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为探讨不同种类内生真菌对宿主植物羽茅(Achnatherum sibiricum)抗病性的影响, 以感染不同内生真菌的天然禾草羽茅为实验材料, 进行了体外纯培养的内生真菌、感染内生真菌的离体叶片和在体叶片对3种植物病原真菌的抑菌实验。结果表明: 体外纯培养条件下, 分离自羽茅的内生真菌Neotyphodium sibiricum、Neotyphodium gansuensisEpichloë gansuensis对新月弯孢霉(Curvularia lunata)、根腐离蠕孢(Bipolaris sorokiniana)和枝孢霉(Cladosporium sp.)等3种病原真菌都具有抑制作用, 其中N. sibiricum的抑制作用最强, 对新月弯孢霉、根腐离蠕孢和枝孢霉的抑菌率分别为47.8%、40.1%、39.4%; 内生真菌培养滤液也可以有效抑制这3种病原真菌的孢子萌发, 其中N. gansuensis的抑制作用最强, 新月弯孢、根腐离蠕孢和枝孢霉的孢子萌发率分别为9.8%、8.7%、8.5%。对于离体叶片, N. sibiricumN. gansuensis感染可以有效降低叶片受3种病原真菌侵染后的病斑数和孢子浓度, 其中N. sibiricum对根腐离蠕孢的抑制作用显著高于N. gansuensis,E. gansuensis只降低新月弯孢和枝孢霉侵染的病斑数以及枝孢霉侵染的孢子浓度。在体条件下, 内生真菌均可以显著降低病原真菌侵染羽茅后的病斑数、病斑长度和孢子浓度, 其中E. gansuensis的抑菌作用趋于最弱, 而N. sibiricum的抑菌作用趋于最强。  相似文献   

禾草-内生真菌共生体在草地农业系统中的作用   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21  
南志标  李春杰 《生态学报》2004,24(3):605-616
综述了国内外近年对禾草 -内生真菌 (N eotyphodium)的研究进展。全世界现已报道 14种禾草内生真菌 ,与 2 3个属的禾草形成共生体 ,我国已在 13属 2 5种天然草地禾草中发现内生真菌 ,其中发草属 (Descampsia)、大麦属 (H ord eum)和赖草属(L eymus)以往在国际文献中未曾报道。内生真菌在禾草体内产生的生物碱 ,致使采食带菌禾草的马、牛、羊、鹿等家畜产生中毒症状 ,每年给美国、新西兰等国造成的经济损失达 6.4亿美元之多 ,对其毒理研究取得了进展。已发现我国醉马草 (Achnatheruminebrians)对家畜的毒性与内生真菌的侵染有关。内生真菌侵染增加可使禾草对 42种害虫的抗性 ,并可增加对某些线虫和病害的抗性。与不带菌禾草相比 ,带菌禾草的另一特点是抗逆性强 ,牧草产量高。国际在该领域的研究主要集中在多年生黑麦草(L olium p erenne)和高羊茅 (Festuca arundinacea)。我国的研究发现 ,带菌布顿大麦草 (H ordeum bodg anii)和圆柱披碱草(Elymus cylind ricus)的牧草产量分别增加 3 3 .3 %和 2 78.8% ,分孽数分别增加 13 6.8%和 84.5%。目前 ,国际研究的重点包括大规模开展内生真菌生物学与生态学特性的研究 ,创造不含对家畜有害毒素的有益禾草 -内生真菌共生体 ,培育带内生真菌的草坪草品种 ,培育抗毒  相似文献   

Epichloë内生真菌感染能够影响宿主植物的生长发育, 但关于内生真菌感染对宿主植物叶形状和叶面积的研究很少。该研究以羽茅(Achnatherum sibiricum)为实验材料, 采用长宽系数计算和扫描测定叶面积相结合的方法探究内生真菌种类和羽茅母本基因型对羽茅-内生真菌共生体叶形状和叶面积的影响。结果表明: 内生真菌感染与否、内生真菌种类和宿主母本基因型对反映叶形状的叶校正系数、叶片长度、宽度和长宽比均无显著影响, 经计算与验证, 确定了羽茅叶片的校正系数为0.594 9。采用该校正系数及叶长宽计算的叶面积与实测叶面积无显著差异, 且二者均未受到内生真菌感染与否、内生真菌种类或宿主植物母本基因型的显著影响。  相似文献   

