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Mononuclear inflammatory cells (MC) isolated from the livers and spleens of mice with chronic graft-vs-host disease (CGVHD) to minor histocompatibility antigens (B10.D2----BALB/c) show defective proliferation when stimulated with Con A and LPS. In turn, both CGVHD liver and spleen cells suppress the proliferation of mitogen-stimulated normal spleen cells in a genetically unrestricted manner. The suppressor activity of CGVHD spleen cells is mediated by plastic nonadherent null (natural suppressor) cells and involves a soluble suppressor factor(s). In contrast, the suppressor activity of CGVHD liver cells is mediated by macrophages (M phi). In the current studies we show that the suppressor activity of CGVHD liver cells is also mediated by soluble factors and compare the roles of prostaglandins and interferon (IFN)-gamma in mediating defective proliferation and suppressor activities of CGVHD liver and spleen MC. Monoclonal antibody to IFN-gamma partially reversed the defective mitogen-stimulated proliferation of CGVHD spleen MC but had no effect on proliferative response of CGVHD liver MC. Indomethacin did not alter the low proliferative response of either CGVHD liver or spleen MC. Anti-IFN-gamma inhibited the ability of CGVHD spleen cells to suppress proliferation of Con A and LPS-stimulated B10.D2 spleen cells. In contrast, anti-IFN-gamma resulted in a small decrease in the ability of liver MC to suppress Con A (but not LPS)-stimulated cell proliferation. Indomethacin decreased the ability of both CGVHD liver and spleen cells to suppress Con A-stimulated proliferation but had inconsistent effects on LPS-stimulated proliferation. These results show that IFN-gamma and prostaglandins partially mediate the suppressor activity of CGVHD spleen MC. The suppressor activity of CGVHD liver MC also involves prostaglandins but is relatively independent of IFN-gamma.  相似文献   

Liver injury in murine chronic graft-vs-host disease (CGVHD) to minor histocompatibility Ag, B10.D2----BALB/c (600 rad), is characterized by mononuclear cell inflammation and necrosis of interlobular bile ducts. Bile duct destruction in this model is similar to that which occurs in human CGVHD, late liver transplant rejection, and primary biliary cirrhosis. This model provides a unique opportunity to isolate mononuclear inflammatory cells from the liver during CGVHD, study their functions, and investigate the immunologic mechanisms responsible for bile duct destruction. In the present study, we compared the in vivo organ homing of mononuclear inflammatory cells (MC) isolated from the liver and spleen during the course of CGVHD. MC isolated from the liver showed a progressive increase in homing to the livers of BALB/c mice from day 7 through 42. In contrast, the hepatic homing of MC isolated from the spleen peaked at day 21 and subsequently declined. CGVHD spleen MC showed a progressive increase in homing to the spleen of BALB/c mice whereas CGVHD liver MC showed no change over time. Homing to other organs was negligible. The hepatic and splenic homing of MC isolated during CGVHD was significantly greater in BALB/c (host) mice than in B10.D2 (donor) mice. Autoradiography was used to determine the intrahepatic sites at which CGVHD liver MC accumulate after i.v. injection into BALB/c mice. The results indicated that MC isolated from the liver when bile duct inflammation is most intense accumulate preferentially in hepatic portal spaces in close proximity to interlobular bile ducts. These results suggest that hepatic homing by CGVHD liver MC is specific for minor histocompatibility Ag expressed on host biliary epithelial cells. These data support the hypothesis that bile duct destruction in murine CGVHD is mediated by MC that are sensitized to minor histocompatibility Ag expressed by host biliary epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Suppressor T cells arising in mice undergoing a graft-vs-host response.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
We investigated the ability of mice to generate antibody-forming cells when undergoing a graft-vs-host reaction. (C57BL/6 X DBA/2)F1 mice (BDF1) injected with C57BL/6 spleen cells generated suppressor T cells which inhibit antibody synthesis by BDF1 spleen cells in vitro. These T cells arose from the donor inoculum. They differ from helper T cells in size and they act directly on antigen reactive B cells. The suppressor T cells were specifically directed against components of the H-2 region of the reciprocal parental strain (DBA/2 = H-2d) in the hybrid F1 mouse.  相似文献   

