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蝗灾是人类历史上重要的自然灾害之一,影响蝗灾爆发的因素很多,其中土壤湿度是重要的影响因素之一。以位于河北省黄骅市境内的3个重点蝗区——黄灶、杨官庄和藤南大洼为监测样区,利用高时间分辨率MODIS遥感影像数据,分别提取2002年(东亚飞蝗大发生年)秋蝗产卵期到夏蝗孵化期间的土壤湿度信息以及2004年(东亚飞蝗轻为害年)相同时段的土壤湿度信息,发现蝗灾大爆发年份的土壤湿度明显低于轻发生年份,在秋蝗的产卵期(9—10月)和夏蝗的孵化期(3—5月)差异尤为明显。  相似文献   

刘珍  李坚强 《昆虫知识》1999,36(6):348-349
新乡市位于河南省北部,黄河流经长达162km,黄河滩区宜蝗面积5万多hm2。近几年,东亚飞蝗Locustamigratoriamanilensis(Mey-en)在我市的发生和危害都很严重,1995年发生面积达到5.37万hm2次,其中夏蝗2.5万hm2,秋蝗2.87万hm2。据河南省植保植检站报道[1],60年代以来,河南省先后有20多个县对东亚飞蝗发生期进行了系统观察,明确了其在河南省1年发生2代,即夏蝗和秋蝗。又据南京农业大学等报道[2],东亚飞蝗在黄河下游、江淮流域1年发生2代,少数年份可发生3代,在山东微山湖地区仅在干…  相似文献   

气候及其变化对飞蝗发生期的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用环渤海2类典型蝗区飞蝗发生期资料和同期气候资料,对不同蝗区气候变化和飞蝗发生期的关系进行对比分析。结果表明:沿海蝗区和洼淀蝗区气候的差异是导致飞蝗发生期差异的重要因素,影响飞蝗发生期的主要气候因子为气温;沿海蝗区3、4月气温偏低0.2 ℃~0.4℃,导致夏蝗三龄期以前飞蝗发生期比洼淀蝗区偏晚2~3 d,沿海蝗区其他月份气温偏高,气温的累积效应导致夏蝗三龄期以后发生期偏早;秋蝗发生期变化幅度小于夏蝗,与入夏后气温变异系数小相对应;20世纪90年代以来2类蝗区气温变化幅度不同是导致飞蝗发生期变化幅度不同的主要原因,且夏蝗发生期早晚与3、4月气温高低密切相关。  相似文献   

楼亦槐 《昆虫学报》1959,(2):101-115
本文根据沿淮蝗区的历史情况、饲养观察、气象、水文等资料,加以整理与分析: 1.从产蝗基地形成的过程中,阐明飞蝗生态特性与水涝之间的联系,从而了解飞蝗消长规律是由这种联系内在矛盾和统一的更替影响的结果。 2.雨水对飞蝗发生有一定的控制作用,故雨量的多寡与雨量的分布具有飞蝗生态上的重大意义: (1)淮河流域雨量适中,全年雨量集中在7、8两月,雨期短,湖滩洼地暴露时间长,故 宜飞蝗生长繁殖,同时该蝗区雨量较多,加之年雨量变幅大(年雨量相对变率超出25%以上,接近30%),及淮河水流平缓吐洩困难等原因,故而有大水涝灾发生,对飞蝗繁殖有很大的限制。 (2)雨期推移与蝗虫的盛衰是有直接的联系:(i)全年雨量表现在两个高峯以上,即夏秋蝗蝗卵发育及孵化时间多雨,蝗卵的死亡淘汰高,蝗情在雨量控制下基本不能猖撅成灾。(ii)雨期提前即夏蝗在卵的发育后期和孵化期遭高雨量的影响淘汰,以及秋蝗受高水位的影响不得大量发生。(iii)雨期移至7月份正值夏蝗成虫活动和秋蝗孵化的交错时期,对蝗情影响程度须视雨期前后、雨量大小而定。(iv)雨期后移至8月,即夏季季尾雨量一般较少,水情不大,而利于夏蝗发生,对秋蝗影响也少,往往在这种情况下,造成蝗虫大量的发生。 (3)雨水对蝗卵发育后期及孵化期有严重的影响,不仅是引起  相似文献   