高嘉卉  南志标 《生态学报》2007,27(6):2531-2546
综述了国内外近20a以来在禾草内生真菌生物碱方面的研究进展。目前,已发现至少4大类10余种生物碱与内生真菌有关。各类生物碱中典型代表物的分子结构已完全清楚,部分内生真菌在离体条件下可产生除黑麦草碱外的生物碱,但产碱量较其在植物体中所产生的低很多,可相差150余倍之多。随着生物技术的发展,美国、新西兰等国在波胺、麦角碱和loline的生物合成途径方面已有了初步的进展,对个别具有重要功能基因以及其所编码的酶已有了深入研究。各种生物碱的致毒机理尚未完全清楚,除饱和吡咯化合物为新陈代谢类毒素和神经性毒素外,其余3类生物碱均为神经性毒素。生物碱可增加禾草对40余种害虫的抗性,并可增加对某些线虫和病害的抗性。诸多因素均可影响寄主植株中生物碱的种类和浓度,包括寄主植株:种群和生态型,植物品种和基因型,植株的部位和生长期;环境:气候因素,土壤养分,季节和年度变化;内生真菌菌株和草地管理利用方式等。用于生物碱检测的主要方法为预分离检测法和直接检测法,其中高效液相色谱法以其分离能力强、选择性高、测定灵敏度高,操作简单,可在室温下进行,应用范围极广的优点而广泛应用。目前,国际关于禾草内生真菌生物碱研究的重点包括创造不含对家畜有毒素的有益禾草-内生真菌共生体,开展基因工程研究以及合理利用生物碱,使其成为新一代的“生物农药”。  相似文献   

植物-内生真菌共生体对昆虫种群的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王学霞  杨民和  王国红 《生态学报》2009,29(10):5618-5626
植物内生真菌与植食性昆虫共用寄主植物作为食物、能量来源及栖息场所,三者之间的互作关系复杂多变,在生物种群控制、生物进化和植物生产中发挥重要作用.从植物-内生真菌共生体、内生真菌对植食性昆虫与多级营养层的影响,及内生真菌抗虫代谢产物等方面概括了内生真菌-植物-昆虫相互关系的研究进展,建议将植物内生真菌纳入植物生态学、昆虫生态学和作物病虫害控制的范畴内.  相似文献   

为了寻求构建禾草内生真菌不感染种群的方法, 选用羽茅为试验材料, 研究了高温处理对内生真菌和宿主活力的影响。结果表明: 60°C高温处理种子能有效杀灭种子内的内生真菌, 处理时间为30 d时, 所有检测幼苗均不感染内生真菌。同时高温处理对种子发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数均无显著影响, 且在幼苗生长初期对根的生长有促进作用。与其他杀菌方法相比, 高温处理的方法具有成本低、技术简单、环境友好等优点, 是一种理想的构建羽茅无菌种群的方法。  相似文献   

禾草内生真菌在宿主植物的茎叶等地上组织中普遍存在,不仅能够提高禾草对生物与非生物逆境的抗性,而且能够对周围环境中的不同微生物类群产生影响。主要总结了禾草Neotyphodium/Epichlo内生真菌对病原真菌、丛枝菌根真菌和土壤微生物的影响及其作用机理。发现禾草内生真菌普遍存在对病原真菌的抑制作用,而对丛枝菌根真菌存在不对称的竞争作用,且因种类而异。禾草内生真菌对土壤微生物群落的作用则会随着土壤类型和时间等外界因素发生变化。禾草内生真菌对不同类群微生物的影响机制主要包括:通过生态位竞争、抑菌物质分泌、诱导抗病性等对病原真菌造成影响;通过根系化学物质释放、营养元素调节、侵染条件差异等对丛枝菌根真菌造成影响;通过根际沉积物和凋落物等对土壤微生物群落造成影响。禾草内生真菌产生的生物碱能提高宿主植物对包括昆虫在内草食动物采食的抗性,影响病原菌的侵入、定殖和扩展;根组织分泌物中包含次生代谢产物能够抑制菌根真菌、土传病原真菌及其它土壤微生物的侵染与群落组成;也可能通过次生代谢物影响禾草的其它抗性。因此,禾草内生真菌在植物-微生物系统中的作用应该给予更多的关注和深入研究。  相似文献   

