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During the orchestrated process leading to mature erythrocytes, reticulocytes must synthesize large amounts of hemoglobin, while eliminating numerous cellular components. Exosomes are small secreted vesicles that play an important role in this process of specific elimination. To understand the mechanisms of proteolipidic sorting leading to their biogenesis, we have explored changes in the composition of exosomes released by reticulocytes during their differentiation, in parallel to their physical properties. By combining proteomic and lipidomic approaches, we found dramatic alterations in the composition of the exosomes retrieved over the course of a 7-day in vitro differentiation protocol. Our data support a previously proposed model, whereby in reticulocytes the biogenesis of exosomes involves several distinct mechanisms for the preferential recruitment of particular proteins and lipids and suggest that the respective prominence of those pathways changes over the course of the differentiation process.  相似文献   

Vesicles are released during the in vitro culture of sheep reticulocytes which can be harvested by centrifugation at 100,000 X g for 90 min. These vesicles contain a number of activities, characteristic of the reticulocyte plasma membrane, which are known to diminish or disappear upon reticulocyte maturation. The activities include acetylcholinesterase, cytochalasin B binding (glucose transporter) nucleoside binding (i.e. nucleoside transporter), Na+-independent amino acid transport, and the transferrin receptor. Enzymes of cytosolic origin are not detectable or are present at low activity in the vesicles. Cultures of whole blood, mature red cells, or white cells do not yield comparable levels of these activities, supporting the conclusion that the activities arise from the reticulocytes. In addition, the lipid composition of the vesicles shows the high sphingomyelin content characteristic of sheep red cell plasma membranes, but not white cell or platelet membranes, also consistent with the conclusion that the vesicles are of reticulocyte origin. It is suggested that vesicle externalization may be a mechanism for shedding of specific membrane functions which are known to diminish during maturation of reticulocytes to erythrocytes.  相似文献   

Characteristics of membrane transport losses during reticulocyte maturation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The decline in activity of distinct membrane transport systems was followed during in vitro maturation of sheep reticulocytes, namely the sodium pump (measured as specific ouabain binding sites), Na+-glycine cotransport, and the nucleoside transporter (measured as specific nitrobenzylthioinosine binding sites). Certain features of this maturation-associated decline in membrane transport are clarified. Thus, the apparent retardation of loss by metabolic (ATP) depletion, reported previously for the sodium pump and Na+-glycine cotransport, is applicable also to the decline in nucleoside transport. The absolute losses, as well as relative effects of ATP depletion, are different for the three distinct systems. Inhibitors of membrane recycling and (or) intracellular processing, such as chloroquine, as well as ATP depletion, prevent not only the loss but also cause a transient increase in nucleoside transport sites apparent at the surface. Proteolytic processing, at least in the case of the nucleoside transporter, is probably also involved since leupeptin retards the loss in binding sites. Protection against the decline in transporters can also be affected by specific ligands as evidenced in ouabain protection of sodium pump sites. The results provide evidence that membrane transporter recycling is a fundamental process underlying the energy-dependent, maturation-associated loss in membrane transport functions.  相似文献   

C King  E Eisenberg  L E Greene 《Biochemistry》1999,38(38):12452-12459
We previously found that, in the presence of ATP, DnaJ homologues catalytically induce formation of a metastable Hsc70 polymer and, similarly, the DnaJ homologue auxilin catalytically induces formation of a metastable Hsc70-clathrin basket complex. Since this suggests that the induction of metastable complexes, which form in ATP but dissociate in ADP, may be a general property of DnaJ homologues, in the present study we investigated in more detail the ability of DnaJ homologues to induce polymerization of Hsc70. This study shows that DnaJ homologues induce polymerization of Hsc70 at the same rate as they induce an initial burst of Hsc70 ATPase activity, showing that polymerization is a specific effect of DnaJ homologue binding to Hsc70. However, polymerization does not always accompany the initial burst of ATPase activity. The dependence of the rates of ATPase activity and polymerization on DnaJ homologue concentration shows that DnaJ homologues bind very weakly to Hsc70 in the presence of ATP and do not bind at all in ADP. Surprisingly, however, under certain conditions the rate of polymerization appears to be independent of Hsc70 concentration, suggesting that polymerization is a first-order reaction, perhaps occurring when two Hsc70 molecules bind to a single DnaJ molecule and then shift their binding to each other. We propose that both the polymerization of Hsc70 by DnaJ homologues and the presentation of substrate by DnaJ homologues to Hsc70 involve the bringing of substrate into proximity with Hsc70 and then independently inducing rapid ATP hydrolysis to cause formation of a metastable Hsc70-substrate complex.  相似文献   