河北省东亚飞蝗发生动态及未来灾变趋势分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
80年代以来 ,尤其进入 90年代 ,由于受异常气候、农业生态及人为因素的影响 ,河北省东亚飞蝗Locustamigratoriamanilensis (Meyen)出现了暴发频次增加、发生期提前、秋蝗发生加重、潜在和隐伏蝗区突发等特点。作者分析了 5 0年来影响河北省东亚飞蝗发生动态的 5种因素 :气象因素、生态因素、湖库水位因素、河泛流量因素、人为因素等。并对河北省东亚飞蝗未来灾变趋势做了展望。  相似文献   

气象因子对北疆地区蝗虫发生的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨洪升  季荣  熊玲  原惠 《昆虫知识》2007,44(4):517-520
选取位于北疆东、西和西北部的3个典型蝗区,即哈密、伊犁和塔城为研究区域,采用合成分析和距平分析方法,研究温度和降水对3个不同地区蝗虫发生的影响。结果表明:(1)蝗灾发生严重年份与一般年份的月均温度和月降水有显著差异。(2)蝗虫严重发生的年份,产卵期间(上一年7~8月)的平均气温偏高。(3)塔城和哈密地区,冬季气温较高,孵化期(5~6月)气温偏高、降水偏少有利于蝗灾的发生,而伊犁地区蝗虫大发生年份与常年比较,冬季和孵化期(5月)的气温偏低。  相似文献   

一、为什么飞蝗这样厉害 飞蝗为我国农业上的大害虫,并且是一个有历史性的大害虫。早在周平王时代(公元前707年),书籍上就记录现在的山东一带发生蝗灾。这二千多年来,大大小小的蝗灾,有记载可查考的,就在八百次以上。不但如此,其他国家如印度、伊朗,巴基斯坦,菲律宾,埃及,苏联,美国以及非洲、澳洲许多地方过去或现在都发生过蝗灾。蝗虫有许多种类,在中国沿海,沿湖蝗区及台湾的是东亚飞蝗Locusta migratoria ma-nilensis Meyen。  相似文献   

白洋淀东亚飞蝗持续大发生浅析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
任春光 《昆虫知识》2001,38(2):128-130
进入 90年代以来 ,白洋淀蝗区东亚飞蝗Locustamigratoriamanilensis(Meyen)持续大发生 4次 ,是50年来十分罕见的。究其原因 ,主要受白洋淀水位变化的影响 ,其中 8月水位的高低直接影响翌年夏蝗发生程度 ,其次是生态环境和气候条件等因素的影响。  相似文献   

郭郛 《昆虫学报》1954,(3):277-286
一.引言 1952年在洪泽湖蝗区工作以及1953年在微山湖蝗区工作时均发见飞蝗(Locusta migratoria manilensis)体内有蝇蛆寄生。1952年仅采到少量3龄蝇蛆及成虫标本,注意到一些伤害现象。1953年微山湖区夏蝗末期秋蝗大量发生之时,发见此蝇异常活跃,遂做了一些初步的观察及试验。其中包括蝇的雌雄蛹、幼虫的外部形态,用“接种”方法来测定蝇的生长发育速度以及蝇蛆寄生的成活  相似文献   

