayed 24h after treatment. Additionally, as male accessory glands (MAG) have been shown to synthesize JH, we implanted intact paired MAGs from either conspecific or Aedes aegypti (L.) donors, or injected 1/3 gland pair equivalents of conspecific MAG homogenate into unfed newly emerged females. All MAG treatments failed to induce behavioural or ovarian modifications. Ovariectomy had no effect on the sugar-induced shift from nectar to host preference in the olfactometer. Thus JH, but not MAG, mimicked the effects of a sugar meal by causing both follicular growth and the shift to preference for a host.  相似文献   

Proteolytic enzymes were characterized in the midgut and the excreta of the stable fly Stomoxys calcitrans (L) with proteins, synthetic substrates, and inhibitors. Inhibition studies suggested trypsinlike activity in sugar-fed fly midguts, whereas excreta and blood-fed fly guts exhibited other proteases. Trypsinlike activity in midguts removed 20 and 30 h after a blood meal increased from 20% to 50% of the total proteolytic enzymes present. Trypsinlike activity was inhibited with human sera, trypsin-specific inhibitors, and a protein isolated from the stable fly thorax. When human albumin and globulin fractions were incubated with trypsinlike enzymes isolated from the midgut and excreta, the albumin fraction was less inhibitory than the globulin fractions and was readily hydrolyzed by the proteolytic enzymes. These results may indicate that the proteolytic enzymes produce an abortive complex with the globulin fractions of the sera. Such a complex may explain the temporary inhibition of proteolysis by the blood meal. Soybean trypsin inhibitor fed to stable flies caused 50% inhibition in proteolytic activity in the midguts of sugar-fed stable flies and 25% inhibition in the midguts of blood-fed stable flies. Complete inhibition of proteolytic enzyme activity was achieved only in vitro. pH profiles of proteolytic enzyme activity isolated from the excreta of blood-fed stable flies indicated that several proteolytic enzymes were excreted.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Mated females of Culex tarsalis Coq. (Diptera, Culicidae) were receptive to additional insemination after gonotrophic activity. Sexual receptivity was not renewed in mated, aged nulliparous females. Insemination was determined by the detection in females of sperm labelled with adenine-3H(G) after matings with radio-labelled males. When females were deprived of males after their first insemination, the production of fertile eggs was reduced and oviposition activity was altered throughout successive gonotrophic cycles.  相似文献   

Ecotypic differentiation is well described in the mosquito Culex pipiens , separating populations breeding in subterranean and human-made sites (hypogeous habitat) from those in open-air sites (epigeous habitat). The pattern of population differentiation observed at the Aat-1 locus has been suspected to be associated with such ecotypic differentiation via habitat-dependent selection, but this supposition is still the subject of debate in the literature. We analysed differentiation patterns for Aat-1 and another four loci among populations from both habitat types in the French Alps. We showed that the Aat-1A allele is favoured within hypogeous habitats but selected against within epigeous habitats. Comparisons of our results with other data reported in the literature indicate that the Aat-1A allele is generally evolving under habitat-differential selection, but that the precise balance of migration and selection that determines equilibrium allele frequencies varies greatly across Europe. The nature of this habitat-dependent selection, and its resulting (geographically varying) equilibrium point, are discussed in relation to the biology of this mosquito species.  相似文献   

