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Résumé Pour rechercher le poireau, Acrolepiopsis assectella doit utiliser des stimulus olfactifs issus du végétal-hôte et notamment les substances soufrées spécifiques. Le pouvoir attractif de l'«odeur» du poireau et celui de différents thiosulfinates et disulfures trouvés dans cette plante sont donc étudiés et comparés par olfactométrie. Le comportement de mâles et de femelles vierges et fécondées est observé, en fonction de l'âge des imagos, pendant la scotophase. Alors qu'un courant d'air sans «odeur» significative déclenche essentiellement l'orientation et l'immobilisation des insectes face au flux, la plus part des mâles et des femelles quel que soit leur état sexuel sont attirés par le courant d'air lorsque celui-ci transporte l'«odeur» du poireau ou les substances volatiles étudiées. La sensibilité à l'«odeur» de la plante-hôte semble se modifier avec l'âge des insectes, les mâles âgés et les jeunes femelles étant les plus attirés. Cependant, ces dernières conservent une forte sensibilité une fois fécondées. Aux âges où l'«odeur» du poireau est la plus efficace, les thiosulfinates déclenchent chez les mâles et les femelles vierges une attraction plus importante que les disulfures, le radical propyle étant plus actif que le méthyle. Le thiosulfinate de dipropyle, labile, très abondant dans le poireau, semble donc avoir un rôle informationnel prépondérant.
Summary To find the leek, Acrolepiopsis assectella uses olfactory stimulants from the hostplant, and specially the specific sulphur compounds. The attractiveness of the leek smell and of different thiosulfinates and disulfides found in this plant were studied and compared in an olfactometer. The behaviour of , and virgin or mated was observed during the scotophase according to to the age of the adults. In a clean air current the insects orient and remain stationary. The majority of and virgin or mated move upwind when the air current bears the leek smell or the voltile sulphur compounds. The sensitivity to the hostplant smell seems to change with the age of the insect, old and young being most attracted. Once mated, the retain a high sensitivity. When the responsiveness to the leek smell is highest (at 1 day and 5 days) the thiosulfinates have a greater effect than the disulfides in both and virgin . The propyl moiety is more active than the methyl one. The labile dipropyl thiosulfinate (propyl propanethiosulfinate), very profuse in the leek, seems to have the major role.

We investigated the pollination system and movement patterns of pollinators among flowers of the nectarless, monoecious vine Akebia quinata in natural populations and experimental floral arrays. Female flowers did not offer any rewards for pollinators and were larger than male flowers. Pollinators of A.quinata , such as small solitary bees and hoverflies, clearly discriminated between male and female flowers. Hoverflies always visited male flowers and rarely visited female flowers. In contrast, solitary bees tended to visit female flowers first when entering the array, but then switched to male flowers within the same foraging bout. This tendency disappeared when the sepal size of female flowers was experimentally reduced to the size of male flowers. Thus, observed non-randomness in flower choice by solitary bees may be caused by female>male sexual dimorphism and may increase the chance of cross-pollination and lower the probability of geitonogamous pollination in a single visit to a plant. Therefore, floral sexual dimorphism in A.quinata is considered to be an adaptation for deceptive pollination associated with discriminating pollinators.  相似文献   