偃师市1998年东亚飞蝗大发生的原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王宏平 《昆虫知识》1999,36(4):221-221
东亚飞蝗Locusta migratoria manilensis(Megen)是农作物大害虫之一,1994年秋季,偃师市秋蝗曾大发生,秋粮欠收。以后的几年一直没有发生。1998年秋季,东亚飞蝗在偃师市南部丘岭地区的大口、庞村、李村等乡镇突然暴发,为害面积2000多hm2,其中有100多hm2玉米被吃成光杆,最大虫口密度每平方米有虫224头,单株玉米有虫20~30头。虫情发生后,经过迅速扑火,其本控制了为害。对于东亚飞蝗在非蝗区突然大发生的情况,比较少见,应引起高度重视。下面就大发生的原因进行分…  相似文献   

The desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria) undergoes crowding-induced phase transformation from solitary to gregarious, which involves changes in behaviour, colour, development, morphometry, fecundity and endocrine physiology. During recession, solitary locusts persist in the central, drier part of the species' range in small pocket populations that are prone to extinction. During the intermittent upsurges and the subsequent plagues, gregarious swarms attain huge population size and invade a vast area causing major damage to agriculture. A highly variable nuclear DNA marker, a noncoding 3' end fragment of an antennapedia-class homeobox gene, was screened in locust samples from Eritrea. Despite the homogenizing potential of plague swarms, the last of which was in 1986-89 and originated in this region, the population genetic structure of solitary phase locusts along the Red Sea coast of Eritrea revealed significant divergence. The pattern of divergence indicated that the invasion of the western and northern plains in the summer of 1995 may not, as reported then, have originated in eastern Chad or western Sudan. A number of interrelated hypotheses have been presented to explain the observed genetic heterogeneity between the sampled populations. We conclude, with caution due to the limited sample sizes, that: (i) geographical isolation between breeding sites during plagues and recession; (ii) the marked differences in the flight behaviour of plague swarms and recession populations; (iii) possible failure of gregarious locusts to solitarize and re-establish in recession areas; and (iv) the effect of repeated extinction and recolonization in the meta-population contribute to the maintenance of the genetic structure of recession populations. Potentially productive future research has been identified.  相似文献   

The environmental conditions that allow the growth of Barley Mitchell grass, Astrebla pectinata, and the development of the Australian plague locust, Chortoicetes terminifera, are similar. A single fall of more than 20 mm rain and a mean monthly maximum temperature above 23°C ensures sustained growth of Barley Mitchell grass and hatching of eggs of the Australian plague locust. Curly Mitchell grass, Astrebla lappacea, is found in heavier clay soils and requires about 40 mm to respond. Both Mitchell grasses normally remain green for about 2 months after rain which is slightly longer than the duration of locust development to the adult stage. As a result, locusts in Mitchell grass areas can complete their development to migration and laying on a single substantial fall of rain: an adaptation of critical importance in the arid zone where follow-up rain is unlikely. Under similar circumstances, ephemerals like Button grass, Dactyloctenium radulans, are dry in approximately 6 weeks. The locusts are usually at the late nymphal stage by this time and even though Mitchell grass is still quite green, nymphal growth is retarded, resulting in adults which are smaller than normal. These adults are able to accumulate the fat needed for migration by feeding on the dry green Mitchell grasses. In the absence of dry green or green Mitchell grass, the locusts persist locally and die without laying unless there is further rain.  相似文献   

Abstract The Tibetan migratory locust (Locusta migratoria tibetensis Chen) is the highest altitude distributed subspecies among the 10 subspecies of migratory locusts. It was discovered and described as new subspecies in 1963. It is mostly distributed above an elevation of 3 000 m, with the highest up to 4 600 m, on the “Roof of the World,” viz. the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau in southwestern China. Recent study on the historic literature revealed ancient records of locust plagues caused by Locusta migratoria tibetensis Chen in many regions of Xizang (Tibet). These disasters took place during 124 years stretching from 1828 to 1952. Forty-five places were infested by locust swarms, and from 1846 to 1857 locust disasters occurred sucessively in 12 years, and affected 18 places of Xizang. At the severe disaster regions crops were damaged by locusts in such a degree that there was no harvest at all. At the same time, locust plagues due to another subspecies also occurred in the plains between the Yellow River and Huaihe and Haihe Rivers in East China. The disasters in Xizang were caused by the Tibetan migratory locust, while in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain disasters were due to the Oriental migratory locust Locusta migratoria manilensis (Meyen). This study not only provides the evidence that the Tibetan migratory locust has been existing as a separate subspecies with a long history, but also reveals the relevant years of locust plagues, their regional distribution and intermittent rules of locust plagues. It also offers a scientific basis for forecasting Tibetan migratory locust disasters and related monitoring strategies; as well as understanding the close relationship between the outbreak of the migratory locust and drought.  相似文献   