The response of the components of a protease-inhibitor system of legume and cereal crops to stress factors was studied. It was found that salinization, heavy metal ions, and phytopathogenic flora inhibit the activity of neutral, acidic, and alkaline proteases at early stages of seed germination, the degree of the inhibition of the endoprotease activity being dependent on the index of tolerance of legume and cereal crops. It was shown that, in response to unfavorable conditions, accumulation of trypsin inhibitors occurs, which is accompanied by the appearance of new protein components, as indicated by electrophoresis. The results confirm the presumption that serine protease inhibitors are involved in the response of plants to stress factors.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Three mosquito species, Culex tarsalis Coquillett, Culex quinquefasciatus Say and Aedes aegypti L. (Diptera: Culicidae), were examined in laboratory binary choice experiments to investigate whether fish exudates from the mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis (Baird & Girard) (Cyprinodontiformes: Poecilliidae), deter oviposition and whether the responses of these mosquito species to fish exudates in oviposition sites are consistent with the risk of predation from fish experienced by each species in their respective natural breeding habitats. Culex tarsalis was deterred significantly from egg laying by the presence of fish exudates in oviposition cups, consistent with high levels of predation by fish in natural breeding sites. Egg laying by Cx quinquefasciatus was slightly reduced in water with fish exudates, but was not consistently deterred by water conditioned by mosquitofish, consistent with the species' relatively low risk of fish predation in natural habitats. Oviposition by container-breeding Ae. aegypti was not deterred by the presence of fish exudates in oviposition cups, consistent with a low risk of predation by fish in natural habitats.  相似文献   

Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus were fed blood meals from a live chicken (LC), chicken blood in Alsever's (AC) solution, defibrinated bovine blood (DB), or bovine blood in citrate (CB) and incubated at 28° C. The effects of different blood meal sources were evaluated with respect to rates of blood feeding and reproduction (i.e., fecundity and fertility) over two gonotrophic cycles. Mosquitoes that fed on the first blood meal were subjected to a second blood meal as follows (first blood meal / second blood meal): LC/LC, LC/DB, DB/DB, CB/CB, AC/AC. Fecundity and fertility of Cx. p. quinquefasciatus were significantly (P < 0.05) greater in mosquitoes fed LC blood; however, fecundity and fertility in different treatment groups varied by gonotrophic cycle. These results contribute to our understanding of the impact of blood meal source on feeding and reproduction in Cx. p. quinquefasciatus. The potential impacts of blood meal source on virus transmission experiments are discussed.  相似文献   

The cosmotropical urban mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus Say (Diptera: Culicidae) uses chemical cues to locate suitable water pools for oviposition. Although gravid females are innately attracted to or repelled by certain compounds, this study found that an individual mosquito's preferences for these odours could be altered greatly by prior experience. Mosquitoes reared in water containing skatole, at a level normally repellent to ovipositing females, preferred to oviposit in water containing that compound rather than in water with an otherwise attractive odour compound (P-cresol). This behaviour occurred regardless of whether mosquitoes were tested individually or in groups of up to 50 per cage. The F1 progeny of conditioned mosquitoes did not exhibit the parental preference, but were as susceptible to conditioning as their parents. Moreover, rearing mosquitoes in infusions of hay or animal (guinea-pig) faeces produced a similar although less dramatic change, such that the innate propensity for hay infusion could be cancelled by rearing in guinea-pig faeces infusion. The results demonstrated a change in odour preference by Cx. quinquefasciatus following exposure to the odour during development or pupal eclosion, suggesting that some form of larval conditioning or early adult imprinting occurred. Precisely when that conditioning occurred remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Haematophagy, the utilization of blood as food, has evolved independently among insects such as mosquitoes, bedbugs, fleas, and others. Accordingly, several distinct biological adaptations have occurred in order to facilitate the finding, ingestion and digestion of blood from vertebrate sources. Although blood meals are essential for survival and reproduction of these insects, mechanical and chemical stresses are caused by the ingestion of a sizable meal (frequently twice or more times the weight of the insect) containing large amounts of cytotoxic molecules such as haem. Here we present data showing that the stresses caused by a blood meal induce cell death in the midgut epithelium of Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes. The process involves apoptosis, ejection of dead cells to the midgut lumen and differentiation of basal regenerative cells to replace the lost digestive cells. The basal cell differentiation in blood-fed mosquito midguts represents an additional mechanism by which insects cope with the stresses caused by blood meals. C. quinquefasciatus adult females are unable to replace lost cells following a third or fourth blood meal, which may have a significant impact on mosquito longevity, reproduction and vectorial capacity.  相似文献   