Most of the alloplasmic cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) systems are known to be associated with a number of floral abnormalities that result from nuclear-cytoplasmic incompatibilities. One such system, tour, which is derived from Brassica tournefortii, induces additional floral abnormalities and causes chlorosis in Brassica spp. While the restorer for this CMS has been reported to be present in B. napus, in B. juncea, where the abnormalities are more pronounced, no restorer has yet been identified. Rectification of these floral abnormalities through mitochondrial recombinations and chloroplast replacement might result in the improvement of this CMS system. As organelle recombinations can possibly be achieved only by somatic cell hybridization, fusion experiments were carried out between hygromycin-resistant B. juncea AABB carrying tour cytoplasm and phosphinotricin-resistant, normal B. oleracea CC to generate AABBCC hexaploid somatic hybrids. The presence of selectable marker genes facilitated the selection of hybrids in large numbers. The resulting hybrids showed wide variation in floral morphology and organelle composition. Regenerants with normal, male-sterile flowers having recombinant tour-or oleracea-type mitochondria and oleracea-type chloroplasts were obtained. Hybrids with male-fertile flowers were also obtained that had recombined tour mitochondria. The AABBCC hexaploid hybrids synthesized in the present study were successfully utilized as a bridging material for transferring variability in the organelle genome simultaneously to all the digenomic Brassica species, and all of these hybrids are now being stabilized through repeated backcrosses to the allopolyploid crop brassicas.  相似文献   

Russell L. Malmberg 《Planta》1979,146(2):243-244
Sixteen genetic lines of peas were screened for their ability to regenerate whole plants from callus cultures. Epicotyl sections from germinating seeds were placed on callus-inducing medium; the resulting callus was subcultured monthly and was tested every other month for its regeneration ability. Six lines were found that would regenerate after 2 months' growth as callus. Four of these continued to regenerate after 4 months and, of these, two after 6 months. The cultivars Frosty and Alaska were among the lines that would not regenerate at all.Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Article No. 8932  相似文献   

Formation of leaf-like organs known as phylloids in Rosahybrida cv. Motrea flowers was promoted by exposure of plants toelevated temperatures. At a day/night temperature regime of26°C/21°C respectively theproportion of malformed flowers exhibiting phyllody was four times higher thanthat in flowers of plants grown at21°C/15°C. The number ofpetals in phyllody-expressing flowers was higher than that in normal flowers.The total content of endogenous cytokinins in young flower buds of plantsexposed to the lower temperature was six times higher than that at the highertemperatures. The effects of the reduced temperature were pronounced on all thegroups of cytokinins examined. However, the proportion of the various cytokiningroups remained similar at both temperature regimes. In contrast to thecytokinins in the flower buds, the content of all cytokinin types in youngleaves increased following exposure to the higher temperature and was reducedbythe lower temperatures. After 11 weeks at the lower temperature, about18% of the flowers remained malformed, whereas at the higher temperatureabout 20% of the flowers still remained normal. All thephyllody-exhibiting flowers were formed on vigorously grown basal shootscharacteristic to Rosa hybrida plants, whereas the normalflowers at the elevated temperatures were formed on lateral shoots which weremost distal to the plant base. However, irrespective of the season, thepresenceof normal and malformed flowers was observed on plants kept growing at standardconditions of 30°C/17°C inthegreenhouse. This phenomenon led us to examine the cytokinins in floral organsofnormal and malformed cv. Motrea flowers grown in the greenhouse as well as inflowers of a complete rose mutant known as a 'Green Rose(Rosa chinensis viridiflora). The highest content ofcytokinins was found in the pistils and stamens of normal 'Motreaflowers. On the other hand, the content of cytokinins in leaf-like style-tubesin the malformed flowers as well as in partially malformed ovaries at the baseof phylloids was significantly lower. A low content of cytokinins was alsopresent in petals of both normal and phyllody-exhibiting flowers and the lowestcontent has been found in the phylloids of the 'Green Rose. Apossibility of mutant deviations in metabolism of cytokinins in rose plants isdiscussed.  相似文献   

Mattres  Dieter 《Zoomorphology》1962,51(4):375-546
