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Eukaryotic DNA replication initiates from multiple replication origins. To ensure each origin fires just once per cell cycle, initiation is divided into two biochemically discrete steps: the Mcm2‐7 helicase is first loaded into prereplicative complexes (pre‐RCs) as an inactive double hexamer by the origin recognition complex (ORC), Cdt1 and Cdc6; the helicase is then activated by a set of “firing factors.” Here, we show that plasmids containing pre‐RCs assembled with purified proteins support complete and semi‐conservative replication in extracts from budding yeast cells overexpressing firing factors. Replication requires cyclin‐dependent kinase (CDK) and Dbf4‐dependent kinase (DDK). DDK phosphorylation of Mcm2‐7 does not by itself promote separation of the double hexamer, but is required for the recruitment of firing factors and replisome components in the extract. Plasmid replication does not require a functional replication origin; however, in the presence of competitor DNA and limiting ORC concentrations, replication becomes origin‐dependent in this system. These experiments indicate that Mcm2‐7 double hexamers can be precursors of replication and provide insight into the nature of eukaryotic DNA replication origins.  相似文献   

DNA复制的准确性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文汉  李纯 《生物学杂志》2001,18(3):14-14,31
本文概述了促成原核生物DNA复制准确性的因素。这些因素主要包括四种脱氧核苷三磷酸的平衡供应、DNA聚合酶反应本身的准确性、DNA聚合酶的3′→5′外切酶活性的校对功能、需要RNA引物、后随链的不连续合成的机制以及复制后的修复等。  相似文献   

Summary pMV158 is a 5.4 kb broad host range multicopy plasmid specifying tetracycline resistance. This plasmid and two of its derivatives, pLS1 and pLS5, are stably mantained and express their genetic information in gram-positive and gram-negative hosts. The in vitro replication of plasmid pMV158 and its derivatives was studied in extracts prepared from plasmid-free Escherichia coli cells and the replicative characteristics of the streptococcal plasmids were compared to those of the E. coli replicons, ColE1 and the mini-R1 derivative pKN182. The optimal replicative activity of the E. coli extracts was found at a cellular phase of growth that corresponded to 2 g wet weight of cells per litre. Maximal synthesis of streptococcal plasmid DNA occurred after 90 min of incubation and at a temperature of 30° C. The optimal concentration of template DNA was 40 g/ml. Higher plasmid DNA concentrations resulted in a decrease in the incorporation of dTMP, indicating that competition of specific replication factor(s) for functional plasmid origins may occur. In vitro replication of plasmid pMV158 and its serivatives required the host RNA polymerase and de novo protein synthesis. The final products of the streptococcal plasmid DNAs replicated in the E. coli in vitro system were monomeric supercoiled DNA forms that had completed at least one round of replication, although a set of putative replicative intermediates could also be found. The results suggest that a specific plasmid-encoded factor is needed for the replication of the streptococcal plasmids.  相似文献   

Overexpression in mammalian cells of the error-prone DNA polymerase beta (Pol beta) has been found to increase the spontaneous mutagenesis. Here, we investigated a possible mechanism used by Pol beta to be a genetic instability enhancer: its interference in replicative DNA synthesis, which is normally catalysed by the DNA polymerases alpha, delta and epsilon. By taking advantage of the ability to incorporate efficiently into DNA the chain terminator ddCTP as well as the oxidised nucleotide 8-oxo-dGTP, we show here that purified Pol beta can compete with the replicative DNA polymerases during replication in vitro of duplex DNA when added to human cell extracts. We found that involvement of Pol beta lowers replication fidelity and results in a modified error-specificity. Furthermore, we demonstrated that involvement of Pol beta occurred during synthesis of the lagging strand. These in vitro data provide one possible explanation of how overexpression of the enzyme could perturb the genetic instability in mammalian cells. We discuss these findings within the scope of the up-regulation of Pol beta in many cancer cells.  相似文献   

