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Usually risk assessment falls within the competence of “hard sciences” through environmental and epidemiological measurements, evaluations, and modeling. Even if these approaches bring accurate assessment and evaluation of environmental processes, the perception of local inhabitants is often excluded or at least relegated to second place. Evaluation of human vulnerabilities and capacities to face such hazards requires us to understand the perceptions of the population exposed. Three case studies (Lao, Tunisia, and Ecuador) are presented where we applied a perception-based regional mapping, a mapping tool based on local perceptions, for assessing the connection between land uses and health issues. A selection of the results collected on these three study areas show that the perception of local inhabitants provides a good spatial representation of the different contaminations observed locally, with a good consistency with external data. It also indicates for a certain number of cases that the contamination extends far beyond the simulated radius and impacts peripheral areas. Beyond the analysis of such a method (methodological bias, spatial representation bias, etc.), the objective is to combine our results with epidemiological measurement.  相似文献   

Based on the results of131I thyroid activity measurements in three districts of the Chernigov region (Ukraine), individual doses were calculated and an approach of the age dependence of the average thyroid exposure was derived. Using the relationships between the thyroid doses and the137Cs deposition as well as the location relative to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), age-dependent average thyroid doses were extrapolated also for those settlements of this region where no monitoring measurements have been carried out. The highest doses were found in the west of the region with the lowest distance to the Chernobyl NPP. In this part, the highest mean of the thyroid dose in a settlement was 3.3 Gy for infants and 0.5 Gy for adults. The collective thyroid dose was 31000 and 27 000 person-Gy for children and adults, respectively. Based on this assessment, 140 and 21 excess thyroid cancer cases are predicted for children and adults, respectively. In the years 1989 to 1991, in the whole contaminated territory of the Ukraine 0.4–1.2 cases per 100000 children were observed. Although the absolute numbers are very small, this indicates the possibility of an increase in thyroid cancer morbidity among children. The same trend also seems to be indicated in the Chernigov region. A careful epidemiological study in the future is necessary to enable a final evaluation of radioinduced cancers in this region.  相似文献   

The initial stage of the one-dimensional expansion of a hot electron cloud into a “warm” plasma (i.e., into a plasma with a finite electron temperature) is studied with allowance for plasma turbulence. It is shown that, in a nonturbulent plasma or in a plasma with sufficiently weak turbulence, counterstreaming warm plasma flows interpenetrate one another; in this process, the plasma flows are accelerated and form beams escaping from the heating region. A stronger turbulence gives rise to electron heat waves that also propagate away from the heating region.  相似文献   

A total of 200 cell lines including different human, monkey, mice, hamster and rat cell types were examined for mycoplasma infection status. PCR assay using generic-specific universal primers showed that 40 (20%) of the cell lines are contaminated with mycoplasma. Employment of species-specific primers within these infected cell lines revealed infection with M. hyorhinis (42.5%), M. fermentas (37.5%), M. arginini (37.5%), M. orale (12.5%) and A. laidlawii (7.5%). A number of the cultures were coinfected with 2 or 3 different species. Contaminated samples were treated with BM-Cyclin, Ciprofloxacin and mycoplasma removal agent (MRA). Mycoplasma eradication was subsequently checked by PCR following 2 weeks continuous culture of treated cells in antibiotic free culture medium. Mycoplasmal infections were eradicated in 100, 70 and 42% of infected cell lines when the samples were treated with BM-Cyclin, MRA and Ciprofloxacin, respectively. However, 12% (BM-Cyclin), 62.5% (MRA) and 82.5% (Ciprofloxacin) of mycoplasma regrowth was observed 4 months after the treatment. Notably, the risk of spontaneous culture death was 17.5, 12.5 and 0% for BM-Cyclin, MRA and Ciprofloxacin, respectively.  相似文献   

Drugs released from stents are driven by physiological transport forces, principally solvent-driven flow (convection) and random molecular agitation (diffusion). The relative strength of these two forces determines drug penetration and distribution in the arterial wall. Drug physicochemical factors can induce critical modulations to the primary distribution, both transiently and at steady state. Hydrophobic interactions and nonspecific binding, for example, can both result in tissue drug concentrations severalfold above administered concentration. Drug interaction with native proteins may also interfere with drug transfer at the stent-artery interface. These transport forces and tissue interactions can induce local drug concentrations even at steady state to vary by one or more orders of magnitude over the span of a few cells. To account for significant local variations in drug concentrations following stent-based delivery, rational design of vascular delivery systems requires consideration of drug distribution and tissue interactions on a local, continuum basis. Continuum analysis adapts traditional pharmacokinetics to the local environment by supplementing discrete global parameters of drug content with continuous local values of concentration, transport and binding. The interplay of these parameters with local flux conditions and drug and tissue properties defines the local drug distribution in space and over time. This type of analysis may well become increasingly relevant given the trend toward stent-based drug therapy in cardiovascular care.  相似文献   

