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Detailed observations of the courtship and mating of the European earwig Forficula auricularia revealed a complex of sexual behaviors for both males and females. A sequential analysis of the transition frequencies between male preceding-following behaviors showed that courtship is intricate and nonstereotyped. The significance of the male forceps was demonstrated by their use in early courtship with displays and later use as a tactile stimulus for the female. A study of males from which the forceps had been removed showed no mating by altered males. Male forcep length was bimodally distributed and positively allometric, while female forcep length was normally distributed. Males with longer forceps did not have a mating advantage. Receptive females were behaviorally active during courtship. The possible evolutionary development of the sexual dimorphism of the earwig is discussed.  相似文献   

Measures of bird song that capture aspects of motor performance, such as consistency, have become a major focus in understanding sexual selection on song. Despite accumulating evidence that consistency is related to reproductive success in many species, the relative importance of male–male interactions and female–male interactions is still unclear. We studied the function and flexibility of song consistency and song rate in common yellowthroat warblers (Geothlypis trichas). A previous study of this population found that song consistency—measured as the amount of variability within a bout of songs—was positively correlated with the likelihood of siring extrapair young. In this study, we conducted two experiments aimed at testing (1) the role of song consistency and rate in mediating male–male and male–female interactions and (2) whether song effort is flexibly adjusted to changes in social context. In the first experiment, we simulated a male territorial intrusion with song playbacks that varied in consistency and rate; focal males responded aggressively to playbacks, but their response did not differ with playback consistency or rate. In the second experiment, we presented focal males with a taxidermic female mount and female vocalizations; focal males approached the speaker, but continued to sing and did not perform the aggressive rattle vocalization observed during male encounters. Immediately after the simulated female encounter, focal males increased in song consistency. Taken together, our results are most consistent with the hypothesis that song consistency in common yellowthroats is primarily a female‐directed signal that is actively adjusted in response to rapidly changing social conditions.  相似文献   

Although sexual selection is typically considered the predominant force driving the evolution of ritualized sexual behaviours, natural selection may also play an important and often underappreciated role. The use of green aromatic plants among nesting birds has been interpreted as a component of extended phenotype that evolved either via natural selection due to potential sanitary functions or via sexual selection as a signal of male attractiveness. Here, we compared both hypotheses using comparative methods in starlings, a group where this behaviour is widespread. We found that the use of green plants was positively related to male‐biased size dimorphism and that it was most likely to occur among cavity‐nesting species. These results suggest that this behaviour is likely favoured by sexual selection, but also related to its sanitary use in response to higher parasite loads in cavities. We speculate that the use of green plants in starlings may be facilitated by cavity nesting and was subsequently co‐opted as a sexual signal by males. Our results represent an example of how an extended phenotypic component of males becomes sexually selected by females. Thus, both natural selection and sexual selection are necessary to fully understand the evolution of ritualized behaviours involved in courtship.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effects of competition on male courtship in the Pacific blue‐eye Pseudomugil signifer , a species of fish where females have previously been shown to use courtship, but not male fighting prowess, as an important mate choice cue. Courtship bouts directed to a stimulus female were shortest when two males were allowed to freely interact (contact treatment) and longest when there was only one male (non‐interaction). Courtship length in trials where one of two males was confined to a clear cylinder (visual) was intermediate between the other two treatments. Courtship in visual and contact treatments was constantly disrupted. The percentage of interrupted courtships was higher for the contact compared to visual treatment where aggressive interactions were also longer in duration and took place more frequently. Within contact trials, dominant males courted longer than subordinates despite both males experiencing comparable rates of courtship disruption. These results suggest that male‐male competition can have important implications for adaptive female choice particularly in circumstances where the benefits being sought by females are unrelated to male fighting ability.  相似文献   

