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Because mating entails both costs and potential benefits to both sexes, males and females should be under selection to make optimal choices from among available potential mates. For example, in some cases, individuals may benefit by using information on potential mates' previous sexual histories to make mate choices. In such cases, the form and direction of these benefits may vary both between the sexes and based on the sexual history of the choosing individuals themselves. We investigated the effects of recent previous sexual history on the mate choice and mating behavior of both males and females of the crayfish Orconectes limosus. In one experiment, we found that opposite‐sex dyads comprising crayfish that had both mated 7–8 d previously with other conspecifics were significantly less likely to mate than dyads in which at least one crayfish was unmated. In a second experiment, we found that, when presented with a choice of tethered (but free to move) opposite‐sex conspecifics, only virgin females discriminated between males based on sexual history, showing a preference for virgin males over recently mated males. Mated females, mated males, and virgin males showed no preferences based on the sexual histories of potential mates. We discuss the implications of these inferences in the context of what was previously known about mating behavior and potential sperm limitation in crustaceans and other taxa.  相似文献   

Mating systems have broad impacts on how sexual selection and mate choice operate within a species, but studies of mating behavior in the laboratory may not reflect how these processes occur in the wild. Here, we examined the mating behavior of the neotropical butterfly Heliconius erato in the field by releasing larvae and virgin females and observing how they mated. H. erato is considered a pupal‐mating species (i.e., males mate with females as they emerge from the pupal case). However, we observed only two teneral mating events, and experimentally released virgins were almost all mated upon recapture. Our study confirms the presence of some pupal‐mating behavior in H. erato, but suggests that adult mating is likely the prevalent mating strategy in this species. These findings have important implications for the role of color pattern and female mate choice in the generation of reproductive isolation in this diverse genus.  相似文献   

Abstract Female mate choice has been demonstrated in a wide variety of species and is now accepted as an important factor in sexual selection. One of the remaining questions, however, is why females prefer specific males. Do females or their offspring benefit from their choice? Or do females choose mates to minimize costs of mating? Here we show that, in the ovoviviparous cockroach Nauphoeta cinerea, where sexual selection has been well documented, females chose mates to avoid costly male manipulation. Females were partnered with preferred or nonpreferred mates, and fitness of the females measured. We found that females lived longer when they mated with preferred males. Female lifespan depended on the rate at which offspring developed from egg to parturition: slower development led to longer life. We manipulated the male pheromone and showed that the component of the pheromone blend that makes males attractive to females also delayed parturition. Thus, like other aspects of sexual conflict in this species, offspring development and thereby the mother's lifespan depended on exposure of females to specific components of the male pheromone. Males benefit from manipulating offspring development because females with accelerated parturition remained unreceptive whereas females with slower developing offspring readily remated after giving birth to their offspring. Our results suggest a hormone‐like role for the male pheromone in N. cinerea and provide the first direct evidence of mate choice to avoid male manipulation. This study shows that dominant males may not be preferred males if they are manipulating females, why multiple components with contrasting effects can exist in a sexual signal, and emphasizes the complex fitness relationships that can arise in species with sexual conflict.  相似文献   

In many species, males have the capacity to directly influence (either positively or negatively) the fitness of their mates and offspring, not only via parental care contributions and/or precopulatory resource provisioning, but also via the post‐copulatory activity of those substances passed on to their mates in their ejaculates. Here, we examine how an individual male's identity may be related to phenotypic variation in short‐term female fecundity in the model species, Drosophila melanogaster. The effect of male identity on short‐term fecundity stimulation of females was repeatable across time and accounted for over a fifth of the total observed phenotypic variation in fecundity in two independent populations. The functional explanations for these results and the implications for our understanding of the factors that contribute to the adaptive significance of mating preferences and/or sexual conflict are discussed.  相似文献   