Reticulocytes release small membrane vesicles termed exosomes during their maturation in erythrocytes. The transferrin receptor (TfR) is completely lost from the red cell surface by its segregation in the secreted vesicles where it interacts with the heat shock cognate 70 kDa protein (hsc70). We have now determined a region of the TfR that can potentially interact with hsc70. The peptide P1 (YTRFSLARQV) from the TfR cytosolic domain: (i) binds to hsc70 (ii) with an increased affinity in oxidative conditions, (iii) competes for binding of an unfolded protein to hsc70, and (iv) inhibits the interaction of hsc70 with a recombinant protein corresponding to the cytosolic domain of the receptor. This peptide encompasses the internalization motif (YTRF) of the receptor, and accordingly an affinity column made with the immobilized peptide retains hsc70 and also the AP2 adaptor complex. On the other hand, we show that AP2 is degraded by the proteasome system during reticulocyte maturation and that the presence of the proteasome inhibitor during in vitro red cell maturation inhibits AP2 degradation and specifically decreases TfR secretion via exosomes. Finally, coimmunoprecipitation of Alix with the exosomal TfR, and binding of P1 peptide to the Alix homolog PalA suggest that Alix also interacts with the YTRF motif and contributes to exosomal TfR sorting.  相似文献   

The aggregation of α-synuclein (α-Syn), the primary component of Lewy bodies, into high molecular weight assemblies is strongly associated with Parkinson disease. This event is believed to result from a conformational change within native α-Syn. Molecular chaperones exert critical housekeeping functions in vivo including refolding, maintaining in a soluble state, and/or pacifying protein aggregates. The influence of the stress-induced heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) on α-Syn aggregation has been notably investigated. The constitutively expressed chaperone Hsc70 acts as an antiaggregation barrier before cells are overwhelmed with α-Syn aggregates and Hsp70 expression induced. Here, we investigate the interaction between Hsc70 and α-Syn, the consequences of this interaction, and the role of nucleotides and co-chaperones Hdj1 and Hdj2 as modulators. We show that Hsc70 sequesters soluble α-Syn in an assembly incompetent complex in the absence of ATP. The affinity of Hsc70 for soluble α-Syn diminishes upon addition of ATP alone or together with its co-chaperones Hdj1 or Hdj2 allowing faster binding and release of client proteins thus abolishing α-Syn assembly inhibition by Hsc70. We show that Hsc70 binds α-Syn fibrils with a 5-fold tighter affinity compared with soluble α-Syn. This suggests that Hsc70 preferentially interacts with high molecular weight α-Syn assemblies in vivo. Hsc70 binding certainly has an impact on the physicochemical properties of α-Syn assemblies. We show a reduced cellular toxicity of α-Syn fibrils coated with Hsc70 compared with "naked" fibrils. Hsc70 may therefore significantly affect the cellular propagation of α-Syn aggregates and their spread throughout the central nervous system in Parkinson disease.  相似文献   

