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通过检测分析不同蓝光条件下,拟南芥野生型和蓝光受体突变体的种子萌发率发现,蓝光诱导拟南芥种子萌发,隐花素主要介导蓝光诱导拟南芥种子的早期(蓝光培养1—3d)萌发,并且与光照强度有关。施用GA生物合成抑制剂多效唑或嘧啶醇的研究结果表明,相同浓度的抑制剂对crylcry2突变体种子萌发的抑制作用比野生型强,并且解除抑制剂对crylcry2突变体种子萌发所需的外源有生物活性的GA,量也较野生型多。这些实验结果初步证实了隐花素介导蓝光诱导种子萌发,并且可能与蓝光下种子萌发过程中有生物活性的GA合成增加有关。  相似文献   

After a 72 h preincubation in darkness at 15 °C seed germinationof Sisymbrium officinale L. (hedge mustard) at 24 °C wasstimulated by a combination of red light and nitrate. In thepresence of nitrate the seeds escaped from the inhibiting effectof far-red irradiation with an escape time of approx. 8 h. Afterred light, the exposure of seeds to nitrate could be delayedfor 3 h without affecting maximal germination. Prolonged delayresulted in a decrease of the germination response. The possibilitythat nitrate reduction was involved in the stimulation of germinationwas studied by pre-incubating seeds for 72 h in nitrate andsubsequently transferring them to water and irradiating withred light. During the first 8 h period after the red irradiationin which induction of germination occurred, total nitrate levels(endogenous + leachate) remained constant, indicating an absenceof nitrate reductase activity. During the next 8 h visible germinationstarted and total nitrate levels declined, suggesting inductionof nitrate reduction. It is concluded that nitrate reductiondocs not play a role in the induction of germination. The conclusionwas supported by the lack of inhibition of seed germinationby sodium chlorate and sodium tungstate in spite of an inhibitionof nitrate reduction of 80 and 100%, respectively. The contrastsbetween our results and hypotheses concerning the mechanismof action of nitrate in seed germination are discussed Sisymbrium officinale L., hedge mustard, germination, light, nitrate, nitrate reductase  相似文献   

Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics - The expression profiles of the PAP genes, encoding proteins associated with plastid multisubunit RNA polymerase, were studied in dry seeds, during germination,...  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to explore the involvement of gibberellins(GAs) in the light-induced germination of Arabidopsis thaliana(L.) Heynh, using wild type (WT) and phytochrome-deficient mutants(phyA, phyB and phyAphyB deficient in phytochrome A, B and Aplus B, respectively). Seed germination of WT and phytochrome-deficientmutants was inhibited by uniconazole (an inhibitor of an earlystep in biosynthesis of GA, the oxidation of ent-kaurene) andprohexadione (an inhibitor of late steps, namely, 2rß-and 3rß-hydroxylation). This inhibition was overcomeby simultaneous application of 10-5 M GA4. The relative activityof GAs for promoting germination of uniconazole-treated seedswas GA4>GA1=GA9>GA20. The wild type and the phyA and phyBmutants had an increased response to a red light pulse in thepresence of GA1, GA4, GA9, GA20 and GA24 but there were no significantdifferences in activity of each GA between the mutants. Therefore,neither phytochrome A nor hytochrome B appears to regulate GAbiosynthesis from GA12 to GA4 during seed germination, sincethe conversion of GA12 to GA9 is regulated by one enzyme (GA20-oxidase). However, GA responsiveness appears to be regulatedby phytochromes other than phytochromes A and B, since the phyAphyBdouble mutant retains the photoreversible increased responseto GAs after a red light pulse. (Received February 13, 1995; Accepted July 11, 1995)  相似文献   