The development and decline of all the past major plagues of Chortoicetes terminifera in Australia has been analysed using all available locust data and a simulation model to estimate the course of events for periods when few locusts were reported. The model is based on the developmental biology of the locust and includes methods of estimating the duration of egg, nymphal and adult development and uses a pasture growth index and potential night displacement index to assess likely survival and migration. The analysis shows that five of the six plagues originated in the arid interior, where good spring and summer rain allowed two or three consecutive generations of successful breeding, before emigration to the agricultural country occurred in the late summer or early autumn. This is contrary to the idea held previously that most plagues developed from local breeding in established outbreak areas in the agricultural belt. The applications of these results, to improve population monitoring and control strategy by suggesting the best timing for surveys and when control would have most effect, are discussed.  相似文献   

新疆草原面积广阔,农牧业地位突出,蝗灾对当地经济、生态威胁很大,近年新疆极端天气日渐频发,蝗灾监测与防治任务艰巨。以意大利蝗、西伯利亚蝗和亚洲飞蝗为代表的蝗虫数据为基础,综合考虑对蝗虫各生命周期有重要影响的环境因素,运用BIOCLIM模型、领域模型(DOMAIN)、马氏距离模型(MAHAL)、广义线性模型(GLM)、随机森林模型(RF)、提升回归树模型(BRT)、支持向量机模型(SVM)、最大熵模型(MaxEnt)等八种经典物种分布模型及集成模型对新疆典型蝗虫适生区展开了预测。结果表明:(1)不同模型对新疆典型蝗虫适生区预测存在差异,其中DOMAIN最差(曲线下面积(AUC)=0.688,真实技巧统计(TSS)=0.301),而提升回归树(BRT)最佳(AUC=0.920,TSS=0.910),基于BRT、SVM和MaxEnt 3个集成模型预测的新疆蝗虫适生区可靠性更高;(2)新疆典型蝗虫不同等级适生区面积约56.844万km2,占新疆总面积的36%,其中高适生区面积16.568万km2;(3)新疆典型蝗虫适生区主要集中于北疆阿勒泰、塔城地区...  相似文献   

国际蝗虫灾害的防治策略和技术:现状与展望   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
简要地综述了国际上对蝗虫灾害管理策略与控制技术的发展现状,包括:监测与预警技术、化学防治、生物防治、综合管理对策以及目前的研究热点方向。比较分析了国际、国内蝗虫发生及其治理中存在问题的异同。国际上控制蝗虫灾害的理论、技术、措施、对策,对中国有重要的借鉴作用。一般来说, 控制蝗虫灾害的IPM计划中应该包括:在策略上,强调提前预防压制优于后期灭杀处理;在规律认识上,重视基础生物学和生态学的研究,并将之模型化和标准化;在测报方法上,积极发展和改善监测预警技术水平,将地理信息系统(GIS)和遥感(RS)技术集成引入到防治决策的整体系统中,使信息能够快速、准确地传递;在防治手段上,注意新型防治药剂和施药技术的研究开发和集成,增加用药效果;在天敌利用和环境保护方面,充分认识和评估自然天敌的控制作用,正确地估计防治效益和挽回的损失,重视对环境价值的评价;同时加强多个地区间的联合与协调。  相似文献   