A lupus-like disease characterized by a severe immune complex glomerulonephritis and IgG autoantibody production was induced in (C57BL/6 X DBA/2)F1 mice by injection of parental DBA/2 lymphoid cells. The ensuing graft-vs-host (GVH) reaction resulted in a 10- and a 100-fold increase in serum IgG antibody levels to denatured DNA and total histones, respectively, compared with that in F1----F1 control mice. The level of anti-DNA antibodies peaked 2 wk after injection of DBA/2 cells and preceded peak anti-histone levels by approximately 2 wk. Anti-histone antibodies were generated predominantly to histones H1, H2A, and H2B, a profile different from that observed in NZB/NZW and MRL-lpr/lpr mice. The marked increase in IgG antinuclear antibodies did not correlate with increases in total IgG serum levels and was not associated with comparable increases in antibodies to transferrin, hemoglobin, fibrinogen, or thyroglobulin. Selective autoantibody production was also observed in vitro, wherein GVH spleen cells produced high levels of IgG antibodies to total histones and denatured DNA but not to these non-nuclear protein antigens. In contrast, spleen cells stimulated in vitro with lipopolysaccharide produced equivalent amounts of antibodies to all antigens tested. Our results are in agreement with those of other investigators and collectively suggest that IgG autoantibodies in GVH disease, and possibly in spontaneous lupus-like disease, are not secondary to a generalized B cell activation, but may be selectively generated in response to self antigens with unique configurational properties.  相似文献   

Forty-four human long-term survivors after marrow transplantation for aplastic anemia or hematologic malignancy were studied for the presence of circulating nonspecific suppressor cells. Twenty-two of the patients were healthy and 22 had mild to moderately severe chronic graft-vs-host disease (GVHD). Patient mononuclear cells (of donor origin) were tested for their ability to suppress the responses of lymphocytes obtained from the respective marrow donors to alloantigens in mixed leukocyte culture (MLC) and/or to concanavalin A (Con A). Tests were carried out between 199 and 2393 (median 376) days after transplantation. Cells from only 1 of 22 patients without chronic GVHD showed suppression of donor cell blastogeneis responses. In contrast, cells from 11 of 22 patients with chronic GVHD showed more than 30% suppression of donor cell responses in MLC and/or to Con A. The finding of suppressor cells was not related to the time of testing after grafting nor to immmunosuppressive therapy. Nonspecific suppressor activity was abrogated by irradiation with 1600 rads in vitro in five of six cases tested. Nonspecific suppressor cells may be one explanation for the severe combined immunodeficiency and the recurrent infectious complications characteristic of patients with chronic GVHD.  相似文献   

Acute and chronic graft-vs-host disease (GVHD) due to non-MHC histocompatibility differences differ histopathologically. Acute GVHD is characterized by the cytotoxic destruction of recipient tissues, whereas chronic GVHD is characterized by increased collagen deposition. In an attempt to determine if acute and chronic GVHD represent two phases of the same pathophysiologic process or two distinct processes, the T lymphocytes from the C57BL/6 (B6) recipients of LP spleen cells (non-H-2 GVHD) have been cloned and compared to clones from immune mice (LP anti-B6). Acute GVHD (G) clones were established on day 10-14 posttransplant and chronic GVHD (CG) clones on day 50 from animals with clinical chronic GVHD. Immune (I) clones were established 10 to 14 days after immunization. All I clones exhibited B6-specific blastogenesis and cytotoxicity and had a Thy-1.2+, Lyt-2.2+, L3T4- phenotype. All CG clones were noncytotoxic, had I-Ab-specific blastogenesis, and had a Thy-1.2+, Lyt-2.2-, L3T4+ phenotype. The acute GVHD (G) clones were heterogeneous. Fourteen of 23 clones exhibited B6-specific blastogenesis and had a Lyt-2.2+, L3T4- phenotype (B6-G clones). Seven of 9 B6-G clones were cytotoxic for B6 targets. Nine of 23 G clones exhibited I-Ab-specific blastogenesis, and all but one clone had a Lyt-2.2-, L3T4+ phenotype as the did CG clones. Thus, the principal clonogenic T lymphocytes from mice with acute and chronic GVHD differ in terms of 1) their antigenic specificity, 2) their cytotoxic capacity, and 3) their surface phenotype. The presence of I-Ab-specific T lymphocytes with a phenotype identical to CG clones early after transplantation suggests that the immunologic events that result in chronic GVHD begin soon after transplantation. These results indicate that acute GVHD is due primarily to recipient-specific cytotoxic donor T lymphocytes, whereas chronic GVHD is due to autoreactive helper T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

