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Pneumocyte type II produces a phospholipid, dipalmitoyl lecithin, which is stored in and secreted from the cell's inclusion bodies and is indispensable for alveolar stability. Cloned rat lung type II cells were harvested at monolayer confluence and homogenized in swelling buffer. After sequential differential centrifugations, the crude membrane fraction was subjected to discontinuous sucrose density gradient centrifugation at 65,000 × g. Quality of the relevant fractions was monitored by enzyme activities and phase contrast and electron microscopy of two major bands at densities 1.16 and 1.18, respectively. The less dense band contained only small quantities of organelles, little cytochrome c oxidase, and some glucose 6-phosphatase, but had a significant (Na+, K+)-ATPase activity; this and ultrastructural evidence certified the product as a suitable plasma membrane preparation. Upon sodium dodecyl sulfate-poly acrylamide gel electrophoresis, the protein pattern consisted of 11 major protein bands between 13,000 and 68,000 Mr ranges, and several minor ones. The lipid pattern was studied by two-dimensional thin layer chromatograpy, followed by various group reactions (e.g., amine, unsaturation, phosphorus, sugars). In the two major phospholipids, phosphatidyl choline and phosphatidyl ethanolamine, palmitic acid was the least abundant of four major fatty acids, accounting for 14.20% in phosphatidyl choline and 5.70% in phosphatidyl ethanolamine, whereas the most abundant were stearic and palmitoleic with about 28% each in phosphatidyl choline, and palmitoleic (29.90%) and oleic (23.05%) in the ethanolamine phosphatide. Apparently, the palmitic acid containing phosphatidyl choline must be in the lamellar inclusion bodies of type II cells and not in their plasma membranes.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis and intracellular transport of glycoproteins in duodenal absorptive cells of intact rats at 6 and 24 days and hypophysectomized rats at 24 days of age were studied after 20 min intralumenal pulse-labeling of d-[3H]galactose, l-[3H]fucose, or d-[3H]mannose. Autoradiographic studies showed that the incorporation of sugars increased significantly in intact rats between 6 and 24 days. When rats were hypophysectomized at 6 days of age, the intestinal epithelium at 24 days incorporated d-[3H]galactose at a level significantly lower than that of intact rats at 24 days. Hypophysectomy also interfered with the developmental increase in d-[3H]mannose, but not in l-[3H]fucose, incorporation. Biochemical study indicated that the radioactivity in the lipid-free acid-precipitable glycoproteins in the intestine of 24-day-old intact rats at 20 min after d-[3H]galactose injection was 129% and 97% higher than that in 6-day-old rats and in 24-day-old hypophysectomized rats, respectively. The patterns of intracellular transport of newly synthesized galactosylated or fucosylated glycoproteins in all animal groups were similar; the labeled glycoproteins were initially present in the Golgi and were transported through the smooth endoplasmic reticulum to either the lateral membrane or the brush-border membrane within 60 min after the injection of labeled sugars. The proportion of labeled glycoproteins that migrated to the brush-border membrane, however, increased about twofold in the intact rats between 6 and 24 days of age at 60–240 min after d-[3H]galactose injection. Hypophysectomy interfered with developmental increase in the transport of glycoproteins from the apical cytoplasm to the brush-border membrane. It was concluded that the incorporation of monosaccharide precursors into glycoproteins and the porportion of newly synthesized galactosylated or fucosylated glycoproteins transported to the brush-border membrane increase during postnatal development. The developmental changes are regulated, at least partially, by the pituitary gland.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we examined the relationship between estradiol-induced undereating and body weight loss in ovariectomized (OVX) rats. In the first experiment, both estradiol benzoate (EB) and the nonsteroidal anti-estrogen, MER-25, produced body weight losses that could not be duplicated simply by pair-feeding. In the second experiment, we compared the effects of EB treatments in obese OVX rats and in OVX rats in which the post-OVX obesity was prevented by food restriction. When fed ad libitum, both groups of oil-treated OVX rats exhibited substantial body weight gains that were not accompanied by overeating. In lean OVX rats, EB treatments caused a transient hypophagia but did not reduce body weight. These results suggest three conclusions. (1) Changes in food intake are neither necessary nor sufficient to cause some of the body weight changes induced by ovarian hormones. (2) Estradiol can depress food intake in female rats without altering the regulated body weight. (3) More attention should be paid to metabolic factors when studying gonadal influences on body weight.  相似文献   