任安芝  高玉葆  周芳  陈磊 《生态学报》2007,27(12):5433-5440
选取感染和未感染的黑麦草为材料,在田间盆栽条件下研究内生真菌感染对宿主植物抵抗磷胁迫方面的贡献。结果表明,土壤中缺磷或内生真菌感染对黑麦草地上部生长的影响不显著,但内生真菌感染对植株地下部生长和生理指标有明显影响。缺磷条件下,内生真菌感染有助于黑麦草地下部分的生长,表现在根系总长度更长,生物量更大;同时根中酚类物质和有机酸的含量也显著高于未感染植株,但因酚类物质和有机酸总量增加的同时并未伴随着二者浓度的增加,由此推测,内生真菌在改变宿主黑麦草根系代谢活动方面的贡献有限。此外,内生真菌感染显著提高了宿主植物的磷利用效率,这可能和缺磷条件下内生真菌感染植株具有更高的酸性磷酸酶活性有关。  相似文献   

对内蒙古中东部地区分布的羽茅6个地理种群的染菌率进行了调查,采集种子并从中分离得到不同形态型的内生真菌,选取其中的19株进行rDNA-ITS片段的扩增、克隆、测序和系统发育分析.结果表明:(1)6个样地羽茅种群内生真菌感染率除西乌旗为96.7%外,其他5个样地均为100%,表明内生真菌侵染羽茅并非偶然现象,二者之间存在一种稳定的共生关系.(2)ITS和5.8S序列得到的N-J树显示,相对于Epichlo(e)属的其他参考菌株,不同地理种群羽茅中的内生真菌聚为一类,形成一个具有97%支持强度的分支.由此推测,不同地理种群羽茅中的内生真菌具有相同的起源点.(3)结合形态观察结果和rDNA-ITS序列分析结果可以看出,羽茅内生真菌种群的优势种亲缘关系较近,可能起源于同一种内生真菌;但由于其地理分布广、气候差异大、群落类型差别也较大,从而造成不同地理种群内生真菌形态上的分化以及种群间明显的遗传分化和较高的遗传多样性.  相似文献   

早熟禾亚科多种禾草可与Neotyphodium内生真菌形成禾草-内生真菌共生体, 这种植物-微生物共生体性状较为稳定, 且在自然界中广泛存在。禾草-内生真菌共生体稳定的互利共生关系不但保证了内生真菌所需的全部营养物质, 而且共生体产生的次生代谢物又可显著提高宿主禾草对生物胁迫的抗逆性。众多研究表明, 内生真菌的侵染可显著提高宿主禾草对虫害、病害及伴生植物等多种生物胁迫的抗性。据不完全统计, 禾草内生真菌对蛛形纲、线虫纲、昆虫纲3个纲至少79个种的害虫表现出较明显的抗性, 对至少22个种的病原真菌表现出明显的抗性。尽管利用内生真菌进行禾草品种选育及其品质改良的技术日趋成熟, 但是内生真菌在不同宿主禾草之间高效的替代转化技术, 及其在宿主体内遗传的稳定性仍有待于进一步深入探索。研究者把禾草内生真菌作为生防手段, 在未来的应用过程中不应只考虑其与宿主禾草之间的共生特异性, 而应更全面地分析禾草-内生真菌-生态环境之间的相互关系, 让内生真菌更好地为人类服务。  相似文献   

Epichloë内生真菌能够影响宿主植物的抗病性, 但目前关于内生真菌感染对宿主邻生植物抗病性影响的研究很少。该研究首先调查了内蒙古呼伦贝尔天然草地中植物病害发生情况, 发现在常见牧草中禾本科植物病害最为严重, 其中感染内生真菌的羽茅(Achnatherum sibiricum)的总病情指数最低。进一步比较了与羽茅邻生及非邻生植物的病害差异, 结果显示羽茅显著降低了邻生羊草(Leymus chinensis)、狼针草(Stipa baicalensis)和冰草(Agropyron cristatum)的褐斑病病情指数。为探究羽茅对邻生植物病害的影响是否与其内生真菌有关, 分别从内生真菌发酵液、离体叶片和植株层面进行了室内验证试验。结果表明: 羽茅的2种内生真菌Epichloë gansuensisEpichloë sibiricum发酵液显著抑制了新月弯孢(Curvularia lunata)、根腐离蠕孢(Bipolaris sorokiniana)、核盘菌(Sclerotinia sclerotioru)和三叶草核盘菌(Sclerotinia trifoliorum)的生长; 对于离体叶片, E. gansuensisE. sibiricum显著减小了宿主叶片受4种病原真菌侵染后的病斑长度。在新月弯孢和根腐离蠕孢的植株接种条件下, 内生真菌显著降低了宿主羽茅及邻生植物羊草的病害程度。该研究首次发现并验证了羽茅内生真菌对邻生禾草抵御褐斑病有一定的增益作用。  相似文献   