A number of error-prone DNA polymerases have been found in various eukaryotes, ranging from yeasts to mammals, including humans. According to partial homology of the primary structure, they are grouped into families B, X, and Y. These enzymes display a high infidelity on an intact DNA template, but they are accurate on a damaged template. Error-prone DNA polymerases are characterized by probabilities of base substitution or frameshift mutations ranging from 10?3 to 7.5 · 10?1 in an intact DNA, whereas the spontaneous mutagenesis rate per replicated nucleotide varies between 10?10 and 10?12. Low-fidelity polymerases are terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) and DNA polymerases β, ζ, κ, η, ι, λ, μ, and Rev1. The main characteristics of these enzymes are reviewed. None of them exhibits proofreading 3′ → 5′ exonuclease (PE) activity. The specialization of these polymerases consists in their capacity for synthesizing opposite DNA lesions (not eliminated by the numerous repair systems), which is explained by the flexibility of their active centers or a limited ability to express TdT activity. Classic DNA polymerases α, δ, ε, and γ cannot elongate primers with mismatched nucleotides at the 3′-end (which leads to replication block), whereas some specialized polymerases can catalyze this elongation. This is accompanied by overcoming the replication block, often at the expense of an increased mutagenesis rate. How can a cell exist under the conditions of this high infidelity of many DNA polymerase activities? Not all tissues of the body contain a complete set of low-fidelity DNA polymerases, although some of these enzymes are vitally important. In addition, cells “should not allow” error-prone DNA polymerases to work on undamaged DNA. After a lesion on the DNA template is bypassed, the cell should switch over from DNA synthesis catalyzed by specialized polymerases to the synthesis catalyzed by relatively high-fidelity DNA polymerases δ and ? (with an error frequency of 10?5 to 10?6) as soon as possible. This is done by forming complexes of polymerase δ or ? with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and replication factors RP-A and RF-C. These highly processive complexes show a greater affinity to correct primers than specialized DNA polymerases do. The fact that specialized DNA polymerases are distributive or weakly processive favors the switching. The fidelity of these polymerases is increased by the PE function of DNA polymerases δ and ε, as well as autonomous 3′ → 5′ exonucleases, which are widespread over the entire phylogenetic tree of eukaryotes. The exonuclease correction decelerates replication in the presence of lesions in the DNA template but increases its fidelity, which decreases the probability of mutagenesis and carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

The integrity of genomic DNA during the cell division cycle in eukaryotic cells is maintained by regulated chromosomal DNA replication and repair of damaged DNA. We have used fractionation and reconstitution experiments to purify essential factors for the initiation of human chromosomal DNA replication in late G1 phase template nuclei from human cells. Here, we report the identification of soluble PCNA as an essential initiation factor in this system. Recombinant histidine-tagged human PCNA can substitute for purified endogenous human PCNA to initiate human chromosomal DNA replication. It is recruited specifically to discrete DNA replication foci formed during initiation in vitro. The template nuclei also contain DNA breaks as result of the synchronisation procedure. A separate population of chromatin-bound PCNA is already present in these template nuclei at discrete DNA damage foci, co-localising with gamma-H2AX, RPA and Rad51. This DNA damage-associated PCNA population is marked by mono-ubiquitination, suggesting that it is involved in DNA repair. Importantly, the population of damage focus-associated PCNA is neither involved in, nor required for, the initiation of chromosomal DNA replication in the same nuclei.  相似文献   

