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To develop a successful integrated pest management program for pest mole crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae: Scapteriscus spp.), it is important to ascertain the compatibility of infective juveniles of insect parasitic nematodes and chemical insecticides. Aqueous solutions of five pesticides (acephate, bifenthrin, deltamethrin, fipronil, and imidacloprid) used in turfgrass to control mole crickets were tested for compatibility with Steinernema scapterisci Nguyen & Smart (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae) in the laboratory. Survival of S. scapterisci was >95% in solutions of acephate, bifenthrin, and imidacloprid. Infectivity of S. scapterisci in adult Scapteriscus vicinus Scudder was >60% in acephate and bifenthrin; however, infectivity was <40% in imidacloprid. The entomopathogenic nematode was compatible with most insecticides tested without significantly reduced survival or infectivity.  相似文献   

Euryconema brevicauda n. sp. parasitizing the mole cricket Neocurtilla claraziana found in Buenos Aires province, Argentina, is described and illustrated. This species is characterized by the male having 3 pairs of genital papillae, 1 pair preanal and 2 pairs postanal, and a short, conical-shaped tail.  相似文献   

Effects of irrigation regimen, quantity, and timing on the efficacy of three insecticides for controlling nymphs of the southern mole cricket, Scapteriscus borellii Giglio-Tos, and the tawny mole cricket, Scapteriscus vicinus Scudder, were studied on golf courses in 1997, 1998, and 1999. Two irrigation regimen tests using two rates of bifenthrin and lambda-cyhalothrin produced inconclusive results. Mole cricket damage ratings after the applications of bifenthrin (60 g [AI]/ha) and lambda-cyhalothrin (76 g [AI]/ha) were not significantly different among the four irrigation regimens (non-irrigation, irrigation before treatment, irrigation after treatment, and irrigation before and after treatment). Mole cricket damage rating after the application of bifenthrin (120 g [AI]/ha) under irrigation before and after irrigation was significantly better than those under other irrigation regimens at 14 and 21 d after treatment (DAT). Different irrigation quantity and irrigation timing (after insecticide treatment) did not significantly affect the performance of imidacloprid (434 g [AI]/ha) in the 1998 tests. However, the results from the 1999 test indicated that mole cricket damage ratings from the imidacloprid-treated plots were significantly different between 2 and 0.5 cm irrigation water after treatment at 21 and 28 DAT. Application of bifenthrin at a rate of 120 g (AI)/ha with 0.5 cm of irrigation water after treatment resulted in significantly lower mole cricket damage ratings than those of 1.0 and 2.0 cm of irrigation water after treatment at 30 DAT only in the 1998 test. Bifenthrin with irrigation at 1 h after insecticide treatment provided better mole cricket control than that of irrigation at 5 min after treatment at 30 DAT only in the 1998 test. Mole cricket damage ratings after application of bifenthrin were not significantly different between either irrigation quantity treatment or irrigation timing treatment in the 1999 tests. Possible effects of application timing, environmental conditions, irrigation practice, and insecticide physical properties on the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Anabrus simplex is an economically significant crop pest in the western United States and is a model organism for studying the influence of sex role reversal on sperm allocation and utilization patterns and population genetics. We isolated seven polymorphic microsatellite loci in Anabrus simplex, and within population allele numbers ranged from 10 to 25. High polymorphism is not unusual for Orthopteran insects, although observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.24 to 0.91 and were lower than expected heterozygosities, suggesting null alleles. These microsatellites will greatly facilitate studies of postcopulatory reproductive isolation in nuptial gift‐giving insects and historical phylogenetics in the Rocky Mountains.  相似文献   

Sexual selection can target many different types of traits. However, the relative influence of different sexually selected traits during evolutionary divergence is poorly understood. We used the field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus to quantify and compare how five traits from each of three sexual signal modalities and components diverge among allopatric populations: male advertisement song, cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) profiles and forewing morphology. Population divergence was unexpectedly consistent: we estimated the among‐population (genetic) variance‐covariance matrix, D , for all 15 traits, and Dmax explained nearly two‐thirds of its variation. CHC and wing traits were most tightly integrated, whereas song varied more independently. We modeled the dependence of among‐population trait divergence on genetic distance estimated from neutral markers to test for signatures of selection versus neutral divergence. For all three sexual trait types, phenotypic variation among populations was largely explained by a neutral model of divergence. Our findings illustrate how phenotypic integration across different types of sexual traits might impose constraints on the evolution of mating isolation and divergence via sexual selection.  相似文献   