A series of experiments was designed to investigate the influence of glucocorticoids on the development of play-fighting in rat pups. Previously we have found male-typical high levels of play-fighting to depend on the presence of androgens in neonatal life. Here we report that neonatally administered glucocorticoids act to suppress these high levels of play-fighting in males. In Experiment 1, male neonates treated on either Days 1 and 2 or Days 3 and 4 of life with 300 μg of corticosterone play-fought less frequently than did oil-treated animals. Corticosterone treatment on Days 9 and 10 of life had no effect suggesting that there is a “critical period” for the corticosterone effect. Similar corticosterone treatment of female pups did not influence the frequency of play-fighting. In Experiment 2, 300 μg dexamethasone, administered on Days 3 and 4 of life, had an effect in males, comparable to corticosterone. These results suggest that there is a sex-dependent, organizational effect of glucocorticoids on the development of play-fighting in rat pups. Additional experiments showed that corticosterone treatment of males on Days 1 and 2 of life did not affect adult male sexual behavior nor did it affect levels of circulating testosterone measured on Day 3 of life. These results suggest that glucocorticoid inhibition of testosterone secretion cannot account for the effect on play behavior. The possibility that glucocorticoids act directly on neural tissues to counteract testosterone effects is discussed.  相似文献   

Protein phosphokinase activity of rat liver nuclear membrane   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The presence of protein phosphokinase activity in a purified nuclear-membrane preparation from adult rat liver was demonstrated by measuring the incorporation of 32P from γ-32P-ATP into endogenous nuclear-membrane proteins as well as into the exogenous protein substrates, dephosphophosvitin (DPV) and lysine-rich histone (LRH). The activity of this enzyme toward DPV was 60 times greater than that toward LRH. cAMP and cGMP did not appear to affect the phosphorylation of endogenous-membrane proteins.  相似文献   

An initial incubation of dog thyroid slices with 0.1 or 1 microM acetylcholine (ACH) for at least 2 h decreases its subsequent stimulation of [1-14C]glucose oxidation. Refractoriness persists for as long as 6 h in the absence of ACH. While new protein synthesis is essential for recovery, it is not necessary for its induction. Refractoriness is prevented when 25 microM tropicamide, an atropine-like drug, is present from the beginning of the initial incubation, but not when it is added after 2 h of incubation of slices with ACH, indicating that at this time ACH is no longer necessary for refractoriness. During refractoriness induced by ACH, stimulation of glucose oxidation by thyroid-stimulating hormone, prostaglandin E1, dibutyryl cyclic AMP, and cholera toxin, but not menadiol, is also significantly diminished. Incubation of thyroid slices with ACH does not modify its stimulation of iodide organification or 32Pi incorporation into phospholipids. These results suggest that the desensitization is not due to changes in the ACH receptor but rather to intracellular metabolic effects. This phenomenon may be important in the regulation of cholinergic effects on the thyroid.  相似文献   

alpha,alpha-Trehalose 2-sulfate, the core carbohydrate of sulfatides of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and the 3-sulfate isomer were synthesized by sulfation of 4,6:4',6'-di-O-benzylidene-alpha,alpha-trehalose with pyridine-sulfur trioxide complex to give the 2- and 3-sulfates, which were separated by column chromatography. The ammonium 2-sulfate salt wa was identical with the natural product obtained from the principal sulfatide (SL-I) of M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Rat kidney cortex slices were tested for their gluconeogenic capacity after the kidney has been either subjected to warm ischemia or flushed with and stored in cold hyperosmotic media. Kidneys damaged by warm ischemia for up to 60 min did not lose their ability to convert pyruvate to glucose. However, they then rapidly lost this capacity so that after 2 hr of ischemia they were devoid of activity. This observation closely corresponded to survival of partially nephrectomized rats whose remaining kidney had been treated in a similar manner. Cortex slices obtained from kidneys flushed and stored in cold hyperosmotic media were found to lose most of their gluconeogenic capacity after 3 days of storage.  相似文献   