Ohne ZusammenfassungAlphabetisches Verzeichnis der im Text gebranchten Abkürzungen AK Anbieten der Kopfgrube () - AR-seitig außenrandseitig (auf Elytre bezogen) - EO Elytralorgan (EO-Arten = Arten mit Elytralorganen im männlichen Geschlecht) - f Flucht () - F Flucht () - FA, fa frontale Auseinandersetzung (, ) - FS, fs Fühlertrillern bzw. Frontalspiel (, ) - gk Grubenknabbern () - IR-seitig innenrandseitig (auf Elytre bezogen) - K Kopulation - KG Kopfgrube (KG-Arten = Arten mit Kopfgrube im männlichen Geschlecht) - KI Abdomenkitzeln () - KV Kopulationsversuch () - LP-Feld den weiblichen Labialpalpen korreliertes Drüsenporenfeld - MP-Feld den weiblichen Maxillarpalpen korreliertes Drüsenporenfeld - 180 Drehung des um 180° - ob Organbeißen () - ok Organknabbern () - OZ Organzuwendung () - P Prüfung der Kopulationsbereitschaft durch - RB rückwärtige Berührung durch - SLV Seitwärtslauf nach vorn () - SLH Seitwärtslauf nach hinten () - U Umrundung () - vl Vorwärtslauf () - 180 Drehung des um 180° Habilitationsschrift.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bei 8 Buchfinken (4, 4) wurden Sauerstoffverbrauch und Hüpfaktivitätsowohl unter Bedingungen eines künstlichen Licht-Dunkel-Wechsels (LD 1212 Std; ohne Dämmerung) als auch im Dauerlicht (LL) bei konstanter Umgebungstemperatur (18–20° C) kontinuierlich gemessen. Im 1. Teil des Versuchs wurde die Beleuchtungsstärke während der Dunkelzeit (D) zwischen 0,01 und 1,0 Lux bei gleichbleibender Beleuchtungsstärke während der Lichtzeit (10 Lux) geändert. Im 2. Teil des Versuchs wurden die Vögel im Dauerlicht von 1 und 10 Lux untersucht. Vier Vögel wurden zusätzlich bei 100 Lux gemessen.Das mittlere Niveau des Sauerstoffverbrauchs (pro Std) und die mittlere Aktivitätsmenge (pro Stunde) während einer Periode sind bei der Mehrzahl der untersuchten Vögel linear und positiv miteinander korreliert (Abb. 2 und 3; Tabelle 1).Änderungen des mittleren Aktivitätsumsatzes (Differenz von mittlerem Niveau des Gesamtumsatzes und des Ruheumsatzes) sind ebenfalls positiv mit Änderungen der Aktivitätsmenge korreliert. Diese Aussage beruht auf der Voraussetzung, daß sich die circadiane Periodik des Gesamtstoffwechsels aus mindestens zwei Periodizitäten zusammensetzt: der Periodik des Grundstoffwechsels (vegetative Periodik) und der Periodik von Ruhe und Aktivität (Aktivitätsperiodik).Bei Änderungen des Zeitgebers (Erniedrigung der Zeitgeberamplitude und gleichzeitige Erhöhung der mittleren Beleuchtungsstärke) werden folgende Parameter signifikant verändert: die positive Phasenwinkel-Differenz zwischen Stoffwechselperiodik und Zeitgeber wird vergrößert, die Dauer der Aktivität (Aktivitätsumsatz 3 ) wird verlängert, die Schwingungsbreite der Stoffwechselperiodik wird erniedrigt (Abb. 4; Tabelle 2).Unter Dauerlicht-Bedingungen werden durch eine Erhöhung der Beleuchtungsstärke von 1 auf 10 Lux folgende circadianen Parameter erhöht: die Frequenz, das mittlere Niveau der Stoffwechselperiodik (Gleichwert), der Ruheumsatz, das -Verhältnis (Verhältnis Aktivitätszeit/Ruhezeit) und die Aktivitätsmenge pro Zeiteinheit. Die Schwingungsbreite der Stoffwechselperiodik bleibt unverändert (Abb. 5). Außerdem besteht eine regelhafte Beziehung zwischen dem Formfaktor der Stoffwechselschwingung und der Beleuchtungsstärke, beziehungsweise der Spontanfrequenz. Erhöhung der Beleuchtungsstärke von 10 auf 100 Lux hat unterschiedliche Wirkungen auf die circadianen Parameter der 4 gemessenen Vögel.Die unter Dauerlicht-Bedingungen gewonnenen Ergebnisse folgen der modifizierten circadianen Regel, die eine positive Korrelation zwischen Frequenz und Gleichwert der autonomen circadianen Schwingung fordert (Abb. 7).Die unter Zeitgeber-Bedingungen (Licht-Dunkel-Wechsel) gewonnenen Ergebnisse werden auf der Grundlage einer vorwiegenden Beeinflussung des circadianen Schwingers durch die Amplitude der Zeitgeber-Periodik (Zeitgeberstärke) gedeutet. Änderungen der Beleuchtungsstärke während der Dunkelzeit (im Bereich der gebotenen Lichtintensitäten) haben keinen regelhaften Einfluß auf die Stoffwechselparameter der Periodik.
On the effect of light upon the crcadian rhythms of metabolism and activity in the chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs L.)