The time that male field crickets spend calling was measured electronically in the laboratory to examine nightly calling duration from different species and populations. Male Gryllus integerfrom Davis, CA, and Las Cruces, NM, called approximately 7 h per 24 h, whereas male G. integerfrom San Antonio and Austin, TX, and Norman, OK, and male G. rubensfrom McAlester, OK, and Arkadelphia, AR, called approximately 3 h per 24 h. Variation in duration of calling is discussed in terms of the energetic costs of producing song and selection against calling by acoustically orienting parasites and predators. Duration of calling was also studied infield-collected male G. integer.Males were first observed in field populations and then collected. Those males observed calling in the field later called significantly more in the laboratory than males observed showing non-calling, satellite behavior. Flying G. integercollected under lights were intermediate in their calling duration to calling and satellite males. These data are discussed in terms of the heritability of nightly calling song duration infield crickets.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the phalangopsid cricket Endecous alejomesai n. sp. collected from the cave "Lapa do Fuzil", Vila Propício, State of Goiás, Brazil. Diagnosis has been acquired by the combination of the following characteristics: phallic sclerite features; calling song with dominant frequency of 4.8 kHz and 52.9 ± 5.8 (42–60, n  = 22) cycles of sound per pulse; pars stridens with 90 ± 6.84 (78–99, n  = 12) teeth; mirror with one or two cross-veins; harp with two, three or four cross-veins.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of Gryllus rubens (Scudder) and Gryllus sp. collected in the US were studied using conventional Giemsa staining and two differential staining methods. Both species had a chromosome complement of 2n = 28 + XX/XO, and the X chromosome was large and metacentric. In addition, nucleolus organizer regions (NOR) were detected in the short arm of one pair in the two species, and the NOR showed variation in size. The two species had species‐specific chromosome configuration and C‐banding patterns. In Gryllus sp., the chromosome configuration showed polymorphism in size and type among individuals, and the distal C‐bands of Gryllus sp. were larger than those of G. rubens.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have investigated the presence and the effectiveness of volatile pheromones in Lepidoptera. Conversely, very few studies have focused on the composition and the perception of the relatively low volatile components of cuticular mixtures. Yet, cuticular lipids are implied in the recognition processes of several solitary and social insects. In the present study, the cuticular signatures of the satyrid butterflies Lasiommata megera and Lasiommata paramegaera were examined by gas chromatography. General linear model and discriminant analyses on chemical data clearly revealed large differences between sexes, which showed the same diversification pattern in both species. Moreover, a strong diversification between the two species was found, as were differences among populations. These results represent a first step in demonstrating the communicative function of cuticular compounds in the L. megera / paramegaera complex. Moreover, the discrimination among different species and populations on the basis of cuticular mixtures could represent a platform for studying chemotaxonomy and chemical biogeography in butterflies, as already found in several other insect groups.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 703–710.  相似文献   

Two sibling species of mole crickets of the Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa group inhabit Israel. Both are described as new species based on differences in their morphology, acoustic behaviour, chromosome number, cuticular hydrocarbon pattern and habitats. The species with males having 2n = 23 chromosomes, described in the past as the 'Dead Sea race', is designated as G. marismortui sp.n. It is an endangered species. In morphology and chromosome number it is similar to G. cossyrensis Bacetti & Capra from Italy, but differs in the composition of cuticular hydrocarbons. Gryllotalpa marismortui occurs in a limited geographical area along the shore of the Dead Sea. Another species, with 2n = 19 chromosomes, is described as G. tali sp.n. and is found throughout Israel. The calling songs of the males of the new species differ markedly. Females of the respective chromosomal numbers discriminate in favour of the homospecific call. Their habitats are strikingly different: G. marismortui lives in hypersaline soil along the Dead Sea shore (total chloride 187.25 meq %), G. tali inhabits freshwater soil (9.31 meq %). The distribution of the twelve known sibling species and one chromosomal race (not yet described) of the G. gryllotalpa group from Europe and the eastern Mediterranean is summarized. The zoogeography and phylogeny of the group are discussed.  相似文献   