以拟南芥的赤霉素 (GA)缺陷型突变体ga 1,ga 2 ,ga 3和GA不敏感型突变体ga i为材料 ,研究了光和 4种GA对拟南芥种子萌发和幼苗生长影响的相互关系。结果表明 :(1)烯效唑对ga i种子萌发的抑制在光下可明显被GA恢复 ,而在黑暗中GA的作用不明显。 (2 )在光下低浓度的外源GA3 可使ga 1,ga 2和ga 3的种子萌发 ,而在黑暗中同样浓度的GA3 则难以使种子萌发。 (3)光可以降低种子萌发所需求的GA的剂量。 (4 )ga i和ga 1的幼苗的呼吸代谢有明显差异。以上结果说明 :光对拟南芥种子萌发的促进主要是提高了种子对GA反应的敏感性而不是增加GA的生物合成  相似文献   

抑制ABA的生物合成可以缓解葡萄糖抑制拟南芥种子萌发作用,说明ABA的生物合成参与葡萄糖诱导种子萌发的延迟。ABA生物合成基因9-顺式环氧类胡萝卜素双加氧酶6(NCED6)可以被不同浓度的葡萄糖上调表达,而nced6突变体的种子对葡萄糖不敏感。  相似文献   

光照和温度对毛茛铁线莲种子萌发的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采集毛茛铁线莲(Clematis ranunculoides)野生植株种子,观察其外观形态,检测种子千粒重,研究光照和温度对种子萌发的影响。通过室内发芽试验,测定不同光照和温度条件下毛茛铁线莲种子发芽率和发芽势。结果表明,毛茛铁线莲种子的千粒重为(1.6624±0.0006)g;种子萌发最适温度为20~25℃,在此温度下,8 d开始萌发,3~4周萌发完全,萌发率达90.33%,温度升高或降低都会导致毛茛铁线莲种子萌发率降低;光照和黑暗对毛茛铁线莲种子萌发无显著影响。  相似文献   

光照和温度对大百合种子萌发的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了不同光照和温度条件对大百合种子萌发的影响。结果表明:光照对大百合种子的萌发有明显促进作用,可提高种子萌发率。种子萌发率以24 h光照20℃恒温最佳。避光条件下温度对大百合种子萌发有影响,其种子萌发最适温度为20℃,11 d开始萌动,3周左右萌发完全,随着温度的升高或降低其种子萌发率下降。萌发前经不同预处理的大百合种子的萌发率不同。同一果实内中部种子萌发最好,上部种子次之,下部种子最差,上、中、下三部分种子萌发率与其千粒重呈正相关。  相似文献   

土壤水分亏缺对水蔗草兼性无融合生殖的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无融合生殖是植物界中普遍存在的一种不经过精卵结合而产生种子的特殊生殖方式.水蔗草是禾本科水蔗草属的一种多年生草本植物,我国西南、华南等地均有分布,是广东、云南、海南等稀树草原常见的伴生植物.常生于海拔2 000 m以下的田边、水旁湿地及山坡草丛中.营养期草质柔嫩,可作饲料;根可治疗毒蛇咬伤.我们曾报道过水蔗草进行兼性无融合生殖,胚囊发育分为有性生殖的蓼型和无孢子生殖的大黍型两种类型  相似文献   

光温对皱叶醉鱼草种子萌发的影响   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
皱叶醉鱼草种子细小,千粒重仅0.023g。在湿度20-25℃下第15d,其发芽率达88%以上,在皱叶醉鱼草发芽适温20℃下,1200-3000lx的人工光照和每日光照12-16h促进种子发芽提前2-3d,在抑制皱叶醉鱼草种子发芽的30℃高温下,人工光照长短和不同光照度对皱叶醉鱼草种子发芽有明显的促进。  相似文献   

We have analyzed the response to vernalization and light quality of six classes of late-flowering mutants (fb, fca, fe, fg, ft, and fy) previously isolated following mutagenesis of the early Landsberg race of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. When grown in continuous fluorescent illumination, four mutants (fca, fe, ft, and fy) and the Landsberg wild type exhibited a reduction in both flowering time and leaf number following 6 weeks of vernalization. A significant decrease in flowering time was also observed for all the mutants and the wild type when constant fluorescent illumination was supplemented with irradiation enriched in the red and far red regions of the spectrum. In the most extreme case, the late-flowering phenotype of the fca mutant was completely suppressed by vernalization, suggesting that this mutation has a direct effect on flowering. The fe and fy mutants also showed a more pronounced response than wild type to both vernalization and incandescent supplementation. The ft mutant showed a similar response to that of the wild type. The fb and fg mutants were substantially less sensitive to these treatments. These results are interpreted in the context of a multifactorial pathway for induction of flowering, in which the various mutations affect different steps of the pathway.  相似文献   