Summary Oxygen consumption and hopping activity of 8 chaffinches (4 males, 4 females) were measured simultaneously (I) in an artificial 1212 hr light-dark-cycle (LD; without twilight) and (II) in continuous illumination, both at constant temperature (18–20°C). During the first part of the experiment illumination during darktime (D) was varied in both directions between 0.01 and 1.0 lux. Light intensity in L (lighttime) remained constant (10 lux). In the second part of the experiment the birds were exposed to a continuous illumination of 1 and 10 lux. Four birds were also measured at 100 lux.For the majority of the birds, the mean level of oxygen consumption per hour and the average amount of activity (contacts per hour) during one circadian period are positively and linearly correlated to each other (Fig. 2 and 3; Table 1).Changes in the level of the activity metabolism — i.e. the difference between mean level of total metabolism and resting metabolism — are also positively correlated to changes in the amount of activity. This statement is based on the assumption that there exist at least 2 rhythms as basic components of the circadian rhythm of total metabolism: the rhythm of basal metabolic rate (BMR) or vegetative rhythm and the rhythm of activity and rest (activity rhythm).By variation of the Zeitgeber — simultaneous decrease in amplitude and increase in mean level of light intensity — the following parameters are significantly changed: the phase-angle difference between the circadian rhythm of metabolism and the Zeitgeber is increased (positive phase-angle differences are changed in positive direction), the activity time is lengthened, and the amplitude of the rhythm (range of oscillation) is diminished (Fig. 4; Table 2).With an increase in light intensity from 1 to 10 lux (continuous illumination), the following parameters are increased: the frequency of the rhythm, the mean level of metabolism per period, the resting metabolic rate, the -ratio (i.e. ratio activity time/rest time), and the total amount of activity per unit time. The range of oscillation remains unchanged (Fig. 5). There is also a regular change of the form-factor characterizing the shape of the metabolic oscillation, which depends upon light intensity as well as upon frequency (Fig. 8). Increasing light intensity from 10 to 100 lux affected differently the circadian parameters of the four birds tested.The results obtained in continuous illumination follow the modified circadian rule which postulates the positive correlation between frequency and mean level of the autonomous circadian oscillation (Fig. 7).The results obtained under the influence of a Zeitgeber (light-dark-cycle) are interpreted on the basis of the primary influence of the Zeitgeber amplitude (strength of the Zeitgeber) upon the circadian oscillation. The given changes in light intensity during darktime have no significant effect on the metabolic parameters of the rhythm.

The new substrates 4-thiouridine and 4-thiothymidine were proposed for spectrophotometric measurement of the activity of uridine (UP) and thymidine (TP) phosphorylases. At pH 7.5, 4-thiouridine has an absorbance maximum at 330 nm, and the difference in extinction coefficient () between 4-thiouridine and 4-thiouracil is 3000 –1cm–1. 4-Thiouridine proved to be a good substrate for UP: the Michaelis ( ) and catalytic (k cat) constants were estimated respectively at 130 M and 49 s–1 at 25°C. Even a greater (5000 M–1cm–1 at 336 nm) was observed for the 4-thiothymidine/4-thiothymine pair.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der Eilegeapparat mit drei Paar Gonapophysen wind als der ursprünglichste angesehen und vollständiger Eilegeapparat genannt; alle Typen mit weniger als drei Gonapophysenpaaren sind von ihm durch Rudimentation abzuleiten und werden als unvollständiger Eilegeapparat zusammengefaßt.Am vollstandigen Eilegeapparat sind seine Teile durch Gelenke und Muskeln beweglich, am unvollstandigen sind sie starr ; Gelenke und Legemuskeln fehlen. Die fur die Eiablage wichtigen Gelenke und Muskeln werden beschrieben.Die Entwicklung des vollstandigen Eilegeapparates erfolgt bei der Larve in der Reihenfolge, daß zuerst die Gon. laterales, hierauf die mediales und zuletzt die anteriores ausgebildet werden. Die Rudimentation des unvollstandigen geschieht in der gleichen Reihenfolge, indem zuerst die Gon. laterales und als letzte die anteriores zurück-gebildet worden.Die Eiablage erfolgt beim vollstandigen Eilegeapparat primär exophytisch durch Ablage auf dem Boden oder endophytisch durch Einstechen in Pflanzengewebe, beim unvollstandigen Eilegeapparat exophytisch durch Ablage in das Wasser.Es wind angenommen, daß die primär exophytische Ablageart die ursprünglichste ist und alle anderen von ihr abzuleiten sind.Die endophytische Ablage entwickelt an den Gonapophysen verschiedene Anpassungen, die exophytische führt zu ihrer