The fidelity of DNA replication is achieved in a multiplicative process encompassing nucleobase selection and insertion, removal of misinserted nucleotides by exonuclease activity, and enzyme dissociation from primer/templates that are misaligned due to mispairing. In this study, we have evaluated the effect of altering these kinetic processes on the dynamics of translesion DNA replication using the bacteriophage T4 replication apparatus as a model system. The effect of enhancing the processivity of the T4 DNA polymerase, gp43, on translesion DNA replication was evaluated using a defined in vitro assay system. While the T4 replicase (gp43 in complex with gp45) can perform efficient, processive replication using unmodified DNA, the T4 replicase cannot extend beyond an abasic site. This indicates that enhancing the processivity of gp43 does not increase unambiguously its ability to perform translesion DNA replication. Surprisingly, the replicase composed of an exonuclease-deficient mutant of gp43 was unable to extend beyond the abasic DNA lesion, thus indicating that molecular processes involved in DNA polymerization activity play the predominant role in preventing extension beyond the non-coding DNA lesion. Although neither T4 replicase complex could extend beyond the lesion, there were measurable differences in the stability of each complex at the DNA lesion. Specifically, the exonuclease-deficient replicase dissociates at a rate constant, k(off), of 1.1s(-1) while the wild-type replicase remains more stably associated at the site of DNA damage by virtue of a slower measured rate constant (k(off) 0.009s(-1)). The increased lifetime of the wild-type replicase suggests that idle turnover, the partitioning of the replicase from its polymerase to its exonuclease active site, may play an important role in maintaining fidelity. Further attempts to perturb the fidelity of the T4 replicase by substituting Mn(2+) for Mg(2+) did not significantly enhance DNA synthesis beyond the abasic DNA lesion. The results of these studies are interpreted with respect to current structural information of gp43 alone and complexed with gp45.  相似文献   

DNA replication machinery is an important target for chemotherapeutic drugs. We have used an in vitro system to study the effect of drugs on mammalian DNA replication, either by direct interaction with the DNA structure or with replication proteins and machinery. The anthracycline doxorubicin (Dox) showed a dose-dependent inhibitory effect on DNA replication, whether incubated with HeLa cell extracts or with DNA and nucleotides. Earliest-labeled fragment analysis revealed that inhibition of replication began within the origin-containing fragment in both control and Dox-containing reactions in vitro. AraC, a nucleoside analog, had no significant effect on DNA synthesis. In contrast, araCTP was able to inhibit DNA replication in vitro. Since metabolism is diminished in this in vitro system, the degree of phosphorylation of araC was apparently low. Progesterone showed an increase in nucleotide incorporation (sensitive to BuPdGTP inhibition of replication-specific polymerases α and δ) after preincubation with HeLa cell extracts, although progesterone receptors were not detectable in the HeLa cell extracts. In addition, we observed an inhibition in DNA replication when progesterone was preincubated with DNA and nucleotides. These results suggest that progesterone may have a mechanism of action that is different from any known to be mediated through progesterone receptors. In conclusion, these results indicate that this mammalian in vitro replication system will be useful for the study of mechanisms and design of therapeutic drugs that inhibit mammalian DNA replication. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

X Xia 《Current Genomics》2012,13(1):16-27
Different patterns of strand asymmetry have been documented in a variety of prokaryotic genomes as well as mitochondrial genomes. Because different replication mechanisms often lead to different patterns of strand asymmetry, much can be learned of replication mechanisms by examining strand asymmetry. Here I summarize the diverse patterns of strand asymmetry among different taxonomic groups to suggest that (1) the single-origin replication may not be universal among bacterial species as the endosymbionts Wigglesworthia glossinidia, Wolbachia species, cyanobacterium Synechocystis 6803 and Mycoplasma pulmonis genomes all exhibit strand asymmetry patterns consistent with the multiple origins of replication, (2) different replication origins in some archaeal genomes leave quite different patterns of strand asymmetry, suggesting that different replication origins in the same genome may be differentially used, (3) mitochondrial genomes from representative vertebrate species share one strand asymmetry pattern consistent with the strand-displacement replication documented in mammalian mtDNA, suggesting that the mtDNA replication mechanism in mammals may be shared among all vertebrate species, and (4) mitochondrial genomes from primitive forms of metazoans such as the sponge and hydra (representing Porifera and Cnidaria, respectively), as well as those from plants, have strand asymmetry patterns similar to single-origin or multi-origin replications observed in prokaryotes and are drastically different from mitochondrial genomes from other metazoans. This may explain why sponge and hydra mitochondrial genomes, as well as plant mitochondrial genomes, evolves much slower than those from other metazoans.  相似文献   

Inhibition of DNA replication in vitro by pefloxacin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pefloxacin (a novel quinolone antibiotic) is demonstrated to be a drug inhibiting DNA replication 10-times more efficiently than oxolinic acid measured either in toluene-treated E. coli or in an in vitro replication system for oriC plasmids [6]. DNA repair synthesis is not inhibited by the drug.  相似文献   