Mate preferences are costly and are thought to evolve due to the direct and/or indirect benefits they provide. Such costs and benefits may vary in response to intrinsic and extrinsic factors with important evolutionary consequences. Limited attention has been given to quantifying such variation and understanding its causes, most notably with respect to the direction and strength of preferences for multivariate sexual displays. In Drosophila serrata, female preferences target a pheromone blend of long‐chain cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs). We used a factorial design to test whether female age and mating status generated variation in the strength and direction of sexual selection on male CHCs. Replicate choice mating trials were conducted using young and old females (4 or 10 days post‐emergence) that were either virgin or previously mated. The outcome of such trials is known to capture variation in female mate preferences, although male–male interactions may also contribute. Directional sexual selection on male CHCs was highly significant within each treatment, but there was little evidence of any variation among treatments. The absence of treatment effects implies that the multivariate combination of male CHCs preferred by females was constant with respect to female age and mating status. To the extent that male–male interactions may also contribute, our results similarly imply that these did not vary among treatments groups. With respect to D. serrata mate preferences, our results suggest that either plasticity with respect to age and mating status is not beneficial to females, or preference expression is somehow constrained.  相似文献   

Females of many species obtain benefits by mating polyandrously, and often prefer novel males over previous mates. However, how do females recognise previous mates, particularly in the face of cognitive constraints? Female crickets appear to have evolved a simple but effective solution: females imbue males with their own cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) at mating and utilise chemosensory self‐referencing to recognise recent mates. Female CHC profiles exhibited significant additive genetic variation, demonstrating that genetically unique chemical cues are available to support chemosensory self‐referencing. CHC profiles of males became more similar to those of females after mating, indicating physical transfer of CHCs between individuals during copulation. Experimental perfuming of males with female CHCs resulted in a female aversion to males bearing chemical cues similar to their own. Chemosensory self‐referencing, therefore, could be a widespread mechanism by which females increase the diversity of their mating partners.  相似文献   

Inbreeding avoidance reduces the probability that an individual will mate with a related partner, thereby lowering the risk that it produces inbred offspring suffering from inbreeding depression. Inbreeding avoidance can occur through several mechanisms, including active mate choice, polyandry and sex‐biased dispersal. Here, we focus on the role of active mate choice as a mechanism for inbreeding avoidance. Recent evidence suggests that the experimental design used in mate choice experiments (i.e. simultaneous versus sequential choice) can have a strong impact on the strength of the reported mating preferences. In this study, we examine whether similar effects of experimental design also apply in the context of inbreeding avoidance. To this end, we designed two experiments on the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides that matched two different contexts under which females encounter potential mates in the wild; that is, when females encounter males simultaneously and sequentially. We found that females were as likely to mate with related and unrelated males regardless of whether they encountered male partners simultaneously or sequentially. Thus, our study provides no evidence for inbreeding avoidance in this species, and suggests that the number of mates present did not influence the degree of inbreeding avoidance. We discuss potential explanations for the lack of inbreeding avoidance through mate choice, including lack of mechanisms for recognizing close relatives, low costs and/or low risks of inbreeding and the presence of other inbreeding avoidance mechanisms, such as sex‐biased dispersal and polyandry coupled with post‐copulatory mate choice.  相似文献   

In socially monogamous animals, mate choice is constrained by the availability of unpaired individuals in the local population. Here, we experimentally investigate the physiological stress endured by a female (the choosy sex) when pairing with a non-preferred social partner. In two experimental contexts, female Gouldian finches (Erythrura gouldiae) socially paired with poor-quality mates had levels of circulating corticosterone that were three to four times higher than those observed in females that were paired with preferred mates. The elevated level of this stress hormone in response to partner quality was observed within 12 h of the experimental introduction and maintained over a period of several weeks. Our findings demonstrate the extent of intra-individual conflict that occurs when individuals are forced to make mate-choice decisions that are not perfectly aligned with mate-choice preferences. The elevated level of corticosterone also suggests a mechanistic route through which females might adaptively manage their responses to intersexual conflict over reproductive investment.  相似文献   

