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The effect of calcium on amylase secretion by rat parotid slices   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

It is well-known that amylase is secreted in response to extracellular stimulation from the acinar cells. However, amylase is also secreted without stimulation. We distinguished vesicular amylase as a newly synthesized amylase from the accumulated amylase in secretory granules by short time pulse and chased with 35S-amino acid. The newly synthesized amylase was secreted without stimulation from secretory vesicles in rat parotid acinar cells. The secretion process did not include microtubules, but was related to microfilaments. p-Nitrophenyl β-xyloside, an inhibitor of proteoglycan synthesis, inhibited the newly synthesized amylase secretion. This indicated that the newly synthesized amylase was secreted from secretory vesicles, not via the constitutive-like secretory route, which includes the immature secretory granules, and that proteoglycan synthesis was required for secretory vesicle formation.  相似文献   

The activities of Ca2+.phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase C) in rat salivary gland were assayed using synthetic peptide syntide-2(Pro-Leu-Ala-Arg-Thr-Leu-Ser-Val-Ala-Gly-Leu-Pro-Gly-Lys- Lys) as substrate. Levels of the protein kinase C were less than 0.05 units/g in the parotid and submandibular glands. The protein kinase C inhibitor, H-7, inhibited amylase secretion from rat parotid gland stimulated by PMA or the combination of phosphatidylserine and 1,2-diolein. The results supported the hypothesis of the secretory mechanism that protein kinase C mediates amylase secretion in rat parotid glands.  相似文献   

The role of sodium ions in amylase secretion from rat parotid cells was studied using various Na+-free media and monensin. In a sucrose medium, amylase secretion was not stimulated by isoproterenol but was significantly stimulated by dibutyryl cAMP. In choline chloride and LiCl media, both isoproterenol and dibutyryl cAMP clearly evoked amylase release. Monensin itself elicited amylase secretion slightly, but significantly inhibited the secretion stimulated by isoproterenol or dibutyryl cAMP. The inhibitory effect of monensin was detectable even in choline chloride, LiCl and KCl media. These results indicate that sodium ions are not essential for amylase secretion from rat parotid cells and that the inhibitory effect of monensin is independent of influx of sodium ions or efflux of potassium ions.  相似文献   

alpha-Methylnoradrenaline (alpha-mNA) is a potent secretagogue for the parotid and submandibular glands of rats. With regard to the parotid glands, alpha-mNA activates mainly beta-adrenoceptors. In the submandibular glands, alpha-mNA activates alpha-adrenoceptors at higher doses whereas at relatively lower doses it activates beta-adrenoceptors. alpha-mNA may not stimulate the specific alpha 2-adrenoceptors of the salivary glands of rats.  相似文献   

Whole gland perfusion technique was applied to rat parotid glands to assess whether amylase affects fluid secretion. Control perfusion without any secretagogue evoked no spontaneous secretion. Carbachol (CCh 1 microM) induced both amylase and fluid secretion with distinctive kinetics. Fluid secretion occurred constantly at 40-120 microliter/g-min (average plateau was 60 microliter/g-min), whereas amylase secretion exhibited an initial peak (10 mg maltose/30 s per g wet w. of the gland), followed by a rapid decrease to reach a plateau level of 1 mg maltose/30 s later than 1.5-2 min. Isoproterenol (Isop 1 microM) alone did not induce fluid secretion although it evoked amylase secretion as measured in isolated perfused acini. Addition of Isop during CCh stimulation evoked a rapid and large rise in amylase secretion to 15 mg maltose/30 s accompanied by the increase in oxygen consumption. However, the fluid secretion exhibited a rather gradual decrease. These findings suggest that control of salivary fluid secretion is independent of the amylase secretion system induced by CCh and/or Isop. Morphological observations carried out by HR SEM and TEM revealed exocytotic profiles following Isop stimulation. CCh stimulation alone seldom showed -exocytotic profiles, suggesting a low incidence of amylase secretion during copious fluid secretion. Combined stimulation of CCh and Isop induced both vacuolation and exocytosis along intercellular canaliculi. During washout of secretagogues, lysosomal digestion of excess membrane took place.  相似文献   

I.V. infusion of pentagastrin (20 microg/kg/h) or cholecystokinin (CCK)-8 (1 microg/kg/h) for 10 min caused secretion of salivary proteins from the parotid gland in the anaesthetized rat without any accompanying overt fluid secretion. This "occult" response was revealed by a subsequent wash-out injection of methacholine (5 microg/kg, I.V.) 10 min after the end of the infusion period (aiming at avoiding synergistic interactions). While the fluid response to methacholine was unaffected by the preceding infusion of pentagastrin and CCK-8, the output of protein increased by 147% (pentagastrin) and 74% (CCK-8) and that of amylase by 45% (CCK-8) compared to the responses to methacholine upon saline infusion. Those increases were abolished by the CCK-A receptor blocker (lorglumide), but not by the CCK-B receptor blocker (itriglumide). Evisceration, combined sympathetic and parasympathetic denervation of the glands and assay under adrenoceptor blockade excluded contribution from the gastro-intestinal tract, central or ganglionic mechanisms and circulating catecholamines to the increase in protein/amylase. Furthermore, Western blot demonstrated CCK receptors for both A and B subtypes in normal and chronically denervated glands. In the submandibular gland, both pentagastrin and CCK-8 evoked a trace secretion of saliva but, under the present experimental set-up, no statistically significant increase in protein output. Thus, in addition to the autonomic nervous system, gastrointestinal hormones may, in some types of glands, be involved in the secretion of salivary gland proteins.  相似文献   