AimsAchnatherum sibiricum, a native grass species, is widely distributed in the steppe of Nei Mongol, China. In this study, three endophytic fungi, i.e., Neotyphodium sibiricum, N. gansuensis and Epichloë gansuensis, were isolated from A. sibiricum and examined the effect of the endophytes on the resistance of A. sibiricum to fungal disease.
Methods Three fungi: Curvularia lunata, Bipolaris sorokiniana and Cladosporium sp. were chosen as the target pathogens. Three experiments were carried out to evaluate the effects of endophytic inoculation of A. sibiricum on its pathogen resistance: 1) endophye in vitro, 2) inoculated detached leaves and 3) intact plants. They were infected with the three pathogens above mentioned, separately. Seven days later, inhibition rates, the number of lesions, lesion length and concentration of spores were measured.
Important findings The results showed that all endophytes significantly reduced the growth of pathogens fungi in vitro, and N. sibiricums had the strongest effect: its bacteriostasis rate to Curvularia lunata, B. sorokiniana and Cladosporium sp. were 47.8%, 40.1% and 39.4%, respectively. Culture filtration of three endophytes also effectively reduced pathogen spore germination, in which N. gansuensis showed the strongest impact. The germination rates of Curvularia lunata, B. sorokiniana and Cladosporium sp. were only 9.8%, 8.7% and 8.5%, respectively. Neotyphodium sibiricum and N. gansuensis could reduce lesion number and spore concentration of detached host leaves after the pathogens inoculation. Epichloë gansuensis reduced lesion number of detached leaves after inoculation with Curvularia lunata and Cladosporium sp., and decreased spore concentration of the pathogens fungi of Cladosporium sp. In the intact leaves, three endophytes reduced lesion number, lesion length and spore concentration as well after inoculation of the pathogens with those infected with N. sibiricum showing the strongest resistance, while with Epichloë gansuensis, the weakest resistance.  相似文献   

We investigated whether genetic variation of a common foliar endophyte of birch trees, Venturia ditricha, is affected by environmental conditions or host genotype. Fungal samples were collected from 10 half-sibling families of mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii) grown in two environmental conditions with different daily average temperatures: a forested river valley and an adjacent open tundra (altitudinal difference 180 m). Genetic analysis of V. ditricha isolates was done using random amplified microsatellite polymerase chain reaction. We found that host genotypes, along with prevailing environmental conditions, influence the probability of infection by particular endophyte genotypes. The most susceptible host genotypes were highly infected with genetically similar endophyte genotypes, whereas the most resistant trees were poorly infected and they were infected by genetically dissimilar endophytes. Our results also showed environment-host genotype interactions, suggesting that the susceptibility of the host to a particular endophyte genotype may change in natural environments when environmental conditions are changed. It appears that a particular endophyte genotype needs to find the right host genotype for a successful infection. There are many host genotypes in natural stands; this means, from the point of view of the fungus, the environment is heterogeneous. Thus, under the influence of birch tree genotypes, genetically differentiated subgroups of the endophytic fungus may be formed in different environments.  相似文献   

以羊草(Leymus chinensis)-内生真菌共生体为研究对象, 分别在野外样地和室内盆栽两种实验条件下研究了内生真菌感染对土壤特性和微生物群落结构的影响。结果显示:在处理时间较长并伴随有枯落物分解的羊草样地中, 内生真菌感染促进了土壤氮(N)的积累, 提高了30天培养时间内土壤初始碳(C)矿化速率和前3天土壤矿化量和土壤矿化总量; 而在处理时间较短且没有地上枯落物分解的盆栽羊草中, 内生真菌感染对土壤的C、N含量及C矿化均无显著影响。无论是野外样地还是室内盆栽实验, 内生真菌感染均未引起土壤微生物磷脂脂肪酸种类的变化, 但内生真菌感染均有提高土壤微生物生物量的趋势, 内生真菌显著增加了盆栽羊草土壤中细菌、革兰氏阴性细菌、真菌磷脂脂肪酸含量和磷脂脂肪酸总量, 增加了羊草样地土壤中革兰氏阳性细菌和放线菌的磷脂脂肪酸含量。总体看来, 内生真菌感染能够改变土壤N积累和C矿化率, 并且改变土壤中微生物群落的结构, 这有助于进一步认识内生真菌与羊草之间的共生关系及其在生态系统C、N循环中所起的作用。  相似文献   

