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In 30 experiments in order to specify the blood supply and conducting system in the dog heart, coronal arteries were injected with a contrasting mass that was followed by roentgenography and preparation of the coronal arteries. The topography and blood supply of the atrioventricular conducting system with application of prevital blood supply, and the left coronal artery is the main source of blood supply for all the parts of the cardiac atrioventricular conducting system.  相似文献   

Recent electrophysiological evidence indicates that periodic spontaneous depolarizations occur in the primordial heart of the bird (and presumably mammal) even before the myocardial cells can contract, and these are initiated in the primordial sinoatrial region. As contractions are generated, these then establish a peristaltic wave. From that time on, during ontogenesis, the contractile sequence follows a regular pattern of development. As chambers form they contract sequentially in the direction of blood flow, even though, in the twisted configuration, myocardial continuities suggest the possibility of short-circuiting the electrical conduction pathways from atrium to bulbus. This implies that, even at these early stages, the electrical properties of the myocardium are not isotropic, and that specialized conduction pathways must exist. To the present time, electrophysiological techniques have limited the direct evidence that can be obtained on these delicate electrically specialized pathways. However, microscopical techniques have permitted studies on the morphological development of the tissue and of the cells in the various regions of the myocardium. The present paper traces the development of cell morphology in these regions, including the development of structural nodes and proximal ventricular fibre pathways, and from these observations, the manner in which the electrical conduction pathways are believed to develop is suggested.  相似文献   

The development of the atrioventricular conduction system in the mouse heart has been studied by light and electron microscopy from the time of the completion of ventricular septation to fetal stage II, 13–16 days postcoitum. At the beginning of this period the already established atrioventricular node (AVN) enlarges rapidly into the dorsal AV cushion from the primitive AV tract, reaching almost its full fetal size when septation is complete. The development of the atrionodal interconnections is a slow and complex process. The dorsal atrial myocardium develops on both sides of the node, establishing a muscular overlay over its proximal aspect, and also incorporating the former AV tract. At this time also, the developing muscular interatrial septum grows downward to establish contact with the node, the sinus venosus, and the myocardium of the right and left atrial walls. The distally proceeding differentiation of the ab initio continuous conduction pathway along the AVN, His bundle, and bundle branches demonstrates a progressive and sequential development of high cellular glycogen content. Progressive isolation of the atrioventricular conduction system leading to (still incomplete) insulation by connective tissue, has been observed.  相似文献   

Some ways of synchronization are identified in the wild pig behaviour, which are parallel body orientation, group getting together and away, individual approaching and moving away, sound signals. Parallel synchronization is characteristic for various compact groups, males and females exposing some differences in the synchronization duration and distances. The synchronization is mainly a property of individuals united by common motivation and interests. Each family union, each offspring group have their own peculiarities of synchronization depending on their structure. Synchronization duration and distances vary by season, while within- and between-group distances are different in ages and sexes. Two ways of appearance of special distances are recognized. The synchronization works as a trigger system regulation spatial distribution of individuals and various social functions.  相似文献   

Feasibility and degree of local AV junction destruction were studied prior to the induction of complete transversal block on the model of 18 isolated perfused dog hearts, using endoscopic laser device, employing cardiofibroscope and laser Ne: YAG. Morphological pattern in the destruction zone is presented. The technique and device can be used for transvenous AV junction destruction.  相似文献   

Experimental infection with pseudorabies virus was carried out by oral exposure of four young wild swine held in contact with two unexposed controls. No disease was observed but virological procedures indicated that the virus was shed in saliva and, in one case, in the nasal discharge, with subsequent infection of the control animals. After slaughter the virus was reisolated from the tonsils but not from lungs and brain. Virus reisolation from the tonsils was obtained in two animals after the throat swabs became negative. Virus neutralizing antibodies were detected.  相似文献   