Hybridization experiments and cuticular hydrocarbon analyses were performed to determine the extent of the reproductive isolation present to clarify the taxonomic status of Danaus erippus (Cramer, 1775), which has often been classified as a subspecies of Danaus plexippus (Linnaeus, 1758) . The results of crosses between D. erippus and Danaus plexippus nigrippus (Haensch, 1909) showed pre- and postzygotic isolation. Pupal inviability, and Haldane rule effects (male hybrids only, the homogametic sex in butterflies) were observed after the crosses. These results reinforce the hypothesis that D. plexippus and D. erippus are separate, reproductively isolated species. However, we have also investigated the cuticular hydrocarbons in D. erippus and D. p. nigrippus with temperature-programmed gas chromatography. The chromatographic profiles of peaks were similar in both taxa, with retention indices in the range 2100–3797. The profiles were characterized by the presence of 15 peaks whose retention indices were in the range 2501–3772. Although no major qualitative differences between the two species were observed, we did find some quantitative differences. A principal component analysis showed a clear separation between members of D. erippus and D. p. nigrippus , suggesting that semiochemical differences might have become differentiated after isolation, perhaps in response to different physiological pressures.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 445–453.  相似文献   

Thirty-four novel microsatellite markers developed for wood cricket (Nemobius sylvestris) were tested and optimized. Twenty-five microsatellite loci were polymorphic, exhibiting between two and nine alleles. Observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.038 to 0.925. The microsatellites were also tested in a species belonging to another genus of the Gryllidae family (Gryllus bimaculatus). Two markers produced clear banding patterns with the expected product size. These markers will be used to study the effects of forest fragmentation on genetic connectivity using wood cricket as a model species.  相似文献   

Binema mirzaia (Basir, 1942a) Basir, 1956, Cameronia nisari (Parveen and Jairajpuri, 1985) Adamson and Van Waerebeke, 1992a and Mirzaiella meerutensis Singh and Malti, 2003 are redescribed morphologically along with molecular identification from the intestine of mole cricket Gryllotalpa africana. Molecular characterization was carried out using the D2–D3 expansion domains of the 18S ribosomal DNA region. This study first time presents molecular data for the above three nematode species.  相似文献   

The vinegar flies Drosophila subobscura and D. obscura frequently serve as study organisms for evolutionary biology. Their high morphological similarity renders traditional species determination difficult, especially when living specimens for setting up laboratory populations need to be identified. Here we test the usefulness of cuticular chemical profiles collected via the non-invasive method near-infrared spectroscopy for discriminating live individuals of the two species. We find a classification success for wild-caught specimens of 85%. The species specificity of the chemical profiles persists in laboratory offspring (87–92% success). Thus, we conclude that the cuticular chemistry is genetically determined, despite changes in the cuticular fingerprints, which we interpret as due to laboratory adaptation, genetic drift and/or diet changes. However, because of these changes, laboratory-reared specimens should not be used to predict the species-membership of wild-caught individuals, and vice versa. Finally, we demonstrate that by applying an appropriate cut-off value for interpreting the prediction values, the classification success can be immensely improved (to up to 99%), albeit at the cost of excluding a considerable portion of specimens from identification.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature from 10 °C to 35 °C on the growth, total lipid content, and fatty acid composition of three species of tropical marine microalgae, Isochrysis sp., Nitzschia closterium, N. paleacea (formerly frustulum), and the Tahitian Isochrysis sp. (T.ISO), was investigated.Cultures of N. closterium, Isochrysis sp. and T.ISO grew very slowly at 35 °C, while N. closterium did not grow at temperatures higher than 30 °C or lower than 20 °C. N. paleacea was low-temperature tolerant, with cells growing slowly at 10 °C. N. paleacea produced the highest percentage of lipids at 10 °C, while the other species produced maximum amounts of lipid at 20 °C. None of the species maintained high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) at high growth temperature and there was a significant inverse relationship between the percentage of PUFAs and temperature for N. paleacea. A curved relationship was found between temperature and percentage of PUFA for N. closterium and tropical Isochrysis sp., with the maximum production of PUFA at 25 °C and 20 °C, respectively. The two Nitzschia species produced higher levels of the essential fatty acid eicosapentaenoic acid [20:5(n-3)] at lower growth temperatures, but the two Isochrysis species had little change in percentage of 20:5(n-3) with temperature. Only T.ISO had the highest percentage of 22:6(n-3) at lowest growth temperature (11.4% total fatty acids at 10 °C).School of Mathematical and Physical SciencesAuthor for correspondence  相似文献   