During primary infection of mice by Listeria monocytogenes, bacterial elimination is dependent on the recruitment of myelomonocytic cells in the infectious foci and the activation of their bactericidal mechanisms through cytokines secreted by Listeria-specific T lymphocytes. The immune events occurring in the liver, one of the main infected organs, have not yet been studied in detail. In the present quantitative study, we describe the dynamics of recruitment of cells belonging to the lymphoid or myelomonocytic lineages in the liver. The different cell populations mobilized into the liver were isolated each day during the course of a sublethal L. monocytogenes infection and their phenotype was characterized by flow cytometry. Three distinct phases of recruitment were observed. 1) During the first day of infection, 17 x 10(6) lymphomyeloid cells were recruited in the liver with a predominance of myelomonocytic cells; 51% of the incoming cells were M1/70+; the NK cell population (detected by the 4D11 antibody) also increased transiently at this period. 2) From day 3 to 5, a high number of myelomonocytic cells infiltrated the liver (13 x 10(6) M1/70+ cells); most of these cells were macrophages (as detected with the macrophage-restricted antibody FA/11 or observed after May-Grünwald Giemsa staining); the antigranulocytic antibodies 7/4 and RB6.8C5 were found to label these mononuclear phagocytes at this period of infection. A subpopulation of Thy-1+ cells (16%) was found to be labeled by the RB6.8C5 antibody in normal liver and, at day 5 and 6, all Thy-1+ cells also bound the RB6.8C5 mAb.3) From day 5 onward, two waves of phenotypically distinct T lymphocytes were observed; the number of CD8+ T lymphocytes (15 x 10(6) cells) increased first at day 5 and peaked on day 7; CD4+ T lymphocytes (6.2 x 10(6) cells) were then recruited with a 2-day delay (on day 7) in the liver.  相似文献   

The enhanced in vitro proliferative response of peripheral mononuclear cells (PMNC) when pre-cultured for 24 hours prior to the addition of Concanavalin-A has been used as an indirect parameter of suppressor cell activity in healthy subjects and in patients undergoing chronic haemodialysis. The proliferative response of PMNC from haemodialysis patients is lower than that of control subjects when Con-A is added at the initiation of culture but approximates to that of normal subjects when the addition of Con-A was deferred for 24 hours. The Suppressor Indices of PMNC from haemodialysis patients were at least as great and sometimes greater than those of control subjects but the absolute T-cell counts were lower in haemodialysis patients than in controls. These results suggest that the relative energy of haemodialysis patients is partly attributable to T-cell depletion but this is accompanied by retention, and in some cases augmentation, of suppressor cell activity.  相似文献   

Spleen cells from F1 mice undergoing chronic graft-vs-host (GVH) reaction, induced by injection of parental cells, were shown to be immunosuppressed since their in vitro responses to the mitogens concanavalin A (Con A) and bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were substantially lower than control animals. Serum, from mice undergoing GVH, when cultured in vitro with normal spleen cells was immunosuppressive. The proliferation response to Con A and allogeneic cells of normal syngeneic, allogeneic, and parental spleen cells was 90% suppressed when serum from mice undergoing chronic GVH was added in comparison to the addition of serum from untreated F1 mice. Similarly, the in vitro antibody response to a T-dependent antigen was impaired; however, the antibody response to a T-independent antigen was not impaired. These results indicate that T cell functions are more sensitive than are B cell functions to immunosuppressive factors in the serum of mice undergoing GVH.  相似文献   