Although power spectra of R-R and P-R intervals in response to random respiration show similar frequency distributions, the way in which dynamic sympathetic regulation contributes to such similarity remains unknown. We estimated the transfer function from sympathetic stimulation to the atrioventricular interval (AV conduction time; T(AV)) with and without constant atrial pacing in seven anesthetized cats. The transfer function from sympathetic stimulation to T(AV), except for absolute gain values, approximated a low-pass filter similar to that from sympathetic stimulation to the A-A interval (heart period; T(AA)). The 90%-rise times did not differ between the T(AA) and T(AV) step responses (32.3 +/- 1.8 vs. 29.6 +/- 3.2 s). Constant pacing augmented the T(AV) step response (-0.58 +/- 0.10 vs. -0.86 +/- 0.12 ms/Hz, P < 0.05) without affecting the 90%-rise time. These findings suggest that the dynamic characteristics of sympathetic control are similar between T(AA) and T(AV) despite the different electrophysiological mechanisms determining T(AA) and T(AV). A numerical simulation indicated that if the dynamic characteristics of the sympathetic control do not match between T(AA) and T(AV), a critical condition for initiation of reentrant tachycardia would be encountered.  相似文献   

The conduction system of the mouse heart   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M Lev  J C Thaemert 《Acta anatomica》1973,85(3):342-352

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(7):975-986
We studied the morphology of the atrioventricular conduction system (AVCS) and Purkinje fibers of the yak. Light and transmission electron microscopy were used to study the histological features of AVCS. The distributional characteristics of the His‐bundle, the left bundle branch (LBB), right bundle branch (RBB), and Purkinje fiber network of yak hearts were examined using gross dissection, ink injection, and ABS casting. The results showed that the atrioventricular node (AVN) of yak located in the right side of interatrial septum and had a flattened ovoid shape. The AVN of yak is composed of the slender, interweaving cells formed almost entirely of the transitional cells (T‐cells). The His‐bundle extended from the AVN, and split into left LBB and RBB at the crest of the interventricular septum. The LBB descended along the left side of interventricular septum. At approximately the upper 1/3 of the interventricular septum, the LBB typically divided into three branches. The RBB ran under the endocardium of the right side of interventricular septum, and extended to the base of septal papillary muscle, passed into the moderator band, crossed the right ventricular cavity to reach the base of anterior papillary muscle, and divided into four fascicles under the subendocardial layer. The Purkinje fibers in the ventricle formed a complex spatial network. The distributional and cellular component characteristics of the AVCS and Purkinje fibers ensured normal cardiac function.  相似文献   

By method of computer modeling we investigated a stability of different regimes of heart rate dynamics in relation to the change in the atrioventricular conduction parameters: refractory period, minimum atrioventricular delay and curvatures of delay functions in sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodes. It is shown that curvatures of delay functions in sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodes have the most significant influence on the stability of different regimes of heart rate dynamics. The minimum delays in sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodes have smaller impact. The parameters determining the refractory periods of sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodes are least significant in terms of stability of heart rate dynamics.  相似文献   

1. The in vitro activities of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) and hormone sensitive lipase (HSL) were examined in adipose tissue preparations from pigs 0-150 days of age. 2. The activities of both LPL and HSL increased 3- to 4-fold between birth and day 2 postpartum, remained at relatively high levels through weaning, and fell sharply in the oldest animals (150 days). 3. The decline in enzyme activities at older ages could partially be attributed to an increase in adipocyte size.  相似文献   

An effect of cimetidine on ECG records has been investigated in a group of 40 patients with gastric or duodenal ulcers and coexisting circulatory disorders. For this purpose ECG has been recorded with Holter's technique (Medilog 2000) together with ECG-recording using high amplifying technique. An intravenous injection of 200 mg of cimetidine produced in some of patients inhibition of the sinus rhythm atrio-ventricular conduction disturbances as well as changes in the end phase of ECG ventricular image. The authors suggest, that intravenous administration of cimetidine to patients with cardiac diseases should be monitored with ECG recording.  相似文献   

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