The present study showed that the eggs of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, and the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria, responded to photoperiod by hatching when placed on sand in the laboratory. S. gregaria mainly hatched during the dark phase and L. migratoria during the light phase. The importance of light as a hatching cue depended on the magnitude of the temperature change during the thermoperiod; photoperiod played a more important role in the control of hatching time in both species when the magnitude of the temperature change was small. In addition, the eggs of the two species that were covered with sand did not respond to photoperiod and hatched during both the light and dark phases, indicating that light did not penetrate through the sand. Because locust eggs are normally laid as egg pods and a foam plug is deposited between the egg mass and the ground surface, we tested a possibility that naturally deposited eggs perceived light through the foam plug. The eggs that were deposited and left undisturbed in the sand hatched during the light and dark phases at similar frequencies. These results suggest that the eggs of both locust species responded to light and controlled their hatching timing accordingly but would not use light as a hatching cue in the field. The evolutionary significance of the ability of eggs to respond to light in these locusts was discussed.  相似文献   

蝗虫多型现象的神经内分泌调控   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
蝗虫有两种型,即散居型和群居型。蝗灾通常由群居型蝗虫所引发。多年来人们试图找到控制蝗虫由散居型向群居型转变的关键因子,以期控制蝗虫危害。该文主要从神经内分泌的角度概述了蝗虫多型性的生理机制,重点介绍了保幼激素、蜕皮激素和脑神经肽[His7]-corazonin在蝗虫多型性中的主要作用和机制。  相似文献   

河北省南大港农场2002年夏蝗发生特点及原因浅析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
进入 90年代以来 ,南大港蝗区东亚飞蝗Locustamigratoriamanilensis(Meyen)大发生 6次 ,2 0 0 1年夏秋蝗发生面积达 2 6万hm2 ,5龄蝗蝻最高密度为 1 0 0 0 0头 m2 。 2 0 0 2年形势更为严峻 ,仅夏蝗发生面积超过 2万hm2 ;分别造成 1 3 0 0hm2 和 2 70 0hm2 的芦苇被吃成光杆和被啃食的严重破叶。出土时间早、孵化时间长、龄期悬殊大是今年夏蝗发生的主要特点。主要原因是去年越冬卵块基数大 ,其次是受气候条件和农业环境的影响  相似文献   

Preventing desert locust plagues: optimizing management interventions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Solitarious desert locusts, Schistocerca gregaria (Forskål) (Orthoptera: Acrididae), inhabit the central, arid, and semi‐arid parts of the species’ invasion area in Africa, the Middle East, and South‐West Asia. Their annual migration circuit takes them downwind to breed sequentially where winter, spring, and summer rains fall. In many years, sparse and erratic seasonal rains support phase change and local outbreaks at only a few sites. Less frequently, seasonal rains are widespread, frequent, heavy, and long lasting, and many contemporaneous outbreaks occur. When such seasonal rains fall sequentially, populations develop into an upsurge and eventually into a plague unless checked by drought, migration to hostile habitats, or effective control. Increases in the proportion of gregarious populations as the plague develops alter the effectiveness of control. As an upsurge starts, only a minority of locusts is aggregated into treatable targets and spraying them leaves sufficient unsprayed individuals to continue the upsurge. Spraying all individuals scattered within an entire infested zone is arguably both financially and environmentally unacceptable. More of the population gregarizes and forms sprayable targets after each successive season of good rains and successful breeding. Eventually, unless the rains fail, the entire upsurge population becomes aggregated at high densities so that the infested area diminishes and a plague begins. These populations must continue to increase numerically and spread geographically to achieve peak plague levels, a stage last reached in the 1950s. Effective control, aided by poor rains, accompanied each subsequent late upsurge and early plague stage and all declined rapidly. The control strategy aims to reduce populations to prevent plagues and damage to crops and grazing. Differing opinions on the optimum stage to interrupt pre‐plague breeding sequences are reviewed.  相似文献   

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