UV-B辐射对拟南芥种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以哥伦比亚生态型(Columbia-0)拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)为实验材料, 人工模拟UV-B辐照处理拟南芥种子, 统计其发芽势和发芽率, 测定根长、株高、叶绿素、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白以及丙二醛(MDA)含量, 研究UV-B辐照处理对拟南芥种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响。研究结果表明, 低剂量的UV-B辐照可以促进拟南芥种子萌发和幼苗生长, 并且最佳辐照剂量为1.0 kJ·m–2(P<0.05), 此时的发芽势、发芽率、根长、株高、叶绿素、可溶性糖及可溶性蛋白的含量均达到最大, 而丙二醛的含量变化则不明显(P>0.05)。当辐照剂量大于1.0 kJ·m–2时, 促进作用逐渐变小, 并且随着辐照剂量的增加, 表现出了抑制作用。实验结果表明, 适当剂量的UV-B辐照在一定程度上可以促进拟南芥种子萌发和幼苗生长, 而过高剂量的辐照则对其产生抑制或损伤作用。  相似文献   

以拟南芥为材料,在红光和蓝光下对PRRs(pseudo-response regulators)突变体prr5p、rr7、prr9和toc1及其野生型的下胚轴表型进行比较观察,并采用实时定量PCR方法对突变体中光信号通路相关基因ZTL(zeitlupe)和CO(constans)的节律表达进行分析.结果表明:在红光下,prr5和toc1的下胚轴长度比野生型显著增长,在蓝光下,prr7p、rr9和toc1较野生型短,表明突变体降低了拟南芥对红光的敏感性,却增强了对蓝光的敏感性.红光和蓝光下,PRRs突变体中ZTL和CO的mRNA节律表达与野生型明显不同,其中红光下prr5和prr7、蓝光下prr5和toc1中的ZTLmRNA的表达显著下降且节律消失;红光下prr7和prr9以及蓝光下prr5突变体中的COmRNA表现基本无节律.因此推测,PRRs与ZTL的相互作用很可能在红光和蓝光信号转导途径中发挥作用,且PRRs基因极有可能参与了红光和蓝光对CO的调控.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis endosperm consists of a single cell layer surrounding the mature embryo and playing an essential role to prevent the germination of dormant seeds or that of nondormant seeds irradiated by a far red (FR) light pulse. In order to further gain insight into the molecular genetic mechanisms underlying the germination repressive activity exerted by the endosperm, a "seed coat bedding" assay (SCBA) was devised. The SCBA is a dissection procedure physically separating seed coats and embryos from seeds, which allows monitoring the growth of embryos on an underlying layer of seed coats. Remarkably, the SCBA reconstitutes the germination repressive activities of the seed coat in the context of seed dormancy and FR-dependent control of seed germination. Since the SCBA allows the combinatorial use of dormant, nondormant and genetically modified seed coat and embryonic materials, the genetic pathways controlling germination and specifically operating in the endosperm and embryo can be dissected. Here we detail the procedure to assemble a SCBA.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana lacking phytochrome A, phytochrome B or both (double mutant) were analyzed by comparing their photoresponse with that of the wild type. Results indicate that root hair formation in Arabidopsis was strongly stimulated by light irradiation. Both phytochrome A and phytochrome B are responsible for photoinduction by continuous red light irradiation, while only phytochrome A mediates the response under continuous far-red light. The fluence response relationships to a red light pulse in the wild type displayed a biphasic trend similar to that previously observed in lettuce seedlings, with the first phase showing a sharp maximum at 78.3 Jm−2, and the second one operating over a wider fluence range (3,100–9,400 Jm−2) two orders of magnitude higher than the first one. Analysis of the fluence response curves for red light induction in the phytochrome mutants revealed that phytochrome A is responsible for the first phase in the wild type, while the second is the result of the combined action of both phytochrome A and phytochrome B. Received 13 August 1999/ Accepted in revised form 22 December 1999  相似文献   