The physiological effects of prostaglandins (PGs) are mediated through their interactions with specific binding sites (receptors) on effector cells. Since such receptors potentially regulate the action of PGs on the kidney, the distribution and properties of renal PG receptors in the rat were examined. The distribution of PGE2, PGE1, and PGF2 alpha receptors along the nephron was not uniform; the outer medulla had by far the greatest density of sites, followed by the inner medulla and cortex. Receptors were found exclusively in the particulate fractions, of which the 40,000g pellet had the highest specific activity. In the outer medulla, receptor density calculated from Scatchard plots was 2.12 pmol/mg for PGE2, 1.12 for PGE1, and 0.44 for PGF2 alpha; the KD's were similar for all prostaglandins. The conditions for optimal in vitro binding of PGE2 and PGF2 alpha by outer medullary membranes were investigated. In vivo administration of 16,16'-dimethyl-PGE2 resulted in a dose-dependent "down" regulation of PGE2 binding to outer medullary membranes due to changes in both the number and affinities of receptors. Changes in the numbers and/or properties of PG receptors may be an important mechanism for regulating the effects of PGs and renal function under normal and pathologic conditions.  相似文献   

The role of serotonin in mediating hypothalamic control of sexual behavior in estrone-primed ovariectomized (OVX) rats was studied by comparing the lordotic patterns following medial preoptic (MPOA) and arcuate-ventromedial (ARC-VM) infusions of serotonin (5-HT), methysergide (MS), and vehicle. In the initial experiments, low receptivity (preinfusion receptivity: mean lordosis/mount ratio = 0.164) was maintained by priming each animal with a low dose of estrone 48 hr prior to mating. The infusion of MS in either the MPOA or ARC-VM area resulted in a significant enhancement of lordotic behavior from initial low receptivity, 5-HT infusions were found to have no statistically significant effect upon lordotic behavior. In order to corroborate the findings observed in the low preinfusion receptivity protocol, OVX rats were primed with higher doses of estrone to maintain a high level of receptivity (preinfusion receptivity: mean lordosis/mount ratio = 0.787). Using this protocol, significant depressions in lordotic behavior were observed following MPOA or ARC-VM infusions of 5-HT, It was thus proposed that serotonergic receptors within the MPOA or ARC-VM areas have inhibitory effects upon lordotic behavior. In addition to the effects of 5-HT upon estrogen-induced sexual receptivity, serotonergic influences upon luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LRH)-facilitated mating behavior were also evaluated. Comparisons were made between the lordotic responses following MPOA or ARC-VM infusions of vehicle, LRH, or LRH with 5-HT in OVX rats primed with low doses of estrone. The infusion of LRH into the MPOA or ARC-VM significantly enhanced lordotic behavior above vehicle levels. However, the addition of 5-HT to the LRH infusate abolished this behavioral enhancement. These findings indicated that LRH and 5-HT have opposing effects within forebrain areas known to be important for the control of lordotic behavior.  相似文献   

Lactogenic hormones from the placenta and pituitary are primarily responsible for the growth and function of the mammary gland during pregnancy and lactation. In the present study we describe the optimal conditions for the measurement of 125I-labeled ovine prolactin binding to mammary gland slices of pregnant and lactating rats. Prolactin binding is saturable (Kd approx. 2.36 · 10?9 M), hormone specific and destroyed by proteases. The hormonal environments of pregnancy and lacation dramatically influence the availability and measurement of prolactin binding sites. Whereas binding consistently appears to be low in mammary glands removed from rats during pregnancy, binding levels rise 7–8-fold shortly after birth and remain high during the 22 days of lactation. However, the removal of the ovaries and gravid uteri at specific times during pregnancy results in prompt 3–6-fold increase in prolactin binding. Elevated levels in potential prolactin binding capacity appear in mammary tissue coincident with the reported rise in serum rat placental lactogen between the eight and eleventh days. We suggest that high levels of this lactogenic hormone promote the appearance of prolactin binding sites during pregnancy and mask the sites such that they are not available for measurement in vitro.  相似文献   

Bilateral lesions of the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus interfered with the estrogenic induction of sexual receptivity in the female rat, but seemingly did not affect the ability of female rats to show lordosis following combined stimulation with estrogen and progesterone. In addition, ventromedial hypothalamic lesions did not affect the ability of females to show male-like sexual activity in response to exogenous androgenic stimulation.  相似文献   