The development of acute graft-vs-host disease (GVHD) is a common outcome after the injection of fully MHC disparate parental T cells into unirradiated F1 mice. Murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) infection has been previously shown to augment the development of acute GVHD in the parent-into-F1 (P----F1) model, such that 10-fold fewer parental cells are required. In the present study, we have investigated the effect of MCMV infection on the induction of non-lethal GVHD that occurs in P----F1 combinations involving MHC class I only or class II only differences. Using P----F1 combinations involving either an H-2K only difference or an H-2D only difference, MCMV infection of F1 mice 3 days before the injection of parental spleen cells led to a profound T cell immunodeficiency that strongly resembled that observed in acute GVHD. Further studies examining the H-2K disparate P----F1 combination, C57Bl/6---- (C57Bl/6xB6.C-H-2bm1) F1 and combined MCMV infection showed that the immunodeficiency is characterized by a profound loss of in vitro Th cell production of IL-2 and an intrinsic defect in T effector function as shown by an inability of rIL-2 to restore defective CTL responses. Additional experiments in these mice revealed the presence of suppressor cells as well as significant parent-anti-F1 CTL activity possibly accounting for the suppressor effect. This pattern of immunodeficiency was not seen after the administration of either MCMV or MHC class I disparate parental cells alone. MCMV infection did not detectably alter the immunodeficiency observed in a P----F1 combination involving a MHC class II difference only. These results indicate that MCMV infection can alter the pattern of GVHD in the setting of an MHC class I disparity, but not in the setting of class II disparity, such that it resembles acute GVHD. These results may have relevance to the human transplant setting where intercurrent CMV infection has been associated with an adverse clinical outcome.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in studying pathways of mast cell activation. In a mouse model of chronic graft-vs-host disease (cGVHD) extensive mast cell activation and degranulation occurs in vivo coincident with the development of dermal fibrosis. An interesting feature of this model is that the mast cell reaction is slow to develop, occurring over a period of weeks and waning by 300 days. The aim of our work was to investigate the effects of supernatants from splenocytes of such cGVHD mice (cGVHD sups) on mouse and rat peritoneal mast cells cocultured with 3T3 skin fibroblasts. We found that cGVHD sups are able to release histamine from both mouse and rat cultured mast cells in a slow fashion. Histamine release became evident only after 5-8 days of coculture of the mast cells with the cGVHD supernatants and thereafter decreased to basal levels. Mast cell activation due to cGVHD supernatants was a noncytotoxic event as demonstrated by mast cell counts in the cocultures and by the ability of mast cells to exclude trypan blue. Mast cells that had been activated by incubation with the cGVHD sups were as responsive to stimulation with either anti-IgE antibodies or compound 48/80 as were mast cells incubated with control sups. Supernatants from mice early in GVHD (Days 11-28) were most active in promoting histamine release. Supernatants from spleens of mice which had GVHD for 290 days and where the mast cells had returned to full granulation in vivo were inactive. This is the first in vitro study demonstrating slow mast cell histamine release instituted by other cells, namely the splenocytes of cGVHD mice.  相似文献   

Placental growth factor (PlGF) is a member of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) family and is involved in pathological angiogenesis associated with chronic liver diseases. However, the precise mechanisms underlying PlGF signalling contributing to liver fibrosis and angiogenesis remain largely unexplored. This study aimed to assess the effect of reducing PlGF expression using small interfering RNA (siRNA) on experimental liver fibrosis and angiogenesis, and to elucidate the underlying molecular mechanisms. Fibrosis was induced in mice by carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) for 8 weeks, and mice were treated with PlGF siRNA or non‐targeting control siRNA starting two weeks after initiating CCl4 injections. The results showed that PlGF was highly expressed in cirrhotic human and mice livers; which mainly distributed in activated hepatic stellate cells (HSCs). PlGF silencing robustly reduced liver inflammation, fibrosis, intrahepatic macrophage recruitment, and inhibited the activation of HSCs in vivo. Moreover, PlGF siRNA‐treated fibrotic mice showed diminished hepatic microvessel density and angiogenic factors, such as hypoxia‐inducible factor‐1α (HIF‐1α), VEGF and VEGF receptor‐1. Moreover, down‐regulation of PlGF with siRNA in HSCs inhibited the activation and proliferation of HSCs. Mechanistically, overexpression of PlGF in activated HSCs was induced by hypoxia dependent on HIF‐1α, and PlGF induces HSC activation and proliferation via activation the phosphatidylinositol 3‐kinase (PI3K)/Akt signalling pathways. These findings indicate that PlGF plays an important role in liver fibrosis‐associated angiogenesis and that blockage of PlGF could be an effective strategy for chronic liver disease.  相似文献   