Rudimentation.Anpassungen an die endophytische Ablage sind Verkürzung der Gonapophysen, Entwicklung eines Tastapparates (Styli), eines Schneide-apparate (Gon. mediales), einer Legeröhre (Gon. anteriores) und einer Stützkante an den Gon. laterales, Ablage in Gonaphysenstellung, oder am 10. Sternit, Ablage in Sternitstellung.Ablage in Gonapophysenstellung beansprucht die Gon. laterales und führt bei Ablage in ein Substrat von zunehmender Härte - sie erfolgt in extremen Fallen in Baumstämme — zu verschiedenen Modifikationen ; Ablage in Sternitstellung läßt die Gon. laterales unbeansprucht und könnte bei Ablage in ein Substrat von abnehmender Härte — sie erfolgt in extremen Fallen in Schlamm — zu Rudimentation der Gon. laterales und exophytischer Ablage in das Wasser überleiten.Der unvollständige Eilegeapparat zeigt eine große Formenmannigfaltigkeit, die sich aber auf zwei Grundtypen, einem mit zwei Paar Gonapophysen — es fehlen die Gon. laterales — und einem mit einem Gonapophysenpaar, der Scheidenklappe, einem Rudiment der Gon. anteriores, zurückführen lassen.Der Zweigonapophysentypus ist bei verschiedenen Gruppen erhalten; bei den Cordulegasterinae ist er morphologisch einheitlich, was einen Stillstand des Rudimentationsprozesses andeutet, und an eine bestimmte Eiablageart angepaßt; bei den anderen Gruppen ist er morphologisch sehr verschieden, wobei es sich wohl um verschiedene Rudimentationsstufen handelt, und fur die Eiablage funktionslos geworden.Der Scheidenklappentypus findet sich bei den Gomphidae, Corduliidae und Libellulidae. Ursprünglichere Formen zeigen längere, höher entwickelte, kürzere Scheidenklappen. Bei vielen Arten ist die Scheidenk1appe restlos rudimentiert. Ihre Rolle für die Eiablage ist fraglich, vielleicht nur sinnesphysiologischer Art. Mechanisch zu deutende Formen (Spitzhammerbildung) kommen vor und sind gelegentlich mit Eiablage auf dem Boden verbunden, was als Anklänge an eine primär exophytische Ablage gedeutet wird.Bei den Libellulidae werden vereinzelt sekundäre Apparate aus neuen Elementen entwickelt.Die Eizahl ist bei Formen mit vollständigem Eilegeapparat höher als bei Formen mit ,unvollständigem und bei den Corduliidae und Libellulidae am höchsten.Die morphologische Vielfalt der Eilegeapparate ist das Ergebnis von zwei Verhaltensänderungen, dem Üborgang der Imagines zu einer Ablage durch Einstechen in Pflanzengewebe und dem Übergang der Larven zum Leben im Wasser. Diese Änderungen wurden von den einzelnen Gruppen auf verschiedene Weise und in verschiedenem Ausmaße vollzogen und ließen eine Unzahl von morphologischen Typen entstehen.Das Bestreben, die Eier möglichst nahe dem Wasser abzulegen, führte jene Gruppen, die nicht oder nicht zu weit an die Ablage in Pflanzengewebe angepaßt waren, zur Ablage in das Wasser. Diese Ab lageart führte zur Rudimentation der Gonapophysen und ließ möglicherweise neue, der neuen Ablageart angepaßte Apparate entstehen.Die Rudimentation der Gonapophysen ermöglichte eine Erhöhung der Eizahl und führte these Gruppen zur Besiedlung von neuen Lebensräumen und damit zu ihrer heute dominierenden Stellung innerhalb der Ordnung.  相似文献   

L. J. W. Gilissen 《Planta》1976,131(2):201-202
Summary Pollen tube growth in the style (Petunia xNicotiana ) accelerated wilting. Pollination and germination on the stigmatic surface (Petunia xAtropa ) did not change the stage of flowering in comparison with unpollinated flowers. Wilting of the corolla was accelerated by cutting off the stigma or cutting the style half-way down. Removal of the entire style also brought about an acceleration, however, to a lesser extent. The role of the style as a sense-organ with regard to the transmission of information from stigma and style to other flower organs is discussed.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Beim ThermometerhuhnLeipoa ocellata tragen die Partner eine Paares ein Rufduett vor. Der Anteil des besteht aus einer Rufreihe, die sich aus einer Folge von 2–7 identischen, zweisilbigen Rufen zusammensetzt. Das trägt einen einzelnen, obertonreichen und langgezogenen Ruf vor. Sowohl der Ruf des als auch die Rufreihe des wird in Serien vorgetragen. Innerhalb einer solcher Ruf- bzw. Rufreihenserie können mehrere Duette auftreten. Die Rufe sind jedoch nicht ausschließlich an das Duett gebunden. Die Variabilität im Aufbau des Duetts äußert sich im Zeitpunkt des Einsatzes des antwortenden Vogels, in der Anzahl der -Rufe während des Duetts und in der Anzahl der Einheiten, aus denen sich der Duettanteil des zusammensetzt. Das beginnt signifikant häufiger als das eine Serie, in der ein oder mehrere Duette vorkommen. Ebenso ist es häufiger der Initiator des ersten in dieser Serie liegenden Duetts. Das Duett dient wohl hauptsächlich zur Festigung des Zusammenhalts zwischen den Paarpartnern. Es erfüllt jedoch von seinen physikalischen Eigenschaften her auch die Bedingungen, die für ein territorial wirksames Signal gelten.