Wolbachia are maternally inherited endosymbiotic bacteria that infect many arthropod species and may induce cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), resulting in abortive embryonic development. One Wolbachia host, Culex pipiens complex mosquitoes, displays high levels of variability in both CI crossing types (cytotypes) and DNA markers. We report here an analysis of 14 mosquito strains, containing 13 Wolbachia variants, and with 13 different cytotypes. Cytotypes were Wolbachia-dependent, as antibiotic treatment rendered all strains tested compatible. Cytotype distributions were independent of geographical distance between sampling sites and host subspecies, suggesting that Wolbachia does not promote a reproductive isolation depending on these parameters. Backcross analysis demonstrated a mild restoring effect of the nuclear genome, indicating that CI is mostly cytoplasmically determined for some crosses. No correlation was found between the phenotypic and genotypic variability of 16 WO prophage and transposon markers, except for the WO prophage Gp15 gene, which encodes a protein similar to a bacterial virulence factor. However, Gp15 is partially correlated with CI expression, suggesting that it could be just linked to a CI gene.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Surgical manipulation was used to show that in the mosquito, Culex pipiens pallens , the circadian pacemaker is probably not located in the optic lobes. Mosquitoes deprived of the greater part of their optic lobes still maintained a circadian activity rhythm: in DD with τ= c . 20–23 h, in LL with τ= c . 14–15 h. The operated mosquitoes showed diphasic activity which entrained to LD 16:8 h (at 200 lux), implying the existence of an extraocular photoreceptive pathway.  相似文献   

The mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus Say (Diptera: Culicidae) is the vector of the filarial parasite Wuchereria bancrofti (Cobbold) (Spirurida: Onchocercidae), which causes human bancroftian filariasis. Information on the mosquito humoral response against the filarial parasite during the process of its infection and development is important, as it decides the vector competence of the mosquito. Visible changes in the haemocyte population of mosquito, if any, will be an indicator of the possible humoral factors. The present study was aimed at investigating changes in the populations of various types of haemocytes of Cx. quinquefasciatus following infection with W. bancrofti. On day 2 post-feeding on microfilaraemic blood, the haemolymph perfusate of infected mosquitoes with L1 stage of the parasite showed 44.1% granulocytes, 42% prohaemocytes and 13.9% plasmatocytes, whereas that of the control mosquitoes fed on amicrofilaraemic blood showed 63.4% plasmatocytes, 22.2% prohaemocytes and 14.4% granulocytes. Differences in the population numbers of haemocyte types between the infected and control were significant (P > 0.05). However, the mosquitoes examined on day 6 post-feeding, when the parasite was in L2 stage, did not show any such changes. But, similar changes reappeared on day 12 in mosquitoes with L3 stage of the parasite. The observed haemocyte population changes indicate the possibility of some amount of humoral immune response, through the production of certain immune molecules, in Cx. quinquefasciatus infected with W. bancrofti. The nature and exact role of such a response on the filarial parasite development need further investigation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In both virgin and inseminated female Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus Say, circadian flight-activity has two major components: evening (E) and morning (M) in virgins, and evening (E) and night (N) in inseminated females. These components probably represent the activity of constituent oscillators of the underlying pacemaker system. In DD (constant dark) the E and M peaks are approximately 12 h apart in virgins, the E and N peaks 6–7 h apart in inseminated females. Entrainment to regimes between LD 6:18 and 18:6 appears to have only small effects on the relative position of these components, and after a change to DD they quickly relax towards a common phase-relation. Entrainment to LD 12:12 followed by release into DD or constant dim light (intensities 0.005-5 be) showed that light has a differential effect on the components, initially increasing the period of the E component more than that of the apparently more stable M and N components. Thus with increasing light intensity a bimodal cycle fuses into a unimodal cycle. Light also affected the level of activity, causing big increases in the activity of both virgin and inseminated females at 0.05 lx, but depressing activity, at least initially, at 5 lx. These results indicate that, under natural conditions, moonlight may have big effects, both on the level of activity and on the underlying circadian pacemaker.  相似文献   

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