Males of the fiddler crab Uca musica sometimes build sand hoodsat the entrances of their burrows, to which they attract femalesfor mating with claw waving and other displays. Females significantlymore often approached males with hoods than males without hoods,but once at a burrow, they were just as likely to stay andmate whether the male had a hood or not. To determine how hoodsaffect male attractiveness, we conducted experiments that controlledfor other differences in courtship behavior between buildersand nonbuilders; we removed hood builders' hoods and we addedhood models to nonbuilders' burrows. We then measured the attractivenessof hood builders and nonbuilders with and without hoods. Neithermanipulation measurably affected male courtship behavior. Thepresence of a hood did not increase male—female encounterrates, suggesting that hoods do not attract distant femalesinto a male's courtship range. However, once a male courteda female, she was significantly more likely to approach ifhe had a real or model hood. We obtained direct evidence thatfemales orient to hoods by replacing them with hood modelspositioned about 3 cm away from the openings to males' burrows.Females approached the models, not the courting males, about27% of the time. We conclude that hood building is sexuallyselected because courted females differentially approach hoods,not because hoods attract distant females and not because femalesprefer to mate with hood builders.  相似文献   

The study of butterfly behavior has afforded valuable insights into the evolution of alternative mating tactics. Two hypotheses derived from this area of research contend that (1) territoriality is only viable under low to moderate conspecific densities (due to the costs of site defence) and (2) perching may be employed only when thermal conditions constrain flight activity. These hypotheses were evaluated by investigating mate locating behavior in Hypolimnas bolina, a territorial species that is naturally subject to variation in population density and weather conditions. Male behavior was charted throughout the day during a period of high population density at an encounter site in tropical Australia. Perching was the primary tactic, although a small proportion of individuals patrolled nonaggressively in the afternoon. Population-level male behavior failed to support predictions drawn from either the territory economics or thermal constraint hypotheses. First, the proportion of perching males and the number of aggressive conspecific interactions (per male) increased with increasing male density at the site. Second, few males patrolled at the hottest, brightest time of day (approximately midday), and the diel distribution of perchers did not emulate the U-shaped distribution shown by the occurrence of dorsal basking behavior. These results show that perching in this species is not a suboptimal tactic employed when temperatures constrain flight activity but may represent the best method of locating receptive females. At this stage the reproductive significance of the observed patrolling behavior remains obscure.  相似文献   

The evolutionary origin of the long neck of giraffes is enigmatic. One theory (the 'sexual selection' theory) is that their shape evolved because males use their necks and heads to achieve sexual dominance. Support for this theory would be that males invest more in neck and head growth than do females. We have investigated this hypothesis in 17 male and 21 female giraffes with body masses ranging from juvenile to mature animals, by measuring head mass, neck mass, neck and leg length and the neck length to leg length ratio. We found no significant differences in any of these dimensions between males and females of the same mass, although mature males, whose body mass is significantly (50%) greater than that of mature females, do have significantly heavier (but not longer) necks and heavier heads than mature females. We conclude that morphological differences between males and females are minimal, that differences that do exist can be accounted for by the larger final mass of males and that sexual selection is not the origin of a long neck in giraffes.  相似文献   

Sexual adornments often vary markedly across a species' range,which presumably is owing to differences in local environmentalconditions and the associated selection pressures, such as naturalversus sexual selection or the relative signaling value of differentornamental traits. However, there are only a few reported examplesin which the information content of mating signals varies geographically,and even fewer in which a set of secondary sexual traits servesdifferent signaling functions in different populations. Classicstudies of sexual selection in the European barn swallow (Hirundorustica rustica) demonstrate that elongate tail-streamers provideseveral reproductive advantages to males and females and areused as reliable signals of mate quality. Here, we show thattail-streamers do not appear to confer these same benefits ina population of barn swallows from North America (Hirundo rusticaerythrogaster). Instead, ventral plumage coloration, which ismore exaggerated in North American swallows compared with theirEuropean counterparts, predicts patterns of assortative matingand annual reproductive success in H. r. erythrogaster. Theseobservations support the idea that ornamental traits can servedifferent functions among animal populations and suggest thatgeographic variation in different sexual signals may facilitatepopulation divergence, which may ultimately lead to speciation.  相似文献   