(1) There is a danger that our science may be severely restricted in the future if we do not as scientists take action to inform the public. (2) Scientists are agreed that some governmental controls are essential, but there is an urgent need that these should be applied uniformly worldwide. (3) The situation has changed rapidly now that the scientists are poised to demonstrate that genetic engineering has advanced to the stage where it can be applied to the field. Only in that way can we, as scientists, demonstrate that biotechnology can help humanity to overcome the problems of health, disease, and decent living which threaten to get progressively worse.  相似文献   

This study is a further development of a dynamic compartment-flow analysis, intended as an analytical tool for the empirical estimation of fine root growth, mortality and decomposition in forest soil. General properties of the dynamic system are utilised to interpret relatively simple measurements of standing biomass, necromass, and decomposition, in order to derive estimates of the process rates. The method is based on the finding that the ratio of fine root necromass to biomass is related to the specific rates of decomposition, mortality, and net growth. If the decomposition rate is measured and the net growth trend is determined from live root measurements, mortality and gross growth can be estimated using these relationships, provided certain regularity requirements are met. These requirements are explicated, such that the estimates can be easily assessed for reliability. To illustrate the use of the method, it was applied to the estimation of specific mortality rates in seven Scots pine stands of different ages and site types. A reanalysis of a previous sequential coring study yielded consistent results. The advantage of this method is that, unlike the standard analysis of sequential cores, it accounts for the possibility of simultaneous growth, mortality and decomposition. It is therefore applicable to situations with no apparent fluctuations or trend in the biomass and necromass levels. No minimum sampling interval is required; hence the method also allows for more extensive or prolonged studies. Received: 1 June 1999 / Accepted: 20 January 2000  相似文献   



Few studies have examined differing interpretations of life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) results between midpoints and endpoints for the same systems. This paper focuses on the LCIA of municipal solid waste (MSW) systems by taking both the midpoint and endpoint approaches and uses LIME (Life Cycle Impact Assessment Method based on Endpoint Modeling, version 2006). With respect to global and site-dependent factors, environmental impact categories were divided into global, regional, and local scales. Results are shown as net emissions consisting of system emissions and avoided emissions.  相似文献   

The aim of the work was to develop a PCR-based assay for detection of L. pneumophila and L. micdadei in environmental samples as well as in clinical samples from low respiratory tract and to assess its analytic characteristics. The assay was used during investigation of the outbreak developed in July 2007 in town Verkhnyaya Pyshma (Sverdlovsk region). Polymerase-chain reaction (PCR)with fluorescent detection,sequencing and cloning of DNA fragments were used. Developed assay based on the PCR with fluorescent real-time/ endpointdetection is able to detect L. pneumophila in clinical and environmental samples and to quantify amount of bacterial DNA in water. Specificity of analysis (100%) was assessed using the panel of bacterial strains and samples from healthy individuals. Analytic sensitivity of assay and quantitation limit was 1000 GU in 1 ml. Sensitivity of the assay of artificially contaminated biological samples was 1000 bacteria in 1 ml. During outbreak investigation L. pneumophila DNAwas detected in 4 lung samples from 4 fatal cases, from 1 of 2 sputum samples, 1 of 2 bronchoalveolar lavage samples with X-ray confirmed pneumonia. Legionella's DNA was found in samples from cooling towers, central hot water supply as well as from showerheads in apartments of 3 patients. Fountain and drinking water samples were PCR-negative. Specificity of PCR-positive results was confirmed by sequencing. Use of the assay during outbreak in- vestigation allowed to confirm the diagnosis in fatal cases and quickly identify the possible source of infection.  相似文献   

Martin C. Davey 《Oecologia》1997,110(1):25-31
 The effects of dehydration and rehydration on carbon exchange in 14 bryophytes from the maritime Antarctic were investigated using an infra-red gas analysis system. Continuous long-term (1–12 months) and repeated (1–6 one-month cycles) desiccation responses were investigated under controlled conditions. Loss of photosynthetic rate increased with length of dehydration period in all species, although some desiccation tolerance was observed even in those bryophytes from the most hydric habitats. Percentage retention of photosynthetic rate increased from hydric to xeric species, but this pattern was not repeated in terms of absolute rates of carbon fixation due to the high initial rates in the hydric species. Repeated cycles caused a greater loss of photosynthetic rate than continuous dehydration in hydric species, but the opposite situation occurred in mesic and xeric mosses. The latter groups were possibly better able to utilise the short periods of rehydration during cycles. In most bryophytes an increase in the percentage loss of photosynthetic rate following dehydration-rehydration occurred from spring to summer to autumn samples. This pattern was clearest in the hydric species and reduced in the xeric species. These variations were largely due to changes in the initial rates of photosynthesis during the growing season. It is suggested that this increased photosynthetic capacity is stress-sensitive, and is lost during either desiccation or winter freezing; the base photosynthetic capacity, being stress-tolerant, survives either of these events. The results obtained support the hypothesis that water availability is of importance in determining the distribution of bryophytes in the Antarctic. However, only the broad scale of variation in plant communities could be explained by these observations; other factors must be important in determining the finer scale of species distribution and community composition. The results are applicable to attempts to model the productivity of Antarctic bryophytes from known or predicted environmental data. Received: 15 April 1996 / Accepted: 28 September 1996  相似文献   