Exosomes are vesicles formed in the endosomal compartment and released in the extracellular medium during reticulocyte maturation into erythrocytes. They have a clearing function because of their enrichment with some proteins known to decrease or disappear from the cell surface during maturation, e.g. acetylcholinesterase and transferrin receptor. We show here that integrin alpha4beta1, present on the surface of erythroid precursors but absent from the mature red cell membrane, is at least partly cleared from the reticulocyte plasma membrane by the exosomal pathway. Using flow cytometry, we found that the alpha4 subunit disappears from the reticulocyte surface during in vitro maturation. Two different monoclonal antibodies (B-5G10 and HP 2/1) were used to demonstrate the presence of the alpha4 chain on the exosome surface. Moreover, membrane acetylcholinesterase and lumenal peroxidase-like (i.e. hemoglobin) enzymatic activities were assayed to demonstrate exosome binding to plates coated with increasing fibronectin (FN) concentrations. This interaction was dependent on divalent cations (MnCl2 > MgCl2 > CaCl2). Similarly, vesicles bound to plates coated with the chymotryptic 40 K fragment (FN-40) containing the heparin-binding region of FN. This binding was inhibited by exosome preincubation with fibronectin CS1 peptide and with a monoclonal antibody (HP 2/1) against the integrin alpha4-chain, confirming an alpha4beta1-induced interaction. The importance of the exosome clearance function is highlighted here, since the presence of VLA-4 on reticulocytes often leads to blood circulation complications in some diseases. Moreover, the presence of alpha4beta1 on the exosome surface, by allowing binding to endothelial cells through vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1), might confer another physiological function to the secreted vesicles.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins play a major role in the process of protein folding, and they have been termed molecular chaperones. Two members of the Hsp70 family, Hsc70 and Hsp70, have a high degree of sequence homology. But they differ in their expression pattern. Hsc70 is constitutively expressed, whereas Hsp70 is stress inducible. These 2 proteins are localized in the cytosol and the nucleus. In addition, they have also been observed in close proximity to cellular membranes. We have recently reported that Hsc70 is capable of interacting with a lipid bilayer forming ion-conductance channels. In the present study, we found that both Hsc70 and Hsp70 interact with lipids and can be differentiated by their characteristic induction of liposome aggregation. These proteins promote the aggregation of phosphatidylserine liposomes in a time- and protein concentration-dependent manner. Although both proteins are active in this process, the level and kinetics of aggregation are different between them. Calcium ions enhance Hsc70 and Hsp70 liposome aggregation, but the effect is more dramatic for Hsc70 than for Hsp70. Addition of adenosine triphosphate blocks liposome aggregation induced by both proteins. Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) also blocks Hsp70-mediated liposome aggregation. Micromolar concentrations of ADP enhance Hsc70-induced liposome aggregation, whereas at millimolar concentrations the nucleotide has an inhibitory effect. These results confirm those of previous studies indicating that the Hsp70 family can interact with lipids directly. It is possible that the interaction of Hsp70s with lipids may play a role in the folding of membrane proteins and the translocation of polypeptides across membranes.  相似文献   

The ATPase cycle of the chaperone Hsc70 is regulated by co-chaperones; Hsp40/DnaJ-related proteins stimulate ATP hydrolysis by Hsc70 and can bind unfolded polypeptides themselves. Conversely, various nucleotide exchange factors (NEFs) stimulate ADP-ATP exchange by Hsc70. We analyzed the purified Hsp40-related co-chaperones DJA1 (Hdj2) and DJA2 (Hdj3) and found that they had a distinct pattern of binding to a range of polypeptides. DJA2 alone could stimulate Hsc70-mediated refolding of luciferase in the absence of NEF, whereas DJA1 was much less active. The addition of the Bag1 NEF increased refolding by Hsc70 and DJA2, as did the newly characterized NEF Hsp110, but each NEF had a different optimal concentration ratio to Hsc70. Notably, the NEF HspBP1 could not increase refolding by Hsc70 and DJA2 at any concentration, and none of the NEFs improved the refolding activity with DJA1. Instead, DJA1 was inhibitory of refolding with DJA2 and Hsc70. All combinations of DJA1 or DJA2 with the three NEFs stimulated the Hsc70 ATPase rate, although Hsp110 became less effective with increasing concentrations. A chimeric DJA2 having its Hsc70-stimulatory J domain replaced with that of DJA1 was functional for polypeptide binding and ATPase stimulation of Hsc70. However, it could not support efficient Hsc70-mediated refolding and also inhibited refolding with DJA2 and Hsc70. These results suggest a more complex model of Hsc70 mechanism than has been previously thought, with notable functional divergence between Hsc70 co-chaperones.  相似文献   