In many species, sexual dimorphism increases with body size when males are the larger sex but decreases when females are the larger sex, a macro-evolutionary pattern known as Rensch''s rule (RR). Although empirical studies usually focus exclusively on body size, Rensch''s original proposal included sexual differences in other traits, such as ornaments and weapons. Here, we used a clade of harvestmen to investigate whether two traits follow RR: body size and length of the fourth pair of legs (legs IV), which are used as weapons in male–male fights. We found that males were slightly smaller than females and body size did not follow RR, whereas legs IV were much longer in males and followed RR. We propose that sexual selection might be stronger on legs IV length than on body size in males, and we discuss the potential role of condition dependence in the emergence of RR.  相似文献   

Female mate choice is a complex decision‐making process that involves many context‐dependent factors. In Drosophila melanogaster, a model species for the study of sexual selection, indirect genetic effects (IGEs) of general social interactions can influence female mate choice behaviors, but the potential impacts of IGEs associated with mating experiences are poorly understood. Here, we examined whether the IGEs associated with a previous mating experience had an effect on subsequent female mate choice behaviors and quantified the degree of additive genetic variation associated with this effect. Females from 21 different genetic backgrounds were housed with males from one of two distinct genetic backgrounds for either a short (3 hr) or long (48 hr) exposure period and their subsequent mate choice behaviors were scored. We found that the genetic identity of a previous mate significantly influenced a female's subsequent interest in males and preference of males. Additionally, a hemiclonal analysis revealed significant additive genetic variation associated with experience‐dependent mate choice behaviors, indicating a genotype‐by‐environment interaction for both of these parameters. We discuss the significance of these results with regard to the evolution of plasticity in female mate choice behaviors and the maintenance of variation in harmful male traits.  相似文献   

Field cricket species are ideal model organisms for the study of sexual selection because cricket calling songs, used to attract mating partners, are pronouncedly sexually dimorphic. However, few studies have focused on other sexually dimorphic traits of field crickets. The horn‐headed cricket, Loxoblemmus doenitzi, exhibits exaggerated sexual dimorphism in head shape: males have flat heads with triangular horns, while females lack horns. This study examines the relationship between horn length, male calling efforts and diet quality. Horn length was not found to be significantly correlated with calling efforts. When diet was manipulated for late‐stage nymphs, calling efforts in the group with poor‐quality diet treatment was significantly lower than that of crickets in the group with high‐quality diet treatment. However, horn length was not affected by diet quality. The implication of these results in the context of the evolution of multiple signals and sexual dimorphism is discussed.  相似文献   

Males of the spotted cucumber beetle (Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi) rhythmically stroke females with their antennae during copulation. Males that stroke quickly have a higher probabilityof being accepted as a mate. We determined (1) the mechanismby which females prevent unattractive males from passing spermatophores,(2) whether antennal stroking signals to females the likelihoodof receiving a nuptial gift, and (3) if other male traits inaddition to stroking are subjected to sexual selection fromfemale preference. Dissections of pairs flash-frozen in copuladuring and after antennal stroking showed musculature that,when contracted, folded the vaginal duct leading to the female'sbursa copulatrix in a way that prevented complete penetrationby the aedeagus. These muscles were always contracted whilemales were stroking and always relaxed after stroking had ceased.Males accepted as mates did not differ from males that failedto pass a spermatophore in either absolute or relative bodyweight, aedeagus length, or the amount of cucurbitacins (potentialnuptial gifts) sequestered in their spermatophores. Although99% of the beetles that came to cucurbitacin-rich Cucurbitafruits in the field were males, males that had sequestered cucurbitacins did not stroke females faster than males withno cucurbitacins, and fast-stroking males were not more likelyto find and sequester cucurbitacins than were males that strokedmore slowly. Males with a cucurbitacin slurry painted on theirantennae had no mating advantage over controls. We concludethat females discriminate among males after copulation hasbegun on the basis of antennal stroking displays (or some traitcorrelated with stroking speed) that males perform to enticefemales to relax their bursal sphincter.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict theory is based on the observation that females of many species are harmed through their interactions with males. Direct harm to females, however, can potentially be counterbalanced by indirect genetic benefits, where females make up for a reduction in offspring quantity by an increase in offspring quality through a generic increase in offspring fitness (good genes) and/or one restricted to the context of sexual selection (sexy sons). Here, we quantify the magnitude of the good genes mechanism of indirect benefits in a laboratory-adapted population of Drosophila melanogaster. We find that despite high-standing genetic variance for fitness, females gain at most only a modest benefit through the good genes form of indirect benefits--far too little to counterbalance the direct cost of male-induced harm.  相似文献   