Structure, variability and possible functions of duetting in the Mallee FowlLeipoa ocellata
Summary In the Australian Mallee Fowl,Leipoa ocellata, both and of a pair are involved in a call duet. The part of the consists of a sequence of 2–7 identical two-syllable calls. The contributes a single long-drawn-out call rich in harmonics. The call of the as well as the call sequence of the are presented in series. Within a series of calls () or call sequences () several duets can occur. The respective vocalizations, however, do not exclusively occur during the duet.The variability in the details of the duet expresses itself in the lag period after which the mate responds, in the number of -calls during the duet, and in the number of calls within the call sequence of the . The begins a series during which one or several duets occur significantly more frequently than the . The circumstances under which duetting occurs indicate that duet calling mainly serves to maintain the pair bond. Moreover, due to its physical characteristics the duet also seems to be suited to serve as a territorial signal.

A more precise taxonomic concept ofE. hirtella and its infraspecific synonymy is presented. Its diploid nature (2n = 22) is confirmed. Within the European area ofE. hirtella five different races may be recognised: typical, brandisii, capitulata, Rofan and Bretagne. Taxonomic rank is not yet attributed to these races. The heterogeneous taxonomic assembly E. drosocalyx is disentangled. The type refers to products of hybrid introgression ofE. rostkoviana-characters (long glandular hairs) intoE. minima.
Former contributions of this series areEhrendorfer & Vitek (1984) andGreilhuber & al. (1984).  相似文献   

In hermaphrodite plants, variations in structural gender (defined as the ratio between male and female gametes) may occur at different levels (among flowers, plants, and populations). In this study, we investigated variation in four traits influencing structural gender (number of carpels, ovules per carpel, stamens, and pollen grains per stamen) within and among six distant populations of the hermaphrodite perennial herb Helleborus foetidus (Ranunculaceae) in the Iberian Peninsula. Our results show that the four traits investigated varied significantly at all levels considered. Traits influencing the female sexual component (number of carpels and ovules per carpel) showed greater variation at the lowermost levels (within flower and plant) than traits influencing the male component, which in turn varied more markedly among populations. Number of carpels per flower and number of pollen grains per anther were the most important traits affecting between-plant variation in structural gender. There was no evidence of significant plant-level trade-offs or correlations between the various male and female traits, which covaried differently across populations. The observed between-population variation in structural gender of Helleborus foetidus can be explained as a consequence of differences in self-pollination levels related to a flowers mating environment.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation of callus tissue of Artimisia annua L. was optimized. Two lines of calli were precultured on MS medium with 5% (v/v) dimethyl sulfoxide, and protected by a cryoprotectant containing 15% (v/v) ethylene glycol, 15% (v/v) dimethyl sulfoxide, 30% (v/v) glycerol and 13.6% (w/v) sucrose. The highest survival rate of callus A201 reached 87% after it was pretreated at 25°C, cryopreserved by liquid nitrogen, recovered in water bath at 25°C and reloaded at 25°C with 34% (w/v) sucrose solution, and that of callus A202 reached 78% after it was treated as callus A201, except pretreated at 35°C, recovered at 35°C and reloaded with 47.8% (w/v) sucrose solution.  相似文献   

Summary In the dioecious plant Asparagus officinalis L. the female plants bear flowers that are all strictly of the same type, with well-developed pistils and collapsed and consistently sterile rudiments of anthers, while male plants, on the contrary, show a great variety of vestigial female organs, from small, rudimentary ovaries with no style and stigma, up to pistils provided with a rather long style that is often enlarged in a stigma. In our investigations, we used homozygous male and female doubled haploid plants obtained from in vitro anther culture, the all-male F1 progeny and male individuals from subsequent backcrosses. The results showed that: (1) the character length of the style is genetically inherited and involves at least two genes, the influence of the environment being quite negligible; (2) in male pistils provided with style and stigmatic papillae, the pollination and growth of the pollen tubes up to the ovules do actually occur as a rule, the only barrier to fertilization being the absence of normal embryo sacs inside the ovules; (3) the character length of the style is a very reliable marker of the trend towards hermaphroditism in Asparagus, since a correlation always exist between length of the style, size of the ovary, tendency to self-pollination, vascularization and rate of development of the ovules inside the male ovaries. On the whole, most of our observations, together with the high inbreeding depression observed when occasional andromonoecious plants are selfed, are consistent with the hypothesis of the origin of dioecy in Asparagus from hermaphroditism via the gynodioecy pathway.  相似文献   