Aims The leaves of almost all terrestrial plant species are colonized by endophytic fungi. Compared to agronomic grasses, which usually harbor few endophytes, native grasses generally possess greater endophyte species diversity. Existing studies examining endophyte effects on natural grasses under competition normally considered the infection status (infected or uninfected), and rarely considered endophyte species.  相似文献   

The focus of many fungal endophyte studies has been how plants benefit from endophyte infection. Few studies have investigated the role of the host plant as an environment in shaping endophyte community diversity and composition. The effects that different attributes of the host plant, that is, host genetic variation, host variation in resistance to the fungal pathogen Ustilago maydis and U. maydis infection, have on the fungal endophyte communities in maize (Zea mays) was examined. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the rDNA was sequenced to identify fungi and the endophyte communities were compared in six maize lines that varied in their resistance to U. maydis. It was found that host genetic variation, as determined by maize line, had significant effects on species richness, while the interactions between line and U. maydis infection and line and field plot had significant effects on endophyte community composition. However, the effects of maize line were not dependent on whether lines were resistant or susceptible to U. maydis. Almost 3000 clones obtained from 58 plants were sequenced to characterize the maize endophyte community. These results suggest that the endophyte community is shaped by complex interactions and factors, such as inoculum pool and microclimate, may be important.  相似文献   

Initial studies of grass–endophyte mutualisms using Schedonorus arundinaceus cultivar Kentucky‐31 infected with the vertically transmitted endophyte Epichloë coenophiala found strong, positive endophyte effects on host‐grass invasion success. However, more recent work using different cultivars of S. arundinaceus has cast doubt on the ubiquity of this effect, at least as it pertains to S. arundinaceus–E. coenophiala. We investigated the generality of previous work on vertically transmitted Epichloë‐associated grass invasiveness by studying a pair of very closely related species: S. pratensis and E. uncinata. Seven cultivars of S. pratensis and two cultivars of S. arundinaceus that were developed with high‐ or low‐endophyte infection rate were broadcast seeded into 2 × 2‐m plots in a tilled, old‐field grassland community in a completely randomized block design. Schedonorus abundance, endophyte infection rate, and co‐occurring vegetation were sampled 3, 4, 5, and 6 years after establishment, and the aboveground invertebrate community was sampled in S. pratensis plots 3 and 4 years after establishment. Endophyte infection did not enable the host grass to achieve high abundance in the plant community. Contrary to expectations, high‐endophyte S. pratensis increased plant richness relative to low‐endophyte cultivars. However, as expected, high‐endophyte S. pratensis marginally decreased invertebrate taxon richness. Endophyte effects on vegetation and invertebrate community composition were inconsistent among cultivars and were weaker than temporal effects. The effect of the grass–Epichloë symbiosis on diversity is not generalizable, but rather specific to species, cultivar, infection, and potentially site. Examining grass–endophyte systems using multiple cultivars and species replicated among sites will be important to determine the range of conditions in which endophyte associations benefit host grass performance and have subsequent effects on co‐occurring biotic communities.  相似文献   

Research on the interaction of endophytes and native grasses normally takes infection status into account, but less often considers the species of endophyte involved in the interaction. Here, we examined the effect of endophyte infection, endophyte species, nitrogen availability, and plant maternal genotype on the performance of a wild grass, Achnatherum sibiricum. Six different Epichloë‐infected maternal lines of A. sibiricum were used in the study; three lines harbored Epichloë gansuensis (Eg), while three lines harbored Epichloë sibirica (Es). These endophytes are vertically transmitted, while Eg also occasionally produces stromata on host tillers. We experimentally removed the endophyte from some ramets of the six lines, with the infected (E+) and uninfected (E?) plants grown under varying levels of nitrogen availability. Eg hosts produced more aboveground biomass than Es hosts only under high nitrogen supply. Endophyte species did not show any influence on the maximum net photosynthetic rate (Pmax), photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency, or total phenolics of A. sibiricum under all nitrogen conditions. However, the plant maternal genotype did influence the Pmax and shoot biomass of A. sibiricum. Our results show that endophyte species influenced the shoot biomass of A. sibiricum, and this effect was dependent on nitrogen supply. As with most coevolutionary interactions, A. sibiricum that harbored Eg and Es may show pronounced geographic variation in natural habitats with increased nitrogen deposition. In addition, stroma‐bearing endophyte (Eg) provides positive effects (e.g., higher biomass production) to A. sibiricum plants during the vegetative growth stage.  相似文献   

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