The integrity of the genome depends on diverse pathways that regulate DNA metabolism. Defects in these pathways result in genome instability, a hallmark of cancer. Deletion of ELG1 in budding yeast, when combined with hypomorphic alleles of PCNA results in spontaneous DNA damage during S phase that elicits upregulation of ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) activity. Increased RNR activity leads to a dramatic expansion of deoxyribonucleotide (dNTP) pools in G1 that allows cells to synthesize significant fractions of the genome in the presence of hydroxyurea in the subsequent S phase. Consistent with the recognized correlation between dNTP levels and spontaneous mutation, compromising ELG1 and PCNA results in a significant increase in mutation rates. Deletion of distinct genome stability genes RAD54, RAD55, and TSA1 also results in increased dNTP levels and mutagenesis, suggesting that this is a general phenomenon. Together, our data point to a vicious circle in which mutations in gatekeeper genes give rise to genomic instability during S phase, inducing expansion of the dNTP pool, which in turn results in high levels of spontaneous mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Genetic defects in DNA polymerase accuracy, proofreading, or mismatch repair (MMR) induce mutator phenotypes that accelerate adaptation of microbes and tumor cells. Certain combinations of mutator alleles synergistically increase mutation rates to levels that drive extinction of haploid cells. The maximum tolerated mutation rate of diploid cells is unknown. Here, we define the threshold for replication error-induced extinction (EEX) of diploid Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Double-mutant pol3 alleles that carry mutations for defective DNA polymerase-δ proofreading (pol3-01) and accuracy (pol3-L612M or pol3-L612G) induce strong mutator phenotypes in heterozygous diploids (POL3/pol3-01,L612M or POL3/pol3-01,L612G). Both pol3-01,L612M and pol3-01,L612G alleles are lethal in the homozygous state; cells with pol3-01,L612M divide up to 10 times before arresting at random stages in the cell cycle. Antimutator eex mutations in the pol3 alleles suppress this lethality (pol3-01,L612M,eex or pol3-01,L612G,eex). MMR defects synergize with pol3-01,L612M,eex and pol3-01,L612G,eex alleles, increasing mutation rates and impairing growth. Conversely, inactivation of the Dun1 S-phase checkpoint kinase suppresses strong pol3-01,L612M,eex and pol3-01,L612G,eex mutator phenotypes as well as the lethal pol3-01,L612M phenotype. Our results reveal that the lethal error threshold in diploids is 10 times higher than in haploids and likely determined by homozygous inactivation of essential genes. Pronounced loss of fitness occurs at mutation rates well below the lethal threshold, suggesting that mutator-driven cancers may be susceptible to drugs that exacerbate replication errors.  相似文献   

Summary We developed an in vitro replication system for ColE2 and ColE3 plasmids using cell extracts prepared from bacteria with or without these plasmids. DNA synthesis depended on host DNA polymerase I and was sensitive to rifampicin and chloramphenicol. Preincubation of the extracts with plasmid DNA, however, allowed replication of template DNA added subsequently in a plasmid-specific manner in the presence of rifampicin and chloramphenicol. The plasmid-specified trans-acting factor(s) was detected in cell extracts from bacteria carrying a recombinant plasmid with the region of ColE2 or ColE3 encoding the Rep protein. The plasmid-specified factor(s) consisted at least in part of protein, probably the Rep protein. In vitro replication started within a region of ColE2 or ColE3 containing the smallest cis-acting segment essential for in vivo replication and proceeded in a fixed direction.  相似文献   