Field efficacy of the entomopathogenic Ascomycetes Beauveria bassiana strain GHA and Metarhizium brunneum strain F52 was evaluated against nymphs of the Mormon cricket, Anabrus simplex. Fungi were applied with a new apparatus that allows simulated aerial sprays to 0.1-m2 areas in the field. The Mormon crickets were then individually housed in cylindrical, metal hardware cloth cages on treated grass. Both fungi demonstrated only marginal success in reducing immature Mormon cricket survival in the field cages. After 28 days, the field mortality of insects, corrected for control deaths, was 28 and 45% for B. bassiana and M. brunneum, respectively. Field-exposed but laboratory-incubated insects, however, suffered 90–100% mortality within 12 days with initial deaths occurring on Day 6 (Beauveria) or Day 5 (Metarhizium), indicating a lethal rate was applied and acquired by the crickets in the field. Potential daily body temperatures were determined for the entire post-treatment observation period using special thermal surrogates. High ambient temperatures and/or thermoregulation by Mormon crickets, in excess of the upper thermal limits of both fungi, prevented higher mortality from being expressed in the field. Thermal surrogates were used to develop models for predicting onset of mortality from infections. The surrogate data indicated mortality should begin between 8 and 26 days after treatment with M. brunneum and 11 and 33 days after treatment with B. bassiana. The timing of mortality in field cages was consistent with the upper boundaries of the temporal models developed from the thermal surrogates, i.e., at or after 28 days after treatment.  相似文献   

Thecadinium inclinatum Balech and four new marine sand‐dwelling species of the dinoflagellate genus Thecadinium are described from the sandy beaches along the coast of Shikoku, Japan. Thecadinium inclinatum is thecate, bilaterally flattened, elliptical in shape, non‐photosynthetic, and measures 55–75 μ in length and 43–59 μ in depth. The epi‐ and hypotheca theca are semielliptical and the thecal surface is smooth with small pores. The plate formula is Po (pore plate), 3′, 7″,?c,?s, 5″′1″′.Thecadinium ovatum sp. nov. is thecate, non‐photosynthetic, bilaterally flattened and almost oval in lateral view. The cell measures 40–50 μm in length and 33–40 μm in depth. The hypotheca has two or three strong antapical spines. The plate formula is 3′, 6″,6c, 5s?, 5″′, 1″′. Thecadinium striatum sp. nov. is thecate, non‐photosynthetic, bilaterally flattened and somewhat elliptical in lateral view. The cell is 33–41 μm long and 23–30 μm deep. Several striae are present on the hypotheca. The plate formula is 3′, 6″, 6c, 5s?, 5″′, 1″″. Thecadinium yashimaense sp. nov. is bilaterally flattened, photosynthetic and elliptical in ventral view. The cell is 44–65 μm long and 23–36 μm wide. The thecal surface is smooth with small pores. he cingulum forms a steep left–handed spiral. The plate formula is Po, 3′, la, 6″, 5c, 4s, 5″′, 1″′. Thecadinium arenarium sp. nov. is somewhat wedge‐shaped in ventral view, photosynthetic with brownish chloroplasts and almost rounded in cross section. The cingulum forms a steep left‐handed spiral. The cell measures 35–41 μm in length and 25–30 μm in width. The thecal surface is weakly reticulated with small pores. The hypotheca is conical. The plate formula is Po, 3′, la, 6″, 5c, 4s, 5″′, 1″″.  相似文献   

For the short-tailed cricket, Anurogryllus muticus, burrow-making behavior is essential. All nymphal instars construct burrows, but in the adult stage the rate of burrowing behavior is age dependent. Increases in photophase and light intensity stimulate burrowing, and the explicit negative phototaxis is correlated with the cricket's inability to exist under dry conditions. Ingestion of substrate during burrow construction may serve to acquire additional moisture. There is no evidence of burrow recognition, and crickets can construct a burrow when needed. The natural distribution of burrows at the plot investigated on Moorea supports the notion thatA. muticus builds burrows where the preferred food plantAlysicarpus vaginalis is most abundant. By minimizing the traveling distance to food sources when foraging they can retreat to their burrow again.  相似文献   

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