Procaine at different concentrations enhanced significantly (P less than 0.01) calcium accumulation in rat intestinal cells, whereas the same concentrations of procaine inhibited significantly (P less than 0.01) calcium uptake by the turtle small intestine. Unidirectional calcium influx across the rat small intestine was significantly enhanced (P less than 0.001) by the presence of procaine in the preincubation medium. However, procaine had no effect on calcium influx across the turtle intestinal cells. The cell water content and the cell volume were not altered by preincubating the intestinal tissues with procaine in both animals.  相似文献   

Bilayer lipid membranes (BLM) of various composition were used to study the effects of local anesthetics (LA) carbisocaine and lidocaine on mechanical membrane characteristics and on the transport dynamics of ions across gramicidin D ionic channels. Carbisocaine concentrations of 20 mumols/l-0.1 mmol/l caused a considerable decrease (by 15-40%) in modulus of elasticity E1 in direction perpendicular to membrane surface. The effect of lidocaine was approx. one order of magnitude weaker. LA-induced changes in E1 were shown to depend on both the lipid composition of the membrane and the electrolyte pH. Neutral forms of LA induce marked changes in E1. An analysis of current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of BLM modified by the channel forming agent gramicidin D revealed that carbisocaine significantly affects the superlinear segment of the I-V relationship; this suggests a strong effect on the transport dynamics of ions through the internal channel region. The results of the study suggest that the action of both carbisocaine and lidocaine may be non-specific. The effectivity of the non-specific action of LA is determined by the hydrophobic moiety of the local anesthetic molecule.  相似文献   

The maximum spatial peak exposure of each commercial mobile phone determined in compliance with the relevant safety and product standards is publicly available. However, this information is not sufficient for epidemiological studies aiming to correlate the use of mobile phones with specific cancers or to behavioral alterations, as the dominant location of the exposure may be anywhere in the head between the chin to above the ear, depending on the phone design. The objective of this study was to develop a methodology to determine tissue-specific exposure by expanding the post-processing of the measured surface or volume scans using standardized compliance testing equipment, that is, specific absorption rate (SAR) scanners. The transformation matrix was developed using the results from generic dipoles to evaluate the relation between the SAR in many brain regions of the Virtual Family anatomical phantoms and in virtual brain regions mapped onto the homogeneous SAM head. A set of transformation factors was derived to correlate the SAR induced in the SAM head to the SAR in the anatomical heads. The evaluation included the uncertainty associated with each factor, arising from the anatomical differences between the phantoms (typically less than 6 dB (4×)). The applicability of these factors was validated by performing simulations of four head models exposed to four realistic mobile phone models. The new methodology enables the reliable determination of the maximum and averaged exposure of specific tissues and functional brain regions to mobile phones when combined with mobile phone power control data, and therefore greatly strengthens epidemiological evaluations and improves information for the consumer.  相似文献   

The local exchange model developed by McNair et al. (1997) provides a stochastic diffusion approximation to the random-like motion of fine particles suspended in turbulent water. Based on this model, McNair (2000) derived equations governing the probability distribution and moments of the hitting time, which is the time until a particle hits the bottom for the first time from a given initial elevation. In the present paper, we derive the corresponding equations for the probability distribution and moments of the hitting distance, which is the longitudinal distance a particle has traveled when it hits the bottom for the first time. We study the dependence of the distribution and moments on a particle's initial elevation and on two dimensionless parameters: an inverse Reynolds number M (a measure of the importance of viscous mixing compared to turbulent mixing of water) and the Rouse number ?(a measure of the importance of deterministic gravitational sinking compared to stochastic turbulent mixing in governing the vertical motion of a particle). We also compute predicted hitting-distance distributions for two published data sets. The results show that for fine particles suspended in moderately to highly turbulent water, the hitting-distance distribution is strongly skewed to the right, with mode相似文献   

Fine particles suspended in turbulent water exhibit highly irregular trajectories as they are buffeted by fluid eddies. The Local Exchange Model provides a stochastic diffusion approximation to the randomlike motion of such particles (e.g. dispersing benthic organisms in a stream). McNair et al. (1997, J. theor. Biol.188, 29) used this model to derive equations governing the mean hitting time, which is the expected time until a particle hits bottom for the first time from a given initial elevation. The present paper derives equations governing the probability distribution of the hitting time, then studies the distribution's dependence on a particle's initial elevation and two dimensionless parameters. The results show that for fine particles suspended in moderately to highly turbulent water, the hitting-time distribution is strongly skewed to the right, with mode相似文献   

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