We have identified and purified a multiprotein form of DNA polymerase from the murine mammary carcinoma cell line (FM3A) using a series of centrifugation, polyethylene glycol precipitation, and ion-exchange chromatography steps. Proteins and enzymatic activities associated with this mouse cell multiprotein form of DNA polymerase include the DNA polymerases α and δ, DNA primase, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), DNA ligase I, DNA helicase, and DNA topoisomerases I and II. The sedimentation coefficient of the multiprotein form of DNA polymerase is 17S, as determined by sucrose density gradient analysis. The integrity of the murine cell multiprotein form of DNA polymerase is maintained after treatment with detergents, salt, RNase, DNase, and after chromatography on DE52-cellulose, suggesting that the association of the proteins with one another is independent of nonspecific interaction with other cellular macromolecular components. Most importantly, we have demonstrated that this complex of proteins is fully competent to replicate polyomavirus DNA in vitro. This result implies that all of the cellular activities required for large T-antigen dependent in vitro polyomavirus DNA synthesis are present within the isolated 17S multiprotein form of the mouse cell DNA replication activities. A model is proposed to represent the mammalian Multiprotein DNA Replication Complex (MRC) based on the fractionation and chromatographic profiles of the individual proteins found to co-purify with the complex.  相似文献   

WUJIARUI 《Cell research》1999,9(3):163-170
In eukaryote,nuclear structure is a key component for the functions of eukaryotic cells.More and more evidences show that the nuclear structure plays important role in regulating DNA replication.The nuclear structure provides a physical barrier for the replication licensing,participates in the decision where DNA replication initiates,and organizes replication proteins as replication factory for DNA replication.Through these works,new concepts on the regulation of DNA replication have emerged,which will be discussed in this minireview.  相似文献   

To investigate the cellular proteins involved in simian virus 40 (SV40) replication, extracts derived from human 293 cells have been fractionated into multiple components. When such fractions are combined with the virus-encoded T antigen (TAg) and SV40 origin containing plasmid DNA, efficient and complete replication is achieved, while each fraction alone is inactive. At present, a minimum of eight such cellular components have been identified. Previous experiments have demonstrated one of these to be the cell-cycle-regulated proliferating-cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). As PCNA has been identified as a processivity factor for DNA polymerase δ, we suggest that both polymerases α and β are involved in this system. Three further fractions have been identified. One is a partially purified fraction which, under certain conditons, is required with TAg for the formation of a pre-synthesis complex of proteins at the replication origin. The second of these factors, RF-A, is a complex of three polypeptides which may function as a eucaryotic SSB. The third, RF-C, is a factor which is required, with PCNA, for coordinated leading- and lagging-strand synthesis at the replication fork. Complete synthesis and segregation of the daughter molecules also requires the presence of topoisomerases I and II. These results suggest a model for DNA synthesis which involves multiple stages prior to and during replicative DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The separation of DNA replication origin licensing and activation in the cell cycle is essential for genome stability across generations in eukaryotic cells. Pre‐replicative complexes (pre‐RCs) license origins by loading Mcm2‐7 complexes in inactive form around DNA. During origin firing in S phase, replisomes assemble around the activated Mcm2‐7 DNA helicase. Budding yeast pre‐RCs have previously been reconstituted in vitro with purified proteins. Here, we show that reconstituted pre‐RCs support replication of plasmid DNA in yeast cell extracts in a reaction that exhibits hallmarks of cellular replication initiation. Plasmid replication in vitro results in the generation of covalently closed circular daughter molecules, indicating that the system recapitulates the initiation, elongation, and termination stages of DNA replication. Unexpectedly, yeast origin DNA is not strictly required for DNA replication in vitro, as heterologous DNA sequences could support replication of plasmid molecules. Our findings support the notion that epigenetic mechanisms are important for determining replication origin sites in budding yeast, highlighting mechanistic principles of replication origin specification that are common among eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Summary Mononucleated striated muscle cells and one type of endoderm can be isolated from anthomedusae and cultivated in artificial sea-water. In the cultivated muscle the differentiated state is maintained. In the cultivated endoderm flagella are formed, but no new cell types differentiate and DNA synthesis or mitosis is not observed. When isolated muscle is grafted upon endoderm, regeneration or formation of new cell types is not observed. Following treatingment with bacterial collagenase DNA synthesis and flagellum formation are initiated in the isolated muscle; in the isolated endoderm, collagenase treatment has no effect. When striated muscle treated with collagenase is grafted upon endoderm, DNA synthesis is observed in the endoderm, and a regenerate is formed involving transdifferentiation. Although desmosomal contact between collagenase treated muslce and the endoderm is established, it is not sufficient to induce DNA synthesis; complete covering of the endoderm by the muscle is required.  相似文献   

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