The present study explored how male size relates to mating competition across a natural range of male and female densities in the two-spotted goby Gobiusculus flavescens. Across this range of social environments, large males were more than twice as likely as small ones to chase other males, to become nest-holders, and to court females, but large males were not significantly more likely to engage in agonistic fin displays. Overall, the study showed that large males court and fight more than small ones across a wide, yet natural, span of social environments. Having a large body size appears to confer competitive advantage for males in any social environment of the study species. Further studies are needed to disentangle whether the benefit of large size is mainly in competition over resources, over matings as such, or both.  相似文献   

The recent discovery of the use of visual cues for mate choice by nocturnal acoustic species raises the important, and to date unaddressed, question of how these signals affect the outcome of mate choice predicted by female preference for male calls. In order to address this question, we presented female Hyla arborea tree frogs with a series of choices between combinations of acoustic and visual cues of varying quality in nocturnal conditions. While females exhibited the expected preference for a combination of attractive values for visual and acoustic signals over combinations of unattractive values for both signals, when presented with conflicting acoustic and visual cues, they equally adopted one of two strategies, preferring either attractive calls or intense vocal sac coloration. This constitutes novel evidence that the outcome of mate choice, as predicted on the basis of male calling quality, can be drastically different when additional communication modalities—in this case vision—are taken into account. These results also highlight the possible existence of individual variation in female rules for cue prioritization. The implications of these results for the study of mate choice in nocturnal acoustic species are discussed.  相似文献   

We study the form of the clines in a female mating preference and male display trait using simulations of a hybrid zone. Allopatric populations of two species are connected by demes in a stepping stone arrangement. Results show that reproductive character displacement (a pattern of increased prezygotic isolation in sympatry compared with allopatry) may or may not result when there is reinforcement (defined here as the strengthening of prezygotic isolation as a result of selection against hybrids, relative to the amount of prezygotic isolation present when hybrids are not selected against). Further, reproductive character displacement of the preference may or may not occur when it occurs in the male display. We conclude that the absence of reproductive character displacement is not evidence against the operation of reinforcement.  相似文献   

Many sexually selected traits exhibit phenotypic plasticity. Despite a growing appreciation for the ecological context in which sexual selection occurs, and for the role of plasticity in shaping traits associated with local adaptation and divergence, there is an important gap in knowledge about the onset and duration of plasticity in sexual trait expression. Integrating this temporal dimension of plasticity into models of sexual selection informs our understanding of the information conveyed by sexual traits and our predictions related to trait evolution, and is critical in this time of unprecedented and rapid environmental change. We conducted a systematic review of 869 studies to ask how trait modalities (e.g., visual and chemical) relate to the onset and duration of plasticity in vertebrate sexual signals. We show that this literature is dominated by studies of coloration in birds and fish, and most studies take place during the breeding season. Where possible, we integrate results across studies to link physiology of specific trait modalities with the life stage (e.g., juvenile, breeding, or nonbreeding) during which plasticity occurs in well‐studied traits. Limitations of our review included a lack of replication in our dataset, which precluded formal analysis. We argue that the timing of trait plasticity, in addition to environmental context, is critical for determining whether and how various communication signals are associated with ecological context, because plasticity may be ongoing or occur at only one point in an individual''s lifetime, and determining a fixed trajectory of trait expression. We advocate for careful consideration of the onset and duration of plasticity when analyzing how environmental variation affects sexual trait expression and associated evolutionary outcomes.  相似文献   

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