The expression of transferrin receptors by blood monocytes, human alveolar macrophages, and in vitro matured macrophages was evaluated by immunofluorescence, radioligand binding, and Northern analysis, using the monoclonal anti-human transferrin receptor antibody OKT9, [125I]-labeled human transferrin and a [32P]-labeled human transferrin receptor cDNA probe, respectively. By immunofluorescence, the majority of alveolar macrophages expressed transferrin receptors (86 +/- 3%). The radioligand binding assay demonstrated the affinity constant (Ka) of the alveolar macrophage transferrin receptor was 4.4 +/- 0.7 X 10(8) M-1, and the number of receptors per cell was 4.4 +/- 1.2 X 10(4). In marked contrast, transferrin receptors were not present on the surface or in the cytoplasm of blood monocytes, the precursors of the alveolar macrophages. However, when monocytes were cultured in vitro and allowed to mature, greater than 80% expressed transferrin receptors by day 6, and the receptors could be detected by day 3. Consistent with these observations, a transferrin receptor mRNA with a molecular size of 4.9 kb was demonstrated in alveolar macrophages and in vitro matured macrophages but not in blood monocytes. Thus, although blood monocytes do not express the transferrin receptor gene, it is expressed by mature macrophages, an event that probably occurs relatively early in the process of monocyte differentiation to macrophages.  相似文献   

The transfer of iron from transferrin to the developing erythrocyte is a research area of high interest and considerable controversy. We have found that the results of transferrin-reticulocyte incubation studies are quite sensitive to the experiemental procedures that are utilized. Reticulocytosis has been induced in rabbits by phelbotomy and phenylhydrazine inhections. While the latter gives a higher reticulocyte count, the cells appear to exhibit an altered transferrin-membrane interaction. Transferrin has been iodinated by published methods utilizing chloramine-T and molecular iodine. The iodotransferrin products exhibit the same iron donation ability, however, evidence was found that the chloramine-T treatment leads to a nonspecific binding of transferrin to the reticulocyte. The means of saturating transferrin with 59Fe is also of prime importance. Fe(NH4)2 (SO4)2 and especially FeCl3 were found to yield non-specifically bound iron when added to transferrin or serum. This artifact was reflected in an altered transferrin-reticulocyte interaction. Using what we believe to be optimal conditions, the effect of serum on the transferrin-reticulocyte system was re-examined. The results clearly indicated an enhancement of iron uptake by reticulocytes in the presence of serum, as well as an accelerated incorporation of iron by the cytoplasmic fraction.  相似文献   

The kinetics and thermodynamics of Al(III) exchange between aluminum citrate (AlL) and human serum transferrin were investigated in the 7.2-8.9 pH range. The C-site of human serum apotransferrin in interaction with bicarbonate removes Al(III) from Al citrate with an exchange equilibrium constant K1 = (2.0 +/- 0.6) x 10(-2); a direct second-order rate constant k1 = 45 +/- 3 M(-1) x s(-1); and a reverse second-order rate constant k(-1) = (2.3 +/- 0.5) x 10(3) M(-1) x s(-1). The newly formed aluminum-protein complex loses a single proton with proton dissociation constant K1a = (15 +/- 3) nM to yield a first kinetic intermediate. This intermediate then undergoes a modification in its conformation followed by two proton losses; first-order rate constant k2 = (4.20 +/- 0.02) x 10(-2) s(-1) to produce a second kinetic intermediate, which in turn undergoes a last slow modification in the conformation to yield the aluminum-loaded transferrin in its final state. This last process rate-controls Al(III) uptake by the N-site of the protein and is independent of the experimental parameters with a constant reciprocal relaxation time tau3(-1) = (6 +/- 1) x 10(-5) x s(-1). The affinities involved in aluminum uptake by serum transferrins are about 10 orders of magnitude lower than those involved in the uptake of iron. The interactions of iron-loaded transferrins with transferrin receptor 1 occur with average dissociation constants of 3 +/- 1 and 5 +/- 1 nM for the only C-site iron-loaded and of 6.0 +/- 0.6 and 7 +/- 0.5 nM for the iron-saturated ST in the absence or presence of CHAPS, respectively. No interaction is detected between receptor 1 and aluminum-saturated or mixed C-site iron-loaded/N-site aluminum-loaded transferrin under the same conditions. The fact that aluminum can be solubilized by serum transferrin in biological fluids does not necessarily imply that its transfer from the blood stream to cytoplasm follows the receptor-mediated pathway of iron transport by transferrins.  相似文献   

This study correlates the decreasing aerobic metabolism with the increased deterioration of mitochondria in maturing reticulocytes. The respiration of reticulocytes, separated into four age groups according to their density, was determined manometrically. Their Krebs tricarboxylic acid cycle activity was determined using [2-14C] acetate as a substrate for [14C]CO2 formation. The ability of reticulocytes of various age groups to couple the phosphorylation to oxidation processes was estimated by studying the effect of 2,4-dinitrophenol as an uncoupler.  相似文献   