Oxymetazoline is a potent secretagogue for the salivary glands of rats. In the parotid gland, it activates preferentially alpha-adrenoceptors. As for the submandibular glands, it activates alpha-adrenoceptors at relatively low doses but at higher doses it allows secretion of new types of proteins.  相似文献   

Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) plays no apparent role in cell cycle regulation, and Cdk5 is not activated by cyclins but only p35 or p39. Although the enzymatic activity of Cdk5 is highest in the central nervous system, recent reports indicate that it also has important functions in non-neuronal cells. In the present study, we investigated whether Cdk5 and its activators are expressed in rat parotid acinar cells, whether a β-adrenergic agonist enhances the expression of Cdk5, and whether Cdk5 mediates amylase release. We found that Cdk5 and its activator, cyclin I, were expressed in rat parotid acinar cells, and that the expression of Cdk5 was enhanced by treatment of the cells with isoproterenol. Amylase release stimulated by isoproterenol was depressed by the addition of olomoucine, a Cdk5 inhibitor, or by the introduction of an anti-Cdk5 antibody. Cdk5 activity was enhanced by treatment with isoproterenol and this enhanced activity was attenuated by the addition of olomoucine. Olomoucine also attenuated both phosphorylation of Munc18c and translocation of Munc18c from the plasma membrane induced by isoproterenol. These results indicated that β-stimulation of rat parotid acinar cells enhanced the expression of Cdk5, and that this Cdk5 activation may mediate amylase release through phosphorylation of Munc18c.  相似文献   

The effect of newly discovered pancreastatin on pancreatic secretion stimulated by a diversion of bile-pancreatic juice (BPJ) from the intestine was examined in the conscious rat. Exogenous pancreastatin infusion (20, 100 and 200 pmol/kg.h) inhibited pancreatic protein and fluid outputs during BPJ diversion in a dose-dependent manner. Pancreastatin did not affect plasma cholecystokinin (CCK) concentrations. Pancreastatin (100 pmol/kg.h) inhibited CCK-stimulated pancreatic secretion, but did not inhibit secretin-stimulated pancreatic secretion. Pancreastatin alone, however, did not affect basal pancreatic secretion. In contrast, pancreastatin (10(-10)-10(-7)M) did not suppress CCK-stimulated amylase release from isolated rat pancreatic acini. These results indicate that pancreastatin has an inhibitory action on exocrine function of the pancreas. This action may not be mediated by direct mechanisms and nor via an inhibition of CCK release. It is suggested that pancreastatin may play a role in the regulation of the intestinal phase of exocrine pancreatic secretion.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors on secretion by macropodine parotid and mandibular glands were investigated using anaesthetized red kangaroos. In the parotid gland, acetazolamide (500 mol·l-1) reduced a stable acetylcholine-evoked, half-maximal flow rate of 2.02±0.034 to 0.27±0.023 ml·min-1 (87% reduction). Concurrently, salivary bicarbonate concentration and secretion fell (129.4±1.46 to 80.9±1.63 mmol·l-1 and 264.8±7.96 to 22.3±2.30 mol·min-1, respectively), phosphate and chloride concentrations rose (14.0±0.79 to 27.6±0.85 mmol·l-1 and 5.6±0.25 to 27.5±1.32 mmol·l-1, respectively), sodium concentration and osmolality were unaltered, and potassium concentration fell (8.8±0.33 to 6.4±0.29 mmol·l-1). High-rate cholinergic stimulation during acetazolamide blockade was unable to increase salivary flow beyond 11±0.9% of that for equivalent unblocked control stimulation. However, superimposition of isoprenaline infusion on the acetylcholine stimulation caused a three-fold increase in the blocked flow rate. These treatments were accompanied by small increases in salivary phosphate and chloride concentrations but not bicarbonate concentration. Methazolamide infusion caused similar changes in parotid secretion. In the mandibular gland, acetazolamide infusion had no effect on salivary flow rate during either low- or high-level acetylcholine stimulation. Acetazolamide caused no alterrations in salivary electrolyte secretion at low flow rates, but curtailed the rise in bicarbonate concentration associated with high-level acetylcholine stimulation. Acetazolamide administration did not affect the increase in salivary flow rate associated with isoprenaline infusion, but did block the concomitant increase in bicarbonate concentration and secretion substantially. It was concluded that neither cholinergic nor adrenergic stimulation of mandibular fluid secretion depends on secretion of bicarbonate derived from catalysed hydration of CO2, but a substantial proportion of the increase in bicarbonate secretion during isoprenaline administration, which is probably ductal in origin, is so dependent. In contrast to other salivary glands, including the ovine parotid, fluid secretion by the kangaroo parotid gland during cholinergic stimulation is largely dependent (about 90%) on secretion of bicarbonate derived from hydration of CO2 catalysed by glandular carbonic anhydrase. Fluid secretion during adrenergic stimulation is not bicarbonate dependent.Abbreviations b.w. body weight - PAH p-aminohippurate - PCO2 partial pressure carbon dioxide - PCO2 partial pressure of oxygen  相似文献   

A study was made of basal secretion and the effect of the infusion of pilocarpine on the flow and composition of saliva in the parotid and mandibular glands of the anaesthetized lactating goat. In the parotid gland there was a basal flow (1.6 +/- 0.29 microliter/min) which was not present in the mandibular gland. There is a statistically significant dose-effect relationship between pilocarpine and salivary flow in both glands. Salival composition and its variation with respect to the flow of saliva did not conform to either of the two glands to an exclusive monogastric or ruminant model.  相似文献   

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