Mast cells were studied during the induction of chronic graft-vs-host disease (GVHD) induced in mice across minor histocompatibility barriers. B10.D2 spleen cells (or control BALB/c cells) were injected into irradiated (600 rad) BALB/c recipients. Serial skin biopsies were taken over 26 days, during which time changes occurred resembling scleroderma, namely, dermal fibrosis, a mononuclear cell infiltrate, and loss of fat and appendages. Mast cells, when stained with toluidine blue, "disappeared" from GVHD, but not from control skin. Ultrastructural analysis showed that mast cells in GVHD skin were indeed present but underwent degranulation. Some mast cells showed only pale expanded sacs, indicating granule depletion. Because these cells could not be seen by toluidine blue staining but were plainly present, we have called them "phantom mast cells." Cellular activation occurred in many GVHD mast cells as shown by increased cytoplasmic activity, with numerous Golgi complexes, ribosomes, granular endoplasmic reticulum, and small vesicles. No identifiable mast cells were seen after day 19. No significant changes were seen in the mast cells of syngeneic control mice. We believe that immunologic processes in chronic GVHD cause a slow release of mast cell granule contents, which is different from anaphylactic degranulation. The depleted mast cells (invisible by toluidine blue staining) are also activated, perhaps in an attempt to replete their stores of granule contents. We discuss the relation of mast cell changes to fibrosis.  相似文献   

The lysosomotropic agent chloroquine is widely used as a specific inhibitor of intralysosomal proteolysis in isolated hepatocytes. It was shown that in vitro chloroquine reversibly inhibited purified cathepsins H, B, L in concentrations less than those observed inside lysosomes in vivo. However, administration of high doses of chloroquine to rats (30-50 mg/kg i.p. as a single or repeated injections) was followed by increased cathepsin D and cysteine proteinase activities, as well as other lysosomal enzymes. Chloroquine administration did not induce any changes of carbon particles phagocytosis by liver cells (macrophages); modifications of fluid-phase (125I-PVP uptake) and receptor-mediated endocytosis (125I-asialo-fetuin uptake) were noted. Chloroquine administered in vivo reproduced some symptoms of lysosomal storage diseases (especially during repeated drug administration).  相似文献   

Phenotypes and functions of T cells in the liver were studied after an i.p. inoculation with viable Listeria monocytogenes in mice. T cells in the liver of untreated C3H/HeN mice (C3H; H-2k, Mls-2a) contain Thy-1.2+TCR-alpha beta + cells as a majority and Thy-1.2+TCR-gamma delta + cells and Thy-1.2-TCR-gamma delta + cells as minorities. The liver of untreated C3H mice did not contain T cells expressing V beta 3 and V beta 11, which are potentially autoreactive against self-superantigens of Mls-2a and Dvbl, respectively. On days 3 to 6 after infection, Thy-1.2-CD4lowTCR-alpha beta + T cells or Thy-1.2-TCR-gamma delta + T cells increased significantly in number and proportion in the liver whereas T cells with these phenotypes were hardly detected in the spleen, lymph nodes, peripheral blood, and peritoneal cavity during the course of the infection. The Thy-1.2-CD4lowTCR-alpha beta T cells contained V beta 3 or V beta 11-bearing cells in high frequencies. The potentially autoreactive V beta 3- or V beta 11-bearing T cells disappeared from the liver on day 7 after infection. Furthermore, the V beta 3+ and V beta 11+ cells but not V beta 8+ cells disappeared after culture for 24 h at 37 degrees C. In vitro stimulation of liver T cells using anti-V beta 11 mAb showed no proliferative response. These results suggest that the potentially autoreactive clones with Thy-1.2-CD4low phenotypes, which increased in number after listerial infection, may be anergized after interaction with self-Ag and may be programmed to die. These potentially autoreactive clones induced in the liver of Listeria-infected mice may not be functionally relevant to the host defense against Listeria.  相似文献   

The suppression of MOPC 315 myeloma cells by idiotype-specific effector Ts requires the presence of non-immune AC. This requirement was demonstrated in cultures where myeloma targets and Ts were separated by cell-impermeable membranes or were in direct contact. The AC were adherent, radioresistant, and present in peritoneal exudates and in FcR+ as well as FcR- fractions of low density splenocytes; they bore cell surface I-A determinants and did not have to be H-2 compatible with myeloma cells and Ts. These studies demonstrate a novel role for Ia+ AC in immune regulation, and suggest that their accessory function may involve processing of T lymphocyte-derived suppressor factors or presentation of such factors to target cells.  相似文献   

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