A new guillotine thermocouple psychrometer was used to make continuous measurements of water potential before and after the excision of elongating and mature regions of darkgrown soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) stems. Transpiration could not occur, but growth took place during the measurement if the tissue was intact. Tests showed that the instrument measured the average water potential of the sampled tissue and responded rapidly to changes in water potential. By measuring tissue osmotic potential ( s ), turgor pressure ( p ) could be calculated. In the intact plant, s and p were essentially constant for the entire 22 h measurement, but s was lower and p higher in the elongating region than in the mature region. This caused the water potential in the elongating region to be lower than in the mature region. The mature tissue equilibrated with the water potential of the xylem. Therefore, the difference in water potential between mature and elongating tissue represented a difference between the xylem and the elongating region, reflecting a water potential gradient from the xylem to the epidermis that was involved in supplying water for elongation. When mature tissue was excised with the guillotine, s and p did not change. However, when elongating tissue was excised, water was absorbed from the xylem, whose water potential decreased. This collapsed the gradient and prevented further water uptake. Tissue p then decreased rapidly (5 min) by about 0.1 MPa in the elongating tissue. The p decreased because the cell walls relaxed as extension, caused by p , continued briefly without water uptake. The p decreased until the minimum for wall extension (Y) was reached, whereupon elongation ceased. This was followed by a slow further decrease in Y but no additional elongation. In elongating tissue excised with mature tissue attached, there was almost no effect on water potential or p for several hours. Nevertheless, growth was reduced immediately and continued at a decreasing rate. In this case, the mature tissue supplied water to the elongating tissue and the cell walls did not relax. Based on these measurements, a theory is presented for simultaneously evaluating the effects of water supply and water demand associated with growth. Because wall relaxation measured with the psychrometer provided a new method for determining Y and wall extensibility, all the factors required by the theory could be evaluated for the first time in a single sample. The analysis showed that water uptake and wall extension co-limited elongation in soybean stems under our conditions. This co-limitation explains why elongation responded immediately to a decrease in the water potential of the xylem and why excision with attached mature tissue caused an immediate decrease in growth rate without an immediate change in p Abbreviations and symbols L tissue conductance for water - m wall extensibility - Y average yield threshold (MPa) - o water potential of the xylem - p turgor pressure - s osmotic potential - w water potential of the elon gating tissue  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In 1039 Nistkästen, die sich über 8 Kontrollgebiete verteilen, wurden über 4 Jahre während der Wintermonate (November bis März) einmal pro Monat die übernachtenden Kohlmeisen gefangen und ihr Alter und Geschlecht bestimmt.In Laubwaldgebieten mit flächiger Nistkastenanordnung (Gebiete 1 bis 5) überwogen die , während in Nadelwaldgebieten und dem Laubwaldgebiet mit linearer Kastenaufhängung so häufig wie angetroffen wurden. Der Anteil der Jungvögel lag im allgemeinen im Mittel bei etwa 30%, stieg aber in den Laubwaldgebieten mit flächiger Kastenaufhängung gelegentlich auf ca. 60% an.Von den angetroffenen Jungvögeln wurden 16% im Untersuchungsgebiet erbrütet; 84% waren Zuwanderer, die möglicherweise aus größeren Entfernungen kamen. Von den eingewanderten jungen Kohlmeisen- wurden in der nächsten Brutsaison 30% als Brutvögel registriert.
Age and sex ratio of the great tit in winter according to checks of nesting boxes
Summary From 1971/72 to 1974/75 roosting great tits were registered, aged, and sexed in 1039 nesting boxes of 8 study plots in Hessen.In deciduous forests with nesting boxes distributed equally over the area outnumbered , whereas in coniferous forests and in a deciduous forest with nesting boxes fixed in a line and were found in about equal numbers. Normally, about 30% of the birds were juveniles. Their amount occasionally increased to about 60% in the deciduous forests with nesting boxes distributed equally over the area. Only 16% of the juveniles were bred in the study area, 84% were immigrants, probably from distant regions. 30% of the young females immigrated could be found breeding in the following spring.