Correlative evidence suggests that high problem‐solving and foraging abilities in a mate are associated with direct fitness advantages, so it would benefit females to prefer problem‐solving males. Recent work has also shown that females of several bird species who directly observe males prefer those that can solve a novel foraging task over those that cannot. In addition to or instead of direct observation of cognitive skills, many species utilize assessment signals when choosing a mate. Here, we test whether females can select a problem‐solving male over a non‐solving male when presented only with a signal known to be used in mate assessment: song. Using an operant conditioning assay, we compared female zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) preference for the songs of males that could quickly solve a novel foraging task to the songs of males that could not solve the task. Females were never housed with the test subject males whose song they heard, and the only information provided about the males was their song. We found that females elicited more songs of problem‐solving males than of non‐solvers, indicating that song may contain information about a male’s ability to solve a novel foraging task and that naïve females prefer the songs of problem‐solving males.  相似文献   

The theory of sexual selection predicts that females should be discriminatory in the choice of sexual partners. Females can express their choice in two ways. In direct mate choice, they show preferences for certain partners. In indirect mate choice, they select partners by displaying sexually attractive traits, thus eliciting contest competition between males. We focused on a primate species in which females advertise the timing of their ovulation and studied the balance between these two choice strategies. We tested predictions related to three hypotheses about direct and indirect female choice, namely the best‐male, graded‐signal and weak‐selectivity hypotheses. We investigated the sexual and agonistic interactions occurring during oestrous periods in five captive groups of Tonkean macaques (Macaca tonkeana). The results showed that dominant males used mate guarding to monopolise sexual access to parous females that were in the fertile stage of their reproductive cycle, while lower‐ranking males monitored only nulliparous females. The distribution of sexual presentations indicated that females accepted different types of partners, supporting the weak‐selectivity hypothesis regarding direct mate choice. The analysis of behavioural sequences revealed that mate‐guarding males used mild coercive behaviours to prevent females from mating with other males at conception time. The distribution of mounts showed that females mainly mated with dominant males, which leads us to argue that the best‐male hypothesis provides the most parsimonious explanation regarding indirect mate choice in Tonkean macaques. At the individual level, it may be concluded that male competitive strategies prevented females from exercising direct mate choice. At the evolutionary level, however, female sexual advertising and thus indirect choice promoted competition between males. The outcome is that indirect mate choice appears more important than direct mate choice in female Tonkean macaques.  相似文献   

The initial purpose of the project described herein was to assess the preference of female Poecilia latipinna for an artificial novel male trait—an orange‐colored distal fringe added to the caudal fin of an otherwise wild‐type conspecific. Analysis of the preliminary data revealed consistent individual differences in the strength of female preference for either orange‐tailed or wild‐type males. This finding inspired the study's second aim—to evaluate whether the preference for orange‐tailed males observed among a subset of females could spread via mate choice copying to others in the population that initially preferred wild‐type males. Two experiments and a control were conducted wherein females were simultaneously presented with an orange‐tailed and a wild‐type dummy male using a standard dichotomous choice design. In the first experiment, female preference was assessed on two separate occasions in order to characterize the variability and consistency in preference for orange‐tailed versus wild‐type males. The second experiment addressed mate choice copying: Female preference was again assessed on two separate occasions, but involved pairing a model female with the non‐preferred male for a period of time between preference tests. A third set of control tests were conducted using the same protocol as the copying experiment except that subject females were unable to see the model paired with the non‐preferred male. Results showed that, although females collectively preferred neither the orange‐tailed nor the wild‐type dummy male in the first round of preference tests, the majority showed relatively strong individual preferences. The subset of females that preferred the orange‐tailed over the wild‐type male in the first round of testing all maintained their preferences in the second round whether or not they had observed a model in association with the non‐preferred wild‐type male between tests. However, females that preferred the wild type over the orange male in the first round of testing copied the model's choice of the non‐preferred orange‐tailed male in their second round of preference testing. These results highlight the importance of recognizing the likelihood that only a subset of females will express a preference as it first emerges within a population. In such instances, the preference may not be detected at the population level—a point frequently overlooked in studies of mate choice. Additionally, these data highlight the importance of assessing the preferences of individual females and their capacity to drive evolutionary change within populations. Lastly, this study offers evidence of a possible mechanism by which a novel male trait might spread via mate choice copying by exploiting an emerging sensory bias within a subset of females in the population.  相似文献   