Ornithine aminotransferase (OAT) from rat liver mitochondria was purified to homogeneity. A monospecific antiserum against the enzyme protein was prepared in rabbits. Immunotitrations were performed on OAT present in crude mitochondrial extracts obtained from the livers and kidneys of rats in several hormonal and dietary states. No evidence was found for the existence of an immunologically reactive but enzymatically inactive form of OAT. The relative rate of enzyme synthesis in vivo was studied by pulselabeling rats with [4, 5-3H]leucine, isolating the enzyme protein by immunoprecipitation, and dissociating the immunoprecipitates on sodium dodecyl sulfate-acrylamide gels. Nine hours after a single subcutaneous injection of a glucagon oil emulsion, a 3-fold increase in OAT activity and a 12-fold increase in the synthetic rate of the enzyme were observed. Serine dehydratase activity increased on a time-course very similar to that of OAT following glucagon injection. These increases occurred only on low (0–12.5%) protein diets. At higher levels of dietary protein (30% and up), no further stimulation of OAT synthesis by glucagon was observed. Administration of actinomycin D within the first 2 h after glucagon injection resulted in an inhibition of OAT induction. When the administration of the antibiotic was delayed until 4 h after glucagon, no inhibition of OAT induction was observed. Glucose repression of the glucagon induction of the enzyme in hepatic mitochondria was demonstrated to be the result of a rapid inhibition of OAT synthesis.  相似文献   

In a previous study we showed that ornithine aminotransferase (OAT) exhibits concentration-dependent self-association in two stages (45,000 Mr monomers aggregate to form 140,000–150,000 Mr trimers; the trimers then aggregate to form higher-molecular-weight complexes). In an attempt to characterize further the molecular mechanisms involved in OAT aggregation, the present study examined the effects of basic amino acids and keto acids on the aggregation process. These experiments showed that basic amino acids (ornithine and lysine) inhibit the association of monomers to form trimers, apparently by interaction with carboxyl groups on the surfaces of the monomers. The aggregation of trimers to form higher-molecular-weight assemblies is not affected by basic amino acids, and neither aggregation stage is affected by the keto acids, α-ketoglutarate, or oxaloacetate. We also found that two different OAT preparations (one fresh, the other 18 months old) differed in aggregation characteristics; the older preparation showed reduced self-affinity at both aggregation stages, but both preparations had similar catalytic efficiencies. Electrophoretic studies indicated that the older preparation contained variants of the enzyme monomer with greater electronegativity than did the fresh preparation. We conclude, therefore, that OAT purification exposes ionically labile but catalytically insignificant domains on the monomer surface, and the loss of positively charged groups from such regions diminishes the OAT aggregation potential.  相似文献   

The following observations with isolated mitochondria prepared from rat liver demonstrate that Carbamoylphosphate can readily traverse the mitochondrial membrane: (a) Citrulline synthesis occurs within isolated intact mitochondria at the expense of exogenously added ornithine and [14C]carbamoylphosphate, providing evidence that the initochondrial membrane does not exclude extramitochondrial car bamoylphosphate from penetrating the intramitochondrial matrix, (b) The [14C]carbamoylphosphate synthesized within isolated intact mitochondria from NaH14CO3 by the action of the N-acetyl-l-glutamate-activated carbamoylphosphate synthetase (CPS-I) is equally available for consumption in intramitochondrial and extramitochondrial reactions, as judged by the coupled activity of CPS-I with either intramitochondrial ornithine carbamoyltransferase or extramitochondrial aspartate carbamoyltransferase. The possibility that the coupled action of CPS-I with intramitochondrial ornithine carbamoyltransferase might prevent the export of carbamoylphosphate into the extramitochondrial medium was also examined. The addition of ornithine to the reaction mixture, at concentrations which are optimal for citrulline production, did not reduce carbamoylphosphate export below13 of the total amount of carbamoylphosphate synthesized. These results indicate that the carbamoylphosphate generated intramitochondrially is not compartment ally excluded from participating in cytoplasmic reactions, and raise the possibility that the intramitochondrial carbamoylphosphate synthetase, CPS-I, may be a significant source of the carbamoylphosphate incorporated into hepatic pyrimidines by the cytoplasmic enzymes of the orotate pathway.  相似文献   