Summary Apical application of silver nitrate (AgNO3; 50 and 100 g per plant) and silver thiosulphate anionic complex (Ag(S2O3) 2 3– ; STS; 25, 50 and 100 g per plant) to female plants of Cannabis sativa induced the formation of reduced male, intersexual and fully altered male flowers on the newly formed primary lateral branches (PLBs); 10 g per plant of AgNO3 was ineffective and 150 g treatment proved inhibitory. A maximum number of fully altered male flowers were formed in response to 100 g STS. The induced male flowers produced pollen grains that germinated on stigmas and effected seed set. Silver ion applied as STS was more effective than AgNO3 in inducing flowers of altered sex. The induction of male flowers on female plants demonstrated in this work is useful for producing seeds that give rise to only female plants. This technique is also useful for maintaining gynoecious lines.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 1974–1981 wurden in einem Lärchen-Versuchsforst (320 ha; 600 künstliche Nisthöhlen) in Niedersachsen (52.27 N/7.15 E) 529 Brutvögel des Trauerschnäppers beringt. Geburtsortstreue — auf das Versuchsgebiet bezogen — konnte bei 78 Individuen (=5,2 % der ausgeflogenen Nestlinge) festgestellt werden. Die geburtsortstreuen wurden in der Regel schon im ersten Jahr als Brutvogel nachgewiesen, während die Hälfte der geburtsortstreuen bei der ersten Erfassung ein Alter von mindestens 2 Jahren besaß. In der mittleren Entfernung zwischen Geburts- und erstbekannter Bruthöhle ergab sich zwischen den Geschlechtern kein gesicherter Unterschied ( : 883 m, : 798 m). Geschwister verhielten sich bezüglich Ansiedlungsalter und Ansiedlungs-entfernung nicht einheitlich. Von den als Brutvögel beringten Trauerschnäppern konnten 38,2 % der und 24,0 % der in einem späteren Jahr wiedergefangen werden. Bei den lagen die in aufeinanderfolgenden Jahren besetzten Nisthöhlen näher beieinander als bei den (Mittelwerte: 371 m bzw. 534 m). In der untersuchten Population war in allen Jahren bei den der Prozentsatz brutortstreuer Individuen höher und der Anteil an Zuwanderern geringer als bei den (Mittelwerte: 48 % gegenüber 30 % bzw. 45 % gegenüber 64 %). Diese Befunde wurden unter anderem im Hinblick auf die Lage des Untersuchungsgebietes am Rande des Trauerschnäpper-Areals diskutiert. Die Ortstreue war geringer ausgebildet als in mehreren anderen Populationen.
On place-fidelity behaviour in the Pied Flycatcher(Ficedula hypoleuca) in the western border area of its Central European range
Summary The evaluation is based on findings from 1974 to 1981, in a 320 ha. experimental larch forest (52.27N, 7.15E), with 600 nestboxes, in western Lower Saxony, from a total of 529 breeding Pied Flycatchers. Fidelity to birthplace — recovery in the study area — was recorded for 78 individuals (=5.2 % of the fledged nestlings). faithful to birthplace were traced, as a rule, in the first year, while half of the who showed this fidelity were at least 2 years old when first recorded. There was no significant difference between sexes in the mean distance between the hole in which they were hatched and the first known breeding hole ( : 883 m, : 798 m). There was no uniformity among siblings in relation to age of settlement and distance of settlement. 38.2 % of and 24.0 % of Pied Flycatchers ringed as breeding birds were recaptured in a later year. Nest boxes occupied in successive years were closer together in the case of than (mean: 371 m and 534 m respectively). The percentage of individuals showing fidelity to birthplace was higher, in all years, and the number of immigrants smaller, in the than in (mean: 48 % against 30 % and 45 % against 64 % respectively). These findings are discussed in relation to the border situation of the study area. The rate of recoveries was lower than in some other populations.

Gefördert mit Hilfe von Forschungsmitteln des Landes Niedersachsen.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of the preexisting and of thede novo synthesized proteins among soluble, and insoluble fractions, as well as between immunoprecipitable and non-immunoprecipitable soluble proteins has been studied in sea urchin embryos at different stages of development.In the S-100 fraction, which represented about 20% of total proteins, only a minor part of radioactivity was found. The majority of newly synthesized proteins was insoluble at neutral pH. Such distribution was practically invariant for all investigated stages of development, and was not markedly affected by Dactinomycin nor by 5-azacytidine.Only a small percentage of the total radioactivity of the S-100 fraction was found in the antigen-antibody complexes of soluble proteins. No shift of newly synthesized proteins towards the type of old, preexisting antigenic proteins was detected, and the majority of soluble newly synthesized proteins was found to be related to the non-immunoprecipitable soluble proteins.The authors gratefully acknowledge a generous gift of 5-azacytidine from Drs. Doskoil and ponar. We are also indebted to Dr. Miroslav Simi for kind interest and discussion.This work was supported in part by grants No 3111/1 from Federal Research Fund of Yugoslavia and No 02-020-1 from the National Institute of Health, U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare (PL-480 programme).  相似文献   

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