Females generally choose mates that produce the loudest, brightest or most elaborate sexual displays, and these costly male displays are predicted to be condition dependent. However, mate choice itself is a costly behaviour also expected to be condition dependent. Male fall field crickets, Gryllus pennsylvanicus, produce a conspicuous long‐distance calling song that attracts females and is condition dependent. In this study, we tested the condition dependence of female preferences (preference function and choosiness) for male calling effort in G. pennsylvanicus. We manipulated female condition by raising crickets from hatching on either a low‐ or high‐quality diet. In a series of two‐speaker phonotaxis trials, both low‐ and high‐condition females preferred playbacks reflecting greater calling effort. However, relative to low‐condition females, high‐condition females took significantly longer to make a choice, were more likely to fail to choose within the time allotted for a phonotaxis trial and significantly increased their latency to choose over the course of multiple trials. We discuss these results with respect to the possibility that female G. pennsylvanicus may be foraging for direct benefits when they choose their mates.  相似文献   

Indirect genetic benefits derived from female mate choice comprise additive (good genes) and nonadditive genetic benefits (genetic compatibility). Although good genes can be revealed by condition‐dependent display traits, the mechanism by which compatibility alleles are detected is unclear because evaluation of the genetic similarity of a prospective mate requires the female to assess the genotype of the male and compare it to her own. Cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs), lipids coating the exoskeleton of most insects, influence female mate choice in a number of species and offer a way for females to assess genetic similarity of prospective mates. Here, we determine whether female mate choice in decorated crickets is based on male CHCs and whether it is influenced by females' own CHC profiles. We used multivariate selection analysis to estimate the strength and form of selection acting on male CHCs through female mate choice, and employed different measures of multivariate dissimilarity to determine whether a female's preference for male CHCs is based on similarity to her own CHC profile. Female mating preferences were significantly influenced by CHC profiles of males. Male CHC attractiveness was not, however, contingent on the CHC profile of the choosing female, as certain male CHC phenotypes were equally attractive to most females, evidenced by significant linear and stabilizing selection gradients. These results suggest that additive genetic benefits, rather than nonadditive genetic benefits, accrue to female mate choice, in support of earlier work showing that CHC expression of males, but not females, is condition dependent.  相似文献   

The consequences of hybridization for biodiversity depend on the specific ecological and evolutionary context in which it occurs. Understanding patterns of gene flow among hybridizing species is crucial for determining the evolutionary trajectories of species assemblages. The recently discovered hybridization between two species of Darwin's tree finches (Camarhynchus parvulus and C. pauper) on Floreana Island, Galápagos, presents an exciting opportunity to investigate the mechanisms causing hybridization and its potential evolutionary consequences under conditions of recent habitat disturbance and the introduction of invasive pathogens. In this study, we combine morphological and genetic analysis with pairing observations to explore the extent, direction and drivers of hybridization and to test whether hybridization patterns are a result of asymmetrical pairing preference driven by females of the rarer species (C. pauper). We found asymmetrical introgression from the critically endangered, larger‐bodied C. pauper to the common, smaller‐bodied C. parvulus, which was associated with a lack of selection against heterospecific males by C. pauper females. Examination of pairing data showed that C. parvulus females paired assortatively, whereas C. pauper females showed no such pattern. This study shows how sex‐specific drivers can determine the direction of gene flow in hybridizing species. Furthermore, our results suggest the existence of a hybrid swarm comprised of C. parvulus and hybrid birds. We discuss the influence of interspecific abundance differences and susceptibility to the invasive parasite Philornis downsi on the observed hybridization and recommend that the conservation of this iconic species group should be managed jointly rather than species‐specific.  相似文献   