The kinetics and thermodynamics of Bi(III) exchange between bismuth mononitrilotriacetate (BiL) and human serum transferrin as well as those of the interaction between bismuth-loaded transferrin and transferrin receptor 1 (TFR) were investigated at pH 7.4-8.9. Bismuth is rapidly exchanged between BiL and the C-site of human serum apotransferrin in interaction with bicarbonate to yield an intermediate complex with an effective equilibrium constant K(1) of 6 +/- 4, a direct second-order rate constant k(1) of (2.45 +/- 0.20) x 10(5) M(-1) s(-1), and a reverse second-order rate constant k(-1) of (1.5 +/- 0.5) x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1). The intermediate complex loses a single proton with a proton dissociation constant K(1a) of 2.4 +/- 1 nM to yield a first kinetic product. This product then undergoes a modification in its conformation followed by two proton losses with a first-order rate constant k(2) = 25 +/- 1.5 s(-1) to produce a second kinetic intermediate, which in turn undergoes a last modification in the conformation to yield the bismuth-saturated transferrin in its final state. This last process rate-controls Bi(III) uptake by the N-site of the protein and is independent of the experimental parameters with a constant reciprocal relaxation time tau(3)(-1) of (3 +/- 1) x 10(-2) s(-1). The mechanism of bismuth uptake differs from that of iron and probably does not involve the same transition in conformation from open to closed upon iron uptake. The interaction of bismuth-loaded transferrin with TFR occurs in a single very fast kinetic step with a dissociation constant K(d) of 4 +/- 0.4 microM, a second-order rate constant k(d) of (2.2 +/- 1.5) x 10(8) M(-1) s(-1), and a first-order rate constant k(-d) of 900 +/- 400 s(-1). This mechanism is different from that observed with the ferric holotransferrin and implies that the interaction between TFR and bismuth-loaded transferrin probably takes place on the helical domain of the receptor which is specific for the C-site of transferrin and HFE. The relevance of bismuth incorporation by the transferrin receptor-mediated iron acquisition pathway is discussed.  相似文献   

Specific and tight binding of Fe(III) by transferrin does not occur unless a suitable anion is concomitantly bound. Bicarbonate, which normally occupies the anion binding site of the protein, may be replaced by an oxalate ion. The resulting ternary complex of Fe(III), transferrin and oxalate is less than 35% as effective as the bicarbonate complex in serving as an iron donor for heme synthesis by the reticulocyte. However, the binding of transferrin to the reticulocyte is not altered by the substitution of oxalate for bicarbonate. When both the oxalate and bicarbonate forms are incubated with reticulocytes, the uptake of iron from the bicarbonate complex is substantially depressed. The free oxalate ion, at the same concentration as the ternary Fe-transferrin-oxalate complex, does not alter the uptake of iron by reticulocytes from the native form of transferrin. The ternary Fe-transferrin-malonate complex is also less efficient than the bicarbonate complex as an iron donor to the reticulocyte, but the effect is less striking than that observed with the oxalate complex. The hypothesis is advanced that the mechanism of iron uptake from transferrin during the transferrin-reticulocyte interaction first entails an attack upon the anion bound to the protein, following which iron release to the heme-synthesizing apparatus of the cell takes place.  相似文献   

The fate of the transferrin receptor during in vitro maturation of sheep reticulocytes has been followed using FITC- and 125l-labeled anti-transferrin-receptor antibodies. Vesicles containing peptides that comigrate with the transferrin receptor on polyacrylamide gels are released during incubation of sheep reticulocytes, tagged with anti-transferrin-receptor anti-bodies. Vesicle formation does not require the presence of the anti-transferrin-receptor antibodies. Using 125l-surface-labeled reticulocytes, it can be shown that the 125l-labeled material which is released is retained by an immunoaffinity column of the anti-transferrin-receptor antibody. Using reticulocytes tagged with 125l-labeled anti-transferrin-receptor antibodies to follow the formation of vesicles, it can be shown that at 0°C or in phosphate-buffered saline the rate of vesicle release is less than that at 37°C in culture medium. There is selective externalization of the antibody-receptor complex since few other membrane proteins are found in the externalized vesicles. The anti-transferrin-receptor antibodies cause redistribution of the receptor into patches that do not appear to be required for vesicle formation.  相似文献   

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