Proanthocyanidins (PAs) are the main products of the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway in seeds, but their biological function during seed germination is still unclear. We observed that seed germination is delayed with the increase of exogenous PA concentration in Arabidopsis. A similar inhibitory effect occurred in peeled Brassica napus seeds, which was observed by measuring radicle elongation. Using abscisic acid (ABA), a biosynthetic and metabolic inhibitor, and gene expression analysis by real-time polymerase chain reaction, we found that the inhibitory effect of PAs on seed germination is due to their promotion of ABA via de novo biogenesis, rather than by any inhibition of its degradation. Consistent with the relationship between PA content and ABA accumulation in seeds, PA-deficient mutants maintain a lower level of ABA compared with wild-types during germination. Our data suggest that PA distribution in the seed coat can act as a doorkeeper to seed germination. PA regulation of seed germination is mediated by the ABA signaling pathway.  相似文献   

The effect of UV light on germination of lettuce seeds and on the unfolding of wheat leaves was studied. A small improvement in germination was noted on exposure lo light of 254, 265, 334, 405 nm, and in unfolding on exposure to light of 254, 265, 313, 334, 360 and 405 nm. The low germination rate at 238 nm shows, that light energy absorbed by the high-absorbing protein part of the phylochrome (Siegelman and Butler 1965) cannot be used in the germination process.  相似文献   

Seeds of the wild type (WT) and of the phyA and phyB mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana were exposed to single red light (R)/far-red light (FR) pulses predicted to establish a series of calculated phytochrome photoequilibria (Pfr/P). WT and phyB seeds showed biphasic responses to Pfr/P. The first phase, i.e. the very-low-fluence response (VLFR), occurred below Pfr/P = 10-1%. The second phase, i.e. the low-fluence response, occurred above Pfr/P = 3%. The VLFR was similarly induced by either a FR pulse saturating photoconversion or a subsaturating R pulse predicted to establish the same Pfr/P. The VLFR was absent in phyA seeds, which showed a strong low-fluence response. In the field, even brief exposures to the very low fluences of canopy shade light (R/FR ratio < 0.05) promoted germination above dark controls in WT and phyB seeds but not in the phyA mutant. Seeds of the phyA mutant germinated normally under canopies providing higher R/FR ratios or under deep canopy shade light supplemented with R from light-emitting diodes. We propose that phytochrome A mediates VLFR of A. thaliana seeds.  相似文献   

光质对香果树种子萌发及幼苗生长影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了光质对香果树种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响。设置940 nm(远红光)、850 nm(远红光)、730 nm(远红光)、630 nm(红光)、610 nm(橙光)、590 nm(黄光)、525 nm(绿光)、460 nm(蓝光)8个光质处理及自然光对照,研究其种子萌发对光质的响应,设置730、630、610、590、525和460 nm六个光质处理,研究其幼苗生长对光质的响应。结果表明,940及850 nm下无种子萌发,730 nm处理下萌发率仅为1.33%。525 nm下香果树种子萌发率显著高于其他处理及自然光对照,自然光下与630、590 nm下香果树种子最终萌发率无显著差异。可见光中,460及610 nm下香果树种子最终萌发率显著低于其他处理;实验120 d时香果树幼苗干重为590 nm > 630 nm > 610 nm > 730 nm > 525 nm > 460 nm。120 d时,590 nm下香果树幼苗干重显著高于其他光质处理。香果树幼苗的相对质量增长速率,在30~90 d间630 nm显著高于其他处理,在90~120 d间590 nm下显著高于其他处理,在120~150及150~180 d间460 nm下显著高于其他处理。实验30 d时,根重比在0.17~0.25,处理间无显著差异,150 d时,460 nm下根重比显著高于其他处理。实验30 d时,730 nm下茎重比显著高于其他处理。实验30 d时,各处理香果树叶重比在0.53~0.68,处理间无显著差异。  相似文献   

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