The forces driving the evolution of extra-pair reproduction in socially monogamous animals remain widely debated and unresolved. One key hypothesis is that female extra-pair reproduction evolves through indirect genetic benefits, reflecting increased additive genetic value of extra-pair offspring. Such evolution requires that a female's propensity to produce offspring that are sired by an extra-pair male is heritable. However, additive genetic variance and heritability in female extra-pair paternity (EPP) rate have not been quantified, precluding accurate estimation of the force of indirect selection. Sixteen years of comprehensive paternity and pedigree data from socially monogamous but genetically polygynandrous song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) showed significant additive genetic variance and heritability in the proportion of a female's offspring that was sired by an extra-pair male, constituting major components of the genetic architecture required for extra-pair reproduction to evolve through indirect additive genetic benefits. However, estimated heritabilities were moderately small (0.12 and 0.18 on the observed and underlying latent scales, respectively). The force of selection on extra-pair reproduction through indirect additive genetic benefits may consequently be relatively weak. However, the additive genetic variance and non-zero heritability observed in female EPP rate allow for multiple further genetic mechanisms to drive and constrain mating system evolution.  相似文献   

Mate choice and mate competition can both influence the evolution of sexual isolation between populations. Assortative mating may arise if traits and preferences diverge in step, and, alternatively, mate competition may counteract mating preferences and decrease assortative mating. Here, we examine potential assortative mating between populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura that have experimentally evolved under either increased (‘polyandry’) or decreased (‘monogamy’) sexual selection intensity for 100 generations. These populations have evolved differences in numerous traits, including a male signal and female preference traits. We use a two males: one female design, allowing both mate choice and competition to influence mating outcomes, to test for assortative mating between our populations. Mating latency shows subtle effects of male and female interactions, with females from the monogamous populations appearing reluctant to mate with males from the polyandrous populations. However, males from the polyandrous populations have a significantly higher probability of mating regardless of the female's population. Our results suggest that if populations differ in the intensity of sexual selection, effects on mate competition may overcome mate choice.  相似文献   

Traditional views of sexual selection assumed that male–male competition and female mate choice work in harmony, selecting upon the same traits in the same direction. However, we now know that this is not always the case and that these two mechanisms often impose conflicting selection on male sexual traits. Cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) have been shown to be linked to both social dominance and male attractiveness in several insect species. However, although several studies have estimated the strength and form of sexual selection imposed on male CHCs by female mate choice, none have established whether these chemical traits are also subject to sexual selection via male–male competition. Using a multivariate selection analysis, we estimate and compare sexual selection exerted by male–male competition and female mate choice on male CHC composition in the broad‐horned flour beetle Gnatocerus cornutus. We show that male–male competition exerts strong linear selection on both overall CHC abundance and body size in males, while female mate choice exerts a mixture of linear and nonlinear selection, targeting not just the overall amount of CHCs expressed but the relative abundance of specific hydrocarbons as well. We discuss the potential implications of this antagonistic selection with regard to male reproductive success.  相似文献   

Mate sampling and the sexual conflict over mating in seaweed flies   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
The order in which females encounter, or sample, males in apopulation may have important consequences for mate choice,with the information gathered about males influencing boththe preference function and degree of choosiness of females.Sexual selection may be affected as a result. Sampling of particularsubsets of males may be a crucial component of individual variation in mate preferences within populations. However, the sequencein which males are sampled may also be important in specieswithout traditional, active mate choice, such as when sexualselection involves sexual conflict over mating. This wouldoccur if the likelihood of a female mating with a male of acertain phenotype changes as a result of previous encounters.We examined the effects of encountering males differing inbody size, a sexually selected phenotype, in the seaweed flyCoelopa frigida. Sexual selection occurs in this species asa result of a sexual conflict over mating. We show that theoutcome of the sexual conflict is independent of the orderin which males are encountered by female seaweed flies, withthe overall mating advantage to large males being unaffected.In addition, we explored female preference functions and evaluatethe heterogeneity in female willingness to mate. We suggestthat consideration of mate sampling theory is valuable whenexamining mate choice in species in which sexual selectionis driven by sexual conflict.  相似文献   

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