A coupled-enzyme assay for the specific and sensitive determination of δ-aminolevulinate dehydratase activity has been developed. The assay specifically measured picomole quantities of the product, porphobilinogen, by its enzymatic conversion to uroporphyrinogen I and the fluorometric detection of oxidized uroporphyrin I. The coupled-enzyme assay was linear with time and protein concentration and required less than 3 h for 20 individual determinations. Under the standard assay conditions, 10 to 100 pmol of uroporphyrin I was reliably measured, representing 0.085 to 0.850 nmol/h of δ-aminolevulinate dehydratase activity per assay. In addition, the fluorometric assay was more sensitive than either the standard or the semimicro colorimetric methods. The specificity, rapidity, and sensitivity of this new fluorometric method facilitates the reliable determination of low levels of aminolevulinate dehydratase activity in small amounts of crude tissue homogenates or in cultured cells.  相似文献   

The behavioral responses of sexually experienced male hamsters toward a pair of anesthetized conspecifics were investigated. Males spent significantly more time licking, sniffing, and mounting neonatally and adult castrated males than intact males. Adult castrated males receiving oil injections were preferred over castrates receiving exogenous testosterone propionate (TP). Ovariectomized females were preferred over intact males, adult castrated males, or spayed females receiving exogenous TP. It was concluded that the absence of an androgen-dependent factor(s) renders an animal more sexually attractive.  相似文献   

In a previous study we showed that rats fed ad libitum and maintained on a 12-h light/ 12-h dark cycle demonstrated out-of-phase circadian oscillations in the rates of ornithine aminotransferase and serine dehydratase synthesis. As part of an investigation of the factors regulating both the generation of these cycles and their dissimilarity, this paper ompares the circadian fluctuations in the rates of ornithine aminotransferase and serine dehydratase synthesis measured immunochemically in rats given a single 2-h daily feeding in conjunction with exposure to constant light or a 12-h light/12-h dark cycle. When the 2-hr feeding was administered to rats under constant light, reciprocal circadian oscillations in ornithine aminotransferase and serine dehydratase synthesis were observed regardless of the temporal location of the feeding interval. Ornithine aminotransferase synthesis began to increase after the feeding interval and reached a maximum 12 h later while serine dehydratase showed the opposite response. In rats maintained on both the restricted feeding regimen and a 12-h light/12-h dark cycle, however, retention of synthesis oscillations depended on the temporal location of the restricted feeding interval within the light-dark cycle. Rats fed for 2 h at the beginning of the dark phase exhibited circadian oscillations in serine dehydratase synthesis and a high nonoscillating level of ornithine aminotransferase synthesis, whereas rats fed for 2 h at the beginning of the light phase exhibited circadian oscillations in ornithine aminotransferase synthesis and a low nonoscillating level of serine dehydratase synthesis. These responses suggest the existence of meal-responsive and light-responsive regulators of ornithine aminotransferase and serine dehydratase synthesis.  相似文献   

Incubation of dog thyroid slices with 1 microM acetylcholine (ACH) for 3 h followed by a second 2-h incubation without it induces a diminution of stimulation of glucose oxidation by ACH during a third incubation of 45 min. Using a calcium-free medium during all incubations prevents the desensitization and reduces, but does not abolish, ACH stimulation of glucose oxidation. EGTA [ethylene glycol bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N'-tetraacetic acid] (2 mM) added to the calcium-free medium in all incubations prevents both refractoriness and stimulation of glucose oxidation induced by ACH. Calcium depletion during the first incubation only, achieved by using EGTA and a calcium-free medium, also prevents refractoriness but not the augmentation of glucose oxidation caused by ACH. Incubation of thyroid slices with 1 microM ionophore A23817 during the 3-h first incubation decreases the stimulation of glucose oxidation induced by its readdition or by 1 microM ACH added for the first time in the third incubation. Ionophore-induced desensitization is not related to a cholinergic muscarinic receptor effect. Initial incubation of dog thyroid slices with 1 microM ACH diminishes the subsequent stimulation of glucose oxidation by 0.5 microM ionophore. However, the ACH-induced desensitization to ionophore can be overcome by a 10-fold increase in the amount of ionophore in the third incubation. Ionophore (1 microM) in the first incubation also induces refractoriness to thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) (10 mU/ml)-stimulated glucose oxidation in the third incubation. In contrast, initial incubation of thyroid slices with TSH (25 mU/ml) does not affect the stimulation of glucose oxidation by 0.5 microM ionophore added during the third incubation. These results suggest that increased intracellular calcium plays a major role in, or even mediates, ACH-induced desensitization in the